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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  December 16, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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tomorrow, champion cris pannullo faces sam papuha from edmonton, alberta, canada; and from toledo, ohio, holly smith. for a change in the weather. rain is on the way to the bay area. good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm diane lim. it is dry tonight, but that is going to change soon. rain is headed to the bay area for what could be a stormy stretch before christmas. right away. let's get to spencer with more on the weather. hey, spencer. okay, dion. >> the first wave of rain may arrive within 24 hours or sooner, so let's take a look at live doppler seven and the satellite radar composite image.
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you see that storm out at sea right now swirling in a counterclockwise fashion, kicking up clouds and moisture in our direction. so let's take a look at our exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. on that scale, the approaching storm is a level one, a storm of light intensity, but it will intensify quickly. it will arrive late tomorrow, bringing scattered showers to possibly some isolated downpours. here's the forecast animation starting at at noon tomorrow. notice by tomorrow night, just before midnight, we'll see that first surge of rainfall pushing onshore. it's going to expand and intensify overnight. by tuesday morning this will probably be a level two storm. and we don't expect the rain to end completely until late wednesday. so as we look at rainfall totals, our estimates by wednesday evening, 6:00, anywhere from 2 to 3in of rain in parts of the north bay and the santa cruz mountains. one to 1.5in elsewhere across the bay area. it's going to be a wet week. i'll have the complete accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later dion. all right. >> looking forward to it spencer. thanks. in the north
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bay utility workers will begin deflating a rubber dam on the russian river near forestville on monday. that dam is being emptied to prevent any flooding that might happen because of the upcoming storm. it's typically inflated in spring or early summer, when water demand increases and a reminder you can check out the abc seven news bay area app for the very latest on weather conditions and to access the same live doppler seven that spencer and our weather team use, search abc seven bay area in your devices app store to download it for free. only on seven. tonight, a san francisco restaurant owner has some beef with the city and thieves who made off with around $5,000 worth of premium wagyu meat. check it out. the owner of ace wasabi in the marina district tells me at about 515 thursday morning, multiple suspects jumped a gate and entered their storage unit. you can see in this surveillance video individuals rooting around in the freezers. ken lo says. in about ten minutes, they made off
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with about $5,000 worth of the pricey meat and some seafood. this isn't the first time lo has been a victim of crime, but it is the first time he has filed a police report. >> my car has been broken into five times in the last three years. my restaurants have been broken into four times in the last three years. i'm hoping that getting this word out that the city understands that hopefully we'll make some changes. i mean, whatever we're doing now isn't working. um, it's i'm numb to it. i'm saddened by a city that isn't holding people accountable. >> yeah, that is wild. we reached out to sfpd for more information, but have not yet heard back in the east bay, the campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pam price says it will be ready to submit the required number of signatures early in the new year to get a recall vote on the ballot in the meantime, price's supporters say a new leaked document suggests the recall is being motivated not by public safety concerns, but money.
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here's abc seven news reporter anser hassan. >> this draft fundraising document linked to the campaign to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, was leaked to price supporters. she spoke about it at a rally on saturday. >> they did not get a recount in november, so they decided they'd have a recall in january. as soon as we took office. that is anti-democratic. yes >> page nine of the document explains that fundraising has been focused on large businesses who, quote, have had significant negative impacts to both their portfolio valuations as well as the personal safety of their employees and families. those fighting the recall, known as protect the win, say this reveals that protecting property value is being prioritized over public safety. >> this campaign plan says that they are concerned with the value of their portfolios. real estate developers. there is nobody in here. there is nobody
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who comes through our office. that is a real estate portfolio. yes, we are responsible for the lives of real people and the impact that our system has recalled. price recall, price. >> the recall price campaign admits the document was leaked, but they say it's not the smoking gun that the other side wants voters to believe. >> the funny thing about it is 13 pages long, but they picked one sentence out of 13 pages to kind of focus on. >> brenda grisham is one of the primary officers with save. save alameda for everyone. it's leading the recall effort, she says. even if business owners are concerned about their bottom line, that doesn't mean that the recall is about picking profits over safety. >> our own for businesses here and at any given time, my staff can be in the way of harm. so you know, just because they have major dollars, they still have an interest in what's going on in the county. >> price hasn't even been in
