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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 3, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> the pistachio cream cold brew and the pistachio latte making their return to the menu. no there are also two food items that are new a potato, cheddar and chive bake, and a vanilla bean custard. danish thus, for me, whom i didn't know, january was pistachio season. >> yeah, too much pistachio. >> get rid of them. push them. good morning america.them. for our viewers in the west, a new cross country storm on the move. coast to coast. the two major storms bringing impacts from heavy snow to flooding rain. plus when could parts of the northeast see heavy snow for the first time in more than a year? ginger is tracking it all. deadly plane crash investigation.
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new details on the collision between a passenger jet and coast guard plane in one of busiest airports in the world and crucial steps followed by the nearly 400 people who escaped. ballot battle. former president trump appeals the decision to keep him off the primary ballot in maine with the first votes less than two weeks away in iowa. harvard university's president out. reaction after her handling of anti-semitism on campus. a top hamas official killed in a massive blast in lebanon, as fears grow of a wider war in the middle east. record numbers at the southern border. how the influx of migrants is creating a crisis for many mayors across the country, as they struggle to keep up. a chinese exchange student found cold and alone in the utah woods after his family says they paid thousands of dollars in ransom. how they fell victim to a cyber kidnapping scam. the new report on alcohol and cancer and ways you can cut back in the new year.
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soar into 2024 into your new home. is this finally your year? the relief for some aspiring homeowners right now. one of a kind heart beat. a little boy's precious world changing journey from ground breaking surgery as an infant, now swinging into 2024. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> and good morning america. hope you're doing well. boy that story about the little baby is just incredible. >> heartwarming there. some people go to disney to celebrate and there's those who go to gma. tell us about the folks you just ran into outside. >> the newlyweds from new mexico decided to come to new york. i was like, you came somewhere cold for your honeymoon. congratulations to that young couple. good to see them out there this morning. but we're going to begin with the first of two major storms set to sweep across the country. ginger standing by with the big picture. first mola lenghi startses off in san francisco. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. we are live here in san francisco where the rain has been on and off all morning. you see decent size waves crashing around me. four, five, six feet right now, but they are expected to get much bigger throughout the day. all of this part of a system that's expected to touch pretty much the entire west coast. there are also high surf alerts from san diego up here to san francisco. winter weather advisories also in effect for the mountains and the mountains of l.a. and ventura counties. some spots could see up to a foot of snow this week. we are expecting a pretty wet week out here in the west coast, michael. >> thank you very much for that, mola. let's bring in ginger with the track and time of the cross country storm which could bring heavy snow to the east coast for the first time in a long time, ginger. good morning. >> it has been nearly two years, michael, since we have had an inch or more of snow in new york city consecutive snow droughts for philadelphia and baltimore also record breaking. these lengths of times we've gone without snow could change by the weekend.
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let's go. this is the storm that does it. mola was just talking about it. waves could grow up to 20 feet. then winter storm warnings in sierra nevada, even san diego. winter weather advisory. we're going to slide that through the southern rockies through thursday. that's when the snowfalls in new mexico and arizona. slides across with heavy rain on the gulf coast. let's time out the weekend. 7 a.m. saturday. it's made its way to cincinnati, up into parts of ohio, west virginia, northern virginia. then saturday night, sunday night it deteriorates from philadelphia to new york city. looks like the best chance of heavy snow hudson valley north, mountains of pennsylvania, connecticut up through massachusetts, berkshires and into new england. coastal, we're going to pay attention to this one. we need the storm to actually make its way to land before we get into exact numbers. but linsey a pretty good shot of seeing our first snow in a long time. >> hard to believe it's been two years. i guess we're overdue. thank you.
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now the investigation into the deadly plane collision and inferno in japan. looking into why the landing passenger jet slammed into a small plane on the runway. matt gutman is live in tokyo with the very latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. just moments ago the japanese transport ministry releasing communications between the air traffic control an the pilot of the coast guard plane and says that at no point was that plane given permission to cross the runway. new transcripts shedding light into what caused this catastrophic collision at one of the busiest airports between flight 516 and a japanese coast tkpwar plane. the coast guard did not clear the plane to enter the runway. four minutes before the collision, the atc instructed
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the japan air ways jet to continue its approach. 5:45, atc clearing the japan air ways jet to land. ten seconds later the air traffic controller instructing them to go to a holding point. japanese coast tkpwar guard saying they were given permission to enter the runway. japan airlines praising the heroics of its crew saying if the air bus a350, a wide body plane carrying 379 passengers landed it clipped the coast guard plane which had entered the runway. the result was that fire ball. as the plane skidded to a stop, smoke filling the cabin. but the airlines saying the plane's intercom failed. the crew determined safe exits for evacuation and used megaphones and their own voices to steer passengers to three of the plane's functional eight exits. somehow nearly 400 people scrambling out to safety in just seconds. one survivor showing me the inferno outside the plane and
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saying despite the terror, passengers were calm and followed the crew's commands. they saw the explosion from the terminal showing these photos of the inferno. it burned so hot, the entire back end of the plane snapped off smashing on to the runway. aviation experts saying the evacuation of flight 516 was flawless and undoubtedly saved lives. the same experts telling us had it nosed on to the runway just a few feet farther it would have been a catastrophic explosion that likely would have been unsurvivable. george? >> okay, matt. thanks so much. we'll get the latest on donald trump. he appealed his decision to keep him off the primary ballot in maine as he faces multiple challenges on his eligibility to run for office. rachel scott is in des moines iowa. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. the republican primary is in full swing in iowa.
