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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 12, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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posing for all kinds of photos in tasmania, australia. there's a beach near this road and so neighbors say neil likes to come out sometimes and check things out. >> now, i found out something about those people. >> okay. >> they're breaking the rule. you're supposed to be ten meters from neil. the seal. that's 30ft to you. and me. rest of the world. >> they did kind of start to walk away as he got a little too close. yeah. >> people have been abusing neil. the seal was also. that's why they had to have that ten meter rule. they've been throwing things at him, taunting him, trying to pet him. well we know that doesn't end well. >> no, neil, the seal needs to smack him down just like good morning america. a frigid cold blast for millions. winter is coming. >> oh my god. >> big chill, as tennessee cleans up after the tornado
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outbreak in freezing temperatures, some still with no power. this morning more details on the destruction after one twister was on the ground for 43 miles. sam champion is here tracking it all. abortion ban battle. the texas supreme court ruling in the case of the woman seeking an emergency abortion after her lawyers say she already left the state to get the procedure. new developments in the trump election interference case. the supreme court responds after the special counsel asked for an expedited ruling on whether the former president has absolute immunity from prosecution. pentagon leak fallout. more than a dozen air force members disciplined in the case of the air national guardsman accused of posting national security secrets online. new details in the murder of the texas high school cheerleader. what investigators are now revealing about the case. toy maker hasbro slashing nearly 20% of its work force. why the maker of transformers
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and play-doh is cutting jobs in the middle of the holiday shopping season. real estate reality check. with mortgage rates dropping, is now the time to buy? shark tank star barbara corcoran answers your questions. ♪ >> barbenheimer blitz leading the golden globe nominations. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ >> and will it be kenough for the road to the oscars? monday night mayhem in new york. and this titan of a come back. and we're dancing our way into one of the biggest surprises in morning tv history celebrating the wonderful health care heroes who go above and beyond to help others thrive. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> this is good morning america. we cannot wait to bring you that very special surprise right here in times square. it is huge. >> we also have a lot of news to
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get to including the big ruling in the texas abortion case. we'll have more on that in a few moments. but we begin with the big chill settling into parts of our country. millions are waking up this morning to a cold blast as the south cleans up after the tornado outbreak. sam champion, who's in for ginger, is here now. good morning, sam. >> good morning, michael. we do think about spring as being big tornado time. these december tornados, another big time for us. they were horrible in tennessee. we have brand new information on them. let's show you that damage. it was an ef-3 tornado, 150 mile per hour winds. now we know it was on the ground for 43 miles and an hour on the ground. when you normally think about the time a tornado spends on the ground, they touch down and pull up. it's anywhere from 3, 7, 13, 15 minutes on the ground. this was on the ground for an hour. the other thing is, it's just that kind of damage just brutal to take particularly this time of year. once that moisture moves to the eastern seaboard, started with some heavy rain in virginia then
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went to snow. 6 inches of snow in some parts of western virginia. lot of people in new england are going, hey, how come i didn't get any snow out of that? we've got below zero wind chills in parts of minnesota. we know that. look down into the deep south with a frosty temperature down in the gulf. in this, this is a dry pattern of cold air. if it seems colder than normal to you, we're not getting snow out of this. but in raleigh where normal is 35 and we're in the 20s, it is colder than normal. robin? >> okay, sam. we'll get more from you in a bit. right now we're going to turn to the abortion battle in texas. the state supreme court last night ruled against the pregnant woman who sought an emergency medical exception to the state's abortion ban. but her lawyers said she already left the state to get the procedure. rachel scott has the latest for us. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning. kate cox is the texas woman at the center of that unprecedented case, suing the state for an emergency abortion. her attorney said it became clear that if she wanted the
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procedure, she had no other choice but to leave texas. hours later the state supreme court proved her right. cox is more than 20 weeks pregnant. doctors told her her fetus has little chance of survival. her doctors warn the longer she continued her pregnancy, the more her health would be at risk. texas bans abortions outright except to save the life of the mother. but the state supreme court ruled some difficulties in pregnancy, even serious one, do not qualify. kate cox's lawyer calling the decision unacceptable, saying all of this poses a very serious question. who is making health care decisions for pregnant women in this country? judges and politicians, or doctors? we could see more legal challenges emerge. days ago a woman in kentucky is suing her state over the abortion ban there. now to the trump interference case. jack smith asked for an expedited ruling on whether the president is immune from prosecution. court quickly agreed to consider
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the case. jon karl is at the court. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. overnight, the supreme court has agreed to special counsel jack smith's request that they quickly review and rule on whether or not donald trump has absolute immunity from prosecution for anything he did while president. a lower court rejected trump's claim of, quote, absolute immunity writing, quote, being president does not confer a lifelong get out of jail free pass. but trump appealed that. the appeals process could delay the trial, possibly putting it past the 2024 election. in a rare move jack smith turned directly to the supreme court saying, quote, the united states recognizes this is an extraordinary request adding, this is an extraordinary case. smith also says the case is central to american democracy writing, a cornerstone of our constitutional order is that no person is above the law. in a separate filing overnight, smith's office says at the
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trial, it plans to call an expert witness who has reviewed data from trump's phone, data that includes periods of time when trump's twitter app was open during the january 6th attack suggesting smith's team will show how the rioters were responding to trump's tweets. in response to the filing, trump's campaign is again accusing smith of trying to interfere in the 2024 election. trump is the clear front runner for the republican nomination and more new polls show him leading president biden in a hypothetical matchup in key battleground states. the supreme court has given donald trump and his legal team until wednesday of next week to respond to jack smith's request for an expedited review of his claim that he has absolute immunity. michael? >> i'm sure you'll be covering that for us, jon. thank you very much. thank you very much. now to ukraine's president zelenskyy in washington set to meet with president biden and lawmakers on capitol hill to push for an aid package that's
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currently stalled in congress. chief white house correspondent mary bruce has the latest. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. while president zelenskyy is here to make an urgent last ditch plea for more aid. he will argue this is life for death for his country. but republicans have no intention of backing off their demands. they are adamant they are not going to pass additional funding for the fight in ukraine without major changes to u.s. immigration policy. some republicans even opposed to any additional aid at all. the white house has been blunt. they are running out of time here. they say the u.s. funds for ukraine's defense will run out at the end of the year. the white house is warning there is a real risk that they could lose this war. that, they say, could have dire consequences for u.s. national security and our international interests. right now there is no clear way out of it. it is not clear what is going to satisfy republicans' demands or just how far president biden is willing to go to compromise. there is not a lot of time left here.
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congress is set to head out of town at the end of the week for the holiday recess. robin? >> so much uncertainty. thank you. now to the war between israel and hamas. the united nations general assembly holding an emergency session on the growing humanitarian crisis as israeli forces bombard southern gaza with air strikes and artillery fire. our foreign correspondent james long is in israel with more. good morning, james. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, robin. israel's come under huge international pressure to help ease the humanitarian situation in gaza. they've come up with a new system for screening aid before it goes in, hoping to speed up the process, perhaps double the amount of aid that gets in. even doubling it likely won't be enough for long term needs for the people of gaza. they're desperate for anything that might keep them alive, and this morning after weeks of pressure, israel is opening its second crossing to speed up aid delivery to gaza, aiming to double humanitarian shipments.
