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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 13, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> number five breaking news. the supreme court announced moments ago it will consider whether to restrict access to a widely used abortion drug, even in states where abortion is legal. so for now, mifepristone will remain available and not subject to restrictions lower courts have said should be imposed on its use. >> number four, cvs store in san francisco's lower haight. that that was set to close will now stay open. this is actually number six. sorry about that. cvs did not give a reason for the decision, but apology for any confusion. >> number seven, hot cocoa. you can get a free cup at starbucks. have good morning america for our viewers in the west. biden toughens his stance, warning prime minister netanyahu that israel is starting to lose
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the world's support because of its indiscriminate bombing as israeli forces start flooding hamas tunnels below gaza with sea water. top national security official john kirby joins us live, with more tension in the region. a u.s. warship shoots down another drone. the legal battles rippling through the nation, after a texas woman was denied access to an emergency abortion. and this morning, inside the new reality across the country. >> is this a debate over abortion or house? >> diane sawyer and rachel scott with a powerful look at the hidden medical crisis facing women with high risk pregnancy. >> doctors, nurses are crying at my bed side wishing they could do something with blank stares on their faces because they literally couldn't do anything until the blood work showed that i was dying. breaking news. nations striking a historic deal. the major move to reduce fossil fuels. new details in the murder for hire of a law professor.
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the jail house phone calls between the former brother-in-law convicted in his killing and his ex-mother-in-law, now facing charges and accused of trying to flee the country. mile high mystery. as airlines gear up for record holiday travel, how one man flew from europe to the u.s. without a passport, visa or airline ticket. apple takes a bite out of iphone theft. the new feature that prevents criminals from breaking into your phone. remembering andre braugher. the emmy award winning actor passing at age 61. >> i know that every one of you gave me everything you had. and i will never forget it. >> how his friends and co-stars are responding this morning. one family's record setting dazzling home display giving the griswolds a run for their money.
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plus the jonas brothers with an exclusive announcement right here on gma. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. good morning america. nice to see you on this wednesday morning. we have a lot to get to. with 12 days until christmas, today marked the first shipping deadline to get your presents under the tree. also the fed is set to announce its next move in the fight against inflation. we're going to tell you what it could mean for mortgage rate, credit card bills and more. first the u.n. demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. a vote backed by more than 3/4 of the 193 member general assembly. this comes as president biden is now warning israel that opposition to its invasion of gaza is growing. our foreign correspondent james longman is on the scene for us
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near gaza. good morning to you, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. we're at a staging position not far from the border with gaza. we can hear the on going sounds of bombardments. they are taking casualties. president biden with his harshest criticism, talking about indiscriminate bombing of gaza, where conditions are getting more desperate by the day. this morning intensifying demands for a cease fire, with israel's assault on gaza showing no signs of slowing down. president biden and the u.s. are still backing the war with hamas. now biden is toughening his stance, saying israel is starting to lose the world's support because of their, quote, indiscriminate bombing of gaza. >> i have had conversations with benjamin netanyahu. i want to make sure we don't forget what we're doing here. >> reporter: those words on the heels of a u.n. general assembly vote demanding a humanitarian cease fire. although not finding. 150 countries voted in favor. u.s. and israel among just ten against. the idf said they're operating
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with precision, based on intelligence. now u.s. officials tell abc news israel started to flood the complex maze of hamas tunnels with sea water. this image circulating online shows pipes running from the sea to shore but the udf is not commenting. so much of gaza decimated. 18,500 have been killed so far according to hamas. overnight major rain storms flooding tents. thousands made homeless here. the u.n. said half of all gazans are at risk of starvation. rapha is meant to be gaza's last refuge but here, too, a massive strike that killed at least 22 people. this young girl crying the house fell on our heads. and this elderly woman weeping over her infant grandson, killed by a strike. he was born just over a month ago. all he ever knew was war. we've been following one man and his family who have been living in rapha. shrapnel damaged their tent. they have been forced to move again.
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they are looking to find a safer place to go. but he said there are no safe places and there's no one to ask. he doesn't know. he's just going to find another spot in the street. this 8-year-old telling us she sees people searching for garbage to eat. now the plan to flood the tunnels, there's some 300 plus miles of tunnels under gaza. unlike all of it going to get flooded. it's unlikely these remaining hostages are under ground somewhere. that's a risk. >> big risk. thank you very much. president biden is set to meet with family members of american hostages held in gaza. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is the president's first in person meeting at the white house with families of the hostages being held by hamas. there are seven american men and one american woman who are still missing. i'm told they all will be
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represented here in this meeting today. the president has been personally engaged in trying to secure their release. some are calling for stronger action by the administration to bring them home. the white house though has been blunt. they do not know the condition of these hostages, where they are being held or even who is holding them, if they are with hamas or another terrorist group, michael. >> we saw ukrainian president zelenskyy. he was in washington to meet with president biden and appeal to congress to approve more aid. how did that go? >> reporter: president zelenskyy made an empassioned plea for more aid but it was not enough to move the needle. president biden is warning that if congress does not pass additional funding for ukraine before the holiday, it will be giving putin, quote, the greatest christmas gift they can give him. but republicans in congress are not backing off their demands, adamant they will not pass additional funding without significant changes to u.s. immigration policy. now negotiators this morning say they are making progress but there is still no clear path forward. republicans say it will be
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practically impossible to get this done before the new year. michael? >> hopefully that progress is soon, mary. george? back to the middle east. more tension in the region. iran backed rebels fired missiles at a commercial tanker in the red sea, and a u.s. war ship shot down a houthi drone. chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz has the story. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, george. these iranian backed houthis in yemen have been targeting commercial ships and tankers in recent weeks. overnight two more missiles launched from yemen toward a tanker just entering the red sea heading toward the suez canal. both missed the tanker. an american war ship, uss mason, shot down a drone flying in the area during the incident. while none of these attacks on commercial vessels have resulted in serious damage, the houthis have warned they will target any ships headed toward israel unless gaza gets more food and medicine, increasing fears of a wider war. george? >> martha, thanks. let's bring in john kirby.
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lot to cover this morning. let's start with those missile strikes from the houthis. they don't seem to be getting the message as these strikes continue. does more need to be done? >> we're obviously going to watch this very, very closely, george. we'll do what we have to do to protect commercial shipping and protect our navy ships in the red sea and the region. we are building up and flushing out the maritime task force, inviting other nations to participate. i won't telegraph our punches one way or the other, but we're going to do what we have to do to protect ourselves and national security interest including freedom for navigation in the red sea. >> president biden had a significant break with prime minister netanyahu talking about that indiscriminate bombing in gaza. where is it going from here? will the united states have to step in and do more to contain israel? >> we'll continue to support israel. we'll continue to make sure they have the weapons to go after hamas wherever they are inside gaza. we're going to continue to urge the israelis to be as careful and deliberate as possible in their targeting.
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we know the intent is there, george, they are trying to make an effort to be more precise. the results don't always come out that way. that's what the president was referring to. we want to make sure they get as precise targets as possible to minimize those civilian casualties. >> there seems to be a big difference in the day after in gaza. prime minister netanyahu seems to be ruling out having the palestinian authority step in and try to take control. the united states is urging that. >> we believe that whatever the future of gaza looks like, it's got to be re pirations of the palestinian people. right now the palestinian authority has that mandate. now, the palestinian authority also has a credibility problem with a lot of palestinians. we want them to be reformed and revitalized and better able to meet those aspirations. that's what we believe. we don't believe in a reoccupation of the idf of gaza for a long term. we don't believe there should be any reduction in the size of gaza. we've been making that case very very clear to our israeli counter parts.
