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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  January 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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delays in stride. good afternoon , i'm karina nova and i'm dionne lim. >> thanks for joining us. the boeing 737 max nines door plug, which flew off after takeoff, has been found. a teacher in portland, oregon, found it in his backyard this afternoon. >> united airlines also found loose bolts during its preliminary inspection of its 737 max nine aircraft. and abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley is live at sfo, with more on inspections and the cascading cancellations of flights. how is it now, leslie? well karina and dionne over 340 flight cancellations today. >> dozens and dozens of them here at sfo, also out of oakland and san jose. we've been hearing a lot about alaska airlines, but actually united now has 79 aircraft grounded out of sfo flights to houston, chicago, l.a. and san diego were among
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the cancellations as passengers frantically tried to book new routes to their desired destination. this couple got a text last night saying their alaska flight from san jose to oahu was canceled, and the value was deposited in an alaska wallet. they ended up today at the sfo united terminal on an alternate flight paid for out of pocket. >> i was being like, tricked, you know, and i wanted to use the credit for taking another ticket for today from alaska. and the price was guess it was double. it was double. they should have made it automatic refunding people's tickets, not really making you call them waiting for 3.5 hours, not being able. i mean, i use the chat option, i use the phone option, i use nothing passengers said they checked in and got their boarding pass only to later get a text saying the flight was canceled. >> but they understood i'd rather be on a plane that's safe . >> i don't want to be sucked out in midair, but the friday night alaska flight on which the door
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plug blew out an oxygen masks dropped has added a frightening new dimension to air travel. >> for many who can't stop thinking about it as they board flights today, i imagine sitting in that seat and having my infant and not being her, not being buckled in, she would have flown right out. >> so it's definitely terrifying to think about it. it's unlocked a new a new mom, fear unite. >> it had 200 flight cancellations monday. there were 140 on alaska. alaska said this morning they got inspection details for the 737 max nine aircraft from the ntsb, but they're still waiting for additional instruction details from the faa. in the meantime, they said, our technicians have prepared each aircraft to be immediately ready for the required inspection when instructions are finalized. united said they've started some preliminary inspections on their fleet of 737 max, nine aircraft and confirmed they've already found loose bolts and other parts on some of the door plugs.
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so again, that means preliminary inspections are underway. but official inspections from what we understand, have not yet begun. and the inspector, we're told, are likely to take around eight hours per plane. karina andean. >> all right. so, leslie, we have that time frame for what we can expect on that end. but what should passengers expect for these cancellations? how long will those continue? >> well, going forward, since the official inspections have not yet begun, it appears as though these cancellations will continue through at least mid week. and as you heard there, the notice of some of these cancellations seems to be coming just hours before the flight. so the local tally we have as of right now is 60 flights canceled at sfo today, six at san jose, two in oakland reporting live at sfo. i'm leslie brinkly, abc seven news. all right, leslie,
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thank you so much. >> hopefully they get things back up and running soon for all those passengers. now we do want to give you some perspective. aviation experts say a door plug isn't really the same thing as a door. it's a component designed to fill a hole in a plane's fuselage, where an optional emergency exit can be placed. some larger boeing planes have extra emergency exits in the back to meet evacuation guidelines, but on planes with fewer seats like the alaska 737 max nines, they aren't required to have extra exits. so a panel is placed over them. >> now, today on our 3 p.m. program, getting answers. abc news aviation analyst john nance addressed why the inspections are taking longer than expected. >> we have to know what we're looking for, not just at the door is there and everything appears to be in good shape. and that's one of the reasons that the inspections have been delayed and not just completed one after another. uh- i'm sure that that's going on right now, and i'm sure that the ability to
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tell precisely what happened, then it flows immediately into the ability to make sure that it can't happen again, to make sure whether it's bolts that might be suspect or whether it was the absence of bolts and where in the inspection process. by the way, should this have occurred? >> now, nance says he has no safety concerns about all versions of the boeing 737. he says the planes are solid as a rock and very reliable, and that alaska airlines safety record proves it. >> more flaring today at the chevron refinery in richmond. the flaring began just before noon today and wrapped up about an hour ago. the flaring was a level one incident, which is the lowest reportable level. chevron is investigating. all right. >> turning now to the weather and certainly the cold is here. we are in for another chilly night. oh it was cold coming into work this morning. >> so let's check in with spencer christian for a first look at the forecast. >> spencer okay, karina and dion. well the good news is our nights are getting a little bit milder than the last two have been uh- though some rain is
