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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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>> gio: good morning, america. scare in the air. an alaska airlines plane makes an emergency landing because of a hole in the fuselage. terrified passengers use oxygen masks as the cabin pressure drops. the major announcement from the airline this morning. >> whit: winter blast. the major storm sweeping across the country dumping more than a foot of snow in some places.
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icy conditions making roads treacherous. our weather team tracking it all. how it could affect your weekend plans. >> rhiannon: fast-tracking the case. the supreme court to decide whether former president donald trump is eligible to be on the primary ballot in colorado as overnight president joe biden makes the first major speech of his campaign. >> gio: remembering david soul, the co-star of the hit '70s cop series, "starsky & hutch," passing away at 80. >> there's nothing anybody can do, but don't lei down, starsky. don't quit. >> gio: his talent beyond the screen. ♪ don't give up on us, baby ♪ >> gio: and his road to stardom. ♪ >> whit: and football weekend. so much at stake in the nfl on the last week of the regular season. five playoff berths up for grabs, a preview of all the action in the win or go-home matchups with espn's greg mcelroy.
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>> whit: and good morning, america. great to have you with us. we're happy to have rhiannon ally at the desk is us this morning. welcome. >> rhiannon: thanks for having me. >> whit: a lot to get to including the presidential hopefuls on the campaign trail as president biden marks january 6th with a speech about democracy. also, secretary of state antony blinken arriving in the middle east overnight the hopes of calming fears and i'll speak with white house press secretary karine jean-pierre in just a few minutes. >> rhiannon: also, the supreme court announcing it will hear donald trump's appeal of that colorado ruling removing him from the ballot. the court fast-tracking the case. >> gio: the cross-country storm making a mess. what it means for your area, but first here that major breaking story this morning, alaska airlines grounding all of its boeing 737 max 9 planes after an
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emergency landing last night -- look at this -- because of a hole in the fuselage. the cabin depressurizing in the air, and abc's jaclyn lee is following it all. jaclyn, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. yes, we're learning alaska airlines is grounding all 65 of those planes after this incident. now, quickly after takeoff the cabin pressure dropped causing the masks to drop, and we're learning according to faa records, this plane has only been in use since october of last year. overnight, alaska airlines grounding its entire fleet of boeing 737 max 9 aircrafts amid serious questions about what caused this hole in the fuselage midflight. >> there was a very loud noise, and it seemed like something rushed into the cabin and then rushed out. >> reporter: shortly after the flight heading to ontario, california, took off, an emergency in the air as the cabin depressurized, forcing the
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pilot to turn around. >> we are depressurizing and do need to return back. we have 177 passengers. >> reporter: oxygen masks were immediately lowered. terrified passengers seeing the lights in the hole in the plane. >> when the masks came down, my mind was like, oh, my god, something is seriously wrong. you could hear the heavy breathing, and from there i just kept thinking of my family. it was hard not -- we were all trying not to panic. >> reporter: alaska airlines saying the aircraft carrying 171 guests and 6 crew members landed safely as portland international airport telling abc news, the safety of our guests and employees is always our primary priority, so while this type of occurrence is rare, our flight crew was trained and prepared to safely manage the investigation. investigators still trying to pinpoint just what went wrong. >> one of the questions here for the investigators is going to be, was that a mechanical failure, or was that some
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failure in maintenance? >> reporter: and the ceo of alaska airlines saying they're only grounding these planes as a precaution, and they'll only return to service after maintenance and safety inspections. gio? >> gio: all right. jaclyn, thank you. we have to underscore what a big deal it is for an airline to ground its entire fleet, because when you're looking at this, it does not necessarily mean there's anything wrong with all of the planes but have to investigate, and no doubt about it, all of the other airlines will look at this too and see if there's anything we have to do. >> whit: a lot of questions left to be answered. gio, thanks. turning now to that major storm system sweeping across the country targeting the east coast from georgia to maine and somara theodore has the latest. somara, good morning. >> somara: good morning, whit. now, the storm is now moving into the east leaving in its a blanket of heavy snow. this morning, a monster winter storm hitting the heartland hard moving east as 40 million americans and 15 states from north carolina to maine ready for its arrival.
