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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  December 15, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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on their head next. it's not acceptable to have these ongoing releases and flaring events tonight. >> flaring continues at the martinez refining company and the county health department has issued a health advisory because of the strong chemical odor that it is causing. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm dionne lim. >> this is just the second time in a few weeks that flaring has been reported. health officials say it was first reported just after 9:00 this morning from the martinez refining company, located on marina vista avenue. >> now, at last check, the company tells abc seven news that the flaring has not stopped and could continue in fact, throughout the night. while today's flaring is not particularly concerning for residents nearby, the frequency of incidents has the health department concerned. here's abc seven news reporter ryan curry. >> tall flames at the martinez refining company once again, mrc is reporting flaring. the refinery issued a level two alert due to a strong odor from gases emitted during flaring. >> it. what's scary is i've never seen them like, raise it
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to a level two alert, which i didn't even know there was levels of alerts like that. >> elena cruz is already part of a lawsuit against the refinery for its previous incidents. >> they need to do something. it's just most concerning that these incidents were happening before. they're doing great with the alerts now, but they hadn't in the past. so you know, that's really is what concerns me. >> contra costa county health is still investigating to confirm the source of the odor. but most likely the refinery is to blame. >> we definitely have been seeing an increase in flaring at our facilities, and this is something that, you know, the hazmat division is taking very seriously. the winds are blowing towards the bay. >> occasionally you can see little plumes of black smoke coming from the refinery, and there is a slight chemical smell in the air. a level two health alert means people with respiratory issues should stay inside. people like cruz. >> i've been avoiding my house all morning. my dogs inside and it was still flaring when i kind
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of went close to the neighborhood. just a little while ago. >> pbf energy, which owns the refinery, says the flaring happened after an operational incident. in a statement, they apologized for the odor and said flaring is necessary for safety. the flaring in late november lasted hours. friday's elevated health concerns. >> our hazmat team is going to be continuing to monitor the, um, the air for both hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide residents like cruz say the flaring has to stop. >> i could probably vouch for the whole city and say that the whole city is fed up with it in martinez. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> all right, question stands. what is the air quality like in the area around the refinery? spencer, you heard some of the people who live nearby. it cannot be good. >> well, you would think not, diana. and yet on our air quality monitor, it shows that the air quality overall in that general region around martinez and across the broader carquinez strait area is still good, represented by the green dot there as you can see. move along
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and take a look at the bigger picture across the bay area, we have generally good or moderate to good air quality, all represented by green and yellow dots. despite the fact, of course, that this is a spare the air day, we've had an increase in concentrations of fine particulate matter, mainly because of wood burning. so on we go to a look at our forecast headlines. we expect hazy conditions again tonight and tomorrow. so tomorrow will be our second consecutive spare of the air day. it will be warmer though. now the good news is that air quality will improve across the entire region. beginning on sunday as a storm approaches. that's going to bring us several days of rainfall beginning sunday evening. and i'll give you a closer look at that. the rainfall and the improved air quality a little bit later. dan, that will be nice to see. >> spencer, thanks very much. new developments. oakland is apparently one step closer to naming a police chief. the sf chronicle confirms oakland's police commission voted to pass its three finalists on to mayor xiang tao. tao, remember, fired former police chief leronne
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armstrong back in february over allegations of misconduct sparked an independent arbiter cleared armstrong of wrongdoing in september, but tao has told abc seven news she will not rehire him as chief. >> 8-80. people will be charged with unlawful public assembly and more in connection to the pro-palestinian protest that shut down the bay bridge back in november. the incident tied up rush hour traffic. it called on world leaders for a ceasefire during the apec summit. all those allegedly involved will be charged with five misdemeanor counts false imprisonment, refusing to comply, a lawful public assembly, refusing to disperse and obstruction of public place. each individual who was cited will appear in court throughout next week, starting on monday in the east bay, concerned citizens are demanding action from oakland leaders in response to the killing of a security guard at a 7-eleven store, sky seven flew over a protest held outside the store today. >> neighbors are calling for justice for 59 year-old james johnson. he was shot to death