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the candidates criss crossing the state. once again, all eyes are on former president trump and his legal trouble, now fighting to get on every primary ballot. this morning donald trump taking his fight to remain on the primary ballot in maine to court, insisting the secretary of state had no legal authority to bar him from running. the former president now at the center of two unprecedented cases. officials in maine and the colorado supreme court kicking him off the ballot over his actions on january 6th. >> qualifications for president, under the united states constitution, are not a menu, they're not optional. my job is to follow the constitution and the law. >> reporter: the case is hinging on a section of the 14th amendment which blocks anyone who swore an oath to the constitution and engaged in an insurrection from running for office. in an appeal the lawyers saying he has never taken an oath to support the constitution, adding that only applies to people holding specified offices, not
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running for them or being elected to them. trump is still the far and away front runner, with the iowa caucus less than two weeks away. nearly all his republican rivals blasting those decisions. even his toughest critic, former new jersey governor chris christie. >> excluding people from the ballot is going to cause more rage and divide the country. >> reporter: although florida governor ron desantis arguing trump would do the same. >> if any of the other ones of us had gotten kicked off the ballot, trump would be spiking the football. >> reporter: we are told trump still plans to appeal that decision in colorado. there are similar lawsuits playing out in more than a dozen states, putting even more pressure on the u.s. supreme court to weigh in quickly, george. >> okay, rachel. thank you very much. let's bring in dan abrams. rachel just said it. you've got this challenge in maine, colorado, several other states. this is definitely going to the supreme court. >> there's no question the supreme court is going to hear it, right? a lot of the time, cases will be brought to the supreme court and they'll have to decide, do we take the case or not? there's no doubt in my mind that
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they are going to take this case. they have to take this case. they are going to rule on this case. and the advantage that the donald trump team has, if they accept any one of the arguments, he wins. meaning, we could go through five or so arguments that he has. you have a due process argument. you have definitional arguments. you have questions about whether it's self-executing or whether you need congress to make laws. >> is the president even covered? >> exactly. is the president even covered? if he wins on any one of those arguments, he wins. that's the challenge that the other side is going to have. >> we were talking about this before air. you and i both begin from the premise, the supreme court simply does not want to step in and decide the election. there's no way they are going to uphold the maine decision or colorado decision. we may be proven wrong. but what's the argument? >> the argument that the other side is going to make is that, under the clear words of the 14th amendment section 3, this should apply. right? that's where a lot of people
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say, wait a second. look at this. this was an insurrection, etc. then when you get into the little definitional aspects of the 14th amendment and look at other sections of the 14th amenment, there are various arguments to be made. most important one is this argument about due process, right? which is, where has he been charged with an insurrection? who has decided? in colorado they would say it was a judge that resolved this question, etc. but there are real legal arguments that donald trump has and because there's a menu of outs for the court, they're going to find one, i would think, that will say donald trump can remain on the ballot. >> far different case also coming, former president has immunity from criminal prosecution. >> right. that's a much more long shot argument. the idea that the president of the united states has total immunity in his role as president. i can't see how the court would determine that. this is a nice way, by the way, if they want to take up both together to make it clear
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they're being fair. no, the president doesn't have total immunity, but he remains on the ballot. >> dan abrams, thank you very much. michael? >> thank you, george. now to the fallout at harvard after university president claudine gay resigned tuesday as she faced mounting plagiarism accusations and criticism of her handling of anti-semitism on campus. selina wang is in cambridge, massachusetts with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is a stunning fall from power. claudine gay became harvard's president just six months ago with very high expectation. now she's become the shortest serving one in harvard's history. this morning growing fallout at harvard university after the school's president resigned over a flurry of controversy. in a statement, dr. gay saying she resigned, quote, so that our community can navigate this moment of extraordinary challenge with the focus on the institution rather than any individual. dr. gay was one of three top university presidents who came
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under fire for their answers at a congressional hearing on combatting anti-semitism on campus. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's laws on bullying and harassment? >> it can be depending on the context. >> what's the context? >> targeted at an individual. >> it's targeted at jewish student, jewish individuals. >> reporter: afterwards dr. gay apologized for what she called poor wording in her testimony. but conservative attacks on gay kept coming, including allegations that gay plagiarized in her scholarly work. a harvard led investigation revealing, quote, a new instances of inadequate citations. but the university finding no violation of its standards. some faculty members are angry that gay was pushed out. harvard's professor ryan enos told the student newspaper gay's resignation, quote, represents an attack on the independence of universities that shows universities in the united states can be bullied and attacked for political reasons. but one student who faced
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incidents of anti-semitism said her departure is a step in the right direction. >> i felt that some action was necessary at some point and the administration created an environment that was uncomfortable for jewish students on campus, so something had to change. it's been a rocky six months for dr. gay. she was harvard's first black president and when announcing her resignation, harvard said she faced racist vitrial. the university condemning the personal attacks on her. linsey? >> thank you. the latest on the war between israel and hamas and the killing of a top hamas loader and an explosion in lebanon. this comes as growing concerns of a wider conflict in the region. marcus moore is tracking the latest from tel aviv. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: linsey, good morning. people across this region are bracing for retaliation from hezbollah and hamas over the strike that's been widely blamed on israel.
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israel has not admitted involvement, but if confirmed, it would be the first time they carried out a strike in beirut since 2006. this morning images online show the powerful explosion that lit up the night sky in southern lebanon. officials saying it was an israeli strike targeting deputy commander of hamas and high ranking leader of the west bank. the attack killing at least six people in all. but israel still not confirming whether or not they were behind the killing of that top hamas leader. >> israel has not taken responsibility. whoever did this, it's not an attack on the lebanese state. it's not an attack on hezbollah. who ever did this, it's an attack on hamas. that's very clear. >> reporter: for weeks israeli soldiers and hezbollah fighters have been locked in a constant battle on the lebanon border following the october 7 terror attacks by hamas and the israel/hamas war in gaza. even before that, prime minister netanyahu threatened to kill the
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man, accusing him of planning attacks in the west bank. in a statement overnight, hezbollah threatening retribution saying, quote, this crime will never pass without response and punishment. when we look at hezbollah's capabilities, they have in their arsenal, includes more than 100,000 guided missiles. we could learn in just a few hours more about a potential response. that's when hezbollah's leader is expected to deliver a previously scheduled speech to its followers in lebanon. george? >> thank you very much. we'll get the latest on the situation at the southern border. record numbers engaged by u.s. border patrol in december as cities across the country struggle to deal with the influx of immigrants. alex perez has the story. >> reporter: this morning record numbers at the southern border. this december alone sources telling abc news that u.s. customs and border protection encountered over 300,000 migrants far surpassing the historic high of nearly 270,000 in september.
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according to government data, in the last year, most came from mexico, venezuela and guatemala. they will continue to assess security situations, adjust operational plans and enforce the law. texas governor greg abbott flying and bussing hundreds to cities, including new york, washington, d.c., denver and here in chicago, creating a crisis for many mayors. >> no city should be going through this. it's not sustainable. the answer is for our national government to resolve this issue. >> reporter: biden defending his administration and passing the blame on to republicans. >> got to do something. >> reporter: many of the migrants are seeking asylum, ending up in so called sanctuary cities. texas now resorting to leaving migrants on the outskirts of these cities in an effort to skirt new laws. this illinois sheriff describing the confusion. >> we didn't know if these buses were lost.
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we didn't know if they were intentionally dropping them in surrounding communities. we really didn't have a whole lot of information. >> reporter: and these buses are being used as warming centers for arriving migrants. more than 28,000 have arrived here in chicago since august of 2022. the city is now running more than two dozen shelters to temporarily house them. guys? >> okay, alex, thank you very much. coming up, more on the japan airlines collision. gio is here with what we can learn from the passengers' escape. what to learn about cyber kidnapping after a 17-year-old was found alone, freezing in a tent in the utah woods after his parents paid a ransom. why some locked out of the housing market think this could finally be the year they could afford to buy a home. first back to ginger. >> that northeast storm this weekend. we'll barely get a breath monday and then we'll have another one to deal with. this one looks like it will be on the wetter warmer side. the second major storms comes into the pacific northwest. it dips down into even texas.
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that's by monday, noon. then look what it does. rain and a whole lot more wind. so lot of the snow that falls could get rain on top of it. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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says the arrest will help the community heal. oakland police released a statement saying the arrests are just the beginning of a lengthy legal process, and they'reoping it helps start the healing process for officers for the officer's family and the department. let's see what traffic has in store for us this morning. hi, gloria. >> good morning. reggie. if you ride cal train in the burlingame area, you should be aware that trains are being held right now. this is because of a train that hit a car. thankfully, there were no injuries, but this is impacting train 501, so expect delays today. and then we want to show you the bay bridge toll plaza camera. we have gotten reports of a car fire. this is before treasure island. after the toll plaza. and so you can expect some delays there as well. thanks gloria. >> we're going to check in with meteorologist drew timmer off to a rainy start. see how
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>> it's a damp and pretty cloudy view from our exploratorium camera as we track some showers over the next couple of hours. here's live doppler seven. we have one batch of showers pushing out of the east bay. some showers in the santa cruz mountains, and another batch of rain moving along the peninsula. it's a level one until 10 a.m. today for scattered showers and also some rough surf along our coastline will turn brighter and drier by the afternoon, with temps in the 50s. reggie. thanks, jerry. >> more gma and abc 77 joint planet fitness during the big fitness energy sale and save $5 a month. >> get equipment for every workout and free fitness training all in the judgment free zone. join today for $0.24 down and $10 a month. cancel any time. deal ends friday, january 12th. let's go. put your hands together for the world famous harlem globetrotters. >> this isn't just basketball, people. this is where. >> what just happened happens.
