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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 8, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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a man through the abc7 bay area connected-tv app. it is available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry beil. all of us, we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. eddie ♪ previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- [ laughter ]
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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- eddie murphy, teyana taylor, and music from mitch rowland. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ wow. thank you very much. hi, there. how you doing? thank you, cleto. hi, i'm jimmy, i am the host of the show. thank you. thank you for watching. thanks for going the extra mile to be here. glad you're here. this morning, we woke up to what has become a very modern tradition. it's that special time of year when spotify takes all the data they've been mining from us and publishes it to increase engagement using proprietary
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secret algorithms that track our every musical moment. it's what the holiday season is all about now. they call it wrapped. somehow, these spotify year-end wrap-ups are more embarrassing than your porn search history. [ laughter ] my top five artists? qualified me for the senior discount at ihop. [ laughter ] if i show the pharmacist my top five? they give me lipitor without a prescription. [ laughter ] they also add all the listening up from all of us. and who is the top-streaming artist on spotify for the year 2023? is it -- a, taylor swift? that's it, it's taylor swift, yeah. [ laughter ] [ applause ] it isn't "b," there's no "c" or "d," it's just taylor swift. taylor unseated the artist who held the number one spot for the last three years, bad bunny, who will heretofore be known as sad bunny. [ laughter ] i got a weird result this year because i have about 11 people
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sharing my spotify account. it's always less fun for parents. "let's see, my top three are chris stapleton, olivia rodrigue ga, and paw patrol, how is that possible?" i do wish i could just see my info. i'd really like to see this kind of accounting for everything i do, not just music. "you ate 435 slices of pizza in 2023. you lost four sets of airpods. you brought home 8.3 miles of cvs receipts. you walked into 37 rooms and forgot what you came in for. you got 19,859 emails saying, greetings, pervert. unfortunately, there are some bad news. i hacked your web cam and washed your jeans once." [ laughter ] not only did taylor swift move into the top slot on spotify, she may be moving in with travis kelce. [ cheers ] apparently it was getting too expensive to live in the kansas city chiefs luxury box.
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[ laughter ] and so the story -- the rumor is that they're moving in together. and while we have no idea if this rumor is true, there was a large, white moving truck parked outside travis' house in kansas city, so it has to be true, it can't be anything other than that, got to be her moving in. [ laughter ] i tell you what, i would pay good money to see taylor's face when she gets her first tour of a football player's house. "this is my scarface poster, this is my xbox, this is my one clean towel." [ laughter ] meanwhile, everything's a mess in washington, including our national christmas tree, which fell over last night due to 40-mile-an-hour winds. it fell over at around 5:00, and no one got video of it! 300 million iphones, not one of them was pointed at the white house at 5:00 p.m. a moving truck outside travis kelce's house, they got. no problem. [ laughter ] 40-foot tree almost falling in the white house? nothing. this is why no one believes in ufos.
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[ laughter ] they had to lift the tree back up with a crane. the last national christmas tree was planted in that spot back in 2021 but had to be removed because it had a fungal disease, and now the new tree got knocked over by a gust of wind. by the way, fungal disease, knocked over by a gust of wind -- also a good way to describe our last two presidents of this country. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night is the big night, the debate nobody asked for. our governor here in california, gavin newsom, versus florida governor, ron desantis. desantis is running for president. gavin newsom is not. so why are they debating? it's actually very simple. you know how mario has an evil version of himself called "wario" and sometimes they'd randomly challenge each other to a gokart race? it's like that. [ laughter ] the debate is on fox news tomorrow night. and this isn't the only debate newsom has on the schedule. tonight -- in fact right now, as we speak, newsom is in minnesota, debating another semi-prominent star of the gop universe, none other than mike lindell from mypillow.
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are we able to pop in on that? let's check in on lindell versus newsom already in progress. >> i'm not allowed within 300 feet of a long john silver's no more. [ applause ] >> mr. lindell has made a lot of accusations, so governor, let me ask you directly, is it too easy for californians to commit voter fraud? >> not at all. in california, our focus is on accessibility. there are eight approved methods to vote in the golden state. mail-in, walk-in, skate-in. you can write your vote on a sea turtle. you can whisper it into a topo chico bottle and toss it off the golden gate bridge. you can deposit your ballot into one of our state's thousands, literally thousands of dirty needle drop boxes. you can carve it into a giant sequoia.
