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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  December 11, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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afternoon. i'm kristen sze. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. 59 year old james johnson was killed at the 7-eleven on harrison street in the adams point neighborhood and police are still looking for the shooter as community leaders call for more accountability. >> here's abc's seven news reporter leslie brinkley. >> a streak of relentless, brazen violence continued in oakland on friday night when a security guard at this 7-eleven on harrison street confronted a shoplifter who allegedly pulled a gun and shot and killed him before escaping. oakland police say they've made no arrests as they're investigate continues coworker say they're now scared to be at work after 59 year old james johnson died inside the store despite efforts of paramedics, those who work here at the 7-eleven told me that johnson lived just one block away at a homeless shelter and that he worked here at the 7-eleven as an unarmed security guard.
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>> it was really nice, dude, he begged the people there to get a job. there and they denied him a couple of times until they finally let him. >> people are feeling less safe, less secure. lynette mcelhaney served this district on oakland city council for eight years, and she thinks the escalation in violence correlates with the lack of a police chief this year. leadership matters and what we say matters. and we really need people to move with urgency and empathy and compassion for the victims of violent crimes, even as we seek to understand root causes. unfortunately, i think too often right now in oakland, we are more ideological than we are really committed to, to resolving issues. >> this homicide at the 7-eleven happened across the street from a whole foods and adjacent to many neighborhood churches just blocks away from lake merritt. it's the second shooting at a 711 in oakland in the last week.
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a new chief of violence prevention will take the reins this month in oakland, but no date is set for the appointment of a new police chief in oakland . i'm leslie brinkly, abc7 news. >> new questions today over how pleasant hill police handled a standoff involving a former police officer. this started thursday when a former pittsburgh police officer allegedly shot his wife. officers and swat teams went to the home where the suspect was barricaded, then left before making an arrest. they returned friday and the suspect fired up to 30 shots at an armored car. he eventually surrendered saturday morning. the police chief says he made the decision to pull officers from the scene, hoping it would de-escalate the situation. he said they were still running surveillance, though the man's wife is expected to make a full recovery. >> the red cross is helping after a fast moving fire in san francisco forced people out of their homes overnight. it broke out near grove street and masonic avenue. abc7 news reporter lena howland has the
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story. >> flames shooting out of both the second and third floor of a san francisco home. this is what neighbors in the panhandle woke up to just before 330 monday morning. >> the entire flames are coming out of both stories at the time. >> the fire so powerful it caused a partial floor collapse of the home and a desperate escape for two people living inside. >> one person jumped out of the building, unknown whether it was the second or third floor. at this time, moderate injuries and another person from that fire building as well with minor injuries escorted out of the building, nathan hall snyder, a neighbor two doors down, says he had less than a minute to grab what he could and evacuate with his roommate. >> we had previously lived in a wildfire zone for the south and peninsula, so we actually had all of our go bags ready to go. so i grabbed what i needed and left very quickly. >> fire officials say the home where the fire started is a total loss. two neighboring homes are damaged and seven
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people are displaced in vestigators say it appears some construction work was happening at the home that caught fire. it's unclear if it sparked the fire, but could have fueled the fast spreading flames. >> the studs are exposed when that fire happens in something like that, a fire travels very rapidly, more so than when you have insulation and sheetrock on the walls. so that may have caused the amount of fire to be present upon our arrival here. >> the red cross is assisting with those seven people displaced from this fire in san francisco. lena howland, abc seven news. >> police are sharing details today about last thursday's fatal collision involving a pedestrian. it happened just after 5:00 in the evening on northbound almaden expressway near camden avenue. a teenage driver in a toyota sedan hit an adult male crossing outside any marked crosswalks. >> this marks our city's 45th traffic fatality, 47th victim
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and 26th pedestrian victim compared to last year. we were at 59. traffic fatalities, 61 victims and 31 pedestrian victims. >> the teenage drivers stayed at the scene and cooperated with investigate. here's the san jose police department is out with its new strategic plan for 2024. the plan outlines the department's mission and goals. the department says it's dedicated to providing public safety through community partnerships and ensuring equity for all, adding it's, quote, committed to treating all of san jose's diverse community memrs,d respect will protecting their rights and providing equal protection under the law. >> santa clara county, as we reported at the time, barred leaded fuel at its regional airports because of threats to human health. >> now congress is aiming to reverse the ban. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey shows us how local leaders are fighting back against the looming decision.
