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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  January 4, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PST

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people's park, now at five. the overnight operation to clear the park to make room for upcoming construction. >> seven suspects accused of killing an oakland police officer due in court today. the charges they're now facing and what the district attorney is promising in the case. >> the hidden world of jeffrey epstein, bill clinton, prince andrew, donald trump, all named as what the new unsealed court documents show us about their relationships. good morning to you and welcome to is it thursday? >> today is thursday. >> i like to call it friday eve. >> mhm. that's a good way to look at it. we're getting there. people getting back into their lives you know slowly but surely. yeah surely, surely. >> you know i was only off for a
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week but it felt like a year. >> yeah. so that last of the year. >> yeah. no rules, no rules apply. >> and then it's full steam ahead next week. we're just gradually easing in to the new year. today. it's a gorgeous day with a little bit of cloud cover out there this morning. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. there's a warm front off our coastline that is adding additional cloud cover this morning. it's a quick moving front. we'll have a lot of sunshine today. you do see a few returns on live doppler seven. none of this is reaching the ground. the atmosphere is so dry this is all evaporating. but we do have some passing clouds. this morning. temperatures are on the chilly side. we're in the 30s and 40s, 39 right now in napa. we're at 48 in the city, 45 in san jose, 40 right now in fairfield. so here's a look at future weather. we have some early morning clouds quickly giving way to sunshine by about 9 a.m, and it's a nice looking day. we'll get those temperatures in the upper 50s and lower 60s, so expect bright conditions today. 59 in the city, 60 in oakland, 61 in san jose. let's see how we're doing on the road this morning. good
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morning. good morning drew. >> so far looking pretty good out there on the roads this morning. yesterday we had some slick roads today everything is looking nice. this is a live look outside right now at our highway 80 camera in emeryville. and you can see there are no slowdowns or no delays at this time. and also we're going to take a live look at our san mateo hayward bridge camera and traffic is also flowing nicely right there. >> new developments in the east bay uc berkeley is starting to close off. people's park crews moved in overnight as protesters were gathering. the university wants to build a highly contested housing project on that historic site. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in the newsroom with the latest on that situation at people's park. lena, reggie, this happened while most students are not on campus because of the winter break, a spokesperson for the university says they chose to do this now to avoid trouble and conflict. >> never going to give up when we fight, we will. >> when we fight, we win. when we fight, we win. crews were met
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by dozens of protesters overnight. >> a spokesperson for the university says over the next four days, they're going to be closing off the park using shipping containers, which they say is for safety reasons. this fight over people's park started more than 50 years ago, back in 1969, when the uc system first announced its plan for developing it. but overnight, as police moved in, crews started tearing down a makeshift structure inside of the park, telling people inside they were trespassing. and they also started cutting down trees. we also saw a few demonstrators being detained. one student opposed to the student housing project came back from break early to try to stop this from happening. >> contractors are planning to begin work here while uh- students are mostly all home on winter break. >> um, which to me just kind of reflects the ideals that they're putting into this project. >> um, which is why i chose to come back early and help occupy.
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>> we have an urgent need for student housing at uc berkeley. uh, the university's also donating a good portion of this land to a nonprofit developer to create new supportive housing for low income people. two thirds of the park will be kept as open space. >> campus officials who you just heard from added that they are not able to start construction of student housing yet. but they say they expect to start in the coming months ahead, pending resolution by the california supreme court of legal challenges. the project would create dorm space for more than 100 students and permanent supportive housing for 125 people experiencing homelessness, they say. they also plan to preserve 60% of the park as open space to reinforce the park's history. live in the newsroom lena howland, abc seven news. >> thank you. lena today, the suspects charged in connection with the death of oakland police officer twan lay are expected to be in court. marc sanders of tracy and allen brown of chico are facing murder charges. a
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third man, sebron russell, is charged with burglary. officer lay was shot last week while working undercover responding to a burglary at a cannabis shop along oakland's waterfront. alameda county district attorney pamela price says she met with his family on tuesday. >> i assured them that my office will do everything within the confines of our legal power to make sure that the men we believe the man we believe shot and killed officer lay, will serve the rest of his life in prison. >> a gofundme has been set up for officer ley's family. if you would like to donate, donate. we have a link on our website, abc seven >> new developments about a misconduct investigation within the san jose police department. a former officer who's under scrutiny for some disturbing text messages took a job with another department out of state. san jose's police chief says the department notified that agency about the ongoing investigation here, and the officer is no longer with the force. the
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messages surfaced after an officer shot a black man during a fight in 2022. another officer involved in the scandal resigned last month. >> san francisco city officials say this holiday season was a success when it comes to curbing retail theft and car break-ins. abc seven news reporter luz pena has the numbers. it's a new year, and the city of san francisco says the latest crime numbers point to a positive shift during the holidays. >> a 48% reduction during the holiday is on on theft, and this is greatly contributed by the fact that we had officers present in and around union square. other retail shopping areas along market street. >> according to the city, between november 20th of 2023 and january 1st, compared to the same time period in 2022. san francisco saw a 48% reduction in larceny theft, including retail theft and auto break-ins. a 17% reduction in motor vehicle theft , a 26% reduction in burglaries
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numbers the mayor views as progress from years past. images from 2021 show thieves targeting union square and stealing close to $300,000 worth of merchandise . these images were viewed nationwide two years later, a different story. >> my hope is that momentum will carry us through for the rest of 2024 and continue because this is exactly what san francisco has been about and will continue to be about. >> according to the mayor's office, union square saw an 11% increase in unique daily visitors. >> the holidays were absolutely magic this year. we're really excited. i mean, it felt like years past that you really saw people coming from all over the greater bay area. >> the executive chef at sears fine food on union square noticed the change. >> the larger compared with this year, maybe like 20% more up union square alliance security guards were on foot throughout the holidays. >> we caught up with them to get their take. how was it out here during the holidays? >> it was calm. it was peaceful.
