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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 1, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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>> we are. we are, we are we are we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching. we thank you for watching on this new year's day. >> i'm ama daetz right now on jimmy kimmel live! magic johnson have a great night previously on "jimmy kimmel live!" -- >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- earvin "magic" johnson, chef josé andrés and music from
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jordan davis with cleto and the cletones and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheering and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome. hello. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming and for joining us. thanks for making it on time on the monday after daylight saving. you know, we fell back, which means my kids were up when the moon was still out. we're up, it's early. why we fell back, i have no idea. do you have any idea how much stress all this clock changing business puts on flava flav? it's like the whole month for him. so last year, in case you don't know, in march of 2022, in fact, the senate voted to do away with daylight saving once and for all. and 19 months later, it's still with us like a drug-resistant
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form of gonorrhea. it won't go away. this is a bill that passed unanimously! do you have any idea of how rare that is? if there was a bill that said chocolate chip cookies are delicious, you'd still have a dozen senators holding out for oatmeal raisin. this is literally the last thing americans will ever agree on, and we still can't get it done! we are now less than a year away from a presidential election, and somebody's got to do something. i don't know if you saw this poll in "the new york times" that scared the hell out of everybody, but trump is ahead of biden in five of the six battleground states, which is something i can barely wrap my head around. it's like if after, "return of the jedi" the people in the galaxy were like, "this princess leia's kind of a dud, why don't we give the emperor another shot?" but according to the poll -- [ applause ] -- voters under 30 only favor joe biden over trump by a single point. it's that close.
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young voters are said to be disenchanted with biden's positions on climate change and palestinian rights. and so they're leaning towards a guy who believes in neither of those things at all. a lot of it is about age. everyone says biden is old, he is old, yeah, he is old. but i want to remind you. biden's 80. trump is 77. this isn't a choice between some old codger and a young up and comer. this is a choice between mr. burns and mr. magoo, okay? i guess the good news, if there is any good news, we still have a long way to go. maybe by next year, biden will be younger? i don't know. and of course trump, who once tweeted "the new york times reporting is false. they are a true enemy of the people!" suddenly can't stop talking about "the new york times." this poll, "not failing anymore!" and remember, as hard as this is to believe, polling a year ahead of an election is always super accurate. if you don't believe me, ask president hillary clinton. it's true.
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trump was on the witness stand for one of many trials on his docket today. you can see him there, refrigerator, perry mason with the melania mannequin he hired to represent him. she is a piece of work. he took the stand today for five hours. and you could tell he was rattled because the color of his face was about eight shades darker than the color of his hands. he apparently didn't want to leave little orange fingerprints on the bible when he was sworn in. off-whitey bulger put on quite a show - he whined about being the victim of a witch hunt, he lashed out at the judge, he lashed out at the attorney general . he went on and on about nothing to the point where the judge had to held his lawyers to get him under control, which of course they can't. the reason this case really gets under trump's basketball-colored skin is because it challenges his claim, this whole thing that he is an uber wealthy real
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estate tycoon. even though he is on trial for inflating the value of his assets, he can't help but inflate the value of his assets. he claimed mar-a-lago is worth "between a billion and a billion-five." forbes says it's worth 350 million. he was asked if he was involved in preparing a financial statement in 2021. and he said he wasn't because he was too busy in the white house "keeping our country safe" from china and russia and then the lawyer had to remind him he wasn't president in 2021, he didn't live in the white house. [ cheering ] but he is as sharp as a tack. speaking of things trump forgot, his son eric was on the stand on friday, wrapping up his testimony in the case which he believes is an embarrassment to our country. >> right now, make no mistake about it, maybe through your very lenses, the entire world is watching this and they're laughing about what's going on. >> jimmy: yeah, that's true, that's true. really couldn't have said it better myself. >> guys, we deserve better than this. let's get the murderers off the street. let's take care of the crime.
