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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 11, 2023 7:00am-9:01am PST

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the way with nine nominations, including best picture, best actress and best supporting actor. oppenheimer got eight nominations on the tv side. one of our favorites, abc's abbott elementary, got two nominations for best comedy and best actress. >> all right. it looks like we know who won. i mean, it's obviously going to be barbie. would it be? and who's going to be at this point? >> abbott elementary? >> i know it's a really good point for sure. >> yeah, such a good show. it is a great show. yeah. >> yeah. for a comedy. >> yeah, for it's a comedy that everybody can agree on. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. the deadly twisters in the south, and the dangerous system on the move. deadly tornado outbreaks. at least 29 twisters reported
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across seven states killing at least six people. >> get down, get down! >> nearly 100 homes and buildings reduced to rubble in seconds. our team is tracking the dangerous weather on the move right now. humanitarian crisis. the u.n. reporting gaza is on the brink of full blown collapse. now the emergency meeting that could stop the fighting and try to get those hostages out. this as accusations of anti-semitism on college campuses force an ivy league college president out. the others now on the hot seat. donald trump doubles down, sticking by his comment about being a dictator on day one if re-elected. and one on one with nikki haley. do you think donald trump today in 2023 is fit to be president? what she says about the former president, israel, gaza and abortion, just weeks from the first vote. surveillance images released to the public leading to arrest after the shocking murder of a texas teen. her mother and their town demand justice. 18 time grand slam champion chris evert revealing the news
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she never wanted to hear. the tennis legend announcing her ovarian cancer is back. plus how tennis champ and fellow cancer thriver martina is helping her through it. a holiday scam alert. how suspected thieves are targeting the money you put on gift cards. and the sunday scaries. >> pass to an open travis kelce who throws it over to toney! my goodness, this is going for a touchdown! >> what led to that mahomes meltdown? and the eagles not flying so high. it's anyone's game. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> nice football wrapup there. good morning america. hope you all had a good weekend. >> also ahead, early christmas present if you're hitting the road for the holidays. we'll give you a reality check on gas prices.
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we're going to begin with a dangerous storm hitting parts of the northeast now, after at least 29 tornados were reported down south over the weekend, killing at least six people, leaving a trail of destruction. rob marciano is in boston tracking it all for us. good morning to you, rob. >> reporter: hey, good morning, robin. it's been raining all night long. we are under a flood warning, as is much of new england. you can see the wins picking up. not blowing as much as it was a few hours ago. this is nothing compared to what this storm has done as it crisscrossed the country spawning tornados. two of the biggest ones unfortunately turning deadly in tennessee. overnight that powerful storm system that spawned tornados in the south now hitting the northeast with up to 4 inches of rain. at least 29 tornados reported across seven states. an ef-3 tornado with winds reaching 150 miles per hour touching down in clarksville, tennessee.
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at least six people, including two children, were killed. over 36 more injured as tornados tore across the state. the storm knocking out power to tens of thousands of residents. this fire ball at a power station. >> oh my god. >> reporter: another substation destroyed. chris jones capturing the moment a tornado struck his work place in springfield, tennessee. >> get down down down. it was so surreal. it just happened. everyone down. the roof started collapsing. >> reporter: drone video taking over clarksville showing the magnitude of the damage left behind. homes reduced to rubble. nearly 100 buildings destroyed or completely gutted. roofs ripped off a block of apartments. survivors mourning their lost loved ones. >> i'm thankful that we're all alive. what hurts me more than anything, he lost his life. >> reporter: a twister slamming into this nashville church, with
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dozens of people inside. some suffering broken bones. >> we get to say good morning to our loved ones again. >> reporter: communities working together again this morning to pick up the pieces. it has been a very long weekend for our friends in tennessee. the road ahead will be a long one as well. the waves that caused the tornados is what's causing the rain across new england. it will be heavy at times. some street flooding will continue, but we'll expect this to clear out today and tonight. as we dry out, wind chills will be low. everyone will feel it. it will be cold and blustery. george? >> okay, rob. thanks. now the israel/hamas war and the assault on southern gaza. u.n. officials are warning of a dire humanitarian situation as citizens flee to the border with egypt. foreign correspondent james longman is on the scene in israel. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, george. israel says it's on the hunt for hamas leadership in southern gaza, and that it's almost complete control of the north. but we are on the border with
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northern gaza here and we've heard the sound of on going battle here. heavy battle. not just bombardments but small arm fire. that would suggest hamas is coming into close quarters with israeli fighters. it is taken time to uproot hamas from gaza, but with every day that passes, more civilians die. israel says it's shifted its focus to southern gaza. this morning battle in the north of the strip are still raging. 104 idf soldiers have now been killed in this tkpwroupb operation. hamas proving difficult to uproot from northern neighborhoods. despite the offensive, hamas still able to launch rockets. we saw the iron dome intercept some this morning. the iron dome coming into action, taking out rockets fired from gaza. there is no iron dome in gaza. but more than 18,000 people have now been killed, according to hamas. thousands have sought refuge, it is now a battlefield.
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our abc producer is there. >> as you hear in the background the exchange of gun fire, the ground invasion continues for five days. >> reporter: sammy's been forced to move his family 17 time since the war began. he's desperate to keep them alive. >> over here. i want to protect my family from the war. >> reporter: nearly 85% of gaza's 2.3 million people have been displaced, according to the united nations, who say there's no safe place to flee. now the world health organization is warning gaza's health system is on its knees and collapsing. emergency rooms now outdoors. in the heart of gaza city, drone footage captures the israeli flag standing against the ruins of palestine square. we pressed the idf on this. israel said again and again it doesn't seek to conquer in gaza, yet placing flags in gaza suggest a different kind of
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motive. >> the idf has no instructions to reoccupy. the goal is to dismantle and destroy hamas and bring home the hostages. >> reporter: this video circulating online causing outrage. an idf soldier seen breaking items in a store in gaza. the idf said it will review the footage and condemn the behavior of the soldier. now the united states vetoed a u.n. security council vote on a cease fire friday but today the general assembly will convene an emergency meeting on another vote to stop the fighting, get more aid in and get those hostages out. today representatives from the u.n. security council will visit the rafa border crossing to assess the humanitarian situation. it is desperate, linsey. >> sure seems to be. thank you. here at home, tensions arriving over alleged anti-semitism on college campuses. the university of pennsylvania's president has now stepped down after her widely criticized house testimony. selina wang is here with the latest. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. the fallout has been swift. penn's president resigning after intense backlash to her
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testimony on capitol hill. but the leaders of harvard and mit gave similar responses. now calls for the other two schools to follow suit are growing. pressure mounting on harvard and mit after the resignation of university of pennsylvania's president liz magill. magill stepping down saturday after facing a barrage of criticism from donors, politicians and alumni. all three university presidents under fire for evading this question from congress. >> i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment? >> if it is directed and severe, it is harassment. >> so the answer is yes? >> it is a context dependent decision, congress woman. >> reporter: magill apologized the next day but the damage already done. penn's board chair also stepping down, but defending magill in a statement saying she made a very unfortunate misstep. she provided a legalistic answer to a moral question.
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penn's association of professors backing him up, saying magill's intent was to defend academic freedom and open expression, saying that the entire line of questioning misrepresented protests for palestinian freedom as calls for genocide. and even though calls for the other two university presidents to follow suit are growing, harvard's newspaper reporting that as of sunday, more than 500 members of the faculty have signed a petition to the university's corporation opposing any action to remove president gay. but harvard alum and billionaire investor bill ackman, who has been a vocal critic, sending a letter to the university saying in her short tenure as president, gay has done more damage to the reputation of harvard university than any individual in our nearly 500 year history. this as more than 70 members of congress demand they review and update their school policies to ensure they protect jewish students. mit's board is pledging their full and unreserved support for
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mit's president. harvard's board has been silent. while harvard's president did give an interview to the students newspaper saying she is sorry and regretful. george? >> okay, selina, thanks. the latest on donald trump on the campaign trail over the weekend defending comments he made about wanting to be a dictator on his first day in office if he's re-elected. chief washington correspondent jon karl tracking the campaign. >> now, some of his supporters say he was just joking but donald trump is outright embracing the warnings that a second trump presidential term could turn america into a dictatorship and he's using those warnings to rally his supporters as he calls for retribution against his enemies. over the weekend donald trump once again said he wants to be a dictator, but only on his first day in office. >> you know why i wanted to be a dictator? because i want a wall, right? i want a wall and i want to drill drill drill! >> some of trump's republican supporters have dismissed the comments as a joke, but trump
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went on to promise to use the power of the presidency to go after his political opponents, including threatening prosecution saying it is justified because he now faces multiple indictments. >> they've opened up a pandora's box. i only can say to joe is, be very careful what you wish for. >> as trump allies outline specific plans for retribution in a second trump term, one trump ally recently saying journalists will be targeted, too. the trump campaign has pushed back, saying no proposal should be considered official unless it comes directly from trump or his campaign. as trump builds his campaign around calls for retribution an revenge, liz cheney is calling him a threat to american democracy who must be stopped. >> there's a lot that has to be done to begin to rebuild the republican party, potentially to build a new conservative party. but in my view that has to wait until after the 2024 election because our focus has got to be on defeating donald trump.