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or you can simply dream it, which is what i do. >> wrong! listen to this guy here, he thinks everybody should just be voting. look, we need to make it harder to vote. i propose that there's only one polling place for the whole country. so we can watch it real close. it will be in the middle of the chattahoochee national forest and we've got to vote with a pen and there's only one pen. and it's chained to an old wrench just like a bathroom key in a sunoco station. we've got to make voting more perilous. that way i, don't have so many darn kids and dead folks and chinese folks the way they do in hollyweird. >> you're crazy. that doesn't happen. >> jimmy: okay, all right. seems like it's going great out there. [ cheers and applause ] we'll check back in. oh, this is something.
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after a lot of fun, congressman george santos is very close to becoming a former congressman. a rare vote to remove him from office is expected to happen as early as tomorrow. speaker of the house mike johnson today said a vote to expel santos is a "vote of conscience." most house republicans were like, what the hell, what is that? [ laughter ] if he does go, you know, i mentioned the other night one of the characters i will miss most is this guy. george's smiling sidekick who trots along happily wherever he goes. [ laughter ] i don't know what he's going to do. i have to say, last night, even his happy hype man was feeling pretty low. >> i ask that all my colleagues in the house consider and understand wa this means for the future and to set the record straight and put this in the record, i will not be resigning. >> jimmy: well. back to living at mom's in new jersey, i guess. oh, they are? let's go back to c-span. apparently things are getting pretty heated. >> i ain't going to tolerate no more back talk from gabby
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newsman over here. silicone alley, they make vaccine microchips and they have fakeys. i got a shout-out to cashmere hailey -- >> that's not cool. cali isn't just about tech. we also make weed gummies. we farm the finest chihuahuas. we have a booming artisanal pornography industry. we're one of the top five steel producers in america. >> benedict! holy hell, it's benedict, folks! >> i admitted what? >> the steal. president trump wants us to stop the steal. because steel is what they use to make dominion voting machines. it sets off all the table buzzers in fuddruckers, that's why i couldn't get the booster. i'm long-range magnetomatized, it sticks right to me.
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>> jimmy: well, at least they're talking about the issues, right? [ applause ] speaking of the steal, i do want to mention -- the former vice chair of the january 6th committee, former congressman liz cheney, just wrote a book that gives new insight about what went down in congress when trump's angry storm trumpers mobbed the capitol building. cheney writes that in the hours before the siege, republicans in the gop cloakroom were signing electoral vote objection sheets even though they knew it was all a sham to appease trump. she says congressman mark green of tennessee said, "the things we do for the orange jesus." [ laughter ] they have a lot in common. regular jesus healed the sick, orange jesus told them to drink bleach. [ laughter ] it's kind of the same thing. liz cheney also says that two days after the election, she spoke to then-speaker of the house kevin mccarthy, who said trump was aware he had lost the election. unlike he's claiming. mccarthy said, "he knows it's over. he needs to go through all the stages of grief."
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and he did. first there was denial, then anger, then depression, then anger, anger, denial, anger, denial, denial, denial, and anger, anger, denial, and finally insurrection. [ cheers and applause ] and maybe the most shocking story is why mccarthy suddenly flew to mar-a-lago three weeks after january 6th. >> cheney, mar-a-lago? what the hell, kevin? kevin mccarthy, they're really worried, trump's not eating. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, that i don't believe. [ laughter ] i believe anything other than he's not eating. [ applause ] i have another theory about why trump was so depressed about january 6th. january 6th is also the day eric was born. [ moans ] could be why he wasn't eating, okay? the white house yesterday announced that president biden plans to email over 800,000 americans to let them know their