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while trying to stop a shoplifter at the store on harrison street and the adams point neighborhood near lake merritt last week. they say it's another violent crime that city officials must accept. some responsibility for. >> leadership is action, not position. those in positions who are empowered to lead right now are on a very, very short timeline to show that they have the knowledge, skills and abilities to do this job and keep us safe. but we will remove them. >> a memorial to johnson outside the store continues to grow. police say the case remains open as an investigation, but so far no arrests have been made. >> a man was charged today in the mass shooting that wounded nine people in san francisco's mission district over the summer. javier campos, from richmond, faces one count of shooting from a vehicle causing great bodily injury. eight charges of assault with a firearm and three counts of unlawful firearm possession. if convicted, he faces life in prison. that shooting happened
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on june 9th at 24th street and treat avenue. prosecutors say campos poses a safety risk and asked a judge to keep him jailed until his trial. >> a surprise today in a trial involving california's racial justice act, a contra costa county superior court judge told both sides that he needed more time before issuing a ruling. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has the latest on this case and its ties to the antioch police department texting scandal. reporter a judge tells attorneys he wants more time to come to a decision in a case involving california's racial justice act. >> it's in court because of the antioch police department racist texting scandal. >> it indicates to me he's very thoughtful. he's very thorough. this is a groundbreaking case. the impact this is going to have statewide on police departments. uh- it's appropriate that he decided to take more time. attorney carmela caamano represents terri-ann pugh, one of four young black men charged
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with murder and attempted murder in connection to a drive by shooting, court documents show. >> pugh was the direct target of the racist texts in briefing she filed in the case. caamano maintains that a blue wall of silence allowed these officers to engage in quote, despite conduct for years, she writes, the officers deliberately used private cell phones to communicate in order to hide evidence of their improper and untrustworthy investigation from defendants and the courts. their actions were done in order to obtain an otherwise unobtainable holding order. in its circumstantial case against defendant pugh. >> this was ongoing while they were investigating the charges against our clients while they were appearing in court and testifying while they were writing sworn affidavits, from which they omitted all of this evidence, the defense is seeking legal remedies, including reduction of murder charges to manslaughter, the dismissal of all gang and firearm enhancements, and the striking of special circumstances which carries life without the
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possibility of parole. >> the credibility of many of these officers and detectives. from antioch police in their conclusions about the case, their determinations that gang charges are warranted, their identification of individuals in surveillance video that's all tainted by their racial bias. the prosecution declined to comment, stating they won't have comment until after a possible remedy or remedies are issued. the judge now hopes to have a decision within the coming weeks in martinez anser hassan abc seven news. >> an attention grabbing demonstration today in the south bay. a group made up of mostly senior citizens say they are living in unacceptable conditions and want their landlords to listen. abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes was there and has more on their demands. reporter fine, fine, fine fine fine. >> five months of frustration have brought these tenants to this building. the dozens that came to this sit in, demonstrate represent more than 100 tenants
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at korda terra village and bella castillo apartments in san jose. >> both of these complexes are high majority vietnamese monolingual speakers at core de terra. seniors everybody's a senior there. cindy tran is with the law foundation of silicon valley. >> she's been working with the tenants who recently formed associations in response to concerns, some of them having to do with safety and security. their garage. >> people come in and they break in. um, there was an instance where one of the tenants got their car stolen. >> another big concern for the mostly monolingual community is communication. the other staff on site who are able to communicate with them, tenants say important notices are not being translated despite multiple requests. >> these are basic necessities that they've been trying to fight for. >> friday, the tenants came to the santa clara office of rome corporation, which they believed was an owner of the complex, as the plan was to sit in the office until they got a response from the ceo. instead, police were called to escort them out. when we spoke to them, they said they're just a construction company. >> they're not the property managers. we reached out to the company listed as the property
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manager for both complexes, and have not heard back. >> the tenants say they also reached out to them and have not been successful in getting a sit down meeting. the fight has caught the attention of both santa clara county and city of san jose. leaders the council members made promises to facilitate communication on the tenants behalf. >> so i can assure you that their their their concerns will be addressed when we work with the county, when we work with rome corporation promises. >> the tenants and advocates say makes friday's demonstration a win now is just trying to apply more pressure to have that face to face meeting so that the tenants voice can be heard and the tenants will always tell me this. >> they're going to continue to fight until their last breath in the south bay. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. coming up, the san francisco giants officially introduced their new star from korea. >> what jeong ho lee says about joining the team. abc seven news