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coming our way. that's the big change in our forecast. so let's take a look at the satellite radar composite image. and you can see a little bit of light rain moving into the northernmost part of the state right now. but there is more active weather out to see moving in our direction. and we're going to start to get some rain tomorrow. the approaching storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale is a level one. so for tomorrow morning, we're talking about scattered showers that will begin before the morning commute starts. so look out for rough or rough surf. rather rough surf. easy for me to say. and slick roads less than a quarter of an inch of rainfall, likely from this storm. so let's take a look at the forecast animation starting at 2 a.m, at which point we'll see the first pockets of showers beginning to push into the north bay. by middle of the morning commute, the showers will be more widespread. some of them will be a little bit steadier, a little bit heavier. and then by mid afternoon, we're talking about the storm tapering off and giving way to some partial clearing before the next wave of showers and rainfall will arrive on wednesday morning. that will continue through the day wednesday. so we have two days
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of wet weather coming our way and rainfall totals over the two day period will probably range generally from about a quarter of an inch to just over 4/10 of an inch. i'll have a look at the full accuweather seven day forecast. a little bit later. karina. >> all right. spencer, thank you. in the north bay, an emergency shelter and transitional housing program for homeless youth is in crisis. and it's now facing a crisis of its own. directors say social advocates for youth will close its doors unless it can rally community support. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard is in santa rosa with the details. >> this is about the kids. for us, it always has been and it always will be. >> an urgent news conference called by sonoma county's only lifeline agency for homeless youth directors and supporters, making an appeal to the community to keep the doors open. >> it's important for us to dig deep because if we don't take care of our kids, um, what kind of community are we? >> directors of the 53 year old nonprofit social advocates for youth, better known as, say, admit? it's a big financial ask from potential donors.
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>> the goal is to have $1 million by next week. >> interim director susan fettig says the money is needed to keep say's dream center open, allowing them to restructure and downsize. she says new laws limiting the number of youth, which can be housed here is making this space too large to manage. on top of that, financial contributions have dropped in. >> our youth needs are getting higher and higher, so overall it's like a perfect storm of the need in the community is higher, and there's just not quite as much money covering everything. >> currently, about 67 youth are being housed at, say, shelter and transitional housing center, where they have access to mental health counseling and job assistance. >> that shelter gave me exactly what i needed. they caught me when i was falling, kerri rigo says the youth shelter was a lifesaver when she was 16, helping to de-escalate her family crisis. >> she worries about what will happen to homeless kids if the shelter closes. >> we know and can see all of
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those kids that we've never met, but we know they're there. um, not only today that need sees help, but those tomorrow and in the future that will have zero place to go, zero support at, and we're going to lose some lives as a result. >> sonoma county supervisor susan gorin says she'll meet with shelter staff to find temporary solutions. >> the numbers of transition youth who remain homeless have escalated over the past couple of years, keeping a lifeline open and ready for kids in need is the goal that this emergency is not just an emergency tsay, but the clock is ticking very loudly in sonoma county, cornel bernard, abc seven news tensions flared at san francisco city hall during the board of supervisors hearing today on a gaza ceasefire resolution. >> seven people voiced their opinion about the ongoing israel-hamas war during today's public comment. it was the last meeting before tomorrow's final vote, where supervisor chairs are expected to approve that resolution on the initiative was
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first introduced by dean preston, back in december and, if approved, san francisco would be the third bay area city to publicly condemn the war. the work to entirely close off people's park in berkeley is nearly complete, a spokesperson with uc berkeley tells abc seven news that the park is now complete, encircled by shipping containers, the university expects all the streets around the park to reopen by tomorrow evening. the park is being cleared to build student housing on the land, but construction can't begin until after the state supreme court settles a lawsuit over the park's future. >> the man who attacked a judge in las vegas last week was sentenced today by that same judge. hey hey, you moment dobrev redden attacked a judge. mary kay holthus, as she was preparing to sentence him for attacking someone with a baseball bat last year. holthus said redden knocked her out of
