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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 6, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away have symptoms in the skin of the perineum of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. winter blast. the major storm sweeping across the country, dumping more than a foot of snow in some places. icy conditions making roads treacherous. our weather team tracking it all. >> gio: scare in the air. an alaska airlines plane makes an emergency landing because of a hole in the fuselage. terrified passengers use oxygen masks as the cabin pressure drops. the major announcement from the airline this morning.
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>> rhiannon: as people take on the dry january trend, one woman sharing another bonus of going alcohol-free. saying she saved $48,000. how cutting back may help your wallet as dr. sutton joins us live to break down the health benefits. >> whit: it's time to save the date. expert advice on prepping your online profile for the busiest dating day of the year. which pictures to avoid and how to make sure your personality shines through. we're helping you suit up for the year's biggest day of swiping. ♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ >> gio: and new year, new workout. we're roaring into '24 with the moves you need to supercharge your routine. plus, tips for those looking for ways to get started as we say, good morning, america. ♪ >> whit: good morning, america.
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so great to have you with us on a saturday and happy to have rhiannon ally at the desk with us. welcome once again. >> rhiannon: thank you. >> whit: made it through one hour. buckling up for a second hour. we have a busy one coming up. tory johnson in the house with "deals & steals" to improve your personal wellness. hello, tory. something really popular this time of year. first, a look at the big stories we're following this morning. >> gio: we have that major breaking story. alaska airlines grounding all of its boeing 737 max 9 planes after an emergency landing last night because of a hole in the fuselage. you're seeing those picture, those images there, the cabin depressurizing in the air. >> rhiannon: we want to begin with that major storm system sweeping across the country. look at this video. it is targeting the east coast from georgia to maine. let's go back to somara theodore with the latest now and, somara, there's been a lot of talk about where this is going to hit. >> somara: absolutely. we are anticipating this now moving to the northeast, so let's go ahead and jump right into that. you can see right now the rain situated in the southeast.
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the storm is pretty much two parts. we have the snow just to the north. let's go ahead and take a look right now at what's going on around the country. this morning, a monster winter storm hitting the heartland hard now moving east as 40 million americans and 15 states from north carolina to maine ready for its arrival. texas hit hard by a massive storm, four inches on the ground in amarillo. while in galveston, the storm brought heavy rain to the coastal city. flooding streets. in arkansas, a crash on snowy i-94 backing up traffic for miles leaving hundreds of drivers with nowhere to go. >> i always drive on google maps. it suggested that i get off, and at the last minute i said, you know what, i'm -- i think i'll be okay. well, i chose poorly. i was wrong. >> reporter: the storm whipping through kansas leading to crashes like this one in wichita. >> we are slammed with cars. i was talking to dispatch. the phones just keep blowing up. >> reporter: now as it moves
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east people preparing for the worst. >> fill up the gas tanks. >> reporter: in upstate new york winter weary residents stocking up on supplies like ice melt and wood. >> we get heavy snows and we know to just buckle down for the day. >> reporter: while plow trucks are gassed up and loaded with sand. >> the biggest concern is getting overwhelmed with over an inch an hour. >> reporter: in north carolina, the d.o.t. pretreating roads with a salt solution. and the storm not done with us yet. now it's the east coast's turn. let's time this out. saturday, 2:00 p.m., washington, d.c., baltimore, just around lunchtime it starts off as snow and quickly changes to a wintry mix and rain. by 5:00 p.m. notice where it's situated north of new jersey, philly, new york city may get this picturesque winter wonderland before that switches over to a wintry mix and then rain. where we're looking at totals inland away from the coast where they could see 6 to 8
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inches and upstate new york could see up to 18 inches. back to you, whit. >> whit: somara, thank you. to the new look into a popular medicine used for weight loss and whether it's been linked to any increase in suicidal thoughts. abc's reena roy has more on that. reena, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. as we've been talking about a lot of people have started taking semaglutide medications like wegovy or ozempic for weight loss and diabetes and this study shows people on those drugs had a lower risk of suicidal thoughts than those taking other medications used to treat the same conditions. now, this research by the national institutes of health just came out on friday. it comes as health regulators look into anecdotal reports from people taking semaglutide, the active ingredient in ozempic and wegovy saying they had thoughts of self-harm. researchers looked at medical records for more than 1.8 million patients who were prescribed semaglutide like ozempic or wegovy or another drug to treat obesity or diabetes between 2017 to 2022. and they found that people
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taking semaglutide had between a 49% to 73% lower risk of suicidal thoughts during a six-month period compared to those taking another drug for obesity or type 2 diabetes. researchers saying the use of semaglutide medications does not appear to increase the risk of suicidal ideation, but they did call for a closer evaluation of those reported suicidal thoughts and for patients to be followed for a longer time. now, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts call or text the 988 suicide and crisis life line. guys? >> gio: such an important reminder. thank you so much for that. we are following breaking news this morning, alaska airlines grounding all of its boeing 737 max 9 planes after a terrifying emergency landing last night. authorities saying shortly after the flight took off for ontario, california, with 177 people on board, the cabin depressurized following a hole in the fuselage midflight and you can see it right there in that video.