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jake sullivan, our national security adviser, is on his way to the region. he'll be talking about the day after with israeli counter parts. >> ukraine. congress going home without passing more aid. what does that mean? >> well, we obviously are running out of time here, george. we've got couple weeks left in this month. we will be announcing additional security assistance packages in coming days and weeks. once we get to the end of the month, we won't have any more money to support ukraine. we believe these negotiations are on going in good faith and we're going to continue to participate in them. we hope we can get a better outcome before the end of the year. but if not, we're going to have to hit it hard early in the new year to try to get that aid going, that supplemental request that we need so much for ukraine and their military capabilities. >> john kirby, thank you very much. michael? >> thank you, george. to capitol hill, where the house is set to vote on an
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impeachment request to president biden. selina wang has details. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, michael. in just a few hours house republicans are set to vote to formalize an impeachment inquiry into president biden even though some admit there's no evidence of wrongdoing. they claim the president has abused his power in order to benefit his family. but nearly a year of investigations have so far have come up empty. they allege that the white house has been stonewalling them and that a formal impeachment inquiry could help them get more documents and testimony. but the white house saying that they've already turned over thousands of pages of financial records and hours of testimony. the biden administration is attacking this move as a baseless stunt not rooted in facts or reality but in extreme house republicans shameless desire to abuse their power to smear the president. we expect the house to vote on this later in the afternoon. robin? >> we do expect that. all right. thank you. now to the abortion battles playing out across the country. the new fallout after the texas supreme court ruled against a woman who sought an emergency abortion there.
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as a new case now plays out in kentucky. rachel scott is here with more. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: hey, robin, good morning. from arizona to texas to kentucky, several states now grappling with the question, what abortion restrictions should be in place and whether they do enough to protect the health of the mother. this morning the legal fight over access to abortion rippling across the country. from arizona where the state supreme court is hearing arguments on whether to enact a 19 century law that would ban abortion entirely. >> abortion in health care. >> for over 100 years arizona has protected life from the moment of conception. >> reporter: to texas where kate cox took her pregnancy complications to court, suing the state asking for an emergency termination after finding out her fetus had a severe condition and little chance of survival. >> there's no outcome here, you know, that results in us taking home a healthy baby girl. it's hard. it's overwhelming. >> reporter: texas has a narrow exception to save the life of the mother. cox was certain she would qualify.
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her doctor said her uterus was at risk of rupturing and warned future fertility could be in danger. but the texas supreme court ruled against her stating some complications do not provide a risk to the mother. her lawyer said she had no choice but to travel out of state. >> patients can't be running to court every time they need urgent health care. it's really a human rights violation. >> reporter: within hours of kate cox filing that lawsuit, another emerged in kentucky. a pregnant woman suing her home state for the right to an abortion. that woman in kentucky not revealing her identity, but her lawyers say she has learned her pregnancy is no longer viable. they are still pushing to continue that case, expecting that more women will be in the same scenario, robin. >> we know the president has weighed in on all this. >> reporter: this is a blistering statement. president biden saying legal and medical chaos is playing out in state likes texas, kentucky and arizona insisting no woman should have to go to court or flee their home state to get
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health care and blasting the republicans who supported these law, robin. >> thank you. you'll be back with diane sawyer to share a preview of your report on the impact of abortion bans on thousands of families across the country. george? >> okay, robin. thanks. now to the latest interest rate decision. federal reserve set to announce a new move this afternoon as it tries to contain inflation. elizabeth schulze is tracking the story from washington. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, george. and this is a high stakes decision for the rev as it plots the path forward for the economy. at the end of its meeting later today the fed is expected to keep interest rates on hold. investors are hopeful that after 11 rate hikes since march of 2022, the central bank could start cutting rates as soon as next spring. that would be a relief if you're paying off credit card debt or buying a home. in anticipation of fed rate cut, the cost of a new mortgage is dropping. if you take out a $400,000 mortgage at today's 7% rate, your monthly payment is about $2600, almost $300 cheaper than
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it would have been in october when rates hit 8%. fed is signaling it's unlikely rates will go back to that ultralow level of 2% or 3% next year. it still does not want to declare victory in the fight against inflation. >> what does the latest inflation report say about where prices are heading? >> reporter: well, prices are still going up overall, but not at that fast pace we saw early in the year. the november inflation report shows there were gains for rent and food, but gas and clothing sharply declined. when you put it all together, the typical american household is spending about $200 more every month for the same goods and services as they were last year because of inflation. george? >> elizabeth, thanks. robin? now to the holiday shipping alert. the first deadline to mail your presents and get them under the tree by christmas morning arrives today. eva pilgrim is here now with a crucial date you need to know. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. it's that time of year. the clock is ticking to get your presents delivered on time. it is the first of a shipping
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deadline. fedex ground economy packages have to go out today to make it in time for christmas with the u.s. postal service ground advantage and first class mail you have until saturday. the next round of shipping deadlines starts monday with the u.s. postal service priority mail. then tuesday u.p.s. three day, fedex express saver and real procrastinators, let me warn you. you have less time to get packages delivered because christmas falls on monday. the absolute last day will be the end of next week. u.p.s. next day cutoff is the 21st. for fedex same day you get until december 22nd. guys, get those packages in the mail. >> that's right. as you said, the clock is a ticking. all right, eva. coming up, we have the investigation after authorities say a passenger -- get this -- flew across the atlantic without a passport, without a visa and without an airline ticket. >> no idea how that happened.
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plus the jail house calls of the case of the florida woman arrested while allegedly trying to flee the country charged in connection with her son in law's murder. this morning we're remembering andre braugher. how the brooklyn 99 stars are paying tribute to their beloved co-star. but first let's go to sam champion. >> good morning to you. good morning wind chill. there's a lot of us with a reinforcing shot of fresh air that means we've got wind chills below zero, teen, 20s. we know you are traveling. let's set you up for some travel trouble. we'll watch first this stalled front in south florida. you can see the tropical moisture developing in the keys. this will be 2 to 4 inches of rain just in the next two days. then some rough surf advisories. winds up to 40 miles per hour. that's a wet time for florida. let me set up even more. we look to the west. this is a big snow maker. 24 inches in the southern rockies. watch it make its move south of this front. pick up, spinning low. now game is on for flooding rain and strong winds. not on hit florida but the entire east coast. this is all the way through sunday that we could see
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rainfall totals that are more than 4, 5, 6 inches of rain and some real tough winds to take with that. look at all that. up to 10 inches of rain in south florida. know there will be travel trouble early next week on all east coast airports. that's weather around the nation. here's what you can pebgt this morning.
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coming up, if your iphone gets stolen what you need to know about the new apple security feature. we'll be right back. (vo) we all wish we could hear our cats' voices. and thanks to petivity, we've come one step closer. the petivity smart litterbox monitor tracks your cat's
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litterbox behavior and weight... and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. travel. there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't been easy.