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student loans have been forgiven. if he can remember the password to his hotmail account. [ laughter ] why he would do this via email, i don't know. you don't forgive big student loans in an email. you go to these people's houses with balloons and a giant check. you make a show of it. [ cheers and applause ] it's an election year, use your head for god's sakes. should we check back in on c-span? >> dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude, dude! >> no no no no no no no no no! >> please! please! we have to wrap this up. and mr. lindell, i've told you several times, no eating during the debate. [ laughter ] >> but my patented pillow fiber fill is so filling and full o' fiber! and why the hot heck can't i eat and he gets to eat? >> i'm not eating. i'm microdosing white truffles. [ laughter ] >> gentlemen, we are almost out of time. it's time for your final statements. governor, we'll begin with you. >> i'd just like to close by saying, first of all, [ bleep ] yeah! [ laughter ] number two, people perceive california as some kind of
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vapid, self-absorbed narnia filled with diet gurus and celebrity pet chefs. but they're forgetting about the hardworking, everyday men and women of this state. the crystal healers, the throuples therapists, the botox shamans, and the yoga deejays. [ applause ] men and women and all the other ones from all walks of life who overcome tremendous adversity to come together to pick grapes in my family vineyard. [ laughter ] as the great anthony kiedis from rhcp once said, "firstborn unicorn, hardcore soft porn, dream of californication." [ cheers and applause ] >> mr. lindell, your closing? >> we're not closing! we're doing great! [ laughter ] sure mypillow's out of money and
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we sold all our dump trucks and feather fluffers and my collection of bottle craps! >> dude. i think you mean bottle caps. >> no! thank you. bottle craps. i've been saving my bms in empty two-liters of code red. [ laughter ] anyway, get 15% off all season. women's moccasins with promo code mountain doo-doo bottles! >> hey brother, is that pillow gluten free? i'm getting a little peckish. >> oh, sure, you want to try some of -- you know, for a godless hollywood pedo sodomite, you ain't so bad. >> jimmy: hey, guys. guys? hi, it's jimmy kimmel. >> ahhhh not now, jerry! we was about just about to french out! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i just wanted to pop in to say how nice it is to see you getting along. >> we're building bridges, jimmy. >> jimmy: i think that's great. governor newsom, do you think this is helping you prepare for the debate with governor desantis tomorrow? >> maybe, but it's like i always say to my bros down at el porto -- you miss 100% of the waves, you don't grind. >> high five, governor.
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that's how you talk to the bros! >> jimmy: best of luck tomorrow night, governor. and good to see you, mike. [ cheers and applause ] i'll leave you two -- >> the secret ingredient, cadbury bunnies. >> you put the bunnies right in there? my god. >> jimmy: teyana taylor is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from mitch rowland. and we'll be right back with eddie murphy, so stick around! is it menopause or something else? why don't i feel like myself? could this be menopause? what's happening to me? the menopause journey has stages. learn about yours with clearblue menopause stage indicator... that tracks your fsh hormone levels... combining them with your cycle data.
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the more you learn about your stage... the better prepared you can be. clearblue menopause stage indicator. what's your menopause stage? ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi!
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feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello there and welcome back to our show. tonight, she is a multi-talented performer. her movie is called "a thousand and one." teyana taylor is with us.
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[ cheers and applause ] later, he writes music with a guy named harry styles. his album, "come june," is out now. music from mitch rowland. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night sarah silverman and molly baz will join us, with music from dwight yoakam. so join us then. no man has been responsible for more laughs, or bananas in tailpipes, than our first guest. he is an all-time comedy great with a new christmas movie to make your yuletide gay. "candy cane lane" premieres friday on prime video. please say hello to eddie murphy. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you?