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the pilot forced to turn around. oxygen masks were lowered while frightened passengers could see city lights from the hole in the plane. the aircraft landing safely, thank goodness, at portland international airport but the airlines are going to investigate -- all of the airlines are going to look at this. boeing is going to look at this closely as well along with the ntsb. >> whit: you were saying it's fortunate it was lower to the ground. could have been much worse. >> gio: because it was lower on takeoff that was better for the pressurization and people could still breathe because you were at that level. >> rhiannon: interesting to see if there are any ripple effects at the other airlines. >> gio: absolutely. >> whit: coming up on our "gma" morning menu, we take a look at how going sober saved one woman nearly $50,000. >> rhiannon: wow. also ahead, new year, new workout. who better than our own gio to show you the four moves you can do -- >> gio: and james. from that we go to bela gandhi
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to get tips on dating. we'll be right back on "gma." aah, it's a good day to cough. oh, no! bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours?! hmmm, ok. not coughing at yoga. antiquing not coughing? not coughing at the movies?! hashtag still not coughing?! aaah. oww! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. it's not cough season. it's always comeback season. new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped! i've lost 60 pounds and i can still enjoy all of the foods i love. small changes lead to big results. weightwatcher's new app features can make your weight loss journey easier, so all you gotta to do, is you. join weightwatchers today. (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one...
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(speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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>> whit: we are back with our "gma" cover story and many people are starting off 2024 by taking on dry january. now one woman is sharing how going alcohol-free has not only benefited her health but helped her save $48,000. will ganss is here to explain. will, how did this happen? >> cha-ching. picture it. you head downtown for dinner where taylor 2015 and greta gerwig like to after two negronis you're 32 bucks in the hole and the
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average american spends $600 a year on alcohol so the potential to save by going booze-free is pretty big. casey first jumped into the dry january trend as a self-described red wine girl and after 30 days the results were noticeable. >> our household was a lot more peaceful. i was less irritated. you know, two little kids, you have a lot going on. i work full time. i felt less overwhelmed. >> reporter: plus casey discovered booze-free bonuses for her bank account. >> my first month alcohol-free i saved $550. >> reporter: now after eight years alcohol-free and counting, casey says her mental and physical well-being and her savings continue to soar. using an app to track her finances -- >> i checked my app just yesterday, and i've saved over $48,000 on alcohol. >> reporter: experts say those seemingly small lifestyle changes can make for major money moves. >> eating out less, making sure you plan meals at home. look at all of your subscriptions. see all those little expenses
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you're paying recurring every month. maybe some of those just don't have room in your budget in 2024 because your goals are changing, so cancel them. >> reporter: casey investing some of her own savings into becoming a sobriety coach to help others make the same changes she did. but those changes are about more than just the purse. she says it's the person that counts. >> i think my life has completely changed since i stopped drinking in ways i never anticipated and financially that's a big part of that freedom as well. >> i myself am a few weeks shy of a year and a half alcohol-free. my bank account hasn't quite seen the glow-up like casey's but i've been more able to splurge on a dessert, concert ticket or new jacket and while i'm still angling bonus, the better sleep and
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personal growth feels like money in the bank. guys? >> whit: we're proud of you, by the way, will ganss. >> gio: it's a few concert tickets. >> whit: he didn't spend as much because people were buying him drinks but we won't get into that. we'll bring in dr. darien sutton to talk about the health benefits of dry january. we're learning so much more about this. specifically what are some of the benefits? it's only a month but it can do a lot for your health. >> absolutely. our medical unit at abc have looked into the research. i've consulted with my colleagues in cardiology, sleep medicine, primary care and there are some important benefits we also pay attention to. number one, better quality sleep. alcohol can disrupt your rem sleep and increases your wakefulness in the middle of the night. you get more restorative sleep. also, alcohol is empty calories.
