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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  December 13, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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seven news now at five. >> we're standing by this morning for a decision from the federal reserve. the agency is expected to keep interest rates unchanged, which could signal an easing of prices over the next few months. >> a course correction by major pharmacy chain cvs. the company now saying one of its san francisco stores, stores that was set to close is going to stay open. plus it's good for business, but it's not the kind of business that you really are happy to take on. >> it's a really costly trend,
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replacing home windows, storefronts and even car windshields with a bulletproof alternate. >> i've talked to unhoused voices use unhoused voices. those need to be the loudest voices at the table. >> more tents going up in the south bay. why leaders in san jose believe these safe sleeping sites could help the unhoused. >> good morning. it is wednesday , december 13th. >> we'll start the check of our forecast. >> andrew. hey, good morning. okay. another morning where the fog is thick around here. we'll take a look at our abc7 oakland airport camera this morning where you can see the visibility. it is low, it's ebbing and flowing around the bay shoreline and in the north bay. take a look at where we stand right now. it's the north bay from petaluma to novato. we're down to zero miles. visibility. the east bay shoreline, oakland, hayward down to a quarter of a mile in spots. it's a similar story around san carlos inland. we're doing a lot better but a dense fog advisory is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning for most areas close to the coast and around the bay
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shoreline. for that thick fog. temperatures right now, we are in the 30s and in the 40s. so here's how it breaks down area by area. inland today, we're starting out pretty clear. we get a lot of sunshine this afternoon. but the bay shoreline, we have all that fog that is slow to break down. the afternoon will get some sunshine. temperatures in the 60s and along the coast all day long. it's a blend of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon. that's weather. let's see how we do on the roads with that fog. good morning, gloria. >> good morning, drew. yeah, you mentioned the fog that continues to be an issue today on the roads. i know. i experienced it this morning on my drive in. we're getting a live look right now at the bay bridge toll plaza and right now, the chp has issued a fog advisory for the bay bridge. and then let's check out the san mateo-hayward bridge. look at this. i mean, it's so foggy, you can't even make out the cars here. that's how thick the fog is in some areas this morning. >> thank you, gloria. this morning, six people are recovering after a uc santa cruz transit bus crashed on campus last night. uc santa cruz police say the bus was traveling down a
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hill on coolidge drive when it went off the road and crashed. investigators haven't said if there were any students on board . >> i can't say that there were students, but there were people from the from the university transferring through our loop in the transit system. driver and five passengers were all taken to the hospital. >> two of them have major injuries. as concerns about crime continue to impact people across the bay area, we're learning about a growing security trend. bulletproof glass. the glass can be up to 2.5in thick. it can resist everything from bullets to being hit by things like baseball bats . east bay glass in oakland tells abc seven news. they're seeing a big increase in requests for these products. >> you know, you are appreciative of the business, but it's gone from getting those phone calls for a broken pane of glass. you know, you have kids out playing and stuff like that to now it's transitioned to something a lot darker. and it's just sad that the condition that
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the community has gone in. >> while homeowners might be curious about installing this ballistic glass, the high cost can be a deterrent. east bay glass says some of it can cost up to $350 a square foot, not including the installation fees, but businesses and government agencies like oakland's permitting office in oakland high school have installed this glass recent plea, a reversal by cvs that is sure to be a relief to people living in san francisco's lower haight neighborhood. >> the pharmacy chain has decided to keep its store near haight and fillmore open. last week, cvs announced the store would close january 11th. the reason for the closure was unclear. people who live in the area were upset and worried because they would have to travel a long distance to get prescriptions. >> overwhelmed because my mama has been helping me a lot with the medicines and the closest pharmacy to work. we will be, you know, three times the amount of distance. so we were already doing the transfer and stuff. so supervisor dean preston says his
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office put pressure on cvs to keep the store open. >> abc7 news reached out to the company for more info about their decision. they wrote back only saying they are not closing and apologize for any confusion. >> developing news the federal reserve is set to announce its latest decision about interest rates later this morning as it tries to tame inflation. gloria is live with what we already know about this decision gloria. >> well, kumasi, the fed is expected to keep those interest rates unchanged at the end of its meeting today. investors are hopeful that after 11 rate hikes since march of 2022, rates could start to be cut as soon as the spring. this is happening as data shows inflation slowed to roughly 3.1% last month. that is down slightly from 3.2% in october. however, what experts call core inflation, that is still up about 4% compared to last year at this time compared to pre pandemic levels. >> prices are still higher. the
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good news is that inflation peaked a long time ago. >> the november inflation report shows that there were increases in the price of rent and food, but gas and clothing costs were down. and when you put it all together, the average family is still spending about $200 per month more for the same goods and services than they were last year, because cause of inflation. and reggie, i know we're all feeling it. >> absolutely. gloria thank you. new developments in the israel hamas war. the un general assembly voted yesterday to demand an immediate cease fire in gaza. the us has repeatedly blocked calls for cease fire. a majority vote of 153 nations voted for the resolution in the assembly's emergency session. the vote is non-binding and it calls for compliance with international law and for immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. prison biden says he told prime minister benjamin yahoo! that israel is starting to lose international support over how