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let's rebuild our infrastructure. everywhere you drive in new york, you hit a pothole and your car gets destroyed. and they're going after a guy who employees thousands of people? >> jimmy: right. leave the rich people alone! for god's sake, said the human pothole. >> guys, this has got to stop. it's not right. it just has to stop. guys, we're better than this as the united states of america. we have a lot of real problems. you all know what they are. you report on them every single day. focus on the real problems as opposed to the people who invest heavily in this state, as our family has done for last 30 years. i love you all. thank you very much. >> jimmy: wow. what? you loved them all? daddy is not going to like that. you loved them all. "we do not use the l word in this family." next up is ivanka trump. she is scheduled to testify wednesday. she tried to get out of it. her lawyers claimed, and this is for real -- "ms. trump, who resides in florida with her three minor children, will suffer undue hardship if a stay is denied and she is required to testify at
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trial in new york in the middle of a school week." as if those kids don't have 11 nannies. hey, and what about jared? he brought peace to the middle east. he can't handle the kids for a day? trump was on the campaign trail in florida in weekend where he once again zeroed in on the issue that matters most. >> the windmills are now breaking down. see what's going on? it's the first time i've seen it. i've been preaching against these things. they're horrible for the environment. they kill all our birds. they're destroying our seas. the whales -- you know, we had one whale in ten years get washed up ashore in new jersey. now they're coming up every week. they're having -- they're being destroyed because of the sound and the vibration. >> jimmy: yes, that's right. that's jacques-off cousteau. weighing in on the whales. even though there is no evidence, scientific or otherwise that says windmills kill whales. but they once built windmills in
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front of a golf course he owns in scotland, so now he hates windmills, almost as much as he hates chris christie. >> who got more boos, louder boos, christie or asa? christie. i hear they virtually booed him off the stage. sir, i'm sorry. he is not a fat pig. okay, this man? he is not a fat pig. no, it's true. and you can't -- you can't use the term "fat." you're allowed to use the word "pig," but not "fat." the man just said he is a fat pig. no, he is not a fat pig. now the press can't kill me because all i'm doing is responding. i'm responding. he is not a fat pig. >> jimmy: well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle fat. i don't know what is. ladies and gentlemen, our 45th president of our united states.
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maybe is single craziest thing about him is he thinks he's thin. gets up in the morning and looks in the mirror and he sees ryan gosling before him. meanwhile, our new speaker of the house, mike johnson,is giving us plenty to talk about. there's video, i don't know if you've seen this. johnson made an appearance at a church in louisiana a couple of years ago. he talked about how he and his son jack, who was 17 at the time, monitor each other's porn intake. they use something called "accountability software." which tracks internet activity on your computer, your phone, your ipad, et cetera, and shares it with your accountability partner, who in mike's case is his teenaged son and vice versa. if his son looked at porn, his dad would get an alert, and if mike looked at porn, his son gets an alert. which is -- you know -- it is possible to be too close with your children. it's a very, very strange to ask your teenaged son to be your porn accountability partner. i mean, i get it -- you don't want them watching. how about this. you know, mike, if you have nobody else in your life to do this with, i will gladly be your porn accountability partner.
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i'm pretty sure we can do it cross-country. i'm very open-minded. whatever weird stuff you're watching -- clown porn, cosplay, foot lovers, the stuff with the tentacles -- no problem. i don't judge. what happens between mike and your johnson is your business. but you get your son out of this. i didn't think it was possible, but mike johnson makes mike pence look like mike tyson. i wonder if mike sniffs his kids for weed too. today is an historic day in this country. on november 6th, 2012, for the first time ever, cannabis was made legal for recreational use in washington and colorado. since then, 22 other states have followed suit. and to commemorate this important day, it's time to play who is high, everybody. and it's a very simple game. our announcer lou, hi, lou. >> lou: hey, what's up, jimmy. >> jimmy: lou is out in front on hollywood boulevard where we've
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assembled a group of pedestrians. these are folks we scouted and found on the street today. lou have, you met these people. or are you new to them too? >> >> lou: very briefly. i'm getting great vibes from jamil. >> jimmy: oh, from jamil, okay, all right. i'm going to say right now, jamil, i feel like it's too obvious that jamil would be the guy. and they tried to trick me. my job and your job is to figure out which individual has partaken today. hello, buddy. where are you from? >> from minneapolis, minnesota. >> jimmy: okay, buddy, what do you do for work? >> i manufacture parachutes for the military. >> jimmy: i manufacture parachutes for the military. not our military, i hope. >> i do. >> jimmy: how long have you been doing that? >> been doing it all my life, since day one. >> jimmy: since you were born? >> clear enough. >> jimmy: you came out of your mom and a chute opened? >> pretty much.