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a mixed drink with added sugar and doesn't have any nutritional benefit so when you stop drinking it can facilitate heart health and better digestion. gastrointestinal tract is where it can cause harm and cancer biomarkers and think improved cancer biomarkers. these are some of the many reasons of stopping drinking and it can benefit you for a month or even longer. >> whit: some benefits can happen right away too. >> absolutely. >> whit: that's part of this. but let me ask you one of the biggest challenges just staying on track. what are some tips? >> get organized. make a plan. set a calendar. decide what you're going to drink instead of alcohol. many times we grab an extra direct because our hands feel awkward so figuring out what that is and understanding what your triggers are and knowing what your goals are and writing them down. if you want better sleep or have better workouts or social relationships and also share a plan with your friend, prioritize sleep and know the symptoms of withdrawal.
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it can be irritability, anxiety but can progress to confusion and hallucinations and that's when you need to talk to a doctor. >> whit: all important informs, dr. darian. you of and been doing this. >> rhiannon: i have. anyone else? >> gio: i did start. i did start after a glass of wine early in the month. >> whit: he got a late start but a start nonetheless. >> i did start but it is -- you realize how difficult it is especially during this time of the year so paying attention to that is very important. >> whit: thank you. >> rhiannon: this weekend's trail mix, taking you on the campaign trail ahead of the 2024 presidential election. less than ten days away from the iowa caucuses and this morning maryalice parks is on the ground in that state ahead of the big day. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: yeah, rhiannon, good morning. we talked to voters about gun safety after that school shooting that rattled the state here in iowa and also, of course, about the health and strength of our democracy given the anniversary of january 6th. the countdown is on. republican primary voting kicks off next week in iowa. the candidates making their final pitch to these early state voters.
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>> i'm the last person to leave because it really matters. >> we don't elect a president for retribution but for inspiration. >> reporter: this week iowa shaken by a horrific school shooting. our abc reporters asking voters about what should be done to keep americans safe. getting a range of answers. >> sending my daughter off to school every morning on the bus is something that generally awakens a fear in me. >> i think assault rifles should be completely banned 100%. >> the best deterrent to guns is guns. >> they should make the laws stricter for people who own gun shops. >> reporter: today marking three years since the january 6th attack on the capitol when a mob tried to stop the certification of the 2020 election. florida governor ron desantis downplaying the violence. >> i think the media has taken that and i think the left has taken that and really tried to politicize it but it was not a good day for the country. >> reporter: but former president trump is facing
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criminal charges over january 6th and his efforts to try to overturn the election. trump has denied any wrongdoing. some voters telling us if he is convicted on those or any charges, it could make a difference in their vote. >> i can't imagine trump being president as a convicted felon. >> i wouldn't vote for him now, convicted or not convicted. >> reporter: others quick to dismiss several of the cases trump faces. >> not necessarily that i'm super for trump, but i think what they're doing is incorrect because it is the middle of an election. >> reporter: consistent across our conversations, optimism about the integrity of the upcoming election. >> everything seemed to come up aboveboard even though a lot don't trust the process in my opinion with no evidence. >> i have absolute faith in the elections. >> we always just got to go out and vote and hope the integrity is there. >> reporter: now, trump for his part has already been casting doubt on this upcoming election
