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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  December 15, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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along valencia street. the adjustment they're trying to make to come, fears over business impact and this year is now officially the deadliest ever for drug overdoses in san francisco. >> some are looking at our wastewater as a possible solution. >> then upside down doesn't stuck dangling as a roller
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coaster stops in the middle of the ride. not that it's hard to even look at that to imagining being there. >> no. >> it happens. >> no. >> sometimes it happens. i don't want it. >> nothing. i don't want it to be fair. i don't think they're actually upside down like they're kind of upside down. >> it looked like they were upside down. >> they are upside down. >> i think it's the flying roller coaster. so you're like in this position. >> oh, so they kind of like, you're like that for the whole ride. okay. wow. i get a closer look at that. okay. no i don't know why i'm defending it i don't either. >> happy friday everybody ready? it is december 15th and we're happy you're with us. yeah >> good morning. so we do have a spare the air day in effect today. you probably noticed the air quality is quite hazy. yesterday we'll continue that theme. unfortunately today sutro tower right now showing you good visibility. here is the air quality across the region. the north bay, the coast, the bay
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shoreline, the inland east bay. it is unhealthy for sensitive groups, meaning if you do have respiratory issues, you want to limit your time outside. this is all due to wood burning this time of the year. in the winter months, to stay warm, we use our fireplaces. a lot of that particulate matter gets stuck in our atmosphere. so during spare the air days, wood burning is prohibited. and looking at the day planner today, it's all about temperatures in the 40s and 50s. at 8 a.m, that hazy sunshine this afternoon, it's a mild day with temperatures in the 60s. rain does return over part of the weekend. we'll show you that in eight minutes. check in with gloria and here on the road this morning, you know, so far we're doing pretty good on the roads this morning, drew. >> we're getting a live look outside right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. and you can see that traffic is flowing smoothly out there right now. although the metering lights did turn on at 543 this morning, but there are no waits at the pay gates and now let's get a look at your drive times for this morning. everything is in the green, so no slowing spots right now. reggie >> thanks, gloria 2023 is now san francisco. deadliest year ever for drug overdoses, as the
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city does have a new tool to try and prevent more. here's where we stand right now. the previous record was in 2020, when 726 people died from overdoses. this year, there have been 752 deaths. that's according to data updated through the end of november. however, the city says fentanyl played a role more than 80% of the time. the city is now turning to waste water. earlier this month, officials began testing for several different types of drugs. they hope this process can help them identify new street drugs and react more quickly. >> san francisco is specifically testing for fentanyl, metham, ketamine, amphetamine, coke, cane and xylazine. >> we expect the data to help us assess trends, increasing or decreases as a way to predict what we might see in terms of both non-fatal overdoses and fatal overdoses. >> some people held a vigil
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outside of city hall last night to honor the unhoused people who died over the past year, data from the city shows. nearly one third of overdose deaths involve those living on the streets. >> fentanyl isn't just an issue in san francisco. the drug is having a profound impact in los angeles. two, it is the deadliest drug in l.a. county. fentanyl in fact, was linked to nearly 60% of overdose deaths in the county last year. the department of public health there is reporting fentanyl disproportionately affects black people. the overdose death rate for black angelenos was more than three times that of hispanic residents, and almost two times that of white residents. the state is taking action on this crisis with this new website. the department of public health launched the site. it's full of resources, information on the crisis statewide, nearly 7000 people died from opioid related overdoses last year. we want to make sure you and your loved ones have every tool available when it comes to tackling the opioid and fentanyl crisis, our
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own full list of local vetted resources is right on our website, abc7 >> in san francisco, new developments involving valencia streets, controversial bike lane officials are responding to complaints. some merchants really don't like it. they blame the center bike lane for a decline in business. even some cyclists say that this needs to be redesigned, and the valencia street bike lane was approved in april of this year as a 12 month pilot program, leading to the removal of about 70 parking spots and that lack of parking is what some say is killing their business. two top sfmta officials, including the board chair and the director of transportation, are addressing concerns, saying they've made some adjustments to the parking situation to allow people to park in the loading zones at certain times. they wrote about it in a blog offering three potential options moving forward. that includes going back to the way things were with painted bike lanes sticking with the current pilot, and making
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changes as needed. and the third option is to go back to what was the original idea for. and that would be a protected bike lane, meaning a bike lane would run between the sidewalk and parked cars on the street. the post continues, saying the key point right now is that this is a pilot. we're trying something and seeing how it works. pilots are meant to be evaluated and either adopted, adjusted, or redone with new information. >> san francisco is looking to boost small businesses to fill vacant storefronts and to stimulate nightlife. mayor london breed just signed two measures that will make more than 100 changes to the city's planning code. supporters say it will remove barriers that make it difficult for small businesses to open, and grow. >> it's so important for our decision makers and our government, um, to continue to remove any of these barriers. uh, and encourage entrepreneurship and encourage things that make our communities thrive and, and grow, among other things.
