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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 13, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> i'll show you something i can do with my hair. first you bring all your hair, then you get this here, then you
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squeeze together and twist, twist, twist, and voila. >> good job. that's a really big towel because that's daddy's towel. >> does he wipe his nuts on that? >> yes. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight, carey mulligan. alan ritchson. and music from sleater-kinney. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello, thank you. welcome. thanks, everybody. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us from our headquarters in hollywood where the awards and nominations are rolling in.
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the gold and critics' choice nominations came out this week. and all the non-show business awards and lists are popping up too. including, the word of the year. they do word of the year. reveals this each year. the word of 2023 is "hallucinate." which is strange. i don't think i've used that word more than any other year. but apparently besides the usual definition, which is, "what kanye west does all day" -- [ laughter ] it is also used to describe -- _inaccurate and often outlandish outputs that chatbots attempt to present as fact." for instance, if you were to ask chatgpt who jimmy kimmel is and it says anything other than sexiest man alive, that's hallucinating. [ cheers and applause ] right, guillermo? >> guillermo: right, jimmy. >> jimmy: you know it's been a weird year when even the dictionary people are like, "whatever, let's just do shrooms and be done with this." [ laughter ] and then we have "time's" person of the year celebrating a birthday today.
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taylor swift turned 34. [ cheers and applause ] what an absolutely terrifying situation for travis kelce. [ laughter ] getting your new girlfriend the right gift on the first birthday together is always a challenge. it's even harder when there's an army of 12-year-old girls ready to kill you if you screw it up. [ laughter ] travis is under a lot of pressure. he knows that if he blows it, she'll just give herself another gift and call it "taylor's version." [ laughter ] in washington today, republicans in the house voted to open an impeachment inquiry into president biden. they managed to get the votes they needed, even though no one seems to know exactly what they would be impeaching him for. [ laughter ] this headline tells you all you need to know about the republican party right now. "house set to approve biden impeachment inquiry as it hunts for an offense." [ laughter ] in other words, they don't have a crime, but they do have an investigation. it's like an episode of "csi" if there was no "c" just "s-i." [ laughter ] it's a scene investigation.
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but speaker mike johnson, of all people, said it best. he weighed in on the subject. he has a serious issue with impeachment for the sake of political retaliation. >> you can't impeach a president because you don't like him, that's not how this system works. >> jimmy: right. unfortunately, that was four years ago when they were going after trump. [ laughter ] now he's all for it! this time, johnson said, "we have to follow the truth where it takes us." which is also what he said to his teenage soon when they decided to become porno accountability partners. [ laughter ] look it up, it's incredible. johnson claims the inquiry is a legal decision, not a political decision. which, of course, is a lie. they have presented no evidence of any wrongdoing by joe biden. you can't impeach someone for falling asleep during "wheel of fortune." [ laughter ] but they badly want to tie joe to his son, hunter biden. hunter got a subpoena to testify in front of the house oversight committee. they wanted him to appear behind
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closed doors, i will do it, i'll only testify if i can do it in public, behind open doors. the republican committee said no, we want to do it in secret. so then today, hunter showed up at the capitol offering to answer all their questions in front of the world, but they said no again. they're like, "where is hunter? where's hunter? oh, crap, hunter's here!" now they have to spin it. they're charging him with storming the capitol. jim jordan wants to hold him in contempt for defying a congressional subpoena, even though he, himself, is actively defying a congressional subpoena. he was subpoenaed and failed to show up twice on may 27th and june 11th. and he's screaming about defying subpoenas. maybe we should hold them in contempt together! like a buddy prison type film. [ laughter ] the lead witch hunter, a guy named james comer, you might not be familiar with, he's chairman of the house oversight committee. this morning, comber
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inadvertently revealed what this investigation is really about. >> we've been very transparent. this has been i think the most transparent political -- congressional investigation since i've been in congress for seven years. >> jimmy: yeah, well said, pyle. [ laughter and applause ] the fact that this man is the head of the oversight committee. the more you watch him is mind-boggling. watch him stumble and flub his way through trying to explain why joe biden giving his brother a loan is somehow an impeachable offense. >> what did the bidens do resieve the tens of millions from our enmeals around the world? that's a simple question. >> chairman, do you acknowledge you haven't answered that question, that you found no evidence of wrongdoing or criminal offense? >> we found some very serious evidence that, uh, you look at the -- >> but the -- >> no, no, no, no. [ bleep ]. there's two checks to joe biden from his brother, that the money to give joe biden was through -- you asked the question.