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crayons? >> it's not. >> no. >> okay. >> cookie monster might not always get it right, but i know he has it in him. just like he has my story time in him this morning. >> such nostalgia there. welcome back to gma. sweet exclusive thanks to our friends at sesame street. the creator, writer and star of abbott elementary stopped by to teach a class there. an episode of sesame street called are you ready for school? it premieres tomorrow. it's getting us all excited for school to be back in session at abbott elementary. you won't want to miss the one hour season premiere of season 3 on february 7th at 9 p.m. on abc. >> love that show. following headlines right now including the two major storms traveling coast to coast bringing a slew of impact from heavy snow to flooding rain. ginger is tracking it this morning. the latest on japan, rocked by after shocks following the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that left at least 57 people dead, destroyed tens of thousands of homes, water, power service
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still down in some areas as thousands search through the debris. more than 100 after shocks have been reported. take a look at this. caitlin clark proving once again she can do anything on the basketball court. the iowa star nailing a game-winning buzzer beating three pointer from way downtown to lift the hawkeyes to a win over michigan state. clark finished the game with 40 points. big game there. and we've got a lot more ahead, including what to know before getting in on the housing market, with mortgage rates dropping. that is coming up, george. right now more on the airplane collision in japan. it was amazing that everyone on board the plane escaped. our transportation expert gio benitez here to explain how it happened. good morning, gio. >> good morning, george. it really is incredible how they survived. this morning one of the passengers is telling us about that evacuation. the crew doing everything right to save hundreds of lives. the images are straight out of an action movie. a massive air bus 350 engulfed
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in flames. >> black smoke from outside started entering the cabin. >> reporter: anton was nearly one of the 400 people scrambling to get out, telling gma he was on a ski trip with his family. >> it was pitch black, fire outside the window and black smoke in the hall. you couldn't see. >> reporter: incredibly all aboard the commercial jet surviving. experts call it an apparent textbook evacuation. >> they had to take command immediately of the cabin, tell people what to do, where to do. how to do it, which exit to go out of. >> reporter: this japan airlines plane was essentially brand new, just two years old. the first a350 to be a total loss. this abc news virtual view shows the biggest factor in their survival, the eight emergency exits, all 44 passengers required to prove they can be evacuated in less than 90 seconds. >> the 90 second rule is simply a bench mark that all airplanes that are tested with. in reality we know it will take
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longer in the real world. what's amazing is it doesn't take that much longer. >> reporter: those emergency exits playing a crucial role. some people sliding down the emergency slides. >> they opened up the doors and we all, in a line, ran out, jumped off the plane. they had flashlights and were doing signals. seemed like they had a very good communication. >> reporter: notice in the video how passengers leave their luggage behind. that's exactly what you are supposed to do during an emergency. this is also why you're told to put away electronics and raise seats and tray tables, all to clear aisles for evacuation. the fuselage made of carbon fiber, like most modern airplanes, that's stronger than aluminum, and also fire resistant. that carbon fiber giving the 379 people on board the time they needed to get out safely. and those pilots controlling the doomed plane, keeping it steady and straight as it rolled down the runway, critical to that safe evacuation. again, an emergency like this is
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incredibly rare, but you should always be ready, especially during takeoff and landing. that's when you want to keep those seat belts on and sues on in case you have to make a run for it. and just like these passengers did, leave that luggage behind because that can all be replaced. >> thank you. now an alleged cyber kidnapping in utah. a chinese exchange student who was reported missing last week was found cold and alone after his parents say they paid thousands in ransom money. eva pilgrim is here with that story. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. a harrowing experience for this student the victim of a disturbing new trend authorities are calling cyber kidnapping where foreign exchange students and their parents are targeted and told they must pay a ransom for their child's safe return. this morning a 17-year-old chinese exchange student discovered camping in the woods in utah, cold and alone, now safe and reunited with his host family after police say he was the latest victim of a fraud
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called cyber kidnapping. he was first reported abducted by his family in china on december 28 after they received a photo that showed their son, who was in the u.s. to experience life at an american high school had been kidnapped. his parents sent $80,000 to bank accounts in china to pay ransom. turns out the family was a victim of a cyber kidnapping scam, where kidnappers target foreign exchange students and their families telling each that the other is in danger. they convince the student to isolate themselves and send pictures or cell phone videos, making it appear they are being held captive to their parents who, in turn, hand over ransom money electronically. >> actors are able to manipulate both the victim and their family into believing that something has happened to the victim. >> reporter: experts say these criminals are cunning, likely targeting people who are out of their element, new to the country and are unfamiliar with law enforcement. after paying the ransom, kai's parents notified his utah high
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school, who contacted police and his host family, who said there was no evidence that he had been forcibly removed from the home. >> the reason they have him seclude himself in the woods or away from everybody in society is so they can continue to extort as much money as possible. >> reporter: cyber kidnapping scams can be a lesson for people working or studying abroad. >> this is a possibility. just because somebody contacts you online doesn't mean it's real. >> authorities believe the kidnappers were manipulating and controlling kai as early as december 20th, eight days before he disappeared, guys. >> wow. what a scam that is. thank you very much, eva. coming up, bruce willis' daughter scout posted a photo with her father as his family shares their struggle. and next why the new year is bringing new hope to aspiring homeowners. is bringing new hope to aspiring homeowners.
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in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 35% on rooms at select disney resort hotels! why would you stay anywhere else? vital proteins collagen peptides supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins. for everybody with a body. -we're done. -what about these? looks right. nooo... nooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty absorbs spills like a sponge. and is 2x more absorbent so you can use less. bounty, the quicker picker upper. [deep exhale] [trumpet music plays] 579 breaths to show 'em your stuff. every breath matters. don't let rsv take your breath away.
7:40 am
protect yourself from rsv... ...with abrysvo, pfizer's rsv vaccine. abrysvo is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious if you are 60 or older. having asthma, copd, diabetes, or heart disease puts you at even higher risk. abrysvo is not for everyone and may not protect all who receive the vaccine. don't get abrysvo if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients. people with a weakened immune system may have a decreased response to abrysvo. the most common side effects are tiredness, headache, pain at the injection site, and muscle pain. ask your pharmacist or doctor about pfizer's rsv vaccine, abrysvo. visit these retailers or find other retailers near you at [deep breath] new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today.
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(♪) (♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) back with a look at the housing market, with mortgage rates slowly dropping in recent weeks. many are wondering if 2024 will be the year to buy. elizabeth schulze join us with what to know. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. we've been in the most challenging market in decades. while home prices are easing in many parts of the country, a dip in borrowing costs could bring some buyers off of the side lines this year.
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this morning with mortgage rates dropping, aspiring homeowners are wondering if 2024 could be the year they can finally afford to buy a home. >> when we look at the housing market in 2023, it was incredibly difficult especially for first time home buyers. >> reporter: national association of realtors predicts 2023 will stack up to be the worst year for home sales in more than a decade. but now there are encouraging signs. as inflation cool, the federal reserve has signaled it could cut interest rates three times this year, making it cheaper to borrow money for a new mortgage. >> we do expect in 2024 that mortgage interest rates will continue to decline. they're down considerably. it opens up the affordability box for many potential home buyers. >> reporter: after climbing to nearly 8% in october, the average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage is now 6.6%. but analysts forecasting rates below 6% by the end of the year.
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that would save buyers $230 a month on their payments for a $400,000 mortgage. welcome relief for megan zucker >> there are some places i saw like over the summer where rates were very high compared to what they may have cost just a few years ago. definitely very frustrating time to be looking. >> reporter: saddled with high rent and student loan payments, zuckerman is among a growing number of millennials to move in with her parents to cut costs. now she's saving $2,000 a month to put down a down payment for her first home. >> it is nice that i'm able to take my time to get to that 20% goal and hopefully be able to meet that soon. >> reporter: experts agree putting down 20% of the home's value is a good goal. and be sure to shop around with different lenders for the lowest mortgage rate. >> make sure you have your financial house in order.