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heavy fighting, getting help to people who need it is still a major challenge. washa is among the nearly 2 million homeless, living in a tent city in the south, fleeing his home with his wife and four sons. he may have no home to go back to. >> we have no information about our houses. everything is destroyed. >> reporter: the idf fighting street by street in the south, saying they've arrested 500 hamas militants in the last month. while idf forces hunt for a hamas leader the former head of israeli military intelligence is sure he's there. is there anything to say he's still in gaza? >> no doubt. >> reporter: no doubt? >> no doubt. and no doubt that we will find him or our bombs will find him. >> reporter: how can you be so sure that he's there? >> good intelligence. >> reporter: the video from the idf showing the first logistical air drop parachuting supplies to people in the city. new video showing detained
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palestinians appearing to surrender weapons to israeli forces in northern gaza. the idf had no comment on this video or the identities of those shown. officials in governments across the middle east, according to images, degrading. u.s. officials are looking into the incident. >> we found the images deeply disturbing and we are seeking more information. >> reporter: now we're hearing from a woman who she, and her three children were released during the cease fire but her husband david is still one of the 137 captive. >> they need to come back now. you have to do everything you can to bring them back now. >> reporter: and new numbers on the israeli casualties. the idf said 105 israeli soldiers have been killed. of those, 13 have died in friendly fire incidents. goes to show you dangerous the fighting has become especially, of course, for civilians who are caught in the cross fire. >> thank you very much. now to the latest legal trouble for rudy giuliani.
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he's facing millions in damages for defaming two georgia election workers. he's already been found liable in the case. now a jury will decide how much money he has to pay the two women. senior national correspondent terry moran is at the court in washington. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. this is a case about the price of spreading falsehoods after the 2020 election, rudy giuliani made all kinds of mild allegations trying to help donald trump overturn the election, including accusing those two election workers in georgia, a mom and her daughter. but years of state and federal investigation proved those allegations are false, and now they are here in federal court trying to make giuliani pay. this morning rudy giuliani is back in court face to face with the two georgia election workers whose lives were nearly ruined by his repeated falsehoods and conspiracy theories about them after the 2020 election. giuliani telling me after court yesterday he stands by all of it. do you regret what you did to
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ruby? >> no, i don't regret. i told the truth. they were engaged in changing votes. >> reporter: there's no proof of that. >> you're damn right there is. stay tuned. >> reporter: ruby freeman and her daughter served as election workers in georgia in 2020. but when donald trump claimed baselessly the vote count was rigged, giuliani accused them of bringing in suit cases stuffed with fake biden votes. >> i really felt someone would tell him like, no, sir, you don't know what you're talking about. >> i just got so mad. >> reporter: giuliani has already conceded in court that he made false statements about the mother and daughter, but he argues he had a constitutional right to do so. but the judge in this case has already ruled against him, finding that giuliani did defame ruby freeman and shay moss. now a jury will decide just how much giuliani must pay. in his opening statement, the lawyer for the women played voice males filled with racist slurs and threats of violence,
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and told a jury how strangers came to their homes, some attempting to make citizens arrests. last year shay moss told me what this has all been like for them. >> people saying i should be hung. me and my mom will die. you know, like, burning crosses. like a slap in the face. just very hateful things. >> reporter: hateful and false. ruby freeman and shay moss are asking for $43 million in damages. giuliani's lawyer argued to the jury yesterday that much money would be, quote, the civil equivalent of the death penalty. michael? >> terry, thank you very much for that. now to new fallout in the case of the air national guardsman arrested in april for allegedly leaking highly classified materials online. the air force now arrested 15 air men for failing to stop him. aaron katersky is here with more this morning. good morning, aaron.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. the leak of hundreds of classified defense documents on a gaming platform stunned the pentagon. now an investigation finds the air force missed several chances to stop it. this morning 15 air force members have been removed from their positions in the 102nd intelligence wing where massachusetts international guards man jack teixeira siphoned secrets from computers and posted them on discord. air force investigators say members of the group failed to po officials might overreact. had any of these members come forward and alerted the appropriate authorities, they might have reduced the length and depth of the unauthorized and unlawful disclosures. >> what the report shows is a failure of leadership by the air national guard. everything from implementing basic security controls all the way to not questioning an air
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man who four times was caught trying to access material he had no business seeing. >> reporter: in august of 2022, he was observed viewing intelligence content, but it was not documented in writing. a month later a unit member noticed teixeira reviewing products and saw him writing information on a post-it note but it was not reported to a proper security official. >> to put it in context, this airman was the it guy. he had no business being in areas where super sensitive kinds of intelligence were being disseminated. he had no business wanting to look at it or seeing any of this intelligence. >> reporter: teixeira has pleaded not guilty to violating the espionage act. the air force is trying to limit access to classified material to those who actually need to see it, and make sure violations are properly flagged, something, guy, that did not happen here. >> all right, aaron. thank you for your reporting. we're going to turn now to a big swing for baseball's biggest deal. will reeve is here to break down an mvp super star.
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deferring $68 million of his nearly $70 million? >> a year. >> a year. >> 680, yeah. all in all. it's not hyperbolie to say he is the new babe ruth. he's one of the best and most feared hitters and pitchers in the game. two time mvp. he won the award unanimously last year. as he hit free agency, the baseball world knew his contract would obliterate records like he does the baseball. how's $700 million over ten years? sounds good to me, too, and to the l.a. dodgers. they were willing to pay for his unique service. it's a unique deal. robin mentioned the deferral. for ten years as a dodger, ohtani will make $10 million a year in salary. just for him. the remaining $680 million on the contract kicks in in 2023. ohtani will be turning 40 then. pretty ancient for a baseball player but the dodgers will owe him $68 million a year for ten years after that.
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reportedly, that big deferral was his idea so the dodgers would have enough money to play on other players to stay competitive, which shouldn't be a problem. they've already got a few future hall of famers. ohtani is a dodger in a historic deal. for context, his deal is nearly $275 million more than the previous record breaking contract which belonged to his former teammate, mike trout. >> so he can afford to live on just $2 million a year. because he make, what, $50 million a year in endorsements? [ laughter ] >> still. still. >> good for him. he must be worth it if they're paying. >> he does things no one else can do on the baseball field. >> thank you, will. >> you got it. >> coming up, with rates steadily falling, barbara corcoran is talking housing and if it's time to buy. plus we hear from a woman who thought she had the flu but it was a heart attack. she's sharing her message for
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women. >> barbie and oppenheimer with the most oscar nominations. but first sam? >> so much of the country is starting nice and bright like chicago land yesterday and today. but look how dry we are. this is a cold pocket of air, but it is a dry pocket of air. we'll talk about the snow in the rockies. down in the deep south when we come back. here's what you can expect this morning. ct this morning.
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>> stay there. we'll be right back. you really think you can get me to like dark chocolate? without a doubt. won't it taste bitter? not this dark chocolate. (♪) now what? we wait. (♪) i can't... mmmm... it's delicious! mhmm. i told you it wasn't bitter. (laughing) from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious. at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ] discover excellence.