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>> the rule changes will make it easier to open a business on the ground floor of buildings and lift restrictions on opening new bars and restaurants in certain neighborhoods. it will also incorporate a new type of liquor license that will allow music venues to serve beer, wine and liquor without excluding minors from the business. >> this morning, the biden administration is calling on israel to scale back its war against hamas. those calls come from as several people were arrested in connection to terrorism plots against jewish people in europe. gloria, now there's more concern about potential attacks during the holidays. there is. >> reggie. authorities in denmark arrested three people accused of plotting terrorist attacks against the jewish community. three others are in custody in germany, along with one detained in the netherlands. now, german prosecutors say that they are members of hamas, the militant group, though, is denying those claims. this comes as president biden is urging israel to be more careful in the war and find ways to save civilian lives. this morning, national security adviser jake
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sullivan is in israel to discuss a lower intensity operation. abc news confirms it would involve smaller israeli troops to eliminate hamas and rescue hostages. >> we are now in the middle of a high intensity phase with ongoing ground operations. there will be a transition to another phase of this war, one that is focused in more precise ways on targeting the leadership and on intelligence driven operations that continues to deal with the ongoing threat that hamas poses. >> the senate will reconvene on monday to take up the president's defense request, which includes aid for israel and ukraine. talks stalled over republican demands to include tighter immigration policy. they were planning to begin their holiday break today. kumasi >> thank you gloria. still to come, a giants player defending san francisco over its national reputation. what he is saying about rumors that players are dodging the city because of it,
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and dozens of thrill seekers end up stuck on an upside down roller coaster. >> 608 this morning, live doppler seven showing you our next storm getting its act together this morning. rain arrives starting on sunday, and we're tracking days of it on the seven day forecast. we'll break down the rain's arrival right
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more than 30 people at universal studios japan in osaka. the jurassic park roller coaster came to an emergency stop as it experienced a malfunction. we don't know exactly why it took 45 minutes to evacuate all the passengers. no one was physically hurt. again, this is a flying coaster. um, yeah, but
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then i have to really have to explain this. but it's not like you're in the middle of a loop. do you? do you know, have you ever been on a flying coaster? yeah. >> but then, like, if you you're face down and then how do you, if you have to walk down the stairs, how do they get you out of that thing. >> oh that's a very good question. >> you know, like it's not like when you're sitting, you just like, you know, hop over and you're like, all right, now i'm on the stairs. >> oh, i think actually each row lowers down. oh, because that's how you get on and off in the beginning. there you go. so i assume they do that again i don't i knew you'd know the answer. >> here's the tam cam. we have cirrus clouds out there. this morning. that's because live doppler seven along with satellite you can see those cirrus clouds moving through from time to time. filtered sunshine today. here's the region by region breakdown. we have hazy conditions later today inland because of a spare the air day going into the 60s around the bay shoreline. no fog this morning, but hazy sunshine this afternoon. and along the coast it is mild in the low to mid 60s. look at our rainfall chances. we are totally dry tomorrow. the biggest change
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looks like much of sunday during the day we're dry, but then at night thatrillionain really ramps up the chance for and then those chances linger through the middle part of the week. we'll take a look at rainfall totals with this next round of storms coming up in about nine minutes. thanks, drew. >> coming up, bay area airports gearing up for a busy holiday travel season. how much more traffic they're expecting this year. and the local eight year old, whose christmas dreams are coming true thanks to a heartwarming letter to santa. as we head to break a live look outside. it is now 612 and we're coming right bac this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working
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in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes.
