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tv   Nightline  ABC  December 14, 2023 12:37am-1:07am PST

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i need to hear it ♪ ♪ before you go say it say it like you mean it ♪ ♪ this goodbye hurts when you go ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, impeachment vote. >> the resolution is adopted. >> juju: house republicans opening a formal inquiry into president biden hours after hunter biden spoke out on
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capitol hill. >> there's no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business, because it did not happen. >> juju: plus biden backlash? the israel/hamas war creating blowback for the president in the swing state of michigan. >> do you feel he's taking for granted the arab american, muslim vote? >> oh, most definitely. >> juju: the communities threatening to abandon the candidate they once supported. >> the main message we're trying to relay is palestinian lives matter. ladies and gentlemen of the gallery gourmet, my name is willy wonka. >> juju: "wonka" back on the big screen, the origin story of the character made famous by gene wilder. now withing we ga mat movie star timothee chalamet stepping into the iconic burgundy velvet. ♪ oompa loompa ♪ >> juju: and hugh grant in a role you'd never expect. >> the song and dance that stood out was the oompa loompa dance.
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>> it's not easy, it's not easy.
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inquiry into president biden. even though some in their own party admit they have no evidence of wrongdoing. earlier today, the president's son, hunter biden, defying a subpoena to testify privately before republican investigators, making a rare public statement outside the u.s. capitol. abc's chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more. >> for six years, i have been the target of the unrelenting trump attack machine shouting, where's hunter? well, here's my answer. i am here. >> reporter: for years, republicans have tried to tie president biden to his son's business dealings, but have found no concrete evidence of wrongdoing. hunter biden, already indicted for allegedly failing to pay taxes he has since repaid, today insisting his father did nothing wrong. >> in the departments of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd.
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>> reporter: house republicans had subpoenaed him to testify today behind closed doors, but hunter biden says if they want to hear from him, it should be in public. >> they've ridiculed my struggle with addiction, they've belittled my recovery, and they have tried to dehumanize me, all to embarrass and damage my father. >> reporter: tonight, the chair of the republican judiciary committee, jim jordan, says they will hold hunter biden in contempt for defying their subpoena. this, though jordan himself refused to comply with a subpoena from the january 6th committee. today, a different tune. >> look, congress asked you to come, you're supposed to come and testify. >> reporter: house republicans have spent a year investigating the bidens and have come up with nothing on the president. they say formalizing their impeachment inquiry tonight will allow them access to more documents. democrats say it's all a sham less than a year before the election. >> juju: what's been the
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reaction of president biden tonight? >> reporter: the president is calling this a baseless political stunt, not supported by facts. biden saying, instead of doing their jobs and focusing on trying to make americans' lives better, house republicans are focused on, quote, attacking me with lies. hunter biden, the white house says the president was aware of what he was going to say and that president biden is proud of his son. juju? >> juju: this is all going to play out over the coming election year. and that brings us to our top story tonight. mary, you've been spending time with a key voting bloc in the crucial swing state of michigan? >> reporter: yes, juju, we spent time with arab and muslim american voters who are in real pain and growing frustration, angry over president biden's handling of the israel/hamas war, warning it could cost him votes in november. >> please free palestine! >> reporter: a familiar scene in major cities across the country.