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her chair, slammed her head against the wall and ripped out some of her hair. today, redden returned to the courtroom in shackles and a mask and was sentenced to 19 months to two years in prison for last year's baseball bat attack. as temperatures plummet, those p-g-and-e's bills could skyrocket, especially now with new rates. >> the best roads in the bay where you can find them, and the effort to bring a panda to the bay area the abcs of ckd a is for awareness, because knowing that your chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. b is for belief that there may be more you can do. just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. for adults living with ckd in type 2 diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. kerendia is a once-daily tablet that treats ckd differently than type 2 diabetes medications to help slow the progression of kidney damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events,
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tobacco company appealed that ban, signed by governor newsom in 2020, arguing it conflicts with the federal tobacco control act. that act allows the fda to regulate the sale of cigarets, but stops short of allowing states to ban certain products. justices declined to hear the case without comment. >> a new report says san francisco has the best roads of all large bay area cities, according to mayor london breed's office. san francisco is independently rated. pavement conditions index score increased to 75 in 2023, a rating deemed good by the metropolitan transportation commission. san francisco scored 74 last year. the mayor's office says the score is remarkable considering last year's record storms. by
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comparison, san jose recorded a pavement score of 71. oakland had a 57. the bay area's average was 67, and bringing your bike on bart is easier this year. bart is now allowing bikes on most station escalators. bart's board also approved other new bike rules, including allowing bikes on all train cars except the first car. bikes were previously banned from the first three cars during commute times. people can now also secure bikes on trains using the bike lane, bar and straps as well as the temperatures go down, heating costs go up and this month it comes with a new p-g-and-e's rate increase. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey spoke with experts about what your bill may look like this month and the best ways to lower it in the future. >> lower temperatures often mean higher utility bills, but it may not be as painful to your wallet as last january, according to p-g-and-e's. the utility says regulator approved rate changes
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will account for lower natural gas prices than last winter, around a 9% decrease, saving customers about $17 on their gas bills. good news but economists ahmed farooq says the bad news is other cpuc approved rate changes will still cost customers more than before. i mean, this was one of those new year celebrations that was dampened by the news of the bill going up by $35. >> it's a gift that just keeps on giving in a negative sense. >> and farooq says the 13% rate hike to pay for the undergrounding of lines for wildfire prevention may not be the last of the increases in 2024, according to one study. >> i have seen for the year as a whole, it could be a rate hike that amounts to $100 a month for the typical customer, and that is honestly shocking beyond words. >> p-g-and-e's is holding its customers over a barrel and it's laughing all the way to the bank. >> former california public utilities commission president loretta lynch says the constant cpuc approved p-g-and-e's rate hikes have to stop. she says the
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cpuc creates rules that benefits the utilities like no other state does, leaving california with the second highest electric rates in the country with no cap to the increases or change in sight. >> the question is, does california have the political will to rein in its rogue, out of control utility fee, or are they going to allow p-g-and-e's to continue to profiteer power off of the backs of california's working families? it's a simple question, and it's going to take the legislature and the governor to answer that question until that time comes, farooqui says. >> people have to combat prices on their own. he suggests switching to a smart thermostat to keep the house at a cost effective temperature. check the ages of your furnace and air conditioners and make sure your home is insulated, farooqui says it may cost money now, but it will save money later. dustin dawsey, abc seven news. all right, let's talk about the colder temperatures and how long it's going to last and all those details now. >> yeah. spencer standing by with the timeline. and i mean it's a very wintry pattern. >> oh of course it is. it certainly is dion and karina. so
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the cold, the chill that we had the last couple of mornings is, is easing up a bit, giving way to milder weather. but wet weather is on the way. so let's take a look at live doppler seven and the satellite. and you can see some active weather out to see uh- moving in our direction. and we'll probably be moving in by the time the morning commute begins tomorrow. right now, though, conditions are very calm, winds are quite light, wind speeds under ten miles per hour, and it's a bit milder. as i mentioned than at this time yesterday. in fact, about 2 to 3 degrees warmer in most locations. so let's take a live view and check out current temperature readings. it is 55 right now in san francisco and half moon bay, a 54 in oakland and san mateo, upper 50s at hayward and san jose. the temperature readings right now, mainly the mid 50s up in the north bay, 55 at santa rosa, 5554 degrees at santa rosa, petaluma, napa, fairfield, livermore, concord is at 57 right now. so let's check out our weather headlines for the next few days. tomorrow morning, light scattered showers will be with us. then on wednesday, another round of rain will move through the bay area. thursday,