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no problems at all. >> did you see any crime at all? >> uh, no. >> it's this year. go ahead. i don't see no crime, but the enhanced sfpd presence won't be at union square forever. >> it won't be like it was during the holiday season, because we know there's an uptick in the number of shoppers. >> but there still will be a significant presence. >> we asked sfpd assistant chief david lazar about this. he said the department has been running operations with officers outside of stores and arresting thieves, and despite being 500 officers short, they are feeling confident. >> we actually had 40 blitz operations in the last two years, resulting in about 300 arrests. so we're going to push forward in 2024 and continue to do that work. but it's also using technology using we're now able to use live surveillance, monitoring. >> and the union square alliance estimates that a financial boost in the tens of millions of dollars during the holidays and regarding the theft numbers are abc seven news data team double
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checked the city's data and the numbers are accurate in the newsroom. los pena, abc seven news. the names of several people connected to disgraced financier and sex offender jeffrey epstein have been unsealed. >> gloria. the names in those documents include bill clinton and prince andrew rodger. >> this morning we're learning why attorneys wanted to depose former president clinton in a now settled defamation case. it was related to allegations against jeffrey epstein and ghislaine maxwell. now the first batch of previously sealed court documents related to epstein were made public last night. one came from a lawsuit filed by virginia giuffre, and she says she was abused at epstein's homes in florida. new york and on a private caribbean island. her attorneys sought to depose clinton as part of her 2016 lawsuit against maxwell. they argued that clinton, quote, is a key person who can provide information about his close relationship with maxwell and epstein and disprove maxwell's claims. according to maxwell's
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unsealed deposition. she said the allegations that clinton had dinner on epstein's private island were 100% false and without doubt, virginia giuffres lawsuit suit. >> this stuff wouldn't have been exchanged because it was relevant to the claims, and now the court has decided there's no good basis to keep this stuff under wraps from the public. >> after epstein's arrest in 2019, clinton spokesperson denied that the former president knew about epstein's crimes. also in the documents deposition from a witness who said that she met michael jackson and magician david copperfield during her time with epstein. epstein died in 2019 by suicide while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking and other crimes for helping epstein abuse teen girls. she is serving a 20 year sentence, which she is appealing. and now we're going to shift gears and talk about the weather, drew, how's it looking out there? >> hey, good morning gloria. we have partly cloudy skies this morning. a live look from our
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tam cam showing you great visibility out there for the morning drive. we'll have partly cloudy conditions for the next couple of hours. it is chilly out there. upper 30s to the low 40s for a lot of us. as we get out the door this morning, sunshine prevails really quickly today. we are expecting a bright afternoon. that sunshine pretty much in full force by about 9 a.m. this morning. looking lovely from our san jose camera. here's your 12 hour forecast. it's partly cloudy and chilly early on. you want that heavy winter coat with you? maybe even the gloves and the scarf. but by the middle part of the day we have that sunshine warming us up. it's a bright afternoon. temperatures going into the upper 50s and lower 60s for daytime highs. just gorgeous by 4 p.m. so looking at the next three days, it's quiet today. we'll get those temperatures right around average. we have some morning clouds again tomorrow. giving way to sunshine. friday is looking delightful, but rain does return to the forecast here on saturday . some light scattered showers move through. it is a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale. we'll get some rain here, but we are going to see heavy snow coming to the sierra. we
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already have a winter storm watch in effect starting at 7 a.m. saturday. we could see one 1 to 2ft of snow possible and snow levels could drop as low as 2500ft. so we'll shave this next storm system across california. reggie coming up in a few minutes. >> drew. thank you. an update on a 600 pound stolen sculpture. and the good news is the artist knows what happened to it. the bad news is he won't be getting it back. massive tides continue to pound the coast, drawing in surfers and onlookers. >> but experts are warning getting too close can be dangerous. >> our christmas tree graveyard on the streets of san francisco. what you need to know to properly get
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no idea why the dog chews on me. i contain nothing that would help them live a happy, healthy life, like nutrish whole health blend. i'm a stick, made out of stick. helping dogs dog healthy.