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>> no justice no peace! >> reporter: pro-palestinian protesters taking to the streets, now for the tenth straight week. demanding an end to israel's bloody and deadly war in gaza in response to hamas' terror attack in october. >> the main message we're trying to relay is palestinian lives matter. >> reporter: as the number of palestinians killed steadily climbs, president biden is resisting calls for a cease-fire, arguing that would only help hamas. >> our president is currently aiding and abetting in the crisis unfolding in palestine. >> reporter: for palestinian american lexi zedan, the president's refusal cuts deep. >> he's one of the most powerful people in the worl. you have the power to stop what's happening but you're more interested in your geographical region and your political interests than human life. >> reporter: she supported biden in 2020 but plans to sit out the next election and is urging others to abandon the president,
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especially in key swing states like michigan. since the war began, biden has remained steadfast in his support for israel. >> we stand with israel. and we will make sure israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack. >> reporter: while increasingly calling for israel to limit civilian casualties and allow for humanitarian pauses to distribute aid. yesterday biden taking on a more critical stance of israel, saying privately to donors that israel is starting to lose the world's support because of their, quote, indiscriminate bombing of gaza. the biden administration now downplaying those remarks. >> no justice, no peace! >> reporter: many arab and muslim americans who voted for him in 2020 tell us they feel unseen and unheard. is there anything the president could do at this point that would regain your support? >> there's absolutely nothing you can do to regain my support or my vote. you will go down as the president that killed children
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in palestine. >> reporter: you backed joe biden in 2020. what are you going to do? >> maybe trump will win. that's to open the eyes and ears of the rest of the public to say, listen, it's going to be short-term pain for these next four years, but democrats will not win michigan until democrats are ready to back palestine. >> trump called for a muslim ban. i think the risk for democrats is not necessarily that republicans are going to steal the votes of that community, but i do think there's more of a risk to democrats that arab and muslim american voters stay home. >> reporter: that struggle over what to do in 2024 playing out here in dearborn, michigan. just nine miles from downtown detroit, it's one of the largest enclaves of arab and muslim americans, who make up 54% of the 107,000 residents here. >> the majority of the business owners are either immigrants or
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children of immigrants, first-generation americans. >> reporter: they've made political progress, electing abdullah hammoud in 2022 as the first muslim mayor of deborne. he says there's a direct connection between dearborn residents and 18,000 killed in gaza so far. for some the dead are their loved ones, the war a reminder of what they managed to escaped. >> many have lost relatives due to the conflict. folks in dearborn, many refugees who lived under israeli occupation, they have the scars and they bear witness to what that life was like, living under siege. it's personal. >> reporter: mayor mahmoud, a democrat, says he voted for biden in 2020 because of his humanity but says the president's recent comments lack empathy. >> i have no notion that palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. i'm sure innocents have been killed and it's the price of waging a war.
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>> reporter: biden later apologized to muslim american advocates for that comment, but for many the damage was done. >> it's a very callous statement. >> you see there's a dehumanization happening of the palestinian people. it's not in error. entire families have been wiped from registries. that is genocide, by definition. >> reporter: mayor hamoud not the only dearborn elected official rebuking president biden. so is democrat congresswoman halib. >> 71% of michigan democrats support a cease-fire. you can try to censure me, but you can't silence their voices. president biden must listen to and represent all of us, not just some of us. >> reporter: the house voting last month to censure her for statements about the israel/hamas war, seen by many as an anti-semitic call for the eradication of israel. >> there was a comment about, from the river to the sea. that was deemed offensive to many members of congress. that's what prompted that vote.
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she's promised to remain outspoken, to remain vocal on this issue, to continue to call for a cease-fire. >> reporter: but in dearborn, many are still torn. >> i think it's a very difficult position that i'm finding myself in. not voting does not feel like an option. but voting also does not feel like an option. and i think for me, 2024 feels like a very long time away. >> reporter: community organizer yasmine kaduh says she's confident in the power her community has to influence elections because she's been a part of mobilizing it. she was one of the voices behind "dearborn girl," a podcast for local arab and muslim women. we met her in 2019 when she was an outspoken bernie sanders supporter. >> his policies not only are consistent to now, but i also think that he listens. >> reporter: after sanders dropped out, yasmine helped rally dearborn to vote for biden in 2020. >> right now we need to vote, we need to put pressure on biden
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every single day that he is in office. >> reporter: her efforts seemed to pay off. biden won michigan by 154,000 votes. >> when you look at 2016, former president trump won that state by 10,000 votes. when you look at 2020, president biden won by 154,000 votes. these are very narrow margins. >> reporter: yasmine says she feels biden is taking her community for granted. >> there's this chef grief we're all feeling. and we don't feel like anyone's listening. we feel like we did everything we were supposed to do. we voted, we believed, we understood the consequences of not voting. and we still chose to vote. and we found ourselves in positions where nobody's listening to us. they always want our votes, but they never want our voices. >> reporter: the election now less than a year away, but time and patience for biden may be running out. do you feel like he's taking for granted the arab american, muslim american vote? >> oh, most definitely. we've woken up to the fact that
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you're not going to pander to us anymore. you're going to either listen to our demands or lose this really important chunk of voters, which could cost an election. but even more so right now, it's costing lives. >> our thanks to mary. when we come back, "wonka." the origin story of the classic. wowwww... this new charmin ultra soft smooth tear is soooo soft and soo smooth, i'm starting to get tearied away! ahhh, thank you mr. smooth bear. designed with smooth tear edges, new charmin ultra soft smooth tear has wavy perforations that tear so much better for a smooth more enjoyable go. mmmmm. huh? mom, you ok in there? i'm tear-ific! enjoy the go with charmin. ♪
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♪ >> juju: welcome back. it's hard to believe it's been more than 50 years since willy wonka and the chocolate factory
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wowed audiences with oompa loompas and the magical golden ticket. a prequel to the beloved classic is reimagined for a new generation. abc's maggie rulli got to hang out with the star-studded cast. >> greedings to you all. my name is willy wonka. >> the story of a young, hopeful, cheery, ambitious, naive young man trying to achieve his dreams. >> reporter: he's an iconic character that's captured our imagination for generations, brought to life by gene wilder in the 1971 classic "willy wonka and the chocolate factory." ♪ want to change the world there's nothing doing ♪ >> let's get a move on, kids. >> reporter: johnny depp in "charlie and the chocolate factory." >> no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall. >> reporter: and one that timothee chalamet is determined to make his own.