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>> president biden always seized on president trump's comments telling a group of supporter, quote, the greatest threat trump poses is to the country's democracy. george? >> in the face of all this, donald trump continues to be strong in the polls. >> he does. there's a wall street journal poll just came out that had him with a four point lead over joe biden. that's within the poll's margin of error. but nikki haley, in that same poll, had a 17 point lead over joe biden. george, also this morning, a poll in iowa, donald trump over 50% winning in that crucial first primary caucus. >> not even close. jon karl, thank you very much. robin? >> you mentioned nikki haley. i know, linsey, you had a waoeuing interview with her. >> sure did. we talked about trump, the war in gaza, abortion and what she calls the women's issue of our time, which she said is not abortion, but trans kids in sports. former south carolina governor nikki haley's presidential
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campaign is racking up major donor and establishment support, now becoming a major threat to rivals who want to be an alternative to donald trump. with weeks to go before the iowa caucuses, haley is hoping voters will see her as a viable alternative. i want to start where the last debate left off. one question went unanswered as far as is donald trump fit to be president. do you think donald trump today, in 2023, is fit to be president? >> it's not about fitness. i think he's fit to be president. it's should he be president? i don't think he should be president. >> reporter: the former united nations ambassador, also weighing in on the pressing war in gaza. who do you think should control gaza? >> i think israel does not want gaza, but they don't want terrorists living in gaza. you can't go through something like october 7th and chance that happening to your people again. hamas has already said they're going back. they're going to do it again. >> reporter: one of the most important issues on voters' minds, i asked haley about the
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case involving a 31-year-old texas mother who asked the court to allow her to get an abortion in order to save her uterus and preserve her chance to have healthy children in the future. >> i don't know the details of the case that you're referring to. what i can tell you is i don't think that this issue needed to be in the hands of unelected justices. it needs to be in the hands of the people. it's a personal issue for every woman and man. and so while i'm unapologetically pro life, i have always said i don't judge anyone for being pro choice anymore than i want them to judge me for being pro life. we're watching states make these decisions. i think the goal should always be, how do we save as many babies as we can and support as many moms as we can? that's not gonna happen unless we find consensus. let's make sure doctors and nurses who don't believe in abortion shouldn't have to perform them. let's make contraception accessible. let's make sure no state law says to a mom who has an abortion is going to jail or getting the death penalty. let's start there. let's start humanizing this issue instead of demonizing the
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issue. >> she is also clear biological boys should not be playing in girls sports. that's something she talks about quite in length. we also got a chance to talk to her daughter who gives us a sense of nikki haley as the mom. and we get her reaction to being name checked by vivek ramaswamy about having a tik tok account. >> did not hold back at all. neither did she. you can watch linsey's full interview tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern. going to be a long day for you, linsey. thank you. we're going to turn to good news if you're planning a holiday road trip. according to gas buddy, more than half of u.s. gas stations are selling a gallon for less than $3. trevor ault has more including news for flyers. good morning to you, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a welcome present for drivers. according to gas buddy the median price has dropped to $2.99, which means it's below $3 a gallon for the first time
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since 2021. the average price for a gallon of price is still a little higher $3.13 but has been falling consistently for the past 12 weeks. according to gas buddy it is expected to continue falling on and off until mid february, robin. >> okay, you two. they're still talking about the nikki haley interview. george wanted to say something. i'm talking to trevor. can you respect the corners? overnight, trevor, aaa just released its holiday travel forecast. >> reporter: yes. i can't promise it's more interesting than linsey's interview with nikki haley. it does appear like it's going to be another record setting stretch of holiday travel. according to aaa, 115 million americans are expected to be traveling at least 50 miles from home. the vast majority of them, nearly 104 million, will be taking advantage of these gas prices and driving. talking about air travel, it will be busy. 7.5 million americans are expected to fly this year just
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between december 23rd until new year's day, january 1st. that would be a holiday record. air fares are cheaper than they were at this time last year. robin? >> trevor, thank you. >> and we apologize. coming up, an arrest made in the murder of a texas cheerleader after police release surveillance images. the woman plotting to kill her estranged husband. what we know about her trial as she fights to return home from the bahamas. the new holiday scam warning. how suspected thieves are able are access money you put on gift cards. first let's go to samara theodore who is in for ginger. good morning to you, samara. >> good morning, robin. i'm here in new york. we're still dealing with cold rain from the same storm that brought the destructive weather to the tennessee valley. behind it, cold air is surging in so we have to prepare for that. look at this visual looking like a winter wonderland. upstate new york saw 6 inches of snow. that will continue.
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this chilly air is diving deep into the southeast. tomorrow waking up to temperatures feeling like the 30s. in the days to go, remaining cold areas like nashville which are dealing with cleanup, temperatures will be in the 30s until the end of the week. your local forecast in 30 seconds.
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>> we'll be right back. ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪
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joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. at target, save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ♪ there was a love ♪ ♪ like this before ♪ shop now and save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ends saturday. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning i'm reggie from abc seven mornings in the north bay police will be back on campuses of some santa rosa city schools starting today. this is in response to recent violent
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incidents at schools. in a statement last night, school officials say each high school will have one officer on campus for the next two weeks. each middle school will have check ins from officers. in march, a student was stabbed and killed during an altercation at montgomery high school. since then, there's been a large debate over bringing police officers back on campus. they got rid of them in 2020. the school board will discuss a more permanent plan at its meeting on wednesday. and now here's traffic with gloria. >> good morning, reggie. right now, we want to tell you about a two car crash. this is in hayward and three lanes are blocked on southbound 880 before eighth street. so this will impact drivers in that area. and also, we want to take a look at your drive time graphics for this morning. so far, we do have some slowdowns. you could see right there from tracy to castro valley. it will take you 54 minutes on westbound 580. reggie >> thanks, gloria. we're going to check
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without guilt or confession. please. what's the harm? i know exactly who you are. let's give it a whirl.