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has been destroyed. artist ido rosenberg said the nine foot tall piece of art was cut up and sold for scrap at a local recycling recycling center. so you may remember, rosenberg told us, that he spent months creating the sculpture. he
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bolted it to the ground outside of his studio, so it could rust. then we saw this surveillance video of a man with a truck stealing the sculpture on new year's day. san jose police say the man was arrested and confessed to stealing the piece and selling it. now he's facing grand theft charges. and police say the company may also face some penalties. >> the safety net meant to deter suicides in the golden gate bridge is finished nearly a decade after that. $224 million project got approved. this is a big milestone for people like kevin hines. he's been advocating for more preventative measures for 20 years. hines jumped from the bridge when he was 19 years old and is one of the few who survived the fall. he believes the net would have made a difference. >> i would have hesitated. i believe with enough time for patrol officers to wonder, why is that kid just standing there, leaning over the rail, crying his eyes out? >> others aren't so sure this project was worth it. doctor john s cruz wrote a column
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questioning the lack of data on regional suicide rates. after these types of measures are put in place, he believes people may just go to other places, as i have not seen convincing evidence that we're actually going to be saving that many lives, or that the several hundred million invested this way was the best way of saving the most lives. the golden gate transportation district, which manages the bridge, says their data shows the net is already working last year, while the net was still under construction, there were 14 suicides down from an average of 30 per year. most of those happen in areas where the net hadn't yet been installed. and if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, you can find local resources by going to abc7 slash. take action for more urgent matters. the suicide and crisis lifeline can always be reached by dialing 988. we're in between storms right now, but is still a sight to see at the
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coast, so look at these massive waves washing ashore. >> sky seven took this video yesterday along ocean beach, a series of huge waves are also happening around santa cruz. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey was there as people came from all over to check out the swells. >> from east cliff to west cliff, santa cruz look more like the north shore of hawaii with the sun shining bright over the blue water and big waves, the past few weeks of high surf has been a dream for surfers like dylan. love and his friends from san francisco. >> there's not much like surf anywhere else right now. um, so the winds are, like, favorable right here, right now. and we're just going to get some before the storm come. >> yeah. how great is these last few weeks been for these waves that, yeah, aren't usually this great? >> yeah. i mean, it's been really fun and surfed out here last week. it's been kind of stormy, but still like really, really fun through these swells. >> as busy as it was in the water, the coastline was packed with visitors from all over
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enjoying nature show the waves and the ocean are such a big part of santa cruz, so it's like when we get big waves, it's always fun to see. >> and we saw some big ones. >> uh, i live in reno right now, so it's been a while. >> but for residents here in santa cruz, these massive waves are becoming a common sight. laura morgan and her husband say they look forward to this time of year. >> every year we just live in a beautiful place. we're always a little surprised when we walk down here. we don't. we don't really see it coming. >> i think as fun as the surprise factor is for those watching from afar, the idea of not seeing it coming is one of the dangers of the ocean. when it comes to these big waves. with so many people swimming, surfing or viewing waves too close, it has kept california state parks lifeguards pretty busy. >> the last few weeks have definitely been busy. we've seen an uptick in rescues for sure, with a lot of surfers out. you know the new year, christmas, everyone's getting new equipment. um, last week was definitely interesting. >> state park lifeguard tyler lamer says the most common rescues of late were needed when beachgoers got stuck in the water after tides rose, and when
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people watching the waves got knocked off of the rocks and rip currents took them out to sea. lamer is urging caution for all visitors and says, if you're unfamiliar with major waves like these, stay safe and stay away. >> just remember the ocean is unpredictable and you never know what you're going to get. so just, you know, check your local forecast and if you're not comfortable getting out there, stay out of the water, lamer says. >> sneaker waves and debris in the water can be dangerous as well. so he says, stay off the rocks and don't turn your back to the water to stay safe in santa cruz. dustin dawsey abc seven news wow, it is incredible to see what's in store for today. so today is calm. tomorrow the water is a little bit more active with the beach hazard statement. >> it's all ahead of our next storm system that arrives here on saturday. so here's a live look from sutro tower. we're in store for a really beautiful day today. we'll have partly cloudy skies early on, giving way to bright sunshine as we head into the middle part of the day. the reason why we're watching a warm front that's off our coast right now. it's adding additional cloud cover. i know there looks like there's a little bit of rain on live doppler seven, but
