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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 14, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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move it around the yard and you get creative. yeah okay. >> hey, it's a lot cleaner than a regular christmas tree, too. you don't have to deal with all the branches and all that. or. what is it called? yeah. pine needles. needles too early for me. >> get a real tree. yeah. you know what we did? >> actually didn't get one this year because we're going to palm springs next week. so we're like, you know, you got to spend time there. >> you oh no, i have ■i take it right back out. me too. i fluff it to make it look nice. yeah. and merry christmas. merry christmas, happy holidays. >> minus >> good morning america. for our viewers in the west, a major storm on the move. a powerful cross country storm bringing heavy rain and snow. sam has the track and timing, and gio with the impact on your holiday travel.
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turning up the pressure. national security adviser jake sullivan meeting with the israeli war cabinet, urging them to show restraint in their war against hamas. house republicans approve an impeachment inquiry into president biden despite presenting no evidence of wrongdoing by the president. supreme court agrees to take up a case that could have major implications for former en case. college students on edge. police issuing an urgent warning after a string of attempted abductions of women near one of the largest universities in the country. jonathan majors' domestic violence case. the judge authorizes the release of evidence including surveillance video, audio and text. the woman accused of posing as a high school student now facing multiple felony charges after investigators say the 32-year-old social worker enrolled in three separate schools. cure for severe morning sickness?
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scientists identify what causes it in pregnant women, raising hopes for better treatment. ski slope scare. the near miss caught on camera, as a bear races through skiers at a popular resort. done with the shaming. oprah revealing she's using a medication for weight loss. why she calls it a gift. and it's time for our early christmas gifts. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> don't walk, run. the strut. >> the strut. >> okay. you can strut. don't miss all the wonderful moments that made us sing, dance, cry and laugh. >> i'm og, yeah. >> speaking of george -- >> i got nothing else to do. i got twins at home. i gotta get out of the house. >> clooney is back. michael and the other george are saying -- >> good morning america. >> nice. we're so good. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america.
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>> good morning america. he's good. one of my favorite people on this planet. looking forward to showing our conversation later in the show. >> we have a lot of news this morning. federal reserve signaled yesterday that not only is it done raising interest rates, it will start cutting them. it sent stocks soaring. we'll tell you what it means for your money. from loans to your 401k. we're going to begin with the major storm sweeping through the country. gio is standing by with how it could impact your early holiday travel plans. but first sam in for ginger starts us off with the track. good morning, sam. >> good morning. good morning, everyone. we've had several big storms that time themselves poorly into big travel. this is another one. so we start with this southern rockies snow about 4 inches of snow in colorado springs. but it was enough to snarl some traffic. it was a tough one. there will be about 6 inches more snow in this storm as it is a basic low coming out of the mountains. we signaled this yesterday. now it's spinning up into a game on low that's in the gulf. just quick timing.
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i don't want you to hold this to me. we're going to go in the morning, early on saturday morning for florida to atlanta. by the time we get to sunday evening, this is in raleigh durham with the heavy rain. now look at monday morning. we're talking about all five area airports in new york and boston with heavy wind and rain. florida's had a tough time already because there's been a stationary front just down to the south of you. that's been some big wind and rain. we're going to see several days of wind and rain. keys could come up with about 10 inches of rain in the total. here's the rainfall totals. look at the big mark there all the way into some parts of the carolinas. lighter rainfall totals by the time you get into the deep south of texas, louisiana. robin? >> we'll keep an eye on that. sam, thank you. the storm could impact those getting an early start on holiday travel as airlines expect a record breaking number of people to hit the sky. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is at la guardia with more. good morning, gio.
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>> reporter: hey, robin. good morning. yeah, we're not just talking about a slight increase in travellers here. we are talking about the busiest travel season ever during the holidays. take a look at these numbers. aaa is expecting 7.5 million domestic travellers between saturday december 23rd through monday january 1st. but that's more than 2019. u.s. airlines expect to sell 39 million seats domestically and internationally from next wednesday into the new year. you'll remember that southwest meltdown last december when almost 17,000 flights were cancelled, people were stranded all over the place. southwest says weather caused it, but it was the only airline hit hard because planes and crews were just in the wrong place. now, sam was just talking about that rough weather in major cities with major airports. that's what airlines are worried about. no small part because of the shortage in air traffic controllers. united said it is well prepared with more than 150 deicing trucks and 15,000 more hires by the end of the year. you just can't forget about the
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roads. aaa expects nearly 104 million people to drive over the holidays. that weather, of course, could impact your trip. if you are driving, try to avoid as best you can saturday, december 23rd. that is gonna be the busiest day, michael. >> all right, gio. thank you for that advice. we will take it. going to turn to the israel/hamas war. national security adviser jake sullivan is in israel this morning meeting with officials as calls are growing for a humanitarian cease fire. let's go to our chief white house correspondent mary bruce. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, michael. and these meetings could be tense, coming just days after president biden issued his harshest rebuke yet, warning israel to change its tactics or risk losing global support. this morning president biden's national security adviser touching down in israel. jake sullivan meeting with israeli prime minister netanyahu and his war cabinet, urging them to show restraint in their war against hamas. the meetings come as president biden is stepping up his criticism of israel's military
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campaign. the president this week accusing israel of, quote, indiscriminate bombing in gaza, saying they're losing global support because of it. the white house now trying to downplay those remarks, refusing to say if the president's statement was a formal assessment or offhand remark and struggling to explain why the u.s. would continue to rush military aid to a country it thinks is engaged in indiscriminate attacks. abc's mary alice parks pressing spokesman john kirby. >> if the president believes israel is engaging in indiscriminate bombing wouldn't there be an obligation from the u.s. to put new conditions on their aid? >> it always comes with the expectation that the law of conflict will be respected and obeyed. >> but since they aren't, isn't there an obligation to change the way that it's delivering military aid. >> that's a hypothetical. i'm not prepared to engage in
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that right now. >> it's not if he is saying indiscriminate bombing. >> it's a hypothetical i'm not going to engage in. we have expressed our concern, president has publicly and privately with israel. >> reporter: the u.s. and israel are still cooperating on another front, recovering the 135 hostages still held in gaza. at the white house, president biden meeting in person for the first time with the families of the americans still missing. jonathan deko hen, whose 35-year-old son was taken by hamas, praising biden's response. >> the u.s. administration is completely committed to getting the hostages out. we have no doubt about that. >> reporter: now eight americans are still missing believed to be held by hamas or another terrorist group but with fighting escalating, hopes for another truce to secure the release of additional hostages is dimming. michael? >> we sure hope they find a way though, mary. thank you. this bring us to the situation on the ground. our foreign correspondent james longman is there in tel aviv with more. good morning, james.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. jake sullivan will arrive here in israel in a bitter atmosphere between the families of the hostages and the israeli government. they feel not enough is being done to prioritize their loved ones. they are angry about the decision to pump sea water into tunnels under gaza. there is uproar over reports that prime minister netanyahu stopped the head of qatar to resume negotiations. they feel the government is playing russian roulette with their families lives. mean time, the situation in gaza goes from bad to worse. just this morning, hamas said 19 people were killed in an air strike. they say more than 18,500 civilians have died since the war began. idf is continuing its operations in neighborhoods north of the gaza strip around gaza city. the situation for palestinian civilians is truly horrific. that's why there are increasing calls for a cease fire and part of the reason why jake sullivan will push the israelis to offer a timetable to how they intend this war to end. >> thanks.
