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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 10, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> gio: good morning, america. deadly tornado outbreak. at least 20 reported tornadoes tearing through the south, killing at least six people. neighborhoods devastated. >> there's a house gone right here. >> gio: the system now on the move.
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millions of americans under flood threats. we have team coverage as we track the dangerous storm. >> whit: stepping down. the university of pennsylvania's president announces her resignation after drawing fire over her congressional testimony on antisemitism. could other ivy league presidents meet the same fate? >> erielle: murders in paradise? two americans charged with killing the founders of an eco resort on a small, caribbean island. the investigation into a possible motive. >> gio: trump's testimony. the former president preparing to take the witness stand at his civil trial while the other presidential candidates set their sight on iowa looking to make an impact with voters. >> whit: tennis champ's battle. the update from chris evert as she fights ovarian cancer again. her message about treatment and upcoming plans. ♪ >> erielle: and out of the ballpark!
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shohei ohtani agrees to a record $700 million ten-year contract. the talented hitter and pitcher's historic deal with the dodgers. ohtani being called the most unique player in baseball history. >> gio: and good morning, america. it is a tough morning for people in the south waking up to the devastation from severe weather overnight. at least six people killed. nearly two dozen tornadoes reported from an intense storm system stretching more than a thousand miles. we will speak with the mayor of one of the hardest hit counties in just a minute. >> erielle: many homes and businesses destroyed. roofs torn right off, and debris littering the streets. power lines and trees no match for the wind. tens of thousands of people reported without power this morning. >> whit: and that same system is now sweeping east today. tens of millions of americans in the path of what's likely to bring drenching rain and flooding. somara theodore is here tracking it all.
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somara, good morning. >> somara: good morning. the storm headed for the east coast this morning. left in its wake, destruction and devastation. now, 22 tornadoes have been reported across multiple states. the strongest tornadoes turning deadly as they ripped through middle tennessee. >> that is fire. oh my gosh. >> somara: this morning, a deadly outbreak of tornadoes in tennessee. some on the ground for miles at a time. at least six dead including a child. >> a transformer just blew. >> somara: the storm bringing intense rain, fierce winds. the sound of a freight train as the twister strikes this neighborhood. debris spinning around its vortex. >> take cover immediately. you are right in this large tornado coming your way. >> somara: this tornado tearing apart electrical wires, knocking down utility poles. watch as this fireball erupts as the tornado destroys everything in its path. >> oh my god. >> that's a large tornado on the ground and i want to make sure people know where this is
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heading because i'm really worried for folks here. >> somara: police urging people to stay off the roads. >> this guy is stuck in a power line. >> somara: the damage catastrophic. homes torn to pieces. >> there's a house gone right here. >> somara: the underwood family was inside one of those homes. >> i put all my kids into the bathtub and then he said he could see it and he ran down and grabbed a mattress, and we took cover until it was kind of over. >> somara: and this home still standing, but inside, drywall and insulation everywhere. for many, it's a hard christmas ahead. >> it's devastating for this community. there's going to be a lot of work to do in the morning. there's going to be a lot of work to do. >> somara: now, this is still a dangerous situation that's unfolding as the tornado threat is looming in realtime. so, you can see that line of robust storms getting ready to make their way through parts of the southeast with damaging winds and a few tornadoes still possible along coastal carolina there. some of the strongest storms will be hitting through this afternoon or this morning into
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this afternoon from the florida panhandle, and then working around 3:00, 4:00 in tampa and jacksonville, florida. meanwhile, at the same time, the northeast -- we start to see this storm kick into high gear. for the northeast. the i-95 corridor facing very heavy rain. by 9:00 p.m, we've got the inland snow and also heavy downpours, and that's going to lead to a flood threat for the east coast as we head through tonight. by tomorrow morning, this moves out of new york and washington, d.c., but by 7:00 a.m., boston is getting impacted by the worst of this rain and that's going to be during that critical morning commute. as far as totals go, we could see as high as 4 to 6 inches of rain, but again, very serious flooding coming up for the northeast later this afternoon. back to you. >> gio: somara, thank you. we'll go back to you in just a moment with more on the storm track, but right now we are joined by mayor wes golden, the mayor of montgomery county, tennessee, one of the hardest hit areas. mr. mayor, thank you so much for joining us. we know it's such a difficult time and a busy time for your community. we also know that at least three people have lost their lives in your county. what do you know right now?