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as you assess the scenario, paying down as much debt as you can and saving as much as you can. >> reporter: home prices have stayed frustratingly high. one key reason is lack of inventory. even if those mortgage rates dip below 6%, nine out of ten current homeowners have locked in rates below that so they don't want to move. they don't want to leave those rates. remember, you can always refinance at a lower rate. michael? >> if the fed does cut rate, what would it mean for borrowers with credit card debt or auto loans? >> reporter: the short answer is it would be good news. credit card rates are at 21%, highest they have ever been. if the fed does cut interest rates, it would make your monthly payment on your card lower if you carry a balance or try to take out an auto loan, that payment could also be lower. one more optimistic note. if you're a small business those rate cuts could be beneficial by lowering the cost of borrowing money. michael? >> thank you very much, elizabeth.
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i know people are hoping for lower rates. >> sure are. coming up the medical break through. baby received the first ever partial heart transplant at just 17 days old. we will see how he's doing one year later. play of the day is next. sold at 17 days old. when you later, next navigated t housing market by... buying a boater home! but we didn't know the first thing about filing taxes as first-time home buyers i knew how to make their move count we've filed taxes for millions of new homeowners and guarantee 100% accuracy on land and sea [dolphin sounds] what's that a shark?! yes. intuit turbotax, 100% accuracy,guaranteed ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now.
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oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow! sinex. breathe. ahhhhhh! (vo) red lobster's new lobster & shrimp celebration ♪ (vo) three lobster and shrimp entrees for a limited time. ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies.
7:47 am
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>> new music there for play of the day. lara, you got something? >> i do indeed. tetrus made its debut 34 years
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ago in the u.s. it took the gaming world by storm. possibly because no one had ever been able to beat the game. until now. it has never been done on the original nintendo entertainment system. most people believed it just couldn't be done. which might explain 13-year-old willis gibson's reaction when he became the first human ever to beat the game on the original nes. >> oh my god! oh! oh my god! oh my god! yes! >> willis, it's true. it really happened. the moment coming at the world championships. gibson goes by blue scooty when gaming. broke three world records along the way for total score, level achieved and total number of lines. it took him just over 38 minutes to do it. before then, only an ai had ever beaten the game.
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linsey, i heard you say it earlier this morning. how many hours of practice did that take? >> normally they say 10,000 hours you can be great at anything. i didn't know it was an option that you could beat tetrus. >> i know. >> who knew? >> that's why we are here talking about it. [ laughter ] congratulations, young man. coming up, strah, you ready to work out today? >> i'm ready. >> we are about to roar into '24 with shaun t. he's gonna show us what his 20 minute workout will do for you.
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new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. hey... it's me! your dry skin! i'm craving something we're missing. the ceramides in cerave. cerave, with three essential ceramides, helps restore my natural barrier, so i can lock in moisture and we can feel it long after. cerave moisturizers. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ )
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i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. can i get the 10 piece chicken mcnuggets? wait, no, big mac. hmm. [cars honking] sir? i'm still here! [bubble pops] get one favorite like a big mac ♪ or 10 piece chicken mcnuggets ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> welcome back to gma. we are not the only ones with
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less snow this year. look at truckee, california, taking those lifts and needing to make snow in the sierra nevada and a lot of places. take a place like kirkwood. last year 708 inches record snowfall. this year only 52 inches so far. they've still got time. obviously january/february big months for them. with this new storm, could see up to 18 inches in some of the highest elevations. there's snow coming. coming up here on gma, the new report on alcohol and the risk of certain types of cancer. dr. jen ashton gonna break it down for us. i just saw her. she's ready to give you the new year new you. and how to get the most out of gift cards even those you think might have expired and the ones you got over the holidays. tough for most of us. local news and weather, by the way, are coming up next. local y
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. do you think the pizza guy is okay? he's fine. are. gypsy rose blanchard, after serving eight years in prison for the murder of her abusive mother. she's free. and now, this friday
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morning, the all new gma interview. what will she say now ? what will she reveal? gypsy rose blanchard, good morning, america. friday the nba wednesday on abc. >> a new night every wednesday in january. >> the league's biggest teams the game's brightest stars. >> nba wednesday tips off tonight on building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic now with gloria. >> good morning reggie. we want to tell you about some caltrain delays in the burlingame area. we are told that train 501 hit a car. thankfully, there were no injuries. but again, expect delays. and then a live look outside. right now, your bay bridge toll plaza camera, the metering lights flipped on at 541 this morning, and chp has issued a high wind advisory on the bay bridge. >> gloria, we have some isolated
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showers out there this morning. live doppler seven showing you we have some showers moving out of the east bay right now. now, a couple of showers going south along the peninsula coastline into the santa cruz mountains. we'll keep it at a level one here on the storm impact scale until 10 a.m. today. next two hours for some scattered showers . after 10 a.m, things will clear out. we'll have brighter skies this afternoon, so 12 hour forecast, scattered showers right now. by noon we're drier by 4 p.m. it is bright and breezy. reggie. >> thank you, drew for streaming us on our abc7 bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> let's see if triple-a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere, sandy. let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed. triple-a >> your membership to go
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blurry or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and noticed vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early . talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ga. won't >> when the hands that do the fixing need fixing. when the hands that do the caring need caring. that's a job for o'keeffe's working hands. it's america's number one selling hand cream and guaranteed relief for extremely dry, cracked hands. also available in o'keeffe's for healthy feet. >> i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief cosentyx works for me. >> cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections. some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an
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infection or symptoms. had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. >> i move so much better because of cosentyx. >> ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. >> hey, let's go somewhere fun with triple a! let's go for a night on the town. no kids, let's go for a weekend away. okay let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fixed. >> triple a, your membership to go track in the rain with live doppler seven. >> now on the abc seven bay area streaming >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. two major storms bringing impact from heavy snow to flooding rain. plus when could parts of the northeast see heavy snow again? ginger is tracking it all. deadly plane crash investigation. new details on the collision between a passenger jet and coast guard plane at one of the busiest airports in the world. a new image of bruce willis shared by his daughter scout as the actor battles dementia.
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what the family is saying about finding support. one of a kind heart. an infant just 17 days old successfully under goes the first of its kind transplant. >> the fact that he's pretty much one and done is the most amazing thing. >> now a year later his parents tell gma how he's doing and what this means for future patients. first on gma. inside the paris home of king edward, his connection to princess diana, the crown, and what's happening to it now. we're live in paris. ♪ you're gonna hear me roar ♪ we're roaring into '24 with fitness motivator and trainer shaun t here live with a 20 minute total body workout to lose five pounds and feel better than ever. he's saying -- >> good morning america! woo! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma.
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>> good morning, america. great way to start the day with shaun t. george and i were going to wear the same outfit he has on. [ laughter ] >> who wore it better? >> we decided to go with suit and tie. looking forward to that. also coming up, gift cards are always a holiday winner. we'll tell you how to get the most out of them including the ones you forgotten about and how you can cash some in. with many picking up the dry january challenge there's a new report about alcohol connection to some cancers. dr. jen ashton is here with those details. that's just ahead. first a look at top stories breaking at 8. we start with the first of two major storms set to hit the country. we'll go with ginger on the track and timing. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, george. we're gonna start with that storm that is causing big waves along the coast of california from the bay area down to southern california into early tomorrow. could see waves upwards of 20 plus feet. that's going to be crashing in. there will be gusts up to 35 miles per hour. winter storm warning in the sierra nevada.