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airport, thanksgiving travel sfo this year was 14% higher than last year, and christmas travel is expecting to see the same boost in the south bay. san jose
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mineta international is expecting travel to be almost 10% higher than last year, and let's look at the abc7 oakland airport camera. if you're flying, remember the tsa recommends leaving gifts unwrapped because screeners may need to unwrap those items for inspection. and for that reason, at oakland airport, they're going to have a special gift wrapping service next friday, december 22nd. it will be past security checkpoint between terminals one and two. nationally more than 115 million americans are expected to fly or drive to their destination over christmas and new year's. that's a 2% 2.2% increase over last year. it'll make it the busiest since 2019, when there's promising news in the fight against skin cancer data from a trial using an mrna moderna vaccine, along with merck's keytruda immunotherapy. it continues to show benefits against melanoma after three years, participants had a nearly 50% lower risk of it coming back
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or of dying. but about a quarter of participants reported serious adverse events related to the treatment. moderna ceo says the company is preparing for the therapy to be approved as soon as 2025. the first oral pill that treats the symptoms of postpartum depression is now available by prescription at select pharmacies. one out of seven mothers in the us struggles with postpartum, which can lead to serious mental health struggles. the drug is called xr suv. it was approved by the food and drug administration earlier this year. the pill remains controversial, with a $15,000 price tag before insurance. >> hundreds of thousands of americans can expect to see some of their prescriptions or some of the drugs to cost less next year. companies will have to pay penalties now for drugs that have prices that go up faster than the rate of inflation for too long, americans have paid more for prescription drugs than any advanced nation on earth. >> you can have the exact same
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drug made by the exact same company in the united states, and you buy it in america for one price. you go to toronto, paris, berlin, or any other major capital in the world. in fact, you'll find they're paying 2 to 3 times less. >> these penalties are part of a new law that came out, came about with the inflation reduction act. there are 48 drugs on the government's list. >> giants pitcher logan webb is coming to san francisco's defense. earlier this week, former giant and current part owner buster posey said free agents were worried about the plight of the city. yesterday, pirates player rowdy tellez said he echoed sentiments about the city, saying, quote, it's bad, it's not clean and it's not safe . tellez was born near sacramento. he said he routinely came to the city and giants games as a kid, seemingly in response to that, webb posted online a lot of people who haven't played in san francisco seem to know a lot about it. boom mhm. >> well, we have new details
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about the upcoming san francisco giants annual fan fest. so normally it's a one day event at oracle park. but the team has decided to turn it into a four city tour. that is logan webb again by the way. >> okay. >> so the first stop is sacramento. that's january 20th. then it will be in san jose on the 27th of january and then in napa on february 3rd, and then it wraps up in march at oracle park. fans will get the chance to meet current and former players. that's pretty cool. >> i just wanted to let you know that i know who logan webb is, not recognize him. >> you do know sports. >> you do learning and growing. >> hey drew, wait. >> it's my turn. it's your turn. it feels like i always just go. >> you do? >> hey, you do. >> i guess my turn again. >> i just sit down. >> i just took a sip of water. i just talked to reggie abt a roller coaster, like, three seconds ago. like, here we go.
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it's true. okay, here are your accuweather headlines. spare the air with hazy sunshine today. tomorrow we have a lot of sunshine. it's warm. we'll be in the 60s and 70s. then sunday day showers return with the latest information. looks like the onset of the rain's arrival a little bit more delayed. likely starting in the evening. so we may get away with much of the daytime hours on sunday. totally dry this morning. we are in the 40s and 50s for the most part. some pockets of 30s like saint helena, santa rosa, palo alto right now, coming in at 39 degrees. so you certainly need the jacket, but not one of our colder mornings. we've had this week. later on today it is hazy sunshine. do not forget a spare the air day is in effect and we have them in the wintertime. that means wood burning is prohibited. 60s and 70s. with that hazy sunshine now getting into the overnight period, temperatures mainly dipping into the 40s. saturday is dry. it is mild, but as you head into sunday, rain does return. it looks like sunday evening. watch what happens. that's when the light showers come back. this is 9 p.m. sunday and by monday
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looks like a heavier showers move in here, especially monday morning. so it looks like next week we'll start off on a wet note. here is the accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days. for you. hazy sunshine today, sunny and mild tomorrow. the scattered showers return, especially in the evening to finish off the weekend. then monday looks like the worst is in the morning. a level two a moderate storm on the storm impact scale with showers on and off through wednesday. hi, gloria. >> good morning drew. now's a good time to get on the road. if you're driving to work this morning, because it is looking pretty good out there. everything looking clear. we're not hearing about any major slowdowns this morning. here's a live look at our 680 camera in walnut creek. no delays right here. and this is usually one of our busier spots this time of the morning. and now a look at your mass transit. everything is running on time right now. bart muni and ace reggie aqui kumasi. >> thanks, gloria. good morning america. coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> and ginger zee has a look at what's ahead. reggie kumasi. >> we made it. it's friday all
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right. nice to see you guys on a friday. coming up. it's a story that we're going to talk about. we're tracking a storm on the move. but it's messing up the east coast. and if that slows down air travel there that can affect everybody in the country. so it's a heads up. we'll do the track in the timing. also this morning the new concern over poison control center calls. they are surging and it may be connected to the skyrocketing popularity in weight loss drugs. plus with just ten days until ten days until christmas, if you're having trouble finding the right gift for everyone on your list, clearly i am. we might tell you, or we will tell you how i might be able to help you. that's where the might was and we're serving up kindness, taking you to a farm that's growing food to help those in need in their community. get fresh food on their table. we've got a big surprise for them because we're gma and we love to do
