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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  January 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. (vo) if you overdraw your account, ask your eczema specialist wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't... (driver 1) hey what about this one? (driver 2) nah.. that one gets an extra day (driver 1) somebody got lucky (vo) like having an extra day grace period? when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo. lines were never painted on the freeway. all we're asking. for for this area, for this region,
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is caltrans. please accomplish your work and make sure it's safe. we're happy you did the work, but make sure it's safe to travel. >> lane confusion in contra costa county after a paving project on 8-80 left drivers without painted lanes. good evening, i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. it's been an ongoing issue for months, and the mayor of hercules says it's simply dangerous. >> yeah. today he took abc seven news reporter luz pena to see the problem firsthand. and she joins us now with the story. you'll see only on seven. luis >> that's right. and we have new data that could support the claims that an incomplete freeway project is now endangering east bay drivers. it's a dangerous guessing game at 40mph. so this is supposed to have two lanes here. >> so here's hercules on ramp to westbound 80. no lines. >> this is the on ramp to westbound interstate 80 west in hercules as it merges with traffic coming off highway four. and right now, drivers are faced with imaginary lanes. >> they're supposed to be three
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lanes. absolutely no lines at all. >> road with hercules mayor dan romero to see the problematic sections of i-80, where we found either no painted lanes beat up reflectors, or a temporary paint job, a really bad paint job doesn't look like a brand new project. here's some background from mid-july until september 5th, caltrans closed eastbound and westbound interstate 80 four different weekends to pave the freeway last year. >> in 2023, where we replaced a massive section of the freeway there with continuously reinforced concrete that contractors didn't get to. >> one major part of the project, painting the lanes. >> ideally, the striping is down right after the work is done. at least a temporary version, caltrans said. >> a temporary version was done, but it didn't last long. it's now been three months and according to the mayor of hercules, multiple accidents have happened. our.
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news data team looked into california highway prol reports and preliminary data points to 16 car accidents on hercules highways. since caltrans finished paving the freeway, the main factor in those crashes has been improper turning. now, there's no clear way to know if, in fact, the lack of paint has led to those accidents. but mayor romero is sounding the alarm. >> it's a concern in the morning when the sun's reflecting, you don't see any lines. it's a concern when it rains and it's a concern at night. so so let's say more than half the time that the freeway is being used. a lot of residents and drivers cannot see the designated lines. >> caltrans acknowledges the issues and blames the contractor and. the weather. >> the contractor did not get out and complete the work that was assigned and we got into sort of the rainy season. and when the rainy season hits, then we struggle with keeping the striping up. >> now, caltrans confirmed their working on getting lanes painted in the coming days, but for now, drivers will need to continue
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imagining those lanes. ama and dan loose. >> that is often so hard to see. >> extremely hard. >> yeah. all right. thanks. in sections of boeing 737 max, nine planes will take a bit longer than first expected. the planes were grounded after a piece of an alaska airlines jet came off mid-air as you've heard today, we're seeing new images of that door plug that flew off flight 1282 just minutes into a flight from portland to ontario. on friday, a portland teacher found the door plug in his backyard. the faa is now requiring all airlines to complete enhanced inspections of all door exit plugs and door components on these grounded planes today. on getting answers, abc news aviation analyst john nance explained why this process can't be rushed. >> we have to know what we're looking for, not just at the door is there and everything appears to be in good shape. and that's one of the reasons that the inspections have been delayed and not just completed one after another. today we
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learned that inspectors have found loose bolts on door plugs on united airlines planes. >> the airline has canceled about 200 max nine flights and is expecting significant cancellations tomorrow as well. and of course, all of these inspections and cascading cancellations are being felt here in the bay area. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley is live at sfo with the impact of all of this, leslie absolutely. >> dan, i just took a walk inside the united terminal here. it appears to me at least there are fewer cancellations on the board tonight than there were earlier today. but nationwide, 340 flights canceled today. uh- dozens upon dozens of those here at sfo. also a few canceled down in san jose and over at oakland airport out of sfo. flights to houston, chicago, l.a. and san diego were among the cancellations as passengers frantically tried to book new routes to their desired destination. this couple got a text last night saying their
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alaska flight from san jose to oahu was canceled, and the value was deposited in an alaska wallet. they ended up today at the sfo united terminal on an alternate flight paid for out of pocket. >> i was being like, tricked, you know? and i wanted to use the credit for taking another ticket. uh- for today from alaska. and the price was, yes, it was double. it was double. they should have made it automatically refunding people's tickets, not really making you call them and waiting for 3.5 hours. not being able. i mean, i use the chat option, i use the phone option i use and nothing. >> passengers said they checked in and got their boarding pass only to later get a text saying the flight was canceled. but they understood. >> i'd rather be on a plane that's safe. i don't want to be sucked out in mid-air, but the friday night alaska flight on which the door plug blew out and oxygen masks dropped, has added a frightening new dimension to air travel for many who can't stop thinking about it as they