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android app store illegal gouged users and stifled innovation in epic games. the makers of the popular video game fortnite filed the lawsuit. it alleged google's requirement that purchases purchase be made through the play store and not third parties created a monopoly . google argued it needed the policy to ensure secure payments and compete with apple's app store. the new ruling could lead to changes in the way android users pay for content. let's see what the roads look like. hi, gloria. >> good morning, reggie. yeah, right now we're getting a live look outside on our camera here in emeryville. and you can see traffic is a little slow right now there. and of course, there is a fog advisory on the bay bridge and golden gate bridge this morning. keep in mind, it is foggy. so make sure that you give yourself a little bit of extra time today on the roads. >> we're going to check
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outside with a live look from our abc7 oakland airport camera. >> you can see we have overcast skies. it's a bit damp underneath our marine layer, but we do not have any delays at our area airports this morning. but we are dealing with some thick fog. look at livermore, napa, we're down to a quarter of a mile, zero miles in novato, less than a mile in concord. so we do have a dense fog advisory officially for the valleys of the north bay. this until 11 a.m. so the cloud cover is lingering for much of the morning. the afternoon, though, it is a lot brighter and mild in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. >> reggie, thank you. drew. if you're streaming us on the abc7 bay area app, abc7 at seven continues everybody else is watching. good morning america. kind of needs to be more squiggly. >> perfect. so now do you have a driver's license? >> oh. what did you get us with
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>> back here on gma. yes, ryan gosling with "i'm just ken." of course from barbie. the song is nominated for a golden globe. the movie is leading the pack this year. we're going to have much more on the globes and barbie's road to the oscars. that's coming up. >> i laugh every time i hear that. following a lot of headlines including the freezing temperatures in the south as they cleanup after the tornado outbreak. some people are still without power. one of the tornados in clarksville, tennessee, was on the ground for 43 miles. also in prison a russian opposition leader appears to be missing. his lawyers say he is no longer in the prison camp where he was being held. navalny is serving time for a conviction people say was politically motivated. >> amid anti-semitism allegations on college campuses and the testimony of college
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presidents on capitol hill, apparently harvard president claudine gay will apparently remain in office. that's according to the harvard crimson. also right now major toy company hasbro is cutting nearly 20% of its work force at the peak of the critical holiday shopping season. hasbro said it will cut 1,100 jobs which is one-fifth of its work force and this on top of 800 job cuts earlier this year. and some are calling it the luckiest town in america. in encino, california, a single gas station sold two megamillion winning tickets for friday night's $395 million drawing. but the odds are absolutely crazy. the gas station owner said he's already seen a big increase in customers. i wonder why? sell the winning ticket, everybody's going to show up. we've got a lot more ahead including -- there she is. barbara corcoran with a real estate reality check, with mortgage rates dropping. that is coming up. right now we're going to turn to new details in the murder of a high school
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cheerleader. police revealed that lizbeth medina was stabbed to death. a suspect is in custody but investigators now searching for motive. stephanie ramos has the story. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: good morning, george. lizbeth medina's family said they did not know the suspect. the teen was set to perform with her cheerleading squad at a christmas parade. when her mother didn't see her there that's when she rushed home and found her unresponsive. this morning, as a texas community grapples with the death of 16-year-old cheerleader lizbeth medina, officials are releasing details about her murder. >> the loss of lizbeth rocked all of us. the school, all of us at the school and everyone in the community. >> reporter: authorities telling our station the high school student was stabbed to death. the teen found in her home on tuesday. edna police releasing photos of a person wearing a black hooded sweat shirt and vehicle of interest in connection with the case before arresting 23-year-old raphael romero, an undocumented male who was in the
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u.s. with an expired visa. investigators saying they were tipped off to romero's where abouts. he was arrested at his home saturday night an hour away from where medina was killed. police also say they found items in his car linking him to the murder, but have not yet identified a motive and are unclear if the two knew each other or whether this was a random act of violence. >> we're going to have to show that he had, in his mind at least, some sort of relationship with her. the police have to put him in that apartment and link him in some way through genetics, through fingerprints, through cameras, all of the above to make a case against him. >> reporter: bail for romero has been set to $2 million. the medina family exclusively telling abc news they want romero to stay behind bars and not post bail. as for lizbeth, her family said she had aspirations and dreams that were sadly cut too short. >> very sadly. all right, stephanie.
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now to your money and a real estate reality check with mortgage rates starting to go down. so is it a good time to buy? what about renting? barbara corcoran with "shark tank" will guide us through. >> okay. >> mortgage rates are still at a 20-year high. though they are coming down. they have been consistently the last few weeks. so what do you say? is it the time to buy? >> it's a good time to buy, but i always say that so you probably don't believe me much. but things aren't going to get any better for home buyers. interest rates continue to come down, as they will, prices will go up. if you're going to wait awhile and buy something a year from now, six months from now when prices hit 7%, the whole world will be competing with you. you'll be paying more for your home. >> we have a question from a first time home buyer. krista. how is it even possible for a young couple to buy their first home in this market?
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are we better off waiting it >> well, starter homes are the worst part. hardest thing to buy a new home if you're just getting started. waiting it out doesn't make any sense. what you should do, find yourself a great realtor. there's always a deal to be had. there's always a deal to be had, no exceptions to that rule. on top of that, you have to get prequalified for your mortgage. you go in as an all cash buyer, you're on equal footing with everybody else. if you have financing already set from the bank. >> you say rates will continue to come down. how low? >> nobody knows. do you want me to take a guess? some people are saying 6%. 6% is a problem because prices will go up. >> how about selling? if you do sell, is there any way you can keep your mortgage rate when you buy the new home? >> i'd like to figure that out. no. and that's what's wrong with the market. everybody is stalled. nobody wants to sell. >> what's more important when you're buying a house, the price or mortgage rate? >> neither. the monthly payment is everything. people want to know what can i
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afford this month? that's all that counts. interest rates and prices have a way of coming together and making that happen. >> how about the renting side, where do you see rates going on that? >> rents have been great for a year. they've only gone up a tiny bit. next year no one is expecting them to go up at all. it's a good time to rent. i always say, you gotta get in the game. you gotta buy something so you have something to trade up as you move up the ladder. >> got to be in it to win it. >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. we talked about the fed meeting this week. what impact do you think it could have on the mortgage? >> it's not going to have any. nobody is expecting them to do anything until middle of next year when rates will come down slower than you think. it's good to remember interest rates are not high. the average in the last 50 years in america has been higher, 7.78%. we're lower than that now. so everybody is dreaming about 2% and 3% interest rates. that's never going to happen. you've got to appreciate that if you buy now, it's to your advantage.
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it is. >> i think we got spoiled with the 2% and 3%. here's another question from instagram. i'm ready to move. is it smarter to sell my house and buy a new one or rent out my current home and buy a new home? >> if they paid off their mortgage, you're better off holding on to the house and buying a second home because it becomes a cash machine going forward. you get investment property that the tenant is paying for and buy a new home by putting a second mortgage on your house. >> just to underscore, you think as rates keep coming down, housing prices are going to go up? >> undeniably. they always do. as rates go down, prices go up. it's the rule of the land. the fed's in charge of the real estate market. nobody else is. >> all right. we appreciate you. thank you very much, barbara. >> we appreciate you. coming up, will barbenhimer take over hollywood's award season? lara breaks down the nominations next. lara breaks down the nominations next. tions next. this holiday season on apple tv+.
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my husband is an amazing dad. i just wish our lives were... ...bigger. ♪ ice ice baby ♪ dan: there's something i need to tell you. jess: you have been acting so weird. [gunshots] [gasps] i can explain. ♪ upbeat music ♪ dan: i was a covert assassin, i escaped that life and now they found us. (laughing) [gunshots] the family plan. streaming soon on apple tv+. rated pg-13.
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>> michael: we're back now we're back with the golden globe nominations. barbie and oppenheimer led the way. lara is here with the story. >> it is a big story. it was this summer. >> i'm going to share my sheet with you. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> there you go. >> i love you, michael strahan. have i said that lately? what a big story. it was the summer of barbenheimer. now we could be looking at
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barbenheimer the sequel. both of these movies looking very strong as we head into the awards season. >> hi, barbie. >> hi, barbie. >> reporter: this morning the billion dollar box office phenomenon known as barbenheimer kicking off award season with a bang. >> the world will remember this day. >> reporter: barbie leading the pack with nine nominations, including best comedy or musical and greta gerwig recognized for directing and writing. ♪ margot robbie getting a nod for female actor in a comedy or musical. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ and ryan gosling for his supporting role as ken. >> our work will ensure peace that mankind has never seen. >> reporter: oppenheimer earning best drama, christopher nolan earning nods for writing and directing. and killian murphy for lead
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actor in a drama. so could this prove to be the battle going into this year's oscars? >> i think that everyone pretty much is walking into awards season with the idea that oppenheimer and barbie will lead nominations. >> reporter: but before the oscars, both barbie and oppenheimer will duke it out in a new category, cinematic and box office achievement which gives fan favorites a chance to be recognized. taylor swift also getting a nod in this new category for the eras tour concert film which is already the highest grossing concert film of all time. >> should taylor swift take a break from her international tour and find her way at the golden globes ceremony, you bet your bottom dollar everybody will tune in to catch a glimpse of taylor swift. >> reporter: several other a-listers earning nods like leo dicaprio for "killers of the flower moon." emma stone for "poor thing." bradley cooper for "maestro." >> i love you. but you are not serious people.
