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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  December 11, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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to the hospital. others, despite place this morning. we are live
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at the scene. >> then, shock and disappointment after security guard shot in the head in oakland. 7-eleven. neighbors looking for answers. >> plus, google on trial. the makers of fortnite saying google is illegally controlling prices. what that could mean for those who buy apps online. >> good morning on this monday, december 11th. >> yes, we're going to start with a check of our forecast with drew. hey, good morning, guys. >> so it's chilly out there to start. we will get a bright day out here to start out our new week. here's a live look at our rooftop camera at kgo. we've got great visibility out there. fog is not an issue. we have some cold numbers 30s from palo alto to gilroy, concord. good morning. you're at 36 degrees, 40in oakland right now. and in the north bay certainly is a frosty start to our day. we're at 33in santa rosa, 36. good morning in vallejo. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. it is quiet out across california as a weak ridge of high pressure has built in. here's how the day shapes up. we have that chilly morning to start out. and then it's all about sunshine shine later on today. and temperatures in the
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60s. good morning, gloria. >> good morning, drew. traffic is starting to fill in in some areas right now. a live look right here at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. and right now we are seeing a few backups on the bay bridge toll plaza. so keep that in mind. also right now, live look at our richmond-san rafael bridge. and we've had that sigalert in effect for several weeks. so the three right lanes are blocked right now and that could cause some delays a little bit later on this morning, guys. >> thank you, gloria. breaking news right now out of san francisco. a large fire has been put out in the city's panhandle neighborhood. it broke out overnight near masonic avenue and grove street. that's where we find abc seven news reporter lena howland with an update on what things look like right now. lena kumasi i'm at the intersection of grove and masonic, where the fire is out now and fire officials are just working to mop up some lingering hotspots, as you can see right here behind me, there's quite a bit of action still happening on scene right now. >> fire officials tell us two people were injured in this fire
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and taken to the hospital, including one person who jumped from the third story of the home . here's a look at the flames shortly after the fire started around 330 this morning, it was escalated to a three alarm fire, bringing in 120 firefighters to the scene. a spokesperson for the fire department says the home had a partial floor collapse during the fire. the two surrounding homes also sustained serious water and smoke damage and they were evacuated as well. here's what one evacuated neighbor had to say. >> they thought it was around three something a m and i heard all the fire trucks going and i just woke up, grabbed all my stuff and just came outside. and the house a couple doors down was fully and fully engulfed in flames. >> firefighters said they were able to knock this fire down in about an hour, but it's still unclear how many people have been displaced from this fire. the red cross is on scene right now working with those families to get them some help. now, the cause of this fire is still
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under investigation at this hour . a lot there's still so many questions that we are looking to get answered by san francisco fire. for now, reporting live in san francisco, lena howland, abc seven news. >> david, thank you. this morning, an investigation is underway in oakland after a 7-eleven security guard was killed over the weekend. oakland police say it happened friday night inside the location on harrison street near grand avenue on the north end of lake merritt. investors gators say the guard was attempting to stop someone from stealing items inside the store when the person pulled out a gun and shot him. we spoke with those who would often see the security guard in the store. they say he was friendly, but he would not stand for theft. >> it's also a product of boredom. so these kids are bored, man. and so it's just they just want to come out and do stuff. and then it's sad that they don't take into account how valuable your life is. it's just stupid and it's sad. >> this marks the second time in
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just one week that someone was shot and killed at an oakland 7-eleven. the other incident happened at fifth and international last monday. >> we want to make sure you have the full picture of crime where you live with the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. it shows you a wide range of public safety stats and tools looking back over the years for san francisco, for oakland, as well as san jose, you can find this on the front page of abc7 in the north bay police will be back on the campuses of some santa rosa city schools starting today. >> this is in response to recent violent incidents at schools. in a statement last night, school officials say each high school will have one officer on campus for the next two weeks. each middle school will have check ins from officers. as in march, a student was stabbed and killed during an altercation at montgomery high school. since then, there has been a debate over whether police officers should be on campus, as the school board will discuss a more permanent plan at its meeting on wednesday, officers were first