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>> well, right now, yesterday after the storm, we went to the emergency operations center. spent most of the rest of the day there and a lot of the night working with all of our first responder agencies, and we're still doing some search and rescue right now. we're heading to the scene here in just a minute. i'm going to pick up the city mayor, mayor joe pitts, and we're going to head over there, do a complete scene survey this morning once daylight breaks, and right now we're just trying to be with all those people who have lost so much and do everything we can for them. we have volunteer stations set up in multiple locations. >> gio: some of the hardest work as you were saying with the sun rising there, and i'm sure you have been talking to first responders. do you know the scope of the devastation so far? >> it's going to be miles long right now. we'll have a -- we'll have a full, detailed report this morning. right now, there's just so many
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people struggling. we have emergency shelters set up at one of our high schools, over at north east high school, and we're just -- we're trying to work with all those first responders and volunteers and being here in a military community, volunteers is no shortage. everybody here knows what it means to serve others and serve their community. >> gio: absolutely, and we know the next few days, the next few weeks ahead will be very difficult for your community. what do you want the nation to know right now about montgomery county, tennessee? >> well, you know, being a military community, we're a community that pulls together, and we've done it before, and it's one of the things that we really love about montgomery county, and right now, if everybody could keep us in their prayers, keep those families who have lost loved ones, lost their homes, and people who have been injured, there's also ways to give. one of our churches, lifepoint church has set up is their
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website and they're taking donations to help all the people in need. >> gio: and they will certainly need it. all right, mr. mayor, thank you so much for joining us here on "good morning america." mayor wes golden of montgomery county, tennessee. erielle? >> erielle: okay, gio. so many families, a long road ahead for them. we're thinking of them this morning. and now to the backlash against some of america's elite universities after testimony on capitol hill on antisemitism on campus. the president and board chair of the university of pennsylvania stepping down. abc's melissa adan joins us now with details. good morning, melissa. >> reporter: good morning, erielle. while university of pennsylvania's president resigned, there is mounting pressure now for the presidents of harvard and m.i.t. to also face some accountability. this following that explosive testimony we saw here on capitol hill. this morning, a bombshell resignation at one of america's most prestigious universities. university of pennsylvania president liz magill stepping down saturday after facing mounting criticism following
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this highly charged moment on capitol hill last week when representative stefanik asked whether calls for the genocide of jews would violate their campus codes of conduct. >> if the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment, yes. >> i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment? >> if it is directed and severe or pervasive, it is harassment. >> reporter: soon after the chairman of the university's board of trustees also resigning. some students there say the school has not sufficiently responded to antisemitism on campus. >> president magill's inaction fuels what has been happening, but she's just adding, i would say, fuel to the fire. >> reporter: the presidents of harvard and m.i.t. who also testified facing enormous backlash, accused of not doing enough to crack down on antisemitism and hate on campus. >> does calling for the genocide
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of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context. >> what's the context? >> targeted as an individual. >> reporter: the schools say they are beefing up security and setting up task forces, but that's not enough for some donors. now withdrawing massive donations, blaming the school's stance on combatting antisemitism. in a statement, university of pennsylvania says magill will remain as a tenured faculty at the law school. meantime, harvard's president apologizing for her comments, but m.i.t. saying they're standing behind their president. whit, look, all this going on as the department of education is now investigating six more schools for reports of discrimination. whit? >> whit: and this story getting a lot of attention. melissa, thank you. we do move overseas now to the war in the middle east. heavy fighting overnight between israeli forces and hamas with word that the u.s. is selling israel 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition. abc's ines de la cuetara joins us now from southern israel with