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it is carrying out the war by an added netanyahu must change his government, but he pushed back. even with the disagreement. the us is pledging support. >> i also ask congress for funding for israel to take on hamas and confront multiple other threats backed by iran in the wake of the october 7th assault, nasa security advisor sullivan will travel to the region this week and meet with the israeli war cabinet later today. >> president biden plans to meet with family members of americans held hostage by hamas. >> but real change, as you know, doesn't come through. resolutions rising anti-semitism and islamophobia won't bring peace here or anywhere. i want you all to hear this as well. >> one city passing a resolution may not have impact, but we are part of a collective of cities in this country. >> tensions ran high at last
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night's berkeley city council meeting as the council and community debated a resolution calling for a cease fire in the israel-hamas war. some urged the council to pass a resolution. others brought signs calling it divisive. in the end, the council took no action on a cease fire resolution. dozens of people calling for a cease fire in gaza rallied outside of san francisco's. the san francisco office of senator alex padilla. some people made it inside the building where they held a sit in there demanding that padilla reject any additional military aid for israel. a much smaller rally took place outside meta's headquarters in menlo park. people there demanded the social network end with the protesters say is the censorship of palestinian voices. meta responded by saying it has introduced a number of measures to address spikes in harmful content since the war started, and it applies the policies equally as part of our effort to help build a better bay area. >> we're looking at the homelessness crisis this morning . san jose is considering safe sleeping sites. the mayor says
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it's already working in san diego. abc7 news reporter lena howland is live in san jose with how this would work in the south bay. lena reggie the safe sleeping sites that mayor matt mehan wants to try to help get more people off the streets would essentially mean sanctioned encampment sites. >> these legal camps would include on site amenities like restrooms, showers and resource referrals based on preliminary data from this year's point in time, count the city of san jose has more than 4400 unsheltered people. all the safe sleeping sites would be modeled after a similar program that's working for san diego, where they just expanded to a second site with space for up to 400 insulated tents. sean cartwright, a homeless advocate with the unhoused response group, says if san jose follows the plan, it should be done on a much smaller scale. >> all forced relocation of unhoused people matched together in a large camp. and that means that you have people together
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who don't get along, people who may have abused each other, she says. >> san jose tried something similar in 2018 to provide immediate housing called hope village. the camp only lasted about a month because it technically was on state property and did not have government backed singh. a timeline for this project has not been released yet. officials say they are still working on both the size and placement of this potential site. live in san jose, lena howland, abc seven news. thank you, lena. >> new developments in that horrible smell that's been lingering over richmond recently . the city council has voted to take action on it. last night they approved looking into whether that wastewater treatment plant operator violated its contract and the possibility of finding a new operator. the decision came after the council questioned the leaders from the company. it's called and veolia and heard from angry residents. veolia has said the stench was released during a
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construction process, but they also admitted they made mistakes . >> we've retrained our staff. we've reviewed our construction activities as well as normal operations and are in the process of creating detailed standard operating procedures and finalization of a full investigation. on the city council is requiring veolia to complete a report about the incident by january 8th. >> they plan to discuss it more during a meeting next month. >> 5-10 this morning. let's take you to our tam cam where you can see we have a lot of low level cloud cover this morning. our marine layer is taking over a lot of the bay shoreline right now. you can only see the tops of the highest skyscrapers in the city with a lot of lights down below. beneath that cloud cover visible city right now because you're down to zero miles in hollister, five miles in san jose. but it's really around the bay shoreline and in the north bay, where we have the worst fog and especially the east bay shoreline from oakland down through san leandro, hayward, fremont and mountain view right now as well. zero
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miles. visibility in novato a quarter and napa and santa rosa. but outside of those areas you move inland concord, livermore, vacaville, we're doing just fine with unlimited visible 8-80. but we do have a dense fog advisory in effect again until 10 a.m. this morning. so we start out with that dense fog. temperatures by 9 a.m. in the 40s and low 50s clouds are still breaking down through the middle part of our day. but that leads to a brighter afternoon by 4 p.m. and those temperatures back into the 60s across the board. now, looking at the three day forecast, what you'll find morning fog to sunshine today and then it's a lot brighter thursday and friday. look at friday's temperatures, 60 and 70s even warmer on saturday before we introduce rain back into the forecast. reggie, we'll show you those details coming up in eight minutes. drew thank you. >> the legal fate of donald trump now lying in the hands of the supreme court. still ahead, the justices charged with determining the immunity of the former president. >> and more trouble for san francisco schools. the job cuts now being considered by the district to make up for a $400
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million deficit. >> believe it or not, these are not pictures taken in the aisles of a hardware store, but instead a collection of stolen items recently recovered during major busts by the chp. >> and a live look outside right now at 512. we'll be right back.
