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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 13, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) built backpacks that shoot
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glitter and a very foul odor at the thieves. it also records their stunned reactions with hidden cameras. he's turning the tables. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> this year, rover enlisted the help of our own i-team reporter, dan noyes. >> and dan is here now with the story. and what a story it is. it really is. >> you know, dan, it was really interesting to see how mark rober's mind works. the pranks are entertaining, but they also provide some valuable information about who's breaking into the cars and where the loot is going. mark rober hadn't planned on making another glitter bomb video then his car got broken into in san francisco this year. >> i'm missing a window. not cool. san francisco not cool. >> so he launched his biggest effort yet set a bait cars with hidden cameras, placed backpacks inside with a newly engineered special surprise, a contraption that shoots glitter, emits a foul odor, and plays a countdown that invariably makes the thieves ditch the backpack.
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three, two, two. >> you know, it was really great working with you, dan, because you're like a professional. you've been doing this for 40 years, so the combination of both of us was like, it's really interesting because i could get these things stolen. we get this great footage and then you could run the plates and do more of like an in-depth investigate. i think the combination of that worked really well over the past eight months. >> rober and his team recorded 25 car break ins, but something surprised him. most weren't. those groups of apparently organized thieves we often see on cell phone videos, something like 80% of our break ins were just individuals, so not groups coming around in cars and honestly, it felt like a lot of them. >> this could have been their first break in almost right? like they weren't very good at it. they couldn't break the window or they got scared off really easily. >> i was also able to track license plates used in the crimes. they often turned out to be from stolen cars to make the
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criminals harder to catch. i went over to my car and my license plates were gone. retired san francisco state professor gerald iseman had played stolen twice from his car, parked in front of his oakland home. i showed him the video of his plates being used in a break in. what do you think about seeing your plate used in a crime like this? well well, i'm grateful that i reported it so that the trouble wouldn't come back toward me. mark rober also took note of my investigation earlier this year, a videographer placed air tags on his gear, and after a car break in in oakland, he watched the equipment travel into san francisco. he's on the phone with the san francisco police officer when he sees his camera gear arrive at this location in the 300 block of leavenworth and he goes, oh yeah, that's a known major fencing operation. >> everybody in the bay area knows that they can bring their stolen goods and offload them there. so mark rober rigged a laptop with a tracking device. >> we took an actual gaming laptop, removed the extra fan and in its place added a gps
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tracker that would continuously stay charged by using the laptop battery that way, we'd always know where it was, even if they wiped the hard drive. >> he got it stolen and tracked it to the same location. >> that was bonkers to me. like you publicly outed this as a fencing operation a month and a half ago, and it's still being used as a fencing operation. >> our work has given me many other leads to follow. oh, by the way, you have to see the car that mark rigged with bulletproof glass, just as a way to mess with the criminals. as i said, very entertaining, but some valuable information, dan. >> and yeah, it's a win win. and i have to say, very satisfying to see the thieves get theirs a little bit. >> absolutely. >> all right. thank you dan. >> thanks, guys. all right. if you have a story for the i-team and dan noyes, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc7 slash i-team. >> happening now. people are beginning to gather near oakland's lake merritt to show support for the jewish community. after a giant menorah was destroyed overnight happened
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nearhe amphitheater between 12thtreet and first avenue. now, a hate crime investigation is underway. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joins us live with the latest and the show of solidarity is getting underway. ryan. yeah yeah. >> good evening. this is the new menorah behind me. it's going to be lit around 7 p.m. this evening following a short rally beforehand. the chabad of oakland, they're calling. what happened last night an act of hateful violence. a hook attached to a pole to get a menorah out of lake merritt. oakland police say someone destroyed it and threw its parts into the lake. it happened overnight wednesday. just four days after the city held a ceremony to light it. >> we came by and we found all these pieces scattered around. rabbi dovid lepkowski got a text message wednesday morning. >> broken glass and debris were everywhere around the edges of the lake merritt amphitheater. arabic graffiti that translates to free palestine. >> i don't know why anyone would do this. i know that it's toxic. the air is toxic these days. um,