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texas hit hard by a massive storm, four inches on the ground in amarillo, while in galveston, the storm brought heavy rain to the coastal city flooding streets. in arkansas, a crash on snowy i-94 backing up traffic for miles leaving hundreds of drivers with nowhere to go. >> i always drive with google maps. it suggested i get off, and at the last minute i said, you know what, i think i'll be okay. well, i chose poorly. i was wrong. >> reporter: the storm whipping through kansas leading to crashes like this one in wichita. >> we are slammed with cars. i was talking to dispatch. the phones just keep blowing up. >> reporter: now as the storm moves east, people preparing for the worst. >> fill up the gas tanks. >> reporter: in upstate new york winter weary residents stocking up on supplies like ice melt and wood. >> we get heavy know and we know to buckle down. >> reporter: while plow trucks are gassed up and loaded with sand. >> the biggest concern is getting overwhelmed with over an inch an hour. >> reporter: in north carolina,
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the d.o.t. readying for what's to come, pretreating the roads with a salt solution. all right. so, it's saturday morning, who is up next? right now we have 17 states under winter alerts. we have winter storm warnings stretching from portland, maine, down to parts of north carolina. let's time it out. this morning it's bringing heavy rain along the southeast coast there. the snow machine kicks into high gear by around 2:00 p.m. washington, d.c. around lunchtime. baltimore, you're starting off as a bit of snow quickly switching to a wintry mix. 5:00 p.m. new york city, philadelphia, northern new jersey, a brief winter wonderland before turning to that nasty snow really switching over to that rain. by 10:00 p.m. tonight into tomorrow morning, that's when we really start to see the heftier totals further inland, scranton into parts of upstate new york. speaking of totals, we could see anywhere generally from 6 to 12 inches as far south as morgantown through harrisburg right up into portland. some hot spots in upstate new york could actually see anywhere from 12 to 18 inch, so essentially for those living along the coastline and a lot of major
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cities, this may start off as snow but it will quickly change to rain. our friends inland will be posting really pretty winter wonderland pictures. that's a look at the forecast. back to you. >> rhiannon: all eyes on the weather, somara, thank you. a lot of people also watching the presidential race. the supreme court overnight saying it will take up former president trump's appeal deciding if he's eligible to appear on the primary ballot in colorado. abc's white house correspondent maryalice parks is on the campaign trail with the latest. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: rhiannon, good morning. a historic announcement that puts the supreme court squarely in the middle of the 2024 election, and these justices are moving quickly. oral arguments set to take place a month from now. this morning marks three years since the january 6th attack at the u.s. capitol, and overnight the u.s. supreme court announcing it will weigh in on whether former president donald trump can be banned from the ballot in colorado for engaging
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in insurrection that day. trump celebrating the court's move on the campaign trail noting he appointed a third of the current justices. >> all i want is fair. i fought really hard to get three very, very good people in there, great people, very smart people, and i just hope that they're going to be fair. >> reporter: the case fast-tracked. arguments set for february 8th with a ruling potentially coming right in the middle of primary voting this spring. president biden marking january 6th with an extraordinary speech of his own, laying the violence of that day three years ago directly at trump's feet. >> he told the crowd to fight like hell, and all hell was unleashed, and trump did nothing. it was among the worst derelictions of duty by a president in american history. >> reporter: accusing trump of turning to violence when all of his other efforts to stay in power had failed. >> the legal path just took trump back to the truth, that i
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had won the election, and he was a loser. >> reporter: trump denies any wrongdoing related to the events of january 6th. now, with just a week to go until voting begins, the candidates are crisscrossing the state of iowa with multiple events. yesterday on the eve of the anniversary of january 6th, trump praised those supporters of his who rioted that day and florida governor ron desantis struck me -- he also downplayed the violence of january 6th saying that it had been politicized. both he and nikki haley saying they don't want trump kicked off the ballot. gio? >> gio: the campaign is heating up. all right. maryalice, thank you. now to the middle east. the secretary of state arriving in turkey this morning as he begins a visit to calm fears in the region that the israel-hamas war will turn into a larger conflict. marcus moore is in gaza with the latest. good morning, marcus. >> reporter: well, hey, gio, good morning. we have heard artillery fire and