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say the theft ring targeted stores like lowe's, home depot and harbor freight. all of the stolen merchandise was recovered at a hardware and plumbing supply business and three suspects were arrested. the estimated value of the stolen goods around half a million bucks. now, here's traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning, reggie. the fog is impacting visibility on some roads this morning. this is a live look right now at our south beach camera where you can see the bay bridge and all the fog. chp has issued a fog advisory for the bay bridge as well as the golden gate bridge and the san mateo hayward bridge. meteorologist drew tuma is up
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southern california airports, no delays there. from lax to burbank. just be aware that oakland international visibility down to a quarter of a mile there dangerously low in petaluma and novato and napa. that dense fog advisory is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning. after 10 a.m. we'll see that sunshine break out. and that's how your morning drive looks after 10 a.m. it is a lot brighter out there thanks to that fog finally lifting this afternoon. we'll find temperatures on the mild side by 4 p.m, sunny skies and temps in the 60s. reggie sounds nice. >> thanks jerry for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> when you're hit by a delivery driver with too many packages and not enough time, it's no surprise and no excuse. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion to walk a personal injury law visit walkup >> all life is not that serious. what age are we living in? one
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but the most important question is what now? just this takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up law .com. your pet's favorite products are now packed with rewards earn points however you shop and discover rewards you and your pet will love. >> download the my purina app today to get started with my purina your pet our passion one app. >> paul is and clock is and clocks and clocks and clocks here is santa claus is santa claus. >> this is for us to work and
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well wait until you see one family's record breaking display. we are there live. that is coming up. i don't want to pay the light bill. following a lot of headlines including the attack on kyiv. russia struck a hospital and apartment building in the capital. this comes after mike johnson and several senate republicans came out meetings with president zelenskyy indicating there would be no action on aid to ukraine until there is more action dealing with migration issues here in the united states. also right now, growing demands for a cease fire in gaza. president biden still backing the war with hamas but now the president is toughening his stance saying israel is starting to lose the world's support because of their, quote, indiscriminate bombing of gaza. a historic deal was reached at the climate summit. nearly 200 nations agreed to transition away from fossil fuels. the move is small but a significant step. we've got a lot more ahead including the new apple security
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feature you should know about in case your iphone gets stolen. that is coming up, michael. >> thank you, robin. now to a big concern amid the holiday travel rush as a record number of people are expected to fly this season. the fbi is investigating after they say a man crossed the atlantic without a ticket, without a visa and without a passport. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is here with more. all i gotta say, gio is wow and good morning. >> reporter: wow and good morning indeed, michael. this is a wild story. the man has been charged as a stoweaway on an aircraft. but who is he? how did he do it? and why? this morning as airlines gear up for record number of holiday travellers in the next few week, a bizarre mystery under investigation by the fbi. authorities trying to figure out how a man traveled from europe to the u.s. without a passworth, a visa or even an airline ticket. >> it's quite strange but it
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does happen fairly often around the world especially in countries where security is not very tight. >> reporter: investigators still know very little about the man but believe he's russian and somehow boarded a scandinavian airlines flight last month from copenhagen to los angeles. according to the criminal complaint the flight crew noticed bizarre behavior during the flight. quote, he wandered around the plane and kept changing his seat, asked for two meals and attempted to eat the chocolate that belonged to the crew. when they landed and he showed up at lax customs, he had russian and israeli id's but didn't have that passport or visa and wasn't listed on the flight's manifest. >> the system worked in the u.s. when he landed, this was the time where people said, stop this guy and let's figure out what went wrong. >> reporter: he claimed to have left the passport on the plane but none was found. the man later telling authorities he hadn't slept in three days and he didn't remember how he got through security or how he boarded the plane.
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most likely tsa are going to want to ask the question to the airport and airline is where did this breakdown occur? >> reporter: meanwhile a record number of travellers are expected for christmas. aaa predicting 7.5 million people will take to the skies, breaking 2019's record. busiest days december 21st and 22nd and 26th through the 29th. meanwhile, we got a statement overnight from scandinavian airlines saying the matter is being handled by u.s. and denmark authorities. that man has pleaded not guilty, guys. >> all right. thank you, gio. disturbing to hear that happens more often than we know. >> sure is. wow. now a florida state law professor who was murdered nearly a decade ago. dan marko's former brother-in-law was sentenced to life in prison yesterday. this morning we're hearing the jail house calls that led to his former mother-in-law's arrest. victor oquendo has the latest. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, george. abc news obtained audio of 67 jail house phone calls made by charles adelson.
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several to his mother donna. they discussed a number of things, including her fleeing the country. this morning we're hearing the phone calls from jail. new details in the murder for hire plot involving florida state law professor dan markle nearly a decade ago. >> reporter: in recorded phone calls obtained by abc news, donna adelson, markel's former mother-in-law can be heard speaking with her son charles who was in jail after charles was convicted and before donna was taken into custody herself at miami international airport on november 13th and accused of trying to flee the country. >> we've been looking it up over and over. things change. is there extradition from vietnam? we've looked at all the places. i could go to korea and china
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but there's no extradition. looking for places where there's no extradition. >> reporter: charles sentenced to life in prison tuesday, guilty of first degree murder, conspiracy and solicitation. donna faces the same charges. she has pleaded not guilty. the 73-year-old appearing in court monday. >> using sleeping pills -- >> in one moment. ms. adelson, please keep your comments to yourself. let your lawyer argue on your behalf. >> reporter: asking to be removed from suicide watch in jail. dan markel was gunned down in his garage in tallahassee in 2014 after a bitter divorce from his ex-wife, went wendy who wanted to move to south florida. prosecutors say her brother charles hired two hit men to carry out the murder. the prosecution now turning their attention to his mother. >> there were several pieces of the conversation that were incriminating that led the police to really bolster their case against her.
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>> reporter: here donna is recorded telling charles about getting finances in order and making sure wendy is aware of estate information after mentioning her plans to leave the country and potential suicide. >> i want her to have all this information. i have the cemetery property. i want her to see all that. i want her to have these papers. the wills. i want her to see all this. >> reporter: while in jail, charles also called his father, but there were no calls to his sister wendy. dan markel's ex-wife has not been charged and has previously denied any involvement in the crime. guys? >> many watching this. okay, victor. thank you. coming up next how friends and co-stars are remembering the very talented actor, andre braugher, this morning. , andre morning .... ♪ ♪
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i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months ♪ on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple. experience the art of high pressure brewed coffee and espresso with the l'or barista system. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee.
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this morning we are remembering actor andre braugher. the two time emmy award winning actor was best known for his roles in "homicide life on the street" and, of course, brooklyn nine-nine. lara, it was tough waking up to that news. >> i agree, robin. good morning to you. andre braugher may be best known for playing stoic characters like detective frank pemberton. he used that same dry delivery and turned it into comic gold on "brooklyn nine-nine."
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>> i will attempt to cooperate with you under these new circumstances. >> don't sweet talk me. >> i gave it my best shot. let's begin. >> he was one of the most recognizable faces in hollywood. first hitting the big screen in "glory" alongside denzel washington, morgan freeman and matthew broaddrick. but it was the small screen where andre braugher truly shined for almost 35 years. the emmy winner's breakout role came in the form of detective frank pemberton in "homicide life on the street." >> this is my job. this is what the city of baltimore pays me to do. pin murder one on a girl in this situation! >> he brought the master of confession to life in the drama quickly becoming a fan favorite. and winning an emmy for his role in 1998. >> this is for all the people in baltimore. this is a town that i love. we have finally made it. thank you all. >> a year later he found a whole
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new comedy audience with "brooklyn nine-nine." >> just know you have disappointed all three of us. >> the stanford grad served as a board member of the classical theater of harlem. overnight abc news confirming the actor's passing came after a brief illness. his friends and co-stars reacting to the news. terry cruz writing, you taught me so much, i will be forever grateful for the experience of knowing you. and shonda rhymes his last finished product saying his talent was undeniable, but it was his genuine kindness that truly set him apart. rest well. andre braugher was 61 years old. such a brilliant actor and gentle man. he leaves behind a wife and three sons. he told variety they were his
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number one priority and that he never regretted his decision to put family first saying of his career, quote, i think it could have been larger, but it would have been at the expense of my own life. >> he had his priorities perfect. >> he sure did. he will be missed. >> yeah, he will be. thank you for sharing that with us, lara. appreciate that. coming up next here on gma, trevor ault is gonna bring us a very bright play of the day. hey there, trevor. >> hey, robin. everybody needs to get ready to feel bad about their holiday light displays. we're at the house that has the record for the single most amount of lights on any residential property. it is huge. we'll show you just how big it is and how they're generating a ton of money for charity, coming up nex g.t on are generating money for charity coming up next on gma! ♪ ♪ students in a new kind of classroom. ♪ using our technology to power different ways of learning. ♪
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harnessing ai to plant new beginnings. ♪ so when minds grow, opportunities follow. at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ] ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target.
7:46 am
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i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue.