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>> santa clara county banned leaded aviation fuel known as avgas due to its known threat to the environment and the community surrounding reid-hillview and other regional airports. but now a national decision may reverse the ban and neighbors say it puts our community at risk. >> this is a personal challenge for me or a very difficult topic. i would feel very disillusion if we if we if they were able to sell, if they forced us to sell leaded fuel because it would be like a huge step backwards. >> two bills in the house and senate would require avgas sales to be mandatory at all public airports. even at santa clara county airports, which stopped selling the harmful fuel as of january 2022. super visor cindy chavez aims to stop national lawmakers from reversing the county's work. >> i'm asking the santa clara county administration to continue working at the federal level to stop attempts of the federal government to make leaded fuel mandatory.
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>> to help do that, the referral from supervisor chavez calls for county staff to continue lobbying for unleaded fuel availability nationwide to create an easier pipeline and transition away from avgas. it would also push forward planning efforts for a reimagined read hillview site once the airport closes in 2031. >> we in this community will not go back. we do not want our children poisoned by lead our communities poisoned by lead. >> aviation expert walter geiger says pilots recognize that unleaded fuel is a better option for the environment and for planes. but until unleaded fuel is widely available and compatible with all aircrafts, he believes avgas must be sold. >> makes absolutely no sense to leave a number of airplanes stranded without the availability of leaded fuel and it's a small number agreed, but it just creates a lot of problems. >> the board of supervisors will vote on the referral tuesday in santa clara county. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. new
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details tonight on incidents involving guns brought on campus at san francisco's washington high school. >> the school district says two students brought weapons to school in separate incidents on friday, but the weapons were never taken out. both cases remain under investigation by san francisco police. meantime, police officers will once again be patrolling schools in santa rosa to help address an uptick in on campus violence there. the district says at least one officer will be on hand every day at each high school, at least for the next two weeks. officers will also check in at the middle school campuses in march. a student was stabbed and killed during a fight at montgomery high school. >> we have seen in the last few weeks some incidents that resonate with the march first tragedy that happened at montgomery high school. and so with that, it feels like it's getting worse. and for us, we need to do something now. the school board is set to discuss more permanent plans at its meeting on wednesday.
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>> an increase in thefts of atms, not just from the atms, but the machines themselves. bart is on the rise. how much more you could soon be paying. and from coffee shops to college campuses, the fight against anti semitism coming up at 430 on our abc seven news streaming platforms. >> i'm spencer christian looking at a mainly dry and mild week ahead but rain is not far away. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up when abc7 news at to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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stores to get the atm. i mean the whole machine. >> abc7 news reporter luz pena went to four local stations where atms themselves have been targeted. she's in the newsroom with the story. luis >> that's right. well, in many cases atms can have anywhere from 1000 to 10, $20,000 or more depending on the business. this is happening all across california, but in san francisco, police officers are reporting an uptick in the last month with at least four incidents as a wave of atm theft is hitting california and san francisco is seeing a spike this year, according to police. >> we've seen about 15 incidents where the thefts of automatic teller machines or atms have been stolen. >> the latest took place last
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week in the richmond district when thieves rammed a truck into the front entrance of a cvs store around 2:45 a.m. today. tire marks are still visible and the atm in pieces we are dealing with a certain amount of brazenness where a number of suspects are coordinated to steal these items in the mission district, we found at least three businesses with similar stories. >> as with the crowbar, they they broke the door and they took this machine faster from here. and in three minutes, actually in the camera, we have it in the camera, three minutes. and they wave to us. they look at the camera like this and they waved. yes. >> on the same block, the owners of k and h liquors off camera confirmed their atm was also stolen overnight. earlier this month across the street at randall's market, thieves tried but were not successful until about 4:00 in the morning. >> four guys tried to open the they broke into the gate. they had a black lexus parked in