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with new baseless claims. but, rhiannon, i spoke with the chair of the iowa republican state party who says he trusts his caucus and he expects that all of the campaigns will respect the caucus results. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: maryalice parks, thank you for that. back to somara for a check of the weather and the storm we're talking about. >> somara: would you believe there's another storm coming right behind it? that's already gearing up this morning. the second major storm is making its entry through the northwest dipping down through the central portion of the country on monday. by tuesday at 9:00 a.m. we could see a severe weather threat from houston all the way to raleigh, north carolina, down to orlando with a good amount of rain throughout the ohio valley and then in the northeast, heavy rain as well. that's a look at your forecast. let's see what's going on closer
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♪ ♪ >> gio: you know what time it is. "deals & steals" and tory joins us now with all the products to improve your personal wellness. this is a good one. one of my favorites. >> it is a good one. >> gio: go to the deals by pointing your camera at the qr code. good morning, tory. let's start here. >> sneakers. so whether you work on your feet, you love walking or you're working out, upgrade your shoes with therafit. 50 different options for men, women, we also have wide width options from them and what's cool is that they've got this personal adapter on the inside here that you can remove or leave in depending on the level of comfort and the style that works best for your feet. what's great about these is that they're all designed to make sure that your body is in proper
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alignment so when your feet feel good, everything feels good. or the opposite. >> gio: makes such a difference. >> when they don't feel good nothing works. all 50% off. big assortment online. >> gio: we'll continue. >> compression socks from comrad. what i love about compression socks -- you hear me talk about it all the time. it helps to alleviate conditions, circulatory conditions like edema and helping to prevent swelling, pain, fatigue. compression socks do it all. >> gio: they do work. what i love about have everything from no show socks with that band of compression to even these grippy socks which on the bottom -- can you feel those? so if you're wearing your socks around the house, these are great or using them for pilates. >> gio: i have never seen no shows with compression. >> these are great.
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they all start at what i love about this product, they make it easy for us every day. one of their newest smart scales. >> gio: i had one by the way. awesome. >> what's great about it, it will give you a full body picture of health. so everything from precise weight, all kinds of body composition metrics like body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, water, all of that right into an app. so it will sync bluetooth or wi-fi and track eight people in your house. you could see your measurements. tommy could see his. all individually -- >> gio: his are better than mine. >> really helps to paint that perfect picture of health. 50% off is a great one for the family. >> gio: this is really cool. >> cheeky. this company really got me into flossing. their flosser is my favorite product and they make a really great sonic toothbrush with a two-minute timer battery operated and you never have to worry about charging. >> gio: nightguards.
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>> yep. they also make a customized set you can do. whitening kits. oral care upgrade. starts at $20. >> gio: nice. bedding. >> yes, this is sijo. really soft. >> gio: every time you bring a pillow here -- >> yes, they're really soft. a variety of colors. these are going to feel good at home all 50% off plus free shipping. we're ending on fresh towels from cariloha. >> gio: stop. this is so soft. >> they're so soft and plush. what i like about this fabric, highly absorbent and natural odor resistant. so a lot of times when they're wet you get that musty weirdness. no musty weirdness with these. plus their robes are fabulous too all 50% off and ending obviously on your favorite, as well. free shipping from cariloha. >> gio: free shipping. tory, you're the best. >> thank you. >> gio: thank you so much. we partnered with all these
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companies. find these on our website, and we'll be right back here. you're watching "gma" on a saturday morning. next! ♪ smiling first can help -next! someone find the courage to do the same. what can i put down as your profession? thief!
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actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. mmm...rainbow sprinkles, jammy filling and frosting?! friends, pop-tarts, pastrymates! lend me your ears! —oh boy. we're going off the crust again. wait till i get warmed up. pop-tarts! crazy good.