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>> reporter: in television "succession" earning the most nominations, nine for the hbo family business saga's last season. it was so good. so many a-listers nominated, but how many will show up? in 2021 hollywood foreign press was accused of ethical issues and lack of diversity, leading to a boycott from stars and even tv networks. the following year, several nominees like lady gaga, brandon frasier continued to boycott the awards show. this year's show set to air in january is still without a host. several high profile comedians including chris rock were offered the job and reportedly declined, guys. >> hmmm. we'll see what happens. >> we will. >> see you back here with pop news in bait. thank you. golden globe nominee timothy chalamet will join us in our next hour, going to talk about wonka. coming up next, it's our play of the day. come on back. lay of the day. coming back.
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i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore. (vo) we all wish we could hear our cats' voices. and thanks to petivity, we've come one step closer. the petivity smart litterbox monitor tracks your cat's litterbox behavior and weight... and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit.
7:47 am
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and enjoy more not flashes. skin-carving next level hydration? new neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of nine times more hydration* to boost your skin's barrier for quenched, dewy skin that's full of life. neutrogena. hydro boost. (mom) hosting everyone for the holidays was a bad plan. (uncle) especially when your wi-fi only works close to the router. (dad) uncle larry, please. (uncle) better plan is switching to verizon home internet. (cousin) yeah, then you'd get fast, and reliable internet. (uncle) just saying. (mother-in-law) and wi-fi coverage in every room. (dad) thanks mom. (cousin) you should fix it, bro. (mother-in-law) is that too much to ask? (uncle) where did you get this router, in a yard sale? (mom) ok - everybody out! (dad) out! let's go. (mom) goodnight! thank you! (vo) switch to verizon home internet with whole home wi-fi, and now get a 5-year price guarantee. perfect for the most wi-fi time of the year. it's your holiday, it's your verizon. hey. ♪(christmas music) hi. (♪) thank you. (♪) cheers. (♪) oh my goodness, look at you!
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>> back now with our play of the game. two big games. two big stunners. two big giants fans. i know who one is. are you the other one? >> there you go. >> two fantastic "monday night football" games. we're going to begin with the giants and go right to the fourth quarter. saquon barkley.
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breaking off a huge run with the giants up five late. trying to close it out but he fumbles. the packers end up returning this a whole bunch of yards. still going, still going. still going. what's going to happen? finally the packers end up scoring the go ahead touchdown here. so the giants are in a spot of trouble, michael, down late. but guess what? tommy time. the rookie qb, he's become a folk hero. lives at home with his parents. got a huge family. they need a score or at least a drive. that's what they get. finally a 37-yard walk off field goal. the giants win at home. >> yes. >> titans and dolphins were also playing. dolphins were up two scores. 99.7% chance to win. but deandre hopkins scored a touchdown. later on derrick henry punched it in.
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titans end up winning in an upset. two great games on monday night. >> they were great. tommy cutlet they call him. mom makes him chicken cutlets. >> that's great. >> 99.7% chance of winning. [ laughter ] >> get ready, george. >> gotta listen. >> coming up, we've got a big healthcare hero surprise. one of the biggest in morning tv history. i'm going to say the biggest in morning tv history. "now what?" you say it when getting older. ..starts getting old. at prudential, we think you should ask it when your birthday opens up a new chapter. like, when you realize you've got the rest of your life to look forward to. ask "now what?" here's what: you tap into the insurance, investment, and retirement expertise
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and longest one on the continent at steamboat. we get more snow in the rockies over the weekend. coming up on gma jennifer aniston is opening up about matthew perry. what she has to say about her "friends" co-star in a very touching interview. that's coming up next. best weather in the business right here on your local abc station. s here on your local abc stations. (♪) (♪) models contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> discover the art of light at the exploratorium. this winter. artists turn up the radiance in our spacious galleries at pier
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15. luminous artworks, big and small. invite you to connect, play, play and get inspired in their glow. get your tickets today for this wondrous seasonal expansion of our exhibits on light. get ready to have a blast with two back to back episodes of the wildest display in the galaxy. >> it's out of this world. >> the great christmas light fight tonight by building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc7 mornings and let's see what traffic is doing this morning. hi gloria. >> good morning, reggie. fog continues to be an issue on the roads this morning. this is a live look outside right now on our richmond, san rafael bridge camera and you can see that
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traffic is starting to build up there. there's about a five mile backup as you approach the toll plaza. and then let's get a look at our six 8-80 camera in walnut creek. look how thick the fog is right there. you can't even see really the roads or the cars right there. so just give yourself a little bit of extra time this morning. >> hey, gloria, that fog is dropping visibility down to zero miles in spots, even parts of the east bay and the north bay and the north bay is where we officially have the dense fog advisory. but there are other areas right now that are dealing with the low visibility. that dense fog advisory is until 11 a.m. this morning. after 11 a.m, the fog will lift. we'll get some sunshine. it is a bright afternoon on the way. those temperatures later on by 4 p.m. on the mild side, upper 50s to the mid 60s. reggie >> thanks. drew, if you're watching us on our streaming app, abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> there are trucks and then there's the gmc sierra available with the connected driving experience and the world's first
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january 17th in san francisco and april 18th in san jose. tickets on sale at cirque du when your home or business is damaged by fire, smoke or water, it's pro time quake disaster restoration experts roll out 24/7 with over 70 years experience and an industry best guarantee return burning properties to pre-loss condition as quickly and completely as possible. >> trust the pros at coit to put your life back together. call 804 coit or visit today to learn more. the people you trust trust caught my dry eyes made me a burning, stinging five times a day. >> makeup smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop trivia. >> it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye trivia treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast. by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough and throat and
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nose irritation, relying only on drops is not me. >> my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye, doctor about tears via iphone 15 pro your husband deserves it. >> carolers to tell me you want a new iphone a better plan is verizon. >> don't wait they take this break. >> yes they will in any condition get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch all on their please forgive him. it's all good. just a little awkward word. we'll wrap this up. >> it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se all on us. that's up to $1,700 in value only on verizon. >> a safe and healthy holiday wishes from abc. good morning america. it's 8 a.m. abortion ban battle. texas supreme court ruling in the case of a woman seeking an emergency abortion after her lawyers say she already left the state to get the procedure.
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flu symptoms or a heart attack? one mom's urgent warning, and why symptoms of a heart attack are different for women than men. jennifer aniston opening up about matthew perry. what she said about her "friends" co-star in a touching new interview. it's a sweet morning in times square so quiet up and listen down. nope, scratch that. reverse. wonka stars are here live. ♪ alicia keys surprising performance. the singer popping up and showing off her skills. it's a morning of surprises on gma. wait until you see what happened right before this. >> are you serious? this is crazy! oh my god. i can't believe it. plus get ready for one of the biggest surprises in morning tv history, as we give a big round of applause for an extraordinary team of health
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care heroes who stand by cancer survivors every day. it's all going down live on gma. look who's saying -- >> good morning america! [ cheering ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. heroes there. very fitting for that group. very exciting morning in times square. sloan kettering so important to so many people. >> i, for one, so grateful for all they did for me. this morning we are looking forward to introducing you to some incredible people who work there and reveal one of the biggest surprises ever. that is coming up. >> looking forward to that. first top stories starting with the latest on the abortion battle in texas. state supreme court ruled against the pregnant woman who sought a medical exception to the state's abortion ban.
