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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  December 12, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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just in case your wallets weren't hurting from the holiday shopping season enough in just 20 days. p-g-and-e's rate increase will go into effect with it. customers will pay around $33 more on their monthly bills, and it might not be the end of the hikes. >> every increase that you hear about is just the tip of the iceberg and every increase that gets approved by the california public utilities commission stacks on top of each other. >> and if p-g-and-e's receives
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approval for their latest rate increase request, customers are actually looking at paying around 50 or $60 a month more next year compared to 2023. p-g-and-e's request to the cpuc would be for an additional nearly $2 in rate increases that would go into electric rates in march 2024. the utility reform network or turn, says the company wants to start collecting those increases from customers before the cpuc has even completed a proceeding with all parties involved. p-g-and-e's says they are working to make up costs from the last two years to make their electric system safer and more resilient. telling us, quote, to achieve those goals, we sometime have to incur exceptional costs to reduce wildfire risk and or respond to emergency events like wildfires and storms, which exceeded what we've previously been authorized to spend in rate proceedings. it continues to go up. >> why? for their for their misdeeds. it's ridiculous. why are we paying for them? not trimming the trees, turning off the power and high winds? why are we paying for their mistakes? is it makes no sense. >> turn executive director mark toney agrees with the
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community's concerns and is calling for a change in policy to stop the hikes. he says unlimited increases are simply not sustainable and they are poised to launch a campaign for affordable power, aka cap, the current system. >> we have sets a no limits on rate increase and that needs to be replaced by a cap on annual bills set at the cost of living adjustment provided by social security in the south bay. >> dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> major cuts could soon be coming to the san francisco unified school district. it's facing a $421 million shortfall in the next few years and the superintendent is calling for cutting more than 900 jobs. abc seven news reporter suzanne phan joins us live from the newsroom with the details. wow, suzanne. that's a lot. >> kristin. 927 jobs. yes that is a lot. but the school superintendent says that those jobs are already vacant and he says cutting those jobs would save the district. a lot of money, about $100 million a year
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. san francisco unified school district is tackling a major budget deficit. at the same time , teachers are expected to get a big pay raise this tuesday night. the board of education is expected to approve an interim budget to make it all work. according to projections, the sfusd budget deficit will be about $421 million by 2025. >> that's just an illustration of what would happen if the board did not take action. in fact, by the board taking action to approve our first interim report, we will show that we have a balanced budget by the end of 2526, that action to be taken at tonight's board meeting includes cutting 927 already vacant jobs. one of the reasons we can eliminate these vacant positions is we've had declining enrollment. >> the superintendent will look at other areas to help balance the budget. we have a few other areas where we're looking at like where we spend money on consultant arts or on the district office or how we're staffing our schools. >> so we'll be looking at that through our budget planning
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process. >> abc seven news asked the superintendent if he planned to close schools or lay off staff. he said no. he says at tonight's meeting, the first action is to approve the elimination of those vacant jobs to help save $103 million annually. then the school board can approve the salary increase. in october, san francisco unified school district agreed to pay teachers and staff more. we asked the superintendent about the distressed payroll system if it will be scrapped or if a decision will be made. he says people are getting paid. we are in a much better place than we were a year ago when i declared our payroll state of emergency and but we're looking at moving forward. >> what's the system that's going to best meet our needs, but we're not making any decisions right now on the teachers union says the school district has a history of financial mismanagement. >> it says the district could take steps to fix that by stopping unnecessary expenditures and increasing revenue of certain properties. >> the district could save millions by discontinuing certain borrowing practices, leasing unused properties and
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raising the market rent on entities like p-g-and-e's. >> the school superintendent says the board of education will approve pay raises for teachers and staff tonight. and then he says in january, that's when the budgeting process will start for the 2024, 2025 school year. live in the newsroom, suzanne phan abc seven news. okay, suzanne, thanks very much. >> registered nurses and health care workers staged an information picket today at seton medical center in daly city. the union workers protested what they say are drastic cuts to their medical insurance by seton parent company rh ems health care. they're also worried about staffing levels, including recent layoffs as well as poor equipment, both of which they say are affecting patient care. we reached out to umc for a statement, but we have not yet heard back. >> we'll keep trying as part of our efforts to help build a better bay area, we're looking at the homelessness crisis in san francisco's mayor says last month, 60% of the time shelter was rejected when it was