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>> good, good, good. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. >> jimmy: we're all excited, you know? i mean, you know, i'm sure it's uncomfortable for you, but it's exciting for us to see you. [ cheers and applause ] i told you. when you do this, this is like an elvis thing? >> that's totally from those -- when elvis used to do -- then he would go like this. >> jimmy: ever do any karate, study karate? >> i know that much, but i do that all the time. >> jimmy: what have you been up to? still watching those little people reality shows? >> no, they all got canceled. >> jimmy: they did, they've replaced them with fat people. [ laughter ] >> and i haven't started watching those yet. >> jimmy: you're going to love them. wait until you get into those. i think that could be a new thing for you. that could carry you through spring. [ laughter ] i was listening to the '80s
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radio channel in my dressing room this afternoon. and i heard "ebony and ivory." and of course i started thinking about, as i do every time i hear that song, you and joe piscopo doing stevie wonder and frank sinatra. [ cheers and applause ] >> every time you hear that amazing song, you think about that sketch? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, i do. >> you know, every time i hear that -- ♪ da da da ♪ i think of bugs bunny, elmer fudd going -- ♪ kill the wabbit ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, it triggers that memory. i watched it and he was saying it was 1982. joe said in the sketch. and i thought, oh my god, 41 years ago. i know this is going to sound like i'm kissing your ass, but it looks like you could be 41 years old, it's really kind of crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: you must use an incredible amount of lotion. >> a lot of lotion. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: and then i was thinking about this "beverly hills cop 4" that you have coming out. [ cheers and applause ] wondering, does that make you think about your age, and oh my god, i'm playing a character that i played in 1982? >> when i was on the set, we kept having that experience. >> jimmy: yeah. >> they would want me to do -- a scene, they wanted me to run down these steps. it was outside, these cement steps. after i did it, the director said, "can you come down faster with more of a sense of urgency?" and i was like, "no, i can't." [ laughter ] i had to tell her, listen. i know i still look like axel foley, but don't ask me to do nothing you won't ask morgan freeman to do. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is the legendary producer george slaughter sent me this photograph today. >> oh my goodness. >> jimmy: this is from 1990. it is sammy davis jr. -- a celebration of sammy davis jr., who's right there in the middle
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with you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's obvious he liked you best of all the people. >> i hosted the show. >> jimmy: more evidence he liked you best. you hosted the show. >> this is the real picture. they did a fake picture where they put people in. i have a black-and-white version, i don't have this version. >> jimmy: i'll give you this when we're done. what do you remember about this night? >> that that was -- i was around all these old -- these classic old show business superstars. and there was, like, you don't have nights like this. that was an amazing show. >> jimmy: had you met frank sinatra before? >> the first time i met frank sinatra was at that show. >> jimmy: that show. >> he said, "hey, eddie, you're looking younger every day." that's what he said to me. i was 24. [ laughter ] i kind of felt like he didn't know my name or he didn't really know me, he was just kind of saying something backstage. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what else do we have
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here? mike tyson is right there. he's very young there, that's crazy. you imitated him on that show. did you let him know beforehand that you were going to imitate him? >> no. >> jimmy: no, yeah. [ laughter ] >> it's funny, though. a funny thing. imitate him and he grabs my mouth. [ laughter ] you've got to see it. it's on youtube, you can see that. >> jimmy: yeah. we've got -- >> sammy davis jr.'s 60th anniversary. >> jimmy: whitney houston, stevie wonder, whitney's whispering something in stevie's ear. dionne warwick, ed mcmahon, richard pryor, magic johnson. holy crap. >> lola falana. >> jimmy: i grew up in vegas. most people don't know lola falana now. >> i actually went on a date with lola falana. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wait a minute, she was quite a bit older -- >> i was 20, 21, she was a little older. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow.
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>> it was a completely surreal night. you know what i ate dinner with her, then her cook came out and the cook was the guy that played bookman on "good times." >> jimmy: no way. [ laughter ] >> johnny brown came out of the kitchen. "oh, yeah, he loves to cook." johnny brown cooked the dinner. i had dinner with lola falana. it was one of the surreal moments. i have in life a lot of surreal moments. >> jimmy: i would think so, yeah. that's pretty crazy. like a sitcom entrance when bookman comes in. [ laughter ] you've got clint eastwood there. you've got tony danza trying to look over dean martin's head. and of course michael jackson in the middle, who was somebody that you knew. would you say you knew him well? >> very friendly with michael. as well as anyone could get to know somebody. >> jimmy: how about sammy? how well did you know sammy? >> i knew sammy for a few years. we would go up to his house on
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wednesday -- tuesday or wednesday, and he would have movie night. you would see steve and eydie and all these people at the party. lucille ball would be at sammy's house watching movies. >> jimmy: listen to the crowd, how delighted they are. [ laughter ] sammy would serve drinks and you guys would hang out? >> he had like a screening room and we would watch movies. very hollywood. >> jimmy: the more i hear about stevie wonder -- i met him a few times -- the more i start to believe that rumor that he's not actually blind. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i can see why. [ laughter ] no, he could do -- stevie could do anything. move, walk around. i've seen him walk around places where, you know, he does this thing, snap his fingers, when he's getting close to something, the sound will change. so it will be like -- so he won't bump into stuff. >> jimmy: like a bat. >> kind of, yeah. [ laughter ] no, snapping his fingers, people say "oh, it's stevie wonder, he's feeling some music." [ laughter and applause ]
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walking around. that he was once in an elevator and stevie wonder walked in the elevator and goes, "hi, shaq." [ laughter ] >> that's good. that probably happened. >> jimmy: wow. this is -- >> i tell you what's amazing about stevie. if you meet him, anybody, you meet him and have a conversation with him, and he asks you your birthday. if you met him again 30 years from now and you'd say, "steve, i'm so-and-so." "oh, yeah." and tell you your birthday. >> jimmy: he's got one of those crazy memories? >> yeah, one of those crazy -- >> jimmy: that is crazy. then he sings the song about your birthday. [ laughter ] "happy birthday to you, september 14th." [ laughter ] we're going to take a break. eddie murphy is with us. "candy cane lane" is the new movie on prime video. we'll be right back. dan: before i met your mom, i was a covert assassin.
