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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 4, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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day, which was released in 2016, and if you've read her book, i think this is a logical conclusion. >> i just hate to actually see her say this, but it makes total sense. if you've seen after you've seen what she's been through, the trauma related to her performance is just too tightly connected. that's too bad >> "good morning america," for viewers in the west, connected to jeffrey epstein. ♪ ♪ this morning, what they reveal about the high powered people in the orbit and a detail about prince andrew. the reaction this morning. >> fast moving storm. ten states under snow and winter alerts right now. tracking where some americans can see an end to the snow
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droughts and who is breaking for an icy weekend. >> former president trump appeals to the supreme court in colorado while being disqualified for his actions on january 6th. >> several key border crossings reopen weeks after they were overwhelmed by the record number of migrants as speaker johnson and dozens of house republicans visit the border following on president biden to take action. >> twin blast killed nearly 100 people during a commemoration ceremony in iran with the region already on edge. >> new details on the deadly run collision where broken runway likes to play in. >> new trial for convicted killer alec murdock, what their legal team just submitted to the court. >> the frightening moment when the man attacks a judge during sentencing flying over the bench. >> weight loss morning, some of these popular drugs for weight loss are saying about putting the pounds back on once they
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stop the medication. >> holiday shopping hangover. now the steps you can take to tackle your holiday debt after record-setting spending online. >> ready set, reusable revolution. from stanley to starbucks, trying out the new ways to get your morning cup of joe on the go. ♪ ♪ >> and we are not healing for this craze, if you know this healer, don't miss the adorable dog in real life taking center stage. >> live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> thank you for being with us on this thursday we have a lot of news to get to. >> including the fast-moving snore with rain and ice, ginger is standing by with what to expect. >> and the names of several people connected to him where unsealed wednesday. senior investigator correspondent is here -- >> george, good morning to you,
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275 previously released to secret documents have been released now and while much of what is in them has been known before, they do contain some new details about an old accusation against prince andrew in an effort to depose former president bill clinton. this morning newly unsealed court records reinforce the association presidents even the king of pop with the jeffrey epstein. sex offender who killed himself in a new york city jail while awaiting trial. the documents were a part of a defamation lawsuit, one of epstein's victims filed against his former paramore. they include documents by the lawyer saw testimony from former president bill clinton calling him a key person who can provide information about his close relationship with maxwell and mr. epstein. ever accuse clinton of wrongdoing, but claimed she had dinner with him on the private caribbean island, and called that ally while the documents shared the attorney each and every part of the claims
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regarding president clinton has been personally proven false. clinton was never deposed. after epstein's arrest, the spokespersons at night clinton was ever on the island. after the allegations were public, it also shows they seemingly offered advice, you can issue a reward to any of those friends, acquaintances, family to prove her allegations false. the strongest is a clinton dinner. -- as she described in a 2019 interview with the "miami herald." >> the training starting immediately. how to be quiet, be subservient, give jeffrey what he wants. a lot of this training came fr from -- >> ordering her to have on three occasions with prince andrew, and could not recall meeting her, and said the bbc, this photo of the two of them could be fake. >> had not seen in my memory.
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>> andrew settled a lawsuit in 2022, and includes testimony from johanna schoenberg, one of the accusers who said she was seated next to the mansion when andrew groped her breast. but asked if there was any truth about the knowledge of having sex with prince andrew, she said no, only based on what i have heard in the media. she said she met michael jackson in epstein's house and palm beach, and when she was asked, did you ever massage donald trump? she responded no. there are more documents to come later today, do phrase lawyer has said that the public has brightly defended to know how epstein operated his vast global sex trafficking enterprise and got away with it for so long. >> our chief legal analyst, key settlement in 2017. >> long-standing legal fight over whether these names should
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be released. a lot of this information has been out, right? the question is who's who in connection with the information. typically legal documents are public, right? the presumption is when you file something in a court of law it's public, there are exceptions when it comes to cases involving children or sexual assault. this had a little bit of all of this. and there are been legal battles where the judge basically said to any of the people identified if you want to challenge your name being made public, tell me why. you can challenge it, 16 people did that, some of them were successful, others were not, but the judge gave everyone an opportunity to say a want to keep my name out of this, but you have to have a reason for it. >> not everyone fought it. >> which is interesting. for a lot of the hypo profile people there was a cost-benefit analysis, this will probably be public anyway, maybe i will lose this anyway, is it really worth my being seen as having fought
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it if it's going to be made public anyway? >> that make some sense. finally, do you think there any chance that charges could come from this? >> i think it's unlikely. there's a lot of "new information" coming out, it's not new to the authorities, it's new to the public. we are seeing the names behind what is alleged here, but the people involved, the lawyers involved, the authorities have all known this information. it's just that the public is learning for the first time some of the names behind the various things that are alleged to have happened in connection with the civil lawsuit. that have been long time ago. >> all right, thank you, george, we will turn to the latest on a winter storm sweeping through the nation with ten states under snow and in alerts right now. here with the truck and the timing. good morning, ginger. >> the power of michael straight man who did not want snow might be working, because it's looking warmer, faster, and i will get
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to that. it did snow 15 inches, mountain pass california this is here in arvada -- sierra nevada. getting a little bit closer to normal, look at what will happen here, the storm is in the southern rockies and they have new alerts back in california next door, but as it's twisting around you can see above 8,000 feet, 8-12 inches in new mexico, a couple of inches for the planes like the panhandle of texas where it slides across and for new orleans it's heavy great, strong wind. talking damages in recent tornadoes, that's friday afternoon. then on saturday it starts off and appalachia. i said it starts fast, look at ohio getting snow. that saturday at 8:00 a.m. a blast through. we may start with a little bit of snow here in new york city down to philadelphia, but it transitions terrain. the ocean is so warm, 5 degrees above normal, so most of that heavy snow has been staying in the pink. and looking at albany, the poconos, and could end up on
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saturday night. so lindsay, i know that your son once a snow day. first of all, timing does not work out, but it might not happen. >> we will prepare him now. ginger, thank you. now to the battle of the border, house speaker johnson called on president biden to take action with the record number of migrants crossing, more in eagle pass, texas, good morning matt. >> good morning, lindsay. this national bridge behind me reopened now for the first time in weeks, but the political battle is just getting started. this morning the department of justice is suing the state of texas. attempting to block a tough new immigration law from taking effect this march. it would give state officials the right to detain and deport migrants suspected of entering the state illegally. but the doj says only the federal government has that right calling the texas law unconstitutional. republican governor gary gavitt
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firing back online saying "i like my chances texas is the only government in america trying to stop illegal immigration." as several key border crossings are reopened in california to south texas after number of crossings prompting federal officials to close four different ports of entry. numbers of daily migrant encounters alone in recent days but the overall picture is unprecedented. sources telling abc news more than 302,000 migrants encounters were registered last month, the highest ever number. >> one thing is absolutely true, america is at a breaking point with the record levels of illegal immigration. >> house speaker mike johnson leading a delegation of 64 house republicans to eagle pass texas yesterday, the new year's resolution demanding pepper border secure policies laying out what the bill did last year. >> this is the necessary
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ingredients, why? because it has provisions that fitch fix each of the problems. >> calling the trip of political sensing house republicans have rejected requests for more funding at the border multiple times. >> republicans have said without new border security measures they will not support funding for ukraine, israel, or the border itself, negotiating once again today for the framework for a deal. >> okay, rereleased with donald trump, asking the supreme court to keep them on the ballot in colorado i think he faces challenges to his own ability to run for office in multiple states. no tracking from the side of the first republican contest, good morning, rachel. >> george, we are just 11 days out from the caucus, and donald trump's focus on something we have never seen before in american history. asking the supreme court to stop a move to kick him off the primary ballot in colorado because of his actions on january 6th. this morning the supreme court
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is weighing whether to take donald trump's appeal in an unprecedented case that could decide whether trump stays on the ballot in colorado. it comes just days after a lower court disqualified the former president boris actions on january 6th. pointing to the 14th amendment which bans any officer of the united states with sworn oath to the constitution and engaged in insurrection from holding off office. >> donald trump engaged in an insurrection against the constitution and therefore under the constitution he could not be again. speak about terms lawyers saying january 6 was not insurrection and he did not engage in insurrection. the caucus is now just 11 days away. >> i know the momentum and i owe outcome, the momentum in new hampshire, they want something different. >> florida governor rhonda santos asked by one voter why he isn't going after him harder. >> by have you not gone after that?