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removed from santa rosa schools in 2020 as part of an effort to confront racial bias in the criminal justice system. >> happening today, a federal jury is expected to begin deliberations in a lawsuit that could change the way android users pay for content. epic games. the makers of fortnite claims google's play store is an illegal monopoly. epic wants to be able to direct people to other payment services. searc inventing google's fees. google argues the fees are necessary to provide support on its platform. the ceos of both google's parent company, alphabet and epic, met last week to discuss a possible settlement. but they weren't able to reach an agreement. >> this morning, a deadly storm system that tore across parts of the south over the weekend is now triggering flood alerts in much of the northeast. glory. at least six people have died because of these storms. >> that's right, reggie. and those deaths are all in tennessee. and they include two children, a mother and son died when the storm hit their mobile home. at least 26 tornadoes were reported across the region on
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saturday and sunday with winds up to 150mph. luke dill says a tornado approached his home in clarksville, tennessee, as he was putting his son into his car seat. >> look up in the sky and the entire sky across the street is just spinning. and i'm looking at it. and the wind is picking up. i can see the debris starting to fly. it pulled my son out as fast as i could. we ran inside my two sons and my wife and i. we jumped in the bathroom and then we just started praying to jesus. >> more than 360 homes and buildings are badly damaged or destroyed in the northeast this morning. up to six inches of rain and strong winds are expected from new york city to boston. and that could bring flooding to many areas. kumasi >> thank you, gloria. in the east bay pleasant hill, police face questions over how they handled a standoff situation in the whole thing. lasted two days with officers leaving and then coming back the next day. police
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say a former pittsburgh officer and marine shot his wife at a home on thursday. officers and swat teams went to the home that night, but they eventually left before making any sort of arrest . they came back on friday and the suspect fired up to 30 shots at an armored car. he eventually surrendered saturday morning. the police chief said he made the decision to pull officers from the scene thursday, hoping that that would de-escalate the situation. then he said they were still running surveillance on the home in case anything happened. he also said he didn't think the man was a threat to the public. the man's wife was treated and released and is expected to make a full recovery . she new details on the murder of a man at crissy field in san francisco last month. >> court documents obtained by our media partner, sf standard say the accused killer is a sex worker. she says she killed the man after he demanded his money back when the sex worker revealed that she is transgender, the suspect says she felt disrespected and uncomfortable and shot the man
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in the head. she told authorities she called her mother to help dispose of the body issues around crime and safety continue to dominate public debate in oakland, city leaders opened up the discussion with residents on saturday with a community safety forum. >> they say since the launch of several initiatives this summer, like bringing in chp and foot patrol officers, east oakland's crime corridors have seen a 40% reduction in crime. there's also a new public safety task force that will launch in january that will work with other cities and counties to share strategies. technology and data to tackle crime. >> that means that we need to lean into coordinated services to make sure that we are not focusing on duplicated services and we are being very focused on addressing the equity gaps that exist. >> city council member trevor reed also spoke about a new policy to ensure equitable delivery of services. that means parts of the city most in need of services will get them first.
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still ahead on abc seven mornings, a unique ways local businesses are trying to lure in shoppers this holiday season. plus a potential breakthrough to fight breast cancer. >> the local company now getting involved. >> 609 this morning as we take a look at the morning commute, it is a pretty easy one this morning. we have mainly clear skies. it's chilly temperatures in the 30s and 40s, but we'll start to warm into the 50s by 10 a.m. we'll take a look at how
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temperatures in the 40s, you could see warm to the 50s by 10 a.m. by 3 p.m, we'll get right around 60 degrees. with a mix of sun and clouds around the bay shoreline. and we are a little
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bit cooler in the low 40s right now. but we'll warm up into the low 60s later on this afternoon, late tonight, after midnight, you could see fog is going to redevelop around the bay shoreline. so we will start tuesday morning with some patchy fog giving way to sunshine today. inland we are quite cool, chilly and not frosty in spots in the 30s to begin. but again, we'll warm up nicely into the low 60s with mostly sunny conditions. a three day forecast shows you it's a really nice pattern. the next three days there's that fog to sunshine on your tuesday, but that sunshine continues wednesday with temperatures in the 60s. kumasi >> thank you, drew. coming up, why issues at southwest airlines could cause holiday travel headaches once again this year. >> plus, a surprise guest dropping into video bomb. a podcast her and as we head to break, a live look outside. >> 613. we'll be right back ...thanks to dupixent.