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that's for snow up to 18 inches. and winter weather advisory up to the mountains of san diego. this slides to the rockies tomorrow. that means highest elevations could pick up snow in arizona, new mexico could pick up snow. then heavy rain as it moves across the gulf. here's the part where it opens up. saturday morning, we stopped it there. you can see where it starts in the ohio river valley. west virginia, pennsylvania. then saturday night here new york city starts to develop this snow. right at the coast trying to mix with rain. looks like the highest snow totals would be from the hudson valley north. that's storm one. we haven't had snow in philadelphia of an inch or more in 704 days. look at this though. second major storm, linsey, slides across. this one looks wetter and windier. comes in here midweek. any of the snow that does fall gets rain on top of it. >> tis the season. be careful driving. thank you. now more on the investigation into the deadly plane collision and inferno in japan. let's go back to matt gutman in tokyo with the very latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning again,
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linsey. the investigation likely focusing on what air traffic controllers told the pilots out there on runway c. investigators now say they have also retrieved the black boxes from the coast guard. they're working to find the data recorders from japan airlines flight 516 as well now. this morning authorities looking into what caused this catastrophic collision at one of the world's busiest airports between air traffic control and the pilots of japan airlines flight 516 and japanese coast guard plane. according to the transcript the air traffic controller did not clear the coast guard plane to enter the runway. four minutes before the collision, atc instructed the japan air ways jet to continue its approach. 5:45 p.m., atc clearing the japan air ways jet to land. ten seconds later the air traffic controller instructing the plane to proceed to a holding point on a taxi way to
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the runway. japanese coast guard now saying they were given permission to enter the runway. japan airlines praising the heroics of its crew saying if the plane carrying 379 passengers and clipped the coast guard plane. the airline saying the intercom failed so the crew determined safe exits for evacuation and used megaphones and their own voices to steer passengers to three of the plane's functional eight exits. somehow nearly 400 people scrambling to safety in just seconds. had that coast guard plane nosed just a few feet farther, the results would have been an explosion that would have been unsurvivable. by the same token, the same aviation experts say the
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evacuation of flight 516 was flawless and undoubtedly saved lives. michael? >> at least there's some good news in that tragedy there, matt. thank you very much for that. now a new report showing lowering or eliminating alcohol intake lowers the risk for some types of cancer. our chief medical correspondent dr. jennifer ashton is here with us this morning. doc, tell us what this new report is saying. >> alcohol is a known carcinogen. that's not new. this report looked at alcohol risk and cessation or reduction. what they found, pretty interesting. eliminating alcohol can lower the risk of oral and esophageal cancers. they found this relationship increased time. the more time without alcohol the lower that risk. i found this data so compelling i have to tell you i am strongly considering taking my three to four drinks a week and dropping it to zero just for the cancer risk reduction. >> we know you love a good dry january. if you're going from three a
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week to nothing, what are some ways to lower your intake? how can you do that? >> i think there are a lot of ways and people can find what works for them. the most important is announce it. tell your friends and family. that helps create accountability. i find it helpful to mark those days on your calendar so you can visually track your progress. avoiding and minimizing triggers socially. i know it's easier said than done. i'm having a friend come over tonight for dinner rather than go out at a restaurant just for that reason. trying mocktails. obviously, i can't emphasize this enough. this is not for sobriety reasons. but if you try to cut down and you are struggling, please seek professional help. >> seek professional help. it's funny you said tell your friends. my friends would be like, come on. >> i saw george gave me a look and said, that's good to know. i won't be asking for any dinner dates with you. [ laughter ]
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>> thank you, always. that's very very interesting study. thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, bruce willis' daughter scout posted a moving photo with her father, as his family shares their struggles. the little boy making medical history, thriving a year after a partial heart transplant when he was just 17 days old. we are live inside the paris mansion that's been home to british royalty with its surprising link to princess diana. and lara is with a special guest. >> i am indeed. if you've enjoyed some extra dessert -- oh my -- over the holidays, this guy's got the answer for ya. shaun t will show us how to lose five pounds fast with this 20 minute workout and some fabulous poses coming up on gma.
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and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain! at target, try fast and free drive up. ♪ ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
8:12 am
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8:13 am
all right. we're back with our gma cover story. the latest on bruce willis. his daughter scout sharing a moving photo with the actor as he battles dementia. will reeve join us with more. good morning, will. >> good morning, michael. it's been clearly two years since bruce willis announced his retirement from acting. his diagnosis ending a film career that includes the die hard franchise, the sixth sense and so much more. he stepped back from public life. but now this new photo from his daughter and an update from his wife on their struggle. this morning a new image of actor bruce willis shared by his daughter scout, her head resting on her father. >> welcome to the party, pal! >> reporter: it's been nearly two years since the action star stepped away from public life. in 2022, willis' family, including his daughters, his wife and ex-wife demi moore revealed bruce's initial
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diagnosis of aphasia which makes it difficult to speak, communicate or comprehend speech. >> hip hip hooray! hip hip hooray! >> reporter: a year later his family giving an update. bruce's condition progressed and we now have a more specific diagnosis. frontotemporal dementia. known as ftd. willis' wife posting these throw back photos last week as the couple celebrated an anniversary saying, 16 years with this special man. my love and adoration for him only grows. >> holidays are hard. anniversaries are hard. >> reporter: since her husband's diagnosis, she has been open about the struggles she faces as a care giver. >> it is really important to be able to have someone that you can trust with your feelings. >> reporter: earlier this week reflecting on the support the willis family has received. >> for me, this year has really
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been about community, building a community and connection. and i just want to say that has been my lifeline. i just want to thank you for that. >> reporter: in her post, she went on to acknowledge the, quote, people from all walks of life sharing the same unfortunate thread that connects them saying she receives countless messages of love because bruce is so beloved, calling those messages deep, raw and poetic and saying they make her feel less alone. >> glad there's some comfort there. okay, will. thank you very much. now to a medical break through. an infant under went a partial heart transplant just 17 days old. a year later he is healthy, doing so well. erielle reshef has more. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning, george. doctors tell us this is a ground breaking successful first step on the road to more widespread clinical trials. it's a sign of hope not on for this baby's family, but for millions of young heart patients around the world.
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this morning a medical break through. a partial heart transplant successfully growing in an infant for a year. born with a heart defect, owen monroe underwent the ground breaking procedure in 2022 at just 17 days old. in a new study, doctors from duke health reporting the boy has functioning heart valves and arteries that are growing with him as if they were his own. >> i mean, this was completely unchartered territory. >> reporter: in the first of its kind surgery, arteries and valves from a donated heart were integrated into owen's heart. surgeons hoping this partial transplant provides a one time fix. other treatment options are not as ideal like using valves from organ donors which wouldn't grow with owen and would require multiple surgeries to replace, or a full transplant with high doses of anti-rejection medication. >> and what we found is that with partial heart transplant, you're on about one-quarter of a dose.
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it's a nonlife altering dose. >> he went into stage 4 heart failure a few hours after birth. >> he was pretty much out of options. >> terrifying. >> reporter: doctors felt the best option for owen was a partial transplant. >> i hit them with the hard hitting, have you done this before? they said on five patients. piglets. i said, i guess owen will be your first human. >> reporter: the eight hour surgery a success. >> yay! >> reporter: owen heading home 28 days later. today he is a thriving toddler. doctors optimistic there will be no surgery in his future. >> we are just eternally grateful for our donor's family. truly, owen would not be here today. >> reporter: and best of all, owen has paved the way for 12 other children to have this life saving procedure, including multiple babies saved by
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different parts of the same heart, and babies with new transplants whose old heart valves can be reused. >> it literally changed my world. it's incredible to just be part of it. >> reporter: owen's parents have been in touch with the family of cane patcho who donated his heart an arteries. his mother wanted to get the word out how vital organ transplant can be. doctors tell us this new partial heart transplant procedure has the potential to double the number of hearts that can be used to benefit children with heart disease. a monumental impact. >> thank you very much. we're going to turn to one of the most popular holiday presents. gift cards! americans are expected to have spent nearly $30 billion on them this holiday season alone. eva is back now with strategies on how to get the biggest bang for your buck when using them. hopefully, not losing them. how are you? >> i don't know about you. when you get a car in your stocking you're like, yes!