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front of the store. and what happened is they got in the car and they ran. and i can see the police right across the street from them. and they just let them go. >> the atm secured association is tracking these incidents and confirmed california has more incidents than any other state, with more than 100 atm thefts reported. this year. >> local crime gangs who are operating within your area, within your state, we do see crime gangs coming in from mexico and also the largest organized crime groups are actually coming here before atm crimes from romania. >> business owners know the possibility of being targeted again is high, so they're adding more safety measures. >> so we had to change the gate and fix the front door. >> you also have an extra lock now. >> extra, extra lock. and also at night we put a chain on the bottom. so they have to go through like a chain to lock three locks. if they want to try again. >> and that store owner is now
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emptying his atm overnight night. and when it comes to prosecuting this crime, the atm security association is advocating for a federal law that would turn atm theft from a property crime into a felony in the newsroom, luz pena, abc seven news. >> lose one of the business owners in your report said that police saw the suspects and didn't chase after them. can you explain why? >> well, dan sfpd said that when it comes to property crime, there's a policy that prohibits them from pursuing suspects. police officers can chase after suspects if the crime is violent . but atm theft are not. he said criminals are well aware of this specific discrepancy. >> no doubt that they are. all right, luis, thanks very. >> bart fares are going up again starting january 1st. the average fare will increase by 5.5. that translates to about 25 to $0.50 extra depending on the length of your ride. fares were initially supposed to go up by 11% in january. instead that
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will happen in 2025. a beloved member of the abc7 news family, jack hanson, has passed away. >> it's been a fairly quiet day out here on the bay. >> it's getting a little wet now, heading back, but thanks to dan and to keith for taking us out. >> jack spent more than two decades of his long tv career here at channel seven. he started out as a weather caster where he became known for his trademark cartoons. there you see one of them there. great. jack recently stopped by and posed for this photo with our meteorologist drew tuma. jack also co hosted a san francisco for five years with nancy fleming. jack hansen was 91 years old and one of the school i never had a teacher. seven news family over the years. >> yeah, he won't be forgotten. all right. okay. let's take a look at the weather forecast. relatively calm compared to what's going on on the other side of the country, big time. >> spencer chris is tracking both coasts for us. >> i am indeed. i just want to add that i knew jack hansen. he we didn't work together, but he
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interviewed me a couple of times and i interviewed him a couple of times. and he was a talented broadcaster and a fine man. so i have pleasant memories of him. let's take a look at what's going on with our weather. here's our satellite radar composite image. and you can see we've got a ridge of high pressure. the dominant factor in our weather picture deflecting weather disturbances well to our north. but there are a few pockets of clouds moving in our direction. some of those clouds will reach the coast and the bay during the overnight hours. but right now, we've got clear skies and very calm wind, except for right along the coastline where we've got gusts at half moon bay up to. that's not 917mph, but up to about nine miles per hour at times, a little bit over ten from time to time and 12mph here in san francisco. otherwise wind speeds are under ten miles per hour, all across the region. now, we had a bit of a warm up today. the 24 hour temperature change shows most locations several degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. so that's that was a pleasant change for most of us who found the weekend just a little bit chilly. and
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right now, under mainly sunny skies, 57 degrees here in san francisco, 59 at oakland, hayward, 58, 63 at san jose. that's pretty mild. san jose, san mateo, rather, 59 and 57 at half moon bay. looking across the embarcadero, we'll see a few high clouds off in the distance, but skies are mainly blue. other temperature readings right now, 63 at santa rosa, petaluma down to 57. we've got 60 at napa and 62 at fairfield, concord and livermore. these are our forecast headlines. clouds will increase tonight along the coast and locally out over the bay and actually even through the delta out into the central valley tomorrow. look for some lingering morning fog giving way to afternoon sunshine and for the remainder of the week it'll be dry until the weekend arrives and then things will change a bit. here's a forecast animation starting at 6:00 this evening. notice how the clouds surge up to the coastline and across the bay and move out to the central valley. there'll be little pockets of drizzle just offshore. it's possible 1 or 2 of those pockets of drizzle
