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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  December 26, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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traffic back up in the east bay. we know a car caught fire inside the caldecott tunnel. the good news is everyone got out okay, but it meant two of the four tunnel bores were shut down. the car fire was in bore two, that is, the eastbound direction of highway 24. the chp also temporarily shut down for three in the westbound direction to give firefighters better access. westbound traffic has improved slightly, but eastbound 24 is still backed up as well as northbound highway 13. bore three reopened less than an hour ago, and it looks like a tow truck is headed into bore to take out that burned car. still, a developing situation with lots of delays. we will of course keep you updated with that. we say good evening and thank you for joining us. >> i'm dionne lim and i'm dan ashley. we'll move now to tonight's top story coming from the abc seven news i-team. >> it has been ten months since the city of oakland was hacked. the personal information of tens of thousands of people was
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leaked onto the dark web. >> and the abc seven news i-team was first to report the lack of oversight, and that dozens of victims were never notified that their sensitive financial information was exposed. >> i was trapped in a nightmare. i have no idea what's in my name, and tonight we are learning what's happened since. >> that's right. >> i-team reporter stephanie sierra has been tracking every development of this story. she is here tonight with details. stephanie >> yeah, there's been a lot of them. dan and dion, especially given we've been following this now for nearly a year. thinking back, the aftermath of this hack started with one oversight after another, and the city even admits they were not prepared. there was outdated it infrastructure, a lack of warning and a lack of overall investment. tonight we want to introduce you to one of the victims that's living with the impacts. >> address a driver's license number, social security number. >> oakland native dedrick warmack is living through a financial nightmare on a credit report. >> there's credit cards that should have been closed. they're
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now open with balances. of 17,000, um, 30 something thousand and i don't have them right now. yeah, i have no idea what's going on. >> months after the city's network was hacked, he says his credit score dropped more than 200 points. but little did he know, that was only the beginning. do you think your identity was stolen from the oakland hack? >> yes, yes. i mean, i'm getting the phone calls, the emails that i get stating, oh, you have this account, you have that account. i've been getting letters from chase and bank of america. i don't have a bank account here. >> after the hack, the i-team consulted cybersecurity professionals to download the leaked data. this was an attempt to get a better idea of the impacts facing victims due to a limited response from the city. that's when we found warmack. social security number published on the dark web. >> if you look at my email now, my entire list of emails, it all reads fraud. it looks like my
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junk mail. >> warmack is one of dozens of victims the i-team contacted who previously filed a claim with the city, alleging injury, but instead ended up with their sensitive financial information leaked. now, he says fraudulent checks are being made in his name, so i don't know what this is. $2,000? >> yeah. to strange sewage and water bills being sent to him. the water and sewage wasn't from east bay. mud like, what is that? is that new england? so how can i have an open balance? and then this there's things that are popping up on my phone. phone. i'm getting notices about refinancing a home, and i'm like, i pay rent. >> warmack believes someone has even purchased a home in his name. somebody has something in my name somewhere. >> since october, i've been getting things from best buy about kitchen installations and to add to the stress, he says he
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didn't even know about it until we contacted him. >> now he's scrambling to get help. like many others. in april, we spoke to dozens of victims on the phone and in person, but not one said they received any notice from the city that their personal and financial information was impacted. we kept some of their identities anonymous. >> my information was found on the dark web with an apartment in my name, without me even knowing. >> in march, the it masked mayor shengtao. how far along her administration was informing the thousands of people impacted by the breach. but we did not get a straight answer. are you 50% done with that process? >> do you know if you're almost done with that process where does that that's going to be an ongoing process. >> we have notified the current employees and not just that, but we are now notifying employees that have left the city. >> the city's ignored or ignored and stonewalled its own employees. >> that was ten months ago today , we're told the city's notification process has been completed for several months, but the i-team continues to receive complaints from residents affected. i never
