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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 11, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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midspan. we're working on trying to get that confirmed for you, but if you drive there, give yourself a little bit of extra time. this morning. >> oh my goodness, i saw this and thought how interesting. so our number seven. this is a team building exercise in kentucky. they had employees plan life size whac-a-mole. if the workers got whacked, they lost all the balls that they collected. wow >> get all your enemies in there. >> i know right? just people whacking everyone in the comments were like, where do you buy this? >> and you see, they got the helmet on because they're getting hit. >> oh my goodness >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. four days until the iowa caucuses. nikki haley, ron desantis head to head. chris christie drops out. what's at stake in the race for 2024? final face-off.
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overnight nikki haley and ron desantis in the last debate before the first votes of the campaign, getting personal, taking aim at former president trump. plus, chris christie out and caught on a hot mic attacking haley. state of the race this morning. former president trump due back in court, backs out of delivering the closing statement himself in his new york civil fraud case after an admonition from the judge. >> flooding emergency across the northeast. rivers at record levels and rising this morning, with areas already hit hard. the severe flooding putting towns underwater, forcing some people from their homes. plus rescuers racing to save people from the snow at a ski resort in california, after a deadly avalanche. sam is tracking it all, including the major storm moving east. all eyes on inflation. the money moves you can make right now to boost your savings with new numbers out this morning. end of an era.
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good-bye bill. after 24 seasons and six super bowl titles, the new england patriots and coach bill belichick parting ways. alabama coach nick saban arguably the greatest coach in college football ever, retiring after seven national titles. and on gma this morning october 25th. when you hear that date, what comes to mind? michael and his daughter isabella reveal the moment she found out she had brain cancer. >> no parent should have to hear their child has cancer. >> after surgery, rehab, rounds of treatment. >> i got to ring the bell yesterday. >> now, for the first time, isabella strahan's story, in her own words, with her dad by her side. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> let me tell you during our interview yesterday, there was
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not a dry eye in the room. your daughter is amazing. >> she is amazing. i'm watching that right now. get through this today. but this is her story, her journey. she wanted to tell it. she wanted to help people. this has been one of the toughest things -- this is the toughest thing as a parent that i have ever had to go through. >> how could it not be? you've handled it with grace and grit. what isabella, just an inspiration. >> she really is. >> cannot wait to share this story with everybody. right now we're going to begin with the race to the white house. ron desantis, nikki haley head to head in the final debate before the first votes of the campaign. came hours after chris christie announced he's dropping out of the race. hours before donald trump set to appear in court again. rachel scott starts us off in des moines. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. that major campaign shake-up coming before the candidates even took the debate stage. former new jersey governor chris christie dropping out of the race, raising the stakes for ron desantis and nikki haley, with just four days to go until the
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iowa caucuses. >> you're so desperate. you are so desperate. >> reporter: overnight nikki haley and ron desantis going head to head, taking the stage at the iowa debate, just hours after chris christie suddenly dropped out of the race. >> leadership is about getting things done. how did you blow through $150 million in your campaign and you were down in the polls? you are not a manager. i think i hit a nerve. >> this is a great window into leadership because she's focused on a lot of political, processed stuff, things no voter cares about. >> reporter: haley and desantis are fighting to prove they are the best alternative to donald trump. now battling for second place with the iowa caucuses just four days away. >> if trump is the nominee, it's going to be about january 6th, legal issues, criminal trials. >> his way is not my way. i don't have vengeance, i don't have vendettas. >> reporter: haley calling january 6th a terrible day and ripping into trump's saying he should have immunity from prosecution. >> that's ridiculous.