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>> then you forget. >> a recent study discovered nearly half, 47% of u.s. adults, have an unused gift card. that's averaging about $187 per person. just out there. total $23 billion of unused gift cards. >> i know. we're going to try to help people, a, remember to use them and, b, have solace if you think you lost them. what if you got a card and can't find it? is that money gone? >> it depends. there are some federal protections under the credit card act that protect you with your gift card. those gift cards are good for at least five years. those inactivity fees, you shouldn't be charged for them for at least a year of there being no activity, unless the card, the issuer, makes it very clear that there are fees attached to that card. and states have their own rules. for instance, california, if you have a gift card with $10 or
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less, you can walk into that store an get the cash. >> that's great. that's great. if you did lose it, could you call and say -- can you say i have lost the gift card, my mom gave it to me, here's her name? >> you need those cards. lot of time with the gift card. we live in a digital age. >> right. >> we have digital wallets these days. probably the best way to keep track of it. even if you lose your phone, it's still in the app when you log in on your new phone. hopefully, when you get one. the nice thing is you can manage those gift cards. they have apps like gift, gift pocket. you can also load it on venmo or a cash app. sometimes with very specific cards, you can even transfer the money to your bank account. that makes it easy. >> it does. great trip -- tip. okay. aside from the app, you get a gift card from a retailer or a restaurant. maybe it's not your favorite. is there something we can do
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there? >> you should buy or trade it. there are apps. there are programs online, websites you can go to that you can buy a different card that you will use or trade it. the thing i would keep in mind, there's different ways these work. some will buy your card outright. >> for a portion of the value? >> portion of the value. you have to pay a fee. others consign them. you'll get your money for that card after it's sold. or you can trade it for a card that you will use. the big thing with that is just you don't want to get scammed so make sure you check the bbb website, better business bureau, to make sure it is legit and read the reviews. >> all right. always a lot of questions on that. so what if a store that you have a gift card for, this has happened to me, files for bankruptcy? >> yes. so you need to move fast, right? but don't throw the gift card away because it could still be worth some money. sears and toys r us were still honoring those gift cards.
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what you need to do is make sure you take action. use the gift card very quickly. if you hear the store has gone bankrupt. but don't throw them away. >> okay. all right. really great tips, especially this time of year. they're burning up people's pockets. use them quick. thanks so much. ginger? >> thanks, lara. this is a very different scene than this time last year. this is sierra nevada california. the california snow pack 25% of normal. last year 185%. thankfully that helped get the reservoirs back up. in the state of california we're still above average. as we know, la
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>> time now for pop news with lara. >> double duty. thank you, linsey. good morning to you. we're going to start with actress kate hudson adding a career first to her resume. hudson sharing photos and videos from her very first concert. she performed in aspen, colorado, at a bar called bad harriet singing covers including her take on "dance the night away" from, yep, the barbie movie. check this out. ♪ ♪ >> she's got it, man.
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really good. she told fans in 2022 she is working on her first album. in her post she added she's ready for 2024. her resolutions include more singing, more playing, more loving, and this year will be all about moving forward, possibly into an additional career. congratulations there. also this morning our latest gma book club author, vanessa chan, shared a special moment watching "good morning america" with juju chang does a segment on her new book called "the storm we made." she's got her best friends and family there to celebrate. the moment is precious. take a look. [ screams ] very early. vanessa writing on instagram this is the best way to watch herself, in a hotel room with
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her friends screaming their lungs out adding, quote, i am so lucky. also, you're so good. the book is fantastic. it's again called "the storm we made." our january book club pick. it is available anywhere books are sold. love that. congratulations, vanessa. finally, the numbers are in. trendiest gift this holiday season, human size dog bed. yep. we first told you about it in 2022. by two college kids who got the idea after watching a dog peacefully napping. their human sized version began selling last february, went viral, and in the reviews, people are calling the playful as nice as my regular bed and worth its weight in gold . those are just a couple of the reviews. the cost of the fluffy and plush, i should say. yes. i'm sorry, excuse me, and similar type human beds range
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from 100 to 500 dog biscuits. why not just sleep in the bed? you know, i don't know. i'm not going to. >> i don't know, it looks pretty comfortable. >> i'm interested, i'm interested. >> maybe you nap and know that you sleep at night in your bed. >> all right. makes sense. >> coming up first on gma. inside the paris mansion that was home to king edward. >> gypsy rose blanchard. after serving eight years in prison for the murder of her abusive mother. she's free. and now, this friday morning, the all new gma interview. what will she say now? what will she reveal in gypsy rose blanchard? good morning america, friday abc friday night i was terrified. >> it was just so traumatic. >> nightmare. >> a hidden medical crisis facing women right now. our doctor, our nurses were crying at my bedside wishing they could do something. >> they literally couldn't do anything until the blood work showed that i was dying. the confusion, the horrifying consequences. >> the nurse asked me if she can pray for me. i wouldn't wish
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this upon my worst enemy, diane sawyer. >> rachel scott, the impact by nightline special friday night on abc. see >> i'm more ready for love now than ever before. come on, y'all . >> you know you like. mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm. >> stop. >> abbott elementary returns february building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. good morning everyone i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. >> going to take a look at traffic now with gloria. >> hi gloria. good morning kumasi. if you ride caltrain a heads up for you. trains are stopped right now in burlingame. train 501 hit a car. thankfully, nobody was injured. they are working to clean it up right now. and of course, we'll keep you updated on that. kumasi. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist joe tuma has your accuweather
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forecast after the break. >> good morning. i'm cindi bigelow. i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. hey. so, what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow. that's what f in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet.