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office for more than a year. the recall campaign says they'll be ready to submit well over the next number of signatures. early next year to get the recall on the ballot in alameda county, anser hassan. abc seven news. >> tolls may be going up on the golden gate bridge again. the bridge district is considering another five year plan to hike tolls. the marin independent journal says officials are faced with a looming budget deficit. revenues plunged during the pandemic and many commuters haven't returned tolls ticked up $0.35 to $9.75 on july 1st. the final increase in a five year plan that started in 2019. in the north bay, a dramatic rescue yesterday in sonoma county, near jenner, a car crashed on highway one and went down a steep ravine , landing upside down the sheriff's office sprung into action as you can see, and used a helicopter to reach the victim. they managed to pull the person out and get them to the hospital. all though we haven't received an update on their
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condition. labor supporters gathered in oakland today in a show of solidarity with the palestinian people in the conflict between hamas and israel. we're workers from bay area unions and their backers gathered at oscar grant plaza to make their voices heard. they're calling for a permanent cease fire in the conflict and end to the occupation of gaza and a halt to us military aid to israel. >> we do not support u.s. tax payer dollars going to a genocide abroad, going to support a regime, committing an occupation of the palestinian people for decades, the workers want president biden to stop supporting the conflict. >> they say that money should be supporting communities here in america for the israel defense force admitted to mistakenly killing three hostages during combat in gaza, an idf commander released a video statement saturday saying the shooting of those hostages was against the rules of engagement, but that the shooting happened during combat and under pressure.
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here's johnny fernandez with more on this one. the israeli military admitted to accidental shooting and killing three israeli hostages, according to the idf's preliminary investigation, a soldier saw them as a threat and opened fire, killing two instantly. >> the third man was injured and ran back into the building. someone then cried help in hebrew! the idf then says the battalion commander ordered his troops to stop firing, but another burst was fired, killing the third hostage. >> we'll learn our lessons and we'll keep fighting hamas. it's a very, very complex battle. space uh- the idf is doing everything we can uh- there's been a multiple successes, and there will also be mistakes. >> the men identified as 28 year old yotam haim, 26 year old alon shamriz and 22 year old samir talowski. idf lieutenant general hatzi halevi releasing a video statement saying the hostages did everything possible so israeli troops would understand being shirtless so they wouldn't
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be suspected of carrying explosives and waving a white cloth. but he said tensions overcame the situation and admitted the shooting was against the rules of engagement that is forbidden to shoot at someone who raises a white flag and seeks to surrender. prime minister netanyahu, calling the deaths an unbearable tragedy. more than 100 hostages were thought to remain in gaza. confirmation saturday that another one was killed in hamas captive 27 year old inbar harman . she tried to run on october 7th but was captured by hamas terrorists on motorcycles at the rim. music festival. meanwhile, in khan yunis, dozens gathering for an emotional funeral for al jazeera journalist summer abu daka, who died from his injuries after an israeli airstrike in southern gaza. johnny fernandez, abc news, new york one of the last toy stores in san francisco is closing for good, co-owner matthew lune at family run jeffrey's toys told abc seven news tonight that the store on kearny street in union square is permanently closing. >> lune says many factors are to
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blame, including fewer people visiting downtown. he says the store needs the city's help. jeffrey's toys is expected to close around mid january. for 45 years, the store was located on market street. that location in 2015 closed due to a rent hike. still ahead tonight on abc seven news at 11. should we be worried about a holiday surge in respiratory illnesses? the trend doctors are seeing right now in the bay area, it's amazing. >> it's, um, a very good feeling . >> and we'll take a look at how the giving spirit here in the bay area is brightening the holidays for hundreds of children
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abc seven news reporter tara campbell has some expert analysis. >> a warning from the cdc this week. the worst of the respiratory illness season is likely, yet to come, and low vaccination rates are leaving the most vulnerable at risk. >> people went to thanksgiving all over the country. there was a lot of flu in the southeast and the gulf states, and then they came back home. ucsf doctor peter chin-hong is talking about the flu and the rapid rise in hospitalization in california. it's up for 100% in the last month, and it's rising very quickly. >> but the good news says the doctor, there's still time to get protected. >> it's still enough time to get the flu shot. and the flu shot is really well matched to what's circulating. >> and also circulating are new variants of covid 19. >> we have a couple of emerging
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variants around and you may need to bolster your immune system a little bit more for some of these variants, but so far the numbers are low. more people are going for flu shots. so about 40% of the population getting that, including kids, fewer people going for covid shots, about 17% of the population. but most concerning only about 37% of those over 65. >> i don't worry about it. i already had three times covid, so. so yes, i do work. >> sue matos is 66 years old and says she's keeping up with the vaccines and taking precautions. >> actually, i'm going tonight to a party and we are all trying to get a covid test. i already had mine today. meanwhile the younger people i spoke with didn't seem to have a worry. >> i have noticed that people have been wearing more masks than before, but that's it, right? i'm not really concerned over it. >> not really, i don't it doesn't affect my plans unless.