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the theft ring targeted stores like lowe's, home depot and harbor freight. all of the stolen merchandise was recovered at a hardware and plumbing supply business. and three suspect s were arrested. the estimated value of the stolen goods is around half a million bucks. time now is 515. san francisco unified is looking to cut hundreds of positions as it faces a budget deficit that could balloon to more than $420 million by 2025. the issue was discussed during a school board
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meeting last night. superintendent matt wayne is proposing the district eliminate 900 open positions to save $100 million annually. those positions include teachers, custodians, us central office staff and administrators. >> we have a few other areas where we're looking at like where we spend money on consultants or on the district office or how we're staffing our schools. so we'll be looking at that through our budget planning process. >> wayne said if those vacant jobs are eliminated, the district could move forward with a substantial raise for teachers in the district. he also told abc7 news there are no plans to close schools or lay off staff. >> today the santa rosa city school district will be discussing a proposal to bring police officers back on some school campuses permanently. earlier this week, officers were brought back to some campuses on a temporary basis until the winter break. santa rosa police tweeted this photo of the officers assigned to patrol schools. and the reason this is happening is because of safety concerns at the schools. the
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concerns first came to light back in march when a student was killed in a stabbing at montgomery high school. officers were removed from santa rosa schools in 2020 as part of an effort to confront racial biases in the criminal justice system. a gilroy man is desperate to find his cat, and he's hoping a high tech device is going to help him to do it. miss kitty disappeared last week. her owners have managed to track her all the way to carmel valley using an apple airtag attached to miss kitty's collar. her and that is more than an hour away from home. >> i didn't know what to think. i mean, i assumed that because she still has the airtag that she wasn't like taking. i think maybe she got into a car or something or maybe got up underneath a car. >> no, people have spotted miss kitty, so now her owners are trying to catch up with her. >> they set up a trap in a backyard of a home near where that airtag was last located.
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>> it was a very festive night at oracle park, where a fund raiser for holiday heroes took place. former giants manager gabe kapler was among those in attendance last night for a story time from the dugout holiday heroes is put on by wender weiss for children and helps underserved kids in the bay area. abc7 is a sponsor of that event. get your mugs out for national cocoa day. the national cocoa day website recommends mixing your cocoa powder with heated milk or water and adding some sugar. for the perfect sip. you're going to add sugar to sugar. >> well, maybe not. >> that's just. that's just coming from me. americans frequently use the terms hot cocoa and hot chocolate interchangeably. hot chocolate is actually different and hot chocolate is made from ground chocolate containing cocoa butter mixed with hot milk and the hot cocoa is just cocoa. >> that's is that like the thicker. >> yeah. >> i just think if you put it if
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you put it with the water, it's too watered down. yeah >> you put it with so you put it with milk. >> yeah. well i mean i don't put it with i don't drink that, i don't drink hot chocolate that much. no we're not eight years old. >> i'd rather get some coffee. honestly you know, for a hot drink. speaking of coffee, starbucks is giving out free hot chocolate. >> not speaking of coffee. >> maybe not. >> oh, they're doing it on this. what? read it. >> i can't see it. the camera is literally cannot see it. mossy is done with you saturday and sunday. this month. you can receive a free short cup of hot chocolate with every grande or larger handcraft drink you purchase. >> so if you are eight, you're in luck. the deal is available at participating stores drive thrus and online orders only for starbucks rewards members. >> a short cup, a short. >> but then you got to buy the grande to get that. >> like i think it's like the baby cups you know how they have
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like the little sample cups saturday and sunday. but you got a rewards member participating stores. >> there's a lot going on. >> a lot. just a lot hot cocoa go to go to dandelion and get some. >> that's fun and that's a nice just like san francisco christmassy wintery thing to do. >> yeah, i love that place. do you have $20? >> i might for the holiday. >> that's not how much the hot cocoa. it's hard to walk out without spending $20. >> and it's not that powdery cocoa that it's delicious. >> everything they serve is delicious. i want to go to that factory. can we go to that? i like that. >> okay. i like that a lot. >> how nice. you'll catch me at buena vista, so. >> oh, yeah. >> oh, that's a good irish coffee. >> ooh, getting lit. >> you know, why not? >> why not? >> the lights are lit. why not the pizza? yeah >> start early. like, why not? >> let's go outside. it is very hard to see out there right now. here's san rafael this morning. you can see the headlights and the tail lights. this is 101, but we have dense fog in this
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region right now. dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m. so here's your accuweather headlines. we have that dense fog this morning. it is a brighter afternoon later on today. later this week we are warming up friday, especially saturday. we have a chance of records here with temperatures going into the 60s and into the 70s. but by sunday and early parts of next week, our rain chances are really increasing out there. here's a look at visibility right now. san carlos novato, petaluma, zero miles. it doesn't get worse than that. that means that fog is very thick like you saw on our san rafael camera earlier, a quarter of a mile from santa rosa down through oakland and hayward. so certainly the east bay shoreline is getting impacted. that's a heavily commuted area in the morning. so that certainly means use your low beams, add that extra distance to the cars around you. i feel like we've been doing this many mornings over the past couple of weeks. here's that dense fog advisory until 10 a.m. by about 10 a.m, we'll start to see the cloud cover break down. but i think it's going to take its time. it's not until the afternoon a lot of us will see that sunshine where we're seeing that fog
