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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  December 19, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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finished yet. in fact, you can see from live doppler seven right now that big band of storm activity is rolling in. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> let's get you right to abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel who is staying on top of it all for us. sandy >> yeah, and dan and anna, it's been a gentle rain tonight, but things are going to be changing very rapidly while you're sleeping. the rain, the heaviest of the rain, is starting to move in. so let me show you live doppler seven right now, as we get you into the north bay, there is some pockets of moderate rain right around grayton sebastian, sebas chapel, occidental street level radar. you will notice monterio
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geyserville all getting wet at this hour. there are some showers along the san mateo coast. airport street, montara, el granada and here comes the heavier moisture. just off our coastline. it will get into point reyes at 11:09 p.m. notice that it is heading into san rafael at 115 and close to two in san rafael, san francisco. so as we go hour by hour, morning commute gets underway and it is going to be stormy along the coastline. we're going to go from that gentle rain to pouring rain. so be aware of that. that rain will continue to remain intense at noontime and starts to shift inland by 3 p.m, so this is what's going to be a little bit tough going for people, especially if you're going to work or if you are traveling to get out of town. winds are gusting right now out of the south, 34 miles an hour. mount eminem 33. mount diablo, hawkeye 37 miles an hour. and those winds will remain gusty later on tonight. going into tomorrow, it'll be breezy to gusty depending on where you are. and as we look at these storm impacts scale, we do have
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a weather alert overnight through tomorrow. brief heavy rain, gusty winds, thunder chance and minor flooding is expected both on the roadways and in low lying areas. i'll be back with more on that flooding and the timeline coming right up. >> dan okay, sandy, thanks so much. get the abc seven news bay area app for the latest weather conditions and to access the same radar that sandhya and our entire weather team use. search abc seven news bay area in your device's app store to track weather coming into your neighborhood. absolutely any time you wish. >> now to the new class action lawsuit against the city of san francisco and sfpd chief of police, the unsanctioned dolores hill bomb of the summer sparked a clash between skateboarders and police. at least 113 people, many of them juveniles, were arrested tonight to abc. seven news reporter j.r. stone is tracking what's coming next in this civil rights case. >> this is what the dolores hill bomb event usually looks like near dolores park. this is what it looked like this year in july . san francisco police there to
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make sure the unpermitted event didn't happen. eventually, officers made at least 113 arrests. most most being juveniles. >> i had guns pointed in my face simply for trying to walk home. >> now a class action civil rights lawsuit has been filed against the city of san francisco and san francisco police chief bill scott. in past years, there have been major injuries and even a death during the hill bomb event. >> yes, there have been a problems in the past with this event. >> like my daughter said, that has nothing to do with corralling a bunch of youth and keeping them detained on the cold streets through the night. >> they all describe like freezing, thirsty, hungry, and needing to pee. there were teenagers that had to pee in their pants because they were not provided bathrooms. >> san francisco police chief bill scott previously said that officers had bottles and firecrackers thrown at them,
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saying that at least three muni vehicles and a school were tagged with graffiti. those involved with this lawsuit don't believe police should have been there in the first place, saying the city's parks and rec department should have helped make it a sanctioned event in terms of the few kids that might have thrown things, the police had no reason to believe that any of the young people that they actually arrested had done those things. >> and so that's why the arrests were a civil rights violation. >> the san francisco district attorney's office tells us one individual faces multiple explosives and fireworks charges. that person is in custody and faces over 11 years in prison. if convicted, and five others have been charged with felony vandalism. it does not appear, though, that any of those individuals were among the group arrested the night of the event as charges against them were filed in august. the city of san francisco's city attorney
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says, quote, once we are served with the lawsuit, we will review the complaint and respond in court. end quote, parents i spoke with also say since no charges have been filed against their teens, they want this arrest off of their record. j.r. stone abc seven news. >> all right, j.r. thank you. the vallejo police officer who shot and killed sean monterrosa will not face criminal charges. a state department of justice report released today finds that there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that officer j. torn did not act in self defense. tan fired a shot from the back seat of an unmarked police car, killing monterrosa. that was in 2020. the monterrosa family learned of the department of justice's decision today during a meeting with attorney general rob bonta. it is extremely disappointing that they've decided not to move forward with criminal charges. >> we believe that there is more than sufficient evidence, uh, not only in our civil case that runs along parallel lines, but enough evidence to bring
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criminal charges against jared tan. and, uh, we're looking forward, uh, to a review at the federal level. officer tan was terminated in 2021, but was then reinstated in august of this year. >> our mission in building a better bay area routinely makes us aware of the ongoing homeless crisis in our area, and particularly tonight, the staggering number of homeless youth. but what we saw in action was a community coming together to help them get to a better place. abc seven news reporter tim johns shows us the first time winter event in the east bay. >> the line extended out the door and down to the street in concord tuesday night. dozens of families coming out for the mount diablo unified school district's first ever hope holiday fair, an event created to support the district's unhoused and foster youth with everything from free winter clothing to haircuts, everything was perfect, so i just want to thank them for being so grateful for helping people and for thinking about everyone needs.