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"willy wonka," now a new film directed by paul king, takes us back to the very beginning. what was it like when you put on that burgundy velvet jacket? >> it was exciting. it was a dream come true. it's the story of a young willie wong character how he met the oompa loompas, how he became the eccentric chocolatier we see in other versions. >> reporter: who dreams of sharing his chocolate with the world, but dreams don't come true that easily. >> many people have come here to sell chocolate. they've all been crushed by the chocolate cartel. you can't get a selling chocolate, and you can't sell chocolate without a shop. >> no daydreaming. >> reporter: i'm curious what you did to become the character. >> he's a phoenix rising. constantly told no, constantly is rejected and immediately has a new idea, a new ambition,
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won't take no for an answer. it's really keeping that positive spirit alive. >> reporter: roald dahl's book brought to life for a new generation by a star-studded cast we caught up with in london, including academy award-winning olivia colman. >> i've got just the thing for you, the entrepreneurial package. >> reporter: as the villainess, miss scrubbit. >> what was so fun about that character is how horrible she is. >> reporter: do you have fun playing someone so evil? >> love being a baddie. it's so much fun. it's much more fun to play a baddie. >> reporter: hugh grant as you've never seen him before, an oompa loompa. >> allow me to refresh your memory in the form of a song so ruinously catchy, it may never leave your mind. >> oh, i don't think i want to hear that. >> too late, i've started dancing now. once we've started, we can't stop. ♪ >> reporter: the song and dance that really stood out was the
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oompa loompa dance. >> ooilts it's not easy. >> reporter: talk me through your training. >> it was a couple of years. a lot of dedication. a lot of broken bones in my feet. >> reporter: i'm sure. >> i'm passionate about what i do. dedicated. >> reporter: along with the original oompa loompa, young wonka meets other friends along the way, like noodle, played by 14-year-old kayla lane. >> what are you doing? >> i'm making chocolate, of course, how do you like it? >> i don't know. i've never had any. >> you've never had chocolate? >> still, no. >> well, lucky for you, i have a selection of the world's fine ts ingredients in my travel factory. >> reporter: what was it like for you to be a part of this cast? >> being here is just unbelievable. but at first i was a little overwhelmed. because i was like, oh my gosh, all these big names. but i got there. i mean, they just really -- like i said, we became a big family.
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i really love these guys. >> reporter: that set family includes screenwriter and comedian keegan-michael key, who plays the chief of police and becomes corrupt by way of chocolate. >> do not sell chocolate in this town! you're going to get more than a don on the head. >> reporter: what was it like to play the villain? >> he really, desperately, deep down, wants to do the right thing. but he's got some issues he's working through. >> reporter: the origin story is at its heart a movie with a holiday spirit. people watching it during the families, what do you want them to leave the theater feeling and thinking? >> there's family that's made in this movie, there's family that inspires. people will walk out maybe holding hands with their siblings or their children just a little tighter after seeing this movie. >> a heart warmer about family. it's about your actual family, it's about your chosen family. every time i've seen it, it leaves you feeling so sweet.
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>> it's a big, jolly, colorful, beautiful, majors you cry, makes you laugh, fantastic family christmas bonanza. >> juju: our thanks to maggie. when we come back, a house in upstate new york dreaming of a light christmas. ugh, this guy again... pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin' on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain't my dad's razor, dad, it's from gillettelabs. gillette...labs? gillette's ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! while the flexdisc contours to it. lookin' smooth. feelin' even smoother. how 'bout hookin' me up with some gillettelabs? check your texts. you're the best. nah, you're the best. the best a man can get keeps getting bettuh. the next generation of shaving is gillettelabs. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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♪ finally tonight, santa claus will have no trouble finding this house on christmas eve. 'twas the night before christmas in one small new york town with over 720,000 lights, more than any other around. tim and grace gay holding the guinness world record for the most lights on a residential property. >> my brother suggested, put lights around the pond. that sparked adding lights each year. >> juju: they attract 50,000 to 100,000 visitors each year. they've raised over $665,000 for charity. quite an electric bill. that's "nightline." watch full episodes on


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