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right now, temperatures for the most part in the low 60s. later on today, tonight will likely see more fog developing. temperatures drip dipping, let's say, in the 30s and into the 40s. now, rain chances here we go. this is what we want to see in december. sunday especially early next week. those rain chances are really ramping up and that means wet weather is going to return for the back half of the seven day. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast fog to sun today. then it's sun and clouds through the weekend. saturday. look at that upper 60s lower 70s and then that rain returns here on sunday on and off, monday and tuesday. level one light storms on the storm impact scale. >> gloria, good morning. the fog is so thick this morning. so if you are going to be driving, keep that in mind. check this out. this is our highway 80 camera here in emeryville. and the fog is so thick you could barely even see the cars there on the road or even the highway way. and drivers who are going to westbound bound to the bay bridge will be impacted because chp has issued a fog advisory for the bay bridge as well as
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the golden gate bridge. and this is a live look at the golden gate bridge. fog doesn't seem to be as thick here, but again, different areas throughout the bay area might be a little thicker. so be careful out there, guys. thanks, gloria. >> coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> it may look like a vending machine, but this one is helping people get into the giving spirit. up next, we'll explain how the giving machine works. >> a live look outside at 522.
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i'm your bodyguard. oh yeah, that's right. right. day and night, right. i actually only work the day shift. well then, who am i talking to at 3 am? i think you're confusing me with your discover card again. i am? yeah, it's their 24/7 customer service. they also protect you from fraud on unauthorized purchases. oh, really? 24/7 customer service. well then, what do you protect me from? mostly yourself. and $0 fraud liability. ohh... nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex.
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conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. dense fog advisory is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning. that does include the bay shore line, the valleys of the north bay. after 10 a.m, we'll see that fog break down for sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. >> and number two, that fog is impact your drive this morning. this is a live look at our 8-80 camera at the oakland coliseum and most of our cameras this morning. we can't even make out the cars because it's so foggy out there, guys. >> number three this morning, tesla announced its recalling more than 2 million vehicles to fix a defect in the system that monitors drivers using autopilot. so if you have one of
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the vehicles impacted, you will get an over-the-air update to fix the problem. >> number four, the richmond city council is taking action after a horrible smell permeated the community last night. they voted to investigate if the wastewater plant operator violated its contract with the city and explored the possibility of finding a new operator. >> number five, san jose is thinking about establishing a sanctioned tent city for unhoused people, calling it a safe sleeping site. the idea is coming from southern california. mayor matt mehan says safe sleeping sites are working in san diego and they could work in san jose as well. >> number six, a cvs store in san francisco's lower haight. that was set to close is actually going to stay open. cvs did not give a reason for the decision, but they apologized for any confusion. >> number seven, p-g-and-e's is asking state regulators for another rate hike. a rate hike rate hike has already been approved for next month. p-g-and-e's is asking for an additional increase as soon as
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march. >> there's a new way to donate to a good cause this holiday season. they're called giving machines. they allow people to donate items to charities. and now there's one not here, but in southern california. so here's what it looks like. the giving machine is a vending machine. but instead of buying something, you select what you would like to donate to families. that includes food, toys and medical supplies. the items range in cost from 7 to $150, with the simple act of purchasing groceries for a family here at the giving machine, it makes an incredible impact for that family to feel like they're able to provide for their kids. they've had giving machines in new york, the philippines, new zealand and las vegas. this one, which is in orange county, will be open until sunday. >> the warriors showed their appreciation for some bay area based service members during a league wide event known as hoops for troops. former warriors center festus ezi and ezeli excuse me and other staffers put members of the us coast guard through a workout yesterday at
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their base in alameda. the guardsmen ran through drills, got some instruction and then finished off with a full court five on five game. >> being here to be on the court with him, teach him some basketball skills. i almost brought some shorts to play with him tonight. it's just a it's a great feeling to be a part of this community here in the bay area. >> it was pretty cool. it also included a picnic, a raffle with co-sponsored by rocket lawyer, a san francisco based online legal company founded by a us military veteran taking steps to avoid another scandal. >> coming up at 530. the ordinance now being considered in san jose to prevent mistreatment of construction workers and how much holiday cheer is too much holiday cheer. >> the debate over christmas lights pitting neighbor against neighbor in this community
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...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function
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for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. a fresh way to address the homeless issue in the south bay.