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unless like the situation getting very severe and it could get more severe with covid cases expected to peak in the new year. >> tara campbell abc seven news. >> to the peninsula now, where over a thousand children and teens were able to take home new toys so rittenhouse of san mateo hosted the event for underprivileged kids. this year, nearly 4000 toys filled the nonprofit's warehouse. and we're just joyous. >> this is our our mission reminder of bringing hope, dignity, um, and caring to our community. from our community, you know, our overall mission being keeping folks fed, clothed, healthy and housed. this is the added extra right? it's the compassionate side of everyone enjoys or deserves a joyous holiday. >> this year, a generous donor stepped up to make sure all of the kids had a gift card to take home. in the north bay, families in need there are getting the holiday they've been hoping for. abc seven news reporter cornell
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bernard shows us how a marin county nonprofit helped make the holiday special for hundreds of kids. merry christmas, santa and mrs. claus were posing for pictures and listening to a lot of wish lists from kids in north marin in mexico. >> we don't have any toys, and i tell them, you are. you are lucky to have all these presents . >> maria mercado's son just got a bike. it's all part of the annual holiday share and toy drive hosted by nonprofit north marin community services, helping low income families maria says because of them, christmas will happen. >> after all, they are uh- amazing because we pay, you know, a lot of rent in this area and we don't have a lot of money to give, you know, presents for him. >> it's the 51st year for this event benefiting almost 500 kids. director say many families are living on the sharp edge of the bay area's economy.
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>> the need is so high right now. we have over 90 people on a wait list for rental assistance. um we're very grateful that donations are coming in. check it out. >> there's about 2000 toys in all of these purple bags. each bag custom made for kids and families this holiday. >> it's amazing. we're going to go see what's in here, and we're going to put it under our christmas tree. and it's just going to add to the excitement for them. >> christi dupree's two sons can't wait to see what's inside. >> hey sweetie. >> at a time when it seems everything is expensive, many parents are feeling relieved and grateful. but the things their kids are wishing for this season, you know, i think that it's extremely difficult for people right now. >> and the fact that we are going to bring toys and gifts to people, um, during the holidays is extremely gratifying. >> in novato, cornel bernard, abc seven news. >> well, check this out, santa. oh, he's excited. arrived in style at alameda county station 28, in newark this afternoon for
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today's toy drive. this year, the grinch made a surprise guest appearance as well. the kiddos got to meet santa while community members brought toys to the firehouse. they'll go to local nonprofit organizations to distribute to underserved kids and their families. firefighter say there was a record turnout for this year's event, and retrieve the greatest, greatest monumental. dream of your life and that will undo all the magical candy cane. >> wow. >> i am just so, like, enraptured by that. berkeley hosted their holiday fantasy parade where characters waved from the streets and the sidewalks were filled with costume characters, many on stilts and decorated with led lights. people were invited to drive by, but many joined the fun out on the streets. is that the right word in rapture? >> yes. okay that's my family now. that's what you call the holiday spirit. yeah.