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you can see it in the distance behind us. there were new strikes overnight near israel's northern border with lebanon. hezbollah saying it fired more than 60 missiles at marin base. that part was expected retaliation for the air strike that killed a top leader in beirut. there's been a surge of attacks and the u.s. fearing these strikes could trigger a larger scale regional conflict, and this morning secretary of state antony blinken is on his fourth trip to the region since the start of the war trying to prevent that from happening. of course, the death and devastation in gaza has sparked widespread anger, and in addition to that, overnight, the iraqi government announced that they will begin the process of removing the u.s.-led international military coalition from iraq after the u.s. carried out an air strike in baghdad in retaliation for an attack on a u.s. base in erbil. the coalition that iraq is threatening to shut down was put in place to help local forces prevent the return of the islamic state. now, since october, there have
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been 120 attacks on u.s. forces in iraq and syria with 74 service members injured, and, whit, this morning, all sides are saying they will continue their strikes and retaliation until this war ends. >> whit: marcus moore for us, thank you. and joining us is white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. karine, good morning to you. great to have you. let's start with secretary blinken on his fourth trip to the middle east since the start of the conflict. what message is he bringing to our allies in the region as many have called for a cease-fire and amid the growing fears of the war expanding? >> so, you know, whit, thank you so much for having me. happy saturday morning. look, the president and the secretary have been very clear about this since october 7th to make sure that we do everything that we can to make sure that we show support for israel. let's not forget what happened on october 7th. it was a terrorist organization, hamas, that attacked israel, and so we want to continue to show that support. obviously we want to make sure
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that as they are protecting themselves, that they are also making sure that they're protecting innocent civilian lives. so, the secretary is there for a fourth trip in the region. he's also going to meet with some of our european allies to offer our support, also make sure that we're getting these hostages home, continuing to do that. american hostages always a priority for the secretary and the president, and we have to get that critical humanitarian aid into gaza, and so we want to increase that aid and will have those diplomatic conversations as your correspondent was talking about. we do not want this war to expand, to go beyond, and so that is something we want to make sure in those diplomatic conversations that that doesn't happen, and so this is an important trip, a fourth trip for the secretary, and as i've stated at the top, the president and the secretary and many others in his administration have been working around the clock on those particular issues that i just laid out. >> whit: i want to come back to the u.s., because congress is
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back in session next week in just a couple of days here, and some republicans are threatening to shut down the government over immigration. we know negotiations are happening behind the scene, but how confident is the white house that a deal on border security can be reached in time? >> so, whit, let me just say this very, very quickly, almost three years ago, the president when he walked into this administration, he put forth a comprehensive border immigration legislation to deal with this issue, and if republicans especially in the house had taken that seriously, we would not be where we are today. so back in december we started to have these conversations with the senate, republicans and democrats, to figure out how to come up with a bipartisan agreement to deal with the border, and what house republicans decided to do, they decided to go home in mid-december, and what they've been doing is continuing to politicize this issue. we should not be politicizing this issue. and let's not forget, the president has asked over and over again for more resources to