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that harry's phone was hacked
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and editors at the paper knew who he was. awarded 140,000 pounds in damages, which is around $179,000. prince harry issued a statement after the ruling, saying, quote, today's ruling is vindicating and affirming. i've been told that slaying dragons will get you burned. but in light of today's victory and the importance of doing what is needed for a free and honest press, it press. it's a worthwhile price to pay. end quote. some dogs are more known for their sleepy behavior compared to others like bulldogs and frenchies. researchers say that's because their head shape makes it hard for them to get the best night's sleep, so they take more naps in the day. a study out of hungary shows sleep apnea in flat faced dogs is linked to their shortened heads. researchers say the way they sleep is similar to the way infants sleep and they keep those sleep patterns past puppyhood. southwest airlines is getting a lot of attention right now for a policy that's been in place for quite some time. people on tiktok are praising
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the texas based airline for its customer of size policy. the policy gives passengers with larger bodies an extra seat for free if they encroach past the armrest. passengers can either approach a customer service agent at the airport for that extra seat, or they can book an extra seat when they buy their ticket and then be reimbursed after the flight. southwest is considered to have one of the best policies for passengers in the airline industry. now to a beautiful letter to santa touching the hearts of emergency crews in the east bay. eight year old diana wrote a letter to santa asking for a pink bicycle and also for milk for her baby brother. when alameda county firstrillionesponders heard about the letter, they jumped in to help firefighters, deputies, even chp officers came together this week to deliver presents to diana and her family in san lorenzo. >> merry christmas. >> diana, that merry christmas, merry christmas. you did a great job on your letter. >> exactly. thank you.
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>> it was because of your big heart that all these people remember when they were eight years old. just like you. and they remembered they wanted to help other people too. just like you. >> you know, she asked for a lot of things, not for herself. and one of those things being some milk for her little sibling. and so it just shows how selfless she is already at such a young age. and, um, that's something that you can kind of teach, but you're kind of born with that soul, you know, and you wanted a pink bicycle. >> does this work? >> diana got her pink bike, her baby brother got milk and a toy. she said she felt really happy. the family also got groceries for a holiday meal. next, at 6.30, coach steve kerr opening up about draymond green's suspension, saying it may be good for green in the long run and covid and other respiratory cases could see a rise over the holidays. the latest advice to keep you and your loved ones safe. and as we head to break, we're going to take a live look
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they now under control, but not before at least one car got scored. but you still may want to use some caution if you live in that area. >> then more turmoil at crews. a day after several executives leave the company, dozens of people are being laid off and the extraordinary light show that continues on even after it was legally forced to move. >> oh, i thought that was it's a small world for a second. >> it really looks like it. >> the spotlights at the top are giving production. >> i'm not mad. no >> well good morning everybody. happy friday. it's december 15th. let's check your forecast. >> it's going to be so nice for the next couple of days. >> you'd be mad at me or the neighbors. yeah. you live next door. you'd be like getting blown. >> argo and todd. it's a christmas vacation reference. watch it. >> let's talk about the forecast today. we do have sunshine.
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today. we do also have a spare the air day. in effect. we'll get to those details in one second. but this is a beautiful view from the tam cam this morning. cirrus clouds in our skies as sun begins to get up here. here's a look at the air quality. it is unhealthy for sensitive groups today in the north bay, along the bay shoreline and inland because of particulate matter. you probably noticed it yesterday with the hazy sunshine this time of the year when we're burning wood to stay warm, that adds that matter into our atmosphere, and that creates a spare the air day. so just know, on days like this wood burning is prohibited. if you do have respiratory issues, you want to limit your time outside. we'll have hazy sunshine today. temperatures on the mild side in the 60s. now the weekend does begin with a lot of sunshine, but ra does return for the second half. we'll talk about those details coming up in a few minutes. let's check in with gloria and see how the roads are doing this morning. >> yeah, you know, it is starting to get busier out there on the roads this morning. so if you're heading out now, it's probably a good time before it gets even busier. check this
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out. this is a live look outside right now in our richmond-san rafael bridge camera. and right now there is a two and a half mile back up as you approach the toll plaza. and keep in mind, those three right lanes are still blocked right now because of that sig alert that is still in effect there. and then this is a look at our highway 80 camera in emeryville hill. and right now traffic is starting to build up there in that area. guys thank you gloria. >> happening now contra costa county emergency crews are on scene of a fire in pittsburg. it broke out just before two this morning. we're told bailey road between bay point and concord will open back up soon after it was shut down in both directions . the fire captain on scene says the initial calls came in with people saying there was a car on fire when crews arrived on scene, they found the burning vehicle had a fire extend to the vegetation, which then burned approximately 50 acres near some residential structures. >> i was surprised to see such a big fire, but it is. there is a lot of dry grass behind us. they used to have cows that would,
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uh, eat the grass, and it wasn't that big of a hazard. but now it has become the fire captain says the wind and the uneven terrain made it challenging for crews. >> but the fire is out now. there are no reports of injuries . >> crews is cutting more than 900 jobs, nearly a quarter of its workforce, to slash costs and revamp the company. the announcement came just a day after the robots tsay company dismissed several key leaders, including the chief operating officer, a technology reporter says the cutbacks could reflect further fallout after an october incident in san francisco. that's where a woman was dragged nearly 20ft by a cruise vehicle after she was hit by another car . >> in some ways, this has been very much expected in recent weeks, as the fallout from the crash in san francisco kind of continues, and general motors announced plans not to make the cruise origin line and to really scale back their ambitions of being in more than a dozen cities by the end of next year.