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has released positive new data and its first trial of a new breast cancer vaccine. san jose based annexa bioscience has been in partnership with the renowned cleveland clinic, which has been researching this topic for decades now. the 16 women who took this vaccine in 2021. each participant reported no negative side effects and no resurgence of their cancer. so far. the hope is that one day the vaccine can be given to any woman who wants to prevent breast cancer before it forms in the south bay. >> a show of unity with the jewish community last night, large crowds showed up to santana row for the menorah lighting on the fourth night of hanukkah. there was also a large security presence as the war between israel and hamas has been on the minds of so many. mayor matt mehan was on hand with community leaders welcoming
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the crowd and urging everyone to support one another. >> this year is where more people want to show their jewish pride and want to show their jewish strength and we're all praying for israel. >> the ban on stage says music was their way of processing the conflict, sharing it with others, they hope. does the same in the north bay, a local rabbi hired a helicon fighter to fly out and drop gold gelt over their hanukkah festival. >> this was in petaluma last night. last year, the rabbi had drones fly over the festival grounds carrying a giant menorah, but he says the faa wouldn't let him do that. this time, so he opted for a helicopter instead. and aside from that, the chabad of petaluma had what it claims to be the world's biggest dreidel. plus games crafts a live dj and an led fire performance. >> it's part of building a better bay area includes highlighting the creative things business owners are doing to woo customers in this holiday season. in san francisco, that included free drinks and the cow
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hollow neighborhood, there was free champagne, eggnog and of course, discounts nearly 30 local businesses in the area hung festive balloons, signaling their part of the neighborhood's first ever union street holiday stroll. >> it's like doctor treat. nico. nico il corsaro. so every different kind of business, whether it's a restaurant or retailer or even a veterinary clinic, it's been so hard for small businesses, especially coming out of the pandemic, so many small business owners have told me they're working twice as hard for half of the money. >> organizers of the union street holiday stroll say small businesses really need your support. >> all right. here's something to wake you up this morning. only in australia with a snake literally dropped into a podcast. look at it. look at this. so the speaker is just going on with the conversation. no idea that the snake is hanging from the ceiling, but the people who are on the call with him, they can see it. andrew ward was chatting about greenwashing and he kept chatting about greenwashing,
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staying very calm and saying it's just a carpet python. and for continuing his talk, they clearly have a relationship. yeah he didn't seem surprised at all. >> thank you. snake. did not get up. he did not move. absolutely not. no, absolutely not. >> no. >> and we wouldn't even know if these people had a zoom that was at a proper height. right >> you know, almost four years. >> in almost four years, yeah. we're still, like looking down that unflattering. yeah. completely backlit. >> yeah. got to get the angle just right. the framing sometimes it's hard to put a few books. >> oh, that's stress. >> invest in a stand. >> you know, it's like. it's like weeble wobble, you know? it's just like you never know if it's going to go down. >> can you hear what i'm saying? can you see the outline of my face? all is well. >> can you tell i'm a human? >> yeah, well, correct. >> i do want to know what
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greenwash sheen is, though. i don't know what that is. >> i know we should have explained that greenwashing is when you are kind of pretending that you are environmentally sound and you're not. >> oh, interesting. it was an unnecessary detail on that. sorry >> i'm like, what is that? okay. all right. thank you for explaining it. >> you're welcome. all right. this morning, look at this. we can see a little bit of a crescent moon out there from our tam cam with a live look. it is very nice to begin our day. we just have a little bit of cloud cover in some spots. we do expect a very sunny afternoon. it is chilly out there right now. a lot of us starting in the 30s and low 40s. so that winter jacket is your best accessory out the door. looking at the headlines, it is chilly this morning with a bright afternoon on the way. tomorrow morning we will have some patchy fog but giving way to sunshine in the week ahead. a dry pattern is really going to prevail at least the next 6 to 7 days. here is future weather, some high clouds early on. it's a really quiet start to the day today we'll get more sunshine breaking through as we head into the afternoon. and then you can see watch future weather start to develop.
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the fog around the bay shoreline kind of pushing into the delta. and we will start out with that fog first thing tomorrow morning, giving way to sunshine into the afternoon today, looking at highs pretty close to average for this time of the year. 62 in the city, the same in napa, 66 in santa rosa, 62. in palo alto, 63 in concord, 66. in san jose, oakland, up to 62 degrees. now. overnight tonight, we'll watch that patchy fog develop around the bay shoreline. not as chilly later on tonight. most of us will settle into the 40s with just a few pockets of 30s getting you into tuesday morning. here's the accuweather 70 forecast. the next seven days for you. what you'll notice it is sunny and mild today morning fog to sunshine here on tuesday. we'll keep that sunshine on the dry pattern through the end of the week and then late sunday night is our next chance for rain. hi, gloria. >> good morning, drew. but we do want to tell you about a two car crash right now that we're following. this is over in sunol. this is on southbound 680. and so you could see right here that there is some backups here in this area. it is blocking one lane and traffic is