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>> loan repayments that we all saw, he showed you the loan documents. >> you don't understand the documents, i do. >> jimmy: right, right, right. i feel like we're about to be forced to sit through a book report from the dumbest kid in class. [ laughter ] this is all quite an argument if you think about it. these republicans would have you believe that joe biden is both a doddering old coot who can't tie his own shoes, and also, a brilliant criminal mastermind! [ laughter ] and while they seem to be very focused on joe biden's son, no one seems to know what the hell is going on with donald trump's. >> reality no longer matters to these people. it's why there is no more, uh, or so little focus on education in science and math. instead we have gender studies. women's studies. african american studies. these are not real courses. these are not courses that people could actually pay back the loan that they take to get college degrees in, but they continue to perpertuate this
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insanity. >> jimmy: right. they keep perpertuating -- forget the word of the year lose nate, the word of the year is per-per-tuate. [ laughter ] thank you for educating us about education, don junior. maybe next time you go to the dennist, don't go right on tv. [ laughter ] meanwhile, daddy trump is selling another round of digital trading cards. just in time for christmas. he announced this yesterday and today, he released his first ever collection of christmas music. >> this holiday, enjoy the music of christmas as you've never heard it before. ♪ bing bing bong ♪ ♪ bing bing bong ♪ ♪ whomp bomb bomb plink ♪ >> donald trump and the insurrectionist choir present "the magnificent sounds of christmas." ♪ ka-ching ka-ching bing bing ♪ ♪ boom boom bing done ♪ >> timeless yuletide melodies.
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aahh! aahh! oh, gahh! uhh, uhh! >> all your favorites are here. and if you order now with promo code "prenup," you'll receive melania's new christmas single, "who gives a [ bleep ] about christmas stuff?" ♪ who gives a [ bleep ] about christmas stuff ♪ >> donald trump's "magnificent sounds of christmas." ♪ bing bing bong bing bing bong ♪ >> available by the cash register at tj maxx. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's right, move over, mariah, bing bong crosby is here. love him or hate him, donald trump has provided us with many notable moments over the years. every december, we dive into our archives and dig through all the most memorable clips we've shared on the show over the past 12 months. we whittle them down until we've
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got the best of the best. the cream of the crop. and even though we lost five months this year to a writers' strike, we've got an impressive group of contenders. tonight, one of them will be crowned "clip of the year." [ cheers and applause ] and the nominees are -- "crank call roll call." >> weighs in opposition, florida state conference of naacp branches waives in opposition, anita dick. waives in opposition. holden hiscock waives in opposition. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "boy meets squirrel."
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>> hey, how are you doing today? >> good. [ screaming ] >> jimmy: "homophobook." >> that book is gender queer. my son checked that out of the high school library. and brought it home. and looked through it. there was graphic content of two boys, and one of them was sucking him -- >> okay, yeah. >> -- off and -- >> yeah, we get it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "putting the lawn." >> no, i'm not [ bleep ] tripping.
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what the [ bleep ]? man, it's a dog on the [ bleep ] riding lawnmower cutting the [ bleep ] grass. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "c-spank." >> i got a new strap-on harness today. i can't wait to put it on you. it will fit my favorite dildo perfectly. you're going to look so hot. i can't wait to have your [ bleep ] in my mouth. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and "happy birthday to who?" >> somebody's birthday, sing happy birthday, are you ready? ♪ happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you
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♪ happy birthday dear la la ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well. i have to say, every one of these clips deserves a only one can be clip of the year. the clip of the year for 2023 is -- oh my goodness. "mutting the lawn!" [ cheers and applause ] wow. here to accept the award is the mowing mutt himself, a very good boy. please say, "hello," to ruckus! ♪ who let the dog mow ♪ ♪ mow mow mow ♪ ♪ who let the dog mow ♪ ♪ mow mow mow mow mow ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ who let the dog mow ♪
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♪ mow mow mow mow ♪ >> jimmy: i guess -- there you go. congratulations. i want to thank all our finalists, and to our clip researchers for their tireless dedication to finding dogs mowing lawns, every day, all year long. may the lord god have mercy on your souls. and thanks to ruckus. [ cheers and applause ] we have a good show for you tonight. from "reacher," alan ritchson is here. we've got music from sleater-kinney. and we'll be right back with carey mulligan. so stick around!