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>> jimmy: all right, buddy. so you went to college, i guess? >> yes. i've been very big into aerospace engineering and racing. i'm a skydiver. anything crazy i love. >> jimmy: oh, all right, okay. that's buddy. all right. now we're going meet veronica. >> hi. >> jimmy: veronica, where are you from? >> i'm from panama city in central america. >> jimmy: central america. you're here on vacation or what? >> yeah, vacation. >> jimmy: what do you do for work? >> i'm a fashion designer. so i have -- >> jimmy: let's see what veronica is wearing here. let's have a look. >> today i'm casual. >> jimmy: yes, you are. and finally, we have jamil, who is, yes, jamil. >> hello. >> jimmy: where are you from, jamil? >> i am from chicago, illinois. >> jimmy: and is that -- is that the tattoo of a kiss on your face, or is that somebody kiss you recently? >> you know what? i just jumped out the bed right now. i'm sorry, jimmy kimmel, i'm late, but i'm early, you hear me? you hear me.
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>> jimmy: goodness gracious. for your sake, i hope you're high. jamil, would you remind removing the glasses for a moment, because the eyes are the window to the soul, as they say. oh my god! well, i mean, come on. this is ridiculous. it's got to be jamil. you know what? i'm not -- no more questions, your honor. jamil, we find you guilty. >> you are correct. >> jimmy: i am correct. oh, right, wow. [ applause ] i have a gift for all our contestants here. >> lou: yes, we have some leftover candy corn. >> jimmy: oh, leftover candy corn from halloween. all right. that will be great. why don't you give that all to jamil, i think. all right. thank you, guys. appreciate. [ cheering and applause ] let's field one more. a group of possible stoners. all right. let's see. all right, oh, hey, here we go.
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all right. we'll start with dylan. hi, dylan. >> hi, jimmy. how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm fine. where are you from? >> down under, australia. >> jimmy: how about that? you're here on vacation i assume? >> yeah, been here for about three weeks and in l.a. for about two days now. >> jimmy: how is it going so far? >> pretty good. not too bad. >> jimmy: i've never met a foreigner who looks more like an american than you. >> i don't know whether that's a compliment or not. >> jimmy: you blend right in, okay? and contestant number two, kyla, where are you from? >> i'm from arizona, but i live here in los angeles now. >> jimmy: okay, you moved here from arizona. for what reason? >> ucla. that's where i go to school. >> you're going to college. what are you studying there? >> i'm majoring in film and minoring in business. >> jimmy: majoring in film and minoring in business. that's kyla. and finally we have a perre? >> perrier. >> jimmy: perrier? no, no, that's not how it's pronounced.
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really, perre? >> yeah, jimmy. you in charge of name tag, ain't you? >> jimmy: your parents enjoyed sparkling water? >> it's french. >> jimmy: it's french. yes, yes. i'm aware. yes, all right, all right. so are you from -- where? >> i'm from chicago. >> jimmy: okay. all right. so much for the french, huh? [ laughter ] >> the ladies love it. >> jimmy: all right. well, yeah, you're a good-looking guy. let me have a look at your eyes there, perre, and start with you. they're very clear, very not a bit of red in them. yeah. ooh, i'm starting to fall in love. i see what's going on. all right. now kyla, kyla, you could very well be baked out of your mind. oh, okay. you're trying to keep it together. that's another sign.