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offered. yeah a part of the problem, obviously. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena went to the tenderloin to speak with unhoused people who want the city to do more for them and loses. in the newsroom with more on this lose. >> that's right. and several months ago i went out with the city's street outreach team and we saw it. there are many reasons why people refuse shelter here in san francisco. one of them is simply because they're not being offered the type of shelter they want. but today, we also met people who haven't been offered shelter at all in san francisco's tenderloin. we met jimmy thomas. he's been homeless for two years. jimmy and others have turned these two tents on turk street into a shared home. we all just take turns, like sleeping in the tents when we can. >> it's a lot more of us to like. they come in and we come. we go. >> how many of you sleep here? >> it's about a good ten of us. >> san francisco's mayor, london breed, said that according to their data, in the month of november, 60% of the time people on the streets refused to accept help and move indoors. but out
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here, not everyone agrees. have you been offered shelter out here? >> no, not no. i've been looking for shelter, housing. >> the mayor went on to expand on city data, saying in october, shelter was refused in 65% of the encounters in september, 60. sam dodge is the director of the san francisco street response team. they go out twice a day to the city's homeless hotspots, offering shelter and keeping track of those who reject it. >> right now, we have more shelter available than ever in the history of san francisco. we have over 3000 shelter beds available every night. >> you know, if you have so much shelter, why are people still out here? we have a lot of shelter, but we have more people that are homeless than we have shelter beds. >> and so that's a reality. >> and during our town hall abc7 take action, san francisco mayor breed blamed the homeless crisis in part to a lawsuit by the coalition on homelessness as the ninth circuit court decision
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happened and there was clarity from that case because we were not able to move people people the way that we're we're able to move people now. so we offer someone shelter or any type of housing. they are no longer in voluntarily homeless. >> as the coalition's executive director doesn't agree with the latest numbers, the overwhelming majority of people that the mayor is saying are refusing shelter. >> they actually did not have a shelter bed for them. >> the city's outreach team confirmed that when people are offered a type of shelter they don't want, they're counted as rejecting shelter that day, smiley would fall under that category. has anybody from the city come here to offer you shelter? yeah, they have. >> why are you not in a shelter now? >> uh- >> i don't do shelters. i've heard too many horror stories from people in shelters, and so i just choose not to go. >> and despite the city saying they have the highest number of
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shelter available right now, we checked the shelter waitlist and there are 436 people waiting for shelter in san francisco today in the newsroom, louis pena, abc seven news. >> luis, thank you. earlier today on our 3 p.m. show getting answers, i asked mayor lyndon breed about the city's efforts to address homelessness and the impact of a recent court decision. >> when we are out there with our homeless outreach teams, we are out there to offer help. we're out there to offer shelter support services. before the clarification on the ninth circuit court of appeal, we had a lot of difficulty with forcing people to move from the sidewalk because they were technically involuntarily homeless. and now now when we offer someone a shelter bed, the definition is that they are no longer involuntarily homeless. and so what? that means is we can clean and clear the sidewalks, whether they accept help from us or not. it and we're definitely being a
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lot more aggressive. we're being compassionate, but at the same time, we need to clean and clear our streets. >> mayor breed says since 2018, san francisco has helped 13,000 people find permanent housing solutions. homelessness in san francisco was just one of the topics discussed during our abc seven town hall called take action san francisco. it's one hour of direct questions with mayor lyndon breed, police chief william scott and district attorney brooke jenkins about the city's prolonged problems and potential solutions. if you missed the town hall, the full conversation is now available on the abc seven news bay area streaming app. download the app wherever you stream. >> an arrest warrant is out for an 18 year old accused of trespass at steph curry's home in atherton. according to the palo alto post, a judge issued the warrant. we a week ago for xiang gao of cupertino, after he failed to show up for a court hearing last week. police cited