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stake free and clear of the stadium and property. they plan to abandon. according to the san francisco chronicle, the a's have informed alameda county that they do intend to move to las vegas. with that, the team will comply with the county's recent demand and pay up $45 million to complete its purchase of the county's portion of the coliseum complex. the a's bought the county's 50% share back in 2019 for $85 million. under the terms of that deal, the a's had to pay off their remaining balance if they plan to move out of oakland. the city of oakland owns the other 50% and baseball across the bay now, where the giants introduce their newest player. >> and he made quite an impression. outfielder jung ho lee put on a giants jersey for the first time today. the 25 year old former korean league star signed a six year, $113 million contract this week. >> i always have loved the bay
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area from coming here as a young ballplayer. i am here to win and will always give my best effort. teammates and fans. let's go giants! thank you. he's great. >> is he? jung ho lee will wear number 51. he comes to town after winning the korean baseball organization mvp award in 2022. and rookie of the year in 2017. he also has a nice sense of humor. after putting on the jersey, he asked hansen, and of course, the answer is yes. quite handsome. >> yeah. all right. continuing on with this sports theme, steph and ayesha curry returned to oakland this afternoon for the 11th annual christmas with the curry's. >> that's such a fun event. and abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez was there. chris, what a great holiday event for everyone. the kids had a blast loving this block. >> all sports right on christmas. the curry's doesn't happen overnight. takes nearly a year's worth of planning to put
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on an event of this magnitude. the curry's, along with their eat learn play foundation, made a big announcement today unveiling their plans to remodel the play space at manzanita community school in oakland, joined by dozens of volunteers helping hand out books, food and other school supplies to about 800 students. just in time for the holidays. warriors rookie forward trace jackson davis also joined in, playing the role of tallest santa ever. he's like six nine. it's a cause, an event that's near and dear to the curry's heart. >> just providing a sense of joy and some like tangible impact. you know, during the holiday season that, you know, these kids can kind of thrive on. i know it's made centered around literacy this year and continuing to instill a joy of reading. >> we went to a third grade class earlier today. we have a third grader, so it's just it really does resonate and it's just nice to see, like the joy and the kids. >> what we hear over and over again is this is the greatest
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day of my life. from from these kids. and so it's not just an afternoon at manzanita with a holiday celebration. it's instilling in these kids the sense that they're being seen. >> and today's event was part of a week's worth of giving back for the curry's. each elementary student across oakland unified school district received gift boxes with five books apiece. and for those doing quick math, it's about 85,000 total books for 17,000 students. i use my calculator because i wasn't good in math in school. >> that's why we're doing the news. >> yeah, but it's just absolutely beautiful what they're doing. >> it really is beautiful, so impactful. >> and especially for steph. there was some question maybe if he wouldn't make it today because they were in la last night for the trip. >> right? right. >> he made it. there he was. he was there. yep. >> all right. thanks chris very much. >> coming up a big swing in the weather as we take a live look outside. talk about gorgeous sunset. right now. a spare the air alert, though, is
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east parking lot until 7 p.m. this evening and again on saturday. a sandbags are also at the public works operations yard at marin and kansas streets in the bayview for those who need them. >> all right, so talking about needing to get ready, let's get more details on your forecast. >> spencer christian is tracking thatrillionain. that's coming in. spencer. >> probably a smart idea a smart idea dan and dion to get prepared because we expect much of the bay area to get a soaking over the next several days. so let's take a look at the storm that's coming our way. it's not affecting us at the moment, but it's going to be here in about 48 hours or sooner. as you can see, it's a well defined well developed out to sea and pushing in our direction. but at the moment we have very calm weather here in the bay area. in fact, wind speeds are below ten miles per hour in most locations and we had quite a warm up since yesterday. the 24 hour temperature change shows most locations 2 or 3 or even four