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you. >> through december 20th on disney plus. >> let's go to sfo this morning. a live look at the airport. we have that sun up here. we have clear skies, good visibility, but it is chilly with those temperatures right now. you can see we're starting out in the 30s and some of our cooler spots. we're actually at the freezing mark in san ramone, 34, in santa rosa, 35 in palo alto. here's how the day shapes up. we have that chilly morning grab, that winter jacket, but it's a mostly sunny day. by 4 p.m, those temperatures low and mid 60s. reggie thanks for streaming us on our abc7 bay area app. >> abc7 at seven continues. everybody else is watching. good morning america. >> here's a holiday thought to ponder. >> is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish, make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers. during the season of audi, cirque du soleil presents. kooza an adrenaline
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rush of acrobat kicks and electrifying performances experience cuza's uplifting thrills. >> starting january 17th in san francisco and april 18th in san jose. tickets on sale at cirque du >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup. it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. hey. so, what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking. >> bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers the most magical show of the year is happening every night at the pier. >> our 60 foot tree twinkling with light dances to music. merry and bright shopping. dine and get gifts for your friends and don't miss the show before the night ends. >> here's a holiday thought to
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ponder is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish, make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers. during the season of audi. amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must have fashion top tech and so much more. our walmart has deals for every gift on their list. do you like it? >> ready set. >> gift. get in the holiday spirit with chex cereals. >> 12 days of surprises. learn ten easy recipes get festive freebies and more shop specially marked boxes of chex cereal today. did you hear that? >> it's the sound of your sandpaper skin. >> it's like i'm spooning a cactus. do you need jergens ultra healing lotion? >> much softer now. >> if only i could soften the snoring. >> i snore and meet new fragrance free jergens. >> i'm amber. i've lost 128
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pounds with golo taking release, i have literally tried everything. >> i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery and i saw the golo commercial and it was the last thing i tried because it worked. >> we all wish we could hear our cats voices and thanks to pet tivity, we've come one step closer. the pet tivity smart litter box monitor tracks your cat's litter box behavior and weight and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit at target. try fast and free. drive up. i never knew that was a love like this before . try fast and always free. . try fast and always free. ♪ ♪ >> don't you just love that big finale in "sister act?" this morning we're going to introduce you to some real life
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sisters known as the millennial nuns of chicago, who are serving up kindness on the west side. that is coming up in our next hour. >> lot of joy right there. >> sure does. looking at the headlines including the dangerous weather. at least 29 tornados reported across seven states. nearly 100 homes and buildings were severely damaged. six people were killed. donald trump will not be taking the stand in his new york civil trial. the former president was set to testify in his own defense but yesterday he abruptly cancelled. trump did testify earlier in the trial. defense expected to rest soon. closing arguments scheduled for january 11. 72-year-old idaho woman was rescued after going missing for five days in the wilderness. she was found near her car which had skidded 200 yards down a canyon into a ravine. she was transported by helicopter to the hospital. the authorities report that she was conscious and alert when she was found. the sheriff said he's hopeful for her full recovery. you must have seen some headlines saying show me the money.
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a baseball star agreed to the most lucrative contract ever in sports. he is signing with the los angeles dodgers for a whopping $700 million over the course of ten years. the two time al mvp is able to both pitch as well as hit at an all-star level. a big return to the basketball court for bronny james, less than five months after suffering cardiac arrest, he made his college basketball debut in front of a sold out crowd. bronny just like his famous dad. lebron was also there in the house and expressed his pride in an instagram post writing, he's already won the ultimate goal championship and that's life. proud of you, kid. >> so wonderful to hear him after the game. bronny. all the people he wanted to thank. great recovery. >> we are glad to see him out there on the court. we have a lot more ahead including the scam alert on one of the popular holiday presents. the arrest of a suspect in the murder of a 16-year-old high school cheerleader found dead by her mother.
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stephanie ramos here with the latest. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: george, good morning. such a tragic story. really young girl. family and friends are relieved police arrested a suspect but are still mourning the loss of the young teen. this morning a suspect is under arrest in the slaying of texas high school cheerleader lizbeth medina. >> 16-year-old female not conscious. mother is the caller. stating she is not conscious. >> reporter: the suspect rafael romero who police say is undocumented, was arrested saturday in texas 75 miles north of edna. romero charged with capital murder in the killing of a 16-year-old according to police. before romero's arrest, edna police released photos of a person wearing a black hooded sweat shirt and vehicle of interest in connection with the case. police have not said if there was any previous relationship between medina and romero or if
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the attack was a random incident. >> my daughter was found in a way that no mother should ever find their child. someone hurt my child. someone took my child from me. >> reporter: police say lizbeth's mother went to watch her and her cheerleading squad in a christmas parade, but when the teen never showed up, her mother said she went searching for her and ultimately found her unresponsive in a bat tub at their apartment. family members and friends mourning the loss, holding vigils over the weekend. jacqueline medina said she and her family moved to edna last year. her daughter honored before her school's football game thursday night where the distraught cheerleading squad and the team wore purple, her favorite color. her mother devastated. >> she was my motivation to keep pushing me. >> reporter: police have
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released few details on the circumstances of the medina's death. an autopsy report has yet to be released. >> just a heart breaking story. thank you. now to the georgia mom accused of plotting to kill her husband. linsey shiver pleaded not guilty in a bahamas courtroom. along with her alleged co-conspirators. there's a new battle brewing in the case. eva pilgrim is here with those details. good morning, eva. >> good morning, linsey. it's been month since the mother of three has seen her kids as she awaits trial in the bahamas. now the woman, who once had a seemingly perfect life asking a judge if she can leave the island. this morning the georgia mother of three accused of plotting to kill her estranged husband in the bahamas preparing for her day in court. a judge officially setting a march trial date for linsey shiver. the 37-year-old currently out on $100,000 bail in the bahamas seen in these daily photos heading to court friday, where she, her then lover and an alleged hitman all pleaded not
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guilty to planning to kill her husband former college football robert shiver. according to a police report, investigators say linsey admitted to sending messages and photos saying, kill him. linsey's lawyers saying in a new statement the evidence will demonstrate linsey's innocence. >> the standard is very different to prove conspiracy in the bahamas than it is in the u.s. in the u.s. you need not only an agreement, but you also need an overt act. in the bahamas you need one or the other. that's gonna make it easier for the prosecutors. >> reporter: the shivers are in the middle of a heated divorce. in july, body cam capturing an argument less than a week before her arrest in the bahamas. >> we woke up this morning, had travel plans to leave. he's insisting that i don't go. >> she's going to change her plans and now get on the airplane with me and the kids to go to bahamas and when we land,
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she's going to go to her boyfriend. >> elsewhere. >> and me and the kids will go to the house. >> reporter: according to the divorce filing robert accusing his wife of having an affair. linsey countering with accusations of domestic violence. >> he got super aggressive and that's when i called immediately. he's been physical before and i'm just not -- >> okay. >> i'm not doing that. >> reporter: linsey has not seen her kids since july 16th, forced to stay in the bahamas as part of her bail requirement. now this week she's preparing to ask the court to let her go home while she awaits her trial. >> it's highly unlikely the officials in the bahamas will let her leave the island. that is typically something they won't do because they feel like someone in her position is subject to flee. >> shiver is expected back in court this week to see if a judge will allow her to return to the u.s., guys. >> we'll see what happens, eva. thank you. coming up later, tennis legend
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chris evert announcing that her cancer has returned. how she's keeping up her spirits. and next what you need to know before buying gift cards this holiday season. his holiday season. ♪ ♪ (retailer) what i feel in my heart during the subaru share the love event...'s just so rewarding. (woman) we believe in love. not just our customers... ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪ ♪
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biiiig moment here for charles who ate a big 'ole bowl of raisin bran crunch ...and packed a downright immaculate carry-on. big chuck, you sock rollin son of a... (♪)
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is this for me? if you like squeaky toys from chewy it is. did i get anything this year? get a free, $30 egift card at chewy. i'm still going to eat your socks. no, you're not. get great deals on gifts that deliver excitement at chewy. the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season. ( ♪ )
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) we're back with the new warning about gift card scams. national retail federation said gift card spending is expected to be $29.3 billion this season. lara, you gotta tell us what we need to know here. >> i will indeed, robin.
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gift cards are a very easy option. you pick one off the rack. there are so many choices. load it up with cash. it's a great gift idea. but not if it was never actually activated. according to police, you may want to take a close look at the card you choose before checking out. >> there is a scratch tab at the top of the card that you scratch away that has a code on it. >> reporter: officials with a new warning for holiday shoppers about gift card scams. >> a community member trying to return a gift card or try to get their money back because they found out it was cut. >> reporter: the latest incident in california prompting officers to take the social media showing how the scam works. >> what they do, they heat up these envelopes to where they can open them as carefully as they can, remove the card and actually cut the top of the card off. >> reporter: that top of the card holding the code that gives the person access to the amount of money put on it. the thieves then puts the gift cards back in the envelope, reseals it and places it back on
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shelves. nicole randall from ohio said in 2021, she bought her husband a $100 amazon gift card for christmas, but when they opened the packaging, the card was cut in half. >> there was a small slit in the side of the jacket, the amazon jacket, and what they did was, they slid in that small bar code to the other half of the card they had and then put it right over top of the actual card that was in the bar code. when we scanned it and loaded the money, it actually was put on the gift card that the other scammer had the other half of. >> reporter: that's just one way gift card scams work. the new britain police department in pennsylvania reporting more than 100 gift cards were recently compromised at a local grocery store. this time thieves tampering with the protective cover to get the number off the back of the card.