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you should feel that, like, right back here. oh, yeah, i felt that! good, that is so much better than last week. thanks, i've been doing 'em every night while i'm watching tv. - oh, what are you watching? it's a mystery. high quality care that meets you where you are. >> michael: back with a back with a very light christmas in a small town in upstate new york. this house holds the world record for the most lights on a residential property. trevor ault is in upstate new york with the story. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, michael. it's hard to believe this is just the house of a family of five. in fact, that represents them right there, all these snow men. this is a house 70 miles north of new york city. there are so many lights on this property that you could wrap it around the entirety of manhattan and you'd still have several miles left. as you might imagine this draws crowds from all over the country. they've been doing this for several years. in the process, they don't just put on a show, they've generated hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity.
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♪ if you're dreaming of a light christmas, this is the dazzling home display in one small new york town that puts clark griswold to shame. >> clark! >> honey, i think i know what's wrong! >> reporter: with more than 720,000 lights all programmed to music, timothy and grace gay of unionvale new york, say since 2014 they've held the guiness world record for most lights on a residential property. >> it started very simple with just 600 lights on the two trees by the front steps. my brother suggested put lights around the pond. that was the spark that ignited adding more lights each year. >> reporter: the family says it takes them three months to set up the display with 40 miles of lights and 8 miles of extension cords all carefully choreographed to music through a computer program. now it's an annual event. their small town of only 4,500
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drawing anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 visitors. >> i was so mesmerized. >> reporter: many locals say the event is a literal and metaphoric bright light. and a massive fund-raiser. the gays collect donations from visitors. they say over the past three decades they've brought in more than $665,000 for charity. much of that going to children's organizations. and the family says their goal is to hit $1 million in donations. they think they can do that in the next few years. if you're like me and see this giant display and questioning, what is the electric bill like? that might be the most impressive thing about this entire thing. the family uses blink led lights. they say last year their electric bill was $350, if you can believe it. >> what? [ laughter ] >> wow. >> i know. >> reminds me of my parents. boy, you better turn off that light. [ laughter ]
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no way. >> thanks for being there for us, trevor. enjoy. coming up our ultimate gifting series with topics for toys, passion and your home. n and you home! ♪ ♪ >> announcer: gma's ultimate gifting sponsored by wal-mart. welcome to your wal-mart! ♪ ♪ ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide.
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hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. at target, save $10 when you spend $50 and fi on toys.oice. ♪ there was a love ♪ ♪ like this before ♪ shop now and save $10 when you spend $50 on toys. ends saturday.
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♪ (vo) purina cares here. (retailer) what i feel in my heart during the subaru share the love event...'s just so rewarding. (woman) we believe in love. not just our customers... ...but also our community. (man) and the subaru share the love event
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is truly an example of that. (woman) over two hundred eighty-five million dollars donated is phenomenal. (retailer) it absolutely sets us apart... ...from all other car companies. (vo) right now, get a new subaru and subaru and our retailers will donate three hundred dollars to charity. get two point nine percent apr financing on a new 2024 outback during the 2023 subaru share the love event. ♪(christmas jingle bells) thank you. (♪) ah, this is so pretty. right. (♪) wow... this is so beautiful. oh, hi! welcome back, guys. the arctic report card is in. we do it every year. here's the information. you know it was the warmest year on record for the globe. here's the bad news. arctic is warming two to three times more than the rest of us. there's a lot of numbers that go into this. what you need to know is we've set up an alarming pace for melting arctic sea ice and the winter recovery is not helping us at all. we're going to show you some warm air moving across the country in the next week.
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coming up some breaking news before you hit the road for your morning commute. tesla will recall more than 2 million cars. we'll tell you all about that. plus best selling cookbook author jake cohen shares his holiday favorites. we'll be right back. it's and when it brings you joy, you know that you did it right? right. >> why do we love wearing ugly sweaters for the same reason we give the gift of scratchers is because a little play can make
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your day >> now, during the make the holidays bright sales event at your local ford dealer get special offers on our great selection of ford vehicles. right now get a 2023 ford bronco sport with 4500 total bonus cash only at your california ford dealers tonight special, y'all. the stars have never been so bright with special performances by billy porter and rosie o'donnell. >> this is the best celebrity family i've ever met. celebrity family feud. >> building a better bay area. moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc7 mornings and here's traffic for gloria. good. >> we're getting a live look outside right now in our richmond-san rafael bridge camera and we still have that signaler in effect. that's been in effect for several weeks. the rewrite lanes are blocked right now. there's over a five mile backup approaching the toll
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plaza. and in some areas it may be foggy today. so give yourself a little bit of extra time out there on the roads, drew. >> yeah, gloria, we have that dense fog advisory. it's still in effect. we have better conditions here from the exploratorium camera than just about 20 minutes ago. but we have dangerously low visibility still in santa rosa, petaluma, novato, even mouain view, oakland and hayward, you're down to a quarter of a mile. here's that dense fog advisory. it is in effect until 10 a.m. this morning. we'll keep that fog in the forecast through 10 a.m. mix of sun and clouds. this afternoon. and by 4 p.m, it is mild with mostly sunny skies, temps going into the 60s across the region. >> reggie. thank you, drew. if you're streaming us on our abc7 bay area app, tea time is next on abc7 at seven. everybody else is watching. good morning america. don't tell broadway. >> funny girl is musical comedy heaven featuring celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. this
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hilarious, brilliant and stunningly gorgeous production introduces rising star katerina mccrimmon as fanny brice is going to rain. >> don't miss the theatrical event of the season. >> funny girl playing april 30th through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadway >> covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance with financial help to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care. doctor visits, emergency care and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. cover california this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at i'm.
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the sand. let's go sleep under the stars. let's go for dinner in a show. no kids. and let's go stay at a hotel for less. okay let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fixed. with 24 over seven roadside assistance, trip planning hotel discounts and more. >> you're always ready to go triple a your membership to go. >> the lazy boy two great chairs event la-z-boy furniture galleries has a great selection of recliners. get two great chairs for one low price from $9.99. don't miss the la-z-boy two great chairs event. la-z-boy. live life comfortably. >> me because you should feel sa. abc7 building a better bay area rea good morning america. it's 8 a.m. worldwide calls for a cease fire. president biden toughens his stance, warning prime minister netanyahu that israel is starting to lose the world's support because of indiscriminate bombing as israeli forces start flooding hamas tunnels below gaza with sea water.
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the hidden medical crisis facing women with high risk pregnancies and states with abortion bans. diane sawyer and rachel scott have teamed up and join us live in the studio with a preview of their powerful special months in the making. celebrating hanukkah. a time for family, tradition and food. best selling cookbook author jake cohen shares his spin on some holiday favorites. plus how the queen is teaming up with billy elliott. claire foy and jamie bell join us live in times square. ♪ what a man gotta do ♪ and the jonas brothers have an exclusive announcement just for our viewers, as they say -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> great crowd outside times square. good morning america.
