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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 7, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction, and don't take it if you're on dialysis. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell, ♪ ♪ the little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ >> whit: good morning, america. major winter storm. millions of americans in the northeast digging out after heavy snow overnight. >> snowfall rates easily over an inch an hour. >> whit: some spots already topping a foot of snow. the storm system even sparking this tornado in fort lauderdale. what you need to know this morning. >> gio: temporary grounding. the faa's emergency directive on
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certain boeing 737 max 9 planes following a door plug flying of an alaskan airlines flight leaving a gaping hole. inspections and an inspections and an investigation now under way while we hear from passengers on board. >> rhiannon: hospital stay. secretary of defense lloyd austin's comments over a lack of transparency about his hospitalization. the questions surrounding the delay in alerting officials about his condition in the icu. >> whit: body camera video released. showing the moment an officer shot an unarmed 11-year-old boy in his own home. the officer cleared by a grand jury. how the boy's family says they're still seeking justice. ♪ >> gio: award season kickoff. >> what are you doing here? >> i'm coming with you. >> gio: will barbenheimer steal the show at tonight's golden globes? we've got a preview. ♪ >> gio: and gridiron gear-up. our look ahead to the college football championship, michigan
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vs. washington. espn's booger mcfarland on who may have the edge. and we do say good morning, america on this sunday. so nice to have rhiannon ally back on the desk. >> whit: back for more. >> rhiannon: back for more. can't get rid of me now. >> gio: absolutely, and we're following the major news after the faa grounds nearly 200 jetliners for inspection following that midair emergency after a door plug flew off that alaska airlines plane. we'll hear from passengers and investigators just ahead. >> rhiannon: really scary stuff there, and it's awards season. we're looking ahead to the excitement tonight for the first major awards ceremony of the year for hollywood. we're talking the golden globes, of course, and it's not all about barbenheimer. there's also taylor swift nominated in a new category, box office achievement. >> whit: and we go live to iowa for the final push as candidates begin the last week of campaigning before the iowa caucuses, now only a week and a
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day away. but first, the big storm that's been blanketing the northeast here with snow this morning. snowplows out in force in massachusetts, and rob marciano is out there in springfield with the latest. rob, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, whit. snowing lightly now in springfield, massachusetts, but it's been snowing heavily all night long. you can see we are snow covered here con court street. the courthouse is behind the camera. this is symphony hall. beautiful buildings here. this is also gorgeous, and trees lit up with snow, but that tells you how heavy this snow is, so that brings more potential for power outages and city hall is trying to dig things out. thanks goodness it's sunday, that office is closed as are schools. no snow day today. 6, 7, maybe 8 inches of snow on the ground. this storm has affected so many people coast to coast and certainly here lately on the east coast, and we are not done yet. this morning, that massive winter storm bringing dangerous conditions all along the east coast. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: from florida to maine.
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the first significant snowfall hitting the i-95 corridor hard. in massachusetts, worchester and boston seeing their first major snow in two years. interstate 90 impassable in spots. cars spun out and drivers stranded waiting for help. plows out in force trying to keep ahead of the accumulating snow. up and down the east coast, the snow piling up on roads making travel dicey. drivers having to take it slow. up to ten inches possible in northwest new jersey before the storm is done. watch as this truck slides out of control in bergen county. it is coming down in springfield, massachusetts. look at main street. completely snow-covered. snowfall rates easily over an inch an hour. and in new york city, just two-tenths of an inch of snow and the city on a 693-day streak without an inch of snow falling. and down in florida, the same system spawning this tornado in fort lauderdale. power transformers flashing as it strikes. the twister moving quickly over land before reaching the ocean.