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>> i mean, working? >> let's get up on the stage. >> there a clear contrasts, and simply i deliver. >> that voter, not impressed. >> are you satisfied by his answer? >> not at all. not at all. he skipped over it. he just -- typical political answer. >> nikki haley and florida governor rhonda santos are neck and neck for second place here and iowa, trying to downplay allegations looking for a stronger finish in new hampshire. as for the appeal, it's unclear where those supreme court will go on the shortage. >> we do know he is facing other action and will reach a conclusion.
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looking at the defamation case. >> george, not only that, but sources tell us the former president is expected to be in a federal courthouse next week on that case centered around why he tried to subvert the 2020 election. all this comes as he is still maintaining a commanding lead in the polls as he faces 91 criminal charges, george. >> all right, george, thank you. we will go overseas to the deadly bombings in iran that killed nearly 100 people at a memorial event for a top general our chief global affairs correspondent is tracking this from israel. good morning. >> good morning, my goal. we are just a few miles from gaza where the war continues to rage on. but this morning all eyes are on iran with the threat of a wider war. this morning u.s. officials saying it was the terror group isis that was likely behind the deadliest attack iran has seen in more than 40 years.
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nearly 100 killed and 200 wounded after two powerful bombs detonated. in a crowded iranian streets during a commemoration ceremony marking the death of the former top general killed by a u.s. drone strike four years ago. crowds desperately feeling after the first bomb blast, the second exploding minutes later. iranian officials say the bombs were placed in backpacks, detonated remotely. consider the mastermind behind a iranian backed network of militia groups including hamas and has below is considered a hero in iran where tens of thousands gathered in 2020. it's so compact you can barely move, but the emotion is everywhere. people have a very strong message for america. [chanting]
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they chanted "death to america" now echoed after the recent attack on civilians. iranian president accusing israel and america of the attacks morning israel will pay the price. but u.s. officials say there is no evidence they were involved. >> can you rule out that israel had anything to do with this? >> we have no indication at this time at all that israel was involved in any way whatsoever. >> coming a day after is an israeli drone targeted and killed a top hamas official in lebanon. calling the strike "a serious and heinous crime that will not go without punishment." the u.s. saying it was not told in advance of the strike. and iranian backed official commander in iraq was also reportedly killed in baghdad by an air strike, michael. >> no one has claimed responsibility yet, but that's
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not stopping iran from blaming israel, they are already on ed edge. >> they are already blaming israel, they immediately blamed israel, they immediately blamed america, the u.s. officials do believe this was a strike by isis, but believe me, michael, they will keep saying it's israel's fault and iran. >> thank you so much for that, lindsay. >> let's turn to some wa warm ad fuzzy news, the u.s. coast guard saving a dog after he fell down a cliff on new year's day. the video shows a rescuer being lowered down to the golden retriever whose name was leo bring the dog back up to safety. and reunited with its owners and is reportedly doing well. >> that's good story. >> that is a good story. >> coming up, the new twist attempting at a new trial. >> also had the las vegas judge who was violently attacked in her courtroom by a man being sent and spare talking about the video this morning kurt >> and
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what one woman says happened to her when she stopped using a weight loss drug. but let's go back to ginger. >> that's all riled up. though storms have been blasting through, santa cruz, california, as he has seen some of them. and now the high advisories expire for southern california about some new ones popping up in the pacific northwest because we have another storm that is starting up this weekend. so that's for the 26 feet even bigger waves in sierra nevada for a new 20 inches this weekend as it gets going. it will then hook through with the texas panhandle, chicago could get some snow by early next week. that's early next tuesday morning, and then some severe weather again with the florida panhandle included. the heavy rain will fall in places that desperately need it. this is part of the area that has some of the worst drought and the nation and of course we are staying on that warm side for that second storm too. so coastal he we would be lucky to break that streak of not having to enter nor the more snow, your local weather
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understands the officer is no longer with that agency. the messages surfaced after an after this officer shot a black man during a fight in 2022. another officer who was involved in the same scandal resigned last month and now here's gloria with traffic. >> good morning reggie. yeah, things are looking pretty calm out there so far this morning. here's a live look at our 8-80 camera at the oakland coliseum. and you can see the traffic northbound and southbound is moving nicely through oakland. no major problems or delays. and then a look at our drive time graphics for this morning. we are seeing a little bit of a slowdown on westbound 580 from tracy to castro valley. that will take you 43 minutes. meteorologist drew tim is up
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40s. your winter coat is your best friend right now. take the sunglasses with you. you'll need them later on today as sunshine is out in full force the next three days. today, tomorrow we are dry. saturday though light showers return to the region. it's a level one on the storm impact scale. a winter storm watch begins saturday for the sierra. 1 to 2ft of snow coming their way. >> reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> when it comes to insurance, nobody gives you coverage, confidence like triple a, which means they don't need wacky ads with talking animals and dumb. >> i figured out your gimmick, huh? outsmart spokes animals and choose coverage confidence from triple a. >> be advised, this is a once in a lifetime chance to save 40 to 80% on a hot tub and swim spa friday through sunday, major manufacturers and warehouses clearance of new 2024 inventory. solano county fairgrounds, vallejo over 100 hot tubs on display and everything. must go see the revolutionary swim spa. you can exercise, swim and relax without the expense and
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excited about that golden bachelor finale. and tonight there is more excitement because of a golden wedding that is live at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on abc and we have a special message from a wonder somatic member of the wedding party out there. >> it does make you smile, headlines right now, the phone records for your sourcing of presidents with jeffrey x meeting, killed himself while awaiting trial, alongside lawsuit of one of the victims against the former friend ghislaine maxwell. in a fast warming -- fast moving storm on the way, ginger tracking for some americans. >> michael not so excited about the smell that it's coming, here is one reason to be excited, as the weather gets colder, the reasonable craze is heating up, the special edition of the
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things flying off the shelves since valentine's day, since 3:00 this morning, exclusively at target on sale costing under $150, but now up to $200, and more on the reusable evolution coming to starbucks. >> that's a lot, that's a lot, they have to give a big discount. >> it's one big cup. >> a lot more including the women who say they have gained back the pounds they lost and then some once they stopped taking popular drugs for weight loss. >> new developments in the alec murdoch trial, as the convicted of killing his wife and son, now a new prosecutors during the trial, looking at the details, good morning. >> the get argument alex murdaugh lawyers are making to get a new trial has little to do with him himself. but the current court, becky
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hill questions about the behavior during the trial. this morning no evidence to push for a new trial for disgraced south carolina lawyer alec murdoch. submitting to the court to emails where becky hill forwarded to the prosecution during the double murder trial. criticizing a defense witness and suggesting what to ask him. >> guilty, guilty, guilty. >> breathing the conviction when he was guilty of killing his wife and son, now accusing her of tampering with the jury. >> and hearing what's becky hill did and did not do, and obviously if the prosecutors received emails from becky hill, they are witnesses to our conduct. >> the defense are going to push the jury to make a quick decision as a way to secure for herself that would not happen in the event of a mistrial. that book now polled,