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the latest. ines, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit, and the u.s. sending new military aid to israel. close to $107 million worth of tank ammunition and equipment, and this morning, the israeli prime minister thanking the u.s. for its support. overnight, new video showing idf troops in close combat with hamas militants. you can see rows and rows of military vehicles here just a few miles from the border with gaza as different units continue rotating in and out of the gaza strip. >> i think part of what we're seeing, is the fire power, and part of it is because they're desperate and they understand they're losing and we're closing in on them. >> reporter: amid new u.s. approval to send millions in military aid, yemen's houthis saying no ship bound for israel will be allowed to cross the red sea unless more food and medicine is brought into gaza. the death toll there climbing to 17,500 according to the
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hamas-run health ministry. this family describing difficult conditions living in a makeshift tents. they said, we struggle from 7:00 in the morning, searching for flour, bread, food, and water. as unicef reports, close to a million children have been displaced. >> they're looking in the eyes of their mother and father and realizing, mom and dad have lost the ability to support us here. >> they took my mother. >> reporter: this man's mother was released, but his 83-year-old father oded is still being held in gaza. >> today, we saw that force is not working, and it's hard to get them. some of them are really deep in the tunnels. >> reporter: and now growing calls for the red cross to gain access to the remaining hostages as newly freed israelis describe their ordeal. this woman saying she couldn't sleep for weeks on end. and the idf meanwhile announcing a temporary tactical pause in parts of southern gaza to allow for civilians to flee, and for humanitarian aid to get in. gio? >> gio: all right, ines, thank
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you so much for your reporting here. and to politics now. the race for the early critical state of iowa is heating up. republican hopefuls working to stand out even with donald trump way ahead in the polls. abc's maryalice parks has been traveling with the candidates through iowa, and joins us now from just across the state line in sioux falls, south dakota. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: gio, good morning. republican candidates are making one of their most effective arguments against the front-runner, donald trump, telling iowa voters that trump can't win. now south carolina -- former south carolina governor nikki haley, she describes it as chaos, said that trump brought chaos wherever he went. she spent the weekend pointing to polls where she does better than him against biden. florida governor ron desantis, he said that trump invigorates democratic voters, and i got to tell you. i talked to a lot of iowa voters who agree with that, who are buying that argument, but when i asked that if they think anyone but trump can win in iowa, a lot of mixed reactions.
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a lot of shrugs. people just aren't sure. he is still leading here in the polls. now overnight, the iowa republican party had to put out a statement clarifying that you have to be a resident of iowa to caucus. this was after ron desantis' wife made a comment where she seemed to suggest that women from out of the state should come to iowa to caucus. they had to quickly clarify and desantis saying that she's a big asset on the trail and she'll be out there a lot, but she only meant that people should come volunteer. >> erielle: maryalice, thank you. and polling showing nikki haley is gaining ground in the republican race thanks in part to her most recent debate performances. she's faced attacks from fellow gop contender vivek ramaswamy involving her daughter. abc's linsey davis caught up with haley and her daughter, rena, on the campaign trail. >> how did you feel when vivek ramaswamy brought you into the debate talking about how you were a tiktok user? >> i felt like it was unnecessary. i feel like it's a -- kind of people know not to bring kids
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into a situation, and so i felt like it was kind of uncalled for, but -- >> and she's the least political member of our family, and so since -- whenever i've run before, michael's always been that person in debates that gives me good energy that i look to, that gives me the smile and she's taken it upon herself to be at every single debate, to sit in the seat he would normally sit in. so she looks at me and she gives me positive energy and she smiles. >> smile, thumbs up. >> when they say something about her, and i know she's sitting in that front row, as a mom, you know, i get my back up. >> erielle: and we will have more from this wide-ranging interview on "world news tonight," and on abc newslive prime, and tune in later to see martha raddatz's report out of pennsylvania on how republican voters are feeling about former president trump. she also speaks to antony blinken about the latest in the israel/hamas war. whit? >> whit: turning now to former president donald trump getting ready to take the stand in his own defense.