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good morning to them. good morning to the jonas brother, who have some big news you'll hear first on gma. >> we're looking forward to hearing from our good friend diane sawyer. she has teamed up with rachel scott for a powerful new report on the changing health care laws for women in states across the country. they're sharing some of that with us later this morning. first top stories at 8 starting with the u.n., demanding an immediate humanitarian cease fire in gaza, as president biden warns israel that opposition to its invasion is growing. let's go back to james longman who is near gaza. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, george. we're in an israeli forward position not far from the border with gaza. we're hearing the on going sounds of bombardment. the idf fighting street by street. they are taking casualties. 115 have died since this ground operation began. president biden with some of his harshest criticism yet, talking about indiscriminate bombing over gaza. saying israel risks losing world
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opinion. this is as 150 countries voted in favor of a humanitarian cease fire. ten voted against including israel and the united states. it's not legally binding. does show you what world opinion is. israel is not dissueded. they are pumping sea water into tunnels underneath gaza hoping to flush hamas terrorists out. 135 hostages remain in gaza. every chance they are under ground, too. the situation for the palestinians just goes from bad to worse. there was a massive storm overnight huge flooding. tens of thousands are living in tents. they are flooded. the united nations says that half of all people living in gaza, more than 1 million people, now risk starvation. robin? >> as always, appreciate your reporting, james. we're going to turn to several lawmakers saying they learned major retail pharmacies are handing over prescription records to law enforcement without a warrant. selina wang is back tracking that for us. good morning, selina. >> reporter: hey, robin. this is a startling
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new finding about threats to american medical privacy. a congressional investigation has found that major retailers including cvs, rite aid and kroger's are handing over prescription records without a warrant. democrats say they're worried this could be exploited in states that have banned or restricted abortion. democrats leading this investigation wrote in a letter that americans' privacy records, prescription records, can reveal extremely personal and sensitive details about a person's life including prescription for birth control, depression or anxiety medication or other private medical condition. now, pharmacies say they're simply following the law, which does not require a warrant in order to comply with a subpoena from law enforcement. michael? >> thank you, selina. breaking news. before you hit the road for your morning commute, tesla announced they will recall 2 million cars due to issues with the auto pilot feature. this comes after a two year long investigation by the national highway traffic administration into a series of crashes.
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now we turn to apple rolling out a new security feature in case your iphone gets stolen. elizabeth schulze is back with more. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning again, michael. this feature is called stolen device protection. apple calls it a new layer to help protect your photos, your account, if your phone is stolen. first you are going to have to enable it. once you do that, apple said your iphone will block access to certain settings. if you're away from a familiar location, like your house or work. if a thief steals your phone and tries to change your apple id access pass word, the device will require face id or touch id. that's another layer of security. apple pay could still be used. it's always important to choose difficult passwords, to use pins for sensitive apps. if your device is stolen, you can log in remotely to wipe its content. apple said it will be rolling this out as part of an upcoming
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software update. it will prompt users to turn it on. guys? >> all right, elizabeth, thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, inside a hidden medical crisis for pregnant women. diane and rachel are here sharing their months long reporting from across the country. an exclusive announcement from the jonas brothers. lori b is here with perfect presents for your whole family. lara got some gifts as well. >> i do, george. i'm here with "the crown's kwl claire foy and jamie bell. they've got a new movie called "all of us strangers." getting great reviews. can't wait to talk to them about that. so much more coming up on good morning america. hey did you get the batteries? you didn't get the batteries? i thought you got 'em? (♪)
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(♪) (together) merry christmas! (♪) we don't just have everything. we have your thing. (mom) hosting everyone for the holidays was a bad plan. (uncle) especially when your wi-fi only works close to the router.hing. (dad) uncle larry, please. (uncle) better plan is switching to verizon home internet. (cousin) yeah, then you'd get fast, and reliable internet. (uncle) just saying. (mother-in-law) and wi-fi coverage in every room. (dad) thanks mom. (cousin) you should fix it, bro. (mother-in-law) is that too much to ask? (uncle) where did you get this router, in a yard sale? (mom) ok - everybody out! (dad) out! let's go. (mom) goodnight! thank you! (vo) switch to verizon home internet with whole home wi-fi, and now get a 5-year price guarantee. perfect for the most wi-fi time of the year. it's your holiday, it's your verizon. this is how it feels to du more with less asthma... ...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma.
8:08 am
and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma.
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with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) (♪) hilton honors slays. points for a free stay? yes please. all these perks, we're sliving. when you want the celebrity treatment, no matter who you are... that's hot. it matters where you stay. hilton honors. hilton. for the stay. speaker 1: the best presents are the ones that keep giving. speaker 2: like supporting saint jude children's research hospital. discoveries at saint jude are helping more kids with cancer-- speaker 1: grow up and be whatever they want to be. from a little girl enjoying childhood-- speaker 2: to a coach enjoying his 30th season. speaker 1: and hayley, who's an astronaut. ava: that can be me someday. speaker 3: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and join us to make a difference that could last a lifetime.
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(vo) we all wish we could hear our cats' voices. and thanks to petivity, we've come one step closer. the petivity smart litterbox monitor tracks your cat's litterbox behavior and weight... and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit.
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back now with our gma cover story. pregnant women with dire complications in states with abortion restrictions. we're seeing it play out in texas and kentucky right now. diane sawyer and rachel scott teamed up for an abc news special report on a hidden medical crisis. pregnant women with high risk pregnancies facing emergencies in 21 states that enforced their own law since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. they both join us now. this is so necessary. it's an angle to the story that people have not approached until now. >> i didn't know the depth of it. i want to give credit to rachel, first of all. for more than a year now she's heard the cry of alarm from the doctors and from the patients about what is happening in this hidden crisis. and so i asked her if i could team up with her. we could try to find a number of women to come together and tell
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their stories. they are harrowing. >> the more time that we spent reporting on this, the more women that we found. and their stories are so stunning, so searing it begs a question. is this really what we want for pregnant women in this country? >> we're there as they walk into a room in texas. from idaho, florida, alabama, south carolina, wisconsin, arizona, arkansas, louisiana, tennessee. they are strangers who have gathered together because they share a common bond.
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suffering in the crossfire and confusion of new healthcare laws, laws in 21 states in this country with varying bans and restrictions. these women say they know there are thousands of others out there like them. it takes courage to go on camera. i'm wondering how many of you almost didn't come. how many of you felt you had to come? >> yeah. for sure. >> without a doubt. >> i don't think people realize how common this is. >> is it the debate over abortion or healthcare? >> healthcare. human rights. >> that's what people need to understand. these were wanted babies. >> reporter: let's start with the story of this woman in the front row kristen. like so many in this room, for months she had been trying to get pregnant. here's the moment she got the phone call of her dreams. >> hello? >> hi, kristen. it's dr. mansfield. are you guys together? >> we are.
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>> we have really good news! congratulations, you're pregnant! >> reporter: four months of complete happiness before the day of complete heartbreak. all of a sudden kristen felt something wrong. the membrane protecting her fetus broke and her water, the ambiotic fluid, lost. doctors say this happened so early, the fetus cannot be saved. with her fetus dying inside her, kristen is now at risk. the clock begins ticking on infection, and the terror of sepsis, infection that can rage through your bloodstream and cause organ failure. in states where there are no ban, doctors would race to induce labor to protect her health, her fertility, her life. >> within hours i was showing all signs of sepsis. doctors needed to start inducing me immediately. however, they were unable to
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because of texas abortion laws. so the exact words were, we have to prove to the ethics board and medical board that your life is in danger before we can intervene. >> reporter: she is shaking violently, vomiting nonstop. >> doctors, nurses were crying at my bedside wishing they could do something with blank stares on their faces because they literally couldn't do anything until the bloodwork showed that i was dying. >> reporter: hour by hour the doctors monitored the increase of the infection in her blood. she knows there's no chance for the baby. >> she's literally dying inside of me as i lay on the bed going septic. in what world does that make any sense? to prevent healthcare for me. what about my life? we didn't ask for that. we didn't want that. >> reporter: so you were waiting
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how many hours? >> almost 24 hours. >> reporter: finally the board approve her treatment. the doctors induce labor. the baby passes. kristen is so sick from infection, she has to remain in the hospital for the next five days, getting iv antibiotics and blood transfusions. a room full of women with similar stories of trying to get medical care, but state laws have tied their doctors' hands. the stories will break your heart. >> risk of blood clot, infection. >> every single one of my son's organs was growing out side of his body. that is torture. that's monstrous. >> missing the skull. >> reporter: women and doctors sounding the alarm that something has to change. >> 25% chance of death. is that enough? does she have to have a 75% chance of death? who gets to decide? you're not fatal enough, or you're not sick enough. it's like, in what world are we
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living in right now? >> reporter: many of their husbands also felt the urgent need to be here, calling on men across the country to join in protecting pregnant women fighting to live. >> can things change without the support of men? >> no. >> no. >> imagine if this continues to keep going and we don't step up as men? there's going to be a lot of casualties. a lot of women are going to die. >> so good to see the husbands stepping up and wanting to be a part of this necessary discussion. diane, i believe you said you spoke with like 100 doctors facing fines. >> not just fines. $100,000 fines, loss of their licenses and prison time up to 99 years. again, the doctors are in despair that they can't help patients and do what they know is the right thing to do. >> speaking with so many families and seeing just their emotions how many families would you say you have spoken with?