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heard anything, no, no. in may, the mayor committed to spending an additional $10 million to upgrade and harden the cybersecurity protections over the next two years, documents obtained by the i-team from the city administrator's office show only 30% of that goal has been spent since, including the restoration of opd's cctv server , which the mayor says is now fully operational. but other concerns still linger. >> we're not managing or directing properly. >> on the heels of a multi-million dollar missed opportunity to fight retail theft following 1009 11 dispatcher applications overlooked that some city officials are concerned about another mistake, including cyber insurance. eight months ago, the i-team consulted cyber security experts to weigh in on oakland's current policy. do you think oakland's coverage is sufficient enough to protect against a ransomware attack? >> no. it's it seems like it's mostly covering, uh, comprehensive electronic information and security liability coverage, shutting
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down systems, the downstream effect, not able to deliver services. this policy not necessarily designed to meet those needs, but the i-team was told the city's cyber insurance policy has not changed. >> it's leaving victims like warmack wanting to leave the city worried. this nightmare won't end. >> you know, if oakland can't protect themselves, how are they going to protect our information ? >> even now, cyber analysts say one of the groups that hacked oakland also attacked the city of el cerrito. and since then, data shows the transit agency bart, as well as the cities of modesto and hayward, also got hit with ransomware attacks this year. so it goes to show the overall need for it infrastructure and investments. certainly you can only imagine how many more people have been impacted by this. >> exactly. all right, stephanie, thank you. >> well, happening today. it is a spare the air day in the winter. spare the air alerts mean that wood burning is banned, of course, because there's too much air pollution. if this is our final alert of
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the year, then we saw our fewest spare. the air days since 2018. a check out this chart 2020 saw the most more than 50 alerts. that was also the year we had a record number of acres burned in california. wildfires so that makes sense. >> all right. so very fittingly, let's get to the weather and the impending rain. >> yeah that's right. it's coming. meteorologist lisa argen is here. lisa. all right. >> well you guys, it will clear out the air, the rain, because we have some wind to accompany it. and actually, it's also going to keep us mild overnight. those southerly winds. here's a look at our air quality in the next day or two. becomes moderate tomorrow with the rain. and then by thursday, even. good when we're behind that system. so here's the system heading to the north, bringing a lot of surf, some dangerous surf, and some moderate rain. at times the focus in the north bay tomorrow. so level one system on wednesday, scattered showers for the morning commute in the north bay, spreading south and east throughout the day. winds up to 30 and 35 miles an hour. tonight you'll notice that we're not dropping off that much 50s 40s.
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as you get early towards the morning commute. and by 7:00, the rain is in the far north bay. here we are at 11:00, sinking to the south, marin county into napa, and we're going to track this high surf. this is a huge system that is going to bring dangerous conditions for the next few days. at the shoreline. we'll tell you how much rain we're going to get in a few minutes. diane. all right. >> sounds good. lisa. thank you. now now on spare the air days like this, you can still enjoy a fire with the yule log. we are still streaming it. just head to abc7, or put it on your big screen with the abc7 bay area streaming tv app and veloping news, it will be demolition. >> there. an investigation to determine the cause of a fire that burned through a los altos strip mall on christmas morning. this big fire broke out just before 5 a.m. it engulfed the two story, 20,000 square foot shopping center on el camino real near san antonio road. the fire burned for about four hours
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before firefighters were able to control the flames. ultimately, all the businesses were closed. at the time, no one was injured. however, firefighters will not be able to investigate the cause of this fire until the entire building is demolished. the demo removed basically the second story in the first story and then we can, once that's removed , it will be safe for us to go in. fire officials say the eastbound portion of el camino real will remain closed until the building is knocked down. >> antisemitic incidents at two los altos schools this month are shining a light on an undercurrent of fear in jewish communities, prompting some to hide their heritage. but it's not just in that city as abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey found, a new survey shows just how widespread that fear is across the bay area . >> hateful graffiti in san francisco, oakland's largest menorah, smashed anti-semitic incidents are on the rise, and members of the jewish community do not feel safe. but it's not