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stopped from stoneridge drive to sunol boulevard. and on 680, the speeds are down to 20mph. because of this, again, two car crash in sunol on southbound 680. and then taking a look at your drive times for this morning. so far, everything is in the green. so that is some good news this morning, guys. >> thanks so much, gloria. now we're going to turn to somara theodore. she's live with a look at what's happening on gma. good morning, tamara. >> good morning, reggie and kumasi. so we do have a lot to talk about coming up on gma this morning. the latest on a story you've been covering, the deadly tornadoes ripping through tennessee and hundreds of homes and businesses have been destroyed. i'll be tracking the dangerous weather on the move right now. also ahead, donald trump doubling down on saying he'd be a dictator for his first day in office if reelected. and what nikki haley told our linsey davis about trump's fitness for office. plus, good news if you're hitting the road for christmas and the christmas card
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scam to watch out for and susan lucci, mark wahlberg and michelle moynihan are live in times square. back to you both. >> okay. when you said all those names, i know that was a lineup. i know. i thought that this was going to be like a christmas movie on the hallmark channel. and then i looked it up. nope. it's about a suburban dad who takes his unsuspecting family on the run when his past catches up with him. oh not bad. all you have to add, though, is a heart of gold. >> no, it's actually. >> i saw the previews. it's amazing. and i am the biggest fan of mark wahlberg, so he's going to bring the swag to the movie. i'm excited. >> i thought you were going to say you the biggest fan of hallmark movies. and i was about to be like, yes, that's kumasi thing. >> no, no, no, no, no. i mean, yes. i mean, i don't know what to say now. like, guys, try it out. >> try it out. >> just start with to the action and you're into the farmer with the heart of gold who you fall in love with. >> i want to cry. >> i was like, oh, and he has a beautiful horse. yes, something like that. all right. all right. samira we'll see y
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california released a final report which shows environmental challenges as construction would threaten endangered fish species and impact both farmland and tribal cultural resources, including a burial grounds. dissa cite these concerns. the report is a step toward the expected approval goal of this $16 billion project developing news on a potential southwest airlines labor dispute that could throw a wrench into the holiday travel season. the airlines flight attendants voted down a new contract between their union and southwest. the flight attendants union says they have not seen a pay raise in more than five years. that's
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compared to major airline pilots who have seen average wages increase by 40% during that time . flight attendant unions for american and united airlines are also in talks over new contracts for flying in 2023. created a lot of headaches for travelers and it's not expected to get much better. according to the wall street journal, airlines will continue to deal with the shortage of air traffic controllers and pilots that will likely mean more delays and canceled nations over the summer. the transportation department says it received so many complains s staff had to stop publishing monthly complaint totals because they couldn't count them all. yikes. new at six researchers are trying to figure out what killed a whale after it washed up on a san diego beach. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration is working to remove the 52 foot fin whale and the plan is to tow it off shore with the help of high tide and heavy equipment and then let it sink. researchers believe the whale is a female juvenile. they say it does not appear to have
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any propeller marks or gashes. the fin whale is the second largest whale species on earth, just below the blue whale. next to 630. we're tracking breaking news out of san francisco. fire crews monitoring a fire that sent two people to the hospital overnight as we had to break. a live look outside. it's 627 and we'll be right back.
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residents forced into the street of san francisco after a big fire caused a floor to collapse. two people have been sent to the hospital. we're live with what we know so far. >> an abortion battle in texas, a state not allowing a woman to get the procedure as it could even impact her and her baby's health with the mom is planning to do now. >> then, the final case of anchor steam running out, the
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event that had people downing some of those iconic brews. >> good morning, everybody. it is monday, december 11th. >> now let's see what your forecast looks like today. hey, drew. hey good morning. >> it is lovely out there this morning. it is quite cold, though. here's the tam cam. it's a clear picture. you can see we are dealing with great visibility, but it is cold. we have a lot of spots starting out in the 30s and low 40s to begin our monday 34 in san ramon. we're at 40 in oakland, 42. right now in hayward. look of the north bay even colder at 33 from napa to sonoma to santa rosa. good morning fairfield you're at 34 degrees. we have that chilly start. you're a heavy coat. your best accessory out the door this morning. you don't need the umbrella because we have a lot of sunshine today and temperatures going into the 60s by 4 p.m. let's see how we're doing the roads with gloria. good morning. good morning, drew. >> well, we have an update on that crash that we were telling you about in sunol. it has cleared right now. so this was a two car crash over on 680. this was southbound 680. again it has cleared. but because of this, there are still some delays. there so right now, this is
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southbound 680 before sunol boulevard. and then as far as mass transit, we are hearing about some delays on bart this morning. we're told that trains are running at slower speeds because of the weather. so you should add ten minutes to your travel time and we're working to get more information on that. it may be because of the cold weather out there. reggie. thanks, gloria. >> we continue to track breaking news out of the city's panhandle neighborhood. a large fire forced people out of their homes. it broke out overnight near grove street and masonic avenue. more than 100 firefighters got to that scene. abc seven news reporter lena howland is there and has spoken this morning with fire officials. hi, lena. >> hey, reggie. firefighter is on scene. tell us that the fire is out right now. but right now they are also working to mop up some lingering hotspots. if you take a look right here behind me, you'll notice that firefighters appear to be going roof to roof to check on the status of the surrounding homes to where that fire happened. now let's go now to a look at the flames. shortly after the fire