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stephanie sierra, an effort to recall oakland mayor xiang tao is expected to begin today. the recall is being led by a former alameda county superior court judge, brenda harbin forte. she plans on sending a letter of intent to the mayor. it comes after harbin forte was removed from the oakland police commission by mayor tao. the city leader has yet to comment on this recall effort. to weather now and a level one storm in route. let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> good morning stephanie. couple hours away and we could have some downpours right now. live doppler seven showing the rain far north of the north bay. there's a look at a foggy, cloudy san francisco. 50 degrees. it is 45, in san jose and from emeryville, much cooler today. cold winds will wrap in behind the system today. >> thank you lisa, and thank you all
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good morning, america. i'm matthew blake, author of "anna o." it is the story of a woman who kills her two best friends while sleepwalking and then never wakes up again. if you've ever been a sleepwalker, have night terrors, nightmares, wondered what you might have done during the third of your life you have spent asleep then this is for you. >> whit: scary things sound more pleasant in a british accent.
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>> gio: i don't know. that sounded pretty dark. >> whit: "anna o" is this saturday's "gma" buzzpick. available right now. you can keep reading along with us on our instagram @gmabookclub. we'll sit down with the author of a different book, this month's book club pick all coming up right here. but first we're taking a look at the other stories we're following. current and former verizon customers will soon find out if they're owed money as part of a proposed $100 million lawsuit settlement. class action lawsuit claims verizon deceived some customers by charging them administrative fees that were unfair and not properly disclosed. verizon denies the claims. >> gio: michael bolton revealing he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. the singer says he just underwent immediate surgery before the holidays and it was a success. he says he will take a break from touring to recover. >> rhiannon: our thoughts with
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him. and this morning we remember david soul who starred in "starsky & hutch" that aired right here on abc back in the '70s. david soul played detective kenneth "hutch" hutchinson and got his breakout role in 1973's "magnum force" and also released a hit single, "don't give up on us," in 1976. david soul was 80. >> gio: now time to grab your snacks and get into formation. we are getting you prepped for the busiest day of dating and here to break it down and give us the game play, dating expert bela gandhi. >> whit: good morning. >> gio: welcome to the show. >> hi, thank you. >> gio: why is tomorrow the biggest day? >> sundays are always the busiest swiping day and now 48% of americans are unmarried. so what happens right now? new year, new me. people are getting on the dating apps, falling in love is one of the top resolutions so tomorrow is like super bowl sunday for daters. >> gio: and for you. [ laughter ] >> whit: right, exactly.
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you're helping us along. so now the perfect time to upgrade your profile and you'll show us how to do that. i'm told we have a picture. there's something wrong with this picture. is that right? oh, it's behind us. there it is. okay, got it. profile. what's wrong here? >> cute photo, not great for online dating. she's got sunglasses on. you can't really see her behind the camel. >> whit: is that a camel? i don't see a problem with that. [ laughter ] >> your photo should be less than one year old. so now we'll see what a good photo looks like. this is the same woman. you can see her body. she's dressed to impress. you can imagine taking her to a gala. this photo was taken within one year. this is perfect. >> gio: but her name is jane doe. >> whit: a little suspicious. >> rhiannon: red flag there. it's been a long time since any of us were on the dating scene but i have friends who talk about online dating and one thing they always talk about is
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the bio. what makes a good >> in a good profile a good bio, you want to show something quirky about yourself instead of saying i'm fun, show someone. so add details to what you're talking about, because it makes you stand out from people and it also helps people to have something to start a conversation with. right? so instead of saying, for example, i'm a lawyer living in manhattan. you want to spice that up a little bit and i think we're going to see something. oh, the lawyer -- >> rhiannon: she said i know where to find the best cookies. >> whit: there it is. >> that gives you something to start a conversation with. i would want to know you're a lawyer in manhattan. tell me where the best cookies in my neighborhood are. that's amazing. >> gio: what about that section where it says what are you looking for? i know a lot of people just going for that and looking at that. >> if you're just out there looking to meet people or for something -- looking for
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something casual, say that. but if you're looking for what i call the lid to your pot or you're looking for a relationship that's going to ultimately lead to something serious and marriage, say that. 2024 is the year to use your voice in dating. say what you want. >> whit: be up front. be honest. >> better for you, better for the daters. >> whit: got it. >> gio: thank you. thank you so much. hey, for more dating tips check out bela's "smart dating academy" podcast and we'll be right back on "gma." (♪) "now what?" you say it when getting older. ..starts getting old. at prudential, we think you should ask it when your birthday opens up a new chapter. like, when you realize you've got the rest of your life to look forward to. ask "now what?" here's what: you tap into the insurance, investment, and retirement expertise of prudential and get everything you need to help ensure the best is yet to come. who's your rock? speak to an advisor, or visit new features in the weightwatchers app just dropped!