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just a big city problem in los altos. >> i have never been more proud to be jewish. i've never been more vulnerable to be jewish, though at the same time, this jewish resident of los altos, who wished to remain anonymous, says this fear is sadly not something new for her community. >> she and her family are trying to maintain pride in their heritage, but she knows many others who are fearful. as israel continues its military campaign in gaza in retribution for the october 7th attack by hamas militants. >> i know so many people who have taken great efforts to make not speak hebrew in public, taking down their mezuzah, which is a clear indication that that is a jewish household wearing jewish jewelry to identify themselves. >> similar messages have flooded los altos council member pete daley's office, including concern for the safety of children after at least two anti-semitic incidents took place at local middle schools, swastikas were drawn on lockers at one school and students yelled jews must die in another. according to daley, who we spoke with on the phone tuesday, you can just sense it when you're talking to them, how scared they
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are and how much they question society and leadership and values around them, and wonder whether they're in the right place as a safe place to raise their families. the struggles of the jewish community here in los altos represent a micro cosm of a bigger issue. anti-semitism is felt throughout the bay area and beyond. we're seeing a big spike in reports jewish community relations council of the bay area ceo tyler gregory says his organization is hearing about anti-semitism by community members daily. a recent report by the jcrc shows about 61% of bay area jewish residents feel less safe living daily lives since october 7th, and 36% say they have experienced anti-semitism personally, gregory says more needs to be done to educate americans and stop hate before it grows. >> we want to make sure that in the same way that acts of racism and sex ism and homophobia are addressed by institutions, so too should anti-jewish, you know, hate be addressed in the same way from different types of leaders in the hopes that
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everyone can live peacefully without fear in their community in the south bay, dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> coming up next, the beginning of the end. >> as the final season at golden gate fields gets underway, plus far and away the pandemic was our biggest challenge. >> after helping the city with its biggest challenge, he says. >> it's time to close out his career tonight. perspective from a man who spent nearly two decades showcasing san francisco at its
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. at golden gate fields. the last opening day for the racetrack. abc seven news reporter anser
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hassan a talked with people about what today means ahead of the track's planned for closure in june. >> it's opening day of the winter spring season at golden gate fields and likely the last. >> doesn't make me feel good, you know, i've been there my first year in california. i started in washington and my first year in northern california was in 1977. >> ed mosher has raced at golden gate fields every year since. he recalls the first time he drove past the racetrack on highway 80. >> i saw it and i thought it was like a biggest place in the world, and i thought how it was the coolest thing in the world, and i was uh, you know, just sad that they're not going to be there anymore. >> with the closure of bay meadows racetrack in 2008, golden gate fields has been the only major thoroughbred racetrack in northern california . it held its first meet in 1941. in july, the owners announced they were closing, tentatively set for june of 2024. >> i've been there maybe a
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handful, 4 or 5 times and had some good times there, you know, betting on horses and eating nachos and cheap hot dogs, apollo pastor ing says he never won big at the races. >> but as the racetrack has been an east bay landmark for decades , it will be odd to see it not there anymore. >> driving by so i've had i've had good times there though, and our friends have had some fun, fun times there on, you know, sunday activity. >> the current owners say they're moving races to santa anita to consolidate operations, but there have also been protests over animal cruelty demanding that the racetrack be closed. 17 horses have died at golden gate fields this year. more adds. the track is also losing money. >> if you're not making money in a place you know the doors are always going to close. >> mojo currently has 44 horses in training and will move 25 to compete at santa anita, but he says closing golden gate fields will hurt california's horse racing industry. >> the horses, when you breed them, a lot of them aren't good enough to run them in the south,
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you know? so if they're not good enough to run there, then they're going to be breeding horses that that, um, no place to run that, he says, means horses and trainers will likely leave california in berkeley, anser hassan abc seven news. >> after almost two decades of bringing events, conventions and tourists to san francisco, the ceo of sf travel has decided to retire. joe d'alesandro spoke with abc7 news reporter cornell bernard about his achievements and what still needs to be done to bring visitors back post-pandemic. >> i loved being able to market san francisco and tell the san francisco story to the world, but it was this time san francisco travel association ceo joe dallesandro. says it's time to retire after 18 years of bringing visitors and conventions to the city, including 11 years of record breaking tourism growth in 2019, the last year we had that record breaking growth 63% of all visitors spending in san francisco was by international visitors. >> d'alesandro was instrumental in bringing super bowl 50 to the bay area in 2016, and