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i'm going to show you guys something. when i show you what i'm going to show you are all your questions are going to be answered. when i show you this, don't freak out. >> come on! >> careful, careful you guys. >> what is happening? >> oh my gosh, look at this. >> amazing. >> what am i looking at? >> this is what i want you to see. ♪ let nothing you dismay ♪ >> what are we seeing? >> oh my god. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's eddie murphy
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and tracee ellis ross in "candy cane lane" that comes out on friday on prime video. you play a dad who's obsessed with christmas and decorations and all of that stuff. >> i'm one of those neighbors where the whole neighborhood goes t goes over the top with it. there's someplace out here where they do that. >> jimmy: there are, quite a few places where they do that. this is your first christmas movie, right? >> first christmas movie. >> jimmy: that's crazy. [ cheers and applause ] i love thought of all these movies you made -- do you love christmas movies? >> i love christmas, and i have watched it -- there are certain christmas movies i think everybody -- you have your favorites. you watch them every year. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i have that. >> jimmy: which ones? >> well, i have -- growing up we used to watch "it's a wonderful life" every year. we would watch that rudolph -- >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that's a great -- yeah. >> we'd watch "the grinch" every year. now i love to watch jim carrey's grinch, i watch that all the time. [ cheers and applause ]
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and i love "elf." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're watching all the same movies we're watching, it's unbelievable. >> i'm hoping this movie, a movie like that where you could watch it every year like those ones that i like. >> jimmy: yeah, definitely. [ applause ] i know you have ten kids, one grandchild. do you shop for the kids? do you get ten kids' gifts every dohey get you gifts every year? >> everyone gets gifts every year. >> jimmy: everyone gets gifts including you? >> i get gifts, yes. >> jimmy: do you want gifts from your kids? >> everybody wants some gifts. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. do they pick good gifts for you? >> you know, my kids give me mostly massage stuff. [ laughter ] like a massage, a neck massage, a leg massager. >> jimmy: from the, what the hell should we get dad shelf? >> i guess. "let's give him another leg massager!"
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you get spotify wrapped today? did you get the report on what you listen to? do you know what that is? >> the what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they tell you what you listened to most this year, like musically, what artists. do you have spotify? >> i don't think i have -- [ laughter ] i have youtube. >> jimmy: i though you love youtube. what are you watching now on youtube? >> what am i watching now on youtube? >> jimmy: last time you were here, you were obsessed with -- >> mano nia. i still watch him. listening to a lot of music. the last week i've been watching the beatles "now and then video over and over and over and over. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: have you really? >> over and over and over and over. >> jimmy: do you love the beatles? >> oh, love the beatles. >> jimmy: you could have been the fifth beatle. there you are. this is your -- [ cheers and applause ]
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the guys were going through the liner notes from your album and noticed interesting things. boy, i can just barely read this stuff. >> they don't even have stuff like that now. >> jimmy: yeah, they don't. i think we get cheated out of stuff. especially this kind of stuff. "special thanks to michael jackson and prince simply because it's hip to have your names on my album." [ laughter ] "to richard pryor, my idol, with whom i have a $100,000 bet. no, mother f'er, i didn't forget." [ laughter and applause ] what was the bet with richard pryor? >> he bet me -- when i told him i was doing a music album, he bet me $100,000 that i wouldn't put out a music album where there's no jokes and nothing, it's just all music. "you'll never do it." i bet him $100,000, and i did it, and he never paid me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you ask for the money? >> i've never brought it up. we did a movie, "harlem nights," afterward, i never said that he owes me. [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: did you -- was that something you would do, make bets with other people for big money? have you done that with anyone before? >> not for big money. i do bets and dares. i've done bets and dares. >> jimmy: really? you would take a dare and do something ridiculous? >> no, i have friends that you would dare. >> jimmy: i see. [ laughter ] >> you know i used to hang out a lot with in the '80s, dick cavett. i would dare him to do something. i went to see a concert, a diana ross concert with dick cavett. "i dare you to go on that stage and start dancing with diana." [ laughter ] he says, "why are you doing this?" goes up on stage. [ laughter ] he starts dancing with her. comes back. she said, "oh, dick cavett!" started dancing. once backstage at "saturday night live," eddie grant -- >> jimmy: "electric avenue." >> we were all backstage in the