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board flights today. >> i imagine sitting in that seat and having my infant and not being her, not being buckled in, she would have flown right out. so it's definitely terrifying to think about it. it's unlocked a new a new mom. fear united had 200 flight cancellations on monday. >> there were 140 on alaska air alaska said this morning. they got inspection details for the 737 max nine aircraft from the ntsb, but they're still waiting for additional instruction. details from the faa. in the meantime, they said, our technicians have prepared each aircraft to be immediately ready for the required inspection when instructed are finalized. united said they've started some preliminary inspections on their fleet of 737 max nine aircraft and confirmed they've already found loose bolts and other parts on some of the door plugs. certainly disturbing at this point to hear that. now those are just preliminary inspections
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. the official inspections have yet to begin. what that means is that the cancellations are expected to continue until at least midweek. and. as we've heard from some passengers, it appears that notice of cancellations are coming just a few hours before flight time. reporting live at sfo. i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> all right, leslie, thank you. more flaring today at the chevron refinery in richmond. the flaring began just before noon today and wrapped up about an hour later. the flaring was a level one incident, which is the lowest reportable level. chevron is investigating, but authorities say there is no public health risk caused by the flaring. all right, let's turn to the weather now. >> and the rain on the way. here's a live look at the conditions right now for details on it. let's go to abc seven news meteorologist sandip patel. sandip. yeah. >> dan we're going to trade the chill for some wet weather and it's going to be here before you know it. tomorrow morning. let me show you live doppler seven. we are already tracking a light level one system that is moving in our direction as we time it
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out for you. showers arriving at 6 a.m. in the north bay. you will notice those showers will be spreading by 9:00 tomorrow morning. and then a few more. trailing at noontime in the southern part of our viewing area. it's a level one on our storm impact scale. expect scattered showers tomorrow, under a third of an inch for most areas. certainly slippery roads and breezy conditions expected and take a look at this. we have more snow coming to the sierra over the weekend up to 18in at the resorts. we're talking about additional snow up to a foot at kirkwood, ten inches at donner. and if you like what you see, there's more wet weather and snow in the forecast. i'll be back with a full look at the seven day in just a few minutes. >> ama all right, thank you. sandhya in the south bay, work is underway to provide outreach and resources to those most at risk. when the bay area temperatures get dangerously cold. advocates for the unhoused say the cold temperatures take many by surprise, as abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more. these are extra large hand warmers. >> they're almost the size of this. they last 18 hours. the
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start of the new year has been an especially chilly one, and few have felt that more than the unhoused. >> this is when people die. >> advocates say they see many of those deaths related to the weather in the summer. >> people die from heat exhaustion in the winter. you know, people certainly die of exposure. >> santa clara county data shows that more than 200 unhoused deaths were recorded last year. the advocates say those numbers are even higher. that's why they've come together to provide critical resources to help the unhoused cope with this week's cold weather, have emergency blankets with us. >> we have beanies, we have gloves. >> those are just some of the supplies being handed out here along with food. but the advocates say information is also critical because many who live out here don't have access to a forecast to know that cold or inclement weather is coming, let alone have time to prepare for it. >> the unhoused community the reliance on phones is not very good. so the physical contact people is really crucial in getting the word out. >> santa clara county officials say they're working in collaboration with many groups and advocates to provide
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resources, especially as more cold temperatures are expected. >> opening warming centers. um, wednesday, thursday and friday across the county. so those outreach teams are also, um, getting the word out to folks. >> while the help and information being handed out this week is important, both county officials and advocates agree longer terme solutions have to be a focus. >> the long terme solutions that we are working on are expanding, um, permanent housing programs, developing affordable housing, um, expanding our homelessness prevention um services so that there are fewer people becoming homeless. um, in the first place, that would have to experience these risks. >> still, advocates don't think their work will end any time soon and plan to keep providing resources that are greatly appreciated by many. >> the feeling you get that people are willing to do this for you without knowing you, it's um, it touches you. amy in the south bay zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> here. coming up, new details about a store clerk who was shot and killed during a robbery in
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the east bay over the weekend. >> plus, a new report on the bay area city claiming the bestrillionoad south san francisco, san jose and oakland. compare when abc seven news at five returns. coming up on world news tonight, a lot of breaking news this new storm of course blizzard conditions, several states, reports of several tornadoes touching down the warnings into the night. >> the northeast gets hit next and right now, a potential explosion downtown in fort worth. the images coming
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was a beloved store clerk at orlando's corner market, caught in the middle of a robbery on saturday night, he reached for the gun, apparently, and was shot in the process, dying later at the hospital. police people have been leaving candles and offerings at the store in memory of him again. he was very well thought of in the community.