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and it's just it shouldn't be that way. and we should be better than that. >> rabbi lepkowski joined the mayor and city leaders sunday to celebrate hanukkah. he says the holiday is about shining light in dark times. oakland mayor shang tao called this an attack on the entire city. her office says this menorah is a long tradition for oakland. >> this was an act of vandalism and a desecration. the oakland lake merritt menorah is a long standing symbol of not only the oakland jewish community, but the jewish faith. >> people who walk by this amphitheater every day say they are disappointed to see this area vandalized. this is up every year, and normally it's fine. >> and that's a great thing. and we should all be able to celebrate beautifully together. and you know, sucks when to some jerks try to stop that rabbi lukowski says people should be able to safely celebrate their religion in the bay area. >> the holidays to bring light to everyone. and i think we got to rise above it. and you know, i'm upset about this. this this is awful. and part of the
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menorah is actually chained to the pole next to it. >> they don't want it to go anywhere. and the lighting ceremony happening at 7 p.m. tonight, some people actually are now starting to show up for a rally beforehand. a lot of people of the jewish community are here, and they're also wearing free palestine pins. or shirts or anything like that. the message behind it is unity. they want to be able to come together. live in oakland tonight. i'm ryan curry, abc seven news. >> all right. ryan, thanks very much. the feds are investigating stanford university as part of a probe into anti-semitism and islam phobia on college campuses . the u.s. department of education added stanford and ucla to its civil rights investigation. stanford joins a growing list of schools that include harvard, columbia and cornell. investigators are looking into at least 20 incidents on campuses since hamas attacked israel in early october. >> san jose police say they've identified the suspects in two incidents where pro gaza banners were torn down from freeway
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overpass. now they're pursuing hate crime charges against both the most recent incident on sunday was caught on video. the council on american islamic relations posted this video. it was taken on the park avenue overpass above 8-80 in san jose. the video shows a man in a heated argument in moments later as you see, he pulls out a knife and cuts down two banners. he can also be heard calling the person with the camera for a terrorist. >> in los angeles today, 75 protesters were arrested for shutting down the 110 freeway. they blocked the road, calling for a ceasefire in gaza. the demonstration started just after 9:00 this morning and brought traffic on the southbound lanes. as you can see to a standstill, chp officers had to break up several violent scuffles between protesters and. frustrated drivers in the south bay. >> san jose city leaders say safety improvement projects are saving lives. so far, the city has seen 47 traffic deaths this year compared to 65 last year. and now the hope is that even more lives can be saved. abc seven news reporter dustin
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dorsey has more. >> reporter for too many families in san jose, this intersection represents a tragedy in their lives. gina and steve leblanc live with the memory of losing their son, kyle, here during a senior year of high school, when a tow truck hit and killed him when he was in the bike lane. >> kyle was not the only life lost here, and my heart goes out to all the other families who have lost loved ones and also those who have been injured, his dreams were destroyed and our lives were shattered, all because of a preventable crash. >> kyle's parents returned to the site where their son died for the first time for an important reason. san jose has been awarded 12.9 million in federal grant money that will go towards improvements at some of the city's deadliest intersections, like this one at canoas garden and curtner. >> we still have a long way to go to make our streets safer for everyone, and this federal support will enable us to save more lives in the years ahead. the grant money will go towards building a protected intersection that keeps bikes separated from traffic, a new sidewalk to fill the gap that's
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missing, and traffic signal improvements. >> d.o.t. director john ristow says each project funded by the grant will offer improvements based on the location to make these dangerous corridors safer. each one of them has been the site of a tragic fatality or more, and that's why we're making these pretty dramatic and significant improvements to the intersection itself. >> it really is going to make a change to what driver behavior is going to be like as well as the people using it. the leblanc family knows nothing can bring back their son or others lost in traffic crashes, but with 47 more traffic jets this year in san jose, they know the improvements can make a difference. >> there are no words to describe how devastating a loss like this is. this is my eighth christmas without kyle and it's agony. today i'm very grateful, however, to know that with this new grant, much needed safety, infrastructure can finally be built at this location in in the hope that no other families feel the pain of loss again in san jose. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news.
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>> and another note about safety on the road. more than 2 million teslas are being recalled due to an issue with the car's autopilot, and a defect was found in the system that's supposed to make sure drivers are paying attention even while the autopilot is engaged. the two year investigation was opened by the national highway traffic safety administration after a series of deadly crashes involving the autopilot system. the recall covers nearly all tesla cars sold in the united states. >> still ahead, more trouble for san francisco's budget. the instructions mayor breed just delivered to her department heads today. >> also here, we're just learning about the punishment that the nba has handed down to draymond green after he was ejected again last night. this time for hitting an opposing player. pretty stiff punishment to abc. seven news at if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists.
