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tv   America This Morning  ABC  December 13, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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on america this morning, your money. the new report on what's getting cheaper and what's getting more expensive for american consumers. the mixed news on inflation and how it could influence a big decision today on interest rates to
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developing stories overseas. >> israel are now flooding underground tunnels in gaza, hoping to flush out hamas fighters. the new warning from president biden to israel about losing support for the war. >> and in ukraine overnight, a new missile attack. a children's hospital is struck just hours after president zelensky's visit to washington. securing breach. >> the stunning moment in airline passenger from overseas arrives in los angeles with no ticket. and no passport. how could it happen? >> a major endorsement, the big boost for presidential candidate nikki haley and the response from desantis campaign paying tribute to dynamic film and tv actor andre braugher. >> what he once said about balancing work and life. >> plus, a new way to protect your personal information and photos. if your cell phone is stolen. >> and later, is my start, i the war on this record setting christmas display in one
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neighborhood and from abc in new york this is america this morning. good wednesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> happy wednesday. i'm rhiannon ally. we begin with your money and a big decision expected later today. >> the federal reserve is meeting to discuss what to do about interest rates. it comes one day after a new report on inflation revealed what's getting cheaper and what's getting more expensive for the american consumer. it's a mix of good news and some not so good news this morning. the federal reserve is widely expected to keep interest rates unchanged when it meets later today. it's already raised rates 11 times in the past year to bring down inflation. >> consumers are spending, but not as strong as they were. the economy seems to be avoiding a recession all of that gives the fed a little breathing room. >> new data shows inflation slowed to a rate of 3.1% last month, down slightly from 3.2% in october. gas prices are helping. prices at the pump are down $0.23 in the last month, but not all the news is good
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when you take out the cost of gas and food. so-called core inflation is up 4% over last year. >> at this time, it's a mixed picture on inflation. i think it's sticky or hanging on in certain areas of the economy. we're getting a little relief in others. >> housing prices are one troubling spot. americans are paying 6.9% more in rent this year. and car insurance bills are surging up more than 19% due to higher car prices. repair and medical costs. >> the overall picture, i think, is a good one, but we know that many american families, his still are finding many things to be unaffordable. and that's very much why president biden is focused on lowering costs for american families, higher costs have already taken a toll on the food industry. >> business insider reports some manufacture errors are tweaking their recipes to save money from crackers to chocolate bars, textures and tastes are slightly changing due to cost cutting moves is still the overall inflation number is positive.
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experts say if it keeps heading in the right direction, the fed could start cutting interest rates by spring. >> now to the war in israel and some of the toughest talk yet from president biden. he is warning prime minister benjamin netanyahu that israel is losing international support for the war. and biden says it's because of israel's, quote, indiscriminate bombing in gaza. he's also criticizing israel's right wing leadership for not supporting a two state solution with the palestine aliens. >> us officials confirm israeli troops have started pumping seawater into a network of tunnels controlled by hamas. they're apparently flooding the tunnels on a limited basis to test the strategy aimed at driving out enemy fighters. israeli troops are also training in fake tunnels. abc news got a look inside as they prepare for battle. >> you can imagine being in this kind of tunnel for over 60 days. the fuel is getting out the food, the water. you have no connection to anyone else. the only thing that's happening, you hear the airstrikes getting closer and closer and heavier
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and heavier. i guess what's going through some of their minds is that's it. >> there are concerns that hamas is still holding hostages in those tunnels now being flooded. president biden is expected to meet today with families of some of the remaining american hostages. >> and now to the debate in washington over funding the war in ukraine. president zelensky and biden making their plea yesterday. the us has already spent $111 billion. republicans say they won't approve more money until the white house does more to secure the us southern border. meanwhile overnight, a new attack on ukraine's capital. abc's justin finch is here now with more. justin, good morning. >> rhiannon good morning. as russia launches new strikes on kyiv, the timeline for congress to pass ukraine aid is tightening. house members now set to adjourn for the holidays tomorrow, followed by the senate friday. overnight, ukraine's capital city coming under fire. the kiev's mayor reporting his air defenses were activated, but
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saying the russian air strike left several dozen civilians injured, including children. russia's latest missile strike coming as ukraine's president volodymyr zelensky, was in washington pleading in person for congress to approve another $61 billion in aid by year's end. without it, zelensky and president biden warning russia could win in ukraine. >> we are fighting for our country and freedom and also in europe, we say for our freedom and yours. >> a source familiar says a declassified us intelligence report finds the kremlin's military personnel struggling, counting roughly. 315,000 dead or injured. russian troops since the conflict began. russian officials denying the high numbers. president biden cautioning russia's president putin could still snatch a victory. and putting republic in the hot seat. >> the host of a kremlin run show literally said, and i