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started, right around 330 this morning, it was bumped to a three alarm fire, bringing in 120 firefighters to the scene. a spokesperson for the fire department told us that the home had a partial floor collapse during this fire. and moments ago, they told us that the home that caught fire was under construction and that the homeowners appear to have been in the process of putting in an in-law unit on the bottom floor. they say two people were injured in this fire and taken to the hospital, including one person who jumped from the third story of the home. that person has moderate injuries, the two surrounding homes to the one that caught fire also sustained serious water and smoke damage. and they were evacuated as well. here's what the fire official had to say about the reported injuries on scene. >> there was one person located in the back of the building that possibly had jumped out of the building from the third floor. they have been transported to the hospital and another person, which might have been in the same house was also transported
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as well. so we have two fire victims at this time. there are multiple people displaced. >> firefighters said they were able to knock this fire down in about an hour. it's still unclear how many people have been displaced from this fire, but the red cross is on scene working with those families right now. and the john adams city college has been opened up to evacuees to stay warm and work with the red cross during this difficult time. and the cause of this fire is still under investigation at this time. live in san francisco, lena howland, abc seven news. thank you, lena. >> later today, president joe biden will be inviting members of the jewish community, including holocaust survivors, to the white house. biden and the first lady. lady are holding a celebration for the fifth night of hanukkah. 800 guests are invited to watch the menorah be lit by vice president harris husband doug emhoff, who is jewish, along with the white house staff that are descendants of holocaust survivors. there is mounting pressure this morning after testimony on capitol hill
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went viral over anti-semitism on campus. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassing yes or no? >> the president of the university of pennsylvania has now stepped down after that moment last week, liz mcgill testified, saying calls for the genocide of jews did not explicitly, explicitly violate the school's bullying and harassment policy. >> president mcgill's inaction fuels what has been happening, but she's just adding, i would say, fuel to the fire for the president's of harvard and mit are also facing backlash. >> the that calling for the gene of jews via daetz harvard code of conduct correct it again, it depends on the context. >> donors are now withdrawing massive donations, accusing the
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schools of not doing enough to crack down on anti-semitism and hate on campus. as the department of education is also investigating. six more schools for discrimination in texas. >> this morning, a pregnant woman's legal fight for an emergency abortion is getting more urgent. the state supreme court is temporarily halting a lower court's ruling that approved the procedure. here's abc news reporter justin finch. this morning. >> 31 year old kate cox awaiting an answer from the texas supreme court. there's no outcome here. >> you know that results in us taking home a healthy baby girl. >> the 20 weeks pregnant dallas mother of two filing suit for an emergency abortion in one of the most restrictive abortion states in the nation. she says her doctors told her that her fetus has a severe condition called trisomy 18 and is unlikely to survive. cox saying those doctors warned continuing to carry the pregnancy could also jeopardize her health. >> time is of the essence. i
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mean, the clock is ticking every day that goes by. the risks to her health and life and future fertility increase outside the texas supreme court house protesters supporting cox rallying after the all republican court paused a lower court's ruling approving cox's emergency abortion request. >> the state's top prosecutor appealing to the higher court to intervene. plaintiffs have not shown that they will suffer an immediate and irreparable injury in a court filing, attorney general ken paxton writing cox's fetal condition does not meet the medical exception in the state's law banning abortions, except if the woman's life is at risk or if it prevents irreversible damage to major bodily function. paxton also threatening any doctor or hospital, saying that they would face legal consequences if they helped her terminate her pregnancy. texas is one of 21 states enforcing abortion restrictions since roe v wade was overturned last year. the cox case and another from
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kentucky now, among the first cases of pregnant women seeking court orders for abortions since roe in louisville, a pregnant jane doe plaintiff seeking an abortion, has filed a class action lawsuit arguing kentucky's near-total abortion ban violates rights under the state constitution. justin finch, abc news, washington. >> president trump has decided he will not testify for a second time at his civil fraud trial today, saying on social media he's already testified, lied and has nothing else to say. the former president is on trial for allegations his company misrepresented the value of its properties to win favorable financing. a judge already determined that the company did that. the trial will determine now how much the trump organization has to pay and if his company is banned from doing business in new york state. >> this is a case that should have never been brought. this is a witch hunt. this is election interference at a level that has never seen before.
