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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  January 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. us to hold these men accountable for their outrageous behavior. >> strong words from alameda county's top prosecutor tonight, as oakland police pieced together who killed officer tuan lay. tonight, authorities say that is becoming more clear. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley, and i'm ama daetz district attorney pam price started tonight by saying she met with the family of officer lay, grieving over the sudden loss of their loved one. and now her office is promising maximum justice against the suspects charged in his death.
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>> abc seven news reporter tim johns and then is in the newsroom uncovering these new developments from investigators tonight. tim. >> yeah. dan i'm the district attorney, announced charges against three men tonight. those three men are mark sanders, alan brown and sabran russell. during a news conference late tuesday, alameda county district attorney pamela price announcing murder charges against mark sanders of tracy and allen brown of chico for the killing of oakland police officer tuan lay. >> the charges are extensive, as you will see, and we may add additional charges as we obtain additional evidence. >> shefs a third man, cibran russell, is being charged with burglary along with the current charges. oakland police interim chief darren allison also confirming a history of illegal activity for sanders. i can confirm that he has a prior uh- arrest history, which does include the killing of another and additional other violent crimes. 36 year old lay was shot last week while working undercover. he was responding to
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an early morning burglary of a cannabis shop along oakland's waterfront, price saying she met with lee's family earlier tuesday to explain how she plans to hold those responsible for his death to account. >> i assured them that my office will do everything within the confines of our legal power to make sure that the men we believe the man we believe shot and killed officer lay, will serve the rest of his life in prison. >> both price and allison, as well as oakland mayor shengtao stressed that they have been working tirelessly in collaboration with one another since friday's shooting, and i know that every oaklander that we are all grieving in our different ways, saying that these charges are only the first step in a long process at this time, we are not releasing the names or the number of individuals involved. >> in this case is crucial to maintain the integrity of our investigation, especially since there additional suspects whom we have yet to arrest.
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>> and the interim chief says it's his understanding that officers use lay's own handcuffs when they arrested one of the murder suspects, all three of those suspects are due in court tomorrow. in the newsroom, tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you so much for that update and no details for any public memorial service has been announced yet. in the meantime, there is a gofundme set up to support officer lee's family. you can see the total right there is over $95,000. you can find a link to it by going to this story on our website, abc seven and we provided the new updates in this case by streaming. oakland police news conference through our abc seven news bay area app. you can get breaking news alerts and live video just like this by downloading the app and enabling the notifications. >> happening now. there's a high surf advisory still in effect. tides were high today. as you can see here, visitors are being urged to keep cautious along the rocks and the coastline. take no chances. let's check in with abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel tracking it all for us
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tonight. sandy. >> yeah, dan, that surf is still up and it is still rough. so as we take a look at a live picture from our santa cruz camera, those waves are just battering the coastline. they have been pretty high right now. 16 footers at point arena, high surf advisory in effect until 4 a.m. tomorrow. large breakers 19 to 23ft, bringing that risk of rip currents with dangerous swimming and surfing conditions. so when you look at the wave heights, there still elevated at midnight tonight, but they do come down tomorrow morning and then you will notice another storm is approaching. and as it is, the wave heights coming up again on saturday. so let's check out your day planner for tomorrow. in the morning there will be some patchy fog along with clouds, 30s and 40s. brighter skies by noontime time and it is a little bit milder at 4 p.m. upper 50s to the low 60s before more clouds come into the picture and temperatures are in the 50s. here's a look at live doppler seven, and you will notice another storm is heading in our direction, which means rain for part of your weekend.