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to capitol hill where house republicans voted to approve a formal impeachment inquiry into president biden despite presenting no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors which is the high standard for impeachment. senior white house correspondent selina wang has the story. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, george. there is still no evidence of wrongdoing by president biden, but house republicans say this is about strengthening their investigation while democrats say this is a sham intended to help his republican rival donald trump. this morning house republicans are pushing ahead with an impeachment inquiry into president biden despite finding no evidence of wrongdoing in nearly a year of investigation. the vote late yesterday falling along party lines. >> the house has now spoken. i think pretty loudly, pretty clearly, with every single republican voting in favor of moving into this official impeachment inquiry phase. >> reporter: the inquiry is focused on allegations that the president abused his power to enrich his family, and whether he made decisions while vice president to boost his son
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hunter's businesses. is there hard evidence of wrongdoing? >> that's the point of an inquiry. to ask the questions. >> reporter: hunter biden faces federal tax and gun charges after a plea deal reached with prosecutors fell apart over the summer. he's pleaded not guilty on the weapons charge, and his attorneys say he's paid back the money he owed in taxes. still, he has been under scrutiny by republicans for his work with companies in ukraine and china. so far there's no evidence of the president's involvement. would you accept a pardon from your father. the younger biden making a public appearance on capitol hill yesterday. >> there's no evidence to support the allegations that my father was financially involved in my business because it did not happen. >> reporter: but he also defied a congressional subpoena, refusing to testify in private over concerns his words behind closed doors would be manipulated. instead, offering to testify in public. will he be held in contempt of congress? >> we certainly plan to do that, chairman jordan and i.
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>> reporter: right now is there any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of president biden? >> we have questions about some checks joe biden received. >> reporter: democrats slamming the investigation. >> they've been at it for 11 months. they have found nothing. >> this is a ridiculous fishing expedition. >> reporter: after the vote, president biden issued a statement saying house republicans are focused on attacking him with lies instead of making american lives better. some democratic lawmakers saying that contrast could even help the president's re-election chances in 2024. george? >> thanks. now to the supreme court agreeing to take up a court that could impact donald trump's federal election interference trial. a law used against trump and other january 6 defendants. senior national correspondent terry moran has the story. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. this case could have a big impact on the presidential election. hundreds of people who stormed the capitol and donald trump himself have all been charged under the same federal law that
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makes it a crime to, quote, corruptly obstruct an official proceeding. but now the supreme court has announced that it will hear an appeal from one of the january 6th defendants who is arguing that that law, which was originally passed by congress to deal with witness tampering and corporate crime cases cannot be applied to the attack on the capitol. republicans have been saying this for months. they say the justice department has been overcharging some of the january 6th defendants. if the supreme court agrees with this argument, two of the four charges against donald trump would go away. trump got another boost in this case when the judge put all the proceedings on hold pending another appeal by donald trump on another issue that his claim of presidential immunity for everything he did to overturn the 2020 election. and that appeal could delay this trial, which is now scheduled to start in march, for months. robin? >> that it could. all right, terry. thank you. and the supreme court will also decide on the availability of a
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commonly used abortion pill. it's the first major case involving abortion since the court overturned roe versus wade. rachel scott is here with more on that. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning. millions of women will be watching this case. what the supreme court decides could change access to abortion for the second time in nearly two years. at the center of this case, the abortion pill mifopristone.
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drug is used in more than half of the abortions in the u.s. the biden administration promised to fight a law that would make the drug less available, preventing it from being mailed to patients or prescribed during a tele health appointment. instead of requiring it be taken at a doctor's office, not at home.
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the bottom line here, whatever the supreme court decides will not take the pill off the market, but it could make it harder to get access to it, even in states where abortion is currently legal. the justices are expected to weigh in by june, putting this issue front and center during the 2024 election. >> many people will be watching. thanks. now an urgent warning from police after a string of attempted kidnappings near the university of arizona all involving women college students in just the past week. rhiannon ally is tracking this. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is really scary. as students are getting ready for winter break, they should be celebrating, having fun. it's hard for students at one university in arizona to let loose when their sense of security is being threateneded after three attempted abductions in less than a week. this morning an urgent investigation under way after a terrifying string of attempted abductions of college women. >> t has dedicated patrol,
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investigative forensic personnel who are working tirelessly to identify and arrest the suspect or suspects involved in these incidents. >> reporter: tucson police saying in less than a week, there have been three attempted abductions of students at the university of arizona. each attempt within a mile of campus and every incident similar. a man following the women in his car. one victim was attacked from behind, screaming before the suspect fled. a second woman reported being followed by a car. the third woman groped but was able to get away. police are now searching for the suspect, described as driving a four door dark blue vehicle. >> 5' 10" to 6' tall, medium to heavyset build with close buzz cut hair. >> reporter: university students are now on edge. >> i'm not with at least two other people walking at night, i won't be around by myself. >> reporter: until they catch this guy, that's exactly what campus police are advising students to do, to travel in
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group, not alone. they will also have increased patrol an the fbi has joined this investigation. hopefully this puts students a little more at ease. >> we hope so. thank you. now to the markets jumping up after the federal reserve signaled that it is done raising interest rates and expects to cut them next year. elizabeth schulze is at the federal reserve in washington with what this means for you. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, michael. the federal reserve here is entering a new era signaling it will cut interest rates three times next year after an historic series of rate hikes. that is sending the stock market to all time high. the dow jones industrial average surged 512 points wednesday after the fed's decision. with the index closing above 37,000 for the first time on record. in just the past month, the dow is up 8%. put that into dollar terms, for the average 401k balance, you'll see an increase of just about $8,000 in one month. traders are in high spirits because inflation has cooled enough to convince the fed that it can stop raising rates.
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fed chair jerome powell said the central bank is looking at rate cuts next year so that would make it less expensive for businesses and consumers to borrow money. mortgage, credit card costs auto loans would go down. it would be relief. americans credit card debt is at a record high, with almost half of card holders carrying a balance from month to month. so the bottom line here, the question now even if the fed will lower the borrowing cost, but when. many analysts are telling me it could happen as soon as march of next year, guys. >> can't get here fast enough for a lot of people, i'm sure, elizabeth. thank you. coming up, we have the latest in the assault trial of actor jonathan majors as the judge releases evidence in the case, including video, audio and text. plus the 32-year-old social worker accused of posing as a high schooler is facing new charges. oprah revealing she is using a weight loss drug and is done with the shaming. first let's go back to sam. >> how about lake effect snow? i thought i heard someone singing it's the most wonderful time of the year.
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someone was singing it. when the lakes are not frozen, this cold air comes out of canada, this is what we get, 9 inches of snow near syracuse. that's the cold air moving in to the northeast and north atlantic. it's kind of winter going, hey, how ya doing? then it's out. we've got so much mild air back across the country. look at this. in some cases, this is 15 to 20 degrees above normal. that's what's sliding across the coast. look at these numbers jump up in boston, new york, raleigh durham. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can pebgt this morning.
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>> truly thankful thursday. jason momoa, george clooney, that george, michael, and sam champion. sing ms, and a lot going on. that's why i take kesimpta. kesimpta is the only b-cell treatment for rms you can take at home, once-a-month. and it was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses vs aubagio. for me, a once-a-month treatment just works for my schedule. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b,
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and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions. ask your doctor about treating rms with kesimpta. (mom) hosting everyone for the holidays was a bad plan. (uncle) headache, especially when your wi-fi only works close to the router. (dad) uncle larry, please. (uncle) better plan is switching to verizon home internet. (cousin) yeah, then you'd get fast, and reliable internet. (uncle) just saying. (mother-in-law) and wi-fi coverage in every room. (dad) thanks mom. (cousin) you should fix it, bro. (mother-in-law) is that too much to ask? (uncle) where did you get this router, in a yard sale? (mom) ok - everybody out! (dad) out! let's go. (mom) goodnight! thank you! (vo) switch to verizon home internet with whole home wi-fi, and now get a 5-year price guarantee. perfect for the most wi-fi time of the year. it's your holiday, it's your verizon. ♪ chef's kiss ♪ by: lil' cheesecake
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♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) purina cares here. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. experience the art of high pressure for the ultimate gillette brewed coffee and espresso with the l'or barista system. enjoy richer, bolder flavors complete with velvet smooth crema. now brewing peet's coffee. dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better
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in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. i'm amber, i've lost 128 pounds with golo, taking release. i have literally tried everything. i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked.