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streak is actually working today. the departmentrillioneported a 43% drop in robberies and a 29% decrease in burglaries since a joint suppression operation began last month. the operation includes increased police presence, foot patrols and dedicated traffic enforcement. the department claims its efforts are working across the city. >> we have more officers on the streets now than we've ever had. we'll continue to push our officers out. we'll continue to push our traffic officers out. we'll continue to run our violent, violent reduction programs and our different strategies to ensure that people that come to visit our city feel safe, feel that they can come and shop in the fruitvale area without having their cars broken into, without being robbed. >> oakland city council member noel gayo represents the fruitvale. he says residents have noticed the difference, and he's encouraging people to get involved by reporting crime when they see it. >> new developments with san francisco's budget. the chronicle reports. mayor london breed is asking department heads to submit proposals that cut spending by 10. she's also asked
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them to outline cuts for an additional 5% in case they're needed. proposals are due before the end of february. mayor breed's office will then crunch the numbers before she presents her budget to the board of supervisors in june. >> all right. this is literally just into the newsroom. moments ago, the nba lowered the boom again on warrior star draymond green. the league has suspended green indefinitely for hitting yousef nurkic of the phenix suns in the head during last night's game in phenix. you see that right here powell green has been ejected three times this year. once for the chokehold he put on minnesota timberwolves center rudy gobert. draymond was fined five games without pay costing him $769,000 in forfeited salary in that instance. but again, now nba just handing down an indefinite suspension as well. >> coming up after the break. it's not normally a good thing, but today a levee breach was celebrated. we're going to tell you why. and what it means for
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is the beginning of a magical transformation. in case you missed it, san francisco bay just got bigger today. cheers went up as crews breached a levee just a few hundred yards from highway 101 near menlo park . and as the crowd watched from a nearby hilltop, waters poured into a former industrial salt pond, 300 acres that will slowly and steadily turn into the bay area's newest tidal marsh. >> nature can really restore itself in many cases if we give it a chance, if we give it a head start, if we give it a push and that's what we're doing here. >> david lewis directs the nonprofit save the bay. the group spearheaded a volunteer program to green the edge of the
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ravenswood site over the last several years, creating what's known as a horizontal levee to absorb the rising tide from sea level rise. we've involved so many people as volunteers in this work, and each of those people who gets to touch the bay and see the results, we're really planting seeds for the future. >> future generations. >> the late senator dianne feinstein worked to acquire the site from the cargill corporation. state managers say when the tidal marsh begins growing in, it'll provide critical habitat for birds and wildlife along with a multitude of other benefits. amy hutzel directs the state coastal conservancy. >> yeah, the tidal marshes around san francisco bay are doing a lot to benefit people and to benefit the environment. they sequester greenhouse gases, they sequester carbon. so they're helping us redue climate change impacts. they help us adapt to sea level rise. >> the new marsh is just the
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latest piece of the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the west coast, including the don edwards national wildlife refuge. when it's complete, the project will restore more than 15,000 acres forever changing the shoreline of san francisco bay. >> there's so much love for the bay, so when we're out here looking at the bay, restoring itself, i think that really gives us hope. >> and just to put this in perspective, it's estimated that san francisco bay lost nearly 85% of its natural wetlands to development since the days of the gold rush. so it's pretty cool. they're doing this. dan really is all right. >> thank you so much, karina. yeah. >> all right. let's turn our attention to the weather forecast. another nice day out there. >> yeah. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is here. sandhya. >> and take a look at these live pictures. dan and ama. it is just simply eye candy. all those high clouds made of ice crystals giving us that extra boost in color as you look from one camera to the next. i can't pick
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which one is even better looking than the other. high pressure right now in command of our weather. so we're seeing some high clouds spilling over the top of the ridge, but overall, our pattern remains dry through saturday, the storm track will remain to our north until sunday, and then we'll start to notice a wet pattern setting up. going into the middle of next week on live doppler seven, you can see those high clouds. right now. we do have a coastal flood advisory once again for tomorrow 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. areas shaded in green could see some low lying flooding because of the high tide. and the high tide is coming up just past 11 a.m. tomorrow of 6.64ft. so be careful in case you want to get outside, go out for a walk, or you're at the parking lot of a park and ride up in the north bay, where you know you get some flooding. if you're taking bart or something like that. all right, temperatures right now in the 50s. here's a look at what you can expect. a headline tomorrow filtered sunshine friday and saturday. warmer near record temperatures for some cities and sunday through the middle of next week. a wet pattern is setting up so get ready for it tonight. you have