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police warning shoppers to be on the lookout this holiday season. >> feel for the entire card. it should be the same size as a credit card. or with the permission of the store, when you purchase these, as you're purchasing them, remove them from these holders. >> bottom line to avoid being a victim. make sure the protective stickers that are on the card there, that they're there and that it doesn't look like someone has tampered with it whatsoever. if it does, just turn it in and choose another card. don't touch it. >> i know. buyer beware. for those of us shipping presents, we got a deadline coming up. >> we do. we're all over this. fedex wants us to know that if you ship a package by ground economy and want to know that it will arrive by christmas, you have to ship it out by this wednesday. we will keep you updated on more deadlines as the holiday near, but that's your first warning, everybody. get those packages out. procrastinators are cringing right now. that time of season. >> see you in a little bit.
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thank you, lara. coming up dr. ashton on the new breast cancer vaccine trial. and next it is our play of the day airplay of the day. come on back. ms. erwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. at target, save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ♪ there was a love ♪ ♪ like this before ♪ shop now and save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ends saturday. ♪ baby don't forget it's the holidays ♪
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♪ give me something sweet let's celebrate ♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ oops, oh, it's gettin' late ♪ ♪ and i almost forgot to celebrate, ♪ ♪ we snackin' ♪ ♪ i was looking at my ancestry traits the other day. i figured it out why i never actually made the football team. yeah, because you're 5'8”. wait robbie, go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. don't have it. yup, i knew it. what else does it tell you? no, hold on, i'm going to find some athletic gene in here. endurance, no. speed, average. i would say below average. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry.
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(chef vo) fancy feast. chef-inspired. i would say below average. cat-adored. every silky broth, every impeccable paté, every delicious detail... brings you and your cat... closer together. fancy feast. love is in the details. walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift. liberty mutual customized my car insurance
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and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ book to our play of the day. what a football frenzy this weekend. so much action. will reeve is here with highlights. even lara had to stick around for this. >> good morning. what a crazy week 14 it was in the nfl.
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we start with one of the greatest plays you will ever see. patrick mahomes and the chiefs down late at home facing the bills. mahomes finds travis kelce who runs a bit, runs a bit, then throws it backwards to toney, who runs in for the touchdown. are you kidding me? taylor is fired up somewhere in the stadium. everybody's going crazy. but there's a flag. toney had lined up offsides. look at that. the play doesn't count. the chiefs have to do it all over again. but that play was once in a life time. kansas city went on to lose. mahomes on the sidelines, furious at the refs it looks like. he is yelling at them. chiefs have lost three of their last four games. the reason he's so mad, usually the ref warns the receiver if he's lined up off sides. mahomes said that never happened. he called it elementary school stuff.
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quote, just the end of another game we're talking about the refs. not what we want for the nfl and for football, he said. coach reid also upset about the call being made without warning saying it was a bit embarrassing in the national football league for that to take place. anyway, in the night cap, it was the marquis matchup of the week. cowboys hosting the eagles. dallas got up early and stayed up. a surgical performance from dak prescott. 271 yards, two touchdowns. eagles and cowboys both 10-3. dallas first in that division, nfc east. just four weeks left in the regular season. >> how about that double header tonight? >> we are excited. "monday night football." got giants/packers then titans/dolphins. that's on abc and espn + and espn. so much football. 8:15 p.m. >> you didn't give them anything. >> i'll be back tomorrow. got to wait for the game. tomorrow. get ready. >> you always bring it, will. thank you. >> susan lucci is going to be here, mark wahlberg and michelle
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monaghan. they're all here live in times square. men back n back. ♪ ♪ ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake ♪ ♪ i've always been prone to hair thinning. i was getting older. i was under a lot of stress. i started taking nutrafol. nutrafol is the number one,
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dermatologist recommended hair growth supplement. i am back to me. start your hair growth journey at ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi! at target, save $10 when you spend $50 wow... thi on toys.eautiful. ♪ there was a love ♪ ♪ like this before ♪ shop now and save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ends saturday. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
7:53 am
every day, more dog people, and more vets are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box at (buzz) are you guys telling secrets? get 50% off your first box mine is that honey nut cheerios can help lower cholesterol. (leslie) that's not a secret. it's on the box.
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(buzz) wow... (phyllis) ooh i have a secret. [whispers] i invented the microchip. (buzz) [laughs] is she serious? a barrage of storms has been a barrage of storms has been hitting the west coast. this most recent one actually brought 17 inches of snow to snoqualmie, washington. plenty of snow for the ski resorts up there. anywhere from 3 to 6 inches from parts of the rockies including colorado and montana. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a little closer to home. you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery.
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high quality care that meets you where you are. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. call, or go online today to learn more. april 18th in san jose. tickets on sale at cirque du thursday night. celebrate 100 years of i think of disney in
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one word that comes to mind. >> amazing dreams. >> oh wow. supercalifragilistic. >> river magical disney 100 a century of dreams. >> thursday night on abc good morning america. something sweet is coming your way. yes. tomorrow we've got your golden ticket in the morning right here on gma. wake up with timothy shalom and the stars of wonka only on good morning america. >> don't. >> monday night football meets again in new york. >> let's get it started. jordan love and the packers face saquon barkley and the giants. packers >> giants. area moving forward finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc7 mornings. here's traffic with gloria. >> good morning, reggie. we do have a backup right now on the richmond-san rafael bridge. of course we've had that sig alert there for the past few weeks
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with the right three lanes blocked right now. there's a four mile backup approaching the toll plaza and then taking a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera, the metering lights flipped on today at 527 this morning. right now, there's a backup up to the 880 overpassing. >> hey, gloria. we'll take a look outside at our east bay hills camera. and you can see it is getting to be pretty clear out there this morning. but it is chilly. oakland, 39 right now, 34. novato 39 in san jose. the city right now at 47 degrees. so it is chilly this morning. certainly feels like december for a lot of sunshine on the way by 4 p.m, mostly sunny and temps bouncing back on the mild side into the 60s. reggie drew, thank you. >> if you're streaming us on our abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> you can experience china before your communism. the celebration of china's rich cultural heritage this holiday
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season. give your loved ones the best holiday gift. shen yun coming to the bay area starting december 29th. toyotathon is on time to make the holidays picture perfect with a new toyota like camry. >> tacoma grand highlander and more. celebrate the season with a new toyota. we're going to need a bigger tree right now. >> get low 3.99. >> apr financing or choose a low lease on tacoma or get $1,000 cash back when you finance with toyota on tundra, tis the season for toyota thon toyota. let's go places. >> hcm is a serious heart condition, affecting as many as 1 in 200 people like me and me. >> it can impact how you feel and what you can do. >> i still felt tired on my beta blocker, so i talked to my cardiologist about treatment advances in hcm. >> that gave me new options. >> it was a breakthrough for me. >> that conversation with big
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our result $4.65 million. jacoby and meyers. because everyone deserves justice. see it? the 2023 ford mustang mach e the spirit of a mustang with the versatility of an suv drive it rapid acceleration. >> zero emissions own it. the ev with blue oval, the largest public charging network in north america. see it, drive it and own it. ford mustang, mach e, all electric, all mustang jet. a mustang mach-e at 1.9. apr for 60 months plus 3000 retail bonus cash plus 37 50in tax credit at safe and healthy holiday wishes safe and healthy holiday wishes ♪ good morning america. it's 8 a.m. deadly tornado outbreaks. at least 29 twisters across seven states kill at least six people. >> get down, down, down. >> nearly 100 homes and buildings reduced to rubble in seconds. our team is tracking the dangerous weather on the move right now.