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our atmosphere is near. the surface is so dry that any of this is evaporating, so we're not going to see any wet weather today. early morning clouds giving way to sunshine. here's our next storm system getting its act together. this will dive into the gulf of alaska, pick up some chilly air, and then head down the coastline into saturday. bring us some light showers here locally, but some heavy snow in the sierra. chilly start to our morning. you want that heavy jacket? maybe some extra time to warm up the car. upper 30s to the mid 40s. right now, but it will warm nicely later on this afternoon. bright sunshine on the way today. upper 50s to the lower 60s, maybe 1 or 2 degrees above average 61 in san jose today, 60. in oakland we'll hit 61. in santa rosa, 59 in the city, 60 that high in concord. now, overnight tonight, what we'll find is that we'll have a mix of stars and clouds out there. and we will see maybe an isolated pocket of drizzle. it's not widespread, but otherwise temperatures dipping into the 30s and into the 40s. now rainfall on saturday very light. it is a level one storm on the abc seven storm impact
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scale. we're talking less than a quarter of an inch of rain. the bigger story is going to be the snow in the sierra. look at this a winter storm. watch in effect, we're talking 1 to 2ft. maybe even higher than that in some of our highest peaks over the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast seven days for you. chilly morning, but a sunny day. similar setup tomorrow. scattered showers on saturday, but sunday is looking delightful. and then our next storm arrives here on tuesday. hi gloria. >> good morning drew. so far the roads are looking pretty good, but we want to tell you about some delays on bart this morning and limited service if you ride the green line now, you will have some delay days there because the green line service is only running between daly city and the south. hayward stations. they're doing some maintenance there. so if you're going to san francisco from the berryessa line, you need to get on the richmond train and then transfer to a daly city train at bay fair. >> thanks, gloria. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> it's being called the turbo
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turn. a european inspired intersection design that will soon be up and running here in the bay area. >> and a live look outside right now at 521. we'll be right back. did you know, there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%?
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try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5 times faster. and, because it cleans so well you can replace multiple cleaning products for counters, stoves, and even laundry stains. try dawn powerwash dish spray. brand power, helping you buy better. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
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as uc berkeley began closing off the historic site. the university says it needs a space to build student housing. the plan is to block off the park with shipping containers in the coming days. number two, the two men being charged for the killing of oakland police officer tuan lay are expected to appear in court today. >> a third person arrested is facing burglary charges. he's also expected in court today. >> number three, the first batch of sealed court filings related to the late sex offender, jeffrey epstein has been made public. the documents sought to depose former president bill clinton as a part of a defamation lawsuit against epstein and his associate, ghislaine maxwell. >> number four, the fda is looking into possible side effects from weight loss drugs like ozempic and wegovy. they include hair loss, suicidal thoughts and even pulmonary aspiration during surgery. if the side effects are confirmed,
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the fda could require new labels or other warnings for the drugs. and number five, it is a chilly morning out there. >> we're starting out in the 30s and 40s under partly cloudy skies. get ready for a bright sunshine today. comfortable temperatures will go into the upper 50s. lower 60s by 4 p.m. and at number six. >> so far, looking good out there on the roads. this morning. this is a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are not on yet. and so far traffic is light. there >> number seven a big change is starbucks. you can now use your own mug in the drive thru and for mobile orders. before you could only do that for orders made in store. the cups have to be clean and smaller than 40oz. >> there appears to be some confusion about how to properly dispose of christmas trees in one san francisco neighborhood. this was a scene in the marina district yesterday, where it looked like a christmas tree. cemetery trees were just thrown all over the place. we found trees on sidewalks in crosswalks. one was next to a
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parked car. some were piled on street corners and driveways, and then this dog seemed to be all up in all the trees. business san francisco recycles trees for free, but residents have to place them next to their bins on their regular pickup day. and if they're taller than four feet, they're supposed to be cut to size. the recycling program runs through next friday . >> a newly remade intersection near the bay area could change the way we drive, making it safer. >> this is similar to designs that are already in europe. it's a roundabout that will only be the second of its kind in the u.s. abc7 news south bay reporter laura martinez introduces us to the turbo roundabout and how it hopes to fix the freeway crashes. reporter driver in san benito county are navigating through a new and innovative roundabout. >> it's called a turbo roundabout, and it's designed to improve safety. it's located at the intersection of highways 25 and 156 between gilroy and hollister. >> because it saw twice as many
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collisions as similar intersection in california, caltrans made this video for background on the project and instructions for drivers. >> you enter, similar to a regular roundabout, but there are different features within the three lanes. this is accomplished with three inch lane dividers that guide drivers through the roundabout while discouraging lane changes. as caltrans said, the purpose of the project is to reduce the severe tsay of collisions and fatalities at this intersection. depends on where you're headed. >> you'll select a corresponding lane as you approach. >> drivers have to choose a lane before entering, and then follow signage on where to exit. lanes are wide enough for large trucks , caltrans said. over the next few weeks, and weather permitting, they'll be installing overhead signs, striping final lanes and placing pavement markings in order to open all lanes. this turbo roundabout is the first of its kind in the state, and san benito county. lauren martinez, abc seven news.