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the ripping winds uprooting trees, knocking this one onto a home. luckily no injuries reported. showed you just how dynamic this storm is, and very wet. for snow lovers near the coastline, it's been mostly a rain event, but it's been very wet snow, which is great for snowballs and snowmen, but it makes it a bear to shovel. that's the process going on today, and later this week, we could see all of this melt, so flooding could be an issue looking forward, but we'll get through this one first. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: we will get through this one. thank you. let's get a look on the storm's progress now from somara theodore. it's a winter wonderland out there, but it has some serious consequences as well as we just saw. >> somara: it's made for precarious driving situations and power outages out there. we're ready for this system to get going. let's see what's up next. right now, snow is coming down in parts of the great lakes to the northeast. notice that time stamp there.
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we'll fast forward and head through this afternoon, 1:00 p.m., still seeing snow in new england, southern tip of massachusetts, some rain moving in on the back end of it. by 9:00 p.m., it's out of here and this sets us up for a beautiful, sunshiny monday, but we are getting ready for our next storm system that's going to come zooming through. i'll have more on that in a moment for now. back to you, gio. >> gio: thank you so much. now to that other major story, the terrifying midair scare when a critical piece of an alaska airlines plane flew off shortly after takeoff. the faa has now grounded certain boeing 737 max 9 planes. ordering immediate inspections. abc's jaclyn lee is in portland, oregon, where that plane made that emergency landing. good morning, jaclyn. >> reporter: hey, gio, good morning to you. the ntsb chair held a press conference last night calling this an accident, not an incident. today is the first full day of the investigation and they're asking for the public's help to find that door plug that ripped off the side of the plane. this morning, the urgent investigation into why the door plug flew off this alaska airlines flight midair friday night. the faa issuing an emergency air worthiness directive on saturday
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grounding 171 boeing 737 max 9 airplanes worldwide for immediate inspections. the alaska plane in service since october. how concerned are you about the safety of boeing 737 max fleet? >> our investigation right now is focused on this particular aircraft, and we're early on in the investigation. >> reporter: this after alaska had already grounded its entire fleet of 737 max 9s as a precaution leading to 163 or 21% of canceled flights saturday. stunning video on board that plane shows a gaping hole in the side, causing powerful depressurization of the cabin. >> someone's shirt was, like, completely blown off and his body was extremely red. >> reporter: the flight initially heading for ontario, california, took off at 4:40 p.m. the flight path showing the pilot looped back around to
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portland national airport. the entire ordeal taking a harrowing 26 minutes. >> it was hell, and the masks came down. you could see debris flying in. >> reporter: 171 were on board and six crew members with no serious injuries. late saturday, the chair of the ntsb saying she is grateful the accident occurred at 16,000 feet, ten minutes from the airport rather than at 30,000 feet on cruise control with people potentially walking around the cabin. >> we are very, very fortunate here that this didn't end up in something more tragic. >> reporter: and the ceo of alaska airlines says they will be inspecting all of the planes before putting them back into service. united is suspending services of all of their 737 max 9 planes and as for boeing, they say they support the faa's decision to require inspections of all the planes with the same configuration as the one involved in the incident. gio? >> gio: let's bring in steve ganyard. steve, thank you for joining us. good morning. how can something like this even happen?
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>> well, gio, that's the question the faa and boeing wants answered. sometimes when we look at mishaps, we'll look at material failure. this was only two months old, so probably not a material failure, but probably something on the shop floor when the airline was being put together. did somebody do something improperly? was there improper supervision? this plug should have been inspected at least twice as it went along the final assembly line, so somewhere there's a problem that needs to get fixed. >> gio: inspections are under way for other max 9 planes and so far we haven't heard of any issues being found, but the obvious question people are going to be asking, steve, is, is it safe to fly on the max 9? would you fly on one? >> i would, gio, once they get the inspections done. this is pretty straightforward. the maxes had a checkered past, but in this case, it's a pretty straightforward look. they'll be able to open the panels inside the cabin. they'll look. are the pins and the bolts in there? it's very straightforward.