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now, a 530, the safe sleeping tent city going up in san jose and the resources that will be available to the unhoused. another key endorsement picked up by nikki haley. >> but will it be enough to catch up to donald trump? how the rest of the republican field of candidates is reacting just weeks from the party's first primary election. >> lawmakers in congress are at an impasse when it comes to more funding for ukraine. the tough new immigration restrictions republicans are demanding from the president aren't. >> good morning, everybody. it's wednesday, december 13th. >> it is a foggy morning. how'd you. >> yeah, good morning. we do have dense fog advisories in effect. kind of sounds like a broken record the past couple of weeks. but that fog is back with us this morning from our south beach camera. you can see that fog bouncing off the headlights this morning as folks come into the city where we have some of the worst fog parts of the north bay and parts of the east bay shoreline. the north bay novato, petaluma down to zero miles. visibility tsay, oakland and hayward right now we have very low visibility right now down to a quarter of a mile. we have a dense fog advisory for big
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portion of the region until 10 a.m. it's going to take its time lifting for sunshine. but the afternoon we'll find some brighter skies prevailing once again. temperatures are cooler right now compared to this time yesterday. a lot of 30s on the board and low 40s underneath that fog. here's the day planner. today we keep it pretty foggy through 9 a.m. clouds start to clear by about noon and we'll find increasing sunshine for p m those temperatures back into the 60s, even warmer weather is about to move in here over the next couple of days. we'll show you that in eight minutes. let's check in with gloria and see how traffic's doing with this fog. good morning. >> yo, drew. as far as the fog, look how thick the fog is right here in san rafael. this is our one on one camera, and now we're getting a look at our bay bridge camera. and chp has issued a fog advisory for the bay bridge. so fog, the big issue today on the roads. thanks gloria. >> developing news, president biden is warning congress if new funding for ukraine isn't approved before the holiday. it would be giving russian
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president vladimir putin, quote, the greater christmas gift they could possibly give him. ukrainian president zelensky was in washington, d.c. yesterday meeting with president biden and congressional leaders. his plea for more help didn't really move the needle. house speaker mike johnson says he has not heard a clear strategy on the war. >> what the biden administration seems to be asking for is billions of additional dollars with no appropriate oversight, no clear strategy to win. >> republicans are adamant they will not pass additional funding for ukraine without significant changes to us immigration policy. negotiators tell abc news they are making progress, but there is little hope a deal could be reached before the new year. today the house is set to vote on an impeachment inquiry into president biden. that is being pushed by republican lawmakers as republicans claim. the president has abused his power to benefit his family, though some admit that there's no evidence this investigation has been going on for over a year. republicans claim the
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white house is stonewalling them and this move could give them more power to get documents. they want. the biden administration says, quote, this baseless stunt is not rooted in facts or reality. >> hunter hunter biden is reportedly in washington, dc this morning as he faces a subpoena to appear for a closed door interview as part of the house impeachment investigation. cnn is reporting that it's still not clear if he will slow show up to the interview. his attorneys have said he is willing to participate, but only if that interview is done before the public. >> now to the abortion battle heating up in texas. we have been telling you about this pregnant woman whose fetus had a fatal condition at. and that woman has left the state to get what she calls an urgent abortion. it comes after the state supreme court ruled against katie cox's request for a medical emergency exemption on. doctors warn continuing her pregnancy could jeopardize her long term health. attorneys with cox say that she received offers
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to help with her abortion from places like colorado and canada. >> i also hope that people can see themselves in kate and her family as so many people can relate to, you know, the tragic loss of a wanted pregnancy. and when you add on top of that, the cruel and inhumane treatment that her state has put her through, it's truly unimaginable . >> the 31 year old is at the center of what's believedbe the first case of a pregnant woman seeking court permission for an abortion since the fall of roe v wade. >> your voice, your vote and a major development in the 2024 presidential race. gloria is live with the key endorsement in new hampshire that's changing the playing field for other gop candidates. gloria kumasi, another big boost for republican presidential candidate nikki haley. >> haley picking up the endorsement of new hampshire governor chris sununu. the endorsement comes six weeks before his state's first in the nation primary on january 23rd. sununu dropped out of the race back in june. he made the
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announcement at a town hall last night in manchester. >> it was a sweet older woman who has come to a lot of events. and i saw her coming in here and she said, so are you going to finally endorse nikki haley for president? you bet your i am. let's get this thing done. >> night in new hampshire. i mean, it doesn't get any better than this to go and get endorsed by sununu hopes to slow down former president donald trump's lead in the polls. >> abc news partner fivethirtyeight shows trump averaging about 45% support in new hampshire. nikki haley is trailing at roughly 19. sununu is scheduled to join haley at three town halls today and tomorrow. >> thank you, gloria. there is now a supervisor seat up for grabs in alameda county. it hasn't been open in three decades. potential candidates have until tonight at 5 p.m. to submit paperwork and join the 2024 supervisor race. it comes after supervisor keith carson