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>> we reached out to 50 women. we got all of those women in one room together. but i think it's important to note, for every woman seated there, there was one woman who told us they couldn't come, that they were nervous about speaking out, but they privately shared that similar things happened to them as well. that their own lives, their health was at risk. they felt like their doctors couldn't have this honest conversation with them. some doctors even told us they were nervous to say the word abortion. it's created this chilling effect. >> you're also going to see these women racing to get healthcare. and what it takes to get out of their state and what they're going through even when they have a medical emergency. the miles they drive and the terror, the fresh hell to get medical care in another state. >> it's very much in the headlines. the woman in texas. i know you've been covering this. she had to leave the state. >> the first woman to sue any state in this world we're living in.
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it's really a test case for this type of healthcare, whether or not women can get access to it. her uterus was at risk of rupturing. still the texas supreme court ruled against her saying she did not meet the exceptions to get an emergency abortion. >> now a woman in kentucky. >> another woman in kentucky. advocates that we speak to say we're going to start seeing more and more cases like this. >> diane, we are about to reach 2024. 2024. >> that's right. >> and this issue. >> and this issue. women say we're here for the other women. we're here because we believe if americans know this is happening, that they'll ask for change. >> yeah. and hearing from them. hearing from them. >> as you said while we were watching the piece, they are so brave. >> they really are. thank you both so very very much. impact by nightline on the brink streams only on hulu. that starts tomorrow. look at you both. thank you.
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bless you both. sam? >> story that must be heard. all right. let's look at what's going on with a little fresh powder that's moving through new england, or has moved through new england. we get a reinforcing shot of cold air. it doesn't come with powder but puts the cool feel in the air. this doesn't last though. i gotta show you some warm air that's been holding on the west coast. numbers above normal in palm springs and sacramento. that moves across the country, and then we get these lifts going from 39 to 52 in new york, raleigh durham, washington, d.c. in the 50s. that sets up a pattern here where we look toward christmas with much milder air all across the country. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> that was such a powerful report. let's switch gears and have some fun. >> let's do it, george. we want to say happy birthday to miss taylor swift. today is her 34th birthday on this, december 13th. or as her legions of fans like to say, merry swiftmas, everybody. that play on words started ten years ago when taylor sent out early birthday and christmas presents to fans. now swiftmas has expanded to include trees, taylor's themed holiday decor. you're looking at one illinois family who is going viral for their taylor swift christmas light display. in pennsylvania, pa is encouraging everyone to donate to their local animal shelter to honor swift's love of kitty cats.
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all of this as fans are holding their breath waiting to see how the global super star will celebrate this incredible lap around the sun she's just taken becoming "time" magazine's person of the year, launching a record breaking tour and managing to take over hollywood with her blockbuster concert movie which, by the way, as of midnight, i'm guessing in honor of her birthday, is available with three extra songs from her show on demand. you can watch it now. fans around the world will be doing so, i guarantee it. happy birthday to taylor and a very merry swiftmas to all. >> isn't that great? >> how is she only 34? >> i know. [ laughter ] truly a rock star. >> wow. >> we also have an exclusive announcement from the jo bros. the jonas brothers. you're hearing their number one hit "waffle house." as they continue their stadium tour, they are sharing some big news about an extra special upcoming show. check this out. >> good morning america! we have a big announcement to share with you. these three jersey boys are
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performing at met life stadium at the 2024 nhl stadium series february 17th as the philadelphia flyers take on the new jersey devils. we are putting on an epic concert. >> watch the flyers and devils right here on abc. >> february 17th at 8 p.m. >> you heard it here first. they will perform in their home state to break in the outdoor stadium series. the brothers say it's a dream come true to play for hometown friends, family and thousands of hockey fans. guys, you can go, too. tickets are on sale through ticket master. if you can't make the game and the jo bros show, not to worry. it will also air live saturday february 17th 8 p.m. eastern. the second game in the series, this is a good one. the new york rangers take on the islanders. that's on sunday 18th 3:00 p.m. that also airs right here on abc, robin. >> the song is "waffle house?"
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>> it is. >> wow. it makes me think of 3 a.m. leaving the club. [ laughter ] >> woman after my own heart. >> you know. you know. >> when this show is over, we're going to have a little conversation in the back. i got to hear all about this. >> say what y'all are thinking. >> thank you. >> who's ready for more from lady whistletown? season 3 of bridgerton. a little tease that include the show's return. take a look. >> i have news. gentle readers, you thought i was silenced. you thought wrong. yours truly lady whistledown. >> ooh. >> wow.
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guys, there are so many twists and turns. i heard a few. i won't tell you them. don't even try to make me, sam champion. >> oh, please. >> the hit series premieres in two parts on may 16th. then part 2 starts on june 13th. each part includes four episodes. eight total just like previous two seasons. but this one takes a departure from the book that's set to follow the budding relationship between colin bridgerton and penelope, who may not be who you think she was. >> what? >> exactly. exactly. >> oh. >> i thought you weren't going to say anything. [ laughter ] >> always tell a little. always tell a little. >> finally so excited about this. who's ready to head to palm beach? yes. plus releasing some first look images from this new show. it's called pom royale. it's set in 1969. oh, what a year. the show is loosely based on juliet
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mcdaniel's novel, mr. and mrs. american pie. it stars the snl alum as maxine simmons follows her journey as she tries to break into palm beach society after being dumped by her husband and her social circle. the cast includes laura dern, allison janney, ricky martin, leslie bibb and carol burnett. i mean, how good is this royal palm? march 20th. apple tv plus. that's pop news, gang. all right. great job there, lara. >> and coming up, claire foy and jamie bell are here talking about their new movie. we'll be right back. >> good. >> okay. where will both george clooney and jason momoa be in the morning? tomorrow, good morning, america. wake up with george in an all new interview. and jason live on gma tomorrow on tell him jason. good morning america. >> okay. >> what are the stories that take you back to some of your happiest times on thursday night ? celebrate 100 years of when? >> i think of disney, one word
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that comes to mind and amazing dreams. >> oh, wow. supercalifragilistic forever magical. >> the secrets, the fun, the wow and the stories behind the stories you love as you've never seen before. disney 100 a century of dreams. thursday night at 9:00, 8:00 central on abc and stream on hulu and disney+ it's the most festive night of the year. cma country christmas. christmas means to me . >> the biggest stars perform your favorite christmas songs. >> happy holidays. >> cma country christmas thursday on abc. don't turn away. >> you won't get to see these sweaters. the 100 builds a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. good morning, everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hey, gloria. >> good morning, kumasi. it's still foggy out there in some areas and that could impact your drive this morning. here's a
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live look on our san mateo bridge camera and you can see how foggy it is out there right now. chp has issued a fog advisory for this bridge along with the bay bridge and golden gate bridge. >> and it is definitely foggy. thank you, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> how does he have time to visit everyone in one night? well he has vip parking. >> and how does he know if i've been naughty or nice? >> he sees everything. >> everything. let me guess. >> he's got lots of storage to. and that's how he does it. >> the electric bmw road home sales event is on now. at least the 2024 bmw ix xdrive50 for 699 per month now through january second, there's the blackout and then you see the planes crashing and then that noise. >> what happens next in that sequence? >> everything. i know i have told you, i don't believe you. >> i haven't believed you since you walked through that front