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he'll be the last witness in the unprecedented new york civil fraud trial involving his company. abc's senior investigative correspondent, aaron katersky joins us with more on what we can expect. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. trump's testimony is the dramatic conclusion to an 11-week trial that could ruin the business that propelled him straight to the white house. this morning, former president trump is preparing to take the witness stand at a civil fraud trial in new york. >> he is so firmly against what is happening in this court and so firmly for the old america that we know, not this america, that he will take that stand on monday. >> reporter: trump last testified a month ago, spending five hours on the stand as a witness called by the state that has accused him of overvaluing his real estate holdings, and inflating his net worth by billions. in that testimony, trump's answers were so long-winded and punctured by insults that an exasperated judge arthur engoron complained, we are here to hear him answer questions. he goes in speeches. then ordering trump's defense attorneys to control your client, saying, this isn't a political rally. but trump has tried to use the
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trial to his political advantage, frequently stopping before cameras in the hallway to attack the case. >> everything was perfect, and it's a disgrace that this case goes forward. >> reporter: trump is out to bolster the defense claims that valuing real estate is more art than science, and that no bank was ever harmed because trump paid back all his loans, but whit, the judge has already decided, trump conducted a decade of business riddled with fraud. >> whit: and of course, former president trump's empire is central to his public and political identity. so what's at stake now when he takes the stand? >> reporter: he really successfully sold his business acumen and his ability to make money to american voters. he is defending his brand as much as his company. and this trial threatens both. at the end of the trial, the state could ask the judge to impose a financial penalty of nearly $400 million, whit. >> whit: just extraordinary. let's take a wider view here if
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we could in the context with multiple indictments, and how all of this impacts the former president during an election year. >> reporter: trump is trying to delay, but right now, at least two of the criminal cases are set for trial in the middle of the campaign. so, in 2024, trump's going to be spending a lot more time in courtrooms around the country. so far though, he's successfully incorporated his legal defenses into his political messaging. as he put it the other day, my poll numbers are the highest i've ever had. whit? >> whit: a lot to watch this week. aaron, thank you so much. we appreciate it. gio? >> gio: time now for the weather. somara theodore is back and you're still tracking those incredibly strong storms. people should really pay attention here. >> somara: that's right, and i want to break this large, massive storm into two sectors. we have the lower half in the southeast. that's bringing the dangerous thunderstorms and the tornadoes, and then in the northeast in the queue we've got this flooding threat getting ready to kick into high gear. flood watches have already been issued from washington, d.c., into philly, new york, boston, all the way to portland, maine. notice the timing on this. the clock really starts after
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lunch, but we start to see this rev up right around 5:00 p.m. some of the heavier showers hitting i-95 near the delmarva peninsula, washington, d.c., into south jersey, new york city. by 10:00 p.m., we're seeing very heavy rain. if you look inland, pennsylvania, new york, snow coming down there as well, and then by tomorrow morning, this is when we see that shift. it's leaving d.c. it's leaving new york, but boston just kicking up for that morning commute for you. heavy rain. totals could range anywhere from 4 to 6 inches, folks. this is going to be a flooding, persistent rain, and as far as snow totals go, we could see some higher amounts in areas already hit hard like new hampshire. vermont, up to 18 inches. and finally, the final component of this, strong winds. winds will be gusting by 10:00 p.m., near 50 miles per hour in atlantic city, and by tomorrow morning, still breezy while you're hitting the road. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a
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forecast. for our friends in the northeast, this story is just beginning, and i would highly recommend getting everything done by lunchtime. after that, the rain will be persistent and consistent. >> whit: maybe no christmas lights today. >> somara: no, whit. no. >> whit: maybe wait a few more days, yep. >> erielle: switching gears now to that record-setting contract deal for shohei ohtani, the star pitcher, slugger, who's leaving the angels, but staying in los angeles. abc's morgan norwood joins us with details. this is quite a deal. >> reporter: this is a mammoth of a deal. $700 million, ten years, and the
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best part of it all, no need for a moving bonus because after spending six seasons with the l.a. angels, shohei ohtani will be staying in the city, and joining his crosstown rivals, the los angeles dodgers. let's talk about this. it comes nearly a year after speculation on where the free agent would land. the two-way superstar revealing his next move on instagram and apologizing for taking a long time to come to a decision on this. also saying, i pledge to always do what's best for the team, and he certainly does that. he speaks to that, and at 29, he's the first player in history to be named unanimous mvp on multiple occasions. the massive contract believed to be the largest in baseball history, and perhaps even american professional sports. $700 million, guys. it's almost like a powerball lottery payday. >> whit: shohei the money. >> gio: shohei the money. i love that he's being called the new babe ruth. >> reporter: well-rounded player. >> whit: thank you, morgan. appreciate it. still ahead here, murder
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charges for a chocolatier and another american man suspected in the killings of two neighbors in a tropical paradise. >> gio: bronny james due to take the court today for his college game debut five months after his cardiac arrest. >> erielle: good to see him back, and chris evert revealing news about her health and her cancer battle. yeah,we love our house, but the cost of home ownership has been a struggle. with utility prices rising and... [ sad violin playing ] sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? anyway, like i was saying, it's getting harder [ somber music playing ] and harder to make ends meet and... hon, do you mind? well, on the bright side, new customers [ angelic choir singing ] who bundle and save with progressive save over 20 percent on average. sorry, we let them practice here on thursdays! sounding good, friends! the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast.