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suddenly announced he will not be running for reelection when he made the surprise announcement last friday, just minutes after the filing deadline was due, carson has been alameda county supervisor for the last 30 years, finding ways to build a better bay area. >> this morning, we're looking at the homeless crisis. san jose is thinking about setting up a sanctioned encampment for unhoused people. abc7 news reporter lena howland is live in the south bay with a look at that proposal. lena >> reggie with more than 4400 unsheltered people across the city of san jose based on this year's point in time count mayor matt mehan confirmed with abc seven news that he's looking into the potential safe sleeping sites. these legal encampments would be modeled after a similar program that's working for san diego. they just expanded to a second site in october with space for up to 400 insulated tents. each site includes on site amenities like restrooms, showers and resource referrals.
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sean cartwright, a homeless advocate with the unhoused response group, says she hopes the city's strategy to address homelessness includes the people impacted the most. >> talked to unhoused voices use unhoused voices. those need to be the loudest voices at the table. she says. >> san jose tried something similar back in 2018 to provide immediate housing called hope village. the camp only lasted about a month because it technically was on state property and did not have government backing. a timeline for this project has not been released yet. officials say they're still working on both the placement and the size of this project. live in san jose, lena howland, abc seven news. >> thank you, lena. get ready for a bigger bill from p-g-and-e's. we're going to be explaining why and the group that's trying to put an end to annual rate hikes. >> plus the newest michelin star restaurants here in the bay area. but first, a check on the weather with drew.
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>> good morning. we will again take you outside. it is just a foggy view out there from our south beach camera. we are dealing with dangerously low visibility out there this morning when we have zero on the map like we're seeing in petaluma and novato, even san carlos, that is extra tremely thick fog. this morning. you really want to slow it down. you want to use your low beams. maybe add a couple of extra minutes to your commute this morning, especially around the bay shoreline too. because of the low visibility where that dense fog advisory it is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning for a huge portion of the region. you see all those areas shaded in gray. that does include the city, the bay shoreline, the valleys of the north bay as well. even the inland east bay valleys. but right now, we're doing quite good. from livermore to concord when it comes to our visibility, we'll keep our eyes on that this morning. when you look at your temperatures, you can see that we are in the 30s and the 40s. so it is a chilly morning out there. underneath that cloud cover. as we take a look at how
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it breaks down over the next couple of days, this is what we're seeing today. we have that dense morning fog giving way to sunshine again later on this afternoon. we have a bright finish to the day. temperatures in the 60s. tomorrow morning, we'll watch for areas of fog developing. it's a mix of sun and clouds in the afternoon, it's a warmer day and then it's even warmer here on friday. temperatures not only in the 60s, but some of us will get into the low 70s with even warmer weather set to arrive here to start out the weekend. but then you have to find the rain gear because our rain chances really ramp up for the back half of the weekend and into early next week. we'll t about those details on the seven day
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542 a decision on an ordinance to prevent wage theft in san jose will have to wait until next month. the city council voted to defer the so-called responsible construction
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ordinance. it stems from the concerns section of the silvery towers in downtown san jose. a 2018 federal investigation found undocumented workers were hired for this project and then were not paid properly, forced to work 24 hours a day and lived and worked in unsafe conditions. some council members want to make sure that does not happen again, and they believe this ordinance would stop bad actors in the developer community holding a residency permits for buildings if the construction that you use on your project is with a developer or a contractor that has a history of wage theft. >> residents e permits are required before people can move into a building council members want to hear from developers before making a decision. >> p-g-and-e's customers could see another hike in their bills as early as march. the utility company's latest request to the cpuc means customers could pay up to $60 more a month, compared
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to 2023. rates are already set to rise in january, when customers are expected to pay around $33 more per and is asking for another hike again as soon as march. the increase, not welcomed by some residents as it continues to go up. >> why? for their for their misdeeds. it's ridiculous. why are we paying for them not trimming the trees, turning off the power and high winds? why are we paying for their mistakes ? >> utility reform network turn is calling for a change in policy to stop the price hikes, and they plan to launch a campaign for affordable power. >> current system. we have sets no limits on rate increases and that needs to be replaced by a cap on annual bills. >> p-g-and-e's says it is working to make their electric system safer. the company tells abc7 news, quote, to achieve those goals we sometimes have to incur exceptional costs to reduce wildfire risk and or respond to emergency events like