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>> at a fundraiser over the weekend, trump addressed his previous comment that if reelected, he wants to be a dictator for a day. >> he doubled down, saying he wants to act like a dictator to build a border wall and quote, drill, drill, drill. >> republican presidential candidate nikki haley is gaining ground in the polls, though she is still far behind. former president trump. she sat down with linsey davis giving her take on trump and the 2024 race. i don't think he should be president. >> you know, i thought he was the right president at the right time. i agreed with a lot of his policies. the problem is, you see, our country is in disarray. our world is on fire. and you can't defeat democrat chaos with a republican chaos and donald trump brings us chaos. >> we'll have more of this wide ranging interview tonight at 7 p.m. on abc news live prime. it's available on hulu, youtube and anywhere you stream abc news president biden will be hosting ukrainian president zelensky at the white house tomorrow. >> congress is in a bitter
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debate over providing ukraine and israel with billions in additional military aid. the white house says the aid is a priority and has urged congress to act swiftly. but senate republicans are increasingly skeptical over spending toward ukraine, saying major immigration changes have to be a part of any funding deal. >> still to come, a desperate situation in gaza. we have the latest. as more than 80% of the population in the war torn area is now displaced by the fighting . >> and you're looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. >> up right now by about 53 points. another update on the markets next. >> and then a look inside one of the numerous events helping local children in need have a better christmas. and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven. we're live every weekday from 7 to 8 a.m. you can download the app now wherever you stream. >> 640 this morning, let's take a look at our visible city. we're doing great across much of the region. just an isolated pocket of fog around santa rosa, but you can see it just updated
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live on the air for improving conditions up to five miles visibility. so we're not tracking any widespread fog out there. this morning. here's live . doppler seven along with satellite. it's a really tranquil picture across california. we have high pressure that is briefly building in and that will supply us with a lot of sunshine today. let's break it down region by region. we're starting out chilly inland with temperatures in the 30s. we'll bounce back into the mid 60s with a lot of sunshine today around the bay shoreline. it's a delightful afternoon. temps in the low 60s for daytime highs and along the coast, pretty calm winds this morning. they'll pick up a bit along the coast. but anyway, temperatures will be in the low 60s for daytime highs. looking at the three day forecast, what you'll notice, sunny shine, mild weather today. tomorrow morning, we'll start out with some areas of fog giving way to sunshine. but by wednesday, we still have a dry pattern with sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. we'll preview that weekend forecast coming up in ten minutes, but we
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sing and people are desperate for food, water and basic necessities. gloria rodriguez tracking the situation from the live desk. gloria good morning, kumasi. >> this morning, a desperate situation in gaza. an official at the world food program warns there is not enough food. people are starving. israeli forces claim that they've killed 7000 hamas fighters since the war began, but at a heavy cost. the hamas run health ministry says more than 18,000 palestinians have died and nearly 85% of gaza's population has reportedly been displaced. but israel says it's doing what it can to protect civilians. but new videos are sparking criticism. awesome. it shows an israeli
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soldier destroying a gift shop in gaza, smashing snow globes and also throwing toys. israel is promising to discipline those who are involved. in the meantime, secretary of state antony blinken tells abc news reporter martha raddatz that the us is trying to lower civilian casualties, making sure that israel follows international law. >> there's a gap between the intent and the results, and that's the gap that we're trying to make sure is closed. this could be over tomorrow if hamas got out of the way of civilians instead of hiding behind them, if it put down its weapons, if it surrendered. in the absence of that, israel has to take steps not only to defend itself, but against hamas. as stated intent to repeat october 7th, again and again, secretary blinken continued to say that the us is deeply aware of the terrible human toll that this conflict is taking on innocent men, women and children. >> kumasi. >> thank you, gloria. new at six, a sacramento diocese is about to become the latest
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diocese to file bankruptcy as it's facing hundreds of lawsuits over sexual abuse allegations. the diocese says it will file in march of next year for the diocese. bishop said over the weekend the move will allow them then to quote, equitably respond to the large number of those who are victim survivors of abuse, end quote. the diocese says 80% of the 250 lawsuits it is facing are from alleged abuse before the 1980s. we're learning more about the strong odor coming from the chevron refinery this weekend. inspectors from the bay area air quality management district issued a violation after they inspected on friday. according to reports, chevron staff told inspectors they had experienced an upset at their bioreactor, which caused that burnt tire odor. inspectors have been patrolling the point richmond area throughout the weekend. late last month, the air district issued violation notices to chevron because of flaring from the refinery. a new study has found that just 10% of
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companies in the bay area are fully remote. now that's down from 23% in november of last year, according to the bay area economic institute. the institute surveyed companies with at least 100 employees and they found most of the companies now had employees working in-person, 3 to 5 days a week. >> it's your morning money report now. the future of macy's is up in the air this morning. an investor group is reportedly trying to buy the company for about $5.8 billion. that's $21 a share. the wall street journal was the first to report the offer over the weekend. if successful investors would take macy's private, it's unclear how the company feels about this proposal. macy's runs nearly 500 department stores in the us. a breakdown in talks between two health care giants. the wall street journal reports cigna and humana cannot agree to financial terms of a deal. cigna is reportedly now shifting its efforts toward a smaller acquisition. and now we take a live look at what's happening at the new york stock exchange.