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>> and it's good that they missed the rain. yes >> yeah. before the rain. right. remember earlier on the earlier newscast, you and i were talking about the calm before the storm? oh, yes. i'm going to show you right now the calm before i show you the storm. the wind. the wind is quite calm out there. many locations have wind speeds not even measurable under five miles per hour. now here's the storm as seen on our satellite radar composite image. and it's getting closer and closer to the bay area. so within 24 hours or so, we'll likely have some rain falling around these parts. right now, we're looking at the 24 hour temperature change, which indicates most locations are warmer by several degrees than last night at this time. and let's take a look at current temperatures 55 here in san francisco, low 50s at oakland, hayward, san jose, san mateo, and 50 degrees at half moon bay. looking along the bay bridge from emeryville. other temperature readings right now in the 40s up in the north bay, low 40s at santa rosa, a fairfield 43. most other locations petaluma, napa, concord, livermore are in the mid to upper 40s. and these are our forecast headlines hazy tonight. spare the air alert
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that was in effect today is still in effect overnight and through tomorrow. we expect showers to arrive late tomorrow either late afternoon or early evening, and intensify rapidly overnight and monday through wednesday. rainy pattern will be with us before the arrival of winter later in the week. overnight lows will be mainly in the mid to upper 40s and highs tomorrow will generally be on the mild side mid to upper 60s, low 70s down to the south bay and once again tomorrow is another spare the air day. wood burning is prohibited on a spare the air day. now here's our exclusive abc seven storm impact scale. the arriving storm tomorrow will be a level one storm. a storm of light intensity bringing scattered showers. best chance in the evening hours and maybe some isolated downpours. here's a forecast animation starting at 6 p.m. tomorrow. notice we will already have some light showers offshore at that point. then by late tomorrow night, just before midnight, we get more widespread showers, more intense isolated downpours, and then it becomes way more intense and more widespread as the morning commute gets underway. on monday, it will probably be a
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level two storm by that time. time then a brief break late monday afternoon, soon followed by yet another wave of rain. steadier rain that will continue into and through the day on tuesday before it starts to wind down on wednesday. by wednesday evening, we'll be looking at rainfall totals over three inches in some parts of the north bay. maybe up to four inches or more in ukiah, down in the santa cruz mountains, two and a half to three inches and about up to 1.5in in most other parts of the bay area. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. as i mentioned, the storm will intensify to level two on monday. back to level one for tuesday and wednesday. we expect the rain. oops. oh. >> don't break anything up. >> so concerned about this rainfall. it should be all over by sometime. wednesday late wednesday and thursday a dry day to start winter. >> hey, look, we need the rain. yeah and look, christmas is around the corner. >> maybe it'll maybe a little snow. >> especially in the sierra. >> ah, yeah. >> good point there. yeah. all
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right, well, still ahead on abc seven news. let's skate. if you need to get your winter fix. we do have just the place in i'm getting vaccinated with prevnar 20®. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20® because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 19 or older, with certain chronic conditions like copd, asthma, diabetes, or heart disease or are 65 or older, you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems
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it's going to be open every day through january 15th, and that includes christmas day and new year's day. for those who are interested. there are private cabanas and fire pits available for rent. little skaters under five get in for free on mondays and wednesdays between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. now keep in mind if you plan on buying tickets, be advised they do not take cash. college football's bowl season kicks off as cal looks for a win in the independence bowl. chris alvarez now with a preview of sports. hi, chris. hi deon. >> coming up in sports, cal football goes bowling looking for their first postseason win since 2019. and who do you call
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on with the warriors looking for their first win in ten days? steph saves the day. sports i
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on warriors ground. monty ellis, one of the stars of the we believe warriors and the man who the warriors traded to eventually hand the keys over to stephen curry, took some time to hang with dub nation sign an autographs outside the team store ahead of saturday's warriors nets game, and inside getting a standing ovation during his first time at chase. good to see monty back in the bay. stephen curry hits the three career number 3500 for the all time three point king, just 500 until he has 4000 under four minutes to go in the second quarter. warriors defense to offense klay thompson passes up the three, finds the trailer. jonathan kuminga finds his way inside for the bucket. warriors led by 16 at the break steve kerr pumped as many as 18. but here comes brooklyn kam thomas with a game high 41. and the nets take the lead with stephon on the bench. but steph was superman when in return gives the dubs the lead with just under seven to go. look at this move to the lane. curry with 12