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>> building a better bay area. moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. we're getting a price tag on what it cost san francisco to host last month's apec summit. a report says more than $11 million was spent on overtime pay. the bulk of it was for the police department, the mayor's office says the federal government and california highway patrol will pick up their overtime. san francisco did pay for chp officers, hotel rooms. the city received about $20 million from private donations, which should help offset some of these costs. hi, gloria. >> hey. good morning. reggie. so far right now, things are looking pretty good out there on the roads. this is a live look at our 680 camera in walnut creek. this is one of our busiest spots this morning. traffic is building as cars move southbound through walnut creek. >> thank you so much. meteorologis
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♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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yeah. dads in your car, right? no, i thought he was with you. dad >> who's ready to shred some pow? flora don't forget bmw rotem sales event is on now. >> praying for credit of up to $2,500, plus 2.99% apr on select models now through january 2nd. >> look, mom, i found one. oh yeah, you did. >> but we need an atm from our bank. unless you want to spend a small fortune and fees. >> uh, no. thank you. banking with us means more fee free atms than the two largest us banks combined. >> well, that would be convenient, but there is no bmo here. >> you can just call us bmo. and there is now you know what else is convenient? mobile banking. that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money. get out of town. >> but we just got here. >> when a bank helps you get and stay ahead, that's the bmo effect. >> bmo percy jackson. >> we've been expecting you.
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>> in december 20th on disney plus. >> here's live look from our east bay hills camera. great visibility compared to this time yesterday. no dense fog out there and filtered sunshine. that's the name of the game throughout the day, but it is chilly out there this morning. we're in the 30s and in the 40s. your winter jacket, a great accessory to step out the door. but those sunglasses also needed to because this afternoon we'll have mild sunshine and temperatures going into the 60s. so we will get a lot of sunshine throughout the day. those temperatures above average, mild for this time of the year by several degrees, and it gets even warmer around here over the next couple of days. the three day forecast showing you a couple of 70s start to pop up here tomorrow. even into saturday, records are possible before rain returns to the forecast on sunday. reggie, thank you drew for streaming us on abc seven bay area app abc seven at seven continues. >> everybody else is watching gma.
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>> get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. hey. >> so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow >> that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> don't tell me. direct from
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broadway. >> funny girl is musical comedy heaven featuring celebrated songs like don't rain on my parade and people. this hilarious, brilliant and stunningly gorgeous production introduces rising star katarina mccrimmon as fanny brice is gone to rain. don't miss that theatrical event of the season. funny girl playing april 30th through may 26th at the orpheum theater. tickets at broadwaysf. com. >> this year, take the time to melt into your holiday moments with lindor. chocolate from the lindt master
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chocolate here. >> dale just saved the big on a bluetooth speaker at amazon, and oh boy. mama deals now at amazon. get it llama? >> there's something going around the gordon home goods in gertrude found downsream. now what's going around is 12 hour cough relief and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together feels better together. >> hey, it's me. your dry skin. i'm craving something. we're missing the ceramides and cerave . cerave with three essential ceramides helps restore my natural barrier so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after saravi moisturizer at target. >> try fast and free drive up. i knew there was a love like this before. try fast
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oh, yeah.ast i finally got a job. i'm the king of atlantis. >> back here with gma. jason momoa is back as aquaman. he's here in times square. that's coming up in our next hour. >> looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines as well, including the storm moving east with the threat of heavy rain and snow. half foot of snow fell in 12 hours in southern colorado and northern new mexico. more expected there. egg prices expected to rise again. it's not due to inflation but a bird flu outbreak in kansas at a facility run by the top egg producer in the u.s. nearly 700,000 hens are affected. take a look at this close call on a ski slope as a bear sprinted between skiers and snow borders at a lake tahoe resort. one skier capturing the bear on camera later telling news outlets the bear appeared to reunite with its mother on the other side of the slope. had i seen that bear i would have been running to my mama.
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[ laughter ] i'll tell you that. we have a lot more ahead including new research on severe morning sickness that could lead to better treatment. that's coming up. but right now we want to get to the trial of actor jonathan majors for allegedly assaulting his ex-girlfriend. the defense rested and the judge the evidence including video, audio, text and photos to be released. aaron katersky has the latest for us. good morning. >> reporter: michael, good morning. from here in court. jonathan majors with roles in ant man, the wasp, creed 3, was on the cusp of super stardom. now he's on trial for misdemeanor assault and harassment and the jury is about to get the case. this morning jonathan majors returns to court as the jury prepares to decide a domestic violence case that could determine the trajectory of the actor's career. >> what happened exactly, do you know? >> no, i don't know. she's unconscious. >> reporter: majors called 911 back in august.
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>> i think i saw a cut behind her ear. >> reporter: after he found her on a closet floor in their apartment. the jury saw video from police body worn cameras. jabbari did have a cut behind her ear. the jury saw the picture of it. the jury also saw a photo of her finger that she testified majors fractured. it was during an assault in the back seat of an suv. my head was resting on his shoulder, jabbari told the jury. we were chatting and he was scrolling on his phone when a message popped up saying i wish i was kissing you. upset by the message, jabbari testified she grabbed the phone. then i felt a heavy thud on top of me what i knew to be the weight of him on top of me and him trying to pry the phone out of my fingers. video shows majors hoisting jabbari off the ground, shoving her back in the car before he's seen running off. she chases after him. he pushes her away and runs off. jabbari crossing traffic in pursuit. >> this case will hinge on two major components.
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one, do you believe grace jabbari was injured by jonathan majors from all the video and testimony we saw and heard? and, two, was jonathan majors justified in his actions after grace jabbari admittedly took his property, his cell phone, and he tried to recover it from her. >> reporter: majors' career had been taking off when the star and jabbari met on the set of ant man and the wasp and began dating. before the alleged assault she testified he had mood swings and a temper. the jury seeing text messages purporting to show majors dissuading her from going to the hospital following an altercation between them in 2022. the jury also hearing this recording scolding jabbari. >> how dare you come home and talk about our house. >> reporter: telling her he needs a great woman because he's a great man. >> loretta scott king. do you know who that is?
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dr. king's wife. michelle obama. barack obama's wife. all that. all that said. i am a great man. a great man. i am doing great things, not just for me, but for my culture and for the world. that is actually the position i'm in. the woman with me needs to be a great woman. >> reporter: majors did not testify in his own defense, but his attorneys tasked him as a victim of grace jabbari's aggression. if convicted he faces up to a year in prison. guys? >> aaron, thank you very much. now the 32-year-old woman accused of posing as a high school student. she faces new charges after pretending to be a traumatized child while collecting a salary as a massachusetts social worker. trevor ault has the story. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: good morning, george. investigators say this all began when a man claimed he was withdrawing his daughter from school because she was bullied even though she had just enrolled in the school a week prior. school officials thought something was up. prosecutors say that student was a woman in her early 30s.
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this morning the massachusetts woman accused of posing as a boston public school high school student now facing multiple felony charges. investigators say last year 32-year-old shelby hewitt enrolled in three separate schools presenting herself as a teen foster child as young as 13 going by the name of daniella and ellie. >> in reality she was employed as a social worker. she was in her 30s. she had attended college and graduate school. >> reporter: prosecutors allege while hewitt was working as a social worker at the state department of children and families, she created multiple names and dates of birth for herself and several fake social workers to spread a false narrative she was an extremely traumatized child with significant special educational needs. 16-year-old janelle said she befriended hewitt in school and the pair had three classes together. she said she suspected hewitt had some mental health troubles because she'd have outbursts in class, but never suspected she was a different age.