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yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. a $1,000 prepaid card with qualifying internet switch today ? >> a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us. this is what you've been waiting for, shen young, coming to san francisco, san jose and berkeley. tickets at >> we'll take a look outside. here is santa cruz this morning where we are seeing a quiet lull , valley looking view. but we do have a high surf advisory. in effect along our entire coastline. we're dealing with isolated showers this morning. live doppler seven showing you some light showers along the coast and some exiting the east bay. here's that high surf advisory this morning, lasting until tomorrow morning for waves up to 23ft possible. all. it's a
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chilly start today with those isolated showers we're starting. most of us in the 40s right now on the abc seven storm impact scale. it's a level one for the next 90 minutes. after 10 a.m, the showers are done. so here's a look at your planner. we have the showers now. we're dry midday and it's bright and brisk by the afternoon. kumasi thank you drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven >> >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> and we are back with something special. maggie rulli is in paris in a one of a kind mansion that's never been open to the public before. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: george, good morning. welcome to the beautiful villa windsor. this magnificent house was home to king edward and his american
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wife wallis where they lived in while. guys, since this place was built more than 100 years ago, we are the first american tv network to ever be allowed inside. king edward gave up the crown and buckingham palace so he could live here with his love, the american divorcee wallis simpson. >> good morning, maggie. welcome to villa windsor. >> reporter: good morning. long shrouded in secrecy, gma got an exclusive invite inside. it's so beautiful here. i cannot believe we get to go inside. >> you're one of the first to come visit. please come in. >> reporter: wow. it is beautiful. the royal family only making one official visit to the ostracized king. >> members of the royal family visited him at his home. >> reporter: a moment recreated in the netflix drama "the crown." >> we've had our disagreements, but you've always remained my favorite uncle. >> reporter: you have your work cut out for you. the villa now
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stands empty, but was once the home of grand society parties. so exciting to actually be inside villa windsor. there's so much secrecy and mystery surrounding this place. >> this place has barely been open to the public. hardly anyone has seen this house. >> reporter: this is where her mirror was. upstairs in wallis' bedroom, you can still feel them in the house. >> exactly. in a strange way their ghosts are very much present. >> reporter: her touches are everywhere. >> in here, all her shoes were kept. she always had shoes made by the best french shoemakers. >> reporter: after edward and wallis both died at the villa, mohamed al-fayed fascinated by all things royal and whose son was dating princess diana, moved in and had big plans for the house. >> his idea was to offer this house as a wedding gift to his son dodi and princess diana because he was convinced they were going to get married. >> reporter: fascinating history of villa windsor including the
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years it was charles de gaulle's headquarters at the end of the war, now to be preserved as a museum. >> the first time ever people from all over the world will be able to see and visit this house. >> they're going to be on a tight timeline. we're told they want to open up the museum before the olympics this summer, which means they only have a few months to restore and decorate this entire bottom level. >> love seeing all that history, maggie. tell us about the room you're in. >> reporter: yeah. this room is so amazing, george. this is where edward and wallis would host their intimate dinner parties. we're told they would host lunch and dinner almost every day of the week. to get an invite to this table was one of the hottest tickets for high society at the time. i have to show you this. see this alcove? this is where musicians would play. they would climb up through a trap door. the trap door would be shut behind them. they would be playing throughout the entire dinner. one more thing. follow me through this door.
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this is the famous blue room. this is where they would host their larger gatherings out here. people would be dancing, mingling. there was normally a grand piano there. george, i just love thinking about standing here, all of the influential people that have stood right where i'm standing. all of the history that's been made in this room. >> including with princess diana. >> yeah exactly, george. we know princess diana visited this house, was one of the last places she came to before her death. she was dating dodi al-fayed at the time. they came here before they were tragically killed in that car crash. what we don't know is whether diana would have chosen to live here as dodi's father had hoped. george? >> maggie rulli, thank you very much. michael? nobody is waiting to get over to me quicker than the guys who have been working out next to me. we are helping you roar into '24 with ways to reset, refresh, rebuild good habits. fitness expert and body super
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trainer shaun t is here to help us kick start our workout revolution. shaun, good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> you look like you've been slacking a little bit. need to pick it up, buddy. here we go. show us a 20-minute, five move full body workout that can help us lose five pounds. this is based on your new dig deeper program you have. how is this going to help us not drop out of our new year's resolutions? >> i am helping turn your body into a fat burning machine. muscle is the fountain of youth. adding more muscle is the fountain of youth. i have got a workout program called dig deeper where people go to the gym, they lift. they do these workouts. i tell you how to activate your muscle in a way that you get max benefit. while cardio is good, lifting weights, especially over 40 like
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me, is better for your body. i'm going to jump right into it. under hand row. people know this is for the shoulder but i use it for the chest. you know. you know. squeeze. activate it. come on. let's go. let's go. you want to keep your chin from your chest. this exercise. i want to tell people, whenever you're using small muscle group or large muscle group, when you have the dumb bell keep it far away from your body. go a little slow. pay attention. oh, yeah. enough for him. we're going to move on to biceps. steph right here is doing a compound movement for your biceps. lot of people go to the gym. i'm going to give you these, michael. i'll take this for you. come on, let's go. we're going to do this. you come up in the middle. take it out. go down to the side. keep those elbows to the side. slow it down. slow it down. slow it down. so whenever you do time and attention and really work the muscle, you don't need a weight
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that's heavy. whenever you do a bicep curl, that compound movement to the side, that's how you work that bicep. look at steph. she's moving. one tip i want to give you. whenever you do bicep curls, make sure you take your shoulders as far from you as possible. lot of people keep that tension up. look at his form. why am i even here? >> all about the form. >> come on. let's move to the legs. here we go. lower body. my girl ally is doing a compound movement. she's going to do some squats. i want you to stay down there. for people who don't know this, squat is for the entire leg. you work your glute, quad, hamstrings. just like that. here's what i want you to do. ally, squeeze those quads. you know these quads. squeeze them. now come up an step back into that reverse lunge. the reverse lunge, you push that knee forward, that tear drop that people have, that's what you're going to activate.
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this is how i teach you throughout my entire program. i'm not going to make you do these legs. keep going, ally. just another tip. when you're doing leg exercises, it's your largest muscle group that you're burning the most calories. i'm going to give you a tip for your core. lots of people think your abs stop here. whenever you go into a squat just think about your abs going from your sternum to your hipbone. use it. lot of people do just that. they lean forward. stay nice and high keep that flat. there you go again, trying to show me up. >> this is a good one for people who can't do overhead raises, for the shoulders? right? >> for people who have elbow injuries or shoulder injuries this is a good exercise, lateral raises. lateral raises with the combo with the front raise. you want to keep those ears away from your shoulders. i want you to stay to the side. keep going.
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keep going. lot of people, stay to the side. lot of people go, they just try to go nice and high. we want to keep going. just push to the outside. you don't even have to go all the way up when you do a lateral raise. squeeze all the way in. think of this muscle when you do the lateral raises. there you go. now hit the front raise. same way. push the weight away from your body. keep the shoulders away from the ears. and we push. this is how you activate the muscles. this is how you stay in the zone when you're lifting. you burn more calories in my workout than you ever do doing cardio. >> i like that. >> let's go. >> we got one more. >> one more. combination of a row into a hip. do you want to try this? >> no, not really. >> not really. [ laughter ] bend those knees a little bit more. just do the row. just do the row.
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this works the mid back. people are like, how do i get that nice mid back strong body right there? then you're gonna hit the hip fly. this is a way to not have to do pullups. this is a way to activate that muscle. compound movement when you get mid back into the lat. you do these exercises. do it nice and slow. pay attention to the cues. you activate it. i got your back. >> 20 minutes, five exercises, five pounds. look at this man. his new fitness program dig deeper is available now on the body platform. that's right. kick start 2024! let's go! >> let's go! >> coming up, we're gonna tell you how to jump start your dating game in the new year. little exercise, little date. nothing wrong with that. that's a good week.
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back now with ways to find love in the new year. will reeve is back with how to get over big breakups and make room for the relationship you want. after all, it's cupping season. good morning. [ laughter ] >> good morning, linsey. new you new year could apply to resolutions about diet, drinking. or hitting the gym. maybe 2023 was rough on your love life and you're feeling you need a fresh start. no matter your relation status listen to what these experts have to say about love in the new year. if a fresh start at love is one of your resolutions this year. >> you hear that, new york! i'm getting married this year!
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>> reporter: dating experts amy chan and joy ofodu have some tips. chan is the author of breakup boot camp. she says if you're trying to get over a breakup analyze patterns from past relationships. putting pen to paper can help. >> i have my clients draw a circle like a pie. then i have them look at the slices of pie. how much of that pie was devoted in your last relationship to your ex? so draw a new circle and divvy up that pie in a more balanced way. >> reporter: the new year is the most popular time of year for dating. you've got options. >> i love the internet. i'm telling you, you are not bound by where you are. the possibility of love is truly open. >> reporter: the host of dating unsettled -- >> we date differently. >> reporter: says get rid of your list of expectations for your first date. >> people are not your check boxes. they're people. experience them. allow that over the course of your relationship, you are going
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to find out more about them. >> reporter: and ask yourself some questions. >> i want to feel mentally, physically, psychologically, spiritually whole. does this person make me feel like i'm crazy or make me feel validated? spiritually, do i feel excited to explore with this person? >> reporter: while all the profiles can become overwhelming, don't be afraid to block. >> those hangers on, those pen pals, those, i don't know, we'll see, those ambivalent. clear them out. if you are looking for a sign, i am giving you the validation, permission. i am allowing you to unsettle yourself and move on to the next. >> reporter: and some more advice from our experts. you must always strive to be yourself when dating, and you can get a sense of your compatability by how your date treats the people around them.