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all right. that's kyla. and finally, dylan. dylan is -- [ laughter ] hello, ladies. all right. well, we got some strong candidates here. but i am going to say i think it's kyla. kyla, i think you are high. are you high? >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: you are high! [ applause ] what do we have for kyla, dylan, and perre there? >> we've got some tambourines. >> jimmy: oh, tambourines for everybody. that will be great. you can make some money out there. all right. i feel like i should be getting a prize, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah, jimmy, for sure. >> jimmy: thank you, all. we appreciate that. and well done by me, i guess. thank you very much, everybody. [ cheering and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a good show for you tonight, chef josé andres is here. we've got music from jordan davis. and we'll be right back with earvin "magic" johnson. [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: all right. tonight, his new book is called "feeding dangerously" on the ground with jose andres and the world central kitchen. chef jose andres is was. with us. he won song of the year at last year's cmas, and he's up for three more this year. his album is called "bluebird days" music from jordan davis. [ cheering and applause ] you can watch the cma awards live wednesday night here on abc. we have new shows this week with blake shelton, luke grimes, from f1, daniel ricciardo, the hosts of "pod save america" will be here. we'll have music from saint harison and lauren daigle, and tomorrow night, a very special mystery guest. we will reveal people's sexiest man alive for 2023. and i hope it's me, i really do.
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last week, forbes magazine certified our first guest as a billionaire, proving that if you aim high and wear your shorts even higher, you can do anything you set your mind to. he owns five nba championship rings and four professional sports franchises. please welcome earvin "magic" johnson. [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. you look very sharp. you look sharp. you look good. how you doing? >> i'm doing great. you look good too. >> jimmy: thank you, magic. >> the last time we ran into each other we were at lionel richie's show. >> jimmy: that's right. at the lionel richie concert. >> listen, everybody. so we go backstage. it's a lot of people first, and
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lionel takes both jimmy and i to a separate room. >> jimmy: right. >> and jimmy starts telling how bad lionel's jokes was to lionel. >> jimmy: well, that's true, yeah, yeah, i did. >> he was grading all his jokes. he didn't like any of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this was our date night together. >> that's right. >> jimmy: you me, dave winfield and lionel richie. that was a fun night, and earth, wind & fire too. >> that's right. the show was amazing. >> jimmy: how long you go back with lionel? >> 1978 at michigan state. >> jimmy: no way. whoa, when you're in college? >> he had the big fro back then. >> jimmy: wow! >> they had a miss brick house contest. >> jimmy: the commodore's brick house? they did? that was the theme? >> yes. they was having 20 women they thought were built like a brick house. >> jimmy: right, sure. and were they letting it all hang out? >> letting it all hang out. >> jimmy: and do you remember who won?
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>> oh, yeah, a young lady named dawn who stayed in my dorm. >> jimmy: i bet she did. >> so before we met cookie, we were all standing in the dorm lobby waiting in the lobby for her to come by every day. >> jimmy: there she, miss brick house. >> there she, miss brick house. unbelievable. >> jimmy: i want to ask you speaking about famous people. you are now owner of the washington commanders, the football team. [ cheering ] which is kind of funny, because last time you were here, i said what do you, do you want to own an nfl team next? yeah, that's what we're going to do next. and right away you bought the nfl team. >> every time i'm going to do something, i'm coming on this show. you predict it and then i'm going to go out and do it. >> jimmy: maybe i'll come up with something especially weird for you tonight. but when you're playing in those days, and now we see taylor swift. by the way, get one of those commanders players to date taylor swift if you can, because it seems like you make so much money. >> exactly.