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>> i was definitely shocked and my friends were upset because we accepted her as just like one of us. >> reporter: boston public school officials alerted authorities this summer after administrators discovered a dtf form had been filled out incorrectly and the social worker listed on the form was not actually employee there. prosecutors say hewitt didn't act alone. she had two purported foster parents, one of whom is another social worker. hewitt pleaded not guilty to nine counts including identity fraud and larceny. her attorney said she was never a danger to anyone. >> she is a person who's had a life long history of mental health challenges. she's in treatment. she's working towards making herself a better person. >> reporter: hewitt has been released on $5,000 bail under conditions that require her to stay away from schools and anyone under 18. guys? >> all right, trevor. thank you. hopefully, she'll get the hope that she needs.
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we're going to turn to two big stories on the nba court overnight starting with the golden state warriors star draymond green, who has now been suspended indefinitely. will reeve is here. tell us why. good morning. >> good morning, robin. this is draymond green's sixth suspension of his nba career. second in less than a month. this time it was for swinging wildly at the phoenix suns center, knocking him to the ground. green claimed it was unintentional but he's got a long list of prior on court offenses. last month there he is choking out rudy gobert. that earned him a five game suspension. other suspensions include that famous kick of lebron james below the belt in the 2016 nba finals. and his team issued a ban in 2018 for a confrontation with a teammate kevin durant when they were on the warriors together. green escaped punishment for punching jordan poole in training camp last year. that's from that tmz video.
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green is a four time champion, 2017 defensive player of the year. he's been a foundation of the warriors dynasty but is known to play on the edge. now the nba is deeming he's gone over it, too far, too often, saying for green to return he will, quote, be required to meet certain league and team conditions. >> yes. george's favorite player giannis. yeah, yeah. >> say his last name. >> no, you say it. thank you, sir. little bit of commotion after the game. >> a wild night between the bucks and pacers. giannis scored a franchise record 64 points which is fantastic. then things got a little weird after the game. giannis wanted the game ball. he ran back to the tunnel to grab it. said he wanted it to go to damian lillard. the pacers wanted to keep the ball to give it to a rookie who scored his first nba point. ultimately giannis did get a ball but he wasn't sure it was
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the game ball. it was a mess all around. >> do we know who got the game ball? >> that's the mystery. i will stay on it. i will find out. we don't know who has it. >> you needed three of them. there were three things going on. wow. >> lot to celebrate. all right, will. thank you. coming up, why oprah is saying she is done with the shaming. come on back. hey.
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>> robin: we're back now with we're back with oprah, revealing she is now using a medication used for weight loss. eva pilgrim is here with that. >> oprah getting a lot of attention at recent public appearances for how she looks. she's not hiding how she's done it saying there is no shame in taking a weight loss drug. this morning television icon oprah winfrey revealing she's using medication for weight loss telling "people" magazine the fact that there's a medically approved prescription for managing weight and staying healthier in my life time feels like relief, like redemption, like a gift and not something to hide behind and once again be ridiculed for. i'm absolutely done with the shaming from other people and particularly myself. three months ago she posted a discussion about the weight loss drug on oprah daily. >> the new weight loss drugs everybody is talking about ozempic, wegovy, are these new drugs a miracle cure? are they safe?
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that's what we all want to know. >> reporter: while these drugs have become increasingly popular for weight loss, she says the medication is not a singular solution. i know that if i'm not also working out and vigilant about all the other things, it doesn't work for me. winfrey, who is turning 70 next month, stunning fans at the color purple premiere in los angeles and the academy museum gala. >> i can't lift it. it is amazing to me that i can't lift it, but i used to carry it around every day. >> reporter: throughout her entire career the media mogul never shy to talk about her weight loss journey. >> my highest weight was 237 pounds. i don't know if there is another public person whose weight struggle has been exploited as much as mine over the years. >> reporter: and oprah is not alone in her weight loss struggles. over 73% of adults in the u.s. are considered overweight or obese. >> these medications are approved in combination with dietary change, physical
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activity and when a patient has kind of optimized all those interventions and they're still having struggles with their weight, then this is a great tool for them to get to an overall healthier weight and improve their risk of having other weight related conditions. >> experts say access to these drugs can be a barrier if they are not covered by medicare and demand outweighs the current supply. the new issue of "people" is available on newsstands friday. >> i also appreciated what she said. something about will power. people who have trouble losing weight, others will say, you just have to have will power. it goes beyond that. it goes beyond that. >> not that easy. >> no it is not. all right. eva, thank you. coming up next we have our play of the day on this thursday morning. ♪
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why don't you stand up for >> robin: ok, book ends on this >> you two be the book ends. very scary. >> thank you very much. we are back because sam and i wanted to share with you some christmas cheer brought to you from a place that can sometimes bring out the grinch in frustrated travellers. the airport. [ laughter ] ♪ that's terrance, guys. >> wow. great voice. >> turning frowns upside down at
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lax. travellers even have encouraged the airline to recognize him for the way he's taking people's minds off the stress of traveling. >> that's really good. >> sounds like an album. >> yeah. >> what a voice. >> yeah. >> that's our moment of zen this morning for you. >> bring it on home. >> we applaud you. we applaud you, terrance. [ applause ] >> that's up for debate. on camera. off camera, that's another story, folks. coming up some serious star power. we got george clooney and jason momoa here on gma this thankful thursday. happy friday eve y'all. "gma". on this thankful thursday. thursday. happy friday eve y'all. o a subaru comes out when subaru and our retailers share the love. one hundred and sixteen thousand animals supported. thirty-three hundred wishes granted. four point three million meals provided. and over four hundred national parks protected. be a part of something bigger. get a new subaru during the share the love event
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just talk about the west coast. we've been mild lately, but getting ready for santa ana winds and much warmer temperatures. records really. san jose 75. fresno about 71. that all comes saturday. so coming up on gma the big bang theory actress sharing her lung cancer story after never smoking a cigarette. believe it or not. and deals and steals. the last one of the year. say it's not so. tory johnson is wrapping up 2023, if you will, with great gift ideas.
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you won't get tickets now with don't miss your chance to see the legendary anita baker live in oakland now during the make the holidays bright sales event at your local ford dealer. get special offers on our great selection of ford vehicles right now. get a 2023 ford bronco sport with 4500 total bonus. cash only at your california ford dealers. good morning america is sponsored by inspire sleep apnea innovation. >> no mask, no hose, just sleep. >> it's the most festive night of the year. cma country christmas. christmas means to meet the biggest stars. perform your favorite christmas songs. >> happy holidays. >> cma country christmas building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven
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news. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's see what's happening with our traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning reggie. we are starting to see more traffic on the roads this morning. this is a live look right now outside at our richmond san rafael bridge camera. and we still have that sig alert in effect. there with those right three lanes back up and blocked of course, in the backup right now to the toll plaza is over five miles. >> hey, gloria. no issues when it comes to visibility from our abc seven oakland airport camera. we are looking bright. it is chilly out there this morning. we have some frosty temperatures in the 30s, 40s right now around the bay shoreline. that chilly start will lead to a mild afternoon. we're going to get a lot of sunshine out there today, but first off, starting out in the 30s and 40s, then we'll have that mix of sun and clouds throughout the afternoon. temperatures feeling very pleasant going into the 60s. now, the three day forecast even warmer weather moves in here by tomorrow and saturday, where records are possible, and then rain finally returns to the forecast on sunday. reggie,
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>> good morning america major storm on the move, bringing heavy rain an snow. sam has the track and timing. and gio with the impact on your holiday travel. big bang theory star reveals her lung cancer diagnosis and says she never smoked a cigarette. >> this is not a tik tok it's a sick tok. >> and the new study shows women are more at risk of the diagnosis. ♪ i'm never gonna not dance ♪ >> get ready to jump in our gma time machine. >> what you didn't see from wimbeldon, robin and lara's dance. [ laughter ] >> looking back at all the moments that made us dance. >> feeling it on this tuesday morning. >> yeah. >> the life changing surprises. saying yes to one of the most memorable years. and new gma family members. >> help me welcome our brand new gma mascot. >> don't miss our look back on an incredible year.