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houses for a fast fair. all cash offer call 510707 6000 that's 510707 6000 building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions this is abc7 news. >> good morning. >> i'm stephanie sierra, a former pittsburgh police officer and marine is now in custody after authorities say he shot his wife thursday night. she had non-life threatening injuries. the standoff happened at their home yesterday afternoon. the pleasant hill police chief is now under scrutiny for ordering officers to leave the scene before the standoff ended. about 1000 people were impact by this standoff. if they could not leave or return to their homes. well, to weather now. it certainly is chilly out there. let's check in with lisa. yes these are warmer temperatures from the upper 30s in san jose to 48 in san francisco. >> beautiful view here. check out 28 in petaluma, 30 santa
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rosa, upper 50s to near 60. stephanie. >> lisa thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with gma. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui. here's what's happening around the bay area. >> part of this amazing tradition is giving back to other families in need future. >> whether there's that chance of an isolated shower or commute is looking great. >> really clear ride into the city. >> watch abc7 mornings. >> we're going to have a candid conversation. >> show of hands, how many of you have been broken into so this is just this sample size we're in this for the long haul. >> we have to see this through together. >> there has to be accountability. >> take action. san francisco now streaming. >> you can experience china before communism. the celebration of china's rich cultural heritage this holiday season give your loved ones the best holiday gift. >> shen yun coming to the bay area starting december 29th
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>> this may look like a holiday shopping showdown, but it's a nissan sales event at good thing. my rogue has intelligent all wheel drive. >> so does my altima now get a low 349 per month lease or save up to $2,500 on the 2023 nissan rogue better hurry. >> these offers won't be back in stock. you make me feel like dancing and feel the power of osteo bi-flex taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in seven days with significant improvement over time. the 20 aug 20, 23, heismans jayden daniels from louisiana state university.m >> gio: welcome back to "gma" on this sunday morning. congrats to lsu senior
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quarterback jayden daniels right there. he won this year's heisman memorial trophy last night making him college's most outstanding player. daniels is lsu's third heisman winner following in the footsteps of joe burrow and another in 1959. coming up in this half hour, herm edwards will weigh in on the big win. i'm sure he's got a lot to say. >> whit: two games tomorrow night. we'll get into all that. let's take a look at the top stories that we're following this morning though. happening right now, a deadly tornado outbreak. at least six people were killed when some 20 reported tornadoes tore through the south devastating entire neighborhoods. the damage being called catastrophic. that system is now on the move heading east, putting millions of americans under flood threats. police in texas arresting a person of interest, the man seen in newly released surveillance photos wearing a sweatshirt and seen driving a silver ford
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taurus, being questioned in murder investigation of the 16-year-old, authorities haven't released the cause of death. >> erielle: and back now to football because we can't get enough. the army black knights clinched the commander-in-chief's trophy last night defeating the navy. they held their ground in the final seconds. this was the 124th meeting of the nation's oldest service academies and the first time they played on the new england patriots' home field. >> whit: got to love that. >> erielle: cool experience. yeah, for sure. >> whit: what a game. we start this half hour with two americans facing murder charges on a caribbean island. suspects include a chocolate maker, and one of the victims, a man with hollywood connections. abc's reena roy joins us with the latest. reena, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. these alleged murders happened in paradise and it was reportedly over a years-long feud between the chocolate mogul and that victim with ties to hollywood. this morning, a murder
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investigation unfolding on the picturesque caribbean island of dominica. two american men including chocolatier jonathan lehrer behind bars in the deaths of a wealthy canadian businessman, daniel langlois and his partner. their bodies discovered in a burnt car last week not far from the resort that they owned. >> according to these investigations, two individuals were charged for the murder. investigations are still ongoing as we speak. >> reporter: local media citing court documents, saying the killings may be connected to a years-long dispute between lehrer and langlois over a public road running through their adjacent properties. police haven't confirmed that or released a motive. the two victims had lived on the island for more than 20 years, and ran an eco-resort, once listed as a hot list destination for travelers. according to lehrer's website, the estate he owns which is now next to the deceased couple's property is one of the oldest in