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>> coming up at 530, more snow on the way to the sierra. but it's also coming with a warning plus. >> the biden administration says it's likely isis responsible for the two explosions in iran, killing dozens. i'm mike ejiochi reporting in washington. coming up, iran's threat to those responsible
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lose the fight to remove former president trump from the ballot in california. >> now, at 530, we hear from an an expert about what exactly it would take to do that. >> protesters disrupting the first day of the legislative session at the state assembly. the message for a cease fire in gaza overnight in the east bay, protesters and people's park come face to face with police. >> what the university is saying about clearing out the area to make way for construction. >> good morning everybody. it is thursday, january 4th. >> let's start with a look at the weather. hi, drew. hey.
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>> good morning. we're in store for really nice day today. lots of sunshine, dry conditions this morning. there's a warm front off our coast right now. it's adding some high clouds into our atmosphere. we'll start out the day with partly cloudy conditions, but those clouds quickly move out of here by about 9 a.m. for total sunshine. the rest of the day. it's chilly this morning. we're down to 38. in san ramon, 43 in hayward, 41, in palo alto. this morning. chilly in the north bay as well. 38 calistoga 46. right now in nevada. so definitely take that winter jacket. early morning clouds giving way to sunshine. it's a nice afternoon. it's bright. we'll get those numbers warming into the upper 50s. and lower 60s. so take the sunglasses with you. you'll need them later on today. 60 in oakland, 61 in san jose high, 59. in the city. hi, gloria. >> good morning. drew yesterday we had slick roads. today it is a different story. we're getting a live look right now at our 8-80 camera at the oakland coliseum. you can see traffic here is flowing nicely northbound and southbound. no delays here. and a look at your drive times for this morning.
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right now, just that usual slow spot from tracy to dublin that will take you 38 minutes. >> activists and parents of transgender children are suing california attorney general rob bonta over the title of a new ballot measure. >> mr. bonta's title and summary is prejudicial, partial and inaccurate, he changed the title from protect kids of california act of 2024 to the deceptive title l restricts rights of transgender youth. >> this initiative is from a group calling themselves students first california, and it would ban gender affirming health care for minors and require schools to notify parents when their child wants to socially transition at school. we reached out to bonta's office for a response to the lawsuit, and we are waiting to hear back your voice. >> your vote now, with less than
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two weeks before the iowa caucuses, donald trump is ramping up his campaign. overnight, his team released a new ad targeting nikki haley stance on trump's border policies, calling her weak south dakota governor kristi noem is on the campaign trail for trump in iowa, asking voters to consider what their lives were like when he was in office. the first time president trump believes, and what he will do and what he will implement works , and it will benefit the families that are there. trump is also focused on his legal battles. he's asking the supreme court to keep him on the ballot in colorado's primary after that state's high court disqualified him for his actions on january 6th of 2021. it's not clear when the court will rule the debate over taking donald trump off the ballot centers around the 14th amendment insurrection clause. california is one of several states that has debated his eligibility. abc seven spoke with california's secretary of state, shirley weber, on the decision to keep him on the primary ballot here. >> and so maine had this requirement that if a 3 or 4
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people basically complained and said someone should not be on the ballot, then they would form this, then they required the secretary of state to call a meeting in five days. to do this , to do that, and then to make those decisions. we don't have that provision in california. we're, we're we're covered by our election code and our election code, basically, uh- tells us what who's qualified to be on the ballot and who's not. but it also doesn't give us the authority to remove people from the ballot unless it's written in the codes. and so we then have to go to court. >> weber added that she and her office spent hundreds of hours working on their decision. >> hundreds of protesters shut down a legislative session calling for a cease fire in the israeli hamas war at the state capitol yesterday, the state assembly had to adjourn just moments after convening. they just said the pledge of allegiance when the activists, wearing matching black shirts stood from their seats singing ceasefire now and let gaza live. they cheered when officials
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turned out the lights holding up phone flashlights as they continued with a call and response. it was all organized by a coalition of jewish organizations. developing news iranian officials say a pair of explosions at a memorial for a prominent iranian general killed more than 100 people. this was the deadliest attack to target iran in more than 40 years. abc news reporter ike ejiochi has more on the concerns about a wider conflict that the biden administration, in saying it's likely isis behind the two explosions triggering panic on the streets of a crowded iranian city. >> the two powerful bombs detonating during a ceremony marking the death of iran's former top general qassem soleimani, killed four years ago by a us drone strike and considered the mastermind behind an iranian backed network of militia groups that included hamas and hezbollah. the scene outside a local hospital, chaotic as the wounded are frantically lifted down from emergency vehicles and pushed