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gao in october after he alleged he entered curry's house where he was confronted by a nanny and told to leave curry and his wife were not home, but his three children were. according to police, gao told officers he went to the house to get curry's autograph. >> california was crackdown on retail theft has yielded another big bust. the chp shared pictures of a recent raid in los angeles and the loot it recovered. it says the theft ring targeted stores like lowe's , home depot and harbor freight. all of the stolen merchandise was recovered at a hardware and plumbing supply business. and three suspects were arrested. the estimated value of the stolen goods is around half a million dollars. dana fire in the flames. >> the deadly toxin found in the aftermath of california wildfires. we'll explain what that toxin is. pride rally. the calls for change in one bay area city after what some call an lgbtq policies and hoops for troops. the warriors stepping up
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today for the coast guard. all that and more coming up. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. the thick fog we had this morning is mostly gone. i'll show you the warming trend that's going to get underway soon. plus, a look at when rain returns. coming up when abc7 news at i'm quite harmless, really. and when people ask, “but aren't you linked to dangerous flu complications... pneumonia, heart attack, and hospitalizations?” ...i just say, “but i'm just the flu.” [elevator dings] it's him! who? i'm just the flu. fight the flu with higher-dose flu vaccines from sanofi. they're proven to provide better flu protection than standard-dose flu shots in older adults. they've even been shown to better protect
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emotions in sunol the decision band all flags from campus except for the american flag in the california state flag. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley is live outside the sunol glen school district where a board meeting will get underway in about an hour. leslie >> hi, dan. yeah, that's right. in about an hour and we're expecting castro valley pride to be out here. they say they're going to rally outside the meeting where tonight the board of three members is planning to elect a new board president and discuss bringing in an outside law firm after they voted in september for to not allow pride flags on campus. >> the way we describe it is we feel like there's a dark cloud over our school at this time. and the teachers, all of us, we really just want to be about the business of teaching the students. >> molly barnes is the superintendent and principal of this one school school district of 270 students. >> we try to keep that political
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stuff at bay. all students are welcome here. the lgbtq plus community, whether we fly a flag or not, they are still welcome, she said. >> the community division hit a peak in june when a pride flag on a fence was stolen. so they raised one on the flagpole. by september, two of the three board members voted that only the us flag and california flag were to be displayed on the school campus. the two board members who voted for exclude other flags from being displayed did not respond to a request for comment. some in the community say speaking out at the often heated board meetings has cost them. >> my mom has been called everything from a to a liberal snowflake to other things that wouldn't be appropriate to say on camera. >> residents say a petition to recall the two board members who voted to ban the pride flag could give voters the final say. as castro valley pride offers
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their support. >> we're seeing conversations about book banning. we're seeing conversations about a forced outing policy for trans kids. you know, the ban of a pride flag and then what i feel is blatant retaliation against staff. they're afraid for their jobs. and really, that's what we're here for today, is just to show them that we care. >> castro valley pride claims that this is part of a national conservative movement to take over local school boards. the meeting tonight will certainly be emotional after all this issue is really divided. this otherwise quiet, small rural community in sunol. i'm leslie brinkly, abc7 news. >> clearly has. all right, leslie, thanks very much. >> a horrible stench in the air around richmond has prompted an emergency meeting tonight to address air quality concerns. it started with several flaring events at the local chevron refinery just two weeks ago. then last week, a petroleum
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smell near chevron, as well as a heavy stench coming from the city's wastewater treatment plant. the cause was elevated levels of hydrogen sulfide. richmond's mayor says residents have been reporting headaches and breathing issues. tonight's meeting will be held at 5:00 at richmond's community service building. >> all right, let's turn now to the weather forecast. nice and crisp, but gorgeous weather out there. >> yeah, earlier we had some fog, but all cleared up now, sandhya. >> yeah, most areas actually seeing the sun this afternoon. one little spot still dealing with that thick fog. kristen and dan, let's take a look at a live picture. good afternoon to everyone in case you're inside and you want to see what it looks like outside. outside, look at this beautiful view from our pier 39 camera. we've got plenty of sun out there. and you can see the visitors are enjoying the sunshine. but as you look at live doppler seven, there's a touch of fog around point reyes and certainly some heavy fog still in santa rosa. it is dense at a quarter mile. visibility right now. most other areas, other than novato and half moon bay at ten miles. here's what you need to know.