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deal with this issue. they voted back in may to cut -- to cut border patrol agents at the border by 2,000, and so that's what they're doing. they're politicizing this issue. the president wants to work to make sure we have a bipartisan agreement. that's what we're doing with the senate with republicans and democrats, and it's too bad house republicans continue to politicize it. >> whit: it's not just republicans. there's some democrats as well. president biden also facing criticism over his handling of the crisis from democratic mayors in big cities like new york and chicago. on monday we know homeland secretary mayorkas is going to the border, but is it time for president biden to make a visit himself to address these issues? >> the president was there last year. he went to el paso last year. i went with him, and he visited the border, so he has done that, but he wants to put forth solutions. that's what the president wants. as we talk about these cities across the country that are dealing with an influx of
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migrants, we have provided $1 billion to those cities, to those jurisdictions so that they can have extra resources to deal with what they're dealing with right now with the increased influx of migrants. we want to do more. we want to do more, but we have to have congress to work with us to do that. look, again, there's this negotiation, a bipartisan negotiation happening in the senate, again, with both republicans and democrats. that's a good thing. we've been having those negotiations through the holiday, and if house republicans actually cared about this issue, they wouldn't have gone home in mid-december. they're not coming back till next week. >> whit: many hoping the bipartisan deal can be reached in the coming weeks. karine jean-pierre, thanks so much for your time this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you, whit. >> whit: rhiannon. >> rhiannon: we're learning more about jeffrey epstein and ghislaine maxwell. more formally sealed documents have now been released, and abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky is here now with more on that. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, rhiannon. the newly released documents
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include never before seen emails that shows jeffrey epstein's former paramour, ghislaine maxwell, agonizing over how to respond to sexual assault 's by one of epstein's victims. this morning, newly unsealed emails show ghislaine's harried reaction after virginia giuffre first alleged in 2014 that maxwell and epstein forced her to have sex with prince andrew and other prominent men. prince andrew denied giuffre's allegations and the two settled a lawsuit with no admission of wrongdoing. the messages show maxwell struggled with what to say publicly writing to her lawyer, i am trying to stay out of litigation and not have to employ lawyers for years as i get lost in u.s. legal nightmare. maxwell's representatives had already issued a brief statement calling the claims untrue and obvious lies and the emails show she worried issuing a further public response would only lead to questions about her connections to famous men. writing, statements don't address all, just lead to more questions. what is my relationship to
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clinton, andrew, on and on, but the emails show maxwell's lawyer telling her, we can't sit you back and be a conspirator by silence. i know what is right to do, and that is to shout your innocence. saying nothing is reputation suicide. he advised her not to concern herself with epstein who might have his own reasons to stay silent writing, i can see why j.e. doesn't want this as it may not suit him, but he is already toast, yet the newly unsealed documents show she was emailing with epstein who asked what did you decide to do and later suggested ask press to investigate whether clinton was ever there. giuffre claimed to have met bill clinton on epstein's island, something clinton and maxwell denied. maxwell decided against saying anything more, but she had already said too much, and giuffre filed a defamation lawsuit, which the two women settled in 2017, the very lawsuit where all these newly
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unsealed documents originated, and the court is now more than halfway through the unsealing of these documents, guys. more are expected to come out next week. >> rhiannon: aaron, thank you. let's head over to weather. somara mentioned beautiful pictures we'll see on social media. any chance we'll see them in new york city? >> somara: oh, that's a good question, rhiannon. very quickly, and then it will change to that nasty snow that we're used to. >> whit: not pictures like that. >> somara: we don't want this. come and look at this. south lake tahoe, icy road conditions, how terrifying is that. you see people running out of the way as cars pile up and crash. this was just one of a plethora of accidents we saw yesterday because the storm has been making its way across the country. guess what? there is a second one coming right behind it. so, this is saturday, already starting to get it geared up. by monday into tuesday it's starting to hit the south from the gulf coast into the southeast by tuesday 9:00 a.m. heavy rain, maybe even severe storms, and we could see heavy rain on the east coast as well by wednesday. that's a look at your forecast.