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you'll never really know if you're ready to date again after a breakup unless you get back out there. if i can speak personally, it will happen when you least expect it. you'll be the happiest you will ever be. >> aw. >> are you ready to get down on one knee? [ laughter ] >> we all are. [ laughter ] >> do you want to tell us something, will? >> no. >> okay. >> all right. we'll send it over to ginger. also happy. happily married. >> i feel like i could still ask some questions. right after this. let's talk about drought. he is not in a dating drought, but we are seeing drought across about one-third of the nation. you saw new orleans there. wet roads. even see a wet week ahead. this is the first storm brings from new orleans to the florida panhandle some rain. that second one that comes through early next week, that's gonna drop significant rain which would be helpful. let's get a check closer to
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>> we have more roar into '24. a big resolution is eating well in the new year. our friend and nutritionist maya feller is here to (♪) (♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪)
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. kids' special ticket offer. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. (♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. >> you eat that cheese burger. you deserve it, girlfriend. >> cheese burger it is. >> i also think you should eat the cheese burger. >> for real? >> yeah. cheese burgers are good. >> but i'm trying to lose a few pounds. >> this cheese burger has less calories and less fat than this cobb salad. >> that was a delicious surprise. we're back with our friends at jimmy kimmell live giving us a laugh about something that can feel quite daunting. making better food choices. this segment is sponsored by my fitness pal.
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registered dietitian and spokes person maya feller is here to help us make food decisions that are easier and even have some fun. i love that idea. there's so much out there now about nutrition. everybody is thinking about it in these first days of january, trying to get it right, get it better. you say there's a way to track it all. >> there is no one size that fits all. you've got to find that routine that works for you. experts do agree tracking can be one option to help you reach those health goals. my fitness pal is one of the largest nutrition food and tracking platforms. it allows users to actually track their intake. they can take a look at what they're eating. say you want to think about blood sugar management. in the app, you can track the quality of protein, as well as fiber that you're taking into your overall day. >> it gets a little daunting for people. >> it's really easy to use.
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one of the ways folks can think about that is whether they want to lose, gain or maintain weight. tracking can be one of those choices that works for them and help them meet their health goals. >> i love it. >> let's talk about eating to build strength. you want to work out, get fit. let's talk about strength building. >> protein helps build muscles. the current intake for protein, recommendation is .8 grams per kilogram of body weight. i know that's a whole bunch of numbers. you can track protein intake in the app. there's some choices here that i like. if you are an animal protein eater, we've got turkey and egg. you can see right over here an egg is about 6 grams of protein. if you only eat plants, chick peas and tofu is a fantastic choice. >> i skipped over weight management. we talked about building
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muscles. let's talk about keeping our weight down. >> again, if you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain your current weight, tracking those macro nutrients, looking at the quality of what you are eating can be helpful. i like to encourage folks to eat plants. here what we see is a gorgeous plethora of foods all rich in vitamin c and potassium. you can find out more on the app. this is cauliflower, broccoli. broccolini. really wonderful. >> fill up your plate with these. >> i love these. lots of fiber. lots of nutrients. talk to your doctor and dietitian before you make any drastic changes in your diet. you've got to make sure you're taking enough in for your own body. >> you said it best. there is no one size fits all. >> that's exactly right. >> all right. we've all had a nice break, hopefully. let's energize with some food. >> here's the thing that i want folks to think about. you want to think about taking in enough. i love plants. i want to see vegetables. i want to see beans, nuts, seeds and hydration over the course of the day. you can track all of that in the app to make sure you're taking in enough.
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again, you're gonna want to talk to your health care provider to make sure any of the changes you're making are personalized to you. >> okay, all right. all of these foods can give you some energy, we can build some muscle and manage your weight and then track it all with the app. >> exactly. >> maya, thank you very much. very helpful tips. everybody, we will be right back. we'll be right back. >> gma roar into '24 is sponsored by my fitness pal, the number one nutrition and food tracking app.
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. there is. now you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money. >> get out of town. >> but we just got here when a bank helps you get and stay ahead, that's the bmo effect. bmo no pain, no gain. >> hello my girl nick in the stallion. >> you can call me mother fitness. yes. we are not gyming like this. no more welcome to planet fitness, where everybody can work out in their own way.
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>> join the $0.24 down $10 a month. deal ends friday, january 12th. now there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. that's not always so easy. and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here. and we got you want to thank you all for watching. >> really appreciate it. and later on this morning chris christie is live on the view just 12 days before iowa. >> have a great day everyone. >> more americans choose abc news america's number one news source gypsy rose blanchard after serving eight years in prison for the murder of her abusive mother, she's free. >> and now, this friday morning, the all new gma interview. what was she saying now? what will she reveal in gypsy rose blanchard? good morning america, friday. >> so, are you doing okay? yeah >> i might have to start driving over on the weekends, but i have
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a car, so maybe let me carry people. >> how are you so comfortable with leading such a garbage life ? >> i mean it as a compliment. wow. let's see if triple a can take us somewhere fun. >> let's go somewhere. sandy let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed. triple a, your membership to go. >> i have type two diabetes, but i manage it well. it's a little pill with a big story to tell. >> all i take once daily. jardiance at each day. star guard. as time went on, it was easy to see. i'm lowering my jardiance works 24 over seven. >> your body to flush out some sugar and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death. two jardiance may cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to a sudden worsening of kidney
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function, and genital, yeast, or urinary tract infections is a rare, life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with the saponaria or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is a really swell. >> the little pill with the big story to tell. >> are you ready to ring in the new year with cash or a new car? river rock casino invites you to their new year's car and cash giveaway on december 31st. for your chance to win a share of $150,000 in cars and cash. the fun starts at 8 p.m. with cash, drawings, music and more. then, at 12:15 a.m, five lucky members will play for their chance to win a new cadillac ct4. so grab your party hat and don't miss out. only at river rock casino, just 20 minutes north of santa rosa. >> lab diamonds the perfect new year's gift. half carat studs 149 diamond tennis bracelets for 99 per carat. two carat studs.
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1493 carat pendants 2490 make her new year the jewelry exchange, redwood city. >> hey, let's go somewhere fun with triple a! let's go for a night on the town. no kids, let's go for a weekend away. okay, let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fi triple a, your membership to go. >> building a better bay area moving forward. >> finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's gloria now with a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi well, we want to tell you about stop trains in the burlingame area. this is pertaining to caltrans. so if you do ride caltrain in burlingame, keep that in mind. train 501, hit a car. the good thing is there are no injuries reported. and they are cleaning this up right now. and we want to give you a live look right now at our bay bridge toll plaza camera. we had slick roads this morning, but you could see they are now clear and traffic is
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flowing smoothly. >> hey gloria santa cruz showing you we have showers on approach. live doppler seven showing you that one shower moving into santa cruz has some showers moving out of the east bay. an isolated chance of a shower through 10 a.m. about the next hour. it's a level one after 10 a.m. we're drying out for breezy and brisk conditions this afternoon. kumasi >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and marco. we'll be back at 11 for a midday live.have have a good day it's live with kelly and mark. today, actor tom holland and we'll play "is it cake?" with mikey day plus the incredible vanessa williams. all next on live.


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