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we're up, but just barely, about 17 points. >> heads up. if you want a tesla, a new software update is coming this week. it will allow tesla cars to call 911 auto automatically if the vehicle's airbags are deployed in a crash. support for apple podcasts and updated parking assistance will be added as well. >> a new home for a little sea otter rescued in alaska. >> he is now living in chicago. the pup was found alone in late october by the alaska sealife center, chicago's shedd aquarium is now caring for the otter. officials say he will stay in the sea otter nursery until he's ready to join the other otters at the aquarium. they believe the pups are about eight weeks old, weighs 10 pounds. the aquarium says he is receiving around the clock care. oh, my goodness. formula from a bottle. and he gets a few small pieces of clam every few hours. this is too cute. >> oh, that is one of the cutest things i've ever seen in my life. >> so adorable. you just want to play with that little sea otter.
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where's our sea otter? i know, right? where's our. >> where's our santa cruz sea otter? >> yeah. >> my name is taking a break on holiday. >> yeah. >> didn't she say she was pregnant? she had. does she have the baby already? the pup? >> that's a good question. >> i'm glad that we don't know because. >> no news is good news. >> yeah, you know, we do need an update, though. >> do remember, this is a sea otter that was supposedly bothering people and they were on the hunt because they were trying to get her and put her in a cage. >> yeah, a home. >> she went home from sea otters to sea lions going to pier 39, shall we? let's see if we can find uh. oh, there they are. >> yeah. >> okay. >> during the fire, far right floaters. >> yeah. >> hard to see. there they are enjoying the early morning cuddle. >> they're cold. >> they're huddled for sure. oh, my gosh. we're starting out in the 30s and 40s this morning. as we get our day underway, we'll find a lot of sunshine today. here's the accuweather headlines showing you that it is a chilly morning but a bright day later on this afternoon. tomorrow we will start out with fog to sunshine in the week ahead. a
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dry pattern is really going to prevail, but if we look at the following week, next week, we'll likely see some changes on the horizon. the rain outlook for next week as we head towards christmas, we will find chances of above average rainfall. in fact, the climate prediction center is highlighting a big portion of northern and central california for chances of above average rainfall. that's something we'll track next week. but this week it's pretty dry. here's future weather. today we'll find high clouds streaming in from time to time. midday, sunshine shine giving way to fog, developing later on tonight, watch future weather developing that fog around the bay shoreline and pushing through the delta first thing tomorrow morning. but today, enjoy the mostly sunny skies. temperatures pretty close to average for this time of the year. low end, mid 60s for your daytime highs. and then tonight, we'll watch that fog developing. most of us settling into the 40s as we head into tuesday morning. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. the next seven days for you. sunny and mild today. tomorrow we'll start out with fog giving way to sunshine and it's just about a dry pattern
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through friday. our next best chance of rain coming on sunday night. hi gloria. >> good morning, drew. of course, it's getting later and more people are going out to work right now. so traffic is starting to build up this morning. this is a live look right now at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera. and we still have that sigalert in effect. the right three lanes are still blocked. and right now there's a 3.2 mile backup approaching the toll plaza. and then as far as your drive times, stuff is slowing down out there this morning on westbound 580 from tracy to dublin, it will take you 57 minutes right now and then westbound four from antioch to concord. that will take you 28 minutes, guys. >> thank you. gloria the 40 niners are waking up as a top team in the nfc right now. they beat the seahawks for the fifth time in two years yesterday and so now they hold the top seed in the nfc which would guarantee more playoff games at levi's yesterday brock purdy had his best passing game as a pro torching seattle for 368 yards. things got a bit testy late when
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a niners player and a seahawks player got a ejected. but san francisco. won 2816. the niners play the cardinals next sunday in arizona. don't forget monday night football is right here on abc seven. the new york giants are hosting the green bay packers at metlife stadium. kickoff is at 515, right after abc seven news at four. then you can watch our sports show after the game followed by the news at 9:00 pm. this morning, two members of bt's began their mandatory military service under south korean law. >> two others are set to start tomorrow. three other members are already months into their service. each man must spend at least 18 months as part of their national duty. in the past, south korea has given exemptions for artists and athletes, but for whatever reason, k-pop singers have not been extended. that same courtesy the band plays to reunite in 2025 when all the members are finished. >> beyonce no longer the queen of the box office, at least for this week. and anime beat it to