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is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back to the show. tonight, he is the star of "reacher." which you can see on amazon prime video, alan ritchson is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, this is their 11th studio album. it comes out on january 19th. it's called "little rope." music from sleater-kinney. [ cheers and applause ] also with a surprise guest on tambourine. that will be revealed later on. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by zac efron and jason mantzoukas with music from queens of the stone age. so please join us for that.
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our first guest tonight stars alongside bradley cooper in a highly acclaimed film about legendary composer leonard bernstein called "maestro." >> one can be as free as one likes about guilt or confession. please, what's the harm? i know exactly who you are. let's give it a whirl. >> yes. >> yes? >> i mean -- >> no? >> not here, no. >> no, not here, no. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: why not here? "maestro" is in select theaters now and on netflix december 20th. please welcome carey mulligan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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i don't want to embarrass you right off the bat, but you are just unbelievably great in this movie. [ cheers and applause ] what a great movie it is. >> thank you. >> jimmy: are you able to -- are you able to look at yourself and go, yeah, i really nailed this one? [ laughter ] >> i'm finding it quite pressured to come out after the dog, honestly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's hard to follow a dog with that kind of a gift. >> what's the deal with the dog? >> jimmy: we still don't know. >> we're all out there, what's happening with the dog? >> jimmy: we have no explanation. we researched this dog situation. we don't know why the dog was mowing the lawn. we don't know if the dog mows the lawn a lot. we have no idea. >> sorry, yes. the film is very good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're right, your performance is fantastic. the film is amazing. however, you really can't top a dog that mows the grass, yeah.
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yeah, there's a lot of great stuff in the movie. and in a way, the movie mirrors, somewhat, your actual life. because you play felicia, married to leonard bernstein, and he is a composer and a conductor, she is an actress. they're both well-known. same for you in your real life with marcus mumford, right? >> yeah -- yeah. >> jimmy: had you thought about that before? >> no, not -- i mean, there were bits. watching someone do something, you know, big, you know -- there was that. i've seen him play glastonbury, which is crazy and nerve-racking. >> jimmy: are you nervous when marcus plays? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are? >> sometimes. for the big things, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: interesting. do you know -- because musicians, i find, they give a performance, and then, you know, when they're really good like they are, you see it, you think it's good. then they have a different opinion. it was either not as good as
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they hoped or whatever. do you know those degrees of how it went? >> i can sort of tell when he's happy. but i think it's the same for actors. actors think they've done amazingly, and it's not that great, and vice versa. >> jimmy: is that right? you've had experiences with people like that. >> i've come off thinking i nailed that and been told otherwise. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: also, you guys, the film follows you from what ages? from what age is felicia at the beginning and what age at the end? >> 25 to 56. >> jimmy: 25 to 56. and the makeup is -- i think we heard a lot about the makeup before the movie came out. it's the best aging makeup i think i've ever seen. >> it's unbelievable. >> jimmy: it's incredible. >> yeah, it's bizarre. yeah, we -- so the beginning, the stuff you just saw, we're young, falling in love. then it goes through, and there is a stage where i'm 56. and i was, you know -- i was looking in the mirror thinking -- it's like a time machine. >> jimmy: i know, i actually am