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degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. check out this beautiful view. colorful view of the post-sunset out sky from mount tam. it's 59 degrees in san francisco, right now. oakland 5460 at hayward. just 1 degrees below 60 at san jose and half moon bay at 57 at san mateo and us. also, a colorful view from the east bay hills. camera looking westward again. the sunset. what about a half hour ago and we still see some brightness in the western sky 56 degrees right now in santa rosa. petaluma 52 napa 5951 at fairfield and concord 57. livermore 53 degrees. and these are our forecast headlines tonight. hazy but bright looking sky high. a spare the air in effect today and through the night and tomorrow as well. so warmer tomorrow than today. even so it's a possibility that we may see some high temperature records for tomorrow's date. uh. nonetheless, even without records, it's going to be nice and warm. a spare the air day again, but air quality will improve beginning sunday as evening showers push out some of the pollutants and that will
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also be the first day of several days of rainfall. for tonight, look for low temperatures, mainly in the low to mid 40s, a little bit chillier in some inland valley locations like concord and livermore, with lows of 38. over in fairfield, we expect a low of 34 degrees. then tomorrow bright, hazy sunny skies. another spare the air day once again. wood burning is prohibited on a spare of the air day, but it's going to be so mild. high temperatures in the upper 60s to near 70. in most locations, and some low to mid 70s down in the south bay at san jose and morgan hill. now let's take a look at the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. the approaching storm, at least for sunday when it first arrives. level one best chances of rain in the evening hours. we're expecting showers and periods of lightrillionain, and here's a look at the forecast animation showing the arrival of that first wave of rain on sunday into monday. then on tuesday, perhaps even a steadier, stronger rainfall on monday and tuesday before it weakens just a little bit on wednesday and starts to move out of the bay area. and rainfall totals. we expect to be anywhere from about
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a half inch to three quarters of an inch south and east of the golden gate over an inch, maybe an over an inch and half in some north bay locations. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. that first wave of stormy weather ranks only level one on sunday, but on monday, a stronger and more intense period of rain that will rank level two back down to level one on tuesday and wednesday. and on thursday, the winter solstice, the beginning of winter, which officially begins at. 7:27 p.m. pacific standard time. got it. >> if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand
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area streaming tv app just search abc seven bay area and download it for free. >> all right, a twist today in a holiday tradition meant to help some local families in need of their own form of transportation. >> this is great, abc seven news reporter luz pena explains what happened when they showed up, hoping to be one of the lucky few to get a life changing gift. all right. >> can you keep a secret? there are ten families that showed up here today thinking they were coming to the last interview to potentially get one of the four cars being donated today, one of
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them is blanca sanchez. so i tell them if we get it, we get it, and if we don't, it's okay. we made it. this far. blanca is a single mom who lives paycheck to paycheck. >> i work at a school local for in windsor and so they just been trying my best to get them to be where they need to be and have them be stable. that's my goal. >> ali is also a single mom of three. her vehicle was damaged in a car accident in september. >> so i can get to my two jobs so i can get to my kids schools and daycare to, um, bring them to their doctor's appointments. >> nancy was nominated by her friend michelle. >> i pay my rent and i pay my daughter's tuition, and those are the most important things. a car is important, but my daughter's education is more important as far as my money goes. so she had to come first and i gave up my car. >> everyone here hoping to drive a car home with only four cars
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in sight. not everyone would be selected. >> i'm hoping for whatever god wants. >> every year the cross family foundation receives letters from sonoma county residents in need of a car. in the last decade, they've donated 255 cars, choosing who to give them to is hard. >> there's a lot of demographics that state funding goes to help with food stamps or cash aid or even the county. and we're looking for the people who make maybe 3 or $400 over the mark to receive those services. >> as they all waited to see who would be the lucky four surprise. this all ten of them would drive a car home. >> my brain is just i can't i don't know, i just i'm so happy i have no words to express how happy i am. >> jodi, of these cars were donated by allstate insurance and refurbished by the team at gmc auto body. for sean, this is personal. his dad started the foundation. >> i think often what he would think of what we've done with
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our foundation, what we've done with his legacy, the business and, you know, i hope he'd be proud. >> in sonoma county, luz pena abc seven news. oh those tears. >> what a happy moment, right? >> yeah, we do have much more ahead on abc seven at 530 streaming tv app show. >> and if you're watching us on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for spencer christian. all of us here. we appreciate your time. >> i'm dana ashley and i'm dionne lim. we'll see you right dionne lim. we'll see you right back here at six. not a choice, but getting help and finding treatment for your meth or cocaine addiction is up to you. treatment for stimulant use disorder is often covered through medi-cal, medicare, and many private insurance plans. choose change california. find proven treatment options like contingency management that are right for you at
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