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quote, well done, republicans. that's good for us, end of quote . >> still, republicans are withholding support for new ukraine funding until the president agrees to more stringent immigration policy. >> our first condition on any national security supplemental spending package is about our own national security. first, the border is an absolute catastrophe. >> the president saying he's open to compromise and blasting republicans, holding ukraine funding hostage in the attempt to force through an extreme republican partizan agenda on the border is not not how it works, how and when president biden and republicans can strike a deal remains unclear. but biden wants one done before the holidays, though senate republican leader mitch mcconnell says that's practically impossible. well, andrew. >> all right, justin, thank you. a russian man who had neither a ticket nor a passport to fly to los angeles is now facing federal charges. court documents
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say the man arrived at lax on a scandinavian airlines flight from denmark. he was detained after officials were unable to find his name on the flight manifest. authorities say he also gave them false information and claimed his passport was left on the plane. he's now charged with being a stowaway. it's unclear how he got on board. he's due back in court later this month. >> now to a major development in the race for president. a key endorsement in new hampshire could change the state of the race. it's a big boost for nikki haley's presidential campaign. you can feel the energy. the former south carolina governor picking up the endorsement of popular new hampshire governor chris sununu six weeks before his state's first in the nation primary. >> so are you going to finally endorse nikki haley for president? you bet your i am. >> let's get this thing done. >> john sununu backing haley comes a month after iowa governor kim reynolds endorsed ron desantis for president. days antis haley and other republican primary candidates all trail
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former president trump by more than 30 in the polls. thank you. thanks. at a town hall last night, desantis doubted that sununus endorsement will boost haley's standing among conservatives, even a campaigner as good as chris is not going to be able to paper over nikki being an establishment candidate . desantis also took aim at trump, accusing him of flip flopping on abortion, overreaching in his response to covid 19 and failing to build a border wall. the florida governor also discussing health care, vowing to replace obamacare. he was pressed on how he would do it. >> the number one thing is affordable ability and cost. when can the voters expect to see your plan? well we'll roll it out. i mean, we're working on it. >> meanwhile, west virginia senator joe manchin is declining to say whether he'll make a third party run for president as he downplays recent polls. >> and i hate to break it to
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you, you've got 3% of the vote. yeah >> so how would a bad poll i haven't even i haven't said a word. i haven't been on the road. i haven't done anything back in new hampshire, sununu is scheduled to join haley at three town halls today. >> and tomorrow. >> time now for a look at your wednesday weather. drops heavy snow today in the southern rockies. some areas could see more than a foot. the system heads toward the southeast by this weekend, bringing up to six inches of rain to parts of florida. checking today's high temperatures, 40 in the northeast and the midwest. it mild in the southeast and 70 for both la and phenix. and looking ahead to christmas, the forecast calls for warmer than normal temperatures for most of the country. we're not seeing too many white christmases this year . coming up, the game referees is not the players started a fight. >> also ahead, the jailhouse
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calls now released in the case of a florida woman charged in her son in law's murder. >> and what some pharmacy chains are doing with your medical data that's raising privacy concerns there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching. whatever i was doing now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema there's a power inside all of us to live our passion.
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and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within.
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on good morning america, erica let's usually the players who start fights, but at this fourth grade basketball game in colorado, take a look. >> it was actually the referees. it's unclear why the brawl started, but the refs left the game before police arrived. they have now been suspended indefinitely. >> the largest pharmacy chains in the country are sharing their patients prescription records with police without requiring a warrant. that's what a congressional investigation has found. it found cvs, rite aid and kroger are among those turning over records upon request from law enforcement. critics say the lax policies could be exploited to obtain patient information on
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abortions, birth control and mental health. speaking of privacy, concerns, product being sold on amazon is facing serious scrutiny. these hooks have a camera in them. they're the subject of a lawsuit from a woman claiming she was recorded in a bathroom. amazon says it's not responsible for how the product is used. >> we turn now to the florida woman charged in a family plot to murder her former son in law. her son charlie was sentenced for his role yesterday. and now we're hearing jailhouse phone calls between the two. here's abc's derrick dennis this morning. >> a stoic charlie adelson in court for his sentencing as a killer, you are sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of release or parole. life for the murder of his ex brother in law, dan markel, a professor at florida state university, gunned down at his home in 2014 by a hitman. prosecutors say adelson hired that hitman after his sister's bitter child custody battle with markel. >> i would just like to say that
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i maintain my innocence. he is never coming back. >> we continue to hope and pray for justice. >> adding to the saga, adelson's 73 year old mother, donna, arraigned this week as an alleged coconspirator in the murder plot. police say they captured her at miami's airport trying to flee to vietnam and now jail house calls between adelson and her son have been released, in which donna is heard discussing plans to leave the country. >> we've been looking it up over and over. so things change. and if there is extradition from vietnam, because we've looked at all the places, i mean, i could go to korea and china, but there's no extradition. but we're looking for places where there's no extradition. >> she's also heard discussing another option. >> she was going to go want to go to sleep and see my son? >> i do perfectly honest. i do do it together. leave a note. i'll know when to come in here and we'll do it together. and like her son, donna adelson, will face murder charges.