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56, so i get that every day. [ laughter ] >> i'm right behind you, jimmy. they do this incredible makeup. i'd gotten quite used to it. actually quite enjoyed being -- i felt very comfortable in my 56-year-old body. it felt like the right place for me. [ laughter ] towards the end of the shoot, i was pregnant with my newest baby. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i got very sick. we were shooting in london. and i said, "can you please just get someone to give me something, an antibiotic, something i can take? we've got these last few days of filming and i don't want to --" they got this guy in they brought the doctor in. he said, "right, let's check you, whatever, temperature." he said, "is there anything else you need to know?" "i'm 12 weeks' pregnant." and he said, "okay, how do you know? [ laughter ] "well, i took a test, saw a thing." he's like, "are you sure?" i'm like, "yeah. i've got a scan, there's a
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thing." he's like," okay, okay." i looked in the mirror and realized that he thought he was talking to -- [ laughter ] some maybe delusional person, maybe not. >> jimmy: if that isn't a testament. >> my makeup artist, sean, i'm like, "sean, academy awards." can you believe it? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that means one of two things, really. >> yeah. >> jimmy: either you have a great makeup artist, or he is a terrible doctor. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. that crossed my mind. but i was very ill. >> jimmy: congratulations on the baby, by the way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's a nice addition to the family. >> yeah. >> jimmy: are the other kids good with the new arrival? >> yeah, yeah, big-time, yeah. >> jimmy: you're a two-time oscar nominee. this would be three times for this film. [ cheers and applause ] i heard that you and marcus made a bet that involved a tattoo and the oscars? >> well, yeah. yeah. because the oscars thing is stressful. it's lovely, but -- yeah.
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so it all got quite real. because "promising young woman" wasn't really going to be an oscar film. it got delayed because of covid. it became a thing and it got pressurized. marcus thought it would be a good idea to kind of make it fun. so he said, "if you don't get nominated for an oscar, you have to get a tattoo of an oscar on your arm." as a sort of mark of shame for not having won it. >> jimmy: this is a sick idea. [ laughter ] >> yeah, twisted. >> jimmy: this is a psychotic man you're married to. >> i know. then opt sit was if i did, then he would have to. >> jimmy: i see, okay. >> yes. so he did. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so he did. >> yeah. >> jimmy: then did there was another bet? >> we made an extension to the bet. if i win, he gets another tattoo of -- like a heart. "promising young woman," there's a neckless thing, there's a broken heart necklace. it's a part of the film. if i -- yeah, he would get that tattooed. >> jimmy: is there a third bet now? is there a third betting
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situation? i'd love to name the tattoo in this one. i'd love to -- >> will you get the tattoo? >> jimmy: no, i will not get the tattoo. [ laughter ] marcus will get the tattoo. >> i lost the oscar last time, so i got the tattoo. >> jimmy: you got the tat stew? >> i got the tattoo. >> jimmy: this seems like a terrible deal for you. [ laughter ] >> yeah. too much time on our hands. >> jimmy: i heard you're cutting hair. you started cutting hair? >> it was a pandemic thing. >> jimmy: whose hair did you cut? >> everyone's. >> jimmy: would you do a good job cutting someone's hair? >> not a good job. but i like it. >> jimmy: would you give a haircut to someone in our studio audience tonight? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: this guy over here, will you get a haircut? all right, here's what we're going to do. have you ever given a haircut on television before? >> no, no. >> jimmy: this will be great. carey mulligan is here, she gives haircuts. her movie is called "maestro." we'll be right back.
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>> jimmy: look at this. we're back with carey mulligan. we've got a whole setup here. we mentioned before the break, you started cutting hair over the pandemic. this gentleman, thomas, who is in our studio audience, bravely volunteered to get a haircut.