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into the hospital on stretchers. officials say the bombs were placed in backpacks and detonated remotely, the attack killing scores of people and wounding over 200 more, the largest in that country in more than 40 years. signature iranian officials immediately accusing israel and quote, criminal america of the attacks, saying israel will pay the price. the us officials denying involvement it. >> i'm not going to speak for another nation. i would just tell you that we have no indication that israel was in any way involved in this. >> the attack comes just one day after officials say an israeli drone targeted and killed a top hamas official, saleh al-arouri, in lebanon, raising fears of a wider war in the region. >> we remain, uh, incredibly concerned, as we have been from the outset of this conflict, about the risk of the conflict spreading into other fronts. hezbollah's top leader calling the strike a serious and heinous crime that will not go without punishment. >> us officials say they were
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not told in advance of the strike. ike ejiochi abc news, washington in following developing news in the east bay, uc berkeley says it's in the process of clearing out people's park protesters were camping out when crews moved in overnight. >> they're trying to stop a pending construction project at that historic site. abc seven news reporter lena howland tracking the latest. good morning, lena, good morning kumasi. >> right now, police are actively working to clear out people's park as they are trying to convert the park into a construction site. but this fight over people's park started more than 50 years ago. back in 1969, when the uc system first announced its plan for development. crews were met by dozens of protesters overnight, but police and chp officers barricaded every street within two blocks of the park. a spokesperson for the university says they're going to be closing off the park using shipping containers, which they say is for safety reasons. workers overnight also started removing unoccupied tents and people still living there were told to
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leave. we also saw what appears to be the last three occupiers of the park, being brought down from a makeshift tree house. a few demonstrators were also detained, and here's what one student who came back from winter break early to stop this had to say. >> i don't think that we can really claim that we're a beacon of free speech when our capital of free speech in the city is being uh- treat it as such by the university, by the city, by the private contractors. it's people's park for a reason. and the people are the ones that need to control it. >> we want to avoid trouble. you want to avoid conflict. everybody here was given an opportunity to leave. they were notified that they were trespassing. they were urged to leave of their own volition. when we continue to hope that more of more people will abide by that request. but if they don't, then we'll need to arrest him. >> a spokesperson for the university city, who you just heard from, added that they are not able to start construction of student housing yet, but they say they expect to start in the
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coming months ahead pending resolution by the california supreme court of legal challenges. the project would create dorm space for more than 1100 students and permanent supportive housing for 125 people experiencing homelessness, they say. they also plan to preserve 60% of the park as open space to reinforce the park's history. live in the newsroom lena howland, abc seven news. whoa, whoa. hey, i cannot believe this is so. >> it's really disturbing. disturbing and hard to watch a chaotic scene inside a las vegas courtroom when led this man to attack a judge. >> i'm all. that's part of. hollywood history is getting a new life. the role it will play in helping california prepare for the future. but first, a check on the weather. hi, drew. hi. >> good morning. time now, 539. and we're starting out with quiet conditions. we have a dry day on the way today. live look from the exploratorium camera showing you just partly cloudy
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conditions. and we are fog free. it's a colder morning right now compared to this time yesterday. nearly ten degrees colder in napa, about 2 to 5 degrees colder around the bay shoreline. so we are seeing some pockets of temperatures in the 30s like danville, livermore. good morning. you're at 37 degrees. we're at 39 in napa, 44 in oakland, 43 in palo alto. the winter jacket. your best friend this morning we are in store for a sunny day today after that chilly start. it's a similar setup. tomorrow we'll have a few passing clouds in the morning, giving way to sunshine, but by saturday, rain does return to the forecast light scattered showers. it's a level one light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. we'll also get some heavy snow out of this next storm. a winter storm watch is in effect for the sierra. we're talking 1 to 2ft of snow, so very likely that snow level drops to around 2500ft. so if you're thinking about trying to get to tahoe, you'll have no issues. today we have sunny skies tomorrow morning. a couple of flurries won't accumulate to anything, but much of the day is quiet with sunshine. but saturday we are tracking heavy
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snow at times. very difficult travel. do not try to go to tahoe on saturday. that winter storm watch will go into effect. we'll talk about totals, rainfall and snowfall coming up in that seven day forecast in about nine minutes. but we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> here we are. we are. we are, we are, we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start but less than 10% of us get enough each day. good thing metamucil gummies are an easy way to get prebiotic, plant-based fiber. with the same amount of fiber as 2 cups of broccoli. metamucil gummies the easy way to get your daily fiber.