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>> somara: tha >> somara: that's your local forecast. back to you all. >> gio: all right, somara. thank you so much for that. let's turn to this. we've got big news for verizon customers. you may get up to $100 back because of alleged junk fees. the company settling a proposed settlement to class action lawsuit, and abc's alexis christoforous is here now to tell us how to claim that money. good morning, alexis. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, gio. so some current and former verizon wireless customers will soon find out if they're owed money as part of a proposed $100 million lawsuit settlement. the class action lawsuit claims verizon deceived some customers
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by charging them administrative fees that were unfair and not properly disclosed. verizon denies the claims saying in a statement that it clearly identifies and describes its wireless consumer admin charge multiple times during the sales transaction. now, as part of the settlement, verizon says it's made changes to how those fees are described. president biden is urging congress to pass laws banning surprising or misleading fees charged by some hotels, airlines, ticketing providers, even banks. now, to be eligible for this, you would have had to have been a verizon customer with wireless or data services plan with a post paid plan between january 1, 2016 and this november 8th. now, if you think that's you, check your mailbox. verizon says eligible customers are receiving postcards or emails alerting them to file a claim by the april 15th deadline. you could get up do $100 depending on how long you were
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with verizon and, of course, how many people apply for the refund. guys? >> gio: that's right, alexis, you can't get it if you don't apply for it. >> whit: exactly. >> rhiannon: i got an email about this. i thought it was spam. >> whit: you have some money coming your way. >> gio: still ahead on "gma," a massive fire erupts in an industrial complex sending thick smoke into the air near a major airport. planes flying right in front of it. the battle to douse the flames. >> rhiannon: and a closer look at the top political headlines and how the deadly shooting in iowa is impacting the campaign trail. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. ...aaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. book an exam today at juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce. and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks dad! ♪ you got it! ♪ [bubble pops] ♪ buy one favorite like a big mac, ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪ (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe
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i'm stephanie sierra, an effort to recall oakland mayor shan tao is expected to start today. the recall is being led by a former alameda county superior court judge, brenda harbin forte. she plans on sending a letter of intent to the mayor. it comes after harbin forte was removed from the oakland police commission by mayor tao. the city leader has yet to comment on the recall effort to whether now and a level one storm on its way. lisa is here with the latest. good morning. >> good morning stephanie. cloudy skies, chilly conditions. it is 43, in hayward, 42 san mateo from santa cruz, 39 degrees with rain here by about noontime 38 santa rosa about 10:00 for you, and we'll look for highs today. cooler with gusty winds. stephanie. lisa. >> thank you and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america but we need an atm from our bank
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♪ don't give up on us, baby ♪ ♪ don't give up on us, baby ♪ ♪ we're still worth one more try ♪ >> gio: aww, and welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. that is "starsky & hutch" star david soul, who died this week singing his 1976 hit, "don't give up on us." coming up, will ganss looking at his career and the appeal that soul had with his audiences. such a legend.
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>> rhiannon: what a voice. >> whit: yes. let's take a look at some of the other top stories happening right now, firefighters in new jersey say a massive four-alarm fire at a warehouse in elizabeth is still burning, but finally contained. the huge flames just south of newark airport causing planes to land in heavy smoke. more than 100 firefighters faced cold temperatures and icy conditions battling that fire. >> rhiannon: also right now, the longtime head of the national rifle association, wayne lapierre has resigned just days before the start of a civil corruption trial and is accused of using millions of nra dollars to pay for luxury goods, personal trips, even private planes. he denies the accusations. >> gio: today is the epiphany or three kings day. in spanish we call it dia de los reyes magos. the holiday is the celebration of the three wise men seeing baby jesus and brought him gifts. in spain children receive presents on this day, and in
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many countries the day is treated with treats and stockings. i grew up celebrating it. i love it. >> rhiannon: we use it as an excuse to keep our christmas decorations up. it's also my daughter's birthday. >> gio: oh, happy birthday. >> gio: we start this half hour with a closer look at the top political headlines this week. joining us, of course, deputy political director averi harper and abc white house correspondent maryalice parks in iowa. welcome to you both. averi, let's go ahead and start with you. we saw president biden at that campaign event this week, and it seems like the message seems to be about threats to american democracy. is that message going to land for voters? >> right, well, this definitely was not a policy speech. this was really president biden taking direct aim at former president trump and what he calls maga extremism on the anniversary of the january 6th attack at the capitol, and so this is something that we're going to hear president biden say throughout the campaign. we know that former president trump has denied any wrongdoing as it pertains to january 6th. but is this enough to galvanize