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or lactose intolerance. but with kaiser permanente you can choose your doctor who works with other best-in-class specialists to care for all that is you. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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[ cheers ] >> she's on national tv. >> whit: we love that moment, by the way. grandma on national at the center, the author of this month's "gma" book club pick, vanessa chan, surrounded by friends as they watched her debut novel "the storm we made" get the "gma" treatment earlier this week. vanessa, great to have you.
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>> thanks for having me. >> whit: what a moment that was. your first novel out there in the world. this must be incredibly special. >> it is completely, completely surreal. a friend was saying it feels like a marriage and a birth, a destination wedding all at the same time. it's been unbelievable. >> whit: tell us about this. so you described it as historical fiction in a sense but based on stories from your grandmother during world war ii in malaysia. how did this all come together? >> you know, i grew up spending a lot of time at my grand parents' house. i'm the eldest grandchild. i like to say i'm the favorite, so i spent a lot of time over there. she would tell me these different tales, both difficult ones about how hungry they were during the war, but also about, you know, when they would, you know, sneak into the neighbor's house during curfew and learn the tango. all these stories became a part of me and became a part of this no cell. >> whit: you don't shy away from the brutalities of war. why was it important to go there? >> war it real and history is truth and i think that it's important for us to be honest
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about the things that have happened because lying about history means we never learn from it, and so it was important to me to share what really happened during that time. >> whit: we partnered with little free library here to get copies of the "gma" book club picks out there across the country. and this morning one of our stewards, lisa, has a question for you. so let's take a look. >> the main character cecily makes a bold, unexpected choice when she decides to become an unlikely spy. have you made any bold, unexpected choices in your own life that shaped the telling of this story? >> whit: bold choices. >> wow, lisa, excellent question. you know, i think the boldest choice i made was taking a chance on myself and leaving malaysia. i'd never been on an airplane before at 19 and i got a scholarship, went to university. i arrived in the u.s. with one suitcase and $50 in my pocket and i had incredible opportunities including the opportunity to write this book, >> whit: and here you are on
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"good morning america," you know, with the book club pick. this i understand is a full circle moment for you. why is that? >> you know, this is a book about family. i had family with me and it's just wonderful to be able to tell my story and tell our family's story and it's very emotional. i'm here with my family too and it's really, really such a great -- >> whit: i love that. we see your family here supporting you. well, congratulations. >> thank you. >> whit: of course, "the storm we made" is available right now. scan the qr code right there on the screen to buy the book. thank you again for coming in. >> thank you for having me. >> whit: best of luck with everything. let's go back to weather and check in with somara. good morning. >> somara: good morning. we are headed to carmel, indiana. winter wonderland. check it out here. whoa. he's going really fast. slow down driving out there, my friends, please. we've got slick road conditions now. the storm system that we've been seeing is going to continue its way through the mid-atlantic.
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by 2:00 p.m., washington, baltimore, starting off as snow, quickly changing to rain 5:00 p.m. moving into upstate new york, and some of the heavier snow heads into upstate new york to around 7:00 a.m. tomorrow. they could see 6 to 12 inches, some spots up to 18 inches of snow. that's a look at your forecast. let's see what's going on closer ♪ >> whit: we just had gio walking by in his workout gear. you'll get to see him soon. >> gio: stay tuned. >> whit: now to inclusivity at stadiums for people with sensory sensitivity. daily activities can be overwhelming, of course, including nfl games. >> rhiannon: there's so much
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going on. the tampa bay buccaneers revealed a sensory room for fans and victor oquendo got to see it for himself. good morning, victor. what was in >> reporter: good morning. it was great to see this. the tampa bay bucs opened up these sensory rooms at raymond james stadium in an effort to enhance the game experience and make it more inclusive. the family we met that used one of these rooms call them game changers. >> one, two, three. >> reporter: from the tailgate to kickoff, the action on the field and the thousands in the stands, an nfl sunday is loud and for some fans, the stadium experience can at times be overwhelming. fans like 10-year-old tory who has autism. her parents andy and peter brought her to her first tampa bay buccaneers game this season. >> we love bringing her out to events like this out in the community. >> reporter: for any child their first football game is thrilling. for a neurodiverse child it can be challenging. >> think like noises are issues that people take for granted so loud noises could be startling. crowds can be overwhelming.