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dominica, producing cocoa and coffee beans, even running public tours. the suspect's defense attorney telling abc in a statement, we live in a democracy where anyone charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. the daniel langlois foundation announcing his death saying he was also the founder of soft image. the company's technology helping create 3d effects in hollywood blockbuster films like "jurassic park," "titanic," and "the matrix." on thursday, hundreds attending this sunset vigil in memory of the victims. >> they were just the sweetest most gentle couple. for us to lose this ray of sunshine, it's -- it's devastating. >> reporter: and police in dominica say this crime is still under investigation. a third person was also arrested for the murders, but not charged. the suspects remain in prison and they're due back in court in march of next year. gio? >> gio: that is an unbelievable story, reena, thank you so much. all right, to bronny james now expected to make his collegiate debut today on the
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u.s. seed basketball court. it's been five months since the son of lebron james suffered a cardiac arrest during a team workout. abc's morgan norwood is back with more. morgan norwood, good morning again. >> reporter: i feel like the resident sports correspondent this morning. like father, like son. at 19 years old, he's already selling out arenas. the most expensive seats reselling on the secondary market are going for as much as $17,000. all of this as eager fans look to cheer him on after that scary cardiac arrest that delayed his college basketball career. this morning, bronny james preparing to make his highly anticipated college basketball debut at a now soldout game just months after suffering a cardiac arrest while at practice with his usc basketball team. >> whoa. >> reporter: bronny's dad, nba superstar lebron james, reposting this photo of his son, donning the trojan uniform ahead of his first game. >> the most excited person that
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will be there at the game on sunday will be lebron james sr. certainly this is a time for celebration for usc basketball. >> reporter: bronny james cleared to play in today's home game against long beach, after he participated in weeks of workouts. seen here on friday playing his second full-contact practice. >> okay. all right, sir. all right, sir. i'm going to send help there. >> reporter: in july, and at just 19 years old, bronny suffered a stunning cardiac arrest that initially raised questions about the future of his promising basketball career. and right now it's unclear what those minute restrictions will be, but he'll have dad in the stands cheering him on as well. lebron james previously promised to be there for his big debut even, guys, if he had his own game, which of course, he does not. >> erielle: he's a dad first. nice to see you again, morgan. thank you. we appreciate it. tennis legend chris evert has revealed her cancer has returned. she was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer two years ago and had been in remission. in a statement she said that this bout was caught early and
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she's undergoing chemotherapy. evert will not be a part of espn's coverage of the australian open next month, but she says she hopes to return for the rest of the grand slam season. we here at abc are wishing her all the very best. >> whit: yes. >> gio: we sure do. >> erielle: and time for another look it our weather. somara, what you got going on over there? >> somara: we're heading to the west coast. wildfire season is kicking into gear, and we have ventura county burning. take a look at this video. you can see the smoke throughout the mountains there. this all picked up in the last 24 hours. we started to see a lot more fires burning there. you can see that they're out there fighting these wildfires. we have a dozer cutting a fire line right now, and so far we've seen at least 24 acres burned as of last night. 0% containment with this, and by this morning -- i'm sorry -- 2,400 acres burned, and we anticipate the threat for more wildfires. here's the deal. we have the perfect conditions. this has led to multiple evacuations and fire weather alerts.
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wind gusts up to 65 miles per hour. look at how low the humidity is. at 6%, the good news is firefighters might get a little bit of relief with winds growing calmer tomorrow. that's a look at the weather across the country. let's see what's going on a west, they actually have 55 wildfires burning in that area of southwestern california. >> whit: all over the country, dealing with extreme weather. thank you, somara, appreciate it. coming up here on "good morning america," why your kid's christmas wish list -- say that ten times fast. christmas wish list. >> erielle: unique new york. >> whit: why the list may look a lot like your own from decades ago. we'll be back. did you know you waste 200 hours a year hand washing dishes?