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there will be a memorial for him on tuesday at the oakland islamic center, part of a popular restaurant on tomales bay is out of service because of a fire over the weekend, fire broke out yesterday evening in the boat shack at nick's cove in marin county. >> the shack at the end of the pier was used for special events. no one was inside at the time. crews from multiple agencies responded to put out the flames. investigators with marin county fire are trying to determine the cause. >> a new report says san francisco has the best roads of all large bay area cities, according to mayor london breeds office. san francisco's independently rated pavement condition index score increased to 75 in 2023, a rating deemed good by the metropolitan transportation commission. san francisco scored 74 last year, so ticked up a bit here. the mayor's office says the score is remarkable considering last year's record storms. by comparison, san jose recorded a pavement score of 71. oakland had a 57. the bay area average
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is 67. >> thousands of participants are in san francisco for one of the biggest health care investment events of the year, the annual j.p. morgan healthcare conference kicked off today at the westin saint francis hotel in union square. the conference attracts experts from the health and wellness industry, as well as tech creators and investors. last year's conference drew about 8000 visitors and generated more than $86 million in economic impact for the city. speaking of economic impact, could the bay area soon be part of panda diplomacy? >> we'll tell you which city is hoping to boost tourism and relations with china by hosting a giant panda at stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya.
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plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. sent a letter to chinese president xi jinping asking for one of the beloved bears to be sent over for a stay here. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with the mayor, who says this would strengthen u.s, china relations. >> there is one animal that
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could turn the san francisco zoo into the place to be. >> i've never seen a panda before, so that would be extremely exciting. >> i see all these panda like like funny panda videos, like pandas falling out of trees. pandas like rolling around like super cute. >> mayor london breed sent a letter to chinese president xi jinping making the case for one panda or more. she wants to continue strengthening the relationship with china following the success of the apec summit in san francisco. so bri directly asked ji to consider loaning san francisco a panda as he left apec in november in light of apec. >> and in light of some of the things that the president himself has said about panda diplomacy and the desire to develop better relationships with the u.s. and china. this is one of the ways in which you can do so. >> panda diplomacy is when the chinese government shares pandas with other countries as a goodwill gesture for a specific period of time. pandas are national treasures in china, having one or more in san francisco would be a big deal,
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and this is a way to say we are opening up the doors, developing the relationship, sharing with you one of our most valuable, precious assets to show respect, act and to build on that relationship. mayor breed says the zoo already has an asian conservation exhibit with room to build a panda reserve. people tell me if there were pandas here, they would come every week. >> i think it would be a great attraction for san francisco, like it would really increase the zoo's customers for sure. maybe even like if it was only panda in california or like on the west coast, like from other states too. >> tourism is a big reason why mayor breed is asking for this. she claims the zoo set visitor records when it briefly had pandas for a couple of months in the 1980s, and the city is familiar with panda fandom during the giants stretch of world series wins. pablo sandoval, aka the kung fu panda soft fans don special hats, appreciating the animal. mayor breed says san franciscans would love to see the real ones. i take this as an educational opportunity, a chance for people
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to learn about pandas and to want to know more about animals and different relationships and bridge building for our international community. in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> it would be kind of neat. >> yeah, absolutely. i'm just mesmerized by the shot behind us that is gorgeous. >> it's stunning, isn't it? getting dark a little later every time. every day. now, meteorologist sandyha patel is here with the forecast. sandy. >> that's gorgeous. it is gorgeous indeed. and i'm going to show you some pretty pictures from our other towercameras of the sun setting as well. dan. and first, let's talk about the cold and frosty morning. it was down to 30 in napa and livermore today. fairfield 34, concord 33, san jose, redwood city 35 degrees. you don't have to worry about it being that cold tomorrow morning. the clouds will provide the insulation and there are some clouds. but look at the snow capped mountain from zephyr cove and the pretty colors there. a winter storm warning going up 10 p.m. tomorrow until 10 p.m. wednesday. as more snow is headed in their direction, some of the resorts reporting up to