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mostly sunny and dry, but that will be just a brief break before we see more active weather coming our way. the approaching storm for tomorrow morning is a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, so once again, we can expect scattered showers less than a quarter of an inch of rainfall from this system. so it will be a light rainfall. slick roadways for the morning commute, and possibly some rough surf tomorrow. here's a forecast animation beginning at 2 a.m. as the first pockets of showers begin to sweep into the north bay by mid-morning and middle of the morning commute. as a matter of fact, we'll see more widespread showers and even some local uh- heavy downpours. but they will. they'll be very brief. they won't last very long. so we're just talking showers, basically. those showers will end by mid-afternoon. but tomorrow night into wednesday morning, another wave of showers will start to swing in just in time for the morning commute on wednesday. these showers will probably hang around a little bit longer later into the day, into the mid to late afternoon hours on wednesday before winding down, and by 11 p.m. wednesday, we expect rainfall totals to range generally from
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about a quarter of an inch to about 4/10 of an inch. now for tonight, mainly dry conditions, of course, with clouds increasing overnight lows where last night? this morning we had low to mid 30s. upper 30s to low 40s tonight. and then tomorrow's highs will be generally in the upper 50s to near 60. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. so we have two level one storms coming our way tomorrow and wednesday. a mostly sunny day on thursday but no increase in temperatures under those sunny skies. mix of sun and clouds on friday. rain returns on saturday and sunday, both days a level one storms and then next monday partly cloudy and slightly milder. high temperatures moving into the upper 50s to near 60. so the little cool weather we're having right now will begin to ease up a bit. >> we'll get a break. >> well, a short one, a short one, yeah. >> we'll take it. >> winter is keeping us busy. thank you. yeah well, san francisco is on the short list of contenders to receive a panda from china. >> abc seven news obtained a
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letter from mayor london breed to chinese president xi jinping in it, she said she wants to grow our friendship to greatly benefit our youth and to continue our joint efforts on panda conservation. she suggested a partnership with the san francisco zoo to host the giant pandas. all of this comes after the end of a 50 year conservation program with the chinese government that expired in november, san francisco is giving a warm welcome to the tony winning musical the wiz. >> the cast and production team were on hand for a welcome ceremony today at sf jazz. this is the first broadway bound tour for the wiz in 40 years. >> i want the shows to be so sold out that they're like, sorry to the next city. we're going to have to extend in san francisco. that's the kind of that's what i want to see on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. we're going to officially declare it the wiz day in san francisco, mayor breed says city hall will be lit
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with yellow lights on opening night to recognize the yellow brick road. >> the show gives a rock gospel soul twist to the wizard of oz, with wayne brady as the wiz and deborah cox as glinda. the wiz will be at the golden gate theater january 17th through february 11th. that will be fun. >> well, just ahead, a new gig for former warriors gm bob myers . >> and speaking of new jobs, the bizarre thing one out of five gen z job applicants bring with them to a job interview. it's
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after winning four nba titles and six conference titles, he had been appearing as an analyst on our sister station espn. myers will assist in the commander's search for new coaches. well, there is no monday night football tonight, but you can catch the college football national championship. the washington huskies take on the michigan wolverines at 4:30 p.m. on our sisters network, espn, and owednesday, the warriors host the new orleans pelicans. coverage there begins at 5 p.m. right here on abc seven, followed by after the game. >> we now know who's going to be playing at bottlerock in napa valley this year. ed sheeran,
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pearl jam, stevie nicks and mana are set to headline the ent, which runs fr may 24th to the 26th. bebe rexha, megan thee stallionnd queens of the stone age are coming. the other 575 acts are set to appear and three day passes start at about 40bucks and go on sale tomorrow morning at 10:00. at the bottlerock napa valley .com website. tickets for the vip experience and private chalets for fleet week 2024 are now on sale. the blue angels will once again headline the annual event, which will run october 11th to the 13th this year. general admission to the festival center on marina green is free. you can visit fleet. week for more info. it's already exciting to think about it happening. >> no chalet for us, but it's good to have a friend with a rooftop. yeah, just walk to the marina. >> you're good. all free.