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the nfl very happy about that whole situation. >> jimmy: i would think so. but when you have -- you know, you have a situation like that where there are famous people, are you ever distracted? when you were on the lakers, who is the most famous person, besides jack nicholson? the people we know about that sit at courtside. >> the denzels and the eddie murphys and on and on. but michael jackson. >> jimmy: yeah, that's a big one where. did he sit? was he on the floor? >> he was right behind the laker bench, and i toured with him three times. >> jimmy: now when you say toured with him, he went on tour and you followed him? >> i followed, right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's not -- >> but i followed. i stayed in the same hotel on the same floor. >> jimmy: okay. >> and i got in the car when they went to go to the show. >> jimmy: with him? >> with him. >> jimmy: was the chimpanzee bubbles with you guys? >> no bubbles at that time. bubbles came later.
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>> jimmy: pre-bubbles. this is way back. so you would go with michael to the shows. >> that's right. >> jimmy: now he is at your show. did you invite him? >> yes. jimmy, i said okay, i've been on tour with you three times. so your brothers all came to the laker games. you're the only one who haven't been to my game. i've been on tour with you. you got to come to my game. so magic, you know they're going to bother me. i won't get a chance to watch the game. i said that's okay. you got come. michael jackson came, sat there, and he was right. two minutes later, the whole 17,505 ran down to michael. >> jimmy: they were bothering him? and he had to moon walk out? >> he had to moon walk out quick. but michael jackson was so unbelievable at that time. i mean. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it's still never an entertainer to me. >> jimmy: it's probably the only thing comparable to what's going on with taylor swift right now. but again, go in that locker room, talk to those players. whatever you got to do, if you
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can date taylor swift, i'll pay you, i will double your contract, i will triple your contract, et cetera. >> and make sure she makes us win too. >> jimmy: well, she does. >> i want the money, but i would rather have the super bowl ring. >> jimmy: is that right? [ cheering and applause ] she does have some kind of magical powers. everything is number one. >> you got remember now, i have 14 world championship rings. >> jimmy: you have a lot of them. [ cheering ] you also, i don't know if you're aware of this, but there is a strain of cannabis named after you. did you know that? >> i didn't know that. i'm going get rich now. >> jimmy: magic johnson. they say it gives you -- what is it, a giddy euphoria is the thing. >> wow, wow. >> jimmy: which is the way you played, giddy euphoria. >> yes, but i never got high though. >> jimmy: you never did? >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: what's the policy on cannabis use at magic johnson enterprises? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know?
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>> and i don't want to know! >> jimmy: that's smart. >> whatever you do that i don't know, that's on you. right? >> jimmy: forbes says you're a billionaire. there are only four athletes who are billionaires. you are one of them. lebron james is one, michael jordan, obviously, tiger woods. the four of you are billionaires. did you -- [ cheering ] do you get excited or embarrassed when you hear something like that? >> embarrassed. and don't tell cookie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it probably makes it hard to keep costs under control. >> exactly when you're in that magazine, right? >> yes. you know, jimmy, i -- i never thought in my wildest dreams that this could happen like this. even being on your show, you know. you think about the carson days, and i was watching the show back home in lansing, michigan, johnny carson was doing his thing.
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and now here i am on your show. >> jimmy: you were on johnny carson, right? >> i was on johnny carson. >> jimmy: boy, things have gone really south. [ laughter ] that's not your fault. >> but never thought you'd be in this position. but god blessed me. and i'm so thankful, but at the same time, it takes a lot of hard work. and -- >> jimmy: it's not all giddy euphoria. >> no, no. everybody who thinks they know you or a distant cousin, friend. >> jimmy: they want money? they want to invest? >> i've gotten so many calls. >> jimmy: i bet. do you have a guy that you say oh, yeah you got to call him and he will tell you know? >> i got about ten of them. >> jimmy: ten of them. earvin "magic" johnson with us. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪) [water spraying] this is ludicrous. ludicrous! alright, who called for ludacris? sorry, we meant this is ludicrous. oh you don't tell ludacris what's ludicrous, ludacris tells you what's ludicrous. okay.