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wildfires and storms which exceed what we've previously been authorized to spend in rate proceedings. >> as the electronic entertainment expo is officially dead, the video game trade group entertainment software association says a conference was not able to recover after the pandemic. it was canceled in 2020, went virtual in 2021 before being canceled again in 2022 and 2023. now it's shutting down for good. after nearly three decades, the association says the last in-person e3 in 2019 attracted 66,000 attendees. a group of east bay business owners joined together to announce the finding and fruitvale effort. the message is to shop local and shop latino. many of the small businesses in the fruitvale district are latino owned. oakland leaders recently granted the area $250,000 to improve security so that people can shop safely. >> it's something that we take seriously. it fruitvale is a vibrant community with families, children and also we've also
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partnered with the department of violence prevention there right here in the transit village. so i think you'll see a lot of different steps that are that are taken to assure your safety. >> one of those steps is a safety ambassador program. they will be patrolling along fruitvale avenue between international and foothill boulevards and three san francisco restaurants are celebrated, being among the newest additions to the michelin guide's 2023 list of best places to dine in california. >> daly and the presidio features mediterranean cuisine. the menu draws inspiration from the melting pot of istanbul and includes things like juicy short rib kebabs and sweetbreads. everything there is meant to share. kill the features contemporary creations in a warehouse space. this is in hays valley on fell street, near van ness. it offers a 20 course tasting menu or an abbreviated bar tasting. and finally, movida combine mexican and persian cuisine in a swanky spot just
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steps away from oracle park. the environment feels like a restaurant meets a lounge and features an elevated dj booth. always love that. >> kumasi to me, that is what i'm here for. yeah. >> all right, drew, you went to one of these when delita it was delicious. >> one of the best meals i've had this year. it was very good. i'm trying to think we had lamb. they had a great mediterranean plate. they had this really delicious as cheesy pasta. it's almost like their take on lasagna. >> i like that. >> yeah, the ambiance was great. it just a really good place. >> okay. >> and you were asking earlier, is this a michelin star? it's not. it's not even the bib gourmand. okay, so they get into the guide, and then next year, it's possible they could be up for a bib gourmand or even a michelin star. oh we shall see. >> i always wondered what it meant when we say michelin guide. yeah that clarifies it. >> it's kind of step one. yeah, but nothing's guaranteed, so watch it right? >> so now they're all like the next 365 days, like everything is. is it them? >> yeah.
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>> there is a star coming. >> you have to be there to be on. we prepare ourselves. >> yeah. are you ready? >> get it now. because once they get those stars. oh, yeah. >> that's hard to get in to get into. >> hard to see out there sometimes in spots in the north bay and in the east bay. here's a live look at our san rafael camera. the fog has been ebbing and flowing. you can still see we have some foggy patches on 101 in this region and a dense fog advisory is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning. so we have that fog giving way to sunshine later on today. later this week, we are warming up even more. the possibility of near records friday and into saturday. and then we're going to flip the script on sunday and early next week. rain chances finally return to the forecast. that's what we want to see when we're in december, january and february. more rain chances on the horizon today, more dense fog breaking down between 10 a.m. and noon, giving way to sunshine in the afternoon. and those temperatures feeling quite nice later on today, we'll go into the low 60s for the most part, overnight tonight, we do expect fog to develop in areas
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once again and we'll find those numbers dipping mainly into the 30s and 40s. getting you into thursday, looking at the rain chances, thursday, friday, even saturday. i think it's pretty bullish here on the forecast on saturday. we're keeping saturday dry. it looks like the front that we're watching really moves onshore here on sunday and that's why those rain chances are really elevated for the second half of the weekend. and for early parts of next week. there could be periods of some heavy rain sunday and monday. that's something we'll have to find tune. but just know that you need the rain gear really starting on sunday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. first, we'll have fog to sun today. it's a mild mixture of sun and clouds through the start of the upcoming weekend. then there is that rain returning here on sunday on and off, even through tuesday right now it's level one on the storm impact scale. >> gloria. >> good morning, drew. well it is foggy out there. so if you are going to be driving today, give yourself a little bit of extra time. it could be hard to see in some areas. check out our hd camera right here in emory ville. you can see how thick the fog is this morning. chp has even issued a fog advisory for
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the bay bridge today. and our 8-80 camera at the oakland coliseum. again, a lot of fog there. and also depends where you're at. maybe fog. you're in some areas. i know i was driving in this morning definitely was low visibility. so guys, give yourself plenty of extra time today. >> thanks gloria. new at six the popular kids item that target walmart and other major retailers will no longer sell. >> but first, a hollywood career that spanned decades. this morning, we are remembering actor andre braugher. but first, this live look outside. >> it
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you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are.