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makeup room. they all had dreadlocks. sitting around. dick cavett -- it's 1982. dick cavett sees the dreadlocks, "well, look at those dreadlocks, how did they get that in their hair?" i said, "i don't know, twist it." "somebody told me they use goat [ bleep ] in their hair." i said, "i dare you to go in the room and say that." he goes, "why are you doing this?" and he goes down the hallway. i'm standing in the doorway and eddie grant, "oh, your hair's really interesting," blah, blah, blah. "tell me, how did you guys get your hair like that?" eddie grant says, "we twist it, don't comb it." "really? someone told me you use goat [ bleep ] to get your hair like that." he got a real serious look on his face. "no, that's not true." dick cavett looked at me, "why did you tell me that?" and walked out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: eddie murphy, everybody. "candy cane lane" premieres friday on prime video.
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12:25 am
>> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. music from mitch rowland is on the way. our next guest is an actor, singer, dancer, choreographer and model who gives a critically acclaimed performance in the movie "a thousand and one." you can see it on demand now. please welcome teyana taylor. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you look great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you must do a lot of sit-ups, huh? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, i've been here, this is my second time here. >> jimmy: yeah. >> sit-ups. oh, jimmy kimmel, yeah. >> jimmy: the whole time? >> the whole time. >> jimmy: we get a lot of body builders here at the show. [ laughter ] a world champion up in the corner.
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>> i didn't bring my coconut oil. >> jimmy: how are you? everything good? >> everything is fine. >> jimmy: you worked with eddie murphy in "coming to america." the sequel, too, "coming 2 america." you were very young. for me having him here, it's a giant thing. did you feel like that? or were you aware of his -- >> of course. i was, like, so nervous. >> jimmy: oh, you were. >> i already love the first one. so like when i heard about them having auditions, i jumped on it right away. i wanted to be part of it. when i got on set it was almost like he was gliding. i was just like -- i was so nervous. >> jimmy: did you interact with him? was it like -- did you guys hang out? >> yeah, he made one new york joke. after he made a new york joke, i was in there. [ laughter ] that got fun, that got fun. once new yorkers get up, it's a whole other conversation. >> jimmy: i gotcha, all right, great. you were at the met gala, i know. >> yes.
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>> jimmy: and part of the reason why i know this is you brought a photograph. in fact, i think this might -- in some ways, this rivals eddie's photograph we just looked at. >> oh, lord. >> jimmy: it's smaller, but it's very potent. tell us who was in this photograph. >> okay. so -- >> jimmy: that's you, obviously. >> yes. that's j. lo. >> jimmy: j. lo. >> margot. >> jimmy: margot robbie and billie eilish. it's hard to see them, but that's them. [ cheers ] >> yes. >> jimmy: why is j. lo adjusting your clothing? >> because i was being greedy, and i brought chick-fil-a to the met gala, you guys. then i had to tinkle. and i was stuck in my outfit. and i had a little kangaroo pouch. and i couldn't get out of the dress. >> jimmy: you said, i know who can help me, j. lo. [ laughter ] >> what's crazy is i was struggling in the corner by myself, and j. lo walked up. it was like anybody inserted themselves in, so iconic, j. lo. "what's going on?"
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she's trying to -- she said, "i'm trying to help you." [ laughter ] so then billie walked up, "hey, t, what's happening? "margot walked up -- she said something. i don't know if she said she used to sew or whatever. whatever, it seemed like she was an expert on it, and she didn't even know what to do. [ laughter ] it was like the blind leading the blind, an iconic moment. >> jimmy: it does seem like j. lo is doing all the work, and billie and margot are just chatting. >> a young lady coming out of the bathroom took that shot and showed me at the end of the met. however, the photo was on live. you click the photo, it start moving. i can see margot -- [ laughter ] what is going on? j. lo's like -- >> jimmy: yeah you can see. >> iconic moments, yeah. >> jimmy: that's pretty cool. i mean, that's pretty crazy, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: you had been to the met gala before? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay.