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spearheaded a $500 million renovation of the moscone center. >> i'm very proud of the fact that we were able to expand the moscone convention center and make it much more, more attractive, much more current, much more state of the art. >> but in 2020, everything came to a screeching halt. >> by far and away, the pandemic was our biggest challenge. >> san francisco was one of the first american cities to shut down completely during the pandemic. hotels were shuttered and small businesses suffered. the recovery is still happening. >> it's going to take us a few more years to get back to where we were before. and what's unfortunate about that is it hurts the very businesses that we love so much as san franciscans, he says. >> open air drug dealing has created a real perception issue for visitors around the world. i think that the city is trying hard to make the situation better. >> um, in terms of the actual violent crime rate, we're one of the safest big cities in the united states. >> scott beck from toronto will soon take the reins as tourism czar, and d'alesandro has some advice. >> and i think my best advice is stay passionate. um, you know,
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sometimes you get you feel like you're getting punched a couple of times when you say you're representing san francisco. but the fact of the matter is, if you stay passionate and love it, everything's going to be okay in san francisco. >> cornell, bernard, abc seven news i like that message. >> everything will be okay. yes. >> the weather, the weather is going to be okay, too. >> it might be great. >> we're getting some rain here coming in. but lisa argen is tracking that for us. after just a glorious christmas day. yeah, it was nice. >> the timing was good, right? it held off for christmas and we are getting some breaks in between systems. but we remain within an active pattern as we get into 2024. so let's take a look at our satellite and radar composite where you can see a lot going on in the pacific. and little pieces of energy will be moving through the bay area. the takeaway a rainy wednesday, a rainy weekend, but mainly on friday. so it's not going to be a washout. we're not going to see any huge storms, but we are going to see some incredibly high surf with this system as it pushes to the north. we'll see 25 to 30 foot waves on thursday day, so we're also watching our
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coastal flood advisory into tomorrow. right now, it's all about the cloud cover and the breezy south winds will keep us mild overnight. this could impact you tomorrow morning. 1046 high tide seven to 7.5ft. you can see the areas that could be flooding here. underpasses inside the bay shore. we've had this for the past couple of days, so you need to keep this in mind for the morning. it's going to be a wet and windy morning in the north bay. then we have that high surf warning into thursday. right now. nice look outside. 55 san francisco hayward, 54, in san mateo, half moon bay and from our sutro tower camera dry right now, dry tonight into the overnight 52 santa rosa as well as fairfield. and usually by this time we have dropped off considerably. but because of the cloud cover, some south winds, a couple degrees warmer and we're going to stay that way into the early morning hours. so cloudy, not as cold overnight. looking at a wet wednesday with showers, the gusty winds and then as we get into your thursday, very dangerous conditions along the
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shoreline, even down into southern california. so this is a big storm offshore. we're just going to get some rain out of it. and it's not going to be a lot of rain. 54 oakland 52 and fremont for the overnight hours into your early wednesday, 6:00. the rain is getting closer to the north bay, stopping this at 9:00. a few showers around, mainly in the north bay around santa rosa, and then by about 330 we have widespread light showers to moderate rain breezy winds. this will impact perhaps the south bay for the evening commute, then we're dry for the most part. on thursday. maybe an isolated shower, but overall thursday is our break. this is 10:00 on friday. we're dry for friday morning. then we get into a slightly stronger system friday into saturday. so this system on wednesday, it's a weak one. anywhere from a 10th to 2/10 for most of us, perhaps a half inch to the north bay. but we will have those breezy winds in the sierra nevada. we have not seen mother nature cooperate right. another warm system a
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couple of inches of snow there. here's a look at the winds. they will be windy, right with the rain accompanying that front. so here we are, 11:00 in the morning when the front moves through, that's when we get those gusty south winds. so as for tomorrow near 60 for most of us breezy wet throughout the day and as we get into the weekend and new year's eve, we're going to keep a chance of rain for sunday. and then another possible shower on monday. so we are not really looking at a lot of rain after friday, but still enough to call it unsettled and okay compared to other parts of the country at this time of year. >> we'll take this. >> yeah, i agree yeah. >> lisa. thanks. >> all right. coming up next, a look at whether this holiday shopping season lived up to expectations. we're making a prepandemic comparison