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that's absolutely ridiculous. i mean, we need to use some common sense here. >> reporter: but the candidates spent far more time going after each other. >> she's got this problem with ballistic podiatry, shooting herself in the foot, saying things that now she doesn't even take questions from people. >> reporter: the rivals clashing on education, social security, foreign policy and abortion. >> these fellows don't know how to talk about abortion. i have said over and over again, the democrats put fear in women on abortion and republicans have used judgment. this is too personal of an issue to put fear or judgment. >> i think she's been confused on the issue. she's trying to speak to different groups with different things. >> reporter: not on the stage, the front runner, donald trump, who was doing a separate town hall just a few miles away, slamming desantis' six week abortion ban in florida. >> if you talk five or six weeks. lot of women don't know if they're pregnant in five or six weeks. we're not the radicals. we are not the radical, but we're living in a time when
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there has to be a concession one way or the other. i think, you know, i want to get it right. >> reporter: with voting set to begin, the stakes are high, as the field only narrows. former new jersey governor chris christie officially ending his 2024 bid, but issuing a stark warning about trump. >> i am going to make sure that in no way who i enable donald trump to ever be president of the united states again. that's more important than my own personal ambitions. >> reporter: but moment befores he took the stage, christie caught on a hot mic attacking haley. >> she's gonna get smoked. you and i both know it. she's not up for this. >> reporter: then saying this about desantis. the audio cutting out mid sentence. >> i talked to -- desantis called me. petrified that i -- >> reporter: leaving this message about trump for his rivals on his way out. >> anyone who is unwilling to say that he is unfit to be president of the united states is unfit themselves to be
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president of the united states. >> reporter: sources confirm desantis did speak to christie. desantis wishing christie well and haley commending him on a hard fought campaign. we are told at this point christie does not plan to endorse a candidate in this primary, but polls showing that his supporters could turn toward nikki haley in the new hampshire primary. that is something desantis advisers were worried about months ago. michael? >> it will be interesting to see if that happens, rachel. thank you very much. now the latest on former president trump's civil fraud trial in a case brought by new york's attorney general. our senior official correspondent aaron katersky is tracking the trial. good morning, aaron. >> good morning, michael. the threat was unfounded but the court system says it's going to add security for the judge. he has come under threat before. former president trump has attacked him retorically.
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one of the condition placed on the former president if he is to deliver a closing statement is not to impugn the judge. and not to make a political speech. just to stick to facts that are in evidence. the former president said he wants to deliver the closing argument but has not agreed to the conditions set by the judge so the judge is assuming he is not going to speak. whether the former president is allowed to or not, we have to wait and see. asking to deliver a closing statement of his own is a highly unusual request for trump, who is represented by his own attorneys. it may represent a last ditch effort to try to save his business. the judge has already found he inflated his net worth by as much as $2 billion. the new york attorney general is seeking to have him fined $370 million and barred from real estate. >> george? >> that's the question about
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whether he really wants to testify as well. thank you very much. let's bring in jon karl. lot to cover. probably the most important thing that happened yesterday, chris christie dropping out. >> look, significant and something that should help nikki haley in new hampshire for the reasons that rachel mentioned. if you look at the polling, about two-thirds of christie voters saying nikki haley was their second choice. i think he's already helped nikki haley because he's been the one candidate who has been going methodically throughout new hampshire making the case against donald trump. much more directly than any of the other candidates, including nikki haley. >> i think one of the big questions. does it also help propel her into second in iowa or not? >> yeah. you know, they've had this debate in iowa. the two of them, haley and desantis, went at each other with such viciousness, calling each other liars, fighting over the most minute differences in their policies. nikki haley repeated over and over on a website she has created called desantis
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she said it about 30 times i think last night. it made you wonder whether or not the url trump was available. there was no mention. she hasn't taken that case to donald trump with anywhere near the vigor that she went after ron desantis. >> that has just not happened. mean time, there was a surprise appearance yesterday by hunter biden on capitol hill. >> basically he came into the hearing room where they were having this contempt hearing against him. he was there for about 20, 30 minutes. it was interesting because it shined a light on the republicans and the kind of chaos around that case. you had one republican, nancy mace, call for him to be arrested and taken to jail. it didn't make the republicans -- >> his point is he is willing to testify. >> his point was, one of the democrats said, let's take a vote. he will come up and answer questions right now in person. what he doesn't want to do, what he refused to do is a private closed door deposition. he wants to testify in public. he did.
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his lawyer did speak to reporters after. >> jon karl, thank you very much. robin. >> all right. we're going to turn to the flooding emergency across the northeast. evacuations, rising waters after the major storm hit the area. another one on the way. rob marciano is in wayne, new jersey, where the rivers are near record levels. good morning to you, rob. >> reporter: yeah. january, no less. good morning, robin. i was standing in this town reporting on floodwaters three weeks ago. this is not how residents wanted to reset for 2024. look how deep this water is. we've got home, a dozen on them on either side. one of many communities that have been cut off by these floodwaters. the last 24 hours, river and coastal communities, some in the northeast, have been pushed to the brink. this morning parts of the northeast waking up under water after another major storm dumps heavy rain in the region. rivers raging along the east
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and unseasonably high, setting new records for the month of january. wells maine engulfed by rising ocean water. in portland, streets and storefronts facing more than three feet of storm surge. this dock damaged. the piers flooded in bass harbor. in north carolina, the heavy flooding washing away and destroying parts of this bridge's support structure. >> if something heavy comes on this, you do have the possibility of caving this in. >> reporter: neighborhoods and businesses in norwich, connecticut submerged. >> pretty scary today. i have never seen the water that high. >> reporter: officials evacuating residents of this condominium amid fears a dam could burst. >> hopefully, this dam will not go. that's our biggest fear. >> reporter: police in hampton, new hampshire calling a state of emergency due to flooding. in wayne, new jersey, water overflowing roads. this couple buying a boat just to get to and from their house. >> it's crazy. gotta do what you gotta do.
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>> reporter: that boat not a bad investment. as frequent as these floods are coming. climate change likely playing a role there. we don't want to hear another warm and wet storm is coming but that's exactly what's happening. it's coming tomorrow. michael? >> definitely not what you want to hear. rob, thank you for that. let's go to sam champion with more on the storm. >> good morning, michael. good morning, everyone. rob is in exactly the right place. let me show you this map. the entire country, almost all 50 states are showing you some kind of watch an warning with this storm. go to the flood watch over there where rob was. even in the deep south we have violent storms. this is an overnight situation. shreveport to little rock. anywhere you've got your weather radios, make sure they are on. overnight storms could involve tornados. dallas, you're on the edge of this. there's strong storms for you as well. tomorrow night the highest tornado threat from montgomery, columbus. atlanta, you're on the edge of that. more rain into the northeast. we're going to get 1 to 2 inches of rain.
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some places like philly maybe half inch of rain. but remember, ground is saturated. why does it seem like there's so much flooding there? for a month now we're about 200% the normal rate falling in some places. >> thank you, sam. now the deadly avalanche in california. one person killed three injured when snow cascaded down a ski resort near lake tahoe, as a major storm blew into that region. matt rivers is in california with the latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. take a look at all this fresh snow here in the sierra. has made avalanche conditions a lot worse over the past few days. ski lifts at that ski resort were open for less than an hour before tragedy struck. >> we're gonna try to clear you out. >> reporter: this morning urgent rescues caught on camera after an avalanche trapped skiers at a popular lake tahoe ski resort injuring three and killing one. >> they are at the mountain with
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subjects buried. >> reporter: the avalanche occurring wednesday morning at palisades tahoe on a trail just off the kg22 lift, an expert terrain area that opened wednesday for the first time this season. on lookers reporting part of the snow pack broke loose sliding down the steep slope. the sheriff's office saying the debris field was 150 feet by 450 feet and 10 feet deep trapping four people. overnight officials identifying the man who was killed. 66-year-old kenneth kidd from nearby truckee, california, died during the rare incident, which happened inside an area designated for skiers. >> this is a very sad day for my family and everyone here. we are still under going an investigation. >> i realized actually there's more snow than usual coming down. at