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>> crews released a statement saying, quote, these changes reflect our decision to focus on more deliberate commercialization plans with safety as our north star. >> a health alert for you ahead of the holidays. according to data from the cdc, cases of the flu, covid and rsv are all spiking right now. covid is leading to the most hospitalizations. experts say we should all take precautions to protect older people or people who may be immuno compromised, so that means keeping up to date with vaccinations as usual. >> at this time of year, we expect to see increases in things such as influenza and covid, and we are seeing that according to the latest data, we've also seen quite a bit of rsv in the last couple of months, and this can be concerning because having all three diseases circulating at the same time can put an extra burden on our health care system , health experts say if you're feeling sick, just stay home. >> you don't want to pass the illness on to loved ones. as more help may soon be on the way. for parents who are hoping to vaccinate their kids against
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rsv. the white house is urging drug makers to make 230,000 more doses available for infants next month. the cdc announced a supply shortage back in october and is advising health care providers to prioritize patients at high risk for rsv. roughly 300 children under the age of five die every year because of this illness. the family of a man who died after alameda officers tried to restrain him will get more than $11 million. >> the city of alameda agreed to pay the seven year-old son of mario gonzalez, $11 million and gonzalez. mother 350,000 alameda launched an independent investigation into gonzalez's death, which happened in 2021. thatrillioneport says he lost consciousness when he was pinned face down and two officers pressed down on his body for more than five minutes. the report says no department policies were violated and the officers were cleared of wrongdoing. >> the transamerica pyramid has an ambitious new owner, a new
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york developer purchased it in 2020 for about $650 million, and is now making major improvements . abc seven news insider phil matier spoke with him. >> san francisco is one of my favorite cities in america. i've invested $1 billion here, and i can tell you that i've always been positive. and i've said to you, faith is something that you always need to have, not just when times are good, when times are tough, when things happen, you have to believe. and i'm a big believer in the city and i just i don't just talk about it. i have $1 billion invested behind my belief. >> phil explained the changes that could be coming not just to the transamerica pyramid, but the whole neighborhood around it. >> this is an icon. this is this is more than a building. this this is an icon of san francisco right along with coit tower and the golden gate bridge. uh. and he knows that. and twh buildingt goes on in it. and around it so heightened both visibly in the business world and, and in the political world. and what we have here is a developer that bought it for, what, $600
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million? he's put in $400 million in it in a time when we were talking about the doom loop hitting san francisco and offices cratering and trying to revital ize the downtown, well, here's somebody that's betting big on the downtown. but in order for the deal to work, he wants to add on to the buildings around it, one of them in particular. and it's not just offices. he's talking about exclusive bars, exclusive clubs, sort of exclusive. and, you know how that goes over in san francisco. yeah you can see phil's whole interview with the developer next thursday. >> phil matier and reggie were a part of a live conversation that abc7 hosted with san francisco's mayor, police chief, and district attorney to tackle the city's chronic issues, including the slow recovery of downtown, the commercial free conversation is now available for you to watch online. you can find it on demand on the abc seven bay area app. >> this morning, a storm moving across the country is impacting travel for millions of americans. before the holiday, gloria is at the live desk with the storm's timeline ahead of the weekend. reggie the storm
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will impact nearly 20 states as it moves up the east coast, slamming the region with heavy rain and strong wind. >> and check this out. it started in the west, bringing nearly a foot of snow to new mexico and also treacherous driving conditions in colorado. heavy rain has already been coming down in texas, where the head of the state's power grid is reassuring residents that there will not be a repeat of the 2021 power outage crisis. >> a power grid is as ready and reliable as it has ever been for the winter season. we have more generating and dispatchable resources available to the grid than we have had in any prior winter in history, and the system is now heading east and is expected to help a new storm take shape in the gulf of mexico tomorrow. >> that's when conditions get really messy. in florida, crews are preparing for flooding and possible storm surge. some parking garages are even lifting fees to allow residents to move their cars to higher ground. and then on sunday, the storm is