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but her lawyer said she already left the state to get the procedure. good morning, rachel scott. >> reporter: this has been legal whiplash. attorneys for kate cox said it became clear if she wanted that emergency abortion, she had no other choice but to leave the state of texas. hours later the texas supreme court seemed to prove her right. cox is more than 20 weeks pregnant, but doctors told her her fetus has little chance of survival. her doctors also warn the longer that she continued to stay pregnant the more her health and future fertility would be affected. some difficulties even the serious ones do not qualify. kate cox attorney saying all of this unacceptable saying this poses a very serious question for them. who is making health care decisions on behalf of pregnant women in this country? judges and politicians or doctors? we could see more legal challenges emerge. days ago a woman in kentucky is suing her state over the abortion ban there. >> many are watching these cases, as you know, rachel. thank you. we are going to turn now to the
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big chill that's settling into some parts of the country. as the south cleans up after that tornado outbreak. let's go to sam who's in for ginger. >> good morning, guys. we've got cold air coming in after the tornado mess. this was a ef-3 tornado. 150 mile per hour wind. here's new information. 43 miles on the ground. compare normal maybe 3 to 15 on the ground. lasted over an hour. you think of tornados popping up and down, maybe five, ten minutes on the ground. so an hour, you can see how devastating that is. it had rain, but also snow in western virginia, more than 6.5 inches of snow. that's it for awhile. this next pocket of chilly air that has us with frost alerts is coming in dry. looking at that down to tallahassee with wind chill in the 20s and 0s. there are several reinforcing pockets of cold air. they also come in dry. washington, d.c. 31 by friday morning. new york city in the 30s. but look at raleigh, in the 20s. you think that's a little colder than normal.
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it is. raleigh would normally be waking up right around 35. settle in to the chill but don't expect a whole lot of snow with this one. michael? >> grab a blanket. thank you very much, sam. now to a federal jury ruling that google violated anti-trust laws in running an android app store. elizabeth schulze talks about how this will impact your phone. and how fort night is involved. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is a case that could impact the price you pay when you download apps on your phone. a federal jury late monday found google guilty of having an illegal monopoly on its android app store. this is the first major loss for google as the tech giant faces several legal challenges over its dominance on the internet. this case was brought by epic games creator of fort night. epic accused google of phoeupb maintaining a monopoly on its app store by charging companies fees when users make purchases from a game like fort night. epic's ceo writing victory over google, free fort night.
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the company calling this decision a win for consumers. google is vowing to appeal, saying this trial made clear that we compete fiercely with apple and its app store, as well as android devices and gaming consoles. ultimately this decision could mean google would have to change its business model so people who use the devices could find more apps there at better prices. guys? >> elizabeth, thanks. coming up on our gma morning menu. one mother thought she had the flu but it turned out to be a heart attack. she shares her message for all women. jennifer aniston opening up about matthew perry in a touching new interview. plus these health care workers are about to be part of one of the largest surprises on morning tv ever. and we're ready for wonka week here on gma. we're going to talk to willy wonka himself. timothee chalamet and his co-star about their new movie. that's coming up right here on gma.
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♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪
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walmart's amazing holiday deals are happening now. save big on must-have fashion. top tech and so much more. walmart has deals for every gift on their list. ready, set, gift. bladder leak underwear has one job. i just want to feel protected! especially for those sudden gush moments. when your keys are in the door and your body's like, “it's happening”! if you're worried about your protection, it's not the right protection. always discreet protects like no other. with double leak guards that help prevent gushes escaping from the sides. and a rapid dry core that locks in your heaviest gush quickly for up to zero leaks. and it contours, to everybody. now this, is protection! always discreet- the protection we deserve! (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone?ction! a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪
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during the 2023 subaru share the love event. please be a phone, please be a phone. is it a phone? oh, it smells like a cat nip toy from chewy. that's not a phone. get a free, $30 egift card at chewy. this is better than toilet paper get great deals on gifts that deliver excitement, at chewy. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
8:11 am
>> mic welcome back, everybody. there's a look at our holiday window display. it is time for our advent calendar of deals. every day this month we're bringing you one special item as we count down to christmas. this morning for day 12 our deal is compression pocket socks. they're between 60% to 62% off. you can shop the assortment by scanning the qr code on your screen. >> you need socks. >> i do. compression and it has a pocket, george. [ laughter ] >> and they're socks. i'm not wearing any right now anyway.
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>> we know what george is getting. >> how about our gma cover story in the mean time. a mom who thought she was experiencing flu symptoms but really she was having a heart attack. she was able to get help, thankfully. now she's sharing a warning for other women. it's a story we saw in "business insider." eva pilgrim has details for us. >> good morning, robin. when most of us think about heart attack, we think about chest pain as that classic symptom. that's not the on symptom to look for, especially for women. >> i thought i was coming down with the flu or upper respiratory infection or something. >> reporter: after covid and the flu moved through her family in 2022, 48-year-old jenna tanner felt like she was coming down with something, too. >> i was having fleeting pains in my chest that i really thought was my -- i thought it was my lungs. i didn't want to tell my husband because i knew he would say we
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have to go straight to the hospital. and i didn't want to go spend any more time in waiting rooms at the doctor's office, so i ignored it. >> reporter: ignoring the pain almost cost the oklahoma resident her life. two days later, she said she passed out when she awoke, she knew instantly she was having a massive heart attack. >> felt like an elephant was sitting on me. i couldn't move at all. it was very scary. >> reporter: although heart disease is the number one killer of women in the u.s., experts say women are more likely to ignore and downplay symptoms. >> women can typically present with symptoms unrelated to chest pain. i think that's one of the reasons they get downplayed. mainly because it doesn't feel typically like what you think a heart attack would feel like. >> reporter: the most common heart attack symptom for men and women is chest pain, women may sometimes only experience shortness of breath, tphaupblg wa and back, shoulder or jaw pain. >> all of these symptoms when they happen suddenly, you have to pay attention because they
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might be a sign of something more sinister. >> reporter: tanner dragged herself to her cell phone two rooms away and called for help. three surgeries and two stents later, she is doing better and has a message for other women. >> heart health for women is important. don't ignore heart pain. even if you think it's your lungs. even if you've been to the doctor 20 times with your children, just make sure you take it seriously. >> if you notice you're having chest pain, jaw pain or shoulder pain and it's getting progressively worse and you can't pinpoint where it's coming from, you should see your doctor immediately. dr. sutton saying at the very least stop by an urgent care and get an ekg. it could be nothing but it could also save your life. >> great advice there. thank you, eva. we'll see you on gma3. how about pop news, lara? >> yes, ma'am. good morning to you, and to you. we're going to begin with hollywood's golden awards show. as we shared you earlier, awards season is now under way with the golden globe nominations out. barbie and oppenheimer leading the charge.
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this is really interesting. this year there are 27 first time nominees including steve young. nominated for roles in beef. trevor noah and chris rock scored nominations in the brand new category best performance in standup comedy on tv. that category is so stacked, you guys. wanda sykes, amy schumer, ricky gervais. sara silverman. tough to choose. all had terrific specials. also scoring nominations "succession" topped the tv nod with nine including three nominations. each for best actor bryan cox, jeremy strong. and hulu's "the bear" and "only murders in the building" with five nods each. one was for meryl streep. if you didn't see it, you need to check her out in only murders in the building for her supporting role.
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by the way, this shores up her record as the most nominated actress in globes history. this being her 33rd nomination. unbelievable. >> just laughable at this point, right? [ laughter ] >> i wonder if she was like, oh, yeah. [ laughter ] >> hey, meryl, walk down the stair, give her an award. >> exactly. and finally "the crown" may just rule the night making history as the first series to get nominations in best television drama for every single one of its six seasons. the 2024 golden globes takes place sunday, january 7th. it's going to be a good one. lots going on. >> i enjoy sam's sound effects. >> so happy. [ laughter ] you ready? another story coming. listen up, everybody. also in the news our second favorite morning team is getting candid in a new interview. jennifer aniston and reese witherspoon sitting down with variety to open up about their hit "the morning show" and what it's been like working together
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for decades. starting with "friends" when reese played jennifer's sister. it's now in their dna to collaborate. witherspoon adds they are both in shock that they're still kicking around and working at the level that they are. i don't think you should be in shock, ladies. you're quite terrific at what you do. at the end of the interview jennifer did open up about her late friend matthew perry sharing, quote, i was literally texting with him that morning. funny matty. he was not in pain. he was not struggling. he was happy. she wants people to know that perry was really happy and really healthy stating, i miss him dearly. we all do. he made us laugh. the full interview is in "variety" now. it is a great one. check it out. >> so glad that she shared that. >> yes. i think that was important. that's what she wanted people to know. she's a great friend. if you were in london monday at a tube station thinking, wow,
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that person singing "empire state of mind" is really good, you were correct. it was alicia keys singing her heart out as a little surprise for commuters. take a look at this. ♪ these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you now you're in london ♪ ♪ a place where dreams are made of, nothing you can't do when you're in london ♪ >> nothing she can't do. she also performed some of her other hit songs including "no one" and "if i ain't got you." before singing her latest single. it's from "the color of purple." called "life line." and the keys keys is playing, they're quite special. that is the elton john piano named for elton. he donated to the station for commuters to enjoy and play, like she did. the night before she was playing for a slightly larger crowd at the 02 arena.