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[faucet further breaks] oh, that is ludicrous. you don't need me for this, hang on. ♪like a good neighbor, state farm is there.♪ good thing you have state farm. just file a claim on the app, or call us. guess i can go. don't you mean roll out? no i don't. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. (vo) red lobster's new lobster & shrimp celebration ♪ no i don't. (vo) three lobster and shrimp entrees for a limited time. ♪ emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. at target, try fast and free drive up. ♪ ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target.
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but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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are you the best point guard ever? >> yes. yes. it's me and magic would be the conversation. obviously i have to answer that way, but i really feel like to your point, magic's resume is ridiculous. all right. so the fact that we're even having that conversation is a place i never thought i'd be in. but magic, that's a lofty resume to shoot for, right? i'm still going. we'll see. we'll see what happens. >> jimmy: that's steph curry talking about who the greatest point guard ever is. and i mean, when you see something like that, what kind of emotions do you experience? >> listen, i love steph curry and his family.
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so i think he's right to be on any conversation the best of, but, you know, we all know who's one and who's two. [ laughter ] i'm not -- you know, no, i'm just saying. he said it right. he's got a little while longer. but i would never say anything bad about the young man because i love him. i love watching him play. >> jimmy: he is a great player >> yes, he is. >> jimmy: and a really good dwi. >> one thing, we both changed the way the game is played. >> jimmy: that's true. very much so. >> that's the main thing. and then laker fans, five championships, three mvps, three mvps of the final. so you got to beat the long resume. >> jimmy: when you say point guard you have to consider play making as being the number one most important quality, yes, that a point guard has? >> you have to play-make and make your teammates better. >> jimmy: right. >> i was able to do that.
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steph is doing a wonderful job of doing just that. >> jimmy: michael jordan weighed in on that. almost immediately i think he texted stephen a. smith and said i played magic johnson is the greatest point guard of all time. >> i appreciate that i appreciate that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: michael jordan, i know you guys went on vacation together this summer, again i was left out of that. [ laughter ] when you guys go out to dinner, who pays? >> we actually flip a coin. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yeah, now. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. >> jimmy: who's coin is it? [ laughter ] >> it's his with both his face on both sides. you know, jimmy, it's funny because i think both of us never thought we would be in this position, to be out there, have yachts, to be able to go to dinner with our wives, to be in europe. it's just mind blowing to both of us. >> jimmy: right. >> and we have fun with it.
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>> jimmy: except for maybe the dinner part. that seemed reasonable. >> yes. >> jimmy: do you ever at night, do you ever pick up the phone and call larry bird and remind him you're a billionaire? >> let me tell you what larry said a year ago. >> jimmy: what? >> larry said, we had a speaking engagement. he said magic is going to be a billionaire, and he likes to go through the front door. i'm just going to be larry bird, and i like to go through the back door. >> jimmy: sour grapes. >> but even he called it. it's so crazy that he said i know that's what you're going for, and you're going reach that goal. >> jimmy: he always knew. >> yes. because i've been an entrepreneur my whole life in terms of spirit. >> jimmy: here's when i knew you were going to be a billionaire, okay. can you add that photograph? [ laughter ] this showed up.
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what year was it? you were in chicago, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you remember where you got that coat? >> listen, it was off the rack. i couldn't believe that it fit me. most furs come up short on my sleeves. but, man, did i rock it, though. man! [ cheering ] >> jimmy: it's a like who wore it best with chewbacca type situation. when is the last time you saw that coat? >> it's actually in lansing, michigan right now. >> jimmy: no it isn't, magic. in fact, it's here tonight, and we would like to reunite you with -- [ laughter ] >> no way! >> jimmy: see if it still fits. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your old friend. >> wow, wow. >> jimmy: wow, look at that. [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jimmy: 100% wookiee fur. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: this is from when you were wookiee of the year. >> let me see if it still fits. >> jimmy: might as well give it a try. >> i might as well. man. oh, man! >> jimmy: wow, you know what also? i had one made for myself too. [ laughter ] [ cheering ] [ laughter ] nice! now i know what it feels like. wow. oh, yeah. oh, look at this! magic johnson, everybody. we'll be back with chef jose andres. [ applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: music from
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jordan davis is on the way. our next guest has 2 michelin stars, 4 bib gourmands, he made time's "100 most influential people" list twice and was nominated for a nobel prize. he also has a book. it's called "feeding dangerously: on the ground with josé andrés and world central kitchen." it comes out wednesday. please welcome chef josé andrés. [ applause ] ♪ >> they know i'm not cooking? >> jimmy: they don't know. they don't know. maybe you don't tell them at the top. you should have saved that for the end. >> they're too excited. hi. >> jimmy: i know you do a lot of cooking. you do a lot of things. really, i'm a great admirer of you and your work.