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the capture. the top spot so the boy and the heron made $12.8 million this weekend. it's the first time anime tops the box office in the us. the hunger games prequel finished second and beyonce's renaissance film made 5 million dropping to fifth. but the movie made 21 million on its opening weekend in san francisco. it could be the end of an era. the city's buzz werks brewery is finishing off what could likely be the end of anchor steam kegs. the brewery's beer bust is a way to celebrate the former business during the holidays. anchor steam's annual christmas brew was the most popular release before the beloved brewery went under. and apparently it's still just as popular expecting at least 500 people today. >> that was the rsvp. and if there's more or less, it doesn't really matter because we're all still going to have a great time. and those over here are going to get a chance to enjoy the original anchor steam brewed at the original location for one final time. >> plus, works brought the last
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seven kegs made back in july and has kept them chilled for this event. some of the proceeds will go toward the comeback of a new anchor brewery, but reopening may be a long shot in the mission. it was a third annual holiday give back local businesses and city agencies. other groups as well gave out toys and hot meals to families in need. the event at mission cultural center included a lot of free family fun, including a visit from santa and the grinch. some attendees were very grateful for the community's generous support being a single mom and living in san francisco, this helps a lot of us. >> and then being from this community, seeing that they did this, it's wonderful to be able to see. we're grateful for this to know that, you know, especially being from the mission, this is something that they're able to do for us. this is wonderful. >> more than 600 toys were given out to kids in need. >> you said that you had a festive little weekend. >> i did. there was so much
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going on in the city on saturday. i was down at union square because that's where santacon was kicking off. so i saw a little bit of the people santa out. but then also like the miller and lux locations, we went to packed. >> it was packed. oh good. >> the skating rink sold out, sold out, sold out all day. people were there. it was bright and sunny. people were out shopping. and then at the ferry building, i went, of course, farmers market every saturday, but they also had a black holiday market. so that was really cool to see. >> cool it is a season and it's alive. >> yes, i'm really happy to hear that. >> it was really good. >> i just went to christmas parties and dress inappropriately. >> me that's okay. fran what you want? >> i literally wore a disney christmas sweater. i thought it was going to be a fun and festive and the lights and lights around my neck and i show up and everybody is dressed up to the nines. >> you're like, oh, that's okay. >> is that that man on the news? >> it's okay to stand out front. >> can we up the seven things you need to know today?
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>> you can watch all of our newscast live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, roku too. you can download the app and start streaming. as we had to break a live look outside on this cool morning. >> it is 655 and we'll be right back.
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out of the window during an early morning fire. it broke out in the city's panhandle neighborhood and a lieutenant on the scene says the home that caught on fire was under construction. three buildings are damaged and multiple people are displaced. this morning. >> number two, santa rosa city school district is bringing police back on campuses until winter break. that's in response to recent violent incidents at schools. the school board will discuss a more permanent plan at its meeting on wednesday. >> number three, doctors without borders and the world health
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organization both now calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza as officials say they are seeing a complete collapse of the health care system there. >> number four, driving for the holidays. gas prices are down. triple a says the average price for a gallon is now about 316. in california, it's higher at 471. that's down $0.09 from last week. number five, a live look from the exploratorium camera showing you. >> we have clear skies. it is quite chilly out there. temperatures starting out in the 30s and low 40s. that winter jacket going to be your best friend out the door this morning . it is a bright day today. we do expect mostly sunny conditions later on by 4:00 pm. those temperatures going into the 60s before late tonight. fog redevelops along the coast. >> and number six, there are some delays on bart this morning. that's because trains are running at slower speeds because of the weather. it's cold out there. so add ten extra minutes to your travel time. >> and number seven, golden globe nominations are out this
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morning and barbie is leading the way with nine nominations, including best picture, best actress and best supporting actor. oppenheimer got eight nominations on the tv side. one of our favorites, abc's abbott elementary, got two nominations for best comedy and best actress. >> all right. it looks like we know who won. i mean, it's obviously going to be barbie. would it be? and who's going to be at this point? >> abbott elementary? >> i know it's a really good point for sure. >> yeah, such a good show. it is a great show. yeah. >> yeah. for a comedy. >> yeah, for it's a comedy that everybody can agree on. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. the deadly twisters in the south, and the dangerous system on the move. deadly tornado outbreaks. at least 29 twisters reported


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