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when i'm at work, i need to feel secured. what i'm looking for in a pad is, super thin, super absorbent. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. - this is thin. - my pad is thick. let's put it to the test. let's do it! look how it's absorbing! and locking it right on in! - look at that! - no liquid, no nothing. totally absorbed! - you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! are you a believer now? i'm a believer! i got to get some always discreet! >> erielle: welcome back to "gma," and nostalgia is making its way under the christmas tree
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this year with toy favorites from the past on the wish list. abc's will ganss is playing elf for us. good morning, will. >> reporter: it's not just this morning. it's all year round. this year, kids are making their list and millennial parents are checking them twice saying, rubik's cube? beanie babies? what are you doing here? from tamagotchis to care bears. ♪ how can you choose just one ♪ >> reporter: this season, shoppers are saying, ho, ho, hold up. what year is it? fan favorites from the '80s, '90s and early 2000s are back, making their way onto kids' holiday wish lists this year. >> i want a furby. >> reporter: like furby, this time with an off switch. >> hi, barbie. >> reporter: and after her blockbuster year at the box office, barbie is flying off the shelves. >> adults are playing with their kids more than ever before, and if they see something on the shelves that they had as a kid, they're way more likely to pick it up because they know they get to experience that same nostalgic play with their kids today. >> reporter: and remember razor scooters?
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>> the all-time number one best-selling scooter in the world. >> reporter: this is not the one i grew up with. >> we went from being a kids' line of scooters and as we've grown up so have the products. >> reporter: and you might find some of those classic toys such as magic mixies, slinkies, and elf on the shelf could see a price drop ranging from 2% to 9% because for toy brands this holiday season, nostalgia means big business. >> my daughter is getting something for christmas that i never got, but always wanted as a kid, and it's a power wheels jeep. >> reporter: christmas eve falls on a sunday this year, so pay special attention to shipping cutoff dates. many of them begin this week. this wednesday is the last day to use fedex ground economy services. if you want your package to arrive in time for christmas. >> whit: that power wheels jeep, right? >> erielle: get you around the city. >> gio: weren't you dressed as elf on the shelf? >> reporter: buddy the elf. >> gio: thank you, will.
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coming up here on "good morning america," espn analyst and former nfl coach herm edwards joins us with a preview of monday night football. we'll be right back. (christmas music) ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner...
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪ ♪ >> whit: let's talk about monday night football now. the packers at the giants. green bay coming off a win over the chiefs last week. the giants fresh off a bye week. espn's superanalyst coach, herm edwards joins us now as he so often does on sundays. coach, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, my friend. merry christmas and all those other good things that are going to happen on the holidays. >> whit: absolutely. we have all of it.
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we have two games on monday. the first one, packers look pretty good. the giants, you know, they do what the giants do. who do you like in this matchup? >> well, you're making fun of those giants, did you -- >> whit: i'm not. i live in new york. i keep my mouth shut. >> the packers. the packers, jordan love is having an excellent season. when you think about the green bay packers, they have had really three quarterbacks, right? they have had aaron rodgers. they had brett favre, and now they've gotten jordan love, and i think he's going to have a fantastic career there in green bay, but he's fun to watch. right now, green bay is battling in their division. they're chasing detroit and trying to keep up with the vikings. they're a 6-6 football team. there is only five games left of the season so they have to get to the number ten if they're going to get into the playoffs. >> whit: all right, let's talk about the other game here. titans at the dolphins. titans are at 4-8, and dolphins, 9-3. what would it take for the titans to pull this one off? >> oh, boy. this is going to be hard for the titans. they're not a high-scoring team.