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just like today, we have another coastal flood advisory for tomorrow. all areas shaded in green. that's 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. and that's because high astronomical tides will result in low lying flooding. so the high tide is expected to come in tomorrow, just before 11 a.m, peaking at 6.6, six feet. and then things will kind of subside as we take a look at a live picture from our san rafael camera. well, they're seeing some hazy sunshine right now. that's for sure. 57 degrees in san francisco, upper 50s, oakland, hayward, 63 in san jose and 54 in half moon bay. here's a live view from our oakland airport camera where it is just clear looking all the way across the bay there back towards the city, low 50s santa rosa, napa right now 58 degrees, 62 in fairfield. so that fog really holding the temperature down in santa rosa overnight tonight. chilly with areas of fog later this week. warming trend will bring some cities near their records, believe it or not, particularly friday and saturday. and then sunday
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through early next week. rain making a return and there is a possibility, maybe a slight chance of thunder temperatures as we go hour by hour tonight, 50s and 60s, there will be some fog first thing tomorrow morning. it's not going to be quite as widespread as this morning, but it may be dense once again. so watch out for that. tomorrow in the morning, 30s, 40s, and then look what happens by early afternoon. it's a fairly nice looking day with highs coming in later on in the day in the 50s and the 60s. so first thing tomorrow morning you will notice that chill in the air bundle up before you leave home and give yourself a little more time because there will be some areas of thick fog, mid 30s to the mid 40s tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at high temperatures that will range anywhere from the upper 50s to the mid 60s. a mix of sun and higher clouds. and then we're going to really kind of show you what's happening in the atmosphere for the rest of the workweek. no rain until later on this week, saturday night, a system tries to approach doesn't quite hold together. but by sunday, we're looking at rain moving in, some rain, snow over the sierra nevada going into
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monday and tuesday. so we'll keep the wet weather pattern going as a couple of systems come in here. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's going to be a chilly morning with some areas of fog followed by sunshine and high clouds. so we'll call it filtered sun. high temperatures on thursday will basically remain in the low to upper 60s. then we're going to warm it up on friday and saturday. we've got december warmth with 70 showing up later on in the week. we're going to bring in definitely some cooler weather and rain. dan and kristen. all right. >> nice little warm little spell. >> yeah, pretty nice. mid december. >> did you say it's mid december . i know. who says it's mid december. >> thanks, sandhya, very much. >> all right. well, the warriors show their appreciation for some bay area based service members during a league wide event known as hoops for troops. former warriors center festus ezeli and other staffers put members of the us coast guard through a workout at their base today in alameda. the guardsmen ran through drills, received some instruction, and then finished
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off with a full court five on five game. >> being here to be on the court with him, teach him some basketball skills. i almost brought some shorts to play with him tonight. it's just a it's a great feeling to be a part of this community here in the bay area. >> yeah, the event also included a picnic as well as a raffle. it was co-sponsored by rocket lawyer, a san francisco based online legal company founded by a us military veteran. >> that's terrific. all right. well, coming up next, the tricks to help speed things up as you head to the airport for holiday travel
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yeah, i agree. today, the tsa is sharing some tips, though, to make the process go as quickly as possible. >> abc7 news reporter leana howland was at san francisco international airport this morning where there are a few things this year to get you moving along. >> with christmas less than two weeks away, the tsa is bracing for an estimated 1.4 million travelers to be screened across bay area airports between friday and the rest of the year. >> tsa has been planning for the holidays literally for months for those with california driver's licenses, the tsa is encouraging travelers to download the california dmv wallet. >> then download your mobile id and at select checkpoints at
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sfo, sjc and lax. you can now use your mobile id for identity verification instead of your physical driver's license. >> that's new. this holiday season, we're encouraging people to do that and try it out. i think they're going to like it. one less thing that travelers have to do makes things go quicker. and so instead of looking for that id in your pocket or purse, everybody knows where their phone is at any moment. and the process is simple. just go ahead and activate that present that and it will bring up your photo. it will do a real time facial matching and you'll be allowed into the security checkpoint. it's a great system. we encourage people to try it out. >> and you hit show my mobile driver's license on the app. it generates this little qr code. so you put that underneath here and you look up at the camera and just like that, within seconds, we were in. but once you get to bag screening, the tsa is still reminding folks to use gift bags instead of wrapping paper for gifts in case they need to be screened. >> people bring all kinds of
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different ones. this is the reason it's not allowed is it's a blade. so no blades of any type, whether it's a razor blade. this type of blade. >> they have a few new x ray machines at select checkpoint this year that can take a 3-d x ray image of the contents of your bag, which means in some cases, you won't have to take anything out of your bag, even if you're not tsa precheck, they say just pay close attention to the instructions from the tsa officers in your line at sfo. lena howland, abc seven news. >> oakland has a new campaign for the holiday season encouraging people to support small businesses as business owners join together today to announce the find it in fruitvale initiative. their message is to shop local and shop latino. many of the small businesses in the fruitvale district are owned by people who are latinx. oakland leaders recently granted the area $250,000 to improve security. so people can shop safely. >> it's something that we take seriously. it fulfills a vibrant
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community with families, children and id also. we've also partnered with the department of violence prevention. they're right here in the transit village. so i think you'll see a lot of different steps that are that are taken to ensure your safety. >> one of those steps is a safety ambassador program. they'll be patrolling along fruitvale avenue between international and foothill boulevards. >> all right. still ahead here, the supreme court is set to take on a presidential immunity case. >> this as president trump jumps into a new fund raising venture. and a new wildfire warning what researchers found in the ashes of recent fires that could prove deadly in the chevy that's right for you. the award-winning chevy equinox. the hard-working chevy silverado.