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we know what the problem is, so i think what's most important is to watch -- if there are other maxes that show up with this problem, as alaska and united do the inspections this week, was there sort of a systemic problem or was this sort of a one-off. >> gio: and that's what's so important to answer. steve, you have been a pilot for a very long time. from a pilot's perspective, how dire is a situation like this? >> in this mishap, gio, it happened at 16,000 feet. as the ntsb lead said, it didn't happen at altitude. it wasn't an explosive decompression. the airplane was just being compressed as it went up to altitude and people were still strapped into their seats. it could have been much worse. what's really critical here is that that big door could have come off and hit control surfaces on the tail. that's the real concern. so all the way around, we were very, very fortunate. i mean, gio, when was the last time you saw two seats including the window seat on a domestic flight not occupied?
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between that and the door not hitting any tail or control services, we were very, very fortunate in this mishap. >> gio: absolutely terrifying to think about. colonel steve ganyard, thank you so much. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: this morning, secretary of defense lloyd austin remains at walter reed hospital as questions intensify about when the white house and congress were informed about his condition. abc's ike ejiochi joins us now from washington with the latest on this. good morning, ike. a lot of questions surrounding this. >> reporter: good morning, rhiannon. many of the nation's top officials including the white house are wondering how and why it took days to be notified about secretary lloyd austin's hospitalization. u.s. official confirming to abc news that the white house did not learn about austin's hospitalization until thursday night, three days after he was hospitalized on the night of new year's day for complications resulting from what was described as a minor surgical elective procedure. now, officials say austin disclosed on thursday that he
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was admitted into the icu at walter reed emergency center. last night austin issuing a statement acknowledging his lack of transparency writing, i recognize i could have done a better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed. i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure. austin's hospitalization comes at a time of heightened tensions in the middle east, and on thursday, the biden administration launching a retaliatory attack in baghdad. a militia leader was killed who official says was responsible for attacks on american troops. senator tom cotton speaking out about the lack of transparency saying there should be, quote, consequences for this shocking breakdown. now, austin has been at the head of efforts to supply weapons and aid to ukraine during its war with russia as well as providing support to israel with its current war with hamas. back to you. >> whit: ike ejiochi, thank you. this morning, the final push is on in iowa where the caucuses are just over a week away. the former president still solidly in the lead in polling, and stepping up his attacks on nikki haley. abc's maryalice parks joins us from iowa. maryalice, good morning.
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>> reporter: whit, good morning. the iowa caucus is a week from tomorrow, and the candidates are definitely feeling those high stakes, but i can tell you we talked to a lot of voters who are still making up their mind. the pressure is on. republican candidates in iowa turning up the heat on each other, and in particular on front-runner donald trump. >> god bless president trump. he's been on a temper tantrum every day about me. >> not building the wall, elevating fauci -- there's a lot of reason why he should not be the nominee going forward. >> reporter: florida governor ron desantis accusing trump of not following through on his promises, like getting rid of the constitutional right to citizenship if you are born in the country. >> he had four years in office. all he had to do was sit down at that oval office -- >> reporter: former south carolina governor nikki haley making one of her strongest arguments to republican voters talking about how well she does in hypothetical matchups against president biden. >> what we have to do is make sure we don't have another nail-biter of an election.