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door. >> leave the world behind, rated r. california sky. those are more las estrellas sunny state of mind flexing all the time to eldorado. >> you know what i began to cause this place caliente until i felt so golden living in the golden state with you feel so golden leaving in eldorado. we got that drip, drip, drip. come take a sip. sip, sip. felt so golden leaving in >> hey. bay area live with kelly marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with fantasia from the color purple. plus, claire foy stops by. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you in a little
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bit. we're taking a live look at our san rafael camera, where visibility has improved here. but we still have issues from santa rosa, petaluma to nevada, we're down to zero mile still of some visibility. oakland, a huge improvement over the last hour. we're up to ten miles visibility. so the fog is lifting in spots that dense fog advisory still in effect until 10 a.m. after 10 a.m. that fog will break down. we'll start to see sunshine increase more and more over the next couple of hours. and by 4 p.m, it's a mild afternoon. those temperatures in the 60s kumasi. >> thank you, drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc7 >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome back to gma. time to open the advent calendar. we love this. we're counting down to christmas with our advent calendar of deals with a special item every
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day for our viewers. are you ready to see what we have for lucky number 13? all right. here it is, everybody. it's gift bags and wine bags. sign me up. from wildwood landing. these are all 50% off. you can check them out by scanning the qr code on the screen. do that and i'm gonna send it over to michael. >> thank you, lara. back with the stars of the movie "all of us stranger." claire foy and jamie bell. good morning. thank you both for being here. >> i want to hijack the opening. listening to them during the break i think claire should interview jamie. [ laughter ] >> that was happening, wasn't it? [ laughter ] i want to start with you, claire. about the movie. 97% on rotten tomatoes. it's a real tear jerker, to the point where your agent cried reading the script. >> yes, he did. >> why do you think it connected with people in that way? >> it's interesting. obviously, since the strike,
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we've only been to a couple of screenings. but when you go -- also speaking to journalists. everybody picks something from the film that means something to them. it's a different moment that they connect to. it's about family and love, loss. but also something to hope for. it's got such a wide scope. it's kind of universal. >> you shot the film in the director's hometown. that helpeded connect you to the family feeling. >> his actual home. he lived in until he was 9 or 10. he knocked on these people's doors and said, do you mind if we film you? they rearranged the house to look exactly the way it was. we are playing a version of his parents. not his actual parents. it created this unbelievable intimacy between the actors. so grateful to him for allowing us into his personal life in such a way. >> let's take a look at a clip. let's check it out. ♪
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>> get together. ready? ♪ >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. ♪ you were always on my mind ♪ >> oh. >> claire, you play andrew scott's mother. >> yes. >> it is an unusual mother/son dynamic. >> yeah. he's older than i am, which doesn't normally happen. [ laughter ] marginally older. yeah. i think that was obviously, we were all probably a little bit concerned about how this would work. it's the story of him going back, having a chance to see his parents and have conversations with his parents he didn't have the chance to do when he was around. we were like, this could be a disaster and not work at all. there's something so strange
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that happened. it was magic. immediately. we did the first scene, first take, we were like, this is okay. we felt like -- even now. great. really well. >> you can see all the magic. it's beautifully shot. >> everyone brought something really personal to this movie. it's brilliant. if you can visit with your parents long after they are gone. what if you could say the things you never got to say to them? if anyone was given the opportunity, i can't imagine anyone wouldn't take the opportunity. it was so beautifully and eloquently said by our director. andrew scott is a fantastic brilliant actor. the film is just so touching. wonderful thing to be part of. >> cannot wait to see it. we'll also get to see you dancing again. you're going to play fred astaire? >> that's the idea. [ laughter ] someone technically proficient. he's kind of like -- he's an instrument as a human being.
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that will be a great honor of course. i am such an admirer of his work since i was born. >> look forward to seeing that. twinkle toes stephanopoulos in the background. [ laughter ] you let us know about that. you know, it is the holiday season. this film is about family, parents. you're both parents, young kids. i heard you go all out for christmas? >> i go all out. >> how so? >> i do everything. ice skating. obviously decorate the tree. i do carolling. i could just -- i do everything. i'm very into it. by time christmas day comes i'm like, i don't like christmas anymore. [ laughter ] but i do it all before. i love it. so exciting. >> how about you? >> there's a lot of traveling involved for us because we're always going to see my wife's family, which is great. [ laughter ] >> nice save. >> get the travel day done and
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then you're in. i'm excited to spend time. >> you need to sneak away just call me. loved having both of you here. love it. the film is beautiful. "all of us strangers" is in theaters on friday. take your kleenex with you so you can wipe the tears from your eyes. december 22nd. don't miss it. coming up jake cohen puts a new spin on some hanukkah classics. we'll be right back with gma.
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> biscuits and -- >> milk. >> brown. pour on the biscuits. >> syrup. >> it's brown and hot? >> pass. >> it's a jewish holiday. >> hanukkah. >> when you respond to something to go to a party you have to -- >> rsvp. >> when people are singing? >> carols. >> yes. >> i got one question. biscuits and milk? [ laughter ] you eat biscuits and milk? i know one holiday party i won't be going to. we have a lot of fun on tonight's $100,000 pyramid. you can check out our season finale tonight at 10 p.m. eastern right here on abc.
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>> no! >> another season you two against each other would be fantastic. i saw you playing right now, sam. >> can we talk about that sweater, michael? >> that was a vest. >> it was a christmas show. >> okay. >> i'm in the spirit. [ laughter ] >> where is it? that's my next question. >> back to hanukkah the festival of lights. people around the world celebrating the seventh night of hanukkah tonight. a big part of the celebration is food. erielle reshef got together with cookbook author jake cohen to cook some favorites. >> hanukkah, a time to celebrate lights, family, tradition and, of course, food. >> welcome to my kitchen. >> and who better to show us a creative and delicious spin on some holiday classics than new york times best selling author of the cookbook i could nosh, jake cohen. what are we going to make today? >> these are two recipes essential to my hanukkah table.
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that's the story i get to tell. it's the way that i was raised. these are the traditions and history that has brought me to where i am today. >> reporter: first up, latkes. with my family joining in on the fun. why is cooking so special to you? >> for me, it's a great creative outlet. >> our boys cook with you often. >> absolutely. >> they know how to make things. >> it's part of the fun. we make it a whole family affair. >> jake's tips for crispy latkes, squeeze the liquid out of the potatoes and save the starch. >> all that moisture from the potatoes in that liquid is the most important thing for the latke which is the potato starch. what i'm going to do is pour off the liquid. that's the potato starch. >> wow. >> how cool is that? >> time to fry, honoring the hanukkah miracle of one night's worth of oil lasting eight nights in the ancient temple in jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago. ready to try? moment of truth.
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>> ah, the crunch. >> go for it. >> i heard that. good stuff. >> nice. that is phenomenal. >> for dessert a hanukkah classic. kind of like a mix of things. a benign and donut. >> it's a jelly donut. >> jake's challah dough head for the fryer until golden. but these are so good, with a twist. this is deconstructed. >> deconstructed. the best part is now you have it. you have your filling. you give it to the kids. [ laughter ] give it to the kids. they're dying for it. give it what they want. >> round of applause for jake! yay! thank you for this. it's absolutely delicious. for good morning america, erielle reshef, abc news, new york. >> happy hanukkah. >> the crunch on a good latke. right now. all right. good news for college sports fans. abc and espn are becoming the exclusive home for all sec sports and championships.