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reporter andrew dymburt gives a look at the man leaving behind a lengthy on screen legacy. >> this morning. andre braugher
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is being remembered as one of the most versatile actors of his generation. >> is there a reason you're interrupting me? mid soup. >> the star, best known for his role as the deadpan captain holt on brooklyn nine-nine, died monday after a short illness. the chicago native attended stanford and juilliard before making his film debut in glory, alongside denzel washington. i would like to speak to you for a moment in private. >> i may, but it was in the 90s when he found his breakout role. >> detective frank pembleton, homicide. life on the streets. >> franz rader is two hours dead, and she's offering to testify against her own daughter. >> his role winning him an emmy. he was named one of people magazine's 50 most beautiful people. and met his wife while working on homicide. they had three kids and brauer said they were his priority, once telling variety. it's been an interesting career. i think it could have been larger, but it would have been at the expense of my own life. brauer would go on to take smaller roles on the big and small screens, including on house md as the title character's psychiatrist. >> that's why you've been
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thinking about this case. >> but playing captain holt on brooklyn nine-nine would return him to the spotlight. >> it's revitalized my career entirely. i used to be a dramatic actor, and now i'm a comedic actor. and the transformation has been really, really wonderful. >> his costar terry crews saying, i will be forever grateful for the experience of knowing you. you showed me what a life well lived looks like. >> these have been the these have been the best eight years of my career. >> andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> netflix is revealing what people are watching on their streaming service. the los gatos based company released its first ever engaging report. it covers nearly 100,000,000,000 hours, viewed between january and june. and i'm just going to go and say it. i don't know any of these things. let me see. the mother, luther, the fallen son and extraction two. i didn't know
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there was an extraction one. well but that is apparently what people have been watching. netflix says it'll share new versions of the report every six months to be more transparent with the media creators and viewers as i am skinny salmon not skinny santa. can you imagine holiday surprise? >> i really cannot. a holiday surprise for these kids in chicago. former president barack obama brought joy to parkside academy and he brought toys for everybody to. he also read a book called santa's got to go. it's about a family who takes in santa after his sleigh breaks down. that's cute. >> i want to get this book because i was reading more about it. it's called santa's got to go because a santa is annoying. the family needs to get out of the house. he doesn't know how to be a houseguest yet. and so they're trying to figure out a way to tell him by now. in today's gma first look, a
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holiday lights fight is brewing in a new york town over a record breaking christmas display that's drawing tens of thousands of visitors. but not all the neighbors are amused. here's abc news reporter trevor ault in this morning's gma first look, the record setting christmas light display gives us joy for this time of year with 40 miles of lights and eight miles of extension cords. >> this is the dazzling home display holding the guinness world record for most lights on a residential property, attracting tens of thousands of visitors. we try to come up every year, but with these massive crowds lining up, a few neighbors feel all this popular christmas cheer is a little too popular. complaining to the town about the traffic. >> we're trying to keep the road open for the residents who live here. it's a neighborhood they don't see this kind of traffic this morning. >> the man behind those 720,000 lights is speaking out to gma. >> it started very simple with just 600 lights on the two trees by the front steps.
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>> we'll take you live to this radiant residence coming up at 7 a.m. with your gma first look. i'm trevor ault, abc news, new york. >> 556 this morning and we're looking at your morning commute out there because look at this we are dealing with fog over the next couple of hours starts to break down with our dense fog advisory ending at 10 a.m. for some brighter conditions. but again, use those low beams, add that extra distance because of visibility dangerously low in petaluma and novato. right now. be aware of that. here's our dense fog advisory there you can see that will last until 10 a.m. after 10 a.m. we'll get sunshine breaking out this afternoon. and those temperatures on the mild side, it feels pretty nice later today into the 60s, we will go kumasi. >> thank you, drew. new at six two medical giant cutting dozens of jobs across the bay area. >> then what san francisco mayor london breed says about the city's fight to get unhoused people off the street and into a home. >> and cvs changes course and will be keeping a haight location open. after all
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choose change, california, and find medically proven treatment options at us crashes on the uc santa cruz campus. a person even had to be airlifted to the hospital and if you have a tesla, your your car likely just got recalled. >> the company announcing overnight nearly 2 million cars need a software update. >> and if you like doritos and a little drink, oh boy. >> this this could be the


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