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expected to make its way to the atlantic coast. that's going to complicate holiday travel for millions of people. >> kumasi thank you, gloria, with the official start of winter pretty much around the corner, some in the bay area are doing everything they can right now to avoid additional damage. after the wet start, we saw this year, places like santa cruz county got battered by brutal storms in. some neighbors are still recovering. public information officer jason hopkins said. the county has already spent $75 million on work. >> sometime early next year, we should finish up the permanent repair. so that's what i mean by these things layering on top of each other. we're just now finishing that. we're going into another winter, so we'll have to see what this winter holds for us. um, we're crossing our fingers that it stays light, but of course, that is not what a lot of people are telling us at this moment. >> hopkins is encouraging residents to clear gutters and to fix any leaky roofs as soon as possible, and people should sign up for emergency alerts at crews draymond green's indefinite suspension from the nba has no timeline to end,
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which is the definition of indefinite. >> that is the word from the warriors after green was suspended earlier this week for hitting another player during a game with the phenix suns, coach steve kerr told reporters yesterday he believes the suspension suspension could actually be beneficial in the long run. >> give him an opportunity to make a change that will not only help him help our team, um, but help him for the rest of his life. it's not just about, you know, an outburst on the court. um, it's about his life. green suspension with the nba is dependent on required counseling . >> this is the third time this season green has been ejected over a physical altercation. and the second time he's faced a suspension in super bowl 58. >> it is just well. the super bowl is not days away. >> it really isn't. >> mhm. once you know what's
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days away christmas super bowl no. did you like february february. okay i the super bowl is 58 days away. >> that is what i meant to say. yeah. um and the 40 niners are taking a big step toward getting there with a win on sunday. so if the niners win in arizona they're going to clinch the nfc west. currently they sit as the top seed in the conference, which would mean every playoff game before the super bowl will be at home would be nice. so the next game at levi's is christmas night against baltimore. and if you're not there, you can watch the game right here on abc seven. you don't have to wait until sunday, though. if you want to watch some good football. you know why? the annual celebration bowl is going to be airing tomorrow right here on abc seven. it is the hbcu championship game between howard and my illustrious university, florida a&m university. now vice president kamala harris, who is
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a howard alum, is expected to be in attendance at the game. kick off is at 9 a.m. tomorrow. you can watch the game right here on abc seven. i got my rattler gear ready. we're having a brunch. it is going to be a vibe, so, friend, you're getting it. >> you're getting it. >> thank you. >> still ahead, the fight to reopen several california starbucks stores that permanently closed. >> and let's take a live look right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we're down a bit right now, about 40 points. another update on the markets next. >> then the controversy brewing after a school allows a satanic club to start on campus and stay with us on the abc seven bay area streaming app at seven for abc seven at seven, did you remember that? we're going to work out this morning. i really forgot i have on a skirt. >> okay, well, that's actually fine because we're going to do workouts that are designed for you to do in the airport as you are traveling over the christmas and new year's holidays. >> so sometimes people are wearing skirts.
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>> okay. so we'll see how this goes. >> okay. >> or drew, we'll just do it. >> thank you drew. >> let's get physical. >> you got on sneakers physical and you know you got on i'm gonna need some of these exercises. >> i feel like let's see outside this morning. >> here's the exploratorium camera live. look, we are partly cloudy with those cirrus clouds this morning. take a look at live doppler seven, along with satellite. satellite. you can see those cirrus clouds across northern california. high pressure right across southern california, supplying us with the mild temperatures. again this afternoon. this morning we're waking up 30s and 40s. for the most part. the city at 50 degrees. but 46 in oakland in the north bay, a bit cooler with a lot of us starting in the 30s and the mid 40s. as you get you out the door. here's future weather, 10 a.m. we're back into the 50s and later on today, 60s if not low 70s in some areas. so it is a spare the air day in effect today. so we have moderate to poor air quality. but it's a mild day under hazy sunshine, 60s and 70s. here's our next storm. it is brewing. it's going to arrive here late
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on sunday. in fact, you look at the rainfall chances they do increase heading into sunday, but today and tomorrow we're dry before thatrillionain returns on sunday evening, we'll take a closer look at sunday rain coming upn the seven day forecast in about nine m