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when was the last time you had your hair cut by an oscar nominee? >> oh, never. >> jimmy: that's interesting. you want to have at it? >> yes. >> jimmy: what do you like, scissors or buzzer? >> start with a scissor. >> jimmy: then buzz? >> blue ones. >> jimmy: all right, great. oh, we're going for beard also. >> wow. you're really going at it. >> jimmy: where do you work, thomas? >> that's satisfying. >> jimmy: yeah, i bet. >> i should put it on the floor. >> jimmy: you know what, we'll eat all the hair as it goes. >> okay, that's -- >> jimmy: what do you do for work? >> i work at costco. >> jimmy: my favorite place. >> how do you turn this on? >> jimmy: how do you turn this on? great question. i don't know r. i do know. >> this is what i want to do. >> jimmy: do you have a thought? a style in mind? >> yeah, i just want to do, like, an attempt at a -- >> wow. [ audience moaning ]
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>> is that my hair? >> yes. >> jimmy: whose hair do you think it is? >> oh, man, that's -- >> jimmy: that's a haircut. >> oh, man. i can -- >> jimmy: is it busy at costco this time of year? >> oh, yeah, it's so busy at costco. it's like jingle all the way. the parents coming in for the toys that aren't there. >> jimmy: oh, the toys are sold out, all gone? all the toys? >> the majority, yeah. >> jimmy: do you ever get -- those big bins of pillows? do you ever jump in those? >> no. >> jimmy: you're not allowed to? >> no. >> jimmy: that would be frowned on? >> i think so, yeah. >> jimmy: have you ever been to a costco, carey? >> yeah. >> jimmy: back home or here? back home. when i was 14, my best friend, celia, and i spent the whole summer washing cars. does that hurt? >> no, no, you're great. [ laughter ] >> to make money to buy a costco trampoline. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yeah. and it was 500 kid, and we did it all summer, and we made
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enough money to buy a costco trampoline. and we went and got it, then we sat on the roof of my cat's car and ate one of those massive costco pizzas. it was the best. >> jimmy: wow, that's a pretty great memory. costco's really making memories. [ laughter ] tho thomas, have you ever met anyone who's been on the cover of "costco connection" magazine? >> have you been on the cover? what? >> jimmy: maybe i have. [ cheers and applause ] >> what? could i see? >> jimmy: yes, it turns out i have. >> this is taking such a long time. >> jimmy: i know, he's got a lot of hair. >> i feel maybe i'm going to do a reverse mohawk. [ audience moans ] >> jimmy: has it been a long time since you had short hair? >> that's cool. that's cool. >> looking good. >> jimmy: has it been a long time when you had short hair? >> i don't remember having short hair. it's been long for a long time. >> jimmy: are you married? >> no. >> jimmy: dating? >> no. >> jimmy: you're not going to be dating for a while.
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[ laughter ] >> i'm not -- i genuinely think this is quite nice. >> jimmy: carey, you are really putting a lot of energy into it that probably wouldn't -- >> it's been going all different directions this buzzer. forward, back, side, up, down. >> jimmy: yeah, we didn't even set it. this is an actual mullet that we have now. [ cheers and applause ] this is the very definition of mullet. >> looks good. >> jimmy: it is kind of -- like -- yeah, it's somewhere between a disaster and cool. [ laughter ] >> hm. >> do you have any notes? >> jimmy: i thi the beard a little bit. >> with this thing? >> jimmy: the beard's super shaggy. yeah, i think i would use that to trim the beard. now he has more hair on the bottom of his face than the top. i don't think you can hurt him. >> can't i? >> jimmy: i think it's pretty safe. >> how's that? >> jimmy: would you like us to do your back while we're at it? [ laughter ] >> hot wax? >> jimmy: wow, look at this. >> i feel that's good.