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the news. >> ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky met with president biden today at the white house to try to get more funding and support for the war with russia. zelensky made the rounds in washington, dc, meeting with congressional leaders as well. right now, though, aid is stalled as republicans look to tie any additional money to security at the southern border with mexico. president biden urged congress to take action, although some leaders remain hesitant. >> without supplemental funding, we're rapidly coming to an end of our ability to help ukraine respond to the urgent operational demands that it has. putin is banking on the united states failing to deliver for ukraine. we must we must. we must prove him wrong. >> we need a clear articulation of the strategy to allow ukraine to win and thus far, their responses have been insufficient . but they have not provided us the clarity and the detail that
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we have requested over and over. >> the pentagon is providing $200 million in aid for ukraine. it does not need the approval of congress. >> the supreme court is stepping in to decide whether former president donald trump has immunity from criminal prosecution. abc news reporter reena roy looks into the arguments on both sides. >> the special counsel is calling it an extraordinary request. jack smith investigates putting former president trump's role in the january 6th attack. now asking the supreme court to decide whether trump has immunity. a lower court already rejected trump's claim of absolute immunity. judge tanya chutkan writing being present does not confer a lifelong get out of jail free pass. but trump appealed that ruling and the appeals process could delay the trial, possibly putting it past the 2024 election by going straight to the highest court with his request, smith is bypassing the appeals court, saying a cornerstone of our constitutional order is that no person is above the law.
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>> such a request for a quick consideration and quick ruling on such a major issue is highly unusual. but it is not without precedent. it back during the watergate era, of course, the court ruled and ruled in a very much expedited manner that president nixon could not use executive privilege to keep congress from getting access to his oval office tapes in a separate filing, smith's office says it plans to call three experts at the trial who reviewed data from trump's phone . >> that includes periods of time when trump's twitter app was opened during the january 6th attack, suggesting smith's team will try to show trump's role in communicating with the rioters. trump's team says smith is trying to interfere in the 2024 election. trump is the clear front runner for the republican nomination, and new polls show him leading president biden in a potential match up in two key battleground states, michigan and georgia. states biden won in 2020. the supreme court has given trump's legal team until next wednesday to respond to
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jack smith's request. this doesn't mean the court will hear the case, but will consider it. reena roy, abc news, new york. and if you're looking for a gift for the trump fan on your list, the former president is now selling digital trading cards featuring his famous mugshot. >> in addition, if anyone buys 47 of the cards, they'll also get a piece of the suit he was wearing when the mug shot was taken and an invitation to a dinner at mar a lago. the cards are selling for $99 each. >> the newest michelin star restaurant in the bay area. and the biggest search trends of the year. the running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside
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contact your volvo retailer to learn more. three san francisco establishments, delta in the presidio, which features mediterranean cuisine. then there's kiln, which features contemporary creations and a warehouse space that's on fell near venice. and lastly, movida, a mexican restaurant, just steps away from oracle park. they all look fab tastic. i haven't eaten at that many michelin restaurants in my life. i don't know if you have, but i'm always intrigued by what they come up with. >> i am as well. i actually don't even know if i've been to a single one. it's not usually something i think about when i go out to dinner. me neither. i
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think about what cuisine i want and then recommendations from friends on. this is good. good atmosphere. apparently, though, i need to get out to dinner more. i think i would try the mexican place first. >> you know, i was thinking the same thing. then maybe the mediterranean. they all look good to me. although, sandy, i'm actually pretty good with, like, a hot dog at the ballpark. >> right. you're a simple kind of guy, dan? i'm with dan in so many ways. i'm with you guys. i mean, i would definitely try the mexican restaurant, but i would try some of the other ones as well. as long as they had vegetarian options. that's right. they all look good, though. >> ama, i'm just chuckling because i remember at your kid's age, forget michelin, three star. i'm lucky if i get to a yelp three star restaurant. you know what i'm saying? >> as long as there's mac and cheese and i don't know if they're serving, if they have mac and cheese, it's going to be super fancy. >> i can come in five minutes because, you know, when they want to eat, they want to eat. now, now, now. i love three yelp stars. >> maybe two sometime. >> yes. depends on how desperate we are. now to the polar opposite of michelin starred restaurants, nacho cheese flavored booze, doritos.