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i'll be back with an hour by hour timeline. we'll take a look at how much snow has fallen in the sierra. how much more is coming, and a comparison of our rainy season so far this year compared to last year in just a few minutes, ama all right, we'll check back. >> thank you. sandhya. new at 11. the $224 million safety plan to try to deter suicides on the golden gate bridge is finished. nearly a decade after the project was approved. there now sits a suicide net installed on both sides of the bridge. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone is following the story and found mixed reactions to the new addition. >> from a distance, you don't notice it, but look closely just below the sidewalks on both sides of the golden gate bridge and you'll see a net it provides people a second chance. it's a steel net, one that if it had existed, then may have caught kevin hines when he jumped off the golden gate bridge many years ago, a move that he says he instantly regretted. hines, though, was one of the few who
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survived, crediting the coast guard doctors and a sea lion that he named herbert for saving him. he believes this steel net would have been a difference maker in his case. >> i would have hesitated. i believe with enough time for patrol officers to wonder, why is that kid just standing there, leaning over the rail, crying his eyes out? >> people who come to the bridge to harm themselves are in a tremendous amount of pain, and they want to escape pain. a fall into the net is one that will be painful. it is stainless steel. it's a 20 foot fall uh. it will. it will be incredibly painful and may cause injury. and while paolo schwartz of the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district admits that the steel net might not stop all jumps, last year there were 14 teen suicides here, well below the 30 that are usually seen at the golden gate bridge each year. >> but some have questioned the project, one that cost $224 million. >> i have not seen convincing
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evidence that we're actually going to be saving that many lives, or that the several hundred million invested this way was the best way of saving the most lives. >> doctor john crews wrote a column in clinical psychiatry news where he questioned the lack of data on regional suicide rates after these type of measures have been put into place, place saying he is doubtful that those working so hard to get to the golden gate bridge just won't go somewhere else, and it does not seem on the face of it, logical to me to say that someone that determined to die is only determined to die because the golden gate bridge has such a magnetic draw that will make such a state. it. still, though, survivors and family members of victims lost to the bridge are overjoyed. buoyed by this net, i'm grateful every moment of every day to walk this earth, and i think that all the people involved in raising the net are cheering internally right now, and very
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grateful for this accomplishment. 95% of the barrier is up along the 1.7 mile bridge, with just temporary work left in the remaining areas. j.r. stone, abc seven news and if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, you can find local resources by going to abc seven action. >> and for more urgent matters, the suicide and crisis lifeline can be reached by dialing 988. >> new developments with a misconduct investigation in the san jose police department. a former officer who is under scrutiny for some disturbing text messages took a job with another department out of state. san jose's police chief says the department notified that agency about the ongoing investigation and the officer is no longer with the force. the messages surfaced after an officer shot a black man during a fight in 2022. another officer involved in the scandal resigned kind last month. >> an update to a story we brought you last night on abc seven news. the search for a
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stolen sculpture in san jose. turns out the local artists metalwork has been destroyed. rosenberg says the nine foot tall piece, which he spent months creating, was cut up and sold as scraps. he had bolted the sculpture to the ground outside his studio so it could rust. for part of the design. surveillance video showed a man with a truck stealing the sculpture on new year's day. officers tracked down the driver, who they say confessed to scrapping the sculpture at a recycling center. officers couldn't find the pieces and the company may face penalties. police arrested the 40 year old suspect for grand theft. the man confessed to cutting and selling it. >> a newly remade intersection near the bay area could change the way we drive by making it safer. similar to designs seen in europe, this is a roundabout that will only be the second of its kind anywhere in the united states. tonight, abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez shows you the turbo roundabout. >> drivers in san benito county are navigating through a new and innovative roundabout. it's
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called a turbo roundabout, and it's designed to improve safety. it's located at the intersection of highways 25 and 156 between gilroy and hollister. >> because it saw twice as many collisions as similar intersections in california, caltrans made this video for background on the project and instructions for drivers you enter. >> similar to a regular roundabout, but there are different features within the three lanes. >> this is accomplished with three inch lane dividers that guide drivers through the roundabout while discouraging lane changes. >> caltrans said the purpose of the project is to reduce the severity of collisions and fatalities at this intersection, depending on where you're headed, you'll select a corresponding lane as you approach, drivers have to choose a lane before entering and then follow signage on where to exit. lanes are wide enough for large trucks can trans said. over the next few weeks, and weather permitting, they'll be installing overhead signs, striping, final lanes and