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her new song "life line" is out now and "color purple" is out on christmas day. >> cannot wait for that. >> that's pop news. >> thank you, lara. now to our "monday night football" ticket give away. a life long seattle seahawks fan is getting surprised be tickets to the game next week. jess sims was there for the special moment. >> touchdown! >> reporter: you won't find a bigger fan of the seattle seahawks than amon sylvester. born and raised in the emerald city, amon has been repping his team since childhood. >> we would go to games all the time, my family. somebody always had tickets. i have been blessed to be part to see their growth and success from an under dog franchise to now i feel like we're on the map and people can never count us out. >> hands up! hands up, hands up! >> reporter: while living in southern california, this super fan can be found dj'ing at his favorite bar. >> i'm in there getting everybody hyped with the sea-hawks chant for a crazy
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experience, throwing skittles, playing music every time they score a touchdown. >> reporter: we heard blitz the seahawks mascot made a special appearance. >> let's go, let's go! hawk, baby! the actual blitz came in. he dj'd with me. he got the crowd hyped up. >> reporter: have you been to a game this season? >> it's tough. tickets are hard to get. >> reporter: guess what? because of your unwavering loyalty to the seahawks, we are giving you four tickets to the "monday night football" game. >> what? are you serious? this is crazy. i can't believe it! "monday night football"? >> reporter: that's not all. you're also getting pregame side line passes to go on the field and see the players during warm-up. >> are you kidding me? what? >> reporter: i'm not kidding you at all. >> oh my gosh, yes. i'm shaking. this is crazy! >> reporter: enjoy the game. have so much fun. thank you so much for being such a great fan. for good morning america i'm jess sims, abc news, new york.
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>> love these surprises. seattle takes on philadelphia "monday night football" 8:15 p.m. eastern on espn and abc. sam? so what are our chances of getting a white christmas? warmest year ever. right? when we look at a little bit of snow, that big system that caused rain and win in the northeast did leave a little snow deposit there. statistically, if you will, look at the chances for a white christmas in some areas. high elevation, northern areas stand a better chance. let me show you what we're looking at into christmas. this is the temperature outlook. much above normal throughout much of the country. should not surprise anyone from the numbers we had. that doesn't give us a look this far ahead. a really good shot at getting snow in the area. i don't know. we can always hope. oh, by the way, even into texas, 2004. we looked into that south texas snow. i just don't see anything like that happening this year. here's what you can expect this morning.
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it's the time we've been waiting for. time to kick off our ultimate gifting series with less than two weeks until christmas. if you don't know what to get your loved one, lori bergamotto is here with her perfect picks. shop all the products by scanning the qr code on the screen. all right, lori, what you got? let's get started. this is for the kiddos. >> this is particularly for toddlers. everything you will see are for people who are hard to shop for. if you don't have toddlers, an even if you do, we're going to tell you, this is the gift all the moms are talking about. it is a modular couch. what does that mean?
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you can see it set up here. they can have a couch, sit down. but, michael, this is not just any couch. it comes apart. you can make it an ottoman. you can make a fort, a ball pit. if cousins sleep over, you have a bed. endless options abound. >> i was that big when i came out the womb. >> basically, a bed for me, michael, not for you. these start at $89. not for michael strahan. but for lori bergamotto. it's a good thing for grandparents. right? lot of families don't want another toy. they want something that's useful. >> that would be useful. all right. moving on to another thing kids love. >> teenagers. you're kind of out of that teen moment. a little bit. teens are notoriously difficult to shop for. this is a suggestion that we have for teen boys that we know they are going to love.
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boys will love this as well. from backbone. you can see it's a gaming device. it is a console quality gaming device that plugs into your phone. an iphone or android. they have every model available, whether you have a usbc or lightning, it works. michael, it gives you access to all of those playstation games. what's so great about it, if you don't want to have that console in your house, you want to play on the go, this allows you to do that. those consoles come with a hefty price tag. they can be up to $500. this retails for $99.99. they're giving gma viewers an exclusive deal today. $69.99. it also gives you access to games on apple arcade. so many great things. you got to see it. >> you need that in the car ride with these teenage boys. >> that's right. >> teen girls. >> every generation of teens has their signature scent.
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this is the one for right now. this is a set. you get three awesome beauty items. it's all about skin care. this resilient boom boom cream is all they're talking about. great gift. $30. any teen will squeal if you give that to them. >> this is for the coworkers. i want my coworkers -- this is a reveal of what they're getting. sorry to reveal it, everybody. >> popcorn maker. this is a collapsible popcorn maker. you can throw it right in the microwave. a way to give your coworkers some healthy snacks. right? easy to store. we like let this be the anchor of your gift. and then, you know, jazz it up a little bit. all right. there you go.
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>> minus the popcorn. i'm gonna eat it before i give it to you. >> all right. and finally, for the grandparent, everyone we've talked to today is obsessed with this. the oral frame. you guys, i believe so strongly in this gift. i actually gave it to my parents, and it is their favorite gift. you can preload it. it is a digital frame right there. okay. but look, there's ray. these are great, super highly rated. normally there are $179, but they are giving us an exclusive discount, $139. it's a way to give your grandparents that connection. even if they're not tech savvy. they can use this. i cannot say enough good things about this gift from aura. you're the best. you're the best. you're the gift. michael strahan. all right. >> and you at home, you can scan the qr code on your screen right now to shop these items and even more of our picks for the hard to buy for people on your list pick by lori and our gma shop team. all right. tomorrow we have day two of our ultimate gifting series. coming up, golden globe nominated timothee chalamet and his wonka costar
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kayla lane are here live. thursday night. >> celebrate 100 years of i think of disney. >> one word that comes to mind. >> wow. >> the amazing dreams. oh wow. >> supercalifragilistic forever magical disney 100 a century of dreams. >> thursday night on abc. wednesday. it's a holiday special, y'all. >> the stars have never been so bright with special performances by billy porter and rosie o'donnell. >> this is the best celebrity family i've ever met. >> celebrity family feud. holiday special wednesday on abc . don't turn away. >> you won't get to see these sweaters the 100 building a better bay area movie forward finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning, kumasi. so of course the fog is creating some
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issues this morning as far as traffic slowing down, traffic. and this is a live look right now at our richmond-san rafael camera and you can see that traffic is slowing down a bit here. so keep that in mind if you're driving in the area and also, let's take a look at our 8-80 camera at the coliseum in oakland. and it is also quite foggy out here. so, of course, give yourself a little bit of extra time this morning. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologi drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> not to gonna come join circle of life at the lion king high where bavasi get to see your single ba ba ba. hi. hi hi. where ba ba hip hop stage now at the orfeon theater through december 30th. >> visit today see it? >> the 2023 ford mustang mach e
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the spirit of a mustang with the versatility of an suv drive it rapid acceleration zero emissions own it. the ev with blue oval the largest public charging network in north america. see see it, drive it and own it. ford mustang, mach e , all electric, all mustang. get a mustang mach-e at 1.9. apr for 60 months plus 3000 retail bonus cash plus 37 50in tax credit. precision is an excellent company. >> we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. >> it's kind of one of those things that i personally take pride in making sure that the people make the right decision. >> we highly recommend the precision precision door service, the name you can trust. >> hey, bay area live with kelly