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>> reporter: though many of haley's own supporters acknowledging trump's commanding lead in the primary polls. >> what do you think nikki haley needs to do here in the state to show the rest of the country she can compete against donald trump? >> well, if she could get second place, that would help out a lot heading into new hampshire. i don't know if she can do it. >> reporter: trump focused on his rivals too. >> nikki haley has been in the pocket of the open borders establishment donors for her entire career. >> reporter: and speaking to his supporters about the civil war fought over slavery saying he thinks it could have been negotiated. >> see, there was something i think could have been negotiated to be honest with you. i think you could have negotiated that. >> reporter: there's a real question here about whether trump's large lead in the polls could affect turnout, if they thinks his win here is inevitable, but i talked to a lot of iowans who tell me they are determined to have their voices heard whether or not they
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think their candidate is going to win, whit. >> whit: maryalice parks, thank you, and joining us now is our chief washington correspondent jonathan karl who will be breaking some news later this morning on "this week." jon, good morning. it's great to have you. as the 2024 campaign kicks into high gear, you have some exclusive reporting about trump's inner circle and conversations with the special counsel about january 6th. >> jonathan: good morning, whit. this is quite an exclusive. our investigative team has learned details about what trump's inner circle has told -- have told to the investigators on jack smith's team about trump's actions in the white house on january 6th while the capitol was under attack. perhaps most significantly, the special counsel interviewed dan scavino. you know dan scavino. he was perhaps closer to trump than virtually anybody else in the white house, knew him since he was 15. he used to be his golf caddie. was the only person authorized to tweet on trump's behalf, managed his social media
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accounts. he described to the special counsel our sources say, trump's behavior on january 6th, as, quote, unsettling. we'll have the details. it's really quite a report. >> whit: in that respect, let's come back to the iowa caucuses just over a week away as we mentioned, and trump still maintains a commanding lead in the polls despite all of these investigations. how likely is it that one of his rivals could pull off an upset? >> jonathan: well, look, it's not impossible. it certainly doesn't look like that's where we're heading. there's no evidence in any polling that trump has anything but a big lead in iowa, but the iowa caucuses have surprised in the past. nobody has voted yet. there is no early voting in the iowa caucuses. they all have to show up at 7:00 p.m. on caucus night and declare who they're -- who they're voting for, so we'll see, but certainly all indications are that the real battle is for second place between nikki haley and ron desantis, and what's interesting as you heard from maryalice parks, is those two are going after each other it seems with more vigor than they're going after donald trump.
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>> whit: a fascinating race as it's playing out here in the final days. jon karl, thank you so much. you can see more of jon's exclusive reporting later on "this week," and george stephanopoulos has an exclusive interview with former house speaker nancy pelosi three years after january 6th. >> rhiannon: it is time now for weather. somara theodore, some disappointed kids on the coast waking up with no snow on the ground, somara. >> somara: i know, you have to go farther inland. i'm so sorry, but some of our friends, our kiddos in lake tahoe getting some snow. speaking of which, take a look. this is from the next system. you thought you was going to catch a break? mother nature said psyche. we have the next system moving in. look at the recipe we have here. this is monday morning, 6:00 a.m., this abundance of moisture is driving out ahead of this front, and that's going to help zhuzh up these storms. that'll make them very strong to even severe by 5:00 p.m., lighting up the coast,
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from houston to new orleans, mobile to tallahassee. damaging winds, scattered tornadoes possible. even farther north in shreveport, and we'll talk about >> gio: and that's a look at your forecast. you guys, back to you. >> gio: somara, thank you so much. we'll turn now to college football, and all eyes -- oh, they're on houston for the showdown between michigan and washington. two undefeated teams vying for the national championship. abc's morgan norwood is here now with a preview of tomorrow's big game.