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the event was by invitation only, with the district specifically contacting students who met certain criteria. rosey reed was its main organizer, she says over the past year, the number of students considered legally homeless in the district has doubled, and basically everyone came so we had the event. >> we thought maybe i'd get 100, 150 people, and they all came. >> one of those in attendance was melissa, who currently lives in transitional housing with her children. melissa tells us events like these help her provide essentials for her kids, especially during the holiday season. there are not a lot of resources for folks that are experiencing homelessness. >> um, there aren't a lot of resources at all. um, and, and i think there's waitlists for any program. >> the need goes far beyond the mount diablo unified school district, though. in fact, new data released just last week by the federal government shows that over a quarter of all the unaccompanied homeless youth in the us live right here in california. melissa says those startling statistics only tell part of the story. she tells me.
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for many people who experience inconsistent housing situations, some of the hardest obstacles are the intangible ones. >> there's a misconception that people don't want to get jobs or or there's bad reps, and that's not necessarily the case. i think that anyone can could lose their home by the end of the event. >> the district says they were running out of almost everything . that's why reed says she hopes this year is just the beginning. >> we definitely need more events like this. we need more community partners. we need more donations because our families need more things. and this is not a want. these are needs in concord. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> emeryville tonight became the latest bay area city to approve the installation of license plate readers after a lengthy discussion tonight, the city council approved a plan to spend $50,000 on a 16 camera system during public comment. there was overwhelming support for it. actually, the only real debate was how many cameras should be installed. the city has found itself a target for retail theft and car burglaries. police say
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the perpetrators often come from other cities. former president trump kicked off the ballot in colorado, a new drinking water source in california. >> retail theft and more. >> it's all part of what's making up tonight's abc seven news to know. take a look at its unprecedented and its unprecedented by its nature in itself. donald trump is now off the republican presidential primary ballot in colorado. the state supreme court ruling trump is ineligible based on his role in the january 6th uprising at the capitol site. the insurrection clause of the us constitution's 14th amendment. it's the first time that's been used in this way. trump's campaign says they're planning to appeal to the u.s. supreme court, calling it election interference. >> we see that in the bay area, we have the highest reported rates, as well as the biggest recent jumps. >> retail theft was in the spotlight today in sacramento, with lawmakers digging through state research. governor newsom says arrests were up by 109%
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compared to last year, thanks to crackdown from the chp. >> this will be some of the cleanest water that will be out there turning wastewater into drinking water. >> california will be the second state in the country to recycle wastewater after bringing it through taps at homes, businesses and schools. the hope is to bolster the state's water supply, with regulations kicking in by april 1st. if you can feel it, spread it, spray it, pump it, pour it and it needs to go in your check bag, the tsa is urging people to help speed things up. >> going through security this week by putting liquids and wrapped gifts in checked bags along with the holiday. winter weather is hampering flights across the country at sfo today, more than 200 flights experienced some sort of delay and five others were canceled altogether. >> that's news to know and more news to know. coming up, the failures that killed a baby named phenix. how this case is causing santa clara county to rethink its entire child welfare system, plus out of control
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credit. >> the reason america's credit card spending may be in crisis and santa comes through. >> the northern california man who got his wish all these decades later. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy >> thanks, dan. and to stay up late or i shaved my legs for nothing. bill burr is here. he means no harm. >> how long you been wearing suits? you're supposed to unbutton the coat when you sit down. no, that's bugging me the whole time. >> i'm
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from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by december 31 at the 230 foot tree brought down
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three sections of power lines, grazed a home and sheared off a fire hydrant. no one was hurt. neighbors say the tree was estimated to be over 200 years old. they say it was scheduled for removal in january over concern it was beginning to lean. >> talk about a close call. well, tonight, south bay leaders taking action to protect the area's most vulnerable children. the santa clara board of supervisors is officially pushing for child welfare reforms. it was all inspired by this young girl. phenix castro, who died of a drug overdose at 13 weeks old. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez has more on baby phenix and what is now her legacy of change. >> this is baby phenix castro. she died at three months old. the santa clara county da's office said on may 13th, san jose police found her unconscious. an autopsy report said she died of ingesting meth and fentanyl in october. the da charged phenix father with felony child neglect and drug