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>> just look up. >> well, just ahead a business owner reaches a tipping point. >> i just decided, you know what? um, you know, reach out to the city. um, nobody is going to respond. >> his controversial music video and what it could mean for this year's election, and a plan to return to the moon could already be over just hours after it began entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema,
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picking up momentum. the first contest, the iowa caucuses, is just one week away. abc news reporter morgan norwood has been following the gop hopefuls.
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>> the countdown to the iowa caucuses are on, and with just one week to go, candidates on both sides taking aim at donald trump as the republican frontrunner holds on to a commanding 30 point lead. president biden at mother emanuel church in south carolina were. nine people were killed in a 2015 racially motivated mass shooting. biden, laying out the stakes, warning about maga republicans led by trump and pointing to january 6th, in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. >> that's not the real world. that's not democracy. that's not america and the america we all count in america. we witness to serve all those who, in fact participate and losers are taught to concede when they lose . and he's a loser. biden's speech, interrupted by a handful of protesters calling for a cease fire in the israel-hamas war, cease fire. >> now those chants drowned out by shouts of four more years! i
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understand their passion. >> i've been quietly working with the israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of gaza, using all that i can to do that. >> back in iowa, whether canceling campaign events for former south carolina governor nikki haley, who's vying for number two alongside florida governor ron desantis, both must convince their voters they have what it takes to beat the former president. >> pro-trumpers don't think i love him enough, anti-trumpers don't think i hate him enough for those that want me to hit trump more, i just am not going to do it. >> desantis vowing to stay in the race despite comments from trump that he might drop out to back trump. instead, desantis says he's in it for the long haul. >> we have a packed schedule and we'll be flying from, uh, iowa to new hampshire after caucus and on the democratic side to long shot candidates marianne williamson in minnesota, representative dean phillips will take the debate stage today without their main contender, president biden.
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>> morgan norwood abc news, washington for the first time, we're hearing from the san francisco restaurant owner and rapper who's at the center of a controversy tsay. >> after releasing a music video criticizing mayor london breed under unusual circumstances, a diss track wouldn't garner this much attention, but because of a mayoral reelection this fall and race, it shows how asian americans could make or break the upcoming election. >> in the course of three years, i had about seven, you know, break ins and, uh, vandalism. that was the tipping point. and i just decided, you know what? um, you know, reach out to the city. um, nobody is going to respond. it was this series of frustrations which drove restaurateur and rapper chino yang to produce san francisco, our home. >> the song is part love letter san francisco. >> that's my whole let me put it in a song so you never get thrown no matter what. >> i'm mad. >> this, this place i love. >> and part exasperation.
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>> the land of breathe. you ain't nothing but a clown. >> when we really needed you. >> you will never be around. >> the rap accuses mayor london breed of failing the city's small businesses, abandoning the city's asian american community. everybody let me see your hands in the air. >> now throw your tune me the fingers up to the mayor. >> but the critical tone upset some members of the black community, including the reverend amos brown, president of the san francisco chapter of the naacp. brown rushed to defend breed and expressed his displeasure over the rap in this voicemail to yang. i ask you to repudiate that rap, and since you have not it, and i told the black community that you did not , the community will and will make a public statement calling you out for the wrong that you did to the mayor. >> the mayor is not responsive for all the climate of this city, despite yang issuing this apology shortly after.