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of course i know about this. first look at the 2024 sec football schedule is revealed tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern. let me see if i can do this. you can catch the two-hour special on espn and the sec network. the rematch of the epic game between georgia and alabama. the sec championship game. >> it really was epic. >> it was. see? everyone agrees. must be my delivery. it will be on abc saturday night football september 28, 2024. >> we're gonna turn now to gma's ultimate gifting series. this morning a guide to some of the hottest holiday deals out there. gma's lifestyle contributor lori b is here with more on this.
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good morning to you, lori. >> good morning, friend. these gifts are great for the family. from fashion to toys to must have s for entertaining. this segment is sponsored by wal-mart. they have unbelievable deals on everything you need for the holidays happening right now. >> they really do. you found some great stuff. this looks so cozy. i just love it. got winter upon us. these are great gifts. >> they really are. so if you want to stay warm without spending money, time and true women's chevron puffer jacket. it is a wal-mart exclusive, lara. >> love that soft pink. >> exactly. it comes in a variety of sizes and colors. there's white, pink, cherry blossom. it's wind resistant. i love this. machine washable. get this. are you ready for the wal-mart deal? >> i am ready for it. >> it's $19.99. under $20. >> can i touch it? >> go touch it, lara. >> they're good quality. >> they really are. that value is unbeatable. speaking of good quality, we have these fruit of the loom pj
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pants for a cozy christmas, for the guy in your life. >> and for the girl. i love those. solid navy. great. >> good style hack. i like that. and they have elastic waist, side pocket, breathable cotton blend. okay. ready to have your mind blown? >> okay. i'm ready. >> these are just 9 bucks. >> wow. >> right? you can buy them for everyone. >> i love that. looks like a men's shirt. >> good tailoring. >> really nice. all right. i'm thinking this is for the kids. >> yes. >> looks fabulous. >> we do have something. next up, we are going to talk toys. come on over here. we all know barbie had probably her biggest year ever because of the movie, right? this is the toy to have right now. there are a lot of different choices. we are going to show you this one from the barbie malibu house. if you saw the movie, you know this was a plot made incredibly famous. it has so many cool details. six details, 25 accessories. some of these even flip down so it becomes a two in one room.
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they just transform. >> look at that. >> this whole house is just $49. >> that is an awesome deal. i just flipped it to a new room. >> see. there it goes. so much fun. >> don't look at me like that, robin roberts. >> we're gonna play with it later. it will be fantastic. now let's talk about this controller which is great for kids and adults. people of all ages love xbox. really is so much fun. this microsoft xbox wireless controller so sleek. it makes game play effortless. it has buttons on it so you can create custom controller profiles. it uses bluetooth, lara. it can be paired with a lot of devices. xbox devices, pc's, androids the colors you see here. ready for the wal-mart deal? >> yes. i'm getting this for my boy. >> $45. >> that's happening. >> so both under $50. >> really great. wild value. >> entertaining deals? >> yeah. >> here it comes, everybody.
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>> here we have a must have for holiday parties. have you been seeing the viral content about ice makers? >> yes. >> this is the hottest gift. if you're entertaining, you don't have to carry a big bag of ice. this is so much easier. >> this is really fun. frigidaire ice maker. it can do up to 26 pounds per day. wild party. >> if you want to do flavored water. >> have a little infusion. good idea. this has two ice cube sizes. the handy ice shovel. the price on this just $59. >> spending money today. great. >> we're going to sit here and show you we have an amazing deal for the whole family. this is a phillips 50 inch class 4k ultrahigh def tv. hdr technology. gives you the crispest picture. vibrant colors. it is great for everyone.
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you can use apps across streaming services. it has a roku tv. you are not going to believe the price on this. it is incredible. are you ready? >> ready. >> $198. >> fabulous. how do we get these deals? >> you can get all of the amazing items you see here and more at wal-mart, in stores and online. >> all right. thank you so much, lori. these are fantastic. so is this. coming up, katharine mcphee performing live on good morning america. katherine! >> announcer: gma's ultimate gifting is sponsored by wal-mart. welcome to your and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for
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special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world.
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bounced from one doctor it felt good. to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. >> you are in for a treat. it is day 13 of gma's 25 days of christmas. katharine mcphee. give it up! i said give it up for katharine mcphee. [ applause ] we heard you in the rehearsal. she is about to sing a classic tune from her latest album "christmas songs" which she
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recorded with her husband david foster. >> david is sorry he couldn't be here. got covid. first time. he's doing fine. >> for the first time, that's not bad. >> we did this wonderful christmas album together. we had fun being in the studio together. >> you're going on tour. >> we are. february we will be out together. >> will your soon to be 3-year-old going to be playing drums? >> yes. we're gonna roll him out on stage. i think by 3 is the right time to thrust him onto the stage. we're going to have a lot of fun. we have brandon goldberg here with us. he's only 17. he's an incredible jazz pianist that david discovered. david loves finding new talent. because he couldn't be here, we had brandon save the day. we're really eited to be here. >> we're excited for you to be here. we heard you. you are going to love this. here's katharine mcphee singing rudolph the red nosed reindeer from the album "christmas songs" with prodigy brandon goldberg on the piano. >> let's do it.
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♪ rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would say it glows ♪ ♪ all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names they never let poor rudolph join in any reindeer games ♪ ♪ then one foggy christmas eve santa came to say rudolph with your nose so bright won't you guide my sleigh tonight ♪ ♪ jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way ♪ ♪ oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh ♪
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>> come on, brandon! ♪ ♪ ♪ then one foggy christmas eve santa came to say rudolph with your nose so bright won't you come and guide my sleigh tonight ♪ ♪ all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee rudolph the red nosed reindeer you'll go down in history ♪ ♪ all the reindeers loved him as they shouted out with glee
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rudolph the red nosed reindeer you'll go down in history ♪ ♪ you'll go down in history ♪ come on, brandon!
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body dr. about tier via. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is
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so important to my family because making that perfect cup. >> it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow wow. >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> give joy this holiday season with cirque du soleil. save on tickets and unwrap the magic with jaw dropping acrobat x tickets at cirque du soleil .com . cirque du soleil presents kooza. an adrenaline rush of acrobatics and electrifying performances. opens january 17th at oracle park. kooza. thanks. it's official partner air canada tickets on sale at cirque du
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>> katherine and brandon great performance. thanks for watching everyone. have a great day. >> awesome. >> you were just a boy. now you're not a little friend. >> done. you are always on my mind. >> this is real. does it feel real? >> i'm a stranger, sweetie. >> kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. >> but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. >> i was always so itchy, especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. >> now we're staying ahead of her eczema. >> there's a power inside all of us to live our passion and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. so it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema so they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or
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worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. >> healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within. hurry up, we're gonna miss first chair. >> this one next. yeah, we're going to be late. >> has anyone seen my old ski suit? just wear the new one. >> i want to wear the new one. >> ready. yeah >> dad's in your car, right? no. >> thought he was with you, dad. >> who's ready to shred some pow flora? >> don't forget bmw rotem sales event is on now free. >> and for credit of up to $2,500 plus 2.99. >> apr on select models now through january 2nd.
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>> covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance with financial help to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care. doctor visits emergency care and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. we cover california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31st at by building a better bay area. >> moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc7 mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning, kumasi. right now we are following a signaler over in oakland. here's where it's going on. it's over on westbound 580 past highway 13 an and right now speeds are down to nine miles per hour in this
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area. the three lanes there are blocked out and injuries were reported. we're told that a car flipped over several times and we're working on getting more information about this. >> hey, gloria, we'll take you to san rafael. things are improving in the north bay. you can see things have also improved in parts of the east bay. oakland looking a lot brighter than just say about 30 minutes ago. but still issues in the north bay with low visibility that dense fog advisory going until 10 a.m. this morning, the afternoon will get brighter skies everywhere and temperatures mild in the 60s. kumasi >> thank you, drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a good morning . it's live with kelly and mark ♪ ♪ today, from "the color purple," fantasia barrino taylor!


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