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seven key principles. unity. self-determination, collective work and responsibility along with economics, purpose, creativity and faith. now the day after christmas, it's the time for another tradition to begin. kind of sad
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the spirit of the environment. and those are christmas trees in san francisco going into wood chippers. the city's annual christmas tree recycling program starts on january second and runs for almost two weeks. residents just need to put their tree stripped of any decorations next to their recycling bin for pickup. trees will be turned then into mulch. i just can't mulch mine. >> the day after. just take a few days sooner. yeah, right. christmas is over, of course, but not christmas sales or shopping. abc seven news was at valley fair mall in santa clara today, and so were plenty of other people shopping and browsing. a report out today from mastercard says holiday sales this season are up about 3% compared to last year. that amount of growth is about on par with pre-pandemic years. more stores are charging fees for returns. you may discover this as you take things back 80, according to the logistics company. happy returns macy's, abercrombie, j.crew and h&m have all added shipping fees for mail in returns. amazon has started
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charging $1 to return items to ups stores. data from the national retail federation shows that customers sent back nearly 17% of the merchandise they purchased last year. that's up from 8% in 2019. well coming up, someone apparently didn't want to pay for things as they broke into a store to steal. >> instead, tonight you'll hear from the owner about how often this is happening. >> also, hear new information about the napa fault. maybe this is the motivation your neighbors need to get that ear
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seven news at five. the chp says all lanes are open on highway 24 through the caldecott tunnel. a car caught fire just about two hours ago in boyertown's two. that is the eastbound direction of the tunnel. traffic is still slow on eastbound 24 through oakland. keep that in mind, as well as northbound highway 13. westbound traffic, though, is going smoothly. nobody was hurt in that car fire. >> nearly ten years ago, cracks
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on the road damaged homes. the 6.0 napa earthquake surprised geologists when it shook the bay area in 2014. >> now, new research indicates the west napa fault has the potential to be even more powerful and cause even more damage. >> abc seven news reporter melanie woodrow has more on what this could mean for people living near the fault. usgs researchers have been working to better understand around the fault system a fault is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock. >> faults allow the blocks to move relative to each other and the movement may occur rapidly in the form of an earthquake. now, one of those researchers, bill philibosian, has discovered that the west napa fault stretches approximately nine miles farther north than previously thought, as indicated by the white dashed oval on this map, steven delong is a research geologist at the usgs and colleagues with philibosian. >> because we think it's a longer fault, that means it may be able to release more energy in an earthquake in essence more shaking. >> yousef topol owns tala grill in napa. in 2014, he owned
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napkins bar and grill in downtown napa. he described the damage his business sustained from the 6.0 quake. >> if the earthquake happened an hour before, we had hundreds of people leaving the bar, so it will be it will be giving a huge damage for the for all of our guests and maybe employees as well as for the news. >> the napa fault line is longer than previously suspected. definitely >> it makes me anxious. >> still, delong says the west napa fault is considered a secondary fault or a minor fault compared to others in the bay area. it is an active fault. >> it will have more earthquakes, but it's certainly not as big a player as the san andreas fault or the hayward fault, delong says. >> any one of the faults in the bay area can have an earthquake at any time, and while researchers are adept at studying fault lines, what they can't do is predict when earthquakes will occur. >> it certainly is a reminder that any of the faults in the bay area can have an earthquake, and anyone who lives in the greater bay area, or really in california, should have a plan to be prepared for strong
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shaking due to earthquakes, delong says. >> the new research isn't a big change in how researchers think about the hazard of the west. napa fault. melanie woodrow abc seven news now we know how to prepare for an earthquake, but are you actually ready? >> get a kit, make a plan and be informed. if you need help, you can check out abc seven slash. prepare norcal. >> contra costa county authorities held a surprise inspection this afternoon at a martinez refinery that's had several flaring incidents this month. members of the contra costa health department went into the martinez refining company to look at maintenance records and review staff training and procedures. health department officials say they're concerned about the frequency of flaring incidents at the refinery, which is owned by pbf energy. we can say that the frequency of incidents at pbf is not normal, and pbf has experience at multiple serious incidents that have affected the surrounding community. health officials have documented 46