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>> yup, yup. doritos teamed up with danish company empirical to create the limited edition flavor, the 84 proof alcoholic beverage goes on sale tomorrow in new york and california. it's only available online and costs $65.60 $5 for 750 milliliter bottle. you guys is that expensive? and also 84 proof. is that crazy? i mean, i don't drink so i have no idea. >> i think that's pretty high alcohol content. i'm not a oh, it is average. i mean it's but i'm not a drinker either. >> but producer stacy says it's average. yeah, it's not in cost, is it? >> you know. so does it taste like doritos? >> yeah, i don't know. i mean, i would try it. i wouldn't mind the taste. i guess. >> i guess i'd take a you know what is interesting, though, is, is how how the extent to which alcohol is being marketed now and all these boutique distilleries and it's just going so upscale and so boutique, it's become so red hot. >> it's fascinating. yeah, it is. it's like what coffee did a
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few years ago. >> i see what you did there with doritos and red hot. i get it. dan see it out for you? >> no, not at all. i'm not. i don't really drink. so. kristen, that would be a pass from me. but we are the worst for people to be talking about this. >> we got $40 on. wow >> can we talk about chocolate? dan? you know, we all eat desserts. >> i'm an expert in that area. all right. as we close in on the end of the year, it's time to take a look back of course, and reflect a little bit this morning, abc seven reggie aqui spoke with google trends expert sara armstrong about the top searches of the year. >> we have an explained category where people are searching something and the word explained a lot of the searches here are around kind of like scary tv that has lots of twists and turns. so the top search here is that movie, the menu. i'm a little too scared to watch it. i know that folks go to a restaurant and things are not as they seem and it takes a dark turn. and that's kind of a theme here. no one will save you, which is kind of a thriller.
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horror is number two, and then silo, which is in a similar category. i definitely looked up what that's all about. and then we also see some news events here, like israel palestine, title 42, also on the explained category, top memes of the year. always a funny category. i think that i'm chronically online, but i did not know a lot of these except i did know the first one. it's kevin james. he's wearing plaid. he's in the corner, kind smiing. and so people will say, like me on the ox at a party. and, you know, when the music gets bad and you're like, smirking in the corner, that kind of thing. >> funny. and it's weird that that just came out because it's not like this is a new image. >> no, it's not a new image at all. it just really caught fire on the internet. and you see that in a lot of the trends. so the how often category we had to pull because how often do you think about the roman empire is such a huge thing this year that is one of the most bizarre things. >> but that is really funny. >> how often do you think about the roman empire? not that often, nope, nope, never.