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placing pavement markings in order to open all lanes. this turbo roundabout is the first of its kind in the state, and san benito county. lauren martinez, abc seven news developments with the ongoing battle over the future of people's park in berkeley, a city council member says uc berkeley is planning to close off the park in anticipation of construction. >> there are plans to build housing on the historic site. protesters clashed with police in 2022 after the university moved to close off people's park, so construction could begin. the project is currently tied up in courts due to a lawsuit seeking to block the development. >> still to come here, the hidden world of jeffrey epstein, bill clinton, prince andrew, donald trump all named with a new unsealed court documents are telling us about the lives of the rich and famous. >> plus chaos in court as a judge was attacked by a defendant. the moments now going viral and look outside as we look out across the bay area. >> the reason you may want to
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was accused of abusing young girls and women for years. he died by suicide in prison in 2019 while awaiting trial on his sex trafficking cases. the speculation has swirled around him ever since, and abc seven news reporter zohreen shah has a look at the first batch of records released tonight. >> some previously sealed court
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documents pertaining to jeffrey epstein have started to be unsealed. the paperwork, part of a long settled defamation case brought by virginia giuffre, who has claimed she was one of epstein's victims. this is the litigation system working without virginia giuffre's lawsuit. >> this stuff wouldn't have been exchanged because it was relevant to the claims, and now the court has decided there's no good basis to keep this stuff under wraps from the public. >> giuffre previously claimed she was a teen sex slave ordered by epstein and his partner ghislaine maxwell, to have sex with powerful men. a federal judge ordered the unsealing of these documents, which includes people associated with epstein for various reasons, including some high profile names, many already publicly known, including names of presidents, royalty and hollywood stars. one of the documents discusses former president bill clinton, who flew around the world on epstein's private jet but was not accused of wrongdoing. in that 2016 document, giuffre's
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attorneys sought to depose clinton as part of her defamation lawsuit against maxwell because they argued he could provide information about his close relationship with her. and in 2011, giuffre claimed she had seen clinton on epstein's private caribbean island. shortly after his presidency ended, had dinner with him and claimed to have witnessed maxwell flying clinton to the island in a big black helicopter . thatrillionequest, to depose him, denied by a federal judge in a still redacted order, she made no allegations of wrongdoing against clinton. after epstein's 2019 arrest, a spokesperson for clinton said the former president had not had any contact with epstein since 2005, knew nothing of epstein's crimes and had never been to the island, according to a portion of her april 2016 unsealed deposition. maxwell said the allegations that former president clinton had a meal on jeffrey epstein's private caribbean island were 100% false. maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking and other crimes for helping epstein abuse
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teenage girls, and is serving a 20 year sentence, which she is appealing. zohreen shah, abc news, los angeles. >> new crime statistics show some of america's largest cities are seeing homicide rates fall. philadelphia saw its rate fall more than 20% last year, with 410 homicides. detroit rates dropped 18.4% to their lowest level since 1966. the murder rate in los angeles fell by 15.4. in phenix, it dropped 14, and in new york, rates dropped 11.9. hundreds of protesters calling for a cease fire in the israel-hamas war poured into the state capitol today, disrupting day one of the legislative session. the state assembly had to adjourn just moments after convening. they just said the pledge of allegiance when the activists, wearing matching black shirts stood from their seats singing ceasefire now and let gaza live. they cheered when officials turned out the lights holding up phone flashlights as they continue with a call and
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response. it was all organized by a coalition of jewish organizations, an absolutely wild scene in las vegas today. >> in a courtroom, a judge was attacked by a defendant who did not like the sentence he received. and video of this incident is a really startling watch. whoa whoa whoa whoa, hey. he can be seen flying over the bench. the judge was then punched. he was heard swearing at her. security quickly moved in to pull him off the judge and more punches were thrown. martial was injured in the incident. taken to the hospital. the judge was also hurt and is being monitored. the defendant was being sentenced for aggravated battery and requested probation, but the judge denied it. sentenced him to jail and that's when he flew over the bench and attacked. >> happening now. take a look up . a rare meteor shower is soaring over the bay area. this is looking out live from our camera on mount tam to see if we can catch a glimpse. might be hard to see, but up to 120 bigger fireballs. are expected
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per hour over the night sky. the best view will be in the northeastern sky at 1 a.m, and the spectacle will last until around 5 a.m, astronomers suggest you find a place away from the city lights bundle up and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness. very cool. yeah, new at 11 and oakland unified school district student has won a really big competition. yes, selma white took first place in the frederick douglass oratorical contest. >> it is whether this nation has in itself sufficient moral stamina to maintain its own honor and integrity by vindicating. >> how about selma? she competed remotely and performed part of douglass speech, the race problem. she's been invited to deliver her speech in washington at the frederick douglass birthday celebration next month. what an honor and well deserved. >> awesome. >> so poised, she said. >> i know she isn't she sweet? all right, let's get a check on our weather.