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18 time grand slam champion chris evert revealing the news she never wanted to hear. the tennis legend announcing her cancer is back, just two years after her first battle with ovarian cancer. plus how tennis champ and fellow survivor martina navritalova helping her. major companies now making companion products like protein shakes to go along with popular weight loss drugs like ozempic. what experts are saying. get ready to shop this store and save. lori b's got the perfect holiday shopping ideas all from crate and barrel, from winter decor to presents for all ages, including a deal just for gma viewers. plus reuniting on screen. mark wahlberg and michelle monaghan are here live in times square. ♪ you're gonna hear me roar ♪
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and susan lucci is here live about to get one of television's top honors. >> when i want something badly enough, i pull out all the stops. >> she's here in times square as we say "good morning america." >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> erica kane is going to be here live. susan lucci getting the recognition she richly deserves. we're looking forward to hearing from her in just a bit. >> she's still got it. just ahead a breast cancer vaccine targeting one of the most aggressive forms of the disease. the promising results. dr. ashton is here with those results. >> first a look at the top stories breaking at 8. we start with the storm hitting parts of the northeast. 29 tornados reported down south over the weekend killing six people. we've been trailing this destruction. want to go back to rob marciano in boston. good morning, rob. >> reporter: good morning, george. that storm is now here in boston. raining lighter than it was earlier. boston harbor, ferries are
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operating. looks like flights are going out over boston logan. this has been a dynamic system since it's hit the west coast and produced dozens of tornados. two of the biggest ones in tennessee unfortunately turning deadly. overnight that powerful storm system that spawned tornados in the south now hitting the northeast with up to 4 inches of rain. at least 29 tornados reported across seven states. an ef-3 with winds reaching 150 miles an hour touches down in clarksville, tennessee. >> whoa! >> transformer just blew! >> reporter: at least six people, including two children, were killed. over 36 more injured after tornados tore across the state. the storm knocking out power to tens of thousands of residents. this fire ball erupting at a power station. >> oh my god. >> reporter: nearly 100 buildings destroyed or completely gutted. roofs ripped off a block of apartments. a twister slamming into this nashville church with dozens of
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people inside, some suffering broken bones. >> we get to say good morning to our loved ones again. >> reporter: communities working together this morning to pick up the pieces. just heart breaking for our friends in tennessee. a long recovery ahead for them. that wave that spawned those tornados is amplifying. we've got flood warnings, winds of 50 plus miles an hour. over 10,000 people in new england without power. you can see on the radar, it's pushing off to the east. flood watches up for the rest of the day but hopefully those will be dropped. in the wake of the storm we will see nasty wind chills across the back side of this thing. it will turn colder and blustery for just about everybody in this storm's wake. robin? >> thinking of everyone impacted by this poor weather. thank you, rob. now to the abortion battle in texas. the state supreme court temporarily halted a ruling that would have allowed a woman to give what doctors call an emergency abortion. rachel scott is in washington with those details for us. good morning, rachel.
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>> reporter: robin, good morning. this has been whiplash for kate cox. the 31-year-old texas woman at the center of this case. she is waiting on the state supreme court to weigh in to decide whether or not she can get an emergency abortion. cox is 20 weeks pregnant. she was told by her doctors that her fetus has a severe condition and virtually no chance for survival. doctors also warn the longer she continues her pregnancy, the greater risk to her own personal health as well as her future fertility so she decided to sue the state of texas. in a stunning ruling, the judge sided with her, granting her permission to get that emergency abortion. within hours the state appealed that ruling, putting it on hold. texas bans abortion outright, but there is a narrow kpp shun to save the life of the mother. but this morning the texas attorney general is arguing neither that severe condition that her fetus has or the future risk to her own fertility qualifies as an exception. so the bottom line here, kate cox is now hanging in limbo. she's been to the emergency room four times in the last month.
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her uterus is at risk of rupturing. it's unclear when the state supreme court will rule. >> lot of people following this case. certainly far reaching implications there, rachel. thank you. now to a potential buyout bid for macy's. eva pilgrim is back with what could be next for the popular department store and how this could change the way you shop. good morning, eva. >> good morning again, linsey. the largest department store in the country and the namesake of that famous thanksgiving parade is facing a possible buyout. two hedge funds joining forces to make an offer of $5.8 billion to take over macy's. arc house, a firm that specializes in real estate investments and brigade capital, an asset management firm, saying they would be willing to offer even more money once they are able to see the company's numbers. macy's has struggled to keep customers in its brick and mortar department stores and has been a takeover target as it deals with slowing sales, online competition and shifting shopping trends. sales declined 7% year over year.
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the possible takeover could change the landscape of your local mall. macy's has 500 department stores. it also owns bloomingdale's, blue mercury and a number of smaller shops. experts say selling off or closing part of this empire could be a possible next step after a takeover. guys? >> all right, eva. thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, chris evert announcing her ovarian cancer has returned. we'll tell you what's next and how she's keeping up her spirits. also ahead, some big food companies are tailoring products to people taking popular weight loss drugs. plus lori bergamotto is here to show us how to shop crate and barrel for everybody on your list. and a very special guest is with lara. >> how happy are we? susan lucci is with us on good morning america. it is a great start to your day. we're gonna talk to her about a special honor she's receiving. so well deserved. >> thank you so much. >> coming up on gma. so well deserved.
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coming up on "gma." ♪ ♪ clock ringing] sfx: [thunder] sfx: [email notification] ♪ ♪ rich, indulgent chocolate with a luscious caramel filling. discover ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better. walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift. ♪
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(vo) purina cares here. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist
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how dupixent can help heal their skin from within. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. when your keys are in the door and your body's like, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve!
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at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ] now this, is protection! try fast and always free drive up, at target. this holiday season on apple tv+. my husband is an amazing dad. i just wish our lives were... ...bigger. ♪ ice ice baby ♪ dan: there's something i need to tell you. jess: you have been acting so weird. [gunshots] [gasps] i can explain. ♪ upbeat music ♪ dan: i was a covert assassin, i escaped that life and now they found us. (laughing) [gunshots] the family plan. streaming soon on apple tv+. rated pg-13.
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back here on gma. time for our advent calendar deal of the day revealing special items as we count down to christmas. let's see what is behind door 11. it is jewelry made with crushed gem stones. hand made in hawaii by local artisans. the savings start at 67% off. you can shop by scanning the qr code on your screen. >> beautiful stuff. thank you. we're going to turn to our gma cover story. grand slam tennis champion and former world number one, our
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friend chris evert, announcing she has been rediagnosed with ovarian cancer just a year and a half after finishing her last round of chemotherapy. but she is optimistic and giving fans a candid update on her health. 18 time grand slam champion chris evert revealing she is battling ovarian cancer for a second time. the 68-year-old releasing a statement through espn saying this is a diagnosis i never wanted to hear and that she recently underwent surgery where doctors found cancer cells in the same pelvic region. all cells were removed and i have begun another round of chemotherapy. evert is not alone. majority of ovarian cancer patients, even when the disease is detected in early stage, almost 25% of those cases experience a recurrence. as of 2020, there was estimated to be more than 230,000 women living with ovarian cancer in the u.s. alone. >> her initial diagnosis, we
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look at a triad of symptoms. that being increasing abdominal pressure, change in bowel and bladder function that's new or progressive in nature over a period of weeks to months. we frequently see recurrence within the first two years of completing the initial therapy. >> reporter: after her younger sister jean, also a professional tennis player, died in 2020 of ovarian cancer at just 62. >> i just feel fortunate that if it wasn't for the call that i received from my sister's geneticist saying they had found a new mutation. >> reporter: evert even documenting her cancer journey on hbo's "real sports" with bryant gumbel. >> your sister's death saved your life. >> yes. my sister's death saved my life. >> reporter: evert, who revealed in january that she under went a preventive double mastectomy after completing treatment
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also said in her statement, i encourage everyone to know your family history and advocate for yourself. early detection saves lives. on sunday, evert posting a picture alongside martina navritalova thanking her for delivering food, all smiles with the caption, we're in this together. evert also sharing that she will not be covering next month's australian open in order to focus on her treatment. she did say, however, she hopes to return for the rest of the grand slam season covering tennis for espn. we sure hope so, too. >> thank you, lara. we've been covering the rise of weight loss drugs like ozempic and mounjaro. and now major food companies like nestle and general mills are creating companion pro-tkubt ducts for people taking these drugs. erielle reshef is here with the story. good morning. >> reduced appetite is common for people taking these medications for weight loss. food companies are taking note, creating new products that cater to a growing demand for new types of convenient nutrient
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rich foods. this morning as popularity soars for drugs like ozempic, monjauro and wegovy. >> i took ozempic for a year and lost 87 pounds. >> reporter: major food companies are preparing for a significant shift in what and how much consumers taking medication for weight loss are eating. >> probably about 1% of u.s. adults on these drugs today. but we can already see how that's affecting their eating patterns. at a very high level i don't think we'll see a massive collapse in the number of calories that are eaten across america, but things like protein shakes, cottage cheese, supplements to fortify vitamins and minerals are probably going to do quite well. >> reporter: brands like nestle and general mills are developing companion products like high nutritional snacks and supplement shakes for people taking these drugs. abbott laboratory, the company behind ensure shakes, telling abc news they'll have a protein drink on the market by next year designed to boost muscle mass in people using the drugs to shed
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pounds. losing muscle mass is a concern with any type of weight loss. >> i have usually a shake every day. usually the best way to start my day. >> reporter: rachel says she lost 150 pounds since she start taking monjauro last july and enjoys the convenience protein shakes can provide. >> the smartest thing for food companies to do, honestly, is to figure out how to help us. we definitely need help. i would love to have a shake that could be a meal replacement, that has enough calories in it. >> reporter: experts say while supplement shakes are a quick way to take in nutrients for people losing weight, consider sourcing your protein through lean meats and vegetables. >> it's understandable why a protein shake would be seen as a reasonable option to help fulfill the needs of wanting to increase the amount of pro-tone that you're eating. as physicians we advise these protein shakes can be hiding added sugar. they're not tightly controlled
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and regulated by the fda. >> reporter: so if you are taking one of these medications, it's important to note, they're not a silver bullet on their own. doctors say they should be paired with a healthy diet and physical activity for the best results. developing healthy habits is key, robin. >> we're going to talk to a doctor right now about something else. thank you. a promising new breast cancer vaccine trial out of cleveland clinic. approximately one in eight women in the u.s. are expected to develop breast cancer in their life time. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is gonna tell us about this phase 1. you want to make it clear. a vaccine, we're talking years down the line. can you just explain to folks the concept behind the vaccine? >> yeah. so for breast cancer, we're talking years down the road. but the concept of immune therapy. let's do a minimed school. first of all, when someone develops cancer, why doesn't the immune system attack that tumor, seeing it as foreign? the reason is it comes from our own cell, right?