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good morning, morgan. >> reporter: good morning to you, gio. you know it'll be a good game when you have two of the country's best teams going head to head. number one michigan and number two washington facing off for the college football championship game, and look. the stakes couldn't be any higher as neither team has taken the title since the 1990s. it's the epic college football showdown. two undefeated teams, the michigan wolverines and washington huskies, preparing to face off in monday's championship game. >> the husky fans think they scored. it is a touchdown. >> reporter: cheers from dozens of fans as the huskies departed for houston. michigan touching down at george bush international airport. both teams set to clash at the nrg stadium during monday night's title game after nail-biting victories in the colleg football playoff semifinals. >> washington hangs on and wins the allstate sugar bowl! >> reporter: topping the texas longhorns in the sugar bowl's final few seconds. >> michigan makes a stand and comes up with a milestone
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playoff victory! >> reporter: and michigan's overtime win over alabama securing their spot in monday's matchup. the team thriving all season long despite the sign-stealing controversy and backlash after head coach jim harbaugh served a three-game suspension, though harbaugh himself was not accused of knowing about the alleged sign-stealing. >> obstacles, overcoming things. yeah. we've done a lot of that, but i mean, sometimes the obstacles are the way. >> reporter: monday's matchup pits two standout qbs. michigan's j.j. mccarthy and washington's michael penix jr. against each other. nfl scouts already zoned in on their professionals potential. mccarthy, though, with his eyes on the prize. >> we're a pack of wolves going to eat our last meal. >> reporter: washington fueled by its underdog status, but star qb michael penix jr. undeterred by the chatter. >> people might not believe in us, but nobody can shape our future, you know? only we can. >> reporter: so the stage is set. of course, you can catch the big game tomorrow at 7:30 eastern right here on abc, and coming up, we're going to have more on
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what else we're watching for come monday night, guys. going to be a good game. >> gio: it will be, morgan. thank you. espn football analyst booger mcfarland with the best name in television will join us with his take on the wolverines/huskies. >> rhiannon: it's never too late for a new nickname, gio. >> gio: that's right. >> whit: we're still working on that. thank you for that. also coming up here, a family's battle for answers. why was an 11-year-old boy shot by police in his own home? the newly released body camera footage of the night it happened. >> rhiannon: to the moon. the new mission and the company that's behind the launch that is now just hours away. >> gio: and barbenheimer's big moment. the two blockbusters leading the charge as hollywood's award season kicks off tonight. we'll be right back. you're watching "good morning america." d morning america." oooohhh, it is cold outside time to protect your vehichle from winters wrath of course the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too you need weathertech all year round! come on, protect your investment
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moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. >> we're following developing news uc berkeley's warn me system says authorities are clearing the scene for a reported emergency. tsay people near the university village were being asked to stay away from doors and windows, and we are still working to find out the cause of this emergency. we will stay posted on the latest information as soon as we get it. in the meantime, to weather now it certainly is cold out there. let's check in with lisa. good morning. all right. good morning to you, stephanie. >> another couple of hours for our frost advisory. emeryville. right now where temperatures in our inland valleys are still very cold, below freezing in spots. hayward 37 and half moon bay, 43, in san francisco and from vollmer peak. look at the upper 20s by the delta 30 petaluma. sunny and 50s. today >> lisa, thank you and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america. good
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who could take home a statue or even more tonight, and what that means for the race to the oscars. >> rhiannon: i love awards season. >> whit: me, too. >> gio: and a lot of good movies this time around. let's take a look at some of the other big stories we're following on this sunday morning here. happening right now, three january 6th suspects considered fugitives are now under arrest after the fbi caught up with them at a florida ranch. jonathan daniel pollock, olivia michelle pollock, and joseph daniel hutchinson iii were taken into custody exactly three years after the assault on the u.s. capitol. >> rhiannon: also right now, officials in philadelphia announcing a cluster of measles cases in the city among unvaccinated residents. the city's health department saying there are now six locations in philly where people may have been exposed to the measles since late december. as of friday, there were six confirmed cases and three presumed cases of measles reported. >> whit: and actress cindy morgan best known for her roles