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marcus coming up, we'll chat with sydney sweeney from anyone but you. >> plus, harry hamlin stops by that's at nine on abc seven. >> see you in 30 minutes. taking a look at our walnut creek camera, typically you'd be able to see 680, but you can see the fog is so thick this morning, visibility is quite low and a lot of areas we're down to zero miles in a couple of spots, less than a quarter of a mile. the worst is in the north bay, where a dense fog advisory is in effect until 11 a.m, meaning this fog is going to linger for quite some time. here's how your day planner looks pretty foggy this morning, giving way to sunshine this afternoon. and mild temperatures by 4 p.m. will have afternoon highs in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. kumasi >> thank you, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes by the latest at abc seven >> announcer: welcome back to >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> we're here for wonka week. it hits theaters friday. we have two stars in the
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studio, timothee and calah. welcome back and welcome for the first time. [ applause ] congratulations. nominated for a golden globe for your performance here. this is a prequel to the earlier one. tell us about it. >> this is different from the gene wilder willy wonka. we all grew up on that. i am a huge fan of the original. this is more an ambitious, joyous optimistic sensitive young willy wonka, not like the crazed >> i'm hungry. this is your first big role in a feature film. you play noodle, willy's friend. what was it like working with this guy to your right? >> so fun. we had so much fun on set definitely. i feel like we did a lot. we did a lot of playing around, in a very professional way. >> absolutely. >> yes. we did this dance. he came over for thanksgiving. that was super fun. i also love watching him become willy wonka. it was super fun watching him
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dancing and singing on set. >> did you give any advice? >> calah didn't need my advice. she's more of a natural than i am. she's more a natural than i am at this. she's got an amazing mother. she's right there. >> hey, mom. >> when you have an amazing mom on set. my mom is standing there, too. [ laughter ] >> shot of the moms. >> when you have great moms in show business, that's the secret ingredient. yv said this is her favorite movie that you've ever done? >> i thought this was her favorite movie. she called me yesterday and corrected me. said "beautiful boy" was her favorite. she did say it's nice to see you smile. >> aw. >> get points for honesty on that answer. >> yeah, yeah. thank you. that's the truth. >> let's take a look at a clip. >> whoa. >> where do we begin? that's the question. i know. silver linings made of condensed thunder clouds and liquid sunlight.
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>> did you always want to make chocolate? >> no. back when i was your age i wanted to be a magician. >> you do seem honestly excited about this movie. >> it just makes you feel great. it's joyous. it's the perfect holiday film. leaves you with a smile on your face. it really does. >> how about the candy? what's your favorite? >> oh, on set? >> yeah. >> i like the teacups. that was super delicious. it was a cute little teacup. it was blue a turquoise color. it was super cute. >> did you have many takes where you got to eat it? >> yes. yes, we did. that was fun. [ laughter ] >> but there's a lot of singing and dancing in this movie. i hear the director watched your old film from high school before they cast you? >> really cringe awful high school. >> glad you don't like it because we have it right now. [ laughter ]
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>> we would do that. >> we would do that. >> oh, no. >> was it hard to go back and watch yourself? >> yeah, to watch that? >> yeah. do you really cringe? >> no. i was just having fun. i had no idea i would be able to act in big theater. i knew those videos would haunt me. i remember saying to my agent, should i try to get this down? he was like, it's all right. >> we are glad it wasn't available when we were coming up. >> what would it be for your guys? >> lot of bad wrestling matches. >> let's talk to calah. let's move on. i want to know from you, what was -- you did a lot of dancing, right? we were just talking about that. what was your favorite scene? can you describe it to us, for those -- none of us have seen it. >> probably the dancing scene on the rooftop. that was my favorite. we did wires.
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the song "for a moment." we're on top of the gallery. i'm dancing with timmy. that was a fun moment. you're on wires and in front of blue screens. there was another time when we actually flew down 30 feet high in the air. >> terrifying. she was cool. i was crying. yeah. >> well, thank you guys for coming in. we cannot wait to see the movie. >> thank you. >> all of you can watch it on friday. that's when it will be in theaters.
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so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within.
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>> robin: back here o back here on gma. we call this controlled chaos going on here in the studio right now. we welcome you. because we are joined by some of the healthcare heroes of memorial sloan kettering! yes! [ applause ] this morning we are excited to celebrate the care they provide, all the hard work that they do to help their patients thrive, i said thrive, every step of the way. we're going to talk to a few of them in just a moment. first i want you to take a look at this. the team at memorial sloan kettering work every day to care for cancer thrivers. the role even more critical as new research shows early onset cancer rates rising nearly 80% globally in three decades. >> it's urgent in the sense that it's not what we would typically notice. >> reporter: dr. tracy gossling
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leads the over 5,000 nurses and support staff who make up msk one of the top cancer hospitals in the country. >> healthcare is hard work. the advent of technologies, new treatments, new ways of doing things, make some of it easier yet some of it also harder. >> reporter: as a dedicated nurse on the front line for 30 years, tracy understands the gravity of the job. during her daily rounds, tracy's known for her famed selfies and prioritizing personalized patient care. >> can they afford their medication? can they afford co-pays? lot of about, how does that funding look to do it better? >> reporter: for jillian allegretti it's her role as a care coordinator that gives the patient chance to take control. >> i work alongside the nurses, ensuring patients are scheduled for the right treatment. what's your day like so i can work your appointments around your life.
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>> reporter: what you don't know about jillian is that she's a breast cancer thriver, treated at memorial sloan kettering six years ago. >> i was 24. cancer can go to anybody at any time and at all times. i work in the exact infusion unit that i was given chemo. >> reporter: it's the staff. her now coworkers, who stood by her side during her procedures and surprised proposal on the final day of chemo. >> yes! these were people that saved my life. now i get to work with these super humans that go out of their way to do everything for patients. >> reporter: also on both sides, 27-year-old joshua morales. >> hello. how are you doing, honey? >> doing good. >> reporter: now a door attendant at the hospital. >> i'm taking the nervousness about waiting to get your blood
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drawn and the results of it. >> reporter: joshua, only 3 years old when he was admitted to msk as a high risk leukemia patient, enduring multiple life saving rounds of chemo and a bone marrow transplant. >> lot of people see me and say, listen, this guy is in good shape. when i tell them i'm a patient, they never believe it. >> reporter: joshua and jillian grateful for the compassionate care they receive and now they are able to give, helping others thrive. >> it helped me get through my situation. i want to do the same thing. i want to support somebody else. >> the why we do this every day is deeply personal. i think it's a higher order calling of caring for humanity during a pretty tough time in someone's life. >> wasn't that incredible? >> amazing. [ applause ] >> here now joshua, jillian are joining us. so wonderful to hear about both of their journeys in that piece. also joining us is dr. vickers, president and ceo of memorial sloan kettering.
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you can clap for him, too. [ applause ] >> yeah! >> oh. and the founder and ceo of citadel and also head of the philanthropic group griffin catalyst. we'll talk a little more about you in a moment. i want to talk to these two right now. don't we both, lara. >> yes, we do. >> joshua, joshua. we saw you as a 3-year-old as a patient at msk. now you're there, greeting patients with a big smile. why did you think this was the right role for you? >> it felt like the perfect full circle moment. being on both sides of the ball, patient and employee now. it's cool to give care now and receive care when i was a child. the same care they gave me when my parents walked through the door and the warm welcomes and everything is the same thing i give back and can ease people's minds. >> like you said, full circle. >> full circle.
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and jillian, one of the nurses that treated you when you were going through your own fight, like the warrior that you are, is with us today. >> yes. >> tell us a little about how she inspired you to go full circle and do that same work that they all did with you on your journey. >> after my diagnosis, it was always my dream career to work at memorial sloan kettering. and seeing how all these nurses every day, all the coordinators, everybody that welcomes you, i just really wanted to be part of that team. now that i'm on that team, i sometimes like to stand back and feel honored to work with these amazing people. >> you know first hand how pivotal their roles were in saving your life. you get to do that now. >> yes. i'm very grateful. very surreal sometimes full circle, like he said.