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flaring incidents in the past 12 months. last month, martinez residents filed a class action suit against pfb energy. they accused the company of negligence and seek more oversight over that refinery. >> happening tomorrow, it's sentencing day for the man convicted of holding up a free fentanyl sign within sight of a san francisco school just last week, joseph moore was convicted on a public nuisance charge. the convicted sex offender had signs reading free fentanyl for new users and meth for stolen items, as his encampment was across from a catholic grade school and his signs were visible from the school's classroom, moore faces up to six months in jail. >> smash and grab in oakland using a car, police say burglars drove through the front door of a liquor store in order to steal from it. it happened in the middle of the night. 3 a.m. at eddie's liquors. that's on college avenue near taft avenue. oakland police arrived within ten minutes of the alarm, sounding, but the store owner
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says the thieves were able to smash and grab everything in less than five minutes. >> a group of guys came in and broke into the slammed the door with their van. they got inside. obviously. they grabbed a lot of liquors, secrets. the money we have in the registers. this one is our third time in less than two months. >> the owner suspects these thieves are the same people who stole from the store in the past . >> well, coming up next, see who's working hard this week. the volunteers putting together the floats for the rose parade. they've got just days left to get it all finished. >> plus, what do you think about this place? >> i just think it's kind of awesome. >> on the job training. that's more than training. how it's making a difference in people's lives. in one of the best of 2023 stories about building a better bay area, and you can find all of our best stories of the year. >> we've compiled them together in a special now available on demand on the abc7 bay area streaming tv app
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points today. the nasdaq up 81 and the s&p 500 gained 20. the powerball jackpot that keeps on growing as well. there was no big winner last night, which means the jackpot now sits at $685 million. the next drawing is tomorrow. >> that's a nice way to ring in the new year. time is running out to get the floats ready for the rose parade on new year's day, reporter christiane cordero, from our sister station in los angeles, introduces you to the volunteers who are putting in so much hard work. >> inside this irwindale warehouse, thousands of people will spend the next week bringing the next lineup of rose parade floats to life. when people think of a rose parade float, they just think roses and flowers. but there's so much more dry material that goes into it. june o'neil is supervising a float designed by a high school student for the city of torrance. each of the floats is creative and design, and beyond it, beans add detail to baskets, sesame seeds add color, tree bark is glued to resemble, well,
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tree bark. >> you have to use anything that is organic, okay? you can't dye anything. you can't change color on anything. >> that challenge is one reason that keeps mike thompson coming back 37 years and counting. >> i love the people they come here, they decorate with their heart and some decorate with the heart of others. >> ask around and you'll soon learn every volunteer has a purpose here. jacob pains purpose is in his nephew malachi, who lived a happy life but didn't get to live enough of it in august of 2011, when he was about 16 months old. >> um, there was a terrible accident and he was declared brain dead in their grief, jacob's family was tasked with a tough question should they harvest malachi's organs? >> they decided, yes, we've missed out on a lot of opportunities of seeing him grow up, but we know that families might not have had that opportunity had he not been able to donate his organs. knowing his heart beats in a 13 year old's body and his kidney helped
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give a 60 year old woman a second chance at life, helped heal jacob's wounds to. which brings us back here to the gluing and the sifting through it all. what does this do for that? this >> this is cathartic. beyond belief. >> he's one of dozens of people with a similar personal story, one of thousands making something bigger, collaboratively. if we're all working together like little ants, then you take a step back and look and oh my gosh, i made a float. christian cordero, abc seven news. >> they worked so hard and it comes out so wonderfully every year, abc seven carries the rose parade. watch it monday, new year's day at 8 a.m. and you can ring in the new year right here on abc seven. dick clark's new year's rockin eve with ryan seacrest kicks off at 8 p.m. sunday. that's followed by a special edition of abc seven news at 10 p.m. dionne will you be here for that? are you working? >> yes. oh, yes, we'll be here. >> we'll ring in the new year with dionne, and then we'll take you back to new year's rockin eve at 1030. for all the
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festivities leading up to the countdown and the big ball drop. >> right. and we will have some rain before we reach the en