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i'm surprised i don't know you. >> you're a great admirer. that's why it took 20 years to invite me to your show? 20 years, people. >> jimmy: i think your charity is fantastic and what you do is fantastic. again, it's all here, the whole story about you and the places that you visited and the people you have helped is here in this graphic novel. why did you decide to make it a graphic novel? >> okay, this was never my idea. >> jimmy: okay. >> this is steve orlando. >> jimmy: okay. >> he is like the magic johnson of comic books. one day through social media, hi. i'm steve orlando. hi, i'm jose andres. jose, i want to tell the story of what world central kitchen does. i write comics. i love comics. i mean, i'm a comic guy, a manga guy. i want to be in a comic. and i'm like let's do it. and so we began working five years ago, and i cannot believe he put my name next to him, and
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alberto porticelli. the amazing guy who did the drawings. >> jimmy: not only did he draw you, he made you look like a real badass superhero there making high paella there. that's serious. >> but jimmy, this book is far mother than me. i came back from acapulco. i was there two days ago. almost a million people without water, without electricity, without food. this is a book that tells the stories of the people, that when others are moving away from disaster, we have amazing individuals that move into the disaster to help people. in the worst moments of humanity, the best of humanity always shows up. in this comic book, you're going to see many people that went to help people. >> jimmy: real superhero. >> to be the people that move the world. that book is going to tell you. it's going to open the door into
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fascinating people where they decide there is no food, no water, they make magic happen. many times people tell me, jose, guys, where do you find the food? in the supermarkets. where do you find the kitchens? in the restaurants. and everybody is like wow. what we do is nothing special. what we do is that we have people that they say we are here to help the people in the moment that they need us the most. that's what this book is telling. >> jimmy: what a great thing. and what a different thing to do. [ cheering and applause ] because i think when you -- correct me if i'm wrong, when you decide i want to be a chef, i want to feed people, you sometimes wind up in these situations where it becomes very exclusive, very particular to people who are wealthy, who can get a reservation, who are in some way vips. and then you just make this change in your life where you've decided to go to haiti and go to earthquakes and wars and palestine, israel, et cetera,
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and feed the people there on the ground. and that is the essence, i think of a chef. >> you know, everybody can cook. you can cook? >> jimmy: i do, yeah. >> are you a good cook? >> jimmy: i'm pretty good. >> guillermo, is he a good cook? >> guillermo: he is very good. yes. i promise. >> you don't want to be fired. >> guillermo: i swear to god, he is a great cook. >> but people, any cook, you have the power to feed the few. any one of you, whatever is your profession you have the power to do something for the few. but if you think about it, if you dream about it, you have the same power in the kitchen of cooks to feed the many. so it didn't take much. we went to haiti the first time was an earthquake, and we began cooking. we began learning. but i always realize that we all have the power to move the needle. if we can help somebody on our left, on our right, it is worth the effort. coming back from acapulco, i cannot wait to go back.