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for school satan club are announced at one school in memphis, tennessee. parents in the community have been outraged about this, but the school district says under a 2001 supreme court ruling, schools can't discriminate against any religious group. officials say the satanic temple that will run the after school satan club is a nonprofit organization and follow district protocols to fo. >> do a lot of community
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projects. we do a lot of steam type activities, science based activities, and at the end of the day, we have decided not to teach about satan. the after school satan club director says they can only operate in schools that already have other religious clubs. >> there are now calls from some to ban all religious groups from campus. >> pay attention the next time you pass through the west oakland bart station, you are going to see work underway to install the next generation fare gates. they're meant to prevent fare evasion. these prototypes will take about two weeks to install. bart says they're doing the work now because it's typically a low ridership time. the new gates will be up and running in the new year, so bart can test what works and what doesn't. >> you'll see a big difference in these. they're much taller, but they absolutely improve access for all the final versions of this will have high tech sensors that will be able to detect if someone is in a
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wheelchair, or perhaps using a stroller, or is carrying luggage or some other item like that through the fare gates will remain open for them. >> bart plans to install more than 700 of these next generation fare gates systemwide by the end of 2025. >> federal labor labor regulators are considering if starbucks should reopen up to two dozen stores that were permanently closed, as they accused the company of closing the stores as part of an effort to suppress unionization efforts. six of those stores were in the l.a. area. the national labor relations board says those stores should open back up, and all employees who lost their jobs or had to be transferred to other locations should be reinstated. starbucks has until december 27th to respond to the complaint. >> right now for your morning money report, some welcome news for potential homebuyers. for the first time since mid-august, mortgage rates fell to under 7% this week, according to data released yesterday by freddie mac. the rates have steadily declined for seven straight weeks after hitting a 23 year
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high in october. experts predict rates will continue to drop in the coming months. and taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway this morning, you can see that we're down about 35 points. >> the popular holiday light show in is back in illinois after it was forced to move to a new location because the neighbors complained. you're mean one. >> you really are a here. okay. >> oh boy, is it okay. i was kind of feeling it. >> okay, look at mr. grinch. >> listen, friend. >> look at this. i think you have to be in the mood for this. this is like a thursday. friday night? i don't have to go to work in the morning. i'm out with my friends on the street. mhm they got, um. the lights are coordinated to the grinch me tell you. but it's a remix. so it's the remix drew of you're
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a mean one, mr. grinch. so this is the larson's. look at this. >> what am i looking at like a lake in the front. >> i know it almost looks like a boat or something. >> they've been doing this for years. years. they won the great christmas light fight on abc ten years ago. but after they faced a lawsuit from the village of campton hills, they had to move the display to pingree grove. so now people can drive by and see it. it lasts a half an hour, just more than a half an hour, and you can go see it through january seventh. how cool is this? >> that is really neat. >> there's so much happening. >> is mr. grinch dj in there? kind of look like he was dj or something right there? >> the vibes to get you in the in the spirit. mhm. i liked it i'm into it. >> it's cool. i love stuff like this i like it. yeah >> all right grinch i don't like the grinch. >> what. >> i don't think everyone loves the grinch but it's a great story. um you know. >> yeah. you know he's a little scary. i was actually trying to play the for
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my baby. he's like a year and a half now, and i was like, oh, this will be a cool movie. and then it's like, it was just scary that i had to shut it off. yeah yeah, you forget. >> and it has like, i don't like the way that the, um, what are they called? >> the who's the who's and whoville down in whoville. >> cindy lou i don't like looking at her. i don't like looking at their faces. i don't like that song. >> are you christmas? >> he hates home alone. >> yeah, he hates the grinch. >> i do, um, he hates holiday being a grinches. >> yeah. >> it's giving if you love no kids going on vacation. honestly if you like the who's, then please tell me that you do. >> and explain why? >> because i like the book. well if you do like the grinch, there's a really cool bar in san francisco. >> thrill i do want to go to. they have a whole grinch holiday themed bar and i went to it. it is so cool. so if you like the grinch, that's where you should go. okay, because so yeah, he's not he's not going. >> he's not going. it was fun. it looks fun. any holiday movie you like?