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the miami dolphins are the number one offense in the national football league. that guy right there, derrick henry, you have to steal some possessions and keep the ball in the tennessee titans' hands. in other words, run the football, try to get a turnover or two. do not allow miami 12 possessions. you got to get them to about nine possessions in this game if you are going to have some kind of chance, but the miami dolphins, this offense can score in a blink. i mean, they are the fastest football team on grass. you talk about hill, waddle, and toole having a fantastic season, and this team as well, they're trying to get into the playoffs. they're trying to win the division. so this miami dolphins team, good luck. >> whit: yeah, they are explosive. >> they're really fast. it looks like a video game when they play offense. >> whit: coach, i have just a short period of time here, but i want to ask you about this year's heisman trophy winner, lsu quarterback jayden daniels. you have a personal connection to this young man. >> i do. he played for arizona state when i was a head coach for three seasons, and then he went to lsu. just to watch him last night,
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when he got the presented heisman trophy, his maturity, now he's a grown young man. to watch his parents, the joy they had. he's well deserving of this award. he's a terrific quarterback. somebody's going to get a good player when they draft him. >> whit: absolutely, and coach, we always appreciate you. thanks so much as always, and remember, you can catch monday night football. the giants hosting the packers at 8:15 on abc and espn plus, and then there's also the dolphins hosting the titans on espn. we'll be right back here with our "play of the day." re with re with our "pla ♪ (i know i can count on you) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (you got the love) ♪ ♪ (sometimes i feel like saying...) ♪ pandora. loves, unboxed. receive a limited edition bracelet, for free,
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how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. ♪ >> gio: and we are back now on "gma" here with tiktok ready to deliver its first of its kind music festival. top artists include cardi b., charlie puth andta. appearing at a anita appearing at aonight. concert streaming le today called in the mix. anita, of the mix. course, the brazilian singer behind such hits as girl from rio, credits tik tok for helping to turn
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behind such hits as "girl from . and she told abc's sandy kenyon told wabc's stanley kenyan that that she she's open she' toe she's open opportunities for singers from all over the world. check this out. over the world.s out >> if . >> if you're a are beginner, if country, you are like me, big but starting to explore other , but starting to explore other territories plat, i think it's ato go, platform that helps you to to spread your thing over to go spread yourdn't even thingagins that you couldn't >> g even imaginereally opens up opportunities.. >> she says. thisn friday, you s up opportunities , and starting on friday, you can watch a one hour compilation of the concert's best moments on disney+ and hulu, which of course are both owned by the same parent company. it's going to be good. >> yeah, i'm glad it's on disney plus and hulu since i don't have tiktok yet. >> i can't get on there and start dancing. it's a fake, folks. it's not the real one. >> i'll catch up with all the kids. thanks so much for watching, everybody. we're always on good morning stay tuned for this week have a great rest of your weekend happy hanukkah bye. >> this morning, the fallout
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from the fiery gop debate and the candidate leading the polls who wasn't there. plus, liz cheney exclusive this morning on abc's the building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. across the bay area, a reckless driver led chp on a high speed pursuit spanning three counties just after midnight on saturday. take a look helicop after footage captured the 45 minute chase. the suspect crossed the bay bridge, driving over 120mph. now the car lost multiple tires after hitting spike strips, but continued on the rims for some time until the driver eventually lost control and crashed. five people in that car were taken into custody today. bart is trying to get as many riders as possible together for a holiday group photo. the agency is hosting sweater fest this weekend. and now you're asked to wear your bart holiday sweater from any year for this group
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picture. and you're looking at this year's sweater. there will also be prizes. other bart merch for sale and music sweater fest is at 2 p.m. at the rockridge station in oakland. to weather now. let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> good morning. certainly cold out there. our frost advisory lasting through the next couple of hours. but in the south bay, we did have a wind chill factor. it's in the upper 30s for san jose. san francisco, 48. a little bit of a breeze out there. 39 in oakland with 40in san mateo. so coming up out of the 30s and it was 50 two half moon bay right now 48. so temperatures dropping a little bit more. look at this panel. 28, petaluma, 6030 in santa rosa with 36 in livermore, 35 concord. and there's a bit of fog out there. so we're with the temperatures colder this morning from san carlos to san francisco and mountain view. we will recover, but still it's going to take a couple of hours with the coldest readings. marin sonoma, napa later on today. a mix of high clouds and sun with about
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60in the north bay and low 60s in the south bay. >> lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us this week with george stephanopoulos is next. when you're hit by a delivery driver with too many packages and not enough time, it's no surprise. >> and no excuse. just notice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up there's challenges at and i love overcoming challenges . when better money habits content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. >> thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. >> i felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. >> what would you like the power to do for? >> i'm sherri. >> i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's
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