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tv   America This Morning  ABC  December 12, 2023 4:30am-5:00am PST

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and it's correct. so she adds $801, taking her to 19,801 and punching her ticket to the semifinals. [applause] well done, jilana. you did very well, both of you. that was a fun game, and i hope we have another one for you tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning, a new court ruling in a closely watched abortion case. >> one woman's fight for an emergency abortion in texas. the ruling and what it could mean for the future when it comes to women's health.
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>> a stunning scene in new york. an entire section of an apartment building suddenly collapsing. brick metal and debris raining down onto the street below. new video of that terrifying moment and what search crews are now saying about the 12 foot tall pile of rubble. >> an extraordinary request with the special counsel investigating former president trump's alleged role in the january 6th attack is now asking the supreme court to do and the action the justices have already taken is google a monopoly? >> the epic verdict in one video game company's legal fight over google's app store caught on camera. >> a visitor surprises the skiers on the slopes. and later, the work zoom call during laundry time that did not go as planned. >> from abc news in new york, this is america this morning. >> good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm rhiannon ally. >> i'm andrew dymburt. we begin with a new ruling in a closely
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watched abortion case in texas. the state supreme court issued its ruling last night. >> the court also looked ahead to the future. and this morning, a new twist in a texas woman's legal battle to get an abortion in her home state. the texas supreme court last night ruled against kate cox after she sought an emergency medical exception to the state's abortion ban. >> it's unimaginable what she has been through over the last week. >> the unanimous ruling came hours after lawyers for cox said she had left the state to obtain the procedure due to the ongoing deterioration of her health. >> it was in and out of the hospital multiple times over the last month. >> doctors say her 20 week fetus has a severe abnormality and little chance of survival and they say continuing the pregnancy could put her health at risk, possibly preventing her from getting pregnant ever again. texas now bans abortions outright, with one exception to prevent major bodily harm or save the life of the mother. a lower court judge last week sided with cox, granting her
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permission to get an abortion. >> i am going to grant the temporary restraining order, but a day later, the texas supreme court temporarily halted that ruling in response to an appeal by texas attorney general ken paxton, who said the fatal fetal condition does not meet the medical exception. >> cox's attorneys say the decision left her with no choice but to seek medical care in another state. but she still wanted to pursue the legal case in texas. >> what happened to kate is happening just so many other patients across the country, 20 different women that i represent in texas have gone through similar devastating situations. and so we are still hoping that the texas supreme court, which is currently considering an appeal on that case, will bring some clarity and some rationality to the law here in texas, despite ruling against cox last night, the texas supreme court called on the state's medical board to provide more guidance on the medical
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emergency exception. >> breaking overnight, a commercial ship has been attacked in the middle east. a us official says the tanker in the red sea flying the norwegian flag was hit by a cruise missile fired by rebels in yemen supported by iran. the missile caused some damage but no injuries. militants have been targeting ships in a show of support for hamas's war against israel. meanwhile, the israeli military says it's on the verge of dismantling hamas surrounding three of the group's strongholds in gaza. but the humanitarian crisis is deepening with both palestinian families facing a severe shortage of food. one group was seen scrambling to scoop up supplies in the street as aid slowly trickles in. >> a dramatic scene in new york city, an apartment building partially collapsing just before dinner time last night. and the terrifying moment was caught on camera. here's abc's derrick dennis. >> overnight some relief after hours of delicate digging at the scene of this partial building collapse in new york. crews
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announcing they found no bodies in the rubble removed. markable considering the seven story apartment building in the bronx gave way late in the afternoon with a deli occupying the bottom floor like i just saw everything come down at once and all i saw was everybody just piling up those cars everywhere. >> i was just confused. i couldn't see nothing. >> my eyes were hurting because the stand was going to my eyes like it was like i was not really seeing nothing. but it was really bad upstairs, this bedroom left, exposed, used residents belongings left dangling between floors and down below a 12 foot tall pile of bricks, metal wood and debris. >> i got home from work and look what i encountered. >> i don't know. first, i'm an immigrant, and as soon as i overcome one challenge, here comes another. this cell phone video shows the moment of the collapse. a pedestrian walking one moment, then dust and debris behind him, the next emerging. crews used dogs and this drone to search for possible victims,
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but everyone got out in time. the investigation is already uncovered. seven building violations, none structural. but a report filed with the city back in 2021 showed serious issues. >> that report did find unsafe facade conditions. seven of them mortar that was deteriorating, cracked bricks. >> at least 100 residents now have to find somewhere else to live. two people suffered minor injuries as work was being done on the building just a few days ago. it's unclear if that played a role. also not clear whether heavy rain and wind over the weekend were a factor. rhiannon, andrew, derek, thank you. >> ukrainian president zelensky is visiting the white house and congress today, pleading for more us funding for ukraine's war against russia. but republicans say they will not agree to more funding unless democrats agree to improve security along the us southern border, which is seeing a new influx of migrants. >> well, mr. president, when it comes to keeping america safe, border security is not a