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discontinued after hill's coauthor recently discovered she plagiarized one section. >> i'm shocked, i was disappointed. i was sad. >> hill has since admitted she plagiarized but denied allegations of jury tampering in a sworn affidavit. she was seen discussing the case and a netflix docuseries murdoch murderers, a southern scandal. >> i had a feeling from our time together with the jury that it was not going to take very long to make the decision in this case. it's just called that woman's intuition. >> the attorneys general office telling we are not filing outside the court findings inside the courtroom. so what's next? that much awaited hearing is coming up at the end of the month, that's when the judge will examine if there was any proof of jury tampering and decide if there will be a retrial. >> you are planning on getting
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your hotel room? >> we are taking all of the precautions, we don't want to be left out in the street. >> all right, you're from the beginning. we appreciate that. we will turn to th the las las vegas judge he was attacked by a man being sentenced. aaron katersky is back with the story. >> the judge overseeing what should've been a routine sentencing when out of nowhere the defendant jumped to the bench and lunged for the judge. overnight at judge attacked in a nevada courtroom. chaos erupting moments after what appeared to be a con sentencing. the repeat offender had pleaded guilty to attempted battery with substantial bodily harm, but argued to judge mary kay holds as he did not deserve another trip to prison. >> because i am in a better place than i was. >> the judge reminded him of his lengthy criminal record. >> three felonies, multiple dvs. you have a lot going on, sir.
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>> still he asked for leniency. >> i should not be like sent to prison for a second time. >> but request for probation. >> i appreciate that, but i think it's time you get the taste of something else, because i just can't let that history. >> [bleep], [bleep]. >> moments later the defense table and the bench landed on top of the judge and sparked a brawl with court officers and attorneys. telling abc news judge this experience some injuries and her condition is being monitored. the marshals substandard injuries and is being transported to the hospital. >> this video sadly is a great example of how vulnerable judges are. if they would've had any information that he was going to do something this outrageous and violent, they either would have restrained him
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remotely. >> back in october, maryland judge and andrew wilkinson was found with gunshot wounds in his driveway following the targeted attack. rushed to the hospital, but later died of his injuries. according to authority is a document appearing to be the final court order appeared the 52-year-old judge had issued a decision in a divorce believed to have involved the alleged shooter. >> judges in my view, many of them feel vulnerable and rightly so. i think this case will bring to light the whole idea of how vulnerable judges are in their own courtroom. >> the court said it's now reviewing security procedures and will do whatever is necessary to protect judges. >> and they should, and there is a bigger question about judge safety and general. >> there are threats against judges who have surged of late most recently after the colorado supreme court knocked trump off of the primary ballot, there are new laws in place but meant to protect judges and their families after a judge in new jersey was shot and killed in a family home back in 2020.
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>> we won't forget that, thank you so much. >> now to a sign of the times, the return of mandatory masking, in at least nine states hospitals are requiring people to wear a mask during respiratory illnesses, one of those facilities with the details. good morning, arielle. >> good morning, lindsay. this is 1 of 11 hospitals here in new york city to reinstate masking. some hospitals from coast-to-coast as you mention now taking that step given the rise in respiratory illnesses like covid, flu, and rsv. 31 states and washington, d.c., now reporting high or very high respiratory activity when it comes to covid-19, hospitalization has been climbing for the past seven weeks with 30,000 new admissions and just let past week alone. the cdc saying people have also died from the flu so far this season, certainly stoking concern. here in new york city, hospital say they are not overwhelmed and
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they are simply reinstating that masking protocol to protect staff and patients. lindsay. >> a bit alarming, where we sing some hospitals in some areas bringing it back but not others? >> yes, really great question. this decision is left up to the health care systems. each of them have different protocols and thresholds were assessing risk which is why you may have to mask at certain hospitals in a certain area and not at others. >> all right, think so much for that. and coming up, when a new study reveals about women and egg freezing and why some are choosing to leave their eggs behind. what you need to know about that and starting that process. and what some people say happens when they stop taking the popular weight loss drug. we will tell you about their warning. ♪ ♪ there's a better option than hand washing. switch to your dishwasher and cascade platinum plus. it uses the power of dawn to thoroughly clean your dishes
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>> back >> back now, a warning about popular drugs used for weight loss, once they stopped taking the prescription they gain back all the weight they lost. eva pilgrim is back with the details. >> this is always a question when it comes to weight loss, what happens when you stop. some weight to regain is expected, but how much? >> my weight is actually about 15-20 pounds higher now than it was before i ever even started wegovy. >> this morning slimmed-down regret, using some of the hottest trends and weight loss, the new prescription medications reporting that like with other weight loss interventions the
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weight came back when they stopped taking the drugs. >> within a month i could feel how different my appetite was, how lethargic i was becoming again, all of those things. >> having difficulties shedding the tough to lose baby weight, and after talking to her doctor started taking wegovy in august 2021 losing 15 pounds over six months, but once her manufactures coupon ran out, she had to stop because her insurance would not cover it. >> the premise he called me and said you have been paying the coupon price for six months for $25 and now the price has gone up to like -- it's $1300. >> that's when the weight came back and then some. >> i gained a 15 pounds back within the next six months of being off of wegovy and since then i've probably gained another 15 pounds. >> the active ingredient is a drug first to for treating type 2 diabetes. in june 2021 the fda approved
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its use for chronic weight management and adults overweight or obese. a2022 study finding once patients go off the medication the average weight gain rebound is about two-thirds of the total weight lost. novo nordisk, the makers of ozempic and wegovy saying not on expensively patients discover regain once they stop taking the medication, adding obesity is a chronic disease that requires long-term management like highbred though it meant blood pressure or high cholesterol. these should be used in combination with lifestyle changes like exercise and food. >> if you stop taking the medicine that's working on your weight, your weight is going to start to come back. some people can maintain the weight loss, but not everybody can. >> and the fda announcing it's looking into some possible other side effects with ozempic including hair loss and suicidal thoughts. so some real things to consider.
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>> a lot of research still going. thank you as always. coming up, with a parenting playbook for the new year, the experts will tackle your questions from homework to health and don't go anywhere. stick around, three times in one hour. we are warming up for "gma3". we will be right back, everybody. ♪ ♪ introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. all don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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try fast and always free drive up, at target. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. having triplets is... -amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut.
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and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies.