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♪ oh there it is ♪ >> light, camera, clooney. i'm one on one with the oscar winner. we're talking movies, kid, amal and -- you have me crying. >> i might cry. >> he went there. aqua man's tour around the world makes a stop in time squares. jason momoa live in times square. and he's saying -- >> good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. go ahead. do it. >> i'm not doing it. ♪ shakala ♪ >> all right. it is a big morning here at gma. we have jason momoa and george clooney, two big stars with two big movies coming out. >> we can't wait about this. our year end. we always look forward to
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sharing the highlights on gma as we look back on an amazing year. from the heartfelt moments to the surprises to all the fun, we cannot wait to share that. >> a wedding, too. >> yeah. >> this is a special year. we're going to start with top stories breaking at 8. the major storm tracking through the country. sam champion has the update. good morning, sam. >> good morning, george. we're going to update some snow images. we have this fresh coming out of los alamos. our friends sent it to us. we've had up to a foot of snow in northern parts of new mexico. southern rockies with this basic low. watch it pull out of there and connect with this low and very warm water in the gulf. give you an idea of the typing here. i'm going to give you the general idea. as this powerful low pulls in big time wind and rain from florida into south georgia kind of getting near atlanta by the time we get to early sunday morning. then sunday evening raleigh durham area getting close to washington, d.c. but by monday morning all five area airports in the new york city area up into boston are
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impacted with wind and rain. this is early travel. this could be problematic for that. i want to show you how bad it's been in florida. just because of a stalled front to the south. they've had some wind and rain there. this storm jumps that up. we're back into flood watches. there will likely be flood warnings with up to 10 inches of rain. wind advisories all along the coast of florida. that rainfall total, 5 to 10 inches and winds could be 45 miles per hour easily. that's where the biggest rain is. we have lighter totals as you work toward the gulf. robin? >> that storm could impact those getting an early start on their holiday travel. let's go back to our transportation correspondent gio with more. good morning again, gio. >> robin, good morning again. buckle up because it's going to be the busiest ever. take a look. aaa said about 7.5 million domestic travellers will be traveling between the 23rd and new year's day. u.s. airlines expected to sell 39 million seats between the 20th to the new year. here's the concern.
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last december's southwest meltdown when almost 17,000 flights were cancelled. the airlines said the weather caused it. that's because planes and crews were just in the wrong spot. sam has been warning us about the weather impacting major airports. the past few holidays have been smooth because the weather was, too. united tells us it is prepared with 150de-icing trucks. if you're going to hit the road you're going to join the 104 million people driving. saturday december 23rd is the expected to be the busiest for travellers. michael? >> thank you. to a potential major medical break through. a new study has found the cause of morning sickness among pregnant women. eva pilgrim is back with details. good morning again, eva. >> reporter: good morning, michael. scientists appear to have found a possible answer to the age old question, what causes morning sickness? first, i don't know why they call it morning sickness. it can last all day. about 70% of pregnancies deal with this. it can be incredibly debilitating. in the u.s., severe nausea and
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vomiting is the leading cause of hospitalization in early pregnancy. in a recent study published in the journal nature, researchers found women who were nauseous during pregnancy had a significantly higher level of a hormone gdf15. what's cool about this discovery is that while there is no cure now, it may give us new treatment options in the future as researchers look into if targeting that hormone could effectively help women suffering with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. good news for a lot of people, guys. >> eva, thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, the actress known for her role in the big bang theory revealing her lung cancer diagnosis at just 43, and the new study on women and that disease. tory johnson here with the final deals and steals of the year. great gift ideas that will arrive just in time for christmas. plus my one on one with george clooney, directing and inspiring new movie based on a true story.
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and lara is with a special guest upstairs. >> i will see your george clooney and raise you one jason momoa. he is here to talk to us about his new movie. take a guess what it is. we're gonna talk about that. we're gonna talk about so much more coming up on "good morning america" on a very cozy morning. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) it's your last chance to turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. at target, try fast and free drive up. [ music: "love like this" by rosemarie ]
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try fast and always free drive up, at target. kayaking is my thing. running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor.
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healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within. (vo) we all wish we could hear our cats' voices. how dupixent can help and thanks to petivity, we've come one step closer. the petivity smart litterbox monitor tracks your cat's litterbox behavior and weight... and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit.
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welcome back to gma. it is day 14 of our advent calendar of deals. we are counting down to christmas with a deal a day. ready to see, guy, what we have this morning. here it is day 14.
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infused sea salt, everybody. these are from saltopia. the kits are 50% off. that's pretty great. you can shop them by scanning the qr code on your screen. they smell delicious. >> i think it's worse when you're side by side. book ends is probably better. [ laughter ] >> i have got a gma cover story. big bang theory actress kate mitucci revealing her lung cancer diagnosis. the 43-year-old said she has never smoked a cigarette in her life. will reeve is back with details. good morning again, will. >> reporter: hey there, robin. according to the national cancer institute, lung cancer is one fifth of all cancer deaths. it's got this stigma attached to it. it can affect young healthy people just the same. you might recognize her from her roles on raising hope and the big bang theory. >> staring at me, asking me personal questions like, what do
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you do? where are you from? why did you lock yourself in the bathroom? [ laughter ] >> reporter: or perhappens as one half of the comedy duo garfunkel and oats known for their viral hits. ♪ me and you an you an me and your friend steve ♪ >> reporter: but this morning kate micucci is opening up about her diagnosis of and treatment for lung cancer. >> hey, everybody. this is not a tik tok it's a sick tok. i'm in the hospital. but it's because i have lung cancer surgery yesterday. >> reporter: micucci is just 43 and says she's never smoked a cigarette in her life, both anomalies for lung cancer patient, who are typically 65 or older with at least some history of cigarette use. lung cancer is the third most common cancer impacting men and women. while lung cancer diagnosis are decreasing, a recent study found more women between 35-54 are being diagnosed than men in that same age range.
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>> for young individuals that never smoked to develop lung cancer, we are trying to understand, are there genetic predispositions in those individuals or do they have family histories of lung or other cancers that may make them higher risk than average for development of lung cancer? there's still a lot of work to be done in this space. >> reporter: micucci grateful that early detection saved her life. >> the greatest news is they caught it early, they got it out. i'm all good. >> reporter: kate said she might be moving slowly, but she can't wait to get back to painting. that early detection, the advance in treatments so important. you heard her say she's feeling good. her prognosis is good. i personally have this experience. my mom was 44 and never smoked and died of lung cancer. but that was almost 18 years ago. to see the advances really warms my heart and is encouraging for so many people affected by this terrible disease.
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>> we were all shocked with your mom when that happened. i know, i had the privilege of knowing her and your dad. they are smiling down from heaven at their son. >> thanks. this is why i do what i do. scary news, but good news. early detection, better treatment. that's why we want to share the results. >> thanks, will. >> thanks. >> when we come back, we've got a lot more gma. let's look at local weather. best local weather in the business. >> you messed up. you messed up. >> how did you know? [ laughter ] was it obvious?
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>> sam, you have a free one on robin right now. >> anytime you want. we will enjoy it. i'm just saying. [ laughter ] time to turn back the clock on 2023, everybody. it has been a wonderful year of connections. now we have some wonderful memories. >> gma was there for the surprise, the laughs and all of the heartfelt moments. >> everything you saw that happened on screen, there's a lot of work that went into the show behind the scene. >> let's grab our cups of coffee, whatever makes you happy, get comfortable as we laugh, smile, look back on an unforgettable year together at gma. ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> i'm gonna turn off my phone first. [ laughter ] >> year in hollywood.