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why? because i go there, but i -- i am filled with energy, with goodness, with empathy. that's why people, we need to be always next to the people in our darkest hour, because we have the power to make each other better. [ cheering and applause ] >> jimmy: great. you -- how should i put this? you claim, and correct me again if i have this wrong, that pizza was invented in spain. >> no, no, hold on, hold on. this is fake news. >> jimmy: this is fake news? that's what i was going to say >> this is a show i have on cnn, which is "jose andres and family in spain." >> jimmy: yes. >> and i think one moment, after a few glasses of wine maybe, i said yes, pizza before italy in spain we had flat bread with tomato and with cheese. technically, the italians stole pizza from the mexicans.
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they have tacos. they put tomato and they put cheese. what the heck is this? italians took it away from the mexican people. and where the tomatoes arrived first to europe from mexico, spain. what the first italian cookbook with tomato sauce called tomato sauce? spanish sauce. obviously, yes, the mexicans with the tacos, tomato and cheese, award the spanish. sorry. pizza, it's great. but a taco is like a pizza, man. i mean, you know mexicans, they thinking about gutting the pizza. so i said that on national tv. i receive a tweet from the italian embassy in america. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> listen, i am an immigrant, okay. i was thinking [ bleep ] they can't take, they can't take my citizenship away from me. maybe they know i'm going to trample something. i was really worried for a
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second. but i like. >> jimmy: you're still here. you're able to stay. >> i like pizza. listen, any person or dish that has two letters next to each other to emphasize pizza. >> jimmy: you're for that? >> jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> it's tasty, when i think of jimmy kimmel and watch him at night, it's so many ms, mmm. >> jimmy: this is the book it's called "feeding dangerously: on the ground with jose andres and world central kitchen." it comes out wednesday. thank you so much. we'll be right back with jordan davis. that's why i switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this:
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>> jimmy: his album is called "bluebird days." here with the song "next thing you know." jordan davis! ♪ ♪ you swear that you're stayin' single next thing you know you meet a girl at a bar ♪ and next thing you know ♪ you get her laughin' it's 2am you're tellin' your buddies three months in ♪ ♪ that she movin' in the next thing you know there's a u-haul trailer the next thing you know ♪ ♪ your old apartment is y'all's new place there goes the carpet but the deer head stays ♪ ♪ next thing you know you're savin' money like never before just to spend it all at ♪ ♪ a jewelry store gettin' down
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on one knee on her mama's porch ♪ ♪ just praying she don't say no ♪ ♪ next thing you know your best man gives a half-drunk speech and you're ♪ ♪ sunburnt on a honeymoon beach and your left hand's gettin' used to that ring ♪ ♪ and there the next two or three years go next thing you know you weren't really tryin' ♪ ♪ next thing you know there's a test on the counter next thing you know she's standin' there cryin' ♪ ♪ noddin' her head yes you're half excited half scared to death 'cause next thing you know ♪ ♪ you're wearin' scrubs and a funny white hat and the doctor's sayin' how you doin' ♪ ♪ there dad and nobody's ever called you that and you take that ♪ ♪ drive home slow next thing you know it's first steps first dates first car ♪ ♪ it's 11:01 wonderin' where they are you're sayin' that usc's too far ♪
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♪ it's amazing how fast seventeen years go next thing you know next thing you know ♪ ♪ next thing you know you get to know your wife again and you're ♪ ♪ more in love than you've ever been with a lot of years of remember when's ♪ ♪ and still some down the road 'cause next thing you know ♪ ♪ you got a yard full of your kid's kids and you take 'em to church teach 'em to fish ♪ ♪ and you tell 'em stories every chance you get about how fast this life down here can go ♪ ♪ next thing you know next thing you know next thing you know ♪ next thing you know ♪ ♪ next thing you know, next
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thing you know, next thing you know ♪ ♪ next thing you know ♪ [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thanks to earvin "magic" johnson, josé andrés and jordan davis. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching. good night! [ cheering and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, 'shroom boom. the growing number of moms microdosing on magic mushrooms. >> microdosing is mommy is present and aware and showing up, maybe for the first time ever. >> now poised to become big business. >> what do you think this looks like in five years? >> i think it's a


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