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>> triple threat eva pilgrim is back today. >> yes, if you have a toddler like me, you probably know that little girl and her family. that's the dog at that it's a famous cartoon hero, her sister dag and ament, now the most streamed show across all streaming platforms, i can only imagine how many times we have watched "gluey." so all in the same boat, right? now taking center stage, the american kennel club looking at a healer, they are long body dogs that coats that are often black and tan and they will be eligible to compete in thousands of u.s. dog shows including the west minister dog club, so what i am staying at home is that you too can have a cousin of blue we
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at your home, very hyper dogs, but heard the children up. >> thanks so much, eva, coming up, kicking off the new year with deals and the swiss and wellness product starting just $6. stay with us. ♪ ♪ cake is... you say it when things get out of hand. at prudential, we think you should say it when you hand down something valuable, too. like when you realize a recipe is just one gift you can give them, ask “now what?” here's what. you get life insurance from prudential and help protect your family like you protect a family recipe. who's your rock? ask your employer about prudential benefits, or speak to an advisor today. ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪
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>> 0.3%, how much ice on the great lakes since we saw it begin 50 years ago. some colder air coming late next week into the following weekend, so yes, there will be some beloe above average. coming up, if you have holiday shopping hangover we will break down the steps you can take to tackle your holiday debt after
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record-setting spending online. and refreshing in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. a $1,000 prepaid card with qualifying internet switch today? >> you can't go back to pre-injury life, but you can move forward to a better future. justice takes more than a
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fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. >> hi. wow i can't live without you. >> now go. stop. believe me. >> will you marry me? yes hold on to that feeling. >> yes, yes. stonestown be building a better bay area moving forward. >> finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. and here's traffic with gloria. >> good morning. reggie so far everything looking pretty good out there on the roads this morning. this is a live look right now at our 8-80 camera in emeryville. and even though traffic is starting to build up a little bit, there are no major delays right now. and then a live look at our richmond-san rafael camera, and you can see that signal is still in effect. the three right lanes remain blocked, and right now there is a three mile backup right there. yikes.
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>> sorry about that one. let's take a live look outside from our rooftop camera. the sun is out. it is chilly. we're starting in the 30s and in the 40s. and that winter jackets are needed right now. but take the sunglasses as we have a nice looking afternoon on the way today and tomorrow though, are dry days. we'll see bright conditions, but saturday light showers return a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale. this will also be a big snow maker in the sierra. a winter storm watch in effect starting saturday, 1 to 2ft of snow above about 2500ft. >> reggie drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma >> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort and there's no better time than now. kids
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three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> i have type two diabetes, but i manage it well. it's a little pill with a big story to tell. >> all i take once daily jardiance at each state star. as time went on, it was easy to see i'm lowering my a1 c jardiance works 24 over seven. >> your body to flush out some sugar and for adults with type two diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death to jardiance may cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to a sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away. if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with
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the saponaria or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is a really swell. >> the little pill with the big story. sorry to tell. >> your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure and trust your heart to entresto and entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take interestto if pregnant, it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. and don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angio edema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if interestto is right for you. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. >> hi guys! so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is.
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a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. yes. >> it was always bigelow tea. wow, that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers. >> a performance that truly matters for each and every one of us. >> this is what you've been waiting for, shen yun coming to san francisco, san jose and berkeley. tickets at wishing you a safe and healthy new year from >> "good morning america" it's 8:00 a.m., what the documents reveal about the people in the orbit. and new details about an accusation against prince andrew. the reaction this morning. new details on the deadly runway collection with broken runway lights to blame? >> this morning, what a new study reveals about women and
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egg freezing, why some are leaving their eggs behind. dr. ashton is here with what you need to know before starting the process. >> the cup craves. from stanley to starbucks. now getting us ready for the reusable revolution. ♪ ♪ >> we are roaring into 24 with our parenting panel helping your kids become more independent while improving their health, the experts are here to answer your questions. ♪ ♪ >> plus a boost from upgrading your skincare routine to hollywood hair as we say, "good morning america." >> life and times square, this is "gma." >> we are breaking news for viewers in the west, shots were fired inside a high school and iowa at least one victim has been killed, the latest of elements coming in just moments ago. the situation unfolded this morning with a first reports of an active shooter coming in at
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approximately 7:40:00 a.m. on the first day back after the holiday, our affiliate local 5 and iowa is on the scene and reported that one student, a sophomore texted his dad that he heard gunshots at 7:30 six. and then later said that he was grazed by a bullet and his friend next to him was shot. the atf is on the scene, first responders including ambulances and medical helicopters raced to the school. let's take a listen. >> we have an active shooter situation at perry high school. >> male subject, down in the hallway, gunshot wound, with all the other victims. we are outside of 308. >> nearby elementary school and middle school were both reportedly on lock down, the shooting occurred four days into the new year not far from where
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some of the republican presidential candidates are today, the iowa caucus just away, george. >> some connected on wednesday, and aaron katersky is back with the fallout, good morning. >> there was a fair amount of hype for the documents but they contain no list of the pals and no list of deviance. there are new details about the company epstein closed with powerful people like prince andrew and former president clinton. >> this morning newly unsealed court records show the association of presidents, even the king of pop with jeffrey epstein. the documents a part of a long settled defamation lawsuit, one of the victims virginia dupree fired against the paramore ghislaine maxwell, who sought testimony from bill clinton. and never accused clinton of wrongdoing, but said that she had dinner with him on the private caribbean island, clinton called at a lie, and
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said each and every part of the tips claims recording president clinton has been false. clinton was never deposed after epstein's arrest, his spokesperson denied he was ever on the island. after the allegations were public, also showing seemingly offer advice to any of the friends, acquaintances, family that come forward and prove the allegations false, the strongest is the dinner. giuffe said she was a teen sex life and directed by him and maxwell to have sex with powerful men. and order to have on three occasions with prince andrew which he has denied. settling the lawsuit in 2022, with testimony from johanna cherbourg, one of the -- seated next to giuffe when andrew groped her breast. but when asked if you had any knowledge about the truth of
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whether she was ordered to have sex with prince andrew, she said no, only what i've seen in the media. >> there are bold names were directed including michael jackson, david copperfield, and former president from, none accused of any wrongdoing, no comment from prince andrew and attorneys for ghislaine maxwell says she maintains her innocence and is appealing her conviction. >> thank you. now with the investigation into the deadly plane conviction in japan, warning that warning lights on the runway were not working at the time of the crash. and james longman has the very latest. good morning, james. >> guess, good morning, lindsey, now said that warning lights that tell pilots whether or not it's safe to land were not working at either airport where they crashed into the coast guard's aircraft, there was an issue on december 27 telling pilots that those lights will be out for a significant future. it's not clear whether that because that crash, but it will be a part of the investigation. meantime transcripts, the
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communication between air traffic control the pilot has been released saying that they were never told to abort the landing also seems is they had no idea that the coast guard's plane was making its way onto the runway. they did not have permission to move forward and did not see anything as they were coming to land. meantime the fallout from that earthquake continues, search for survivors goes on. 30,000 people are still living in shelters, many out fuel and power, electricity. so many people in japan now hoping that more survivors will be found. >> all right, james, thank you so much for that. now to the record holiday spending season, americans spend more money online than ever before. about the ways to tackle that holiday debt. good morning, elizabeth. >> good morning, it's good to be in the studio. a record holiday shopping season online with some big bills will soon be due. join an american spent
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$222 billion online in november and december of 5 percent from last year and the strong sales were driven by steep discounts for electronics, and clothes. at 16.6 billion in purchases were made using by now, pay later, those flexible payment plans that allow you to make plans in installments instead of all at once, but beware you could face fees if you do not make your payments on time. when it comes to tackling your holiday debt now is the time to make a game plan, experts say it's best to prioritize the bills with the highest interest rates. want to pay more than just the minimum on your credit card. you can also look into a zero balance transfer card basically move your debt to a new account with no interest for a set amount of time while you try to pay it off and full. and finally it never hurts to call your card issuer. see if you can negotiate a lower rate and could save you hundreds of dollars on your statement. guys. >> some good advice and those interest rates are no joke. coming up on the gma morning menu, on a decreasing, more women have been doing it but only about 3% of them actually
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use those eggs. dr. jenn ashton is here to break it all down. >> also how you can make the most of the new year, first up the all star parenting, about raising happy and healthy kids. >> and lori is here with her food trend forecasts. they're great deals and steals. what's on the menu, tory? >> we are all about wellness this morning, michael, with products to keep you cozy, get fit, ease those aches and pains all great options for a healthy 2024. starting at just $6, so that's coming up right here on "good morning america." but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days.