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sideshow. it's ground zero. we cannot convince anyone who doesn't want to acknowledge the glaring facts on the ground. the senate has to act. lawmakers do not expect a breakthrough in talks before their holiday break, meaning any deal could come next month at the earliest. >> well, it's being called an extraordinary request. the special counsel investigating former president trump's alleged role in the january sixth attack is now asking the supreme court to decide whether trump has immunity. at issue is whether a president is immune from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. abc's justin finch has more on the special counsel's request. justin, good morning. >> good morning. >> rhiannon special counsel jack smith is trying to keep the election interference case against trump on schedule to make sure the trial begins before next year's election. this morning, special counsel jack smith is asking the supreme court to quickly rule on former president trump's claim that he
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has immunity from prosecution of anything he did while in office, particularly his role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. >> a lower court already rejects trump's claim of absolute immunity, but trump appealed and the appeal process could delay the trial past the 2024 election. in response, smith is now turning to the supreme court in a rare move by bypassing the appeals court such a request for quick consideration and quick ruling on such a major issue is highly unusual. >> but it is not without precedent. it back during the watergate era, of course, the court ruled and ruled in a very much expedited manner that president nixon could not use executive privilege to keep congress from getting access to his oval office tapes. >> in a separate filing, smith's office says at the trial it plans to call three experts who reviewed data from trump's phone data that includes periods of
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time when trump's twitter app was open during the january 6th attack, suggesting smith's team will try to show trump's role in communicating with the rioters. the trump campaign accuses smith of trying to interfere in the 2024 election. trump is the clear front runner for the republican nomination, and new polls show him leading president biden in a hypothetical matchup in two key battlegrounds. the cnn poll in michigan finds trump holding a ten point lead over biden. and in georgia, trump holds a five point lead. both states were won by biden in 2020. the supreme court has given trump's legal team until next wednesday to respond to jack smith's request on that immunity claim. andrew. >> all right, justin, thank you. now to a risky rescue in central california. a hiker was trapped in the inyo mountains for seven hours. his leg was caught under a boulder, but rescue crews were able to set up a pulley system
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to free him. he was taken by chopper to the hospital. crews say the boulder trapping his leg weighed between 3 and 5 tons. >> it is time now for a look at your tuesday weather. we begin with a look at the radar. more lake effect snow is expected in western new york tonight into tomorrow. also later today, rain develops in western texas. the big story this morning is the cold blast being felt across the eastern us with wind chills in the 20 is even in the deep south. a frost advisory extends down into northern florida and checking today's high temperatures, warming up to 55 later in atlanta, chilly in the midwest, 70s for california and the southwest, 64 in dallas, 28. minnesota. on camera. the small dog running down a busy highway in the middle of traffic. >> also ahead is google a monopoly? the verdict in a legal
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battle over its app store and what it could mean for consumers . >> and later, the new details that make baseball star shohei ohtani's record $700 million contract even more
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>> don't miss wonka week. >> we're back with a small dog in the middle of a big highway, this runaway chihuahua named bean was dodging traffic on the staten island expressway in new york. drivers joined together to keep the dog safe. they slowed down and formed a sort of barrier there. bean was eventually caught and reunited with his owner. >> oh, so glad to see that there are some tough times in the toy industry right now. hasbro is cutting 1100 jobs. that is about 20% of its workforce on top of the 800 jobs that already cut this year, toy makers have struggled with weak sales since the pandemic. now to the verdict in a case over whether google
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operates a monopoly on its smartphone platform game. >> in its app store, the epic decision could have major consequences for us consumers. this morning, a federal jury has found google guilty of violating antitrust laws on its android operating system. >> this decision is the first major courtroom victory for regulators was and, you know, sort of rivals that have been complaining for years that apple, google, microsoft, other big tech companies are illegal monopolists. >> the case was brought by video game maker epic games, which sued google in 2020 after the tech giant delist added epic's hit game fortnite from its app store, google play. google removed the game because it allowed players to make in-app purchases directly from epic, bypassing the fee. google typically charges. but a jury yesterday sided with epic on all counts. >> the jury found that google broke antitrust laws by restricting the ability of app developers, wireless carriers
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and device makers to freely promote alternatives to google play and to google's billing tools. >> epic ceo writing victory over google and free fortnite. in the coming months, a judge will decide whether to order changes to google's business practices, which could mean big changes for the app store used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. >> one of the big things that could come about here for users is more options in terms of apps at lower prices. >> but google is vowing to appeal the verdict, saying the trial made clear that we compete fiercely with apple and its app store, as well as app stores on android devices and gaming consoles. epic previously lost a similar legal fight against apple concerning apps on the iphone due to different business structures. as for google, the justice department and dozens of states are also suing the company, claiming it maintains a monopoly in search and advertising. that case could be decided next year. >> youtube is the most popular social media site for teens, with a new survey finding 93% use the site regularly. 1 in 5 teens say they're on youtube and tiktok almost constantly, their