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>> reporter: the bucs have these two new sensory rooms. >> this room is meant for anybody that just needs a time-out. >> just a break from the noise. >> a break from the noise. it's here for you if you need a moment. >> reporter: tanika bowles is married to todd bowles. their 13-year-old has autism. >> what was your son's immediate reaction when he walked into the room? >> he was so excited. he thinks it belongs to him. when we got to the game last week, he said, mommy, can we go to my room? >> reporter: the rooms are sound proof with bean bags, activity panels, bubble walls and custom tactile artwork. >> what people don't know, these are meant for sensory kids and they calm you down and get you focused on something else so you can take the focus off what made you so oversensitized in the first place. >> reporter: the rooms are
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available to all stadium guests with sensory sensitivities or challenges, regulating sensory input, making game time more inclusive. >> what color is that? >> i think it will allow families to feel comfortable going to places where if their child is overwhelmed and needs a break there's somewhere for them to go. >> reporter: and the bucs worked with the tampa sports authority and the nonprofit culture city to help design the rooms. whit? >> whit: just love this idea and there are so many different possible triggers for those who are neurodiverse or on the spectrum beyond the crowds, right? >> reporter: things we might not think about like the flyover before a game or, when the bucs score a touchdown, they fire off a cannon that makes a loud boom. in the past when parents like the arners may have left the game if they saw their child starting to spiral, now they have this option. whit? >> whit: a safe place to go. thank you, victor, for bringing that to us. we appreciate it. catch the finale this afternoon at 4:30 and 8:15 right here on abc, espn, and espn+. >> rhiannon: two big games
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coming up. coming up, the new year, of course, a popular time to kick off a new exercise routine. don't give up on your new year's resolution yet. we'll show you how to get started next. ing) (people screaming) do you know how much i love you, sweetie? a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. always, you are my special boy. (bird noises) (bird noises) whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... [dice dreams game]
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when i grow up, i want to be just like my mom. eva longoria. she's really famous and rich, because she steals money from her friends. she's taking money from my dad. she wants to destroy him. ah... it's dice dreams. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months and steal their coins. on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture, you can build new bone with evenity®. ask your doctor if you can do
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more than just slowing down bone loss with evenity®. want stronger bones? then build new bone; evenity® can help in just 12 months. evenity® is proven to reduce spine fracture risk by 73%. evenity® can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular problem. do not take evenity® if you have low blood calcium, or are allergic to it. serious allergic reactions and low blood calcium have occurred. tell your doctor about jaw bone problems, as they have been reported with evenity®. or about pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. don't let a break put you on a shelf. talk to your doctor about building new bone with evenity®!