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♪ we will we will rock you we will we will rock you ♪ >> good morning america! >> good morning america! >> good morning america! >> we have michael jordan -- oh. michael jordan. >> the goat. [ laughter ] >> lara, you finally got a pet to talk. >> i got a strut. it's not a walk. it's a strut. >> not like that. >> robin, what's it time for? >> you're not gonna make me say it. ♪ pop news pop pop pop news ♪ >> i'm in. >> i think i would go for the greek. i hear the greek are the big romancers. >> bring linsey back. >> what you didn't see from wimbeldon, robin and lara's celebratory dance. [ laughter ] >> any chance we could get michael in a kilt? >> i have worn a kilt. >> anybody who can find a photo.
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>> come here. there's a picture. >> one of the biggest swifties is actually sitting at the desk. >> i'm og, yeah. >> don't blame me. >> michael just received a very meaningful honor. he was inducted into the texas sports hall of fame celebrating his career from his very earliest days through his college and pro career. >> who ever gave me that old picture of me in that football uniform, i have a problem with you now. ♪ >> two years after my own bone marrow transplant, back here at the desk at gma. i have been waiting 174 days to say this. good morning america. we are all stronger than we know. people said to me, robin, how were you strong enough to get through it? i said, i have no idea. i really believe we have that little strength within us. >> to 1,010 more year, how about that? [ laughter ] >> thank you.
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♪ and i rise up ♪ >> this morning we are all maui strong. i don't know these people, but they were angels yesterday. a big mahalo from the bottom of my heart. >> as rolling fork recovers from the deadly tornado eight months ago, this morning gma has returned to the community. and you know how we do it on gma. we have a few surprises along the way. right now they are donating to the shelter $125,000. >> wow. >> mahalo. >> thank you so much. >> there it is. the keys to your new -- come on! come on in! these are keys to your new home. it is being built. [ applause ] >> got a hidden camera on him. he has no idea. i don't know why i'm whispering. >> we always whisper. makes it more exciting. >> $10,000. >> shut up! [ applause ]
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>> you are on live television. >> her face! thank you! >> it is a check for $10,000! [ cheers ] >> $25,000! >> $100,000! [ applause ] >> bam. >> wow. >> oh my gosh. >> thank you. hallelujah. good morning, america! good morning. >> you heard it right. ginger is flying the plane. what are you thinking? >> you know what i'm thinking. i think ginger is the best meteorologist in the world. i don't want her flying my plane! [ laughter ] >> george, i agree with you, i should not be flying planes. >> three, two, one! >> oh my god. >> george, as i said, i know you
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believed in me the whole time. >> i wouldn't do it. no way i would do it. >> slide over. >> we got air davis. we got air davis. >> this is difficult today. you really put me through it. i had to wake up at 5 a.m. this morning. >> what's it like sleeping in? >> oh, george. don't you wish you knew? >> this is the best one. >> i'm staying. >> i'm sticking around. i'm the new host. for good morning america. >> it is playing in theaters everywhere. you're a natural at this. >> eva, what do you got? look at your cards, quick! >> i just want to let sean hayes take over. he can anchor the rest of the show. >> i love me some robin roberts. >> you gotta get in line. everybody loves robin roberts. breaking this record, do you think that solidifies you as the greatest to ever play the game of basketball? >> i don't know if the record does. i want to be the greatest to play this game. >> what is the best bathroom in the west wing? >> there's only one.
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>> i personally know. >> no. you knew. >> i had an idea. >> no. you had a contract. [ laughter ] >> we'll talk about that later. >> you have got to be the cool mom. you can't be -- >> i'm not a regular mom. i'm a cool mom. >> oh gosh. >> come on. >> good morning, guys! first ever morning show tv appearance in the u.s. ♪ >> we have a costume ready. i'm literally just going like this. like i'm a car. >> go! >> happy anniversary, honey. 22 years. 22 years of waking up on our anniversary alone in bed. i love you. come home. >> she won't answer my phone calls this morning. now i know why. carrie underwood, 22 years ago today.
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>> i hesitated. i haven't said it. i'm saying yes to marriage. i'm saying yes to marriage. we're getting married this year. who needs a wedding dress? [ laughter ] >> magical wedding for robin to amber. big celebration we've all been waiting for. >> why didn't somebody tell me how wonderful it is to be married? >> you have the glow. >> i thought you were going to say look for the person with gentle eyes. [ laughter ] that's what i would do walking down the aisle. >> if i threw a phone at you while you were anchoring the show. >> that's not a good idea, trevor. [ laughter ] >> they're having a good time. >> you meteorologist. >> that is correct. you say it so well. hey! >> can we just head outside for a moment? that woman right there, 45 years she's been watching good morning america. >> whoa! >> maybe we should have rehearsed this. >> these are young staffers here.
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they do a great job. >> we've got the two hardest working guys in times square. >> that's up for debate. >> cameron is nailing it. let's see cameron. a collectible. >> that was so much better. >> just a touch of the talent that we have here on gma behind the scenes. >> please help me welcome our brand new gma mascot, ray! >> yes, you ray. >> ray. [ applause ] >> ray! >> let's get up! let's dance! >> i feel it on this tuesday morning. yeah. ♪ >> we're getting down with it! yeah! >> the material girl is going back on tour. all right. >> there you go. there you go. there you go. >> george called you out.
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>> thank you for this moment. coming in here. >> oh my gosh. >> don't give up. i said we're going to paris! >> yes, you are. >> the entire family is going! ♪ it's the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> always spread good joy and happiness is the greatest thing. ♪ the most wonderful time of the year ♪ >> and that's a wrap, folks! [ applause ] >> yeah! >> yeah! >> oh my goodness. >> so many things you forget about that happen in the course of a year. >> we made a lot of people happy this year with those give aways. that was something.
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>> that was truly a highlight, i think. all the money, experiences. every day, some contributing, a lot. derek. love everybody here. oh, you know, but we do want to give a big thanks to the tireless team that's been the whole year making that special time capsule. our producer cameron harrison, editor kee young and graphic artist liz liz walters and marcello masiero. thank you all so much for putting that together. you did a great job. >> thumbs up. i know how many times during the year that we go, oh, that's going to make the year ender, make the year ender. >> that's going to make the year
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ender. george, if you dance, it'll make the century. >> they edit it out every single year. oh, how does that happen? >> you edit out what never happens. >> but did he see his little hand? like, never know. yeah keep trying. yeah. we will, we will. and we want to thank you at home for bringing us such joy and i hope that you feel what we have here and what we want to bring to you wherever you watch us and thank you for watching us coming up. you're going to want to watch this. jay momoa. yes he's here live. so come on back on this thankful thursday. happy friday eve. tank. >> 15 years. never seen anything like this. >> dreams come true. i'm trying to build a legacy for my family. >> that's the beauty of shark tank. i was going to cry right now. >> i believe in you, shark tank. >> new friday on abc, nba christmas day begins at noon. >> building a better bay area,
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moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. we want to tell you about a crash that we're following right now. this is in mountain view, and right now we're told that this is affecting southbound 101 at old middlefield way. this is a two car crash. and the speeds are down to six miles per hour. because of this crash. again, this is in mountain view. and we'll bring you more information on this as soon as we have it. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist tum.i has a quick look at our activated forecast after the break. >> there are trucks and then there's the gmc sierra available with the connector driving experience and the world's first six function multipro tailgate at gmc sierra. it's the truck or just in time for the holidays.