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show us the video. >> yeah, reggie, that video is shocking. the chaos started moments after a relatively calm sentencing. now check out this courtroom video. it shows 30 year old dobra reddin jumping over the bench right, right at the judge. he pinned her against the wall and then fell to the floor while knocking over the courtroom flag. reddin pleaded guilty to attempted battery, but he did not want to go to prison again. when the judge listed off his lengthy rap sheet three felonies and nine misdemeanor and multiple domestic violence accusations, and he still asked for leniency. but the judge denied his request for probation and that apparently set reddin off. >> i appreciate that, but i think it's time that he gets a taste of something else, because i just can't with that history, in accordance with the laws of stay in nevada's court. hey, whoa whoa whoa, hey. the judge
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had a minor injury while a courtroom marshal had a bleeding gash on his forehead and a dislocated shoulder. >> a statement from the court says, we commend the heroic acts of the judge's staff. law enforcement, and all others who subdued the defendant. we are reviewing all our protocols, and abc news has learned that reddin has a history of mental illness. he now faces multiple new felony charges. kumasi. thank you, gloria. >> a new project in los angeles could give us a look into the future of our malls. ucla has just announced plans to reimagine the west side pavilion . so if you're not familiar with this, it's seen in the film clueless and tom petty's free falling video the $700 million project will create a campus focused on tech and health care. it will provide opportunities for the university to innovate with private businesses and government agencies on things like new cancer treatments and the next couple of years, we're going to see machines that could do things that could never be done on any conceivable classical machine.
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>> and that's when the fund is really going to start. >> the purchase was made possible. thanks to the state legislature and governor newsom. if it sounds familiar, it is san francisco mayor london breed has suggested a similar idea to revitalize union square and oakland unified school district student has won a big competition. >> selma white took first place in the frederick douglass oratorical contest. it is whether this nation has in itself sufficient moral stamina to maintain its own honor and integrity by vindicating its own . selma competed remotely and perform part of douglass speech. the race problem. she's been invited to deliver her speech in washington, d.c. at the frederick douglass birthday celebration, which is next month . congrats. yes, congratulations and a wonderful honor for our abc colleague, mark consuelos. >> the actor, producer and talk show host is featured on the cover of diversity. com magazine and the profile piece, mark describes how he got into acting by happenstance and why it's so important to him that latinos
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and diversity are represented in the entertainment industry. he also spoke about the honor of being named grand marshal and the los angeles mexican independence parade, telling the magazine, quote, what a gift it was. i got to go to the mexican consulate and meet all the people that were responsible for the parade. that was really great, and i got to honor my father, who came to this country when he was a teenager from mexico. so we posted a link to the article on our website, abc seven and of course you can watch live with kelly and mark weekdays at 9 a.m. right here on abc seven. >> get ready tonight. the ultimate finale to a hit season of romance. >> we'll see the golden bachelor become the golden groom. 72 year old gary turner and his fiance teresa tie the knot right here on abc seven. the wedding will be a fully live, live televised event, and the officiant is one of the season's fan favorites. susan you can watch the golden wedding live tonight at 8 p.m. right here on abc seven. what is happening? >> susan? we love sue. susan
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>> she's the one that looks like kris jenner. okay. >> yeah, that's okay. thank you. yeah. uh.huh got it. >> but they all seem to be pretty friendly with each other. >> the contestants. yeah, but that's what i didn't want. i wanted the messy ness. i wanted them to just be like, this is my chance. >> i know i want people to climb over fences. >> not not someone who didn't win to officiate the wedding. >> yeah, there was one woman who did create some drama in the show that was kind of funny. yeah. forget her. i forget her name, but she was talking about the. the woman who was chosen, and they were kind of. you know, they had a little bit of a clash, but she was really funny too. and i think at the end they were all kind of friendly. >> anything thrown, nothing thrown, no, not a drink thrown. >> in the first episode, you know. >> yes. it was so nice and wholesome. i'm really happy to see gary find love and teresa too. >> good for them. yeah, i want to see pictures from their honeymoon. i want to go to italy. i know right, let's go outside. here's a live look from the exploratorium camera this morning. we do have dry
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conditions, partly cloudy skies. just get ready for a nice day. we are dry today and tomorrow. expect a lot of sunshine both today and on friday. we're seeing live doppler seven along with satellite. we have a warm front nearby. it's adding a few high clouds into our atmosphere this morning. those get out of here by about 9 a.m. for total sunshine and a pretty quiet pattern to finish out the week. here's our next storm getting its act together. you see that spin of low pressure? it's going to ride into the gulf of alaska. then down the west coast and bring us some light showers on saturday. but this is a cold storm, meaning we're see a lot of snow out of the system in the sierra today, though, we are tracking some morning clouds giving way to sunshine temperatures very close to where we should be for the fourth day of january. upper 50s to the lower 60s. tonight we'll see some clouds moving back in. could see a pocket of drizzle here or there. it's nothing widespread otherwise. our coldest area is dropping to the 30s as we head into friday. now friday is dry. saturday is a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale. not a lot of rain