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in 1980's "caddyshack" and "tron," has died. she was found unresponsive in her florida home. she is believed to have died from natural causes. cindy morgan was 69 years old. and we do start this half hour with our first look at the body camera video the night an officer shot an 11-year-old boy in his own home. it was released after various freedom of information act requests including one from abc news. the officer has been cleared of criminal wrongdoing, and the boy survived, but the family is now seeking justice through a civil suit. ike ejiochi joins us now with details. ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. this body camera video which some people may find disturbing shows the moment the officer involved pulled the trigger on 11-year-old aderrien murray shooting him in the chest. >> let me see your hands. let me see your hands. >> reporter: this morning, shocking new body camera footage showing 11-year-old aderrien murray shot in the chest by a mississippi police officer. >> where's he at? police. >> reporter: the shooting taking place last may. the unarmed 11-year-old telling
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abc news an argument between his mother and her ex-boyfriend woke him. then he dialed 911 after his mom told him to do so. what he told us next can be seen on the body camera footage. take a look. you can see the officer approach the house before knocking on the door several times. aderrien's mom coming out first with her hands up. >> where's he at? >> reporter: then, the crucial moment. the officer stepping into the house. aderrien coming around the corner with his hands in the air. that's when the officer is seen pulling the trigger. the bullet collapsed his lung and lacerated his liver. abc news speaking exclusively to aderrien after the incident who described the moment he was shot. >> i came out doing this, and then -- and then when greg shot me, i did this to my chest. it felt like a big punch to the chest. >> reporter: sergeant greg
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capers, the officer involved was suspended without pay. he told abc's demarco morgan that the shooting wasn't intentional. >> i hate that it happened because i love kids. i've shed many tears, done everything i can to get this situation off of me. >> reporter: his attorney telling abc news it's a complete surprise that the body camera was released, but some still raising questions about the policing tactics in this case. >> what this is really about is police training and a desire for citizens to want law enforcement to move away from a shoot-first-ask questions-later. >> reporter: now, an attorney for aderrien's mom say they there can body camera footage being released. they're filing a lawsuit for her son's injuries and excessive force. now a mississippi grand jury has determined sergeant capers won't face any criminal charges. he's already been reinstated to the police department, and says he's ready to get back to work. gio?
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>> gio: ike, thank you so much for your reporting there. now to the milestone mission to the moon is just hours away. the first private company in america ready to launch a lander to the moon's surface, and it's got a lot riding on its shoulders. 50 years after we landed on the moon -- >> the program is really the true beginning of what's to come in the future. >> reporter: another potential giant leap for humankind as nasa funds advanced missions back to the moon by commercial operator. the peregrine lunar lander built by astrobotic, is set to get to the moon from the kennedy space center, but landing on the moon is tricky. >> they asked us as a company to buy a launch vehicle, and to build a lander that can deliver their payloads, in this case science payloads to the surface of the moon. >> reporter: 2024 shaping up to be the year of the lunar lander with five u.s. spacecraft and at least one japanese lander heading to the south pole of the moon. >> it is a quarter million miles away. it is in the vacuum of space. you are controlling a vehicle
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that you can't use a joystick with from here on earth. >> reporter: these missions are critical before nasa can land artemis 3 on the lunar south pole operating under harsh conditions. it won't make it to the moon until february and it has friendly competition from another company which is launching after peregrine, but hopes to land just one day earlier on the moon. the space race indeed, and peregrine is expected to land on the moon in late february, again, and it's taking a slew of scientific experiments to the moon. we could be learning much more because the goal is to eventually turn the moon into an actual base to get to the rest of the universe there. >> whit: interplanetary travel. >> rhiannon: gio going to space. >> gio: i would go to the moon, i think so, if it's safe. >> rhiannon: gio, thanks. let's head over to somara now, with a look at the weather. this storm just isn't over yet. >> somara: down here on planet earth, we are dealing with more snow, but you have to come with me to saranac lake.
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i know i show your city all the time, but it's so beautiful. it's giving main character energy. so we've got this gorgeous overlay of snow just outside of it. it's about 4 inches of snow on the ground. what's left of this system is actually moving out by monday. we are looking at a really nice setup heading back to work. it'll be nice and sunny, but the next storm is looming. 5:00 p.m. on tuesday, look at where those scattered -- or the line of severe weather threat is situated from florida right on up the i-95 corridor. through wednesday, we could see anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of rain, some really heavy spots in cities like atlanta, up into parts of south carolina and asheville, there, so flooding will be a concern by wednesday. again, the severe threat really revving up for those living in new orleans by tuesday, monday into tuesday. that's a look at your forecast. let's see what's going on a little closer to home.