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blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. when migraine strikes you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treat it anytime, anywhere. without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. let's begin shall we? this is apple tv+. the streaming service with something for everyone. let's go! new releases every week. the best movies, shows and so much more. you can watch it on all the devices you already own. here we go. ♪ start streaming now. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart? how's your heart? how's your heart?
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-it's good. -is it? aah, i don't know. -it's okay. - it's okay! yeah. good. -you sure? - i think so. how do you know? it doesn't come with a manual, and you like ooh, i got the 20,000-day checkup, right? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds, from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it's the only personal ekg that's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this costs? probably in the hundreds. $79. oh wow! that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. this year, make a resolution to take care of your heart. don't wait. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make
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your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. at target, try fast and free drive up. ♪ ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target. >> welcome back to "gma."
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a big day tomorrow, melissa gill heart and the funny dan levy earth live in the studio. >> looking forward to that coming out to the cover story, a new study that says among fertile women, only two and a half- 3% return for the eggs they froze. it comes as a crazing increase by 31 percent in recent years according to the american society for reproductive medicine. here to break it all down as our own chief medical correspondent dr. jenn ashton. let's just start out with why the increase of women who are freezing their eggs? >> i think that's great news and women's reproductive health, because it represents a paradigm shift from treating infertility to being proactive about fertility. so this has been a trend now for the last 5-10 years. because he assisted reproductive technology come the science is so well-established. as costs start to come down and more employers start to cover these costs, we are seeing more and more women opt for it before
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they receive a diagnosis of an fertility. >> and what is the success rate? and is there an expiration date? >> you have to remember during the study it's part of the proof of underlying concept that egg freezing does not 100% of the time of a live baby make. and that can be for a variety of reasons. change in life circumstances, change in physical circumstances, financial issues, and the success rates vary. they depend on the age of the woman when she freeze as her eggs that range from 15 percent to 18%. when you think about that there's this myth and misconception that you freeze your eggs, that will result in a live birth and that's absolutely not the case. >> i have a few girlfriends who have gone through this. it's quite a process to actually do it to not actually use the eggs, where we seen that happen? >> i think a lot of things can change, this study did not go into the why, they just took an overall observation about what
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goes on with women. women who have received a diagnosis of infertility or get fewer eggs on retrieval are more likely to go back to use them, maybe with that warning that may be there fertility window might be closing. but i think that any woman considering that should ask that center what will happen to these eggs if i don't use them? often times they are used for research or or donated, but that is obviously very important information i think that also women need to remember this is not like going in for a haircut or a manicure, they are financial reasons, financial tolls, physical, emotional. if all goes well, it's a process i can take place in a couple of months, but unfortunately for a lot of women it can be very, very lengthy and extensive and expensive. >> who would you recommend this to? what should they know before they do it? >> i think a lot of ob-gyn's are talking to women in their mid-20s about this proactively.
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so that they understand that it's an option that you don't want to wait for a diagnosis of infertility to consider it. but again, just because a go for that consult or their egg retrieval does not necessarily mean they will go back and use those eggs. so you can think of this in some ways as a reproductive type of insurance policy that it is an option there, but remember it does not necessarily equate to bringing a baby home from the hospital. >> but at least it can slow the biological clock down a little bit. >> it can alleviate a lot of anxiety that a lot of women have as they can into their 30s and beyond. >> some good advice for us. thanks so much. >> so our new year's theme roaring into 24, we have a parenting book author with us right now, pediatrician and registered dietitian rachel simmons, welcome to all of you. rachel, let me begin with you, last year we learned about gentle parenting, explained that and tell us what you recommend this year?
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>> gentle parenting does not emphasize boundaries it's a lot of feelings and listening to kids, but i actually really think that kids thrive when they have rules. they need to know what's okay, what's not okay, and parents do best when they are a mix of firm but kind, you can't be too much of one or the other. in 20:24 a.m. encouraging parents to pave it and focus on giving their kids more autonomy. the research is showing that kids experience more anxiety when they have less control over their lives. so we have to give kids some of that control back so that they can have independence and they will be comber and happier for it. >> that's interesting right there. this is for you. what can parents do to give their kids a sense of responsibility and independence when it comes to what they are eating in their diet? >> i love that, i will piggyback here and use my daughter as an example. she is ten years old and she said she wants to be in charge of packing her snacks for school and then she also wants me to make her a special yummy lunch once per week. so i said to her, okay, little
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girl, i love you coming you're going to help me shop. i want you when i am going online to help me pick out the items that you want to show up in your yummy lunch and your snack and then you are going to have the autonomy around actually putting it together. it allows me to teach her a little bit about nutrition, protein snacks and carbs what is going to keep her full as well as what travels well to school so that she really does eat it. >> that makes a lot of sense. dr. edith, parents have so many different options when you are looking for help, what do you recommend? >> a primary care pediatrician and started at small town medicine firm, and also advise tech platforms, you can go to your pediatrician, or do you medicine visits, text with the pediatrician, the first thing i will say is that there is no replacement for your regular checkups with your pediatrician. they are so much that we are doing in those checkups beyond just giving immunizations and the second thing is that i really hope this year parents will make a plan with her pediatrician ahead of their kids
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getting sick. so let's learn, what is appropriate for a phone call? what is appropriate for an office visit. when should you go to the emergency room? and just as important, when do you not need to go to the emergency room. we see so many children who as soon as they get a call for especially school-age children who are otherwise healthy, as soon as they get a call for a fever, parents run and we understand we want to help and worry with parents, but we also want to see them miss the trip and feel and powered by choices. >> you will be okay. >> we have some viewer questions, this comes from a mom of three, and check it out. >> with the start of the new year, and wondering what parents can expect back and to what suggestions you have on how to handle it? >> i love this question, because as adults we are all about new year, new me. our kids are the opposite, they are writing the hot mess express