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get 8000 total value for current eligible gmc owners. that's 15% below msrp on select 2023 sierra models. see our bay area gmc dealer at p-g-and-e's. >> we're adding more safe and affordable renewable energy every day. we're deploying new technologies that will allow electric vehicles to power homes, which helps customers save more money by capturing low cost energy. and we're working on new ways to store power so that this safe, clean and low cost energy is available around the clock. in fact, we've got one of the world's biggest battery storage plants right here in our backyard. explore the future with us at pge comm slash innovation. discover the art of light at the exploratorium this winter, our artists turn up the radiance in our spacious galleries at pier 15, luminous artworks big and small, invite you to connect, play and get inspired in their glow. >> get your tickets today for
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this wondrous seasonal expansion of our exhibits on light. >> hey bay area live with kelly marcus coming up, we'll chat with tracee ellis ross, plus, joel madden from ink master is here. that's at nine on abc7. >> see you in 30 minutes. here's our abc seven oakland airport camera. it is bright out there this morning. we have filtered sunshine, but it is chilly 30s in our coldest spots at this hour. a lot of 40s around the bay shoreline 48 in the city right now, 46 in san jose. we're at 43 currently in oakland. the day planner. we have that chilly start earlier this morning. then it's mild sunshine, temperatures in the 60s and the three day forecast that will show you that we have even warmer weather through the weekend before rain returns on sunday. kumasi. thanks, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven the news continues now with gma
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>> robin: you can >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> back here on gma. our next guest is heading back to atlantis for aqua man and the lost kingdom, the much anticipated sequel to the highest grossing dc film of all time. here to tell us about it is the aqua man himself, jason momoa! yes, yes, yes! oh, man, we have been waiting for this, for the sequel. what can we expect? >> well, we're upping the ante for sure. now a father, a husband, i'm the king, reluctant king. it's a lot of -- it's a massive journey. i heard patrick wilson, he plays my brother. it's kind of, we're obviously at odds with each other, so it's a big journey that him and i go on to save the world. >> we heard it was your idea to make aqua man a dad?
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>> yeah. well, i finished the first one. it did really well. i had been playing the role for so long. been playing it ten years. one of the things i would love to play. i just wrote a wish list, 50 page treatment and scoped out the whole role. i went in and pitched it to warner brothers and dc and and they liked it. so i got writing credit on it. it was just talking about how passionate i am as a fan of the world, i just wanted to take it to the next level. >> you're a dad in real life. do your kids think it's cool you are a super hero? did you take them to the set? >> i always take them to the set. yeah. i'm still cool, i think. [ laughter ] >> they must be young. >> i'm flying home right after this to go home to my son's 15th. yeah. if we do another one, which we're not, but i would be cool. >> don't you like to cook? your daughter likes to cook? >> my daughter loves to cook. my son does, too. yeah.
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it's wonderful. >> do you know what's wonderful? we're going to show you a clip of the new one. here it is. >> ah, no, sorry. i drank it all on the way here. >> what? >> it's hot up there. >> so you and patrick have a lot of fun together. also heard you did a lot of ad-lib? >> yeah. i mean, i liked him for this character. i don't normally do that but for aqua man, yeah. >> you are joining another franchise, the fast franchise. fast ten. you're playing a villain. >> i'm playing the villain. i haven't played the villain in a decade. it was amazing to go up against everybody. >> you like playing the villain? >> i love it. [ laughter ] i love it. it was fun to go up against that whole world. now i think it's going to be me and the rock.
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dwayne got a thing coming now. [ laughter ] >> it's something when you walked out i said, he's one of the few guest, i feel small when you come out here. i know george, it's really strange. [ laughter ] what's your workout regimen? i'm curious. holidays are here. do you indulge? you're always in great shape. >> yeah. i'm like pasta every meal. i love it. i love eating. >> we know you have pasta every meal. [ laughter ] >> makes you happy. >> what makes you feel better? >> i'm off season. not doing much. unless they hire me to do something. you work out so you don't get hurt. but otherwise, i do things that i love to do, rock climbing with my kid, surfing, playing sports and do the things i love to do. hard to get me in the gym unless
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i need to train for a role or something like that. we're doing mine craft next. i'm going to bulk up. i'm a character actor. [ laughter ] that's what my character would do, eat pasta, with jack black. that's what we're going to do. >> we have something to look forward to, to see the movie this holiday season. what are you most looking forward to? >> being with my babies. being with my kids. just playing with them. wonderful times. just taking a break. >> you deserve it. thank you, jason. >> absolutely. >> we always appreciate you being here. we want you to know, aqua man and the lost kingdom splashes into theater next friday, december 22nd. coming up michael's one on one with george clooney. come on back. >> yeah.
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is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. call, or go online today to learn more.
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what are the what are the stories that take you back to some of your happiest times? tonight celebrate 100 years of --
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>> when i think of disney, one word that comes to mind. >> amazing. >> dream. >> magic, the secret, the fun, the wow and the stories behind the stories you love as you've never seen before. disney 100, a century of dreams tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central on abc and stream on hulu and disney +. >> we are back with an interview, we've been teasing it all morning long. guess now i gotta deliver. all right. the man needs no introduction. george clooney! he is at the helm of the new movie "the boys in the boat" hitting theaters just in time for christmas. we talked about that and so, so much more. you're back at it to do. >> i got nothing else to do. i got twins at home. i gotta get out of the house. >> george clooney is back in the directors seat for his new film, "boys in the boat." a story set at the height of the
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great depression telling the true, against all odds tale of the university of washington men's rowing team's journey to winning gold at the 1936 bore lynn olympics. what made you want to tell it? >> i loved the idea of these kids rowed not because they were a legacy, but because they wanted to eat. just for food. >> poor students hoping to earn a spot on the team for housing and food. >> look at washington! i don't believe what i'm seeing! >> the movie, i got chills. those who want to against those who have to. >> yes. welsh because, you know, there is that difference. we like to think of ourselves as americans as the pull yourself up by the boot straps kind of people. but the truth is, if you don't have boot straps at all, it's pretty rough. >> once they made the team, the boys had to now learn their new sport. life imitates art in this movie.
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the actors had to learn to row. >> they never rowed. we killed them. we murdered those guys. i mean, rowing is hard. people asked me, did you get in the boat? what am i, an idiot? no. i didn't get in the boat. >> the team becoming so good that they beat out all other schools and went on to win the olympics. this movie is much more than about rowing. >> yes. there is something about this. you really can only do it if you all work in exact unison. if you are all willing to sacrifice for the other person and not for personal glory. the major thing was, we got to do things together. we need to be together. we're better all of us together. >> you like being in front of the camera or behind the camera? >> i like doing both. behind the camera is more fun because you get to be the boss. >> you had me crying. you nailed it. >> you cry a lot. >> yeah, i do actually.
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i'm a very sensitive man. >> holiday season. >> speaking of holidays, you and amal have traditions with the kids? >> yeah. i go in the room and cry a lot, too. [ laughter ] listen, we're figuring out traditions. i'm not sure what our actual traditions are going to be. the kids are still all into all of the santa stuff. it's fun. >> we both have twins, obviously. not obviously, but we both have twins. >> obviously. >> you have a boy and girl, i have two girls. what is the most surprising thing to you about twins? >> well, twins tell you a lot. when you're raising them the same time the same way and they are completely different human beings, you realize how little say you have in who they are. you try to give them some boundaries and you try to give them things that you believe in, but they're just different. they come out with an opinion and it's amazing to watch how different my kids' personalities are and they are raised by the
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same parents. >> coming up on your ten year anniversary. you still write each other letters. >> yeah. that's because she doesn't want to talk to me in person. >> i was going to say is that a key to success? instead of talking, writing letters? >> i do like letters. we write our kids a letter every summer each about where we are in the world. we haven't given them to them. we have stacks of them that we'll give them to when they're old enough to understand. i like the idea of writing down a moment in time then having a time capsule to say, this is what we were thinking. this is what our hopes were. you can compare it to where you end up. >> you're a cook. >> i can cook. i'm a short order cook. >> i got you a little gift in the spirit of christmas. >> let's see what it is. oh. and you want me to put it on? >> no, you don't have to. if you're willing. >> oh, yeah. >> look at that. >> that's nice. >> that's from me to you. >> have you ever worn one of these? >> yes, i have. i got one that says chef boy-r-strah.
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>> do you really? >> yeah. i do. he was willing to go all in. put on the hat, everything else. one of my favorite people. his movie, which is fantastic, inspiring "the boys in the boat" will be in theaters christmas day. make sure you check it out. sam, you will. >> just struck by what a nice guy he is. i loved that sit down. i want to show you the boards. the big board will show you there's cold air in the northeast. look how mild it's been. from chicago land. that's 15 degrees warmer than you should be, all the way to california, where some records will be set this weekend. record warmth. look at where the temperatures get to. from the 50s to 40s to near 60 in a lot of locations. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning.