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possession. her death has highlighted not only the drug crisis, but the framework of children's services. >> because i can feel what this is and this is a lack of trust. reporter. >> on tuesday afternoon, the santa clara county board of supervisors held a special meeting. officials from the county department of family and children's services, parents, legal advocates for children and social workers shared what needs to improve. >> this is a public health crisis, and we need to partner up with public health nurses when we are investigating referrals with severe substance use, such as fentanyl. fentanyl and methamphetamines. supervisor sylvia arenas and cindy chavez called for child welfare reforms . >> i think the emphasis has been on keeping the family together, and while i think that's really important, i think it's also important to keep our children safe. >> supervisor arenas would like the dfcs to see the board as a partner during the meeting. arenas pressed the director for the county of social services. why the board was not aware of a
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state investigation from 2022. i think we were waiting for a response back from the state after we'd answered their questions. >> um, so that was the that was the reason. but again, we should have shared when we originally received that. so we could have had those dialogs many, many months ago after a four hour meeting of present. >> those questions and public comment, the board unanimo passed a motion to reform dfcs during the public comment portion, baby phoenix's great uncle said a few words. >> my heart is broken in many ways. listening to the folks that are suffering here with their families. >> and murillo said. baby phenix and her mother, emily, who also died of a fentanyl overdose in september, lives on in their hearts in san jose. lauren martinez abc seven news. >> americans are leaning into credit cards more than they ever have before. earlier this year, the total amount of debt surpassed $1 trillion and continues to grow. coupled with
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rising april rates, budget are getting swallowed up a cnet senior who looked into to what's behind the trend. >> from the people that i interviewed, what often came up was not necessarily that they were being frivolous or flippant with their credit card spending. it was that for a lot of people, the credit card serves as the emergency fund. people have limited savings. over half of american have less than three months of savings in an emergency fund. >> another factor, although not a big one, is a person's credit score. credit history plays a factor when people try to borrow money for something like a mortgage. it accounts for 35% of a score. >> the new details on the future of the struggling self-driving company cruise, which, while its robo taxis may not be out on the roads next year, the company logo will reportedly still be on the jersey of the san francisco giants, according to the examiner. a giant spokesperson says the team's partnership will , with cruise, will run through 2025, and it has not changed. cruise has hit a tumultuous stretch after one of its cars
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struck a woman who had just been hit by another car nearby. it led to mass layoffs and a full recall of those vehicles. the cruise patch is the giants first corporate logo on a home jersey, and the team's 140 year history, an apparent it will remain, at least for now. new at 11? here's a wild story imagine having a 20 minute conversation with a humpback whale, a uc davis professor teamed up with seti in mountain view to pull this off. seti is known for its effort to find extraterrestrial and life beyond our planet. the team used a humpback contact call, and a whale responded and approached the boat. they then exchanged signals for about 20 minutes, alternating turns. said he believes it's the first such whale human conversation. how wild. >> wow. >> whales are very smart and intuitive animals, apparently. >> absolutely. all right, time to check on the rain and when we're going to get some more.
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>> yeah. meteorologist sandyha patel is here with that. >> sandy. yeah it's moving in right now. dan. anomalous take a look at live doppler seven. give yourself plenty of time for the morning commute. you're going to need it. >> so right now we are tracking light to moderate rain. >> i'm going to get you into street level radar. where we are seeing that rain right around linda mar boulevard, pacifica, heading into daly city lake merced boulevard, right there near sf state and up to our north. seeing some downpours right around the bohemian highway. also occidental, bodega bay. so rainfall rates are actually about 6000/100 of an inch per hour. this is only going to intensify. there's a batch of some heavier rain off the coast moving towards san francisco at 150 in the morning. hopefully you're not a light sleeper because if you are, you might get woken up by the pounding of the rain on the pavement. we do have a coastal flood advisory that goes up 3 to 7 a.m. tomorrow for these low lying areas. likely will see minor flooding because of the combination of the rain and high tide coming up shortly before 6
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a.m. tomorrow, just at 5.73ft. so just be aware of that and then we'll go back to the low tide here. do want to show you a live picture right now. this is from mount rose. and you can see there is some snow covered here. they've been seeing a mix of rain and snow up in the sierra right now. chains are required on 88 and four, but 50 and 80 are fine. so the moisture has been coming in the form of rain and snow mix. yes today the snow level is about 8000ft. tonight it's about 7000ft. and we will continue to see it fluctuate between 7000 and 7500 tomorrow. this is the area of low pressure that is going to bring us the intensity of the rain. as we begin our wednesday, as it approaches and then parallels the coast moving down towards southern california and northern baja. rainfall totals have been pretty impressive since sunday, picking up almost three inches at kentfield, over three inches in santa rosa. look at ben lomond. it really sticks out as the moisture is getting lifted by the mountains. what is called