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>> jimmy: costco's a good place to work, right? [ laughter ] >> yeah, the best. >> jimmy: remarkable. unbelievable. yeah well, the beard -- you know, the beard's not great. [ laughter ] the beard's not great -- >> isn't it? >> jimmy: i think the hair's kind of -- kind of -- >> oh, yeah, more of the hair. [ laughter ] right, that's the top. >> jimmy: the hair is kind of cool, isn't it, a little bit, right? >> what are those? >> jimmy: i don't know, buzz them up. i think that's for his nose, i think. >> would you mind me having a little -- >> >> jimmy: do you want to get a little nose trim while we're at it? [ laughter ] >> oh. all right. two-teaming it, all right. [ laughter ] >> you don't actually have a lot going on in there. >> jimmy: yeah, have you been checked for lice? [ laughter ] >> what, me? >> jimmy: just wondering. >> what? >> jimmy: no, you look pretty good. maybe let's put it up on the screen and see the behalf and
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after here and see what we've got. carey, i think you did a pretty good job. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's good. >> jimmy: this is the part where you give her a tip. >> oh. >> jimmy: do you have any cash on you? >> i might. is $20 okay? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she likes kid, really. she's a -- more of a kid person. >> the conversion rate's a little bit -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right. well, there you go. well, there you go. i mean, this is a spectacular -- you really -- >> just needs a little product. >> jimmy: yeah, if i was -- you know, if i was in the hair and makeup department on your next film, i'd watch out. i don't think they're needed. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i mean -- >> jimmy: carey mulligan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "maestro" is in select theaters now and on netflix december 20th. thomas is at costco all the time.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. alan ritchson and sleater-kinney are on the way. but first, florida is always an exciting place to be, but it's a lot more fun with our pal, guillermo, who headed to the hottest hotel in the sunshine state. >> here he comes, the vip. >> the very important player. >> we're excited you're here. >> we're sure you'll be impressed with the gaming options here at the seminole hard rock hotel and casino. >> we'll see about that! >> touchdown, home run, gone! >> whoo, two dices, not just one? impressive. >> winner!
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>> jimmy: requesting back. music from sleater-kinney is coming up. tho thomas, you like it, are you okay with it? >> it's a little colder. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think you look pretty good. what have you got, a bag of hair in your lap? >> my hair. >> jimmy: nice. our next guest is a big, strong man who plays a big, strong man. the former military lone wolf, jack reacher, in a new season of "reacher." >> look at this [ bleep ]. what's he think he's going to do?
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>> what the -- you doing, man? >> gun! >> just like the good old days. >> yeah. you on the sidelines while i do all the work. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: season two of "reacher" premieres tomorrow on amazon prime video. please welcome alan ritchson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> the back explodes. >> jimmy: that's a clip, let me tell you something. i love watching you beat people up, i really do, i enjoy it. [ laughter ] i don't know what it is, i like seeing it. do you like seeing it? it must be great to watch yourself beating others. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i love it. especially because they're my friends.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: is it weird that they're actors and you get to know each other, having lunch together, next then you're pounding them into the ground? >> dominic lomt bard, that was his first day on said, i hadn't met him yet. "sit in the car and wait." i pull him out and i beat him up, and that's how we say hi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you think that air bag thing would work in real life? i'm going to start using that if it does. >> we've got to try them on some cars. >> jimmy: the show is super popular? >> seems to be doing okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: when did you sense -- you never know with a show. you just don't know. when did you start hearing from it people recognizing you, et cetera? >> so probably -- we had an event at madison square garden. it was like a reacher night. they wanted to bring us out, put us on the jumbotron, feed sinus hot dogs. >> jimmy: during a knicks game or what? >> yeah, it was -- i think it was a hockey thing. >> jimmy: gotcha. >> i don't remember, i just remember myself on the
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jumbotron. [ laughter ] seeing myself. >> jimmy: was it cold or not cold? >> freezing. >> jimmy: it was a hockey game, then. >> there was security with us all night. we'd been up on the screen. everybody's coming over, trying to get pictures. "we're going to have to else court you out the back." this is crazy. we've made it, right? we go busting out of the back of madison square gardening like they're rushing us to the cars. i'm thinking there's going to be throngs of people waiting. there's one little old lady with a walker. "reacher, reacher!" i'm trying to get away from her. her 50-year-old daughter is back there, "ma, get back there!" i'm like, "how old are you?" "90. i love your fights in reacher." >> jimmy: wow. >> yeah. dude are i was blown away. when you have 90-year-old grandmothers watching your stuff. >> jimmy: did you put her in a headlock? [ laughter ] >> yeah, i kicked her like i kicked the bumper on the car, dude, her head exploded. >> jimmy: i don't know if you know this, tom cruise played