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>> gio: it is the new year and time for a new workout and here with the five basic moves to get your new full body going, james mcmillan. what's up? you have to stand a little taller when you're next to him. what are tips for people just starting out? >> i would say tip number one, progress over perfection. that's one thing we say at tone house. think about technique over weight so that means you want to focus on your foundation first so you can avoid injury and you can build up to that heavier weight so don't rush it. all right? tip number two, set realistic
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short-term and long-term goals. now, we see instagram all the time. crazy. >> gio: they have to post that and i see that all the >> they have to post every single day so they'll do a crazy move. no, don't look at it. it's your journey, take your time with it. >> gio: let's get started. elise and jojo is here. >> we'll go right into a reverse lunge so i want to see you go into a shoulder width stance. stepping that right foot back parallel to the ground. >> i did the knee. >> and off your heel on the front leg. you want to avoid that knee going over your front toe so sit back into a nice upright position. great for your quads, glutes, your calf muscles as well as coordination. >> if you want to make it
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tougher -- >> advance it, grab a pair of dumbbells. coach jojo has dumbbells. grab a weight you can do eight to ten reps with. something you can push through. >> gio: you got to make sure you're using the right form. >> the right form. >> gio: what do we have next? >> next up we'll go down into a push-up. so you get down to the push-up. now, you're going to be in a high plank position. try to avoid making a t with your elbows and make an arrow. keep your core engaged, inhale as you go down, exhale as you push up. this is great for your lats, back, triceps, even the pinkie toe in the back. to advance it we'll go into switch push-up so if you check out coach jojo over here. now, she's going into a switch push-up. takes a lot of power and coordination and endurance so you can build up to that and that will just help you once you get into those weights. >> gio: that's a good one. our next one? >> my favorite, core. all right, if you have a nice strong core, good foundation, you'll be able to lift heavier, jump higher, sprint faster so we
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have this straight leg sit-up. now, the reason why we have our leg straight because that means we get to work and activate our core more and have your hands behind your head and drive your chest towards the ceiling. think about that. this is great for the six-pack abs that everybody likes to get as well as hip flexors. want that nice shape below your hips when you wear your shorts at the beach you can get ready for that with that. >> gio: okay. >> advanced movement. >> gio: we have 30 seconds and i'm jumping -- >> mountain climbers. mountain climbers is great if you want to warm up before your runs or any endurance training. cardiovascular, endurance, so you want to be in a high plank position driving knees through your chest and think about coordination and agility. to advance it up you can do a mountain climber into a high knee. >> gio: that is, i mean, this really, you get tired. james mcmillan, thanks so much and we'll be right back on "gma."
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>> gio: i feel so dressed down. >> rhiannon: thank you for not making me do a workout. >> somara: you did so good. >> whit: i was going to wear my tight muscle tee. thanks for coming, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow. body. we'll see you tomorrow.
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are asking customers to now limit their egg purchases. it's largely blamed on the avian flu infecting. millions of egg laying hens. officials say 11 commercial farms between marin and sonoma counties had to euthanize their flocks. people are now turning to family farms to help keep up with demand. you hear it here. monster jam is making its return to san francisco's oracle park today. grave digger and company will take over the ballpark this weekend after a ten year hiatus. crews brought in more than 300 truckloads of dirt to build this track. you'll see monster jam kicks off with a pit party first, where you can see the trucks up close starting at 1230, and then doors open at 330. well rain is in route to the bay area with a level one
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storm. lisa is tracking the latest. good morning. good morning to you. >> another hour or so we'll be looking at the rain drops in santa rosa. here's live doppler seven right now. it's a quick mover. it's not going to be an all day rain event, but you may get your head wet for sure. i would say midday across the central bay. 48 hayward, 50, in san francisco. a look at san jose, where the rain will be exiting at about 3 p.m. so mid to late afternoon for you. 41 santa rosa, 39, in livermore. so the temperatures behind the front are going to be pretty chilly. we have a frost advisory for early tomorrow. nine degrees colder already from livermore to novato late in the day today we're clearing out in the north bay. just 50 breezy winds. stephanie. >> lisa. thank you. up next, a panel and window rips off of a plane mid-flight. right. the new video overnight as passengers describe the moment a normal flight turned into a nightmare for abc seven news at 9 a.m. is the abcs of ckd a is for awareness,
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because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. do not take kerendia if you have problems with your adrenal glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. kerendia can also cause low blood pressure and low sodium levels. so now that you know your abcs, don't wait. kidney damage from ckd in t2d is not reversible. so ask your doctor about slowing your kidney damage with kerendia.
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this is abc seven news now at nine. >> mid-air scare a piece of an airplane pops off an alaska airlines flight shortly after takeoff. passengers on board describe what they saw as the airline grounds one of its fleets overnight, and the formal move to oust oakland mayor shengtao from office, and how the retired judge leading the effort says she's looking for accountability in the city


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