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18in of snow. we are expecting the next round, which is going to be 10 to 20in above 3500ft. with those gusty winds, travel could be very difficult to impossible. now the snow levels are going to lower from 3500 to 4500 late tomorrow, down to about three 3000 to 3500ft, with those kinds of conditions, white out conditions are expected at times. so is expected at times. so keep that in mind. here is the storm that is bringing the pacific northwest. the wet weather. some snow in the mountains that's moving in our direction right now. we do have a lot more cloud cover, and that's going to help us out. gorgeous view from our east bay hills. camera of the setting sun low 50s san francisco, oakland, currently 55, in san jose and 52 degrees in half moon bay. so chilled sunshine, but look at the view. it is stunning from san jose. camera right now 55 and santa rosa low 50s petaluma, napa, fairfield and livermore. concord. you're at 54 degrees. here's a view from our golden gate bridge camera. as the clouds are on the increase tomorrow morning. scattered showers wednesday. our next
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round of rain arrives and on thursday we're going to have that morning chill return with some areas of frost. so don't get too used to this idea of a milder night ahead. a level one storm coming our way tomorrow with scattered showers under a third of an inch of rain for most areas, slippery roads and breezy conditions during the morning hours, so keep that in mind if you do need to commute tomorrow morning or get away for something. perhaps an appointment or something like that. so 6:00 tomorrow morning, light to moderate showers as we head into 830. very scattered and light in nature. most of you will be dealing with a clearing skies by 11:00 in the north bay, but for the rest of you, you still have those scattered showers going through. and then there's plenty of sun tomorrow. and here comes the next round on wednesday in the morning. and then in the afternoon it starts to pick up. by 3 p.m. you are looking at light to moderate showers as those showers wind down late wednesday. and then when all is said and done, i want to show you the rainfall projections over the next two days. you're looking at anywhere from about 11 hundredths in
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brentwood to 6000/500 of an inch in ukiah. your morning temperatures will be in the 30s and the 40s. not quite as cold as what we experienced. this morning or yesterday morning and then tomorrow afternoon. it's another cool day with mostly sunny skies. most of you will be in the 50s. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a level one for tomorrow. we will have some morning showers, rain, breezy on wednesday, level one as well. we do get that chill back on thursday, but you do get the sunshine as well. a mix of sun and clouds on friday. and then here comes some more rain saturday. going into sunday right now a level one. but that could change martin luther king junior day. we are talking about a slight chance lingering. so dan, we've got, you know, the same pattern continuing. great. yeah every few days we get those rain storms coming through. >> thank you sandy. >> all right. exciting news. we now know who will be playing at bottle rock napa valley this year. we've got headliners like ed sheeran, stevie nicks. i just saw her. she's amazing. oh my gosh, pearl jam. i may have to go. they are headlining the event, which runs from may 24th
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to the 26th. t-pain, nelly, norah jones, megan thee stallion and queens of the stone age are coming and they are among the other 75 acts set to appear. three day passes start at around $400. they go on sale tomorrow at 10:00 at bottlerock napa that's it up. i know (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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(hr manager) be like her. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. on instagram. these puppies were found last night abandoned in a plastic bin near scott lane elementary school. firefighters say the two friends tried to take the puppies to several veterinarian offices, but they were closed, so they ended up taking the puppies to the station to firehouse. firefighters there called silicon valley animal control, and the puppies are now getting the care that they need and deserve. >> so cute. glad they're okay. yep. all right. we have much more news ahead for you. that's right. >> let's go to abc seven news anchor karina nova for a look at the stories coming up at 530. karina. >> thanks, dan and ama, an alleged car burglar is caught with the help of a bait car. and our abc seven i-team. tonight, we're going to take a deeper look at dan noyes car break-in investigation. why? one man was arrested and released, allowing
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him to break into more vehicles. plus we're hearing from draymond green for the first time since his suspension was lifted. sports anchor chris alvarez will be here to discuss what he said about steph curry's leadership and thoughts of retiring. join us for those stories and more. at 530 on abc seven. bay area streaming tv. dan and amy. >> okay, thanks so much, karina. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven and join karina in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for san diego. tell all of us we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we'll see you again at 6:00.
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and learn more at >> david: tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. images coming in right now from fort worth, texas. an explosion. they are searching for potential victims, going room to room at a hotel. and this powerful new storm tonight. whiteout conditions already. treacherous driving. several reported tornadoes


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