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use of snapchat and instagram hovered around 60. over all, there has been no major change from time spent on social media from last year. >> coming up, two nail biters on monday night football. >> but first, mistaking a heart attack for the flu. one woman in her 40s is sharing her story. it's an important reminder f all of us switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days,
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killing 18 people. >> they will now test the brain of 40 year old robert cod for signs of cte. researchers want to determine whether the brain disease, if he had it, could be linked to his military service. the medical examiner's office says cod's training with grenades may have taken a toll with repeated trauma. investigators say cod appeared to suffer from mental decline before his deadly rampage in october. with the holiday season here, your risk of suffering, a heart attack goes up. >> and now one woman is sharing her story about what not to do when your body is trying to tell you something. >> i thought i was coming down with the flu or the upper respiratory infection or something. >> an oklahoma mother is sharing her story after mistaking a massive heart attack for the flu, jenna tanner starred did feeling pains in her chest, but shrugged them off. the 48 year old's husband and kids had recently recovered from covid and the flu. >> it came and went. it was about mid afternoon every day. um, i would feel a pinch and i
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would get out of breath a little bit. >> things took a turn for the worse. two days later, jenna fainted and immediately knew it was a heart attack. >> my whole body tensed up and, um, my eyes flew open and i immediately started throwing up after lying on the floor for more than an hour, she was able to crawl to a phone and call her husband and was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. >> heart disease is the number one killer of women in the us and experts say women are more likely to ignore and downplay symptoms which can include shortness of breath, nausea and back or jaw pain. >> women can typically present with symptoms unrelated to chest pain. that's one of the reasons why they get downplayed, mainly because it doesn't feel typically like what you think a heart attack would feel like. >> the american heart association says heaac increase% during the holidays. >> two nail biters on monday night football. first, the titans were trailing the dolphins by 14, but they rallied back, scoring two touchdowns and
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a two point conversion in the final three minutes of the game. the upset miami 28 to 27 and the legend of quarterback tommy devito. tommy cutlets is growing after he led the giants on a late game winning drive against the packers last night. a 37 yard field goal as time expired gave the giants a 24 to 22 win to nail biters. >> coming up, a surprise on the ski slope. >> plus, the unexpected show >> plus, the unexpected show during a work zoom call sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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let's try the tissue test. ooof, still yellow. whitening toothpaste can only do so much. there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3d whitestrips white. so much whiter! crest. on good morning america. time to check the pulse. >> we begin with a bear on the slopes. yeah, furry edition to california's ski season. >> check out this video. this is from lake tahoe, a bear goes racing past skiers. the man who shot the video says he's lucky he didn't get hit. lake tahoe has one of the largest
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concentrations of black bears on the continent. next new details about the historic $700 million contract in baseball. >> shohei ohtani signed a ten year deal with the dodgers, but now espn reports ohtani will earn just $2 million a year for the next decade. that's because he's deferring most of his pay until after 2034, so the dodgers can keep paying other stars on the team beginning in 2034. ohtani will start getting 68 million a year with interest for ten years. not a bad deal. i take it. next one, tough hockey broadcaster rob rays, a former player and a current announcer for the buffalo sabers during the game last night, a puck hit ray right between the eyes. >> things got bloody, but the show must go on, ray said. all good. wipe the blood off with a towel placed a bandage between his eyes. there he is and kept on going. a true professional. next, a lawmaker in wisconsin who showed a little too much of himself. >> milwaukee county supervisor peter vogels was doing laundry during a zoom call. he thought his camera was turned off, but
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instead he appeared shirtless. he joked about it during a later hearing. >> global warming is a is real and as time goes on, we're going to have more and more shirtless people in milwaukee county. but i do appreciate the efforts on this item. >> he plans to be shirtless again. he's going to be at milwaukee's annual polar plunge in lake michigan. finally, the seal that really knows how to strike a pose meat meal, the seal he waddled onto this road in australia. >> arches back and put on a show for the locals. i think he was for the locals. i think he was just crossing the road to get ugh, this guy again... pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best.
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ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. variable. it's causing an east bay city to hold an emergency meeting tonight. neighbors are upset over the stench stinking up richmond and then calling on the supreme court. >> the lands highest court now tasked with seeing it. the former president has immunity for january sixth and the end of an era. >> renovations are set to get underway very soon at the castro theater. when you're going to be able to catch your last show before the iconic building closes for at t


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