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when they come back from their holiday break, because they have been on screens, they are off their routine. we have to actually manage our expectations down for them, up for us. there's plenty of time for us to set big expectations later in the year, it ain't now. >> no question about that. and here is from josh, he is a dad. >> my family and i just got back from vacation to one of those all-inclusive resorts, now my 5-year-old is not eating the meals we set for him at dinner time, what are some ways that i can get him back on track eating his usual meals? >> oh, my goodness, josh, i see yoyou and hear you, on the same struggle bus as well. set regular meal times, what i want you to do is think about adding snacks and at these consistent times and continue to offer hydration, coming specifically from water and add those vegetables end. put them on the plate every time we sit down to a meal, u.s. the adults and caregiver decide what, when, and where, and the
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kid does if and how much. >> this is a mom of two, a question for you dr. edith. >> as i prepare for 2024, what should be top of mind for kids overall health and well-being? >> yes, i love this. so let's go back to basics is what i would say. so first thing is let's make sure our immunizations are up to date all of the vaccines whether that is flu, covid, the new rsv if your child qualifies, let's check those car seats. let's try to keep our kids we are facing as long as we can if we have checked the weight and height limits. and lastly, let's check in with ourselves. i think when we take care of ourselves and all of us as moms can attest to this. when we take care of ourselves, we are able to show up her kids. we are able to do the regular mealtimes and enforce the boundaries and all the wonderful things we have talked about. >> dads too, thank you
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going to do my part and make this a positively beautiful da day ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ ♪ "good morning america" ♪ >> i am honored to be here, and we have some great products to boost your wellness, you can go right at the deal by appointing your cell phone camera at that qr code, good morning, tori, happy new year! >> if being comfy cozy is on your list, what's important for you, then that's radically soft hoodie
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soon as i told you you are going to pick it up you are like i know that product. i bought these for everyone for the holidays. and i have gotten just to rave reviews from everyone, because it is so -- >> it is so warm and soft. >> and comfy. i was heard that it feels like a lazy sunday morning big want to just carry with you everywhere. whether you are traveling or at home, on the go come appear with what works for you, feel comfortable all the time. and we have from sunday citizen the pom-pom throw. this -- feel how soft this is. i wish you guys could feel how soft this is. it's a double layer of the ultra soft fabric, for those chilly nights this is no match for that, you will be comfy/cozy, everything starts at $45 and free shipping. now, let's look at the compression socks that were actually started during the pandemic, specifically to honor and support that double meaning there are, all of our frontline workers and what is awesome
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about these is it's compression and that it's a gentle hug but not constricting, so you get all of the benefits of compression, anything from helping to alleviate or minimize any swelling, fatigue, varicose veins going to do it all for you. and look good in the process as well, there is no many different patterns to choose from, they are all at $16.50. so this is lam oh, and this is really all about casual comfort they make shoes from men, women, and kids, a cloudlike comfort. >> and they have the little furry exterior. >> you can get the lined interior and you feel how lightweight they are, that's one of the benefits. so cushy outsole, big assortment you will see online, and this is a year-round shoe to wear,/in half, starts at 22.80. and sticking with footcare, this is barefoot scientists. we have lots of different options from them. one of my personal favorites, this one here not just because of the name, but the twinkle
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toes. that is a deodorizing spray, there you go, you can do a little shuffle with that. it's great for either feet or shoes or both, and what is good is that it eliminates the older rather than masking it. we also have one of their newest products which is that cuticle oil right in front, and it's great for nourishing, helping to reverse male damage, we have all of their favorites from their foot scrub to their foothills when the feet feel good, you're going to have a goo ways to have a pilates studio results right at home. so you can see this is an exercise. system that you can use in the living room because it will anchor straight to a door, a chair, a couch, leg, whatever you want. and it's amazing. for better flexibility, core strength, lean muscle and it was developed for all levels, all
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goals. so you don't have to be a pro like liz to be able to do this. i told her i would talk fast so she didn't have to. >> i'm just sitting here watching how she's uh. >> anyway, all slashed in half. this is an amazing system to have at home. phenomenal i can't say enough about it. gets lots of great stop. yeah. >> thank you. liz. there you go. and then finally thera ice. >> so this is one of the feel how cold that is. so that's in the freezer. so you would put that around your head specifically for headache relief. you can then pull it over your eyes if you want to completely blackout. we've got everything from them. we've got sleeves. we have of the headache hats. the these are sleep masks and this one's fabulous because if you feel that one you could use that anywhere. shoulders back, wherever you need some cooling relief. it's cool. it's a good one. that's a good one. slashed in half. they start at 650. >> cannot beat it tori. you knocked it out the park as always. big thank you to tori. we partnered with these companies on these great deals. you can get them on our website. good morning coming up our 2020 for food for cast.
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looking at some of the big upcoming trends this year with lori bergamotto. we'll be right back. this is. with so much at stake, so much on the line, more americans turn here than any other newscast. >> abc news world news tonight with david muir. america's number one. most watched newscast across all of television. you know, i never i never get in there. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. no major issues on the roads right now, but we are seeing some traffic in some areas, so check out this live look right here at the richmond-san rafael bridge. and of course, they still have that sigalert. in effect, the right three lanes are still blocked. and they do have at least a three mile backup there. right now. and now a look at our
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80 camera in emeryville. and again, traffic here. but no major delays. >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist your tumor has your accu weather forecast after the break. >> good morning. i'm cindi bigelow. i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. that's what a cup of tea is. >> a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow >> that's what my family hopes for. >> more cheers. cheers. >> a performance that truly
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matters for each and every one of us. this is what you've been waiting for, shen yun? coming to san fran in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. generation ten g network only from xfinity. >> out side this morning. >> here's a live look at santa cruz. it is just a beautiful looking morning. no advisories on the coast today, but a beach hazard statement in effect tomorrow on the coast for the increased risk of sneaker waves and rip currents. temperatures right now it is chilly, 30s and 40s. underneath that sunshine.
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it is going to be a nice day today. here's a look at the forecast over the next couple of days. sunny today. morning clouds the sun tomorrow. then scattered showers return here on saturday. light in nature to level one on the abc seven storm impact scale, but it will be a big snow producer in the sierra winter storm watch in effect saturday morning. 1 to 2ft of snow very likely. kumasi. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the ♪ ♪ >> "good morning america" and hi, eve >> "good morning america," hi, everyone from bachelor nation, i am getting ready to officiate the wedding of the year, the golden wedding. i hope you all tuned in tonight at 8:00 on eastern time, also streaming tomorrow on hulu, and i hope you enjoy it like i'm going to. see you there. >> officiating weddings were more than a decade and is excited about tonight.