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straight points down the stretch, gave the warriors the lead for good. a team high 37. that is a splash. new giants center fielder young lee from korea. he likes it. warriors win 124 120. their first victory in ten days. >> they haven't won in a while. so it was nice to you know, get over to get over the hump, get to the finish line with a win. it's crazy as it sounds, with all that we've accomplished, but i don't know the answer to how we solved the season. let's just win on saturday, he willed us to victory. >> he was special tonight. just his ability to create shots and make shots from all over the floor, at the rim and the mid range from 35ft. i'm grateful for steph's performance tonight. it really put us over the edge. >> the cal bears won three straight to end the season and reach their first bowl game since 2019, playing on the first day of bowl season, cal taking on texas tech in the independence bowl in shreveport, louisiana. cal fans who made the trip were pumped, especially the young one right there. things get goofy on the opening
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kickoff. texas tech gets it. the returners blasted and then the kicker from cal, michael hurst right on the spot recovers the football for the bears very next play. fernando mendoza finding monroe young 25 yard touchdown, seven nothing cal in 15 seconds. but later in the first, we're now tied at seven. mendoza to tron. grizzle, grizzle breaking free and looking for the goal line. can he score or just pushed it? pushed out of bounds just inside the one. and then next play jaden ott punches it in on his 21st birthday, 14 seven. cal announced he's returned to cal next season. let's have some skittles. but the red raiders scored 27 unanswered to brooks. well, he finds his way in 3114. in the third. cal trying to make a comeback, but mendoza threw three interceptions as cal falls 3414. they finish the season six and seven. coach wilcox with a loud message for the off season. >> love the guys on the team. we got great guys on the team, really good people, but we need
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better football more consistently and so we got to demand that from ourselves. um and the players need to demand it from themselves and their teammates. so, uh, this doesn't build a fire for your off season workout program and you're probably in the wrong sport or at the wrong place. >> this abc seven sports report, sponsored by river rock casino, dion. >> chris. thanks much more to come tonight on abc seven news at 11, including the trial of the century. an historic day at the vatican with a shocking outcome and a warning for the world's freshwater fish, many now in danger of extinction in the impact this could have on california and its economy
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was considered a possible papal contender, was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to more than five years in prison. that verdict, coming from a vatican tribunal. abc's lama hasan, with the fallout from what's been called the trial of the century. in what is called
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the vatican trial of the century. cardinal angelo becciu, who formerly acted as pope francis's chief of staff, found guilty of embezzlement and fraud. >> giovanni angelo lapenna. >> the court sentencing him to five and a half years in prison, and find some $8,700. he is now barred from holding any public office in the vatican. once seen as a possible contender for the papacy. the 75 year old, now becoming the most senior vatican official ever to be tried for financial crimes. the trial, lasting two and a half years, included 86 hearings, but two, along with nine other defendants, were accused of financial crimes, focusing on a property deal in london that cost more than $380 million, which ended in a huge loss for the holy see. eight defendants were convicted to prison sentences ranging from three years and nine months to seven years, and six months. they deny any wrongdoing. only one defendant, the cardinal's former personal secretary, was acquitted, and the sprawling case also included
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investigations into vatican funds donated to a charity run by bachchu's brother and the payouts of almost $600,000 allegedly given to free a missionary nun kidnaped in mali by islamic militants. the cardinal strongly denies any wrongdoing. his lawyer saying they will appeal the sentence. lama hassan, abc news, london. >> four months after devastating wildfire swept through parts of maui, the heart of lahaina has reopened. to all mauna maui is culture and history, wrapped up in what's called malay this weekend, free guitars for kids delivered nearly 200 instruments to the island. many of the kids lost everything when their homes burned. i lost a guitar, two ukuleles, um, a drum and piano. >> we want to give you something that can help with your journey and help keep music. that fire of music in your life.