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i kind of get to give back. >> that's awesome. >> nurses in the position you're in as well, so many unsung heroes. so many unsung heroes are singing your praises. i want you to know more about this gentleman. kenneth is head of citadel investment firm and griffin catalyst and has devoted his efforts to going after solutions to large scale problems with the potential, the potential for life changing impacts. he has said he wants to see cancer eradicated, believes in the importance of patient care. so guess what, everyone? kenneth, bless you for that. guess what, everyone? you're not just here to be recognized. you are here for so much more. we have a big surprise in store. are you ready to hear the largest gift ever going to memorial sloan kettering? the largest gift ever. are you ready for that? [ applause ] are you ready!
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we're going to need your help. we're gonna need your help. on the count, we'll show the amount. in three, two, one, hit it! [ cheers ] >> yeah! >> oh my! [ applause ] i wish you could have seen some of the expressions. that's right. $400 million. due to catalyst immense generosity. memorial sloan kettering is receiving the ultimate gift of $400 million. what do you think about that, everybody? [ applause ] is that awesome? >> wow. >> so surprising. >> unbelievable the difference that it will make in so many lives. kenneth, why was this so important for you to donate and such a large number that will make such a huge difference?
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>> all of us here dream for the day that we end cancer. >> yes. >> and this gift is coming from both david and from me to msk. dr. vickers, your leadership and your team, just extraordinary. i am certain that msk will play an important role in ending cancer in our life time. but until that day, the team at msk, the team that all of you are part of, give the patients that are enduring cancer hope, dignity and compassion in their care. and we know cancer is more than just a disease. it's a moment of incredible emotional challenge. all the work that you do is to help the patients at msk beat cancer and find their lives again. this is god's work. thank you so much. david and i are so honored to be
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in a position to support the great work of msk. [ applause ] >> yeah! >> i hope you feel the emotion from everybody that is here. there's nobody that has not been impacted both personally with families and friends and things like that. it's impacted everybody. dr. vickers, just talk about $400 million. how is that going to help your team achieve what it is that you all want to achieve? >> as i was talking to ken earlier, this gift is transformative. not only the largest, but it means so much at this time. and so i personally want to thank ken for being here and david, if he's watching, for allowing these resources to move toward what i think is a treasure in american healthcare. memorial sloan kettering is a place that lives daily knowing that each person who comes
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through those doors, their life is threatened by a diagnosis. we tell them we have this and we are going to allow you to thrive. this transformative gift will let us to, first of all, take care of our people, our patients. secondly, our 20,000 memorial member, your faculty, doctors, nurse, staff, researchers who all play a role in discovery. it will continually allow us to take the programs in this golden age of cancer care to transform outcomes in patients' lives at a place like memorial because of resources like this. thirdly, it will allow us to create facilities that are state of the art to really create the patient experience that we know patients have along this journey. not only the outcomes that are really special at memorial, but the experience of going through, knowing that we care about you as much as we do care about the outcomes.
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and so, ken, david, this is a phenomenal gift. i couldn't dream of anything better. [ applause ] you hear from our staff, you hear from the lives that we've touched and will touch. this gift will allow us to do it even more so. thank you so much. >> thank you, gentlemen, so much. oh my goodness. wow. and our crew doesn't have kleenex for us? [ laughter ] how can we do a segment like this and they don't have any issues for us? >> the one time. >> the one time. kenneth, dr. vickers. >> jillian, joshua. >> thank you, each and every one. when you both were speaking, just the pride. the pride in all of them right here means so much. we appreciate it. sam, i don't know how you can top this. >> there's nothing better than that. if we make in roads here, it changes everybody's life. let's get the best local weather in
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coming up, virginia and andrea bocelli perform live as we count down to christmas. elli as we count down to christmas. my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece,
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we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. [narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at
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>> back now with gma. we're celebrating 25 days of christmas. for day 12, we're joined by world renowned tenor andrea bocelli and his daughter virginia performing off a family christmas. here they are with "let it snow." ♪ oh the weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful and if you've no
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place to go let it snow let it snow let it snow ♪ ♪ it doesn't show signs of stopping and we'll need some corn for poppin' the lights are turned way down low let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ♪ ♪ when we finally kiss good night how i hate going out in the storm ♪ ♪ but if you really hold me tight all the way home i'll be warm ♪ ♪ the fire is slowly dying and my dear we're still good-bying but as long as you love me so let it snow let it snow let it snow ♪ ♪ ♪ when we finally kiss good
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night how i hate going out in the storm but if you really hold me tight all the way home i'll be warm ♪ ♪ the fire is slowly dying and my dear we're still good-bying but as long as you love me so let it snow let it snow let it snow ♪
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ not really celebrate like only the jeep brand can with everything you could ever wish for, including jeep grand cherokee, the official vehicle of winter. join the family that
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lets you go anywhere and do anything. jeep there's only one during the jeep. >> wrap up the year sales event. well qualified current fca lessees can lease the 2024 jeep wrangler willys for body for 359 a month or finance and get no monthly payments for 90 days. we spend a lot of time waiting on the internet, waiting for an installer to show up or waiting for our games to download, waiting to talk with the real person. >> whoever said good things come to those who wait. didn't suffer through bad internet service. spend a lot less money per month and get the fastest fiber internet available up to ten gigabits. all for $49.99 a month with no contract. don't wait till you're at your buffering breaking point. make the switch to sonic fiber internet today at cinecom. a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us. >> this is what you've been waiting for. this holiday season. >> give your loved ones the best holiday gift she young.
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you. >> to virginia and andrea bocelli. have a great day, everyone. it's the most festive night of the year. >> cma country christmas. christmas means to me the biggest stars perform your favorite christmas songs. >> happy holidays. >> cma country christmas thursday. >> this may look like a holiday shopping showdown, but it's a nissan sales event at. good thing my rogue has intelligent all wheel drive. >> so does my altima. >> now get a low 349 per month lease or save up to $2,500 on the 2023 nissan rogue. better hurry these offers won't be back in stock. >> bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work? wait was i supposed to
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bring that? then there's the forms, the bills, the naughty bills, the. a whole lot easier when your medical records care and coverage are in one place. >> at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is. you wear yourself an ugly little sweater. >> haiti, a sand bra. my kitschy , garish, covered with annoying like lights. and when it brings you joy, joy, you know that you did it right? why do we love wearing ugly sweaters? for the same reason we give the gift of scratchers? because a little play can make your day. people who love their vehicles. >> there's only one name on their holiday list. when trotec
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laser measured floor liners that fit perfectly in the front and rear seat protector to guard against spills and messes, cargo liner bump stop and no drill mudflaps to protect the exterior and cup foam keeps phone secure and handy. shop for everyone on your list. with american made products at the la-z-boy two great chairs event la-z-boy furniture galleries has a great selection of recliners. >> get two great chairs for one low price from 9.99. don't miss the la-z-boy. two great chairs event. la-z-boy live life comfortably building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. here's gloria now to look at traffic. hey, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. well, we've been keeping track of the fog throughout the roads here in the bay area this morning. this is a live look at our golden gate bridge camera and you can see the fog actually has gotten
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a little bit better here. but chp has issued a fog advisory for this bridge. also, the bay bridge. and keep in mind, there may be fog in some areas throughout the bay area. so just, you know, be extra careful out there on the roads today, drew. >> hey, gloria, here's our abc7 oakland airport camera with those overcast skies right now. the thickest fog in the north bay and the inland east bay, zero miles in novato right now where a dense fog advisory is in effect until 11 a.m. so the cloud cover is with us this morning after 11 a.m. that sunshine peeks out and it's a mild afternoon by 4 p.m. kumasi. >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a good day ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the new film "anyone but


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