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voters? the biden campaign thinks it is, but we do know when we look at polling that the most important issues to voters as they decide who they're casting ballots for is matters of the economy and inflation, and i think the biden campaign knows that. so, i think in addition to talking about matters of democracy, they're also going to have to weave in some other issues like inflation and the economy. >> whit: maryalice, let's go to you in iowa. sadly this week there was another mass shooting, this time at a school there as republicans are on the campaign trail ahead of the iowa caucuses, and we saw the issue of guns in the political spotlight once again. what are the candidates saying? >> reporter: yeah, whit, that shooting just about 40 minutes from here. students returning their first day back to class after the holidays. trump last night offered his condolences but said, i have to get over it. we have to move forward, and nikki haley and ron desantis asked multiple times. they said they are not in favor
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of any new restrictions on any kind of access of any guns. i mean, these are candidates that have not wanted in any way to add new laws and have talked about hardening schools and adding security to schools. nikki haley talked about mental health, but i will say she hasn't offered a lot of specifics on how she would address mental health. democrats, they are running on this issue. they are bringing it up constantly. the white house yesterday put out a statement saying that 500 illegal gun purchases have been stopped because of stricter, new background checks put in place by this administration. they are worried about this issue. they are bringing up too the fact that gun deaths are rising so sharply among kids. now, the leading cause of death among children, whit. >> rhiannon: and, averi, let's bring you back in. it's been a big week. we also saw the supreme court add to their docket that case from colorado about whether former president should be on the state's ballot. when will we know more about
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this, and how closely are voters watching or should they be watching this? >> the supreme court will hear arguments on this on february 8th. the timing is really important, because state primaries will be underway, and so these legal challenges and what the supreme court is going to rule could have an impact on illegal challenges to trump's eligibility in states across the country. now, there are vocal critics of the president like chris christie running against him for the gop nomination who say these legal challenges could be an argument for trump to make himself a martyr or to make himself a victim of political persecution, but, you know, when we look at polling we know that former president trump has dominated in this race so far, so it's hard to tell whether trump is garnering any additional support from these cases. >> gio: we know you'll be watching that, and, maryalice, do you see any surprises coming out of iowa? that's where you are. trump last night telling voters that he is worried that his lead in the polls, they will just stay home? >> reporter: yeah, this is really interesting. i think that there absolutely could be surprises here in iowa.
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love them or hate them, the caucuses are interesting. voters all in one room hashing it out together, and you're right, trump is clearly worried that people might stay home and not come out to vote because of the polling showing him so far ahead, but i talked to the republican state party chair here. he said that people have a renewed sense of urgency to caucus. the people who are planning not to caucus for trump, they want to come out and send a message to the rest of the country. gio? >> gio: all right, maryalice and averi, thank you so much for joining us again. appreciate it. let's get another check of the weather with somara theodore. >> somara: good morning, gio. the saying goes red sky at night, sailors' delight, red sky in the morning, sailors' warning. how fitting. new york city sun is coming up right now. you can see it's been 692 days without measurable snow. we need an inch or more is what we're talking here. with this next snowstorm, we are anticipating that it will bring some snow, but it doesn't look like it's going to be major accumulation. that's a look at your forecast.
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>> somara: and that's a look at your forecast. back to you. >> whit: all right, somara, thank you so much. coming up on "good morning america," remembering a popular star of the '70s, "starsky & hutch" actor david soul. ♪ now what? cake is... you say it when things get out of hand. at prudential, we think you should say it when you hand down something valuable, too. like when you realize a recipe is just one gift you can give them, ask “now what?” here's what. you get life insurance from prudential and help protect your family like you protect a family recipe. who's your rock? ask your employer about prudential benefits, or speak to an advisor today.