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on saturday, most of us likely ending up with less than a quarter of an inch with this wet weather. it's a bigger system for the sierra. that winter storm watch is in effect on saturday again traveling to tahoe today. tomorrow your best bet because by saturday and sunday that snow is falling heavy at times we're seeing 1 to 2ft of snow. very likely we could exceed two feet in some of our highest peaks with this storm system. so here's the accuweather seven day forecast. chilly morning with sunshine today. dry tomorrow. scattered showers on your saturday, sunday . looking chilly in the morning but bright in the afternoon and dry. and then our next storm is on tuesday. >> gloria good morning drew. well, right now we want to tell you about mass transit. we do have a bit of a delay on bart. there's a ten minute delay on the berryessa line in richmond, but all other mass transit is running on time right now. caltrain and ace. >> thanks, gloria. new at six. elon musk and spacex going to court. and the company may have to rehire several fired employees first, though a problem with ozempic and wegovy. >> why some users say the current weight loss fad may be a
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no idea why the dog chews on me. i contain nothing that would help them live a happy, healthy life, like nutrish whole health blend. i'm a stick, made out of stick. helping dogs dog healthy. (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family,
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because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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is now back. here's abc news reporter eva pilgrim in this morning's gma first look. >> what can happen when you stop taking a weight loss medication? >> my weight is actually about 15 to 20 pounds higher now than it was before i ever even started lugovi artemis binder was having difficulty shedding the tough to lose baby weight, and after talking to her doctor, started taking wegovy in august 2021, losing 15 pounds over six months. >> but once her manufacturer's coupon ran out, she had to stop because her insurance wouldn't cover it. i gained the 15 pounds
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back within the next six months of being off of wegovy, and since then i've probably gained another 15 pounds. >> if you stop taking a medicine that's working on your weight, your weight is going to start to come back and we'll have much more on stopping weight loss medication coming up at 7 a.m. with your gma first look, i'm eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> if eating healthier is one of your new year's resolutions, maybe you want to try a mediterranean diet. we tell people this every year. >> we really do this is consistent for the seventh year in a row. >> now, the mediterranean style of eating tops the list of best diets, according to u.s. news and world report, the dash diet, which stands for dietary approach to stop hypertension, was number two. number three is the mind diet, which combines those two plans and focuses on brain health, medical and nutrition experts ranked a total of 30 eating plans. all three top diets are plant based, with a focus on fruits and veggies,
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whole grains, beans and seeds. >> this is the funniest story of the day. if your love life is looking a little unclear, the sweethearts may be for you this valentine's day. the heart shaped candy company is releasing limited edition situationship boxes. it's just like the regular sweethearts, except the words are blurry. this is what's so funny to me. the tagline on it messages as blurry as your relationship. >> and that is so sad. >> true love only. they're available for purchase on monday at 6 a.m. traditionally and famously, i'm not into stunt food making the news, but this one. i like this one. totally approve of. this is mean. it's very funny. is it mean or is it accurate? hordes of people rush into target stores yesterday to get their hands on a cup. this
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is video from fresno, where the special edition galentine's day stanley cup sold out in just minutes. and here's video from arizona. let me see what it's looking like. get to why are these people dressed the same? see, that's part of the problem. >> his crocs. >> just notice the footwear here. that's all. oh everyone's wearing the same tights and the same shoes. >> two per guests. >> the exclusive tumblers are now selling for about $200 on ebay. absolutely not. >> in the sierra ski resorts. relishing some new snow. and so are some four legged visitors at palisades tahoe. so this is video we got from the resort. it received nine inches of snow since tuesday, and there is more snow on the way, but not with that snow comes a warning and a reminder that you do need to
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take it slow in the snow. california highway patrol shared this video with us yesterday. yo, where's the car? >> a car? >> oh, there it is. oh, wow. >> ooh, it's kind of camouflaged . >> yeah, it flipped over on interstate 80 east of the donner rest area, and it went down that embankment. thankfully the driver came away with just minor injuries, so please be careful out there. >> yeah. and kumasi, this upcoming weekend will likely be the biggest snowstorm so far this season. winter storm watches are in effect starting on saturday morning. we're talking 1 to 2ft of snow locally , higher amounts on our highest peaks, and that snow level dropping all the way down to 2500ft. today it's all about some morning clouds giving way to sunshine very quickly. it's a quiet morning drive when it comes to the weather, and looking at the three day forecast, expect a lot of sunshine today. we'll have those temperatures in the upper 50s, lower 60s. our next storm is saturday. it's a level one on
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