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>> i love christmas vacation. >> okay. fair. great movie. yeah, that's a good one. um, we'll give you. is that it? >> and you still haven't seen elf, and i won't, um. um. >> you should. another good one. >> saltburn. okay let's move on. >> that is hot. she said it was his family stone, and i was like, that is not. it's my family stone. not here's a look at the accuweather headline. spare the air today with hazy sunshine. tomorrow it is sunny and warm. and then on sunday we are tracking rain returning. but the onset of it a little bit more delayed with the latest information likely arriving in the evening on sunday. so we may get away with much of the daylight hours on sunday. no problem. today it's a spare the air day, meaning wood burning is prohibited. we have poured a modern air quality today, 60s and low 70s. believe it or not, today it is a warm finish to the week. tonight we'll have partly cloudy skies and temperatures dipping into the 40. let's look at our rain chances headed our way tomorrow. we're totally dry. the big change to the forecast
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on sunday. the daytime chance has dropped, but then the nighttime chance has really come up. so it looks like sunday nightrillionain returns and then it's on and off through the middle part of the upcoming weeks. let's look at the rainfall totals starting sunday morning. maybe an isolated shower in the north bay. but we start out with a mix of sun and clouds. then it's in the evening. on sunday, thatrillionain comes back here. it's very light in nature, but monday it turns heavier. monday morning, especially, we could have some heavy rain moving through and some strong gusty winds as well. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. next seven days for you. hazy sunshine today, sunny and warm tomorrow evening. showers on sunday. now monday we've increased it to a level two. a moderate storm on the storm impact scale because heavy rain is expected in the morning and then we stay unsettled through tuesday and wednesday. winter officially begins here on thursday. gloria, good morning drew. >> well, right now traffic is starting to get a little bit busier, but still not too bad. of course it is friday so less people are on the roads today,
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but this is a live look outside at our 8-80 camera at the oakland coliseum and you can see that everything is moving smoothly. there right now. and then a look at our drive times now, usually this time of the morning, we do have some slowdowns, but you could see right now everything is in the green reggie aqui i'll take it. >> gloria. thank you. happening today. tickets are going on sale for las vegas first rap residency with wu-tang clan. the grammy nominated group is going to be performing at the theater at virgin hotel, starting in february. now, so far, the residency is only four days and it's the weekend before the super bowl, which is being held in vegas at and it's the first weekend of the march madness college basketball tournament. >> the city of pasadena is in it's crunch time for the annual rose bowl parade. hundreds of workers racing to put the final touches on the 45 floats that run on new year's day this year. safety is a concern given the heightened tensions overseas and the protests we've been seeing here at home. >> we are prepared for it. we
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prepare for the worst, expect the best that is the way we're going to approach it. but i am hopeful that our advanced parties and our intelligence is accurate and that we should not have any of those types of issues to deal with. >> the american red cross is setting up first aid stations every half mile of the parade route. law enforcement from the city, county, state and federal level are all going to be there, and a reminder that you can watch the rose parade right here on abc seven starting at 8 a.m. that's new year's day. >> up next, the seven things you need to know today. also kumasi reminded me of another holiday movie. what the preacher's wife, the preacher's wife is my favorite holiday movie. >> excellent soundtrack. you can't beat whitney and denzel. you really can't. >> and the soundtrack? see who would imagine. >> now you tell me who a grinch is. you can watch all our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and start streaming. >> and as we head to break, we're taking a live look outside
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of drug overdoses through november, 752 people have died. the previous record was 726 people who died in 2020. >> number two, the future of valencia street's controversial center bike lane. sfmta officials are responding to complaints, saying they've received mixed reviews from small businesses and bike lane users. they say they are now considering three options to make the new bike lane work better for everyone. >> number three, president biden is urging israel to be more careful in its war with hamas and focus on how to save civilian lives. the call comes as european authorities say they've arrested several people in connection to terrorism plots against jewish institutions.
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>> number four, a major pre-holiday storm is threatening to disrupt travel for millions of americans. 20 states will feel the impact through the weekend. in florida, people are being told to move their cars to higher ground because of possible flooding. >> and number five here locally, it's all about air quality issues. a spare the air day is in effect today. unhealthy for sensitive groups across the north bay. we're on the bay shoreline in the inland east bay. wood burning is prohibited on days like this. you look at the three day forecast. it's hazy sunshine today. it's mild, even warmer here to start out the weekend. then we cloud up. we start to cool off. rain returns with our best chances happening in the evening on sunday and number six lower on the roads on this friday. >> this is a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera and the metering lights did flip on at 543 this morning, but you can see it is pretty empty out there compared to most days. this time of the morning. and number seven, forget the holiday ham this year. >> how about a giant turkey
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meatball for christmas? ikea giving these away in the uk this year. the meatballs weigh about 10 pounds. >> whoa oh 10 pounds. that looks so absurd. wow. 10 pounds death star. do people eat peas? >> oh, yeah. peas. here. this is a table i would get up. >> okay. yeah. >> mashed potato. pete this is giving thanksgiving. but like, obviously they don't celebrate that in the uk. but like could you have it here in november a turkey meatball. give me ham on christmas. >> i mean the whole table. >> i feel like i can no longer speak on christmas. >> you can't. >> i'm so sorry. >> i know i've been stripped of that stretched out? good morning america for our viewers in the west. the cross country storm on the move that might mess with your holiday travel. major storm. where the dangerous weather could strike, who's breaking for flood alert, and how your early christmas travel could be threatened.


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