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>> so for the sake of my family and my loved ones and my close friends, i like to openly and publicly make apology. brown then held a press conference to pressure yang to take down the video. >> this young rapper is that he needs to get his lessons and sit down and learn. brown declined to comment further when asked by abc seven. >> but this back and forth is an example of the political challenges breed faces as she tries to win a second full terms. her supporters in the black community say she's unfairly blamed. >> please do not call out our mayor again and aapi community leaders frustrated by property crimes and attacks targeting elderly asian residents have become increasingly critical. >> of course, it's political. everything's political. >> breed is competing with several challengers for support of san francisco's asian american community. her political future depends on whether she can earn it. >> it's an election season, and
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mayor london breed is up for a really tough reelection drive and the concerns raised in the video are legitimate ones. it's about crime. it's about the streets, and it's about whether or not the mayor is doing her job. abc seven news insider phil matier says in a city where asian americans make up a third of the population in recent races have proven how important the asian vote is, especially among the young and conservatives in the political landscape. we saw it in the school board elections and recall, and they were a primary force behind that in the recall of progressive district attorney chesa boudin, who they felt weren't doing enough about crimes aimed at asian american, especially the elderly. it's long been said that you can't get elected only on the asian vote in san francisco, but you can't get elected without it, or at least a significant portion of it. >> bob okinawa, director of policy and advocacy with nonprofit aapi vote, says it's a trend happening nationwide. >> they certainly did play a crucial role in battleground states. asian americans in
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georgia, arizona, pennsylvania, wisconsin, nevada, north carolina, uh, came out in numbers that exceeded, um, the margin of victory for the winning candidate in that state. clearly, uh, if the asian american community mobilizes, they will be able to have a huge impact in these critical states. >> okinawa believes political campaign still need to do more outreach to attract the aapi vote to the polls. >> based on, uh, the national parties. and they're outreach to the community. i think they're still, you know, uh, a lot of room for growth. >> now, mayor breed's office told me in an email they would not be commenting on the rap song or on brown's press conference. they did, however, send me a statement touting investments in programs for the aapi community and an 80% decline in hate crimes since 2021. former mayor willie brown, who is an ally to breed, was also slated to appear at that
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press conference but did not show the big night for hollywood and what it means for the oscars in march. >> plus, the one thing young job applicants are bringing to interviews and why they shouldn't. the fought for is next you can instantly know what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo.
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after an indefinite suspension lasted about 12 games. green was suspended after hitting an opponent during a game last month. green has been undergoing counseling and it's unclear when he'll be back on the court, but espn reports he'll need about a week before he plays. so, chris, i'm going to start with you. obviously you've been following and covering this story very closely. also, there was talk about him possibly retiring, which he changed his mind about. right. >> yeah. so draymond green today released his a new episode of his podcast on draymond green show. and that was the headline that was getting a lot of the buzz. draymond said himself that he had a conversation with adam silver in this last month or so and said that all of this was becoming too much for him and adam silver actually decided that that might be a rash decision. he rethought it and one of the things i listened to the whole podcast today on the way to work, and draymond talked about being a champion of change and maybe changing his mindset. so it's one thing to all of his
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words are contrite and you want to believe what he said. but at the ultimate at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. so wait and see how he is when he gets back on the court. but what he said, he he seems very enlightened and it's just a matter of now, once he gets back on the court and about a week uh- how he reacts to any adverse situations in the warriors practice tomorrow, we're hoping to hear from draymond for the first time. and then of course, we got the game on abc seven on wednesday night. so busy place. chase center next couple days. >> yeah we'll all be watching a little bit more closely now i think. see what happens. >> all right. moving on. the countdown to the oscars right here on abc seven is on. and last night the golden globes made a lot of history. and it was the return of barb and heimer. we made it for you and we made it with love. >> and thank you for loving it back. >> robert downey jr, christopher nolan, killian murphy but it was oppenheimer taking home the gold with five wins. >> our first question do i have lipstick all over my nose and earning the big prize at the end of the night? best drama motion picture leading the night for tv