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orographic lifting close to a half a foot of rain and still counting 1.87 in san francisco, an inch in oakland. concord. just over that livermore as well, and san jose, almost an inch of rain. your temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s. it is very mild outside. here's a look at the headlines overnight into tomorrow. downpours at times. thunder chance friday we will see some dense fog in the morning hours and this weekend cold mornings with frost as we welcome our first weekend of winter. winter begins on thursday. we do have a storm alert on our storm impact scale this is a light level one overnight into tomorrow. brief heavy rain, gusty winds, thunder chance and minor flooding expected on the roadways and also small streams will see those rapid rises. so here you go at 5 a.m. some heavy rain coming through at 11 a.m. mainly a coastal thing until later on in the afternoon when you see those downpours moving into our inland areas. wet weather is scattered, continuing all the way through thursday morning before this system winds down,
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so the highest rain totals will be over an inch, even close to two inches, mainly along the coast. inland areas will see less than that anywhere from 1500s to a half an inch. your morning temperatures 40s, 50s. give yourself that extra time. you will need it tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at scattered showers and some downpours with 50s and 60s. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. it's a level one for tomorrow. early morning showers, level one on thursday, winter begins thursday night and we have fog to start your friday notice it is colder for the weekend. cooler during the day. christmas right now it's going to feel like it. no rain in the foreca monda f ama and dan. we'll
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asking for a pony. >> that was 90 years ago, and that wish finally came true today. a bill burke is 100 years old and now lives in a retirement community. >> in the past two years, they have held an event called santa for a senior. >> he wrote his wish on an ornament and it got fulfilled as a pony named cowboy came walking into the building. >> i had to keep thinking that i wrote a letter to santa claus 90 years ago, and never got my pony, but this time i got it. so uh- just don't give up hope and
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keep wishing santa claus will eventually come through. >> how great is bill? he has this advice for children. you might not get your wish right away, but keep wishing and eventually it might just come true. and it sure did for him. >> santa's pony up. >> oh that's good. >> oh no. my worst monster. right? do i get credit for that? all right, that's pretty good. well, the warriors have lost a lot of close games. >> they had another one tonight that was a tight overtime with boston. >> in fact, sports director larry beil is here. larry. dan >> ama. the celtics have seen steph curry do the night night celebration. he did it to him again tonight right on epic over time. thriller game of the year. next in
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the nba title since then. pretty rocky for the dubs, but we saw another night night from steph curry in overtime against boston curry coming off a seven point game on sunday. his three point streak ended at 2.68. back tonight in a big way. celtics up by three until klay thompson has found his shot again. ties it at 118. he had 24 dubs down by three. less than two minutes to
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go. this time it's curry with a game tying three 121 all seven seconds left jayson tatum he's going to take it himself jonathan kuminga great defense without fouling. no good. curry loves it. we're going to overtime kuminga more clutch defense. oh excuse me i'll take that. the steal break away dunk jc in the starting lineup. finished with 17 points. so in the ot it's 125 121. dubs jaylen brown and trace jackson davis says get out get out tj d ten points, 13 boards 16 seconds left. dubs up one chris paul cross court to steph for splash at night. night curry 33 points, warriors win the game of the year 132, 126 in ot. obviously a total team effort, but the belief that we have like we haven't had a lot of results and so forth this year, but the belief that we showed tonight, it's nice to get get a big win like that. >> i fully expected it to go in and i think all of our fans did too. um guys. magical. he just
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you can't explain it. um, that's just the kind of stuff he does. >> hey we got the warriors and nuggets starting things off at 11:30 a.m. on christmas day at night. ravens and forty-niners right here on abc seven. john moran making his season debut for the grizzlies after serving a 25 game suspension pick it up in the fourth quarter. tied at 109 jar drives and hits the floater here. grizz up by two and then tied again with five seconds left. it's john. good night. game over. drive home safely. had 34 115 113. grizzlies draymond green posting while watching quote tough jaw shake it in moraga tonight. saint mary's hosting middle tennessee. this was all gaels all the time. harry wessels here gets the feed with authority. he's 712 55. large large human large and in charge. he had 20 gaels. romp, 7134. the season for the sharks hosting the kings. i'm getting i'm getting dizzy watching team teal right here. two nothing. kings jordan spence with a shot. alex
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laferriere with a deflection. kings for one. final sports on abc seven, sponsored by river rock casino surrounding myself with a great team. but not just for me. for them. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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jimmy kimmel, good show, bill burr and lily gladstone. >> have a great night. previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- [ cheers and applause ] >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- bill burr -- lily gladstone -- and music from joshua ray walker -- with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!


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