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>> so three years total. >> jimmy: three years total. is this the best one? >> it was. but then again, i've had some pretty iconic moments at the met gala. the year before last i brought popeye's. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: bringing like a sack of popeye's and a sack of chick-fil-a? >> this is what i'm doing now. you know, when i'm collaborating with a designer, i had them -- you have personal bags. i had them design me a bag. shout-out to tom brown. he made sure my bag that year was a big flower, enough to fit the food, straws in there, skittles. i had a whole little lunch. >> jimmy: like a lunch box. [ cheers and applause ] >> i did think i was going to get banned. but honestly -- >> jimmy: why would you get banned? >> anna wintour is a real one. i thought i was going to get banned the first year i did it. i got invited back. "yeah, that's my girl!" she was like, i'm going to let it ride. i think she said, let her sneak her food in in peace. >> jimmy: she found out you were bringing food -- >> found out now because you're snitching. [ laughter ]
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you brought this up. i didn't bring this up. i don't get invited back, we have a talk. >> jimmy: do you share the food? >> i do. >> jimmy: you share the food, of course. i do want to mention your movie. your movie came out in march, right? was that when it came out? it's a great movie, and you're great in the movie. it's very emotional. it's very -- it's kind of surprising, all that stuff. are you able to cry on command? are you one of those actors who can just cry like that? >> i need a little bit of preparation. i got to feel it. but like when i was on set, i would watch scenes from the "the pursuit of happyness." >> jimmy: the will smith movie. >> yeah, yeah. also filming that movie, i was dealing with postpartum depression so i already had a lot of emotion in me. to cry on the spot, i pull it up on the side. i just see will smith coming out, that last shot. [ laughter ] you know that shot where he -- you know he in that room, they gave him that job, he's like --
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[ laughter ] yeah. it just -- >> jimmy: it made you cry. [ applause ] >> y'all, any time he got that job, then he went out on the sidewalk, was walking through new york, and it was just like -- you know? every single time it take me out, every single time. >> jimmy: i didn't know that was allowed, you could use one movie to make your movie, to get you to cry in the movie. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: usually people think of horrible experiences in their own life. >> oh, no, it was another scene where he had jaden in the bathroom. that scene where they was on the bathroom floor? he had to make it seem like they was in a dream. i think the parent in me was just like, the things we do for our children -- on a more serious note, things we do as parents. it's really easy to, like, cry with him in that moment in that scene. >> jimmy: maybe you should both get a breakthrough artist award for this. although sometimes things happen when he gets awards. [ laughter ] so we have to be careful. we have to be very, very
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careful. oh, you don't know about that? [ laughter ] >> no. i didn't hear about it. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i'll tell you about it later. it's great to see you. by the way, i highly recommend you see teyana in "a thousand and one. it is on demand now. you're just great in it. teyana taylor, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with mitch rowland!
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>> jimmy: oh, what a show. thanks to eddie murphy, teyana taylor, josh myers, and james adomian. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, his album is called "come june." here with the song "here comes the comeback," mitch rowland! ♪ ♪ ♪ i can feel the impossible believe it when you see it
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things comin' ♪ ♪ it's a shame we had to use up all our minutes in the games ♪ ♪ we only needed one to come back ♪ ♪ here it comes can't you tell here comes the comeback ♪ ♪ like the way you lookin' today hey hey ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ send them home with their tails and the moon between their legs ♪ ♪ they need to focus on the grits take me out ♪ ♪ to the parking lot and roll
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the windows down ♪ ♪ yeah i'm on top of this town ♪ ♪ here it comes can't you tell here comes the comeback ♪ ♪ like the way you lookin' today hey hey hey hey ♪ ♪ and you gotta come back home it's imminent ♪ ♪ ought to know how long seein' your face in the dark ♪ ♪ 'cause all i need bein' home ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i can feel the impossible ♪
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♪ believe it when you see it things comin' ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, 17-year-old michigan school shooter ethan crumbley


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