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. the final season of succession , tying the record for most wins for best tv drama series with its third, the bear, proving they know how to serve, with jeremy allen white taking home best male actor in a tv musical or comedy series against some tv greats and his costar iowa debris, winning best female actor alongside him, thanking everyone from the top down. all of my agents and managers assist agents to the people who answer my emails. the cast of the netflix show beef making history, as well with first time nominee ali wong becoming the first female of asian descent to win best female actor in a limited series, winning back to back with her costar steven yeun . >> so we're the story i usually tell of myself to myself is uh- one of isolation and like separateness. and then you come up here and you have this moment and you can only just think about everyone else. and that
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feels like the plot of frozen. it's just now just lily gladstone and lily gladstone from the movie killers of the flower moon becoming the first indigenous woman to win best female actor in a motion picture drama. >> this is for every little rez kid, every little urban kid, every little native kid out there who has a dream, who is seeing themselves represented and our stories told by ourselves in our own words, with tremendous allies. >> okay, watching that story makes me realize how many movies i still need to see and how i really like to see beef. >> karina, you and i were just talking about this and how everybody's talking about beef. >> i don't know when you're going to find time with a little one, but you need to. i know beef one, you know, seven all different award. uh- spencer, did you get a chance to watch? >> yeah, i didn't, but the only one of the nominated movies that i have seen is oppenheimer, and
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i'm happy that it won because i thought it was an amazing film. i just loved it. yeah but i haven't seen the others. and so who am i to judge? >> yeah. chris, what about you? >> i haven't seen the movies, but i did enjoy succession. it's one of my favorite shows, so i can see why that got so many awards. >> okay, maybe i'm the one with a lot more time on my hands, i did. i watched barbie and oppenheimer and i loved both of them. so i'm glad they both won. and the bear also got some awards and yes, succession that they walked away. big winners as well. so it's fun to watch. and there was a lot of good speeches and it was actually funny too this year. all right. but there is already a controversy surrounds the march 10th oscars. the barbie movie will compete under adapted screenplay category rather than original screen play. the movie was written by greta gerwig and her husband, noah baumbach, and one director slammed the decision, writing it's insulting to the writers to say they were working off of existing material, and the writers guild of america said that this is an original work, so they are standing by
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that. i mean, they they had characters to base off the movie , but there was not a storyline line. we all were wondering, what is the barbie movie storyline? so, right. i would think it's original. i don't know. spencer. >> yeah, no, i agree, i was going to say what existing material are they talking about? >> just the character, right? >> sure. the characters. yeah, but i just not to mention adaptations happen all the time. >> i feel like nothing thing is new really. and this certainly i think the storyline that we're missing is really very telling. >> and i do think the writers worked really hard on creating these. i mean, they were complex characters too, with a very deep storyline. um, so i don't know, maybe they'll change their mind again, but it doesn't sound like it. >> all right. finally. now a resume apparently isn't the only thing gen zers are taking to job interviews are apparently their parents are tagging along. listen to this a survey of 800 hiring managers found 20% of
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recent college graduates showed up for an interview with a parent, a majority of the young recruits also had a hard time making eye contact. almost half showed up in inappropriate attire. oh my goodness, my mother drilled into me the importance of what a firm handshake. look people in the eye. i now have people that i try to interview that are from that generation who don't even want to get on the phone, they just want a text. and i'm i'm a little bit shocked. i mean, chris, you're smiling. it is pretty hilarious in a very sad, depressing way. >> i'm actually going to bring my mom and dad off to the side. they're gonna join me for the for just for the support. >> i guess. >> yeah. no, i mean, i actually, i'm as flabbergasted as you, dion, for sure. i don't know what else to say about it, but, uh, yeah, i actually don't know what to say on this one. this one? this one got me for sure. >> yeah. >> same here. it's, uh. well, this is one of my rare moments when i'm speechless. i lost it. >> very rare. yeah what is this, world cup? >> i mean, i don't want to sound
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like i'm condemning a whole generation, but what the heck are they thinking? >> but i. i will say, though, i have met a number of young people who are interested in, let's say, being in tv, they have great questions. they're go getters and they have those great qualities. >> but do they bring their parents along when they come to talk to you? >> no. no, never. >> we have had people visit who want a job wearing, you know, not appropriate clothing to dress for the job you want and find out what that dress code is. >> yeah, please. >> that's it for the for it for
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astrobotic raced to orient the lander toward the sun, so its solar panel could capture sunlight. as the on board battery dwindled. but so far, no word on if it's working. abc news reporter derek dennis has a look at what the company is hoping to do on the moon, and liftoff of the first united launch alliance vulcan rocket lift off some 50 years after the first american mission to the moon. >> a new american rocket is on its own. giant leap for mankind. launching overnight from cape canaveral, marking the first lunar launch from the u.s. since nasa's final apollo mission in the brand new rocket, the vulcan is made by the private space company united launch alliance, hoping to jump into the commercial space tourism industry. if all goes according