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>> organizers teamed up with local artists to share the healing strength of malay with the children in concerning findings about the world's freshwater fish population, 25% are in danger of extinction, and it's a statistic that local experts say californians have to care about moving forward. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has a look at the impact. >> that's the wake up call that we should all be be hearing at this moment. >> that wake up call is an update from the international union for conservation of nature. they found 25% of freshwater fish are at risk of extinction in the iucn, said the update is part of the first comprehensive assessment of the world's freshwater fish population, but local experts say the findings are unfortunately not surprising that it's probably an underestimate. professor andrew ripple is a professor at uc davis in fish ecology and director at the center for watershed sciences. >> our estimate is that about 83% of california fish are are vulnerable to extinction in some sort of way. so if we were to
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put the california number on that iucn number, it would be much, much higher, a problem that puts not just california's environment at risk, but also the economy. >> salmon just from an economic perspective, contribute, you know, $1.4 billion to the california economy. >> scott artis is the executive director of the golden state salmon association. he says that while salmon in some parts of the state are doing well, the opposite is seen in other areas, keeping them at high risk. >> people should care because this is a species that touches not just people, but the entire environment. we're talking communities, culture, jobs, businesses, both the iucn and professor ripple linked some of the same reasons to the high risk of extinction. >> that includes the warming of waters from climate change changes to the natural flow of rivers, along with invasive species, and overfishing. >> all of these things sort of combine to create this ball of environmental stress for fish that, that, that ultimately hurts them here locally, arter says. >> there's hope in the many
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organizations passionate about this that have come together. but more is needed from state water policymakers, others. >> this is the time to fight and to fight for those salmon, those jobs, and those people that rely on it. ripple says. >> using science as a tool will be critical going forward, and that humans must be good stewards of land and local waterways working together. >> i mean, that's the name of the game in the south bay. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. still ahead tonight, one family got a free ornament with its tree. >> this year, a live baby owl. all you just need to see this. we will have more pictures ahead . >> and picture this by this time tomorrow night will be welcoming our next storm. i'll have the accuweather forecast coming up on abc seven. news at
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it's the person noticed the tree was swaying when he plugged in some equipment. the owl was just sitting on a lower limb before it disappeared into the tree. the cleaner was able to track it down and release it safely into the family's backyard. isn't that cute? well, if you are looking for something to binge over the holidays, hulu might have something you'll want to check out. the other black girl follows the story of a woman who is tired of being the only black woman at her company. another one is hired, but then the plot takes a turn on the red carpets. michelle fisher has more from the show's star. nala. will you get me another coffee? >> nala, will you get that veil for me? you copy? stella, i need you to la la la la la. >> in hulu's the other black girl, sinclair daniel plays nala, an editorial assistant at a publishing company who is tired of being the only black woman at her company until nala meet hazelman mccall, my new
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assistant. >> really? >> wow. the two become fast friends and hazel's star begins to rise within the corporate ranks. just as nala has some setbacks, things get really out of control. when nala discovers something sinister is going on at the company >> the show has gotten people talking, especially those who have been the nala at their companies, wishing for someone else who looked like them. >> i've heard a lot of people, people of all ages, really relating to the story, and a lot of the themes in the show, which is very cool. the discourse has been really great to see that people are engaging with it. >> fans have been clamoring for season two, so is that in the works? even sinclair would like to know. >> it's been a crazy year in this industry, and so i think we're all trying to find our footing. um post strike, post
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other strike. um, so we'll see. i'm really hoping i would love to. it's been the joy of my life and so fun. and it is even better to know that people want it. you can see season one of the other black girls streaming now on hulu. >> michelle fisher for abc news and hulu is owned by disney, which is the parent company of abc seven. >> well, today, children in san francisco celebrated the second annual wakanda winter wonderland in the fillmore district. the fun event featured ice skating and music, along with bumper cars and other activities like this, a real life snow globe. the event was hosted by the african american art and culture complex. today was the second day of the two day event and also offered free to the public. well condo winter wonderland is part of the five month art series titled season of black art. we are in the season of rain. it appears we'll be very shortly now with less than 24 hours from now. >> in fact, we expect some rain
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to be falling here in the bay area. dionne. but the beginning of the day tomorrow will be dry. here's a look at our high temperatures for tomorrow, which will be, by the way, another spare. the air day, but also mild day with high temperatures in the mid to upper 60s across most of the bay area, but a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale will be pushing in tomorrow evening or tomorrow night, with scattered showers and maybe even a few isolated downpours. here's a forecast animation starting in the early evening hours. notice before midnight. we'll see the rain expanding to across to a wide span of the bay area. then by monday morning we'll get some intense downpours, steady rain, widespread. it'll just be a messy morning commute and we'll get wave after wave of rain from monday into tuesday, and even into wednesday before it all ends. by wednesday evening, we expect rainfall totals across the bay area in the wettest locations to range from two and a half to about four inches of rain. here's the accuweather seven day forecast level two storm on monday. back down to level one on tuesday, and on wednesday we expect the rain to