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abc seven news reporter. luz pena. >> hey, i'm luz pena, and one of my favorite stories of 2023 was about a group of bay area adults with disabilities who are making a difference in the robotics industry. this was one of my favorites because we got to highlight this community, which in many cases is forgotten. and we got to prove with this story that regardless of our differences, everyone should be given a chance. and it may surprise you. i hope you love it too. at 6 a.m, tim zalewski grabs his safety glasses and is ready to build. >> we're making parts of unit and of course this is the unit and you got to like, use this uh- like this wrench tim showed us around his new job at omron, an electronics company in
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pleasanton. >> what do you think about this place? >> i just think it's kind of awesome. >> tim got hired a month ago after excelling as an intern here, getting that call is still a bit surreal for him. >> realizing that i got hired for a full timer. >> you never thought that was a possibility for me? yeah. why >> well, because, uh, because i thought it would be really impossible, since omron is a really busy company. >> he comes to work knowing that his role is vital to build robots. he is part of a team. >> well, it just feels like that. i'm starting a new adventure. >> and what is the adventure bringing you so far? well, becoming an adult and also working with others. >> it just sort of feels like i'm making friends. i mean, with adult friends. >> one of his friends sits right next to him. joseph carter. >> i do led lights for the top desk. >> joseph is an intern now, but he's inspired by tim's story. do you like your job? yes what do
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you like about it? >> working with people and friends. >> the one who saw potential both in tim and joseph is their mentor. jesse >> i gave him a set of tools he knew what they were. he knew how to handle it. we just kind of kind of grew on that curiosity. we harnessed it. >> pleasanton adult and career education, or pace for short, is an adult school within the pleasanton school district that prepares adults with disabilities for the workforce, paying them to intern at different companies. in the last five years, about 56 adults with disabilities have learned key skills to find jobs in this community, and this is one of the 25 sites they work with, and we give them three different work experiences because we help them get as many transferable work skills as possible so that they can get a job at the end of the nine month program that matches what they want to do. for example, cole right now is learning to take technical orders, but his dream is a bit
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different. >> become an executive chef and own my own restaurant. >> his mentor understands him. >> it feels pretty good. i actually have two stepsons that are both autistic and in their 20s. >> turns out amran is one of the first factories to hire people with disabilities. over 50 years ago in japan. that factory has more than 50% of the workforce. >> are people with disabilities. >> and now tim is carryi o lega. >> can you believe this? >> i can't well, believe it. >> it's happening. >> i'm so proud of you. thanks. this is so cool. >> in pleasanton, luz pena abc seven news. >> why? it's one of loses favorite from the year because that's a great story. >> yeah nice to see their pride and their confidence grow right. >> all right. let's talk about the forecast one more time. >> yeah we have some rain in the forecast lisa. >> yeah that's right two rounds
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of rain coming in tomorrow. and then again on friday into the weekend. here's a look at live doppler seven where you can see looks like december doesn't it. a big system to the west of us. the energy most of it heading to the north. but we will see a few spokes of energy bringing rain our way. level one system on wednesday. that's tomorrow. starting in the north bay. we'll see some downpours very gusty southerly winds. it works through the bay area through the midday and then exits the south bay about 4 or 5:00. so we are looking at rainfall amounts mainly in the north bay, about a half of an inch. and then the rest of us a 10th to maybe 2/10. so certainly not a big system on wednesday on thursday we're looking at a high surf warning. we could see 25 to 30 foot breakers here from point reyes, all the way down to big sur. and as we look at the rain chances, you notice that we've got the wednesday, friday with about 90 to 100% lingering showers on saturday, and then for new year's eve and new year's day. not a lot of rain, but we can't take the rain out of the forecast, so we'll keep it
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unsettled. but the main rain wednesday, then again friday into saturday morning. >> lisa, you're still traumatized by the 40 niners, aren't you? >> you know, how could you tell? >> she had to look away? yeah. walk away. yeah i think a lot of people did. >> casey. >> yeah, it was a silent night for the 40 niners offense. i'll give you that. but i'll show you why. it's not time to panic yet, lisa. after purdy's