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>> we are celebrating 25 days of christmas all month long. it's day 14, everybody. what a gift we have. tory johnson is here with deals. where are we? hi, hello. we're wrapping up 2023. it's our final deals of the year. i can't believe it. >> mama needs a vacation. >> yeah. you've been working really hard, for you guy, giving us incredible deals, great prices. let's get started here. >> yes. okay. eastern standard provision, one of our favorite gifts to give and to receive, quite frankly. these artisinal pretzels. just heat and eat. they arrive ready to go. >> do you have salt? >> we have the salt and the dips. there's three different packages to choose from. you can do just pretzels or what i love, go all the way. they added this special. smell this candle. it smells like warm pretzel. >> buttery. >> everybody who smells it cannot believe how they nailed that scent. three different options, all 50%
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off. you can even add a gift message. so good. starting at $27.50. great gift. >> on ward and upward. >> this is the gift of really great hair. we've got three different gift sets. the blue here, hair detox. if your hair has gone through a lot, this is the one to get. pink for volume. that's my favorite. green for hydration, intense hydration. these products were all created by a world renown colorist, great products that deliver results at home. the gift sets start at $24. plus free shipping. >> that's a fun idea as well. these are always great. >> another fun one. this is patchology. this is the gift of the quick pick me up. there's quickie five minute facials. i love their packaging. fizz the season, patching all the way. there's so many different fun options. you pop those in the refrigerator or freezer. they're eye gels. what's great about these, it doesn't just look good but in as
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little adds five minutes, visible results. these are all about quick pick me ups. my mom used to stock up on these to bring to all her favorite nurses. just fun pick me up gifts. >> that's a nice idea. >> these are really fabulous. half price they start at $4. >> great one. this is what i stock up on. >> this is one for mature skin. >> i like to say sophisticated. >> there you go. sophisticated. you will like this skin care from murad. what i love, we've got a big assortment for a variety of skin concerns. one of their best selling products is the little green here retinol renew eye serum. helps reduce the fine lines and wrinkles in that under eye area. one of my favorites is the blue, the acne one. i'm in my 50s, how does this still happen? why is adult acne a thing? but if you've got it this is their rapid relief spot treatment. >> this is my favorite lotion.
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this cream. >> all of the products are great. they've got singles and sets they've created for us. everything is half price, plus free shipping. >> run don't walk on this. this is a great line. i love stockings. this is a fun idea. >> whether you're running or walking, men and women, these compression socks are fabulous. you can feel in these the pressure. >> i can feel it all right. >> that therapeutic pressure starts at the ankle then gradually eases as it goes up. they promise relief all day every day no matter the activity. we've got so many different patterns and options from them. if you like to go plain or pizazz lots of great options. they start at $19. >> you have not missed a thing. >> put yourself on your list. we've got so many great options from them. one of their best sellers, this bra. it's their wireless every day comfort bra.
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they have sold over 5.5 million of these. those sales don't lie. we've got the leggings there, high waisted shaper leggings. just really great assortment. this is one to treat yourself. very exclusive line. they go up to 4xl. everything slashed in half starts at $15 and free shipping. >> let's bring it home with this adorable cross body bag. >> bring it home, baby. i pulled one out right here for you to see this. what's great about this -- >> it goes behind? or in front? >> either way. your choice. if you leave it in front, you don't have to clutch your bag. it's right there. you're in a sense giving somebody a hands-free gift. they can keep everything right there. i like that style in particular because of the matched webbing like the color coordination. >> really pretty. >> it's so pretty. they thought of every single pocket and detail on these. two different styles. lots of colors. they're $30 and free shipping. >> every single one of these is a great gift idea for your family, your friends or yourself, as tory said. we have partnered on these deals.
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you can get them. see the qr code? you can get them there or go to good morning shop away. this is it. our swan song for 2023 deals and steals. thank you, tory. >> thank you. >> coming up celebrating 100 years of the walt disney company with the man who made it all possible as you've never heard him before. stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> we are back with our celebration of disney's 100th anniversary. stars have all come together to tell the story behind the story one century in the making. chris connelly has it all in a two hour special of "20/20." we have a preview right now. >> reporter: 100 years of the walt disney company story history in two hours? no pressure. >> challenge accepted. let's go. >> reporter: it's all here. the memories. >> it's the best ride i have ever been on. >> reporter: the magic. >> i loved snow white. it was so good.
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>> reporter: and the man who made it all possible as you have never heard him before. >> my greatest reward, i think, is that i have been able to build this wonderful organization and also to have the public appreciate and accept what i have done all these years. that is a great reward. >> monumental gentleman. his dreams were larger than most people's. >> reporter: tonight's documentary is chock full of disney legends, sharing their secrets. >> i didn't know how to dance so i just faked it. i faked it pretty good. >> reporter: a treasure trove of disney did you knows. >> walt did make his voice early on. >> pluto, please. be quiet. >> an the ways in which the disney universe has expanded through the years. >> to be part of something like black panther that really changes what is possible with black story in hollywood has been monumental.
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>> reporter: we'll take you inside the vault. >> this funny face is sneezey. he has hay fever. >> across the globe and along the way, relive the stories and experiences that generation after generation have enjoyed together thanks to walt and the many wishes in his heart. >> that was his secret, that he was still a child inside. >> for good morning america, chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> always great to have chris do those stories. for more from your favorite stars, an inside look at a brand new attraction watch disney 100 a century of dreams that airs tonight at 9 p.m. eastern on abc. it also streams on hulu and disney +. we'll be right back. disney plus.
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night celebrate 100 years of, i think of disney. >> one word that comes to mind. >> whoa! >> amazing dreams. >> oh, wow. supercalifragilistic >> forever. magical disney 100. >> a century of dreams tonight on abc. what a great morning. >> great morning. yeah thanks for watching, everyone. have a good day. bye we have really good relationships. >> i was terrified, and it was just so traumatic. >> nightmare. people need to understand these were wanted babies. >> 18 women facing life and death, medical conditions, their lives now out of their control. i felt like i was going to die.
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>> our lives and our health are debatable. >> i wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy. >> diane sawyer, rachel scott on the brink now streaming on hulu >> police say the 16 year old shot both of his parents now inside the courtroom, and the shocking new evidence. >> you gotta be kidding me. >> whose blood is this? all american murder 2020 friday night next thursday, it's the iheartradio jingle ball with performances by olivia rodrigo, niall horan, sza, sabrina carpenter and the legendary cher. >> iheartradio jingle ball next thursday, eight seven central on abc. >> it's that time of year again. america. so let's light up the season during the make the holidays bright sales event, choose from a large inventory of ford vehicles equipped with technology, space, and flexibility for any season. get special offers on our adventure ready suvs or on our great selection of ford trucks, and make the holidays bright with ford over christmas right now,
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news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's gloria now with a look at traffic. hi gloria. >> good morning kumasi. things are looking pretty good on the roads this morning. check this out. this is a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. and you can see it is pretty empty out there right now. so it's a good time to get on the road if you need to take that route. now the metering lights did flip on today at 551 this morning. >> hey, gloria. it's looking lovely out there. sutro tower this morning. filtered sunshine. that's the name of the game for our thursday day. we're starting to warm up some areas getting into the 50s like oakland and hayward and san jose. but we did start out chilly in the 30s and 40s earlier this morning. get ready for a mild day with a lot of sunshine. we're going into the 60s by the afternoon and the three day forecast even warmer weather through the start of the weekend before rain returns on sunday, kumasi. >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a good morning. here it's live with
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morning. here it's live with kelly and mark today, direct from candy cane lane, tracee ellis ross. plus, the host of ink master, joel madden. also, we're making a tasty holiday dish.


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