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>> somara: and that's a look at your local forecast. you know what i'm looking forward to? interplanetary brunch. i just think about that all the time. i would just get up and go. where are we going today? >> whit: go to mars. >> somara: which planet? >> whit: mars for some eggs benedict? >> rhiannon: unlimited mimosas? >> somara: beam me up, scottie. >> whit: in time perhaps. coming up here on "good morning america," awards season kicks off tonight with the golden globes. will it be the barbenheimer show? our preview just ahead. symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to.
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golden globe. this morning, awards season is officially here. just hours to go ahead of the barbenheimer blitz at the golden globes. >> but if you ask me, you had something to do with this too. >> me? >> reporter: "barbie" leading the pack with a whopping nine nominations, but the biggest cliffhanger is if "oppenheimer" with eight nominations could win the night. "barbie" is the favorite for the night's biggest prize, the best motion picture musical or comedy with a best acting nod for margot robbie and best supporting for ryan gosling. ♪ i'm just ken ♪ >> reporter: and "oppenheimer," the big favorite for best motion picture drama. >> no one is leaving los alamos. ♪ >> reporter: and a lot of swifties holding their breath for taylor swift. she shattered touring records and then box office records with her doc about the "eras" tour. the big question, can she shake off the barbenheimer competition
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in the cinematic and box office achievement category? >> this has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. >> reporter: over on the tv side, the buzz is between the foodies and the football fans. >> that's why i'm good at what i do, that's how i operate. >> reporter: many eyes on "the bear" and "ted lasso" to see who can win the best television series, musical or comedy category. >> reporter: i'm personally excited that jo koy is hosting. i interviewed him a while back for "gma," and he had less than 2 1/2 weeks to prepare. most hosts get months. so we'll see what he comes up with. of course tonight could set up a very tight match for the oscars stage in just a few weeks. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: zohreen shah, thank you for that. i've interviewed jo koy a few times too and i think he'll be fantastic. >> whit: he's always prepared. >> he's great. coming up on "good morning america," our look ahead to monday's college football championship. are you excited? espn's booger mcfarland joins us with the top story lines to watch. don't miss it. >> and tackled. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪
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>> whit: we're back on "gma" as the michigan wolverines get ready to battle with the washington huskies in the college football national championship game, and joining us now from houston is espn football analyst booger mcfarland who also just happens to be a two-time super bowl champion. booger, good morning to you. it's great to have you. >> good morning. glad to be here. >> whit: so let's start with -- i love this story of michael penix jr., the quarterback for the huskies. was a heisman finalist. all the injuries that he had, the road to get here, led washington to an unbeaten season so far. what are his biggest strengths? >> well, i think he's got two,
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and number one really has nothing to do with his field -- on-the-field play as far as football. it's his mental toughness. you talk about a kid who's from tampa that went to indiana. he's gone through two acl injuries, a shoulder injury and he has to transfer from indiana to washington to fulfill his potential, and to me the mental toughness that he displays shows up each and every game, and as a quarterback, i'm not enamored about all the height, the weight, the size, the speed. the number one attribute that a quarterback has to have is accuracy, and he may be the most accurate quarterback that i have ever seen. he literally can throw the football through a keyhole and he shows up each and every week. he's got a trio of receivers. so his mental toughness, his accuracy, how he leads this football team has been outstanding, and he's going to put it on display tomorrow night in houston. >> whit: and he's going to need all of that, right? facing michigan, one of the best defenses in the country. >> yeah. >> whit: what kind of challenge will they bring to washington's offense? >> well, it's going to be an nfl-style challenge, you know? michigan's defensive coordinator doesn't just come out and call vanilla defenses.