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end sometime wednesday and have a dry day on thursday as winter begins. >> this is handy. i was going to go grocery shopping. we'll do it in the morning then there you go. >> get get it done early. >> yeah. all right. now to chris with a preview of sports. hi, chris. >> hi, dion. coming up in sports, brock purdy returns to his home state of arizona. stefan and aisha return to oakland to spread holiday cheer. and in college hoops. saint mary's was just in time. a thriller. double overtime victory. sports i (♪) (♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at christmas with the curries happens just one day a year. but a holiday event like the one we saw yesterday in oakland takes 365 days of planning. the real winners were the kids leaving with a holiday memory they will never forget. it was the 11th annual christmas with the curry. stefan and aisha, along with their eat, learn, play foundation and nailed their plans to remodel the play space
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at manzanita community school in oakland. dozens of volunteers helped hand out food, books and other school supplies to about 800 students just in time for the holidays. warriors rookie forward trace jackson davis also joining in. he was the tallest santa ever. it's a cause that's near and dear to the curry's heart. >> just providing a sense of joy and some like tangible impact, you know, during the holiday season that these kids can kind of thrive on. it's mainly centered around literacy this year and continuing to instill a joy of reading. >> we went to a third grade class. we have a third grader, so it's just it really does resonate and it's just nice to see, like the joy and the kids. what we hear over and over again is, is this is the greatest day of my life from from these kids. >> and so it's not just an afternoon at manzanita with a holiday celebration. it's instilling in these kids the sense that they're being seen when a veteran guy, someone like steph curry, asks you to come and be a part of his fundraiser
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and giving back to the community , you can't pass up that opportunity. >> college hoops randy bennett and saint mary's facing unlv in phenix. intense game tied at 59, five seconds left in overtime. luke barrett for the win. no mitchell saxon tries to flip it in. didn't go at the buzzer, so we go to double overtime. 40s in double ot down three. mitchell saxon drives in for the layup and one. he'd make it. so we're tied at 67 under 10s to play in double overtime. now off the miss gaels going to push it up the court. time winding out. you got to get the ball into the hoop. dribble dribble get it to mitchell saxon. time running down and he got it. game winning layup at the buzzer. went to review. but take a look. the ball is out of his hands with 0.2 seconds to go as saint mary's wins 6967 in double ot. also in phenix herb sendek and santa clara, facing former usf dons head coach kyle smith and washington state the cougs myles rice gets the steal, but santa
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clara's carlos marshall runs him down. gets a piece of that. we're going to go back the other way adama alpha ball lobs and cameron tung slam broncos by 16 at the half. that's a pretty play ball a transfer from arizona was three of four from downtown. scored a game high 23. and the broncos hang on down the stretch 6961. they played for pac 12 teams and beaten three of them, the only loss was at cal to tomorrow will be arizona native brock purdy's first game in his home state since this one, when he quarterbacked iowa state to a fiesta bowl victory over oregon in 2021. running for a touchdown, throwing for another in a game limited to family and friends. because of the pandemic. slightly different scene tomorrow. he's still only getting tickets for his family, but this time brock expects to emit a much bigger crowd rooting for him. that gilbert, arizona native excited to play in front of all of them. but at the same time, he's gotten used to playing with his loved ones, watching from near and far. >> i mean, i feel like it's sort
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of been like that already, you know, every game i feel like there's family and friends that either come to games or are tuned in watching on tv and stuff, so nothing changes. you know, once we line up, it's 11 on 11 football and i got to do my assignments and play for uh- play quarterback and that's about it. nfl with some saturday action under a minute to go in. >> the bengals down seven of the vikings folsom's jake browning in trouble throws it up for tee higgins catches the ball at the one. twists his body backward stretches out and gets the ball over the pylon for the game tying score. take a look at this. the awareness exactly. knowing where is it on field to listing towards the goal line. stretching just enough to get the touchdown. well that was big because the bengals win it in overtime 2724. what a play marin county native and calzone jared goff a big game for the lions against the broncos. he threw three touchdowns in the first quarter. finished with five touchdown passes just the second quarterback with five. this season and tying a career high. three of them went to rookie tight end sam laporta and the lions roll 4217, 10th win of the
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year, and they can clinch a playoff spot if things break right for them the rest of the weekend. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino, dion chris thank you. >> and that's all the time we have for tonight. i'm dionne lim . the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. and for spencer and chris and all of us here. thank you so much for joining us. taking a live look outside while things are still dry. that rain moving on in very soon >> this is abc 724 seven. in san francisco. >> live in the south bay in san jose. in concord. live in oakland? yes. you're watching abc seven news live. anytime, anywhere. here we are. we are. we are, we are, we are, we are where you are never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc
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