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>> she has not yet entered a plea. andrew rhiannon, derek dennis, thank you for that. >> coming up, the end of an era in the nfl. >> but first, paying tribute to a film and tv actor who had very a film and tv actor who had very clear priorities in life ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america.
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about that man who played santa in home alone. the family of ken hudson campbell says he is now recovered after surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. he previously lost his health insurance, but fans got together online. they helped raise more than $110,000 for his care. >> we turn now to the passing of a talented film and tv actor who had clear priorities in life. this morning, andre braugher is being remembered as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. >> is there a reason you're interrupting me? mid soup. >> the star, best known for his role as the deadpan captain holt on brooklyn nine-nine, died monday after a short illness. the chicago native attended stanford and juilliard before making his film debut in glory alongside denzel washington. in i'd like to speak to you for a moment in private, man. but it was in the 90s when he found his breakout role. detective frank pembleton, homicide. life on the streets. >> franz rader is two hours dead, and she's offered to testify against our own. his
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role winning him an emmy. >> he was named one of people magazine's 50 most beautiful people and met his wife while working on homicide. they had three kids and brauer said they were his priority, once telling variety. it's been an interesting career. i think it could have been larger, but it would have been at the expense of my own life. brauer would go on to take smaller roles on the big and small screens, including on house md as the title character's psychiatrist. >> that's why you've been thinking about this case for playing captain holt on brooklyn nine-nine would return him to the spotlight. it's revitalized my career entirely. i used to be a dramatic actor, and now i'm a comedic actor. and the transformation has been really, really wonderful. >> his costar terry crews saying, i will be forever grateful for the experience of knowing you. you showed me what a life well-lived looks like. >> these have been the these have been the best years of my career for andre braugher was just a 61 years old. >> what a career and life in
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sports. >> the end of an era could be looming in the nfl. a report in boston says the patriots have decided to part ways with coach bill belichick at the end of the season as the team struggles in last place in the afc east at just three and ten. >> will he coach somewhere else? we'll have to wait and stay tuned. coming up, a new way to protect your cell phone if it gets lost or stolen. >> plus, the war on christmas >> plus, the war on christmas lights if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash
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and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at good morning america. >> check the pulse and we begin with a fight over holiday lights . >> a display north of new york city has set a record. guinness officially says it is the most lights on a residential property. look at that. more than 720,000 of them. some neighbors, though, are less than amused. the homeowner says the display has grown steadily
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through the years. >> it started very simple with just 600 lights on the two trees by the front steps. my brother suggested put lights around the pond. that was actually the spark that ignited, adding more lights each year. >> so neighbors say visitors to these lights are making a huge mess. one neighbor is now running for a seat in town government to formally oppose the light display next. apple is rolling out a new layer of security to protect against stolen passcodes. >> it's designed to block thieves even if they get a hold of your iphone and your secret code, the stolen device protection will be activated when your phone is not at home or at work. it will then require your face id in addition to your passcode, to make changes or access your data. the feature will be available with an upcoming software update. all right. next, an update on being the chihuahua. >> we showed you this chase yesterday. drivers spotted little bean running down a highway in new york. several people jumped from their cars and chased after him. meanwhile, 20 cars formed a barrier to
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protect bean from traffic and didn't expect that the little tiny dog it can be super fast. >> it's like, why is this woman running so on the highway? on the highway. so then with her jacket and someone threw me like a canvas tote bag. i don't even know who threw it at me. i just took it and we kind of scooped bean up. >> it worked. >> bean's owner says he slipped under their fence and was missing for six hours. finally doritos has come up with the drink you never knew you needed. >> it's nacho cheese flavored vodka. you can preorder your bottle beginning today for, oh, bottle beginning today for, oh, 65 bucks. top headlin ♪ [man struggles] i need some sleep. ♪ [man relieved] if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information
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seven news now at five. >> we're standing by this morning for a decision from the federal reserve. the agency is expected to keep interest rates unchanged, which could signal an easing of prices over the next few months. >> a course correction by major pharmacy chain cvs. the company now saying one of its san francisco stores, stores that was set to close is going to stay open. plus it's good for business, but it's not the kind of business that you really are happy to take on. >> it's a


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