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he's going to try to confuse michael penix. they're not going to give up the big play. jalen milroe had been playing at a heisman trophy level, and they sacked him five times in the first half, six times overall, with a lot of confusion, making the offensive line try to figure out where they're coming from. it's a very complex defense, it's a deep defense, and it's a veteran defense, and there's no doubt in my mind it'll be the biggest challenge that washington and michael penix has faced all year long. if they're able to win this game they'll have to go through this defense, which is no small task. >> whit: we can't talk about michigan without talking about coach jim harbaugh and the suspensions here that impacted them this season. what sort of impact has that had on michigan? does any of that linger into this championship game? >> you know, that's a good question. i don't think it lingers. i think what it's done is brought this team together because it's been michigan against everybody for a long time. first, the three-game suspension at the beginning of the season, and then there's a three-game suspension at the end of the season. they've played eight games with him and six games without him,
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and i think it's just brought that team together because they feel like they had been done wrong. regardless of how you feel about the sign-stealing and some of the recruiting violations or whatever, they feel like that everybody, the ncaa included has been out to get michigan, but they win in spite of all of that, and so, you know, sometimes those things as you say could be a hindrance, but sometimes they can bring teams together and i think it's galvanized this football team. it's a veteran team, they have a lot of leadership, and i think that closeness is one of the big reasons why they're in the championship game. >> whit: booger mcfarland, thank you so much. we appreciate it. going to be great game. you can catch all the college football action, the championship game monday at 7:30 on espn. we'll be right back here with our "play of the day." pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down...
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for meet and greet. take an amazing dinosaur adventure. two massive weekends vallejo, january 13th through 15. solano county fairgrounds, san jose january 27th through 28th. santa clara county fairgrounds tickets at dinosaur adventure. com. can't wait for this story! >> we are back now with our play of the day and the waitress who got served a very big surprise, claire rachel howell shared this
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picture. look at that. of the $500 tip that she received while serving a family heading to the broadway show, merrily we roll along. you see, she had mentioned that she'd love to see the show, but it was too expensive. so they left that big tip with a note that she should see it herself. >> it looks like she had enough for a drink. she sure did. >> she's also an actress, by the way, and she shared these other photos on social uh- showing her attending the musical starring harry potter's daniel radcliffe. she said she thought about saving the money, but ultimately decided to use it for its intended purpose, saying something like this only happens in a dream. oh, that's awesome, isn't it? that's great. >> you know, when i worked at the olive garden, i never got the olive garden comes up once a sheet. >> it wasn't nothing. breadsticks thanks for watching. everybody. have a great sunday by bona festa. >> and the final sprint is on to the iowa caucuses. as. can anyone close the gap with him? plus, nancy pelosi exclusive this morning on building a better bay area moving forward.
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>> finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. we're following new details in the deadly shooting of oakland police officer twan lay. the east bay times reports. the mother of one of the suspects has been arrested, and jail records indicate she's now in custody. she's accused of being an accessory after the fact, according to the report, the mother of mark demetrius sanders is accused of attempting to destroy evidence and helping him leave the state. she is scheduled to be arraigned tomorrow and is being held without bail. new this morning, richmond. city officials notified residents of a level one incident at the chevron refinery due to flaring yesterday afternoon. they also say it's no longer an issue and it's not causing any public health risks at this time. but residents might smell an odor in the area. the refinery is dealing with repeated notices of air quality violations connected to these flaring incidents. we'll get ready for the cold today. lisa is tracking what you
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need to know. good morning. >> good morning to our frost advisory through 10:00 and a look at pier 39, where it is clear. and these are the warmer temperatures, 43 downtown, 40 in oakland. it is in the upper 30s from hayward, san jose, san mateo, half moon bay dropped to 39. the golden gate bridge and our inland valleys is where we are really chilling out with 28 fairfield, 29, in napa, 30. petaluma 31. livermore 35, in santa rosa and fairfield, a wind chill factor makes it feel like it's in the mid 20s, so we are anywhere from 4 to 10 degrees colder than we were yesterday. at this hour, we're going to continue that into monday morning. plenty of sunshine today below average mid 50s out there. it will increase the clouds for monday and then lightrillionain arriving tuesday morning. stephanie. all right lisa, thank you. >> and thank you all for joining us this week with george stephanopoulos is next. >> do you own a house you just need out of quickly or just needs costly repairs? no worries
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