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jack reacher in the movies, then they fired him and replaced him with you. >> one cheer? guys. >> jimmy: maybe they felt it was rude to cheer the other jack reacher. >> we're all -- there's enough to go around. >> jimmy: i see. >> we can be friends. >> jimmy: did you -- >> here's the thing. >> jimmy: did -- reach out to tom? >> yes, i wrote tom a letter. >> jimmy: that's a good way to go. >> i wrote wrote him a heartfelt letter. here's the thing. i know what you know. he's taken some criticism for the role. because it doesn't aesthetically fit the role of reacher perfectly according to the books. not a big deal. this guy still did two movies that grossed over $300 million and doesn't even -- that's a huge -- he's brought so many eyes to this series. we would not have the success that we have without it. >> jimmy: right. >> so out of gratitude, i write him a loving, heartfelt later. a page-long letter. [ laughter ] i give to it don granger, his -- a partner of his at skydance
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who's my boss. "i think we should give this to him. i want him to know i'm grateful that he's passing the torch, giving me his blessing and all of that." and he said, "we're not going to give to it him." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? why? >> "terrible idea, i think we should just let it --" >> jimmy: what's in the letter? >> "he's moved on in life, you need to move on too." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you didn't get to say -- >> i said it in my heart and i said it on the paper. >> jimmy: yet the paper never got to tom? >> no. >> jimmy: wow, i think that's a mistake. do you want to say something to tom now? >> i would love to. >> jimmy: go ahead, i'm sure he's watching. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> tom. >> jimmy: want me to tee it up for you? tom, alan needs to talk to you. >> i have something to say. i know we've had our moments. i'm super grateful for you
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passing the baton to me on "reacher." and helping it become what it's become with the eyes that you brought to the show. so i just want you to know that. that was some version of my letter. there are a few i love yous. [ laughter ] a couple of pictures together. but that will have to -- we'll just leave it there. >> jimmy: i think that's good. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i feel better. >> jimmy: i feel like tom would appreciate that letter. >> thanks for helping me get that off my chest. >> jimmy: you at one time were a contestant on "american idol." back in the old days when -- we have a clip. ♪ when you're walking down that street ♪ ♪ and you ♪ >> oh my god. ♪ they say the women treat you fine on broadway ♪ ♪ looking >> jimmy: they seem very negative on that. [ cheers and applause ]
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what was the deal? what's the behind-the-scenes story there? >> this was basically the '90s. people loved -- like the cut-off shirts and bellies and things. people were into stomachs back then. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. it wasn't the '90s, but it was basically the '90s. [ laughter ] >> almost. >> jimmy: it was the 2000s. >> depending what you're rounding down to? you didn't get sent to hollywood? >> no, no, that was my first time to l.a. >> jimmy: oh, that's here in l.a. >> yes. so i was a -- like top 30, top 32 or something, almost to the very end. >> jimmy: why were they rolling their eyes and all that stuff? >> jealous. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right, sure. >> envy. green with envy. >> jimmy: alan richson. season two of "reacher" premieres tomorrow on amazon prime video. we'll be back with sleater-kinney.
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carey mulligan and alan ritchson. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first their album "little rope" comes out january 19th. here with the song "say it like you mean it." sleater-kinney! ♪ ♪
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♪ lie gently with me all clocks have stopped our minds they can't reach all counting off ♪ ♪ no bitter endings and no false starts just tell me one thing ♪ ♪ just say the words say it like you mean it i need to hear it ♪ ♪ before you go say it like you mean it this goodbye hurts ♪
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♪ when you go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ go softly with me my heart is raw ♪ ♪ too many losses have left me down you have your story ♪ ♪ your hidden scars just tell me one thing just say the words ♪ ♪ say it like you mean it i need to hear it before you go ♪ ♪ say it like you mean it this goodbye hurts
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when you go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ say it say it like you mean it ♪ ♪ i need to hear it before you go say it ♪ ♪ say it like you mean it this goodbye hurts when you go ♪ ♪ say it say it like you mean it
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i need to hear it ♪ ♪ before you go say it say it like you mean it ♪ ♪ this goodbye hurts when you go ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, impeachment vote. >> the resolution is adopted. >> juju: house republicans opening a formal inquiry into president biden hours after hunter biden spoke out on


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