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>> rhiannon: welcome back to "gma" as we remember david soul, the actor who starred in the very popular crime-fighting series, "starsky & hutch," right here on abc. will ganss takes a look at his career and the appeal he had with his audience, will. america really fell in love with him. >> they really did. heartthrob status for sure. david soul split time as a child between south dakota and berlin. his father was a lutheran minister and was a religious affairs adviser to the u.s. during world war ii, and for a while david thought about following in his father's footsteps, but he found heartthrob status in the '70s and '80s. he's one-half of the heart and soul of one of the
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greatest crime-fighting duos in tv history. >> i'm not the enemy. i know you're wounded and there's nothing anybody can do but don't lay down, starsky. don't quit. >> reporter: david soul played detective ken hutchinson making him a cultural mainstay from 1975 to '79. >> what are you frightened of? >> of not being heard. >> of not being heard? >> i think there's a lot i have to give. >> reporter: including a number one billboard hit in 1977's "don't give up on us." ♪ don't give up on us, baby ♪ >> reporter: the actor passing on thursday. his family sharing in a statement, david soul, beloved husband, father, grandfather, and brother died yesterday after a valiant battle for life in the loving company of family. born david solberg in chicago. his first professional ambition was baseball. eventually he made his way to los angeles acting in "star trek," "all in the family" and then in 1973 opposite clint eastwood. >> i don't deserve it. >> you won, didn't you?
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>> yes, sir. >> that's all that matters. >> reporter: "magnum force" would catch the eyes of the team behind "starsky & hutch." >> they wanted me to play this guy hutch, and i saw him as nothing more than a bland white bread. i didn't like him. i wanted to play starsky. >> reporter: starsky would be played by paul michael glaser, and in 2004's "starsky & hutch" film, the lifelong film made a cameos together. >> who the hell are these guys? >> i don't know. i get a good vibe from them. >> reporter: in a statement to abc news, glaser saying in part, david was a brother, a friend, a caring man. we shall never see his like again. >> starsky, it's beautiful. >> reporter: david soul was 80 years old. ben stiller, who played starsky in the 2004 film remembering david soul online yesterday writing, defining '70s cool. rest in peace. guys? >> rhiannon: had those leather jackets. >> back in style now. >> whit: right, exactly. >> never went out of style, let's be clear. >> rhiannon: will, thank you. >> thanks, rhiannon. coming up on "good morning
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america," it's crunch time in the nfl. the teams, some of them need a win this weekend to even make it to the playoffs. espn football analyst greg mcelroy previews the big games.
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i mean, everything on the line. win or go home, like you alluded to, and to think both these teams we're picking in the top four of the nfl draft last spring tells you just what a turnaround season this has been for indianapolis and houston. you look at what houston's done behind the quarterback, cj stroud. he's just 150 or so odd yards away from passing the 4,000-yard mark to become the fifth, just five rookie quarterbacks to have gone over that plateau. he's been remarkable, and then you look at indianapolis on the other side. kind of surprising, their star quarterback, the face of the franchise, anthony richardson was lost in week four of the season. so he gave way to gardner minshew, so to find them in this scenario is a little bit unique. i don't think many thought they'd be here, especially given the injury to the quarterback earlier this season and some drama playing out with one of their star players, jonathan taylor. so it's going to be an amazing
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matchup and one we're excited to see what the outcome looks like. >> gio: high stakes for sure. what about the packers who play the bears on sunday? jordan love replaced aaron rodgers. what do you make of the season he's having? >> well, could you have bigger shoes to fill? i mean, aaron rodgers, an all-time great player there for the green bay packers, and jordan love, just this little old third year player out of utah state that was drafted a couple years ago, dramatically too, by the way. aaron rodgers wanted a wide receiver. they draft his replacement, so obviously the dynamic for a couple of years, a little unique, but jordan love has taken the starting reins and run with it this season. i found an interesting note in preparing for this moment and this segment, jordan love has already eclipsed, statistically speaking, the marks put forth by the best performances ever by a bears quarterback who's his opponent this weekend. so, he's already had a terrific first year as the starter and could be in line for a massive
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pay day if he performs well and leads the packers to the playoffs. >> gio: all right. we'll be watching him. and it is strength versus strength in the college football national championship game between washington's high-powered offense and michigan's stout defense. so, which side do you think has the advantage here? >> man, it is really amazing. you have a group that has wide receivers galore and quarterback in michael penix, who i'll be watching play on sundays a year from now, an incredible talent, but that doesn't always matter when you're going against a team like michigan that just wants to punch you in the face with how they try to attack. it's really wild, so it's really a difference in styles. one team wants to control the line of scrimmage. one team wants to run the football. one team wants to play great defense. the other wants to air it out and just take shot after shot after shot down the field, so it's going to be fascinating, and whoever controls the identity of the game, if -- whoever controls the identity of the game, i think,
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has a great opportunity to be successful in the national championship on monday. >> gio: all right. espn's greg mcelroy, thank you, my man. appreciate it. and don't miss the nfl doubleheader today on abc, the steelers at the ravens and the texans at the colts. then the college football national championship, michigan against washington state monday at 7:30 on espn, and we will be right back with our "play of the day." ♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. wh-who wants to talk about their heart! how's the heart?