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>> never. >> not at all. >> interesting, though, you know it is it is interesting. at the end of the year, we do tend you always look forward to new year's resolutions or whatever people do to look forward about starting fresh in the new year. but ama, we do like to look back and kind of think about what the year that has passed and they always go so fast. >> they do. i'm sitting here wondering though, what would my what was my top search like if i had some sort of category that i seemed to search the most? i have no idea. i'm curious now, though. >> yeah, i don't know. i'd have to think about it as well. sandy you probably search weather information all the time. >> yeah, i do. although i think mine is more of a variety. it depends on what i'm looking for right? like if i'm looking for a good restaurant where we're visiting, then i'm going to search for that. if i'm looking for something for the christmas list, search for that. i mean, weather is, of course, at the top down. yep. >> all right. now, from the search to the dictionary, word of the year, we like to look back that way as well. so is word of the
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year is drum roll, please hallucinate. but it's not the definition. you think, oh, yeah, yeah. what do you guys think it means? does anybody want to venture a guess before we in this context? >> yeah. i don't know. >> uh, maybe reflect. >> okay, good guess. good guess. me and you guys didn't watch abc7 3:00 getting answers. >> so. so we usually do. i missed it. >> i know dan, you watch a lot. i know this in terms of i, it is when the i like chatgpt returns something that's totally made up. then the i was hallucinating. see right there of artificial intelligence to produce false information contrary to the intent of the user and to present it as true and factual. have you guys ever encountered that while doing a search like that on i, i haven't done a lot of searching. >> i haven't done much. but that's interesting. now i'll know when they make it up. it's hallucinating. >> yeah. yeah >> like if it tells you, dan, next time you're in italy, like, hey, after you stop by the venice canal, go to the eiffel
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tower just a mile away. you know that's hallucinating, right? >> right, right. >> like, not true. >> right? right >> that's interesting. >> okay, cool. okay. other important words for 2023 wokeism indicted. and once again, riz, you guys all know riz. >> yeah, right. yep. right. what does riz again? >> charisma. >> yeah, charisma. >> oh, he's got. she's got riz loaded with riz. >> sandia knows that because people use it on her all the time. >> no, because my son uses it on my all the time. kristen my new year's resolution will be to become hip and use all these cool words. i don't know. we're clearly not trending. >> yeah. >> all right. well that is this edition of the ford four tezspire can help you have fewer attacks and relieve your asthma symptoms. tezspire is an add on treatment for people 12 and over.
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abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra is here now with the details. steph >> yes, kristen and dan, this is pretty scary. this threat is not coming from the flames themselves. as you might imagine, but something that's literally underneath the feet of firefighters as teams fighting the raging wildfires that sweep through california are trained for potentially deadly risks. but now researchers at stanford's dorje school of sustainability believe they may have to add one more to the list . >> toxic metals, a big part of the findings of our study are to alert first responders. >> scott van dorf is a professor of earth system science and coauthor of the study. he and the stanford team analyzed soil samples from the wildfire
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ravaged areas in northern california. they found that the intense heat from those fires can transform natural elements in the soil into chromium six, a toxic metal believed to cause cancer. >> as we heat up the minerals in the soil in many cases, the soils have more toxic metals in them, and specifically in this case, chromium. that gets transformed from a fairly benign form to one that becomes very toxic. and that is in the very small particulate matter. and that particulate matter could be the key threat if it carries the metals into the air and ultimately the lungs of firefighters and others. >> dr. sharon sindhuraja traits and researches breathing issues at stanford, and particularly when we inhale, it can actually travel to the farthest branches of your respiratory tract system and then and then essentially get embedded there. professor wendorf says the study was not designed to trace airborne metals, but he believes the
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discovery so far should raise an alarm. >> given what we're seeing in the on the surface of the soils, the land, there is no way that you can have those fine particulate particulate matter that isn't also being transferred in the air. >> he says the metals are contained in specific types of plants and soils and identifying them could help create a kind of threat map to warn both firefighters and also clean up crews working in a high risk area. plus help better protect them from the toxic metal threat . now, many people may be familiar with chromium from the film erin brockovich about a contamination in a town's water supply. but experts told us airborne particles, if they're identified, could be even more dangerous than other kinds of toxic metal pollution. so, dan, this is a double threat. >> it sounds like it. stephanie thank you very much. 2023 was the warmest summer on record in the arctic. that's according to a new report out today by the