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>> it's going to be fun to watch. and she is not the only former contestant who is attending the ceremony, you can see who is at the golden wedding tonight live on abc. big moments there. >> yes, i am looking forward to it. >> did not waste any time. >> got right to it. and now to starbucks, it's the first team to allow customers to use their own reusable cups and drive-through's and mobile orders, joining us now with how it will all work, good morning. >> good morning, yes, i just went next door for a macho latte and they poured it right into my gma mug, now saying the most sustainable cup is the one you already own. so while i enjoy my latte, take a look at this. that morning cup of joe might start looking a lot difference this year. for the first time starbucks is now allowing customers to use their own personal cups in drive-through's and when ordering on the app. the company saying its goal is
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to reduce waste by 50 percent by 2030. >> i brought my clean cup, so i'm going to go ahead and use the app to order my coffee right now and get something pretty simple. the blonde roast right here, you want to customize it and then when you go all the way to the bottom, it will show you personal cup, you hit that. done customizing, add to order, no i grab my cup and i bring it over here. how are you? >> i have this, thank you. >> thank you. there we go. we've got it. >> and if you are at a drive-through, you order your drink as usual and let the barista know that you brought your own cup. at the pickup window they will use that same contactless container to ensure your personal cup stays clean. starbucks says it does not even matter what kind of drink you're ordering. >> i have a pistachio latte coming right up. >> the only requirement, your cup just needs to be clean. >> it so strange to see the
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starbucks drizzle and all of that with my cup from home. >> drink up. >> and it smells good too and there's one other benefit, you will get a 10-cent discount for each personal cup order in all their size options are there. just make sure you are tapping on that personal cup option on the app otherwise the barista won't to. >> any have to pay that extra $0.10. >> any savings is good. >> that's right. thank you. >> all right, thank you, guys. and now we will go to one of our favorite things to talk about at gma, food, that's right. and when it comes to matters of taste and what is trending, we always call it up, she knows all about taste and what's trending. it's what you do, the hit person around here. >> well thanks, as the unofficial carb correspondent, michael, i had a lot of fun trying some trendy foods in 2023 and good news, everyone, the forecast for next year is looking foolish. >> you know what, i know you have done a lot of research to
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see what we can expect, so break down. >> do you know, i know you cheated a little bit, but do you know what the mystery ingredient is? >> i had no idea until i cheated. >> surprise, everybody, it's buckwheat. so are you familiar with this? >> i remember the character buckwheat. >> the ingredient is actually a gluten-free ingredient. so a lot of people who may be eating gluten-free may have known about it, but "the new york times" is saying that this is the year, michael. 2024 is the year of buckwheat, everybody, people love it for its robust flavor and things like soba noodles, really easy to make pancakes, but let me tell you what is blowing up on tick-tock right now is the hot chocolate and buckwheat caramel cookies from new york city his own bay bakery, they did send us some, if you would like to try the
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cookie or the hot chocolate and its practice some nutritious benefits as well. it has protein, fiber, magnesium, what you think? >> it's a great cookie. >> see, it is here to stay. there you go. >> that's good, what else do we have? >> so you know what this is, a cheeseburger. does this look familiar? >> yes, a quesadilla. >> so pinterest is predicting that this is the year of the multi-mashup. what does that mean? it means it's all that we go we treat yourself favorite in one irresistible bite. the burger, quesadilla, some are calling it the burger burger-quesadilla. we have some here for you, but i'm really psyched about this one because it's all the things you love and you're just being efficient, michael. >> on a friday night that seems like a good option, not this morning. >> you balance it with the buckwheat.
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>> buckwheat and burger. >> we have one more. this is the party 3? >> yes, this is what will be big on the party scene, are you ready? >> i am ready. >> okay, bring it out, guys. it is the sheet cake, everyone! but this is not the sheet cake of birthday parties past, everyone. this is "the new york times" telling us that this is an elevated very delicious, very -- so this is from philadelphia's own bakery and what they are seeing is because of the geometric shape of the cake it has a campus for pastry chefs to really showcase all of their talents, be really creative, and we were all sort of booing and gnawing at this, every detail of this is absolutely beautiful and the inside i think we have a cake for everyone to taste is incredible. it has butter cream and cookies
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cream, and there is a glitter cherry on top that is edible. so that's what i wish for you in 2024, put a cherry on top. >> i am going to hang out with you in the process. but you know it, thank you so much, coming up we have the new way to get rid of all the broken toys to create space at your home and you can also help
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entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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>> we are back on the new space-saving speak of the epa estimates that americans use 25% more garbage from the holidays to the new year, ginger here with ideas on what to do with all of that stuff around the house. >> i don't know about you, you were all over asia enjoying yourself, but i was organizing during the holidays, hold up and looking at the kids toy cabinet, and that's where i found some helpful options to tidy up without trashing the planet. >> that postholiday clutter is thick as we start the new year. >> now that the toy cabinet is full of all shiny new stuff from the holidays, what we do with all of those forgotten or can't be donated. or those that are broken and can be recycled. >> an estimated 3 billion to joya's are sold in the u.s. every year and are often not made with an end-of-life and mine. >> the vast majority of toys unfortunately are thrown out after just one child is done playing with them. >> so now accompany once your toys that you can't throw in the recycling bin.
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they ever cycled 4 million toys in the last five years preventing 550,000 pounds of waste. you can send toys to terror cycle in two ways, request a free shipping label or by a zero waste box. terror cycle then sorts, cleans, treads, crushes and melts down those toys into usable materials that can be used to make new products. >> over the past five years in the u.s. alone we have launched 600 different recycling programs because people are asking, what happens to my toy once my child is done playing with it? >> tom says it's up to the company is and all of us to push for a better alternative to deal with plastic and other waste. >> i think recycling is only one part of a multipronged solution. we need to always ask, is our child really going to enjoy that toy for a long period of time before we purchase? >> so that shredded material right here is what to do toys get down to. then they are made into these beads and then they are made
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into things like that, a flower pot, watering, but terror cycle i mean both say that there are other options before you do all of that. so this is the best thing obviously donate if you can, and a lot of places won't take the donations, but check with churches and dirk day cares, because they are open and have different specifications, and then make some money. he would be so surprised how big that secondhand toy sale is. i have done it and have deftly purchased. so adrian was so into having action figures, but i went on ebay and found a whole collection of these. this is just a small fraction coming he has been loving them. they were someone else's and i dump them in the bath and he does not know any different. >> now he does. >> a
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ways ♪ ♪ "morning america ♪ >> time now to help your skincare routine roar into 24, and dr. whitney is here with us now with some of the must-have skincare staples that will keep your skin glowing all year long. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> and my big question is what are the trends of 2024, i need them. what are you seeing? >> there is one concerning trend among adults. >> you say one concerning trend, and looking at me. >> it's among adults and tween's. that people are using more and more skincare products in their skincare routines are getting more and more complicated. but that's not what our skin needs or what our skin once. you want glowing, healthy skin in 2024, you've got to declutter. you've got to get back to the basics.