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♪ >> whit: we are back with our "play of the day" and the nfl player showing his appreciation to a family who got him to the game on time. arizona cardinals linebacker jesse luketa providing the phillips family with tickets to his team's game against the 49ers as a thank you, along with some vip treatment. luketa was driving to the stadium for a game in november when he got a flat tire. he stopped at a gas station and realized he'd be late if he had to wait to get it fixed. he noticed a family dressed in cardinals jerseys there and asked them if they were going his way. they were, and, of course, they
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were happy to give him a ride. so, he is giving them a gift back as a thank you. >> rhiannon: by the way, the dad offered him a ride, and the wife said, are you sure he plays? guess it all worked out. >> gio: oh, that's just wrong. all right, coming up on "gma" in our second hour, tracking the winter storm across the nation with snow, ice, and rain. >> rhiannon: our "gma" cover story. one woman's massive savings since getting sober. what making the same change could do for your bank account. >> whit: "deals & steals," the savings on items with your wellness in mind. stay with us.
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i'm stephanie sierra, one bay area family is reunited with their food truck after it was severely damaged. now that food truck serving filipino american food had a reopening last night, the san jose based truck was sideswiped by another food truck that someone had just stolen out of the same lot theirs was parked in. community members came together to donate after the family created a gofundme to repair the truck. the couple is now booked out until may. as the bay area awaits a storm this morning, that means snow in the sierra. the reigning weather is expected to bring some much needed snowfall to the region. officials say it's been a slow start this winter. the snow will be good for skiing and snowboard show snowshoeing that is, and snowmobile tours. the first recorded snowpack of the year showed only a few inches north star and heavenly have 65 and 70% of their terrain closed. kirkwood sits at around 50% from
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snow to much needed rain here in the bay area. lisa is tracking what we can expect. all right, still waiting on the rain that winter storm warning through 4:00 on sunday. >> and there's a look at the rainfall. it is going to be spreading south into the north bay at about 10:00. and we'll be looking at this level one system to bring the gusty winds light to moderate rain and high surf. right now, current numbers are cold 37 in sonoma as well as livermore and as we look at our 24 hour temperature change 10 to 11 degrees colder from livermore to novato. and there's fog, santa rosa, novato, zero mile visibility. so there's a look at our midday forecast at 1:00, where it is raining in the north bay across the east bay, and eventually into the south bay level one system. today, a break and then more rain tuesday, wednesday. stephanie. >> all right, lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america
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8:00 am
a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away have symptoms in the skin of the perineum of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. winter blast. the major storm sweeping across the country, dumping more than a foot of snow in some places. icy conditions making roads treacherous. our weather team tracking it all. >> gio: scare in the air. an alaska airlines plane makes an emergency landing because of a hole in the fuselage. terrified passengers use oxygen masks as the cabin pressure drops. the major announcement from the airline this morning.


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