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could hit the land over land areas overnight. but we're looking at lots of clearing. by midday tomorrow and into tomorrow evening. overnight, low temperatures will be generally in the mid to upper 40s high temperatures tomorrow, upper 50s near the coast, low 60s right around the bay shoreline and low to mid 60s in our inland communities. and here's the accuweather seven day forecast. as i mentioned, it'll be a dry week ahead and relatively mild, especially friday, saturday and going into the weekend with high temperatures in the mid or even mid to upper 60s at times near the bay and around the end in our inland areas. but it becomes much cloudier over the weekend with a chance of rain on sunday and next sunday and monday. so we'll see as we get closer to the weekend what the probability is of rain next sunday and monday. okay. >> thanks, spencer. okay. >> all right. the niners are moving on up. abc seven sports director larry beil has details. next
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record, which is the same as the eagles. but the niners remember beat philadelphia. head to head two games ago. abc seven sports director larry beil is in the newsroom with a look at what's shaping up to be a nice road ahead for the red and gold. larry. >> dan, kristen, perhaps all the way to las vegas, site of the super bowl. but let's not get
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ahead of ourselves. the combination of the 49 ers beating the seahawks 28 to 16 and then philly in the night game, losing to dallas. that's moved the 49 ers into the one seed in the nfc with just four games to play and it feels like the rest of the nfl would grudgingly admit that if the niners stay healthy on this run, they have the best team in football. it's clear. brock purdy now completing 70% of his passes in seven straight games last night or to do that was a guy named joe and montana did it eight straight times that could happen next week for purdy he should be getting more respect in the mvp conversation but he is quick to credit others a part of a special group. >> you know, any one of our guys, any any one of our eligibles, man, you get the ball in their hands and then they can go do the rest. you know, break tackles, obviously have pull away breakaway speed. we got playmakers. >> he's the same guy every day. he's a silent assassin. but you know, competitive and yeah, he's growing, but he's also playing at such a high level all the time that, you know, if he just
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continues to be him, you know, we're in the right spot. we just got to continue to find ways to win no matter what. >> but we also got to make sure that we're correcting any mistakes that we're making out there. so we're we're able to continue to get better into, you know, obviously, the more important part of the season that we're in. >> next up for the niners, they're at arizona on sunday. then the big showdown game with the baltimore ravens. that is christmas night, a game we will have right here on abc seven. the ravens could be considered the best team in the afc, so that would be a possible super bowl preview. but again, we don't want to get too ahead of ourselves here. it's one game at a time because you lose one game and the eagles or cowboys surge ahead and then you don't have home field. so we'll see how it plays out. but the niners looking really good right now. the good news is they're playing great on all cylinders. >> let's see if they can keep it up. thanks larry, very much. >> okay. you've heard about the chicken, right? but now this video has us wondering why did the seal cross the road? are >> and a warning for the world's fresh water fish. many now in
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danger of extinction. we'll have details coming up later this hour on our abc seven streaming channel. stay tuned for that. but there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching. whatever i was doing now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe.
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small town in australia. >> and a great name, too. neil the seal is a bit of a ham giving a show in the street for the locals of dunalley in tasmania. from time to time the elephant seal wanders into the neighborhood near the shore. look at this thing. you can see in this video, he decided to strike a pose for the cameras. to everyone's delight. that's a big fella right there. he's massive. >> he needs to come and hang out in here. up here. 39 for a little bit. i'm kristen sze. if you're watching us on tv monday night football is next. >> and i'm dan ashley, abc seven news at four continues on our streaming apps including the abc seven website. get out your phone right now and scan the qr
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♪ "monday night countdo you know" continues and for those watching on abc, we welcome you to our program, a loo


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