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an opportunity to view the geminid meteor showers. the only thing is you're going to have to battle the high clouds and the lights, of course. and the new moon. so if you're lucky, up to 120 meteors per hour, the best viewing is between late tonight and early tomorrow morning. just definitely move away from those bright lights as we go. hour by hour temperatures this evening in the 50s. you will need a light jacket. by 815. you see some 40 showing up. even though we have the high clouds around, they won't insulate us completely, so we'll have some pockets of chilly weather. 36 in fairfield, 37 in santa rosa. as we head towards that 7 a.m. hour and then by 2 p.m, most of you will be in the 60s. look at gilroy getting up into the low 70s. all right. your morning temperatures, upper 30s to the upper 40s. this is where they'll bottom out. there will be plenty of high clouds around. maybe. maybe a patchy fog. but we're not expecting a rerun of widespread. or dense fog like we saw this morning. tomorrow afternoon, upper 50s all the way
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to the upper 60s in places like san jose and morgan hill. here's a look at what you can expect in terms of our rainy season. so looking at the calendar, we've only had four days of rain in san francisco for the entire month. departure is just over an inch in terms of the deficit. here's what we're expecting. rain chances increase, increasing on saturday, but it's really to our north. it's sunday through tuesday. you start to notice a better opportunity for the wet weather and rainfall projection through wednesday. looking at rainfall measuring in inches here in the bay area. so we'll be looking at anywhere from one to almost three inches of rain. these are early estimates, so take it with a grain of salt. this is going to change as we get closer. but one thing's for sure the computer models we're looking at are painting a wet picture. not immediately though, you have some warmth to enjoy before that, and that is going to be friday and saturday, with the possibility of some records with 70s around the bay, 60s coast and inland, and then a level one for sunday through wednesday, periods of rain showers and
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gusty winds. so something to keep in mind. >> ama and dan four days of rain. >> yeah, we need it and it's one of our wettest months. so true. >> thanks, sandy. >> well, the rains that are on the way are about to cause a new gold rush in california. the prize this time will be these mushrooms. they're called golden chanterelle. and they come up a few weeks after the first heavy rains. they're also now the official california state mushroom. now, it can't be cultivated, so it has to be picked in the wild. they grow primarily near oak trees. their golden color makes them very desirable going out into the forest and finding hints of gold out on the floor and it is one of our more desired culinary mushroom. and if you'd like to learn more about all the fungi growing in california, check out the mycological society's annual fungus fair. it is saturday at el camino high school in south san francisco, so you can check it out. stay
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at nearby washington hospital. the team gathered more than 200 this season, and this is the first time they've decided to donate to the hospital. in the
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past, they've given to toys for tots, another great organization . the head coach says it's about a lot more than just giving back . >> i want i want them to learn life lessons. you know, i told them it's not a not all about sport. s, um, when they're older and they have families, they'll they'll know how important it is to give and care about people >> there are about 45 players who took part in the drive and the goal was for each one to donate a toy and clearly they went far beyond that good job. yeah. that's awesome. fantastic >> all right. we still do have much more news ahead. >> we do. let's go to abc seven news anchor karina nova for a look at what's coming up at 530 today. >> green. thanks, dan. and san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins is receiving criticism for comments she made about the unhoused. it was all in response to a question asked by abc seven news insider phil matier during our town hall event tonight. phil will join me to discuss jenkins answer and the criticism. plus the nba suspends draymond green
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indefinitely. sports anchor larry beil will join me to break down the punishment handed down after the warriors starter was ejected yet again last night. join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc seven. bay area streaming tv. dan and anna. >> okay, karina, thanks very much. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven and join karina in two minutes. >> do that and if you're watching us on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel all of us here. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we will see you again at six.
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