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to plan, a small lunar landing will touch down on the moon on february 23rd. >> they ask us, as a company, to buy a launch vehicle and to build a lander that can deliver their payloads, in this case, science payloads to the surface of the moon. >> rod roddenberry, son of star trek creator gene roddenberry, is paying special attention to the launch on board several experiments and the remains of 70 people, including roddenberry and star trek actress nichelle nichols. he and the first lady of star trek, along with a number of the other cast members from star trek, along with countless other prominent wonderful people. >> their ashes and their dna are going to join together and be launched out. humanity is going where no one has gone before, astrobotic's, the company behind the lander, warns the mission is still risky. >> it is a quarter million miles away. it is in the vacuum of space. um, you are controlling a vehicle that you can't use joystick with. from here on
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earth, 2024 could be the year of the lunar lander with five us spacecraft and at least one japanese lander heading to the moon this year. >> with the goals of lowering the cost of moon missions and working towards getting american tourist to the moon, derek dennis, abc news. >> well, the good news in all of that is the weather last night, for it was pitch perfect. >> yes, that was good. >> and let's talk about the weather here on earth, specifically the bay area. we have a lot to discuss with spencer right here. >> what sort of pitch perfect here today, if you like dry, mild weather, here's a look at what's coming our way though. a level one storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale tomorrow morning. it will start to bring us scattered showers. it will be a bit wet for the morning commute. some slick roads there, less than a quarter of an inch of rain likely with this storm, but there are two on the way. so let's start the forecast animation 2 a.m. as the first batch of showers will start to arrive in the north bay and sweep southward and eastward to other parts of the bay area during the midday hours. then we'll get a little bit of a
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break in the action, perhaps some sunlight late in the day tomorrow, and that second wave of showers will start to move in wednesday morning, just in time for the wednesday morning commute that will continue through the afternoon hours. and by wednesday night it will be all over. we'll be looking at maybe a quarter of an inch of rain to about 4/10 total from the two storms. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it gets sunny and dry on thursday. friday will be dry, but then we have two more level one storms coming our way. saturday and sunday. karina and dion. >> all right spencer thanks. just ahead, a story of success and survival. >> i'm amazed that i survived any of it. >> brooke shields in her own words and on her own terms.
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news at 11. well, speaking of pretty baby is a revealing look back at actress and model brooke shields career. reporter danny beckstrom has a preview. >> i'm amazed that i survived any of it. brooke shields was born with undeniable star power, but being pushed into hollywood as a baby and managed by her alcohol mother, who was ruled by her own addiction, meant not much power over her own life. i didn't believe in myself and i let people win and. that. just. as she took control of her own healing, she's taking control of the narrative in her documentary pretty baby, named
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after a movie she made as a preteen that helped catapult brooke into stardom. >> but along with fame and fortune, she was catapulted into the world of adult sexuality. >> i just always remember thinking, like, i hope she's okay. >> brooke said it took her decades to truly be okay recovering from the abuse she faced growing up in the spotlight, including her account of a sexual assault by a hollywood executive after graduating from princeton. now, her hope is that the difficult conversations shed new light on the dark side of the industry. >> i've been so accustomed to being honest and sharing, being, um, uncomfortable things. so it was such a special project to be a part of, to be a part of something that actually showed the, the complexity of it shocking and very emotional and i think it's stuff like i was saying to her, it's stuff that needs to be heard and it needs to be talked about. >> her daughter's support proves brooke is breaking the cycle. she felt stuck in growing up, being managed by rather than protected by her own mother. telling her story in her words
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means releasing much more than just the documentary. >> but we hold that guilt and we hold that feeling of, oh, i should have, would have, could have done this. >> and you have to let yourself off the hook for that. >> have you done that? i have, i have, yes, i have, thank you. >> pretty baby was a streaming hit on hulu and received a standing ovation after its sundance premiere in 2023. now we all have the chance to hear her story in her words tonight on abc. >> pretty baby brooke shields airs tonight once again at eight on abc seven. you can also watch it on hulu. well, that's it for this edition of abc seven news at four. everybody, i'm dionne lim. stay with us. because the abc seven news at five is next feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ )
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