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>> abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is back. sandy. yeah. >> enjoy this break. while we have it, because we have more rain coming our way. so dan and i do want to talk about our rainy season, because i know people are saying, hey, we've had rain, we've had rain every few days. what's going on? are we going to be in for a wet winter with a strong el nino? well, let's just do a quick comparison. last year this is 2023, rainy season. at this point, sfo was double the amount that we're at right now. we're at 79% of average at sfo. last year it was 160% of average. remember there were atmospheric rivers after atmospheric rivers. so oakland was at 188 right now 49 san jose currently stands at 88% of average. now last year was 146. santa rosa, 100% of average. thanks to all the recent rain this year. so far. last season, 89. and we're looking at san francisco that ended up being much higher last year compared to this year, 81%
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of average. so let's take a look at the rainy season for san francisco january first through 31st of 2023. had almost nine inches of rain for the entire month of 2024, which is now. we've only had about a third of an inch now it is still early. we haven't had all the atmospheric river after river like we did last year. it was a pretty crazy year, but we do have more storms in the pacific and more rain is on the way. we did see some rain earlier today. that's long gone. sierra got some snow right now. all is quiet on live doppler seven, and when you take a look at those temperatures, they're in the 40s and the 50s. a look at the rainfall in the last 24 hours. we did pick up over an inch in our wetter spots, like santa rosa kentfield ben lomond, about a half an inch in half moon bay, 6/10, oakland, a third of an inch in san francisco, uh- 6000/200 in livermore. even though you're in the rain shadow of the santa cruz mountains, you picked up decent rain 4000/700 in napa. now let's take a look
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at the high lights here. overnight, high clouds. patchy fog going into tomorrow morning. high surf advisory with the rough surf through the morning hours with rough surf rebuilding for saturday. that's when rain makes a return. so we go hour by hour tomorrow morning. there's going to be a lot of high cloudiness. but then by noontime the skies open up. you see plenty of sun. and then here comes the isolated shower. chance on friday before the rain really returns us to all of the bay area on saturday. now, in terms of your temperatures tomorrow morning, it's going to be chilly. bundle up mid 30s to the low 50s. there will be some cloud cover around filtering the sunshine from time to time. tomorrow afternoon is milder upper 50s to low 60s. here's a look at what you can expect as we head towards saturday. here comes some more snow in the sierra. rain in the bay area and that pattern will continue new every few days. so tuesday into wednesday we have an opportunity for some more wet weather across the state. rainfall estimates for saturday's system anywhere from 1000/500 of an inch to
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about three quarters of an inch of rain and this does turn to snow in the mountains. thankfully a winter storm watch 7 a.m. saturday to 10 a.m. sunday, 10 to 20in of snow possible travel will be very difficult with those snow levels 2500 to 3500ft, so. carry chains and expect delays by sunday night. two feet of snow look at this when we add next week's system, we're talking about close to three feet of snow at some of the resorts. resorts picking up 18in sierra tahoe in the last 24 hours. kirkwood 11in. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast uh. patchy fog followed by sun and high clouds. isolated morning showers friday. we are looking at scattered showers with a level one on saturday. tuesday and going into wednesday, so we will have some more rain in the forecast coming our way. uh- ama and dan. we'll be right bac
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two year old gary turner and his fiance theresa tie the knot right here on abc seven. the wedding will be a fully live televised event in the officiant . it will be one of the season's fan favorite, susan. >> you can watch the golden wedding live tomorrow night at 8
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p.m. right here on abc seven. stay with us. sports director larry beil is back
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niners have the luxury of resting a bunch of their key players. now, we knew christian mccaffrey wasn't going to go sunday against the rams. neither will brock purdy. now the 40 niners quarterback has been bothered by a shoulder stinger not playing against the rams. plus the bye on wild card weekend means purdy will have at least two and a half weeks of rest before the niners first playoff game. now the rams aren't playing matthew stafford either, because they've already got a playoff spot, so it will be sam darnold against carson wentz on sunday. >> you work hard to get a off week in this league i think off week helps a lot of people especially if you handle it the right way and stuff. and just this time of year and allows guys to get a little fresher and stuff which which you don't want is two off weeks. um, no one gets two bye weeks. and we earned ours next week. we just didn't know we were going to do it already. >> the nfl announced the pro bowl selections today. the niners, with nine pro bowlers led by purdy, who got the most votes in the whole league over 450,000, followed by mccaffrey, who leads the league in rushing. they don't play the game anymore, but purdy is the first
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niners qb to make the pro bowl since jeff garcia in 2002. the warriors host the defending nba champion nuggets tomorrow night and unfortunately, will be without gary payton. the second gp2 is suffering a hamstring injury last night, according to shams charania of the athletic. he's expected to miss several weeks. gp2 just came back from a calf injury that sidelined him for a month, so it's one setback after another, peyton is one of the best defensive players in the entire league, so this is a pretty big loss. college hoops tonight stanford visiting ucla. they lost a shoe early. started down ten. nothing but the cardinal fight back. freshman keenan carlyle from deep. he was huge in the upset of arizona stanford down by four at the half. second half. more car lights going up. and it's going down deep three tied the game at 36. the freshman carlyle led the cardinal with 17 off the bench. and maxim renaud with a lefty jump hook as stanford surprises ucla 5953. bronny james and the usc trojans hosting the cal bears first half sec in transition. it's bronny with a tough finish in traffic. they're
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going strong to the cup and then moments later on the fast break, we've seen this from a james before. bronny with a slam finished with ten points off the bench in the second half. cal, looking for their first win in the conference, trying to fight back far doors. imac with the bucket and the foul but too much from usc. joshua morgan. the exclamation point. trojans 82 to 74 sports on abc seven. sponsore by river rock casino
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