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national oceanic and atmospheric administration and noaa. temperatures hit a record 43 degrees and sea ice continued its shrinking trend. scientists say the arctic is warming nearly four times faster than the rest of earth due to climate change. >> that is so disturbing. i know , right? all right. we do have some fairly warm weather coming our way, right? >> we do indeed. so we will enjoy that. meteorologist sandhya patel is back. sandhya. >> yeah, we're going to see some 70s around here, possibly nearing record later on. record territory later on this week. so dan and kristen, let's take a look at our percent of normal santa rosa right now, 47% of average san francisco, just a little below that, anywhere from 22% of normal for oakland, san jose, 30 and 38 at sfo as we look at the sierra snowpack statewide said it is at 32% of average. a little higher to the north, lower to the south. as you can . and speaking of seeing if you want to check out the geminid meteor showers tomorrow night into early
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thursday is when we're expecting the peak. and new moon with passing high clouds could be an issue. but if you move away from bright lights, you may be lucky enough to catch dozens of it. if you're lucky, even 120 meteors per hour on live doppler seven. some parts of the country, we do have some fog tomorrow afternoon expecting sunshine. highs will be in the 50s and 60s. and look at the temperature trend for san jose averages 59. you're going to be well above average with those numbers peaking friday, saturday in the low 70s. accuweather seven day dry through saturday sunday, monday, tuesday. we have a level one system coming our way with rain in the forecast. kristen dan okay sandy, thanks so much. >> a little holiday cheer today at the san francisco unified school district office three live album by the door to get all. this stuff. >> rainbow always sweet to see kids singing. >> a few dozen students from commodore sloat elementary school renewed an annual tradition by performing some holiday carols in the main lobby
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. the kids knocked it out of the park to delighting staff members, as well as district superintendent matt wayne get into the holiday spirit anytime with the yule log or stream it 24 over seven. >> i know. find it on abc seven or put it on your big screen with the abc seven bay area streaming tv app just don't get too close to your tv right an emmy award winning actor with a new project is ready to hit the stage right here in the bay area. >> i'm always excited to come to san francisco. >> so that's richard thomas. he's bringing the classic novel to kill a mockingbird to broadway here. more on that next stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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as for abc7 news at 11 erin sorkin's stage adaptation of harper lee's classic novel to kill a mockingbird is on a national tour and it begins its san francisco run tomorrow. emmy award winning actor richard thomas is starring as the main character, atticus finch. thomas joined me earlier today on abc7's midday live to talk about the show. you know, many of us read the play, the 1960s play, which confronts racial justice, injustice, i should say, in america. and now the aaron sorkin play written in, i think, 2018, right? that's right. we got nine tony nominations. it's good stuff. how is it the same or different from the book that
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we're familiar with? >> well, to aaron has done an amazing job of adapting harper lee's novel and without betraying it, any way, the spirit or the story. he has really framed it in such a way that the way at which we look at these issues of social justice now is very much in the play. i mean, the lens through which we view them and what we know and feel about it now is very much a part of the way he's told the story without really changing anything. it's amazing. it's kind of like a wonderful magic trick that he's done. but for the atticus player, the great thing is he's taken atticus off his pedestal and made him a man who has a lot to learn and who goes through a loss of innocence and has a great. and i think he's perhaps an even more approachable character in aaron's adaption ocean. and it's also a wonderfully funny play as well as he's you know, he's so great with humor as well. well, as, you know, the light and shadow or in there balanced beautifully. yeah perhaps even more so in the sorkin version, right? >> yeah, i think so. although
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matt harper lee's book if you haven't if you loved it as a kid, it's not a ya novel read it as an adult. >> it's a whole new experience. >> you mentioned kid. i saw the disclaimer age 12 and up appropriate. what is it? i know you're a dad. what is your thought about kids seeing? because i know there's difficult both concepts and also language. yeah right. >> i think it's a great i think it's a great play for young people to see because especially when, when young people hit their adolescence is when they're beginning to form their own sense of justice and fairness and community and civic. >> you know, they begin to see themselves as citizens and members of a group. so it's the perfect show, i think, for young people all 12 and up to see and it's it has its bracing things but i mean you know this is this is young people are there to learn about the world and it's a it's a wonderful i really recommend bringing young people probably 12 and up is probably right okay well what kind of thought do you hope for seeing this would provoke in the
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audience and what does it provoke in you as an actor? >> the most important thing for me is that people are entertained. >> they're going to laugh. they're going to cry. they have a wonderful, full, rich, emotional experience seeing the play because it's so beautifully acted. we have wonderful, wonderful actors in the in the in the show. >> and you've got to see it for yourself. it's not here very long. the show runs tomorrow through sunday only at san francisco's golden gate theater. you can get tickets now at broadway com and that's going to do it for abc7 news at four abc7 news at five with dan and ama is coming up next.
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