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>> she looked at me when she said tween's. [laughter] >> it's a compliment. >> what is your number one ingredient that you say will simplify your skincare? >> retinoids are one of the most powerful ingredients in all of skincare come not only can they treat acne, prevent breakouts, but some can reverse signs of aging and the skin. firming the skin, smoothing out lines and wrinkles. so you can get a prescription strength retinoid from your dermatologist or one over the counter, so people are familiar with retinol, so imagine this cup of coffee is a retinol. if you take a shot or two shots of espresso and you pour it into that coffee, that's how we are thinking of that ingredient called right now with nal, because it's also over the counter, but is thought to be even more powerful than retinol, but if you are introducing this for the first time into your skincare routine, that's when skin cycling comes into play, because most people can't tolerate a retinoid every single night of the week especially not
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at first, -- >> they can make your skin peel. >> peel, red flaking, and days after you are starting. >> the good moisture is or what help that, right? but they are so many options, so which should you look for? >> a good moisturizer is the foundation of your skincare routine especially during the winter months, you want to look for one that will dive into the skin, not just on the surface, you want it to be clinically proven to hydrate the skin and take care of the skin barrier and you're looking for ingredients like ceramide's, squalene, hyaluronic acid, but if you have sensitive skin like i do you want to avoid moisturizers that have essential oils or fragrance in them. those can be irritating. >> you say this final product is actually your favorite, tell us what we have? >> one of my favorite staples is a vitamin c serum. it can brighten dark spots, it can even out skin tone, but it also protects the skin from things like pollution, uv
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damage, so we used to say use your vitamin c every single morning that affects the boost of your sunscreen, but now there are newer forms that you can use twice a day, get those results even faster. i use it twice a day every single day. >> you have treated my
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♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> welcome back now, ready to roar and a 24, and giving you and you do for the year ahead, breaking down some of the biggest hair trends to help with a celebrity hairstylist, take a
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look. ♪ ♪ >> this is huge, you guys. >> with more than 1 million followers on instagram and tiktok, andrew fitzsimons has certainly made a name for himself. >> celebrity hairstylist andrew fitzsimmons, and i will show you three things you might not expect from your celebrity hairstylist. >> high-profile clients like the kardashians, j. lo, emma and donna, his career has exploded on a global scale. >> who is your favorite client? >> i will probably say him. >> and if you are looking for tips on how to get that hollywood glam hair at home -- >> and there you have it, a hairstyle fit for a pop style. >> there are new hair trends that we are sure to see more of in 2024. >> and joining us now is celebrity hairstylist andrew fitzsimons, so good to have you here. happy new year to you. and we have our producer right here, and you are going to show
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the ponytail little bit? >> yes, 2024, new year, new due. this is all about convenience as well as looking great. so a ponytail is the perfect hairstyle for this instance, length and texture. so basically for a ponytail, all we have to do is take the ponytail and your hair just has to be as long as it takes to go into a little hair tie like this. you back home a little section for your ponytail to attach to and literally just put your ponytail in as there is a little piece to wrap around. now a lot of people use clip and extensions for the ponytail, but for me that's a little bulky and takes a lot of time, so having a ponytail piece, this one is by bel ami is really, really easy. so this took me like ten seconds to wrap around to. >> of rbob boom. you are ready. >> and she is 2024 ready with a
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beautiful ponytail. look how beautiful that is. >> very nice! we like that. all right, and our producer here, now always a video, but you have a new way to get this look. >> beach waves are a stable, everyone loves them. conventionally people use a curling iron to achieve it. but that's all dependent on the shape of the curling iron, you can only get one curl, with a flat iron the possibilities are endless. so basically you just take a piece of hair, the method i use this kind of like have you ever curled up piece of ribbon with the scissors? that's kind of the principal. so you are going to slide the flat iron away from the face down the hair. just like this and you can create a drawn out beachy wave, you can go more glamorous, but it literally takes two seconds to do. i will do another piece here. and this is just a really convenient and easy way to waive
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your hair without having to use a curling iron. >> looks very good. we love that. >> and always make sure that when you heat style your hair you are using a heat protectant also. >> what are some of the trends you are expecting for '24? >> so we are seeing a huge return to red hair. now we love our natural redheads, but we see so many celebrities dying their hair red and megan to stallion, megan fox, all of the megan's dying their hair red, huge trend we will see in 2024. and also a return to romantic beautiful soft hair. we will see a lot of cascading botticelliesque curls and waves and a lot of textured hair. we are going to see a less severe hair than we saw in 2023 which was a little bit of the tight buns, this is more just a beautiful natural flowing hair. >> so longer more than short?
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>> not necessarily, talking about texture, more natural texture. >> and what advice would you get for people trying to keep their hair fresh in between washes? >> right, so i think that everybody a secret weapon is dry shampoo, some people are slightly traumatized in the past by dry shampoo just because back in the day it used to just be talcum powder that you sprain your hair and you get this to marie antoinette wig look at, so this is dry shampoo 2.0, the new generation. i created this dry shampoo to be completely invisible, good with dark hair, usually you stay away, because you don't want the powdery look, it's completely invisible, fresh and say here and you don't get that tail key feeling, so it's just reset back to beautiful hair. >> we think you so much, want to let her viewers know that you can chop all of these products by scanning the qr code on the screen are going to the website we will be right back. ♪ ♪ to (♪)
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(♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music) when your gut is out of balance, your body gives you signs. so if you're frustrated with occasional bloating...
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you've been diagnosed with amd and noticed vision changes, don't wait. gah is irreversible. it's important to catch it early . talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at ga. won't wait. com when the hands that do the fixing need fixing. >> when the hands that do the caring need caring. that's a job for o'keeffe's working hands. it's america's number one selling hand cream and guaranteed relief for extremely dry, cracked hands. also available in o'keeffe's for healthy feet. day, morning. >> you're gonna love this. love you. i'm gonna love you. when parmalee performs live for you tuesday only on good morning america's concert series, sponsored by planet fitness. >> all right. it looks like a lot of fun. we want to thank you all for watching us. this morning. >> a great day, everyone. bye. >> prepare to be amazed. >> general hospital comes to prime time. let's do it. your
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favorite stars return. this is a surprise. to celebrate 60 years. thought you would like general hospital. 60 years of stars and storytelling tonight. >> when it comes to insurance, nobody gives you coverage confidence like triple a, which means they don't need wacky ads with talking animals and dumb. i figured out your gimmick, huh? >> outsmart spokes animals and choose coverage, confidence from triple a 96.5 koat today's hits. >> those are drinks. bring back all the memories. yesterday's favorite it that way. >> listen while you work 96.5 co. >> it. let's go together for the world famous harlem globetrotters. >> this isn't just basketball people. this is where what just happened happens. >> all the time. >> don't miss the harlem globetrotters 2024 world tour
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playing the bay area january 11th through 14th. go to harlem globetrotters. com slash bay area for tickets. when you sleep on the right mattress, it makes everything clear. >> i know how to repair my relationship with my father. the right mattress matters. >> we'll find yours. it only happens once. >> it's literally in the name. it's mattress firm's once a year sale and clearance. do don't miss it. save up to 60% on top brands and get a free adjustable base mattress loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you.
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visit today. network only from xfinity assurance companies love using jingles to sell your policy passes, but not a that's triple a, so you've written a jingle about how we don't do jingles, outsmart jingles, and choose coverage confidence from triple a building, a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi no major issues on the road this morning. right now we're getting a live look at our san mateo-hayward bridge camera. and you can see there is a little bit of traffic, but it is flowing nicely. and also a live look at our bay bridge toll plaza camera and actually pretty empty out there right now compared to usual. hey gloria, we'll go outside. >> here's sfo, a lot of sunshine on this thursday morning. temperatures are still in the 30s and in the 40s, so it is
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chilly to start the day. but will warm up nicely as the afternoon rolls on dry today and tomorrow rain returns to the forecast here on saturday. light scattered showers to level one on the storm impact scale. significant snow coming to the sierra 1 to 2ft over the weekend. winter storm watches are posted kumasi. >> thank you. drew now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a good morning. it's live with kelly & mark. today, curtis "50 cent" jackson and from shark tank, robert herjavec. plus, we get a lesson in indian dancing, and matteo bocelli performs his new song. all next on live!


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