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the niners are still the one seed and i'm not worried at all about brock purdy after his four pick performance. think uh. >> the nfl script writers did a great job tonight. i've never seen brock purdy throw four interceptions before. >> the first one was the big mistake and the other three was i'm pretty unfortunate for him. >> the first no doubt the worst. a big mistake in the red zone that stalled their opening drive. an uncharacteristic error for purdy, a late throw on a play that wasn't even designed for deebo samuel definitely hurt . >> wish i had it back. i wish i would have progressed and just checked it down and kept the drive alive. >> the second was fluky in nature. purdy saw a wide open in the flat, but brandon stephens made an uber athletic play, tipping the ball into the air volleyball style. >> second one, um, corner made a hell of a play blitzing. he couldn't get it over him. the guy tipped it. >> flags flying everywhere. purdy looked like he thought he had a free play and forced it. the ball took a bad bounce and
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picked off. >> he broke out of the pocket on a big third down, had george and 14 coming back to him and threw it right at them and it just bounced up and got another tip. >> i saw some flags thrown, you know, as i was scrambling and stuff. not exactly sure of what, what or who the who it was on. and so my mind was trying to make a play and honestly, i can't make a bad play worse. >> and the fourth and final purdy pick pretty hard to throw a ball with a 300 pound guy hanging on your arm. no excuses. but in the nfl, things happen. that one wasn't in his control. >> he was making the right decision. going to christian on a check down and someone hit him from the right side and the ball came out sideways and went right to their linebacker. so i have to look myself in the mirror and ask myself, why or how that happened and why i made those decisions. he stayed in there, kept battling. i mean, our kind of, you know, our whole team struggled there in the second half. so it just wasn't him. >> so four picks, something purdy never even did in college. the first was bad. the other three are nothing to panic about now. perhaps more concerning purdy's status in a short week
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after leaving the game with another stinger in his left shoulder. but left tackle trent williams was out with a groin injury and the game was out of hand, so kyle shanahan was playing it safe with purdy. he said today he thinks purdy will be fine despite the loss, running back christian mccaffrey delivered and he appears to be loved by more than just 40 niners fans. you see, cmbc is having such an amazing offensive year that almost 60% of teams in espn fantasy football league championship games have mccaffrey on their roster. he's the first player to be over 50% rostered in the fantasy championship in any of the ten seasons since they began tracking the stat and christian isn't the only mccaffrey scoring touchdown in bunches. his parents and elisa were on hand to watch their youngest son, luke, who plays for the rice owls, score a touchdown in the first responders bowl tonight. he scored a receiving touchdown and get this eight consecutive games, most for rice since 2008. so again the 40 niners they they control their own destiny. they play the commanders. then they play the rams. those are two
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winnable games. if they win out they're the one seed. everything's fine in 40 niners land. you guys you heard that i'm not ready to panic yet i swear. not tied to a loss like that can really focus you at the right time. >> yeah. >> every now and then it's good to get hit in the mouth and kind of like recalibrate a little bit. if you're a 40 niners football team. but you will let us know when it's time to panic. when it is time to panic, i'll let you know. cassie's got us. >> yes. >> not there yet. >> thanks. >> well, coming up tonight on abc seven, we have three hours of celebrity jeopardy starting at 8:00. and then, of course, stay with us for abc seven news at 11. and a reminder, abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. you can get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want, wherever you happen to be. all right, that's it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm dion lim and i'm dan ashley for lisa argin casey panic peter pratt. >> all of us here. we appreciate your time. enjoy the rest of your evening. and we'll see you again at 11.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... [applause] please welcome our first group of second chance contestants-- a journalist and consultant from weston, florida... a bioinformatician from new york, new york... and a sports journalist and announcer from chicago, illinois... [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"--
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ken jennings! [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome to the second round of second chance, highlighting some of our best "jeopardy!" players from season 39 who may not have walked away with a win in their first appearance, but are back today seeking redemption on the alex trebek stage. christopher, emily, myles-- welcome and good luck. one of you will be headed to the finals. let's start to find out who in the jeopardy! round with these categories. we begin with... then some... and... following that... and finally... christopher, you begin. best actress oscar winners for $400, please. seventeen best actress nominations and two wins puts meryl streep in a class by herself, with her last win so far for playing this political leader. - christopher. - who's margaret thatcher? right. best actress oscar winners for $200.


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