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so it kind of flies under our surveillance radar using the concept of immune therapy now, there are clinical trials in progress that take a snippet from a person's actual tumor and then kind of fold it into in a lot of cases nrna vaccine technology. so it lets that loose so that the person's immune system can actually fight its own cancer. we already have a couple vaccines against cancer. we have a cervical cancer vaccine. we have a liver cancer vaccine against hepatitis b. there's a vaccine approved to treat metastatic prostate cancer. but for breast cancer, there is a lot of exciting research on going. >> what is this latest data showing you? >> let me talk you through this latest breast cancer vaccine. phase 1 clinical trials. it is looking at safety here. looked at 16 patients with triple negative breast cancer. they found in 75% of those patients they achieved a good immune response. there were no safety signals reported. remember, that's the purpose and point with a phase 1 clinical trial. and this is not the only one for
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breast cancer. could, i want to emphasize could, potentially start to be available in about five years or so. >> you mentioned immune therapy. so encouraging for a lot of folks. just remind us how we can prevent the risk of breast cancer. >> you want to shift the focus from treatment to risk reduction. when you're talking about breast cancer, the key things. a lot are behavioral. avoiding or limiting alcohol completely, not smoking, keeping your weight in a healthy range. exercising. breast-feeding has been shown to be associated with a lower risk. this is not to say any woman who gets breast cancer is to blame, but there is a lot that you can do in your control to lower your risk. >> thank you for saying that, as somebody who said that. but you do. you think, what did i do? what did i do? >> lot of times nothing. you did nothing wrong. but you can have a lot of control. >> so many promising things. we'll see you on gma3. >> yes, you will. >> let's go to samara theodore in for ginger with the weather. >> good morning, robin.
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come with me to the adirondacks, where they've already seen 6.5 inches of snow, with more to come. this cold air diving deep. we're talking deep south as montgomery, alabama tomorrow morning waking up in the 30s. in the days to come, cleanup efforts in nashville will be impacted. tomorrow morning they're waking up to temperatures in the 30s. let's see what's going on closer to home.
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>> we're gonna turn now to a tv legend. actress susan lucci is here. you should see the studio. it's filled with people who love her so much. she has been beloved for playing erika cane on all my children for 41 years which is impossible because she is only 40. now we recognize her with the life time achievement award for her indellable impact on the world of daytime television. so well deserved. we love seeing you here. welcome. >> thank you so much. i'm so happy to be here. thank you so much. the crew, i mean, so wonderful for me to be in new york and see, no matter studio i go to i see wonderful faces. >> lot of the crew worked on your show. >> exactly. exactly. so great to see you, lara. >> thank you very much. not many people know, we live in the same hometown. i grew up in the same town as you. >> on the same street. >> i know. it's insane. so good to see you. i was thrilled to hear that you would be getting this award.
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21 emmy nominations. you finally brought it home in 1999. >> yes. >> so what is it like right now to hear that you will be getting this life time achievement award? >> it's really totally amazing. we hear people say, oh, i am tremendously honored. we hear people say that i'm humbled. i know what that feels like. i'm so humbled by this. life time achievement awards. my first thought is, my goodness, have i achieved enough in my life time? >> i'm too young. >> well, the achievements. i'm not meryl streep. all of a sudden, oh, okay. so honored. >> there isn't a person i dare say who doesn't know the name, the character, erica kane. we've got so many images here. >> thank you. wonderful. >> what was it about her that you think stuck? >> well, i loved her immediately. i read gone with the wind.
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everybody else loved melanie. i loved scarlet. i was fine with erica kane. >> that's funny. >> yeah. >> you received i remember watching this, a four minute standing ovation when you got your emmy. four minutes. people were so over the moon for you and knew that it was finally your moment. there's the moment. it was fantastic to watch. what do you imagine -- if it happens this time? what if they get up and just do that again, susan? what will that mean to you? >> first of all, i'm just really happy to be there. i have no expectations. >> trying to send out the enr trying to send out good energy and vibes. >> thank you, the energy. from my point of view, first i didn't think i would be able to stand on the stage. i couldn't believe they said my name. then when i turned around and i mean, for me, i am seeing kelly ripa and david canary on stage
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left was oprah winfrey cheering. it went on and on. it was incredible. >> i'm glad you mentioned kelly ripa. her name has been attached to a possible reboot. all of us would love to know that is a possibility. an "all my children" reboot. it's been bantered about. we've heard the name pine valley. is there any hope for that? >> you know, i think there is. i really thought it had gone away. of course, with the writers strike and actors strike, kind of everything, it felt like a very long time. but i am told that it is still alive. certainly, i would be in the very best of hands and that those characters back as well. how in would we all be? >> it would be fantastic. and when you say haley, i mean it s kelly. and i remember her her first day. she was playing haley
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as a goth. >> yes, i remember it so well. >> i did not miss an episode. >> no. >> and i met her actually in the ladies room. we had met and there was a public ladies room. that's all we had at all. my children. so we were there. and the first thing she said to me was, you know, i signed my contract because i'll get erica kane's wardrobe. i love it. >> i know you're good. ship was born. that's amazing. we found some pictures from your high school yearbook. oh, you did? there you go. yeah. voted most dramatic, so we thought it would be great to hear from you. what would you say to that beautiful young girl? >> oh, what would you what would you say before for all my children happened before her career started, i believe someone even said that you that you wouldn't make it. >> what would you say to her quickly? >> i'd say to her, don't you listen to anybody who tells you just because you have dark eyes and dark hair and olive skin that you can't make it. >> amen to that. yeah you have proven whoever that was wrong. i hope they're watching. susan
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lucci, thank you so much. congratulate us. we'll be watching and cheering you on when you receive much, much deserved award. >> thank you. >> and coming up here, stay with us, please, because mark wahlberg is here and michelle monaghan is here live on good morning america. don't go anywhere. >> titans, dolphins on espn, packers, giants on abc wednesday . this is a holiday special, y'all. >> the stars have never been so bright with special performances by billy porter and rosie o'donnell. >> this is the best celebrity family i've ever met. >> celebrity building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc7 on mornings with gloria to look at traffic. hi, gloria. good morning, kumasi. >> right now we want to tell you about a crash in pleasanton.
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this is over on southbound 680 past bernal avenue to cars are blocking the left lane right now. no injuries were reported, but speeds are down to ten miles per hour in that area. so you should expect some delays. and we also want to get a live look right now at the richmond-san rafael bridge. right now, there is a backup of over five miles approaching the toll plaza. and of course, that's because of that sigalert with the right, three lanes blocked kumasi. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew timme has your accuweather forecast after the break. the 2023 ford mustang mach e the spirit of a mustang with the versatility of an suv. >> see it, drive it and own it. get a mustang mach-e at 1.9% apr for 60 months plus 3000 retail bonus cash plus 37 50in tax credit. there's the blackout. >> and then you see the planes crashing and then that noise. what happens next in that sequence? >> everything. i know i have told you, i don't believe you. >> i haven't believed you since you walked through that front
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door. >> leave the world behind. >> rated-r. not circle of life at the lion king. >> i wear a mask. >> see yours. kingvale. ba ba ba. i hey, hey, hey, hey webberbus. i. on stage now at the orpheum theater through december 30th. >> visit broadway .com today. now during the make the holidays bright sales event at your local ford dealer get special offers on our great selection of ford vehicles right now get a 2023 ford f-150 xlt or lariat with
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2.9% apr plus 4050 bonus cash. hey bay area live with kelly marks coming up. >> we'll chat with mark wahlberg. >> he's going to tell us about his new film, the family plan. >> that's at 9:00 on abc seven. >> we'll see you very shortly. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera this morning. a lot of sunshine out there, but it certainly is on the chilly side. a lot of us beginning our day in the 30s right now, 39 in oakland, we're at 46 in the city, 43 in san jose, santa rosa, it is cold right now, 33 degrees. here's how the day shapes up. we'll have a lot of sunshine later on today with temps in the 60s. kumasi >> thank you, drew. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc7 the news continues now with >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. what a wonderful way to start the week here in times square. back with mark wahlberg and michelle monaghan, who are
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reuniting, and it feels so good, for "the family plan." reunited and it does feel so good. patriots day. remember that back in the day? not that long ago you all worked together. what was it like getting the band back together again? >> it was a lot of fun. i always admired obviously michelle's talent. but also the kind of energy that she brings to the set. she is the one who sets the tone for a fun collaborative time. we wanted to work with her. when this part obviously came up, i was producing the movie, we thought of her. she was nice enough to join us. >> great. tell us about "the family plan." what's the story? >> i play dan, a loving dad, but he has a bit of a secret. trying to protect his family. and then, of course, once his past comes back to haunt him, he decides to convince his family that they should go on a road trip to vegas. she's always wanted to be spontaneous. since dan is very boring. didn't realize how exciting my life used to be. finally realized i have a very sketchy past and it's come back to haunt me and now i need my
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family to help me to fight to basically have a normal life. >> careful what you wish for. asking for a little spontaneity and i definitely got it. >> let's show everybody you guys in action. >> we can't just up and go to vegas. why vegas? >> i know. it's not paris. there's an eiffel tower. i bet we can get last minute adele tickets. i love adele. >> you love adele. >> who doesn't love adele? >> who doesn't love adele? she's got the voice of an angel. >> i told you, we need this film. it is so good. you are magic together. tell me, michelle, if you were to take a road trip with that man over there, how would -- to vegas of all places, las vegas, how do you envision that? >> i don't think there would be enough snacks in the car for me. >> early morning workout. >> early morning workout. yeah. we'd make pit stops on the way to do an early morning workout. we'd probably do a three-mile run somewhere.
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i don't know. would i probably play the music? would i dj or would you dj? >> as long as you play adele? 'cause i really love adele. this is something i wanted to put into the movie. i actually saw her in vegas. she hasn't gotten to see adele in vegas. >> just putting that out there, adele. >> what about the junk food? in this movie, what was it? frito's? >> frito's. sour patch kids. frito's snickers. those are all my jam. that's what i need in the car for a good road trip. >> and he doesn't eat any of that. >> if it goes with immodium, i'm in. [ laughter ] it's a long way. not good. >> i like the public stops. that's when i go in and stock up with the kids and everything and get all the junk food. >> we'd make a good road trip. >> we would. let's do it. >> you mentioned adele. what was it that -- ice ice baby you all have in the film. what would be -- i think it's going to be adele but what would be on your play list?
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>> on my road trip, my wife always has the control. as soon as we get in the car, anywhere we're going she plugs her phone in. she's usually playing inappropriate rap for the kids. [ laughter ] she's like, it's just song lyrics. i don't know about that. especially when they start repeating it. if i'm in with the family, i don't get any say. >> my girls have control in my car. no way i get it. >> refer to the wife. not a bad idea. >> you had to learn multiple languages or speak multiple languages. what's the hardest one to learn? >> german. the german. i spoke french in the movie before. i have spoken a lot of foreign languages in film and i have always been able to pick up the good words, the bad words. and then whatever lines i had in the movie. the german was much more difficult. she always talks about rehearsing. i have done the stunts so many times. i just show up on the day. make it look real. but with that, i want to make sure that i'm not completely butchering the language. so i studied for months. i wrote it out phonetically.
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hopefully do a decent job. >> he did such a great job. i was impressed. i knew how dedicated he was learning specifically the french. when we sat down at that dinner table scene, which is brilliant, you were flawless every single take. >> you don't speak french. you don't know. [ laughter ] >> i really was taken aback. it was such a pleasure. this is one of the reasons i enjoy working with mark so much because he is so dedicated. >> one of those old fashion guys that actually learns his lines, shows up prepared. >> true, true. >> what a nerd. >> you have a lot of practice at being a dad. >> yeah. the great thing about this movie, it's not a movie where parents can go with their kids and find it enjoyable or vice versa. this is something for everybody. people actually love it. it's so relatable. there's so much wish fulfillment. you think about stuff with them and their devices and everything. so i'm on the run. any little thing on social media could basically expose us and expose my family. taking the tech, not wanting to
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give things away, but taking their tech, getting down to old fashion connection, which is really nice. people really will enjoy the movie. >> have your kids seen it? >> they've seen it and they loved it. they loved it. that was really exciting for me. i think as mark was saying, this is something the whole family can enjoy. i think specifically around the holiday times, we all like to gather. we like to jump on the couch and put something on. quite frankly, there's always a bit of a struggle to find something all four of us can agree upon. and this, hands down, was such a big winner. even as their mom, who's an actress, they could give two hoots about it. they really loved mark. they could relate to the young kids. >> normally when i test a movie out watching a rough cut, i'll put it on. nobody's around. nobody's interested. everybody sat down and everybody was thoroughly enjoying the movie. i never got a look until she spits out the toothbrush. [ laughter ] then everybody looked at me. i'm like, it's her not me. >> i saw that in the trailer. that was classic.
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you guys are delightful. delightful on screen. you all should know, even when the cameras are not rolling, the way you all are. thank you. thank you. >> her especially. i call her captain fun. i have many names for her. she is such a delight. as difficult as it was. that first scene with the baby bjorn, fighting with the baby. i was literally turning into w.c. fields. never again. but then she comes on board and everything changes. she really set the tone. >> thank you, mark. thank you so much. he's a gentleman. >> michelle and mark, thank you. great way to start the week. "the family plan" premieres friday on apple tv plus. do not miss it. coming up, get ready to shop the store. crate and barrel for the holidays.
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back now with jewish people around the world celebrating hanukkah amidst a rise in anti-semitism. more than 2,000 anti-semitic incidents have happened in the u.s. since the october 7th hamas terror attack/massacre in israel and israel's response in gaza. erielle reshef is back with that story. >> reporter: that's the highest number of incidents since they began keeping track crystallizing the danger of rising anti-semitism. as jews celebrate the festivals of light, there's a renewed sense of community, faith and unity to once again drive out hate. this morning troubling new data
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on the surge in anti-semitism as jews marked hanukkah with an undercurrent of unease. >> this is not a new phenomenon, but i think for us jews in america, it's a phenomenon that we thought was over. to see it coming back again is scary. >> reporter: a report from the anti-defamation league citing more than 2,000 anti-semitic incidents in the u.s. since the october 7th terror attack in israel and israel's military response in gaza. a 337% increase from this time last year. >> the harm for the jewish community and really for all people of goodwill is very difficult to see. >> reporter: jews now commemorating the festival of lights during the darkest time for the community since the holocaust. some initially apprehensive to publicly display jewish symbols or participate in celebrations. >> in every era, the jewish people have found the strength
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to stand up, and in every era, allies have found the compassion to stand with us. >> we are not jewish, but we will be displaying this menorah in our window this year. >> reporter: a new grass roots campaign illuminating resilience over fear. >> i am participating in project menorah. >> reporter: one california dad's project menorah encouraging jews and nonjews to place a menorah in the window as a show for solidarity. >> it is a way for nonjewish people to support their jewish friends in putting up hanukkah decorations. >> it has gone world wide. you put it in your window and tell your neighbors, we are a safe space. >> reporter: those kids wishing us all a happy hanukkah. that sense of support from the broader community has been crucial during this time. the story of hanukkah teaches
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each of us is a small flame and together we can burn bright enough to shed light in a new world. a poignant message now and always. guys? >> we can certainly use that light all over the world. erielle, thank you. now to a different kind of light. for those in the northeast, when can we expect to see the sun again? >> that's a great question. good morning, linsey. this storm system is moving out. that's good news. just got to get through today. where they are seeing the sun is dallas, texas. good morning, dallas. gorgeous sun rise. as much as i love to see clear skies, you all need rain. we're looking at anywhere from moderate to exceptional drought throughout much of the southwest and southeast portion of the country. we do have rain on the way. that's good news. anywhere from 2 to 3 inches from parts of dallas. florida could see 3 to 4 inches of rain. that's a look at the weather across the country. let's look at th
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stl day 11 of our christmas celebration. time to shop this store where we spotlight the items that you love from some favorite retailers just in time for your holiday shopping. gma lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto went to crate and barrel this time. take a look at what she found. ♪ >> in the heart of manhattan, we are getting a first look at crate and barrel's beautiful and sprawling new headquarters. let's shop. ♪ don't miss out on crate and barrel's in-house line of cookware and glassware like this large wine glass. dish washer safe. it's been a top seller for them for over a decade. it can fit an entire bottle of wine. be sure to check out the kitchen, in particular this ceramic frying pan.
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it has a nonstick diamond infused surface. meaning it releases food with unprecedented ease. this barrel chair comes in five different colors and it's amazingly comfortable. which they made this in my size. it's no surprise that this is a go to spot for holiday decor. tis the season for scoring the best they have to offer, like this best selling cyprus garland. reviewers love the feathers and timeless look. i'm going to take this one home with me. >> you found one more great idea not listed in that piece to deck out the house, and i love these. >> i'm obsessed. i was obsessed with the whole store, i have to say. >> they have great things. >> oh my gosh. it is for everyone. that high design, affordable price. that's what we're talking about here with these holiday houses. what's neat about these, they start at $16 and go up.
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they release new ones every single year. it's a collectible. they're stamped with the title, the year. this is the best part. i know you love a deal as much as i do, lara spencer. today for gma viewers, if you scan that qr code, 40% off. >> for as many as you want? >> for as many as you want. just for today. >> okay. >> you got to scan the qr code. >> i do love them when they're like a little village and put greens around them. little spot for a light. they're fantastic. >> they are indeed. scan the qr code. >> thank you for helping us shop and get our act together. >> this is the best job. it's fun for me. >> to score all of lori's great finds, scan the qr code or head to good morning easy as that. coming up on gma, the young nuns serving up kindness on chicago's west side. serving
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>> good morning, america! [cheers >> good morning america! >> oh my goodness. we are back and those are the millennial nuns serving up kindness in chicago. just like these volunteers in minnesota, los angeles, dallas and palmetto, florida. >> awesome. >> isn't that great? love that. we are shining a light on organizations dedicated to feeding people in holiday season. faith abubey is in chicago where she met the nuns making a difference in their communities. >> reporter: good morning, robin. they are an incredible gift. you can see them behind me. up earlier than normal with a few volunteers. they're packing up groceries they'll deliver to about 300 seniors later on today. then 600 families will come here tomorrow to pick up even more groceries. it's all thanks to the millennial nuns who are behind this operation.
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♪ sister act is a far cry away. >> people often say i'm the joyful, jolly one. i bounce around everywhere. >> reporter: these sisters, affectionately known as the millennial nuns are fighting hunger and redefining what it means to wear the habit. a chopped champion, the reigning nun and even a motorcycle driver. they are the success behind the success of the food pantry on chicago's west side fulfilling a need in their city where one in five families is considered to be food insecure. >> we've had people who are crying because otherwise they wouldn't have food. >> we have seven total. we are hoping we get food and diapers. >> reporter: in just the last month the pantry feeding more than 4,400 families with well over 100,000 pounds of
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groceries. >> we started the pantry a few years ago i think the highest was 250 families. now we're close to 500, 600, 700 a week. >> reporter: the job comes with its own risk. the neighborhood is rampant with violent crime. and gang activity. but these fearless women not only work here, they live here, too. >> just being present again helps them to trust us. we grow a relationship with our community, our neighbors. >> there's even a gentleman's understanding between the gangs. >> there's an understanding that we tell them what's going on and they will protect us. >> they refer to us as this man's angels so that he protects and watches over us to make sure we are taken care of. >> you're talking about the gangs refer to you as -- >> yes, as angels. >> i think deep down, every person wants to do good and they have good within them.
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so when they see us, they see hope. >> and unfortunately though the need in this community continues to grow. even though donations are not coming in as much as they used to. these nuns are hopeful. they want to expand the pantry base here and give away even more food. guys? >> great story. >> i love that. couldn't stop smiling. now to the power of 100 wishes. in honor of walt disney's 100th anniversary, gma, disney and make a wish are teaming up to make 100 wishes come true. this morning we're at wish number 52. this one fulfilled from a galaxy far far away. take a look. >> these are my people. i will not abandon them. >> reporter: conner garcia, cancer free after a brave five-year battle, had one cosmic wish.
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to own an autographed helmet. at a special school assembly, the 11-year-old star wars super fan learned his wish would be granted. >> hello, conner. i played bobo. here's your helmet. i'm gonna sign it just for you, my friend. here it is. to conner. i wish you all the very, very best. may the force be with you. >> reporter: the force indeed. on may 4th, conner was bequeathed his own signed helmet, along with the mandulaurian. >> i did not expect all of this. this is such a good gift. >> it was amazing. awesome. i can't believe this. thank you, make a wish. thank you to lucas films. this is like the best day ever. >> reporter: the make a wish foundation lifting conner to galactic heights. >> it is the way! >> it is the way. so glad he's doing well.
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we'll be right back.
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sale at cirque du >> hey, let's go somewhere fun. let's see where triple a can take us. let's go get stuck in the sand. let's go sleep under the stars. let's go for dinner and a show. no kids and let's go stay at a hotel for less. okay let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fixed. with 24 over seven roadside assistance, trip planning, hotel discounts and more. >> you're always ready to go. triple a, your membership to go. with a season. >> good morning, america. >> something sweet is coming your way. yes. tomorrow we've got your golden ticket in the morning. right here on gma. wake up with timothee chalamet and the stars of wonka only on. good morning america. >> don't miss wonka week. wonka week. >> we, everybody. >> it's monday. all right.
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it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief. sirius allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. in building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here is gloria now with a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning, kumasi. we want to give you a live look right now at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. and check this out. it's pretty empty at the toll plaza. that's pretty rare even though
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the metering lights are on, there are no waits at the pay gate. so that is some good news. if you are heading into the city from the east bay, it's a good time to hop on the bridge. kumasi. i'll take gloria. >> we'll look outside of the walnut creek camera and showing you we have a lot of sunshine out there. temperatures right now we are in the 30s and 40s. so certainly it is chilly this morning. your winter jacket is your best friend the next couple of hours. here's how the day shapes up that chilly morning. right now we'll see mostly sunny skies this afternoon. it will be mild temperatures in the 60s kumasi. >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. hope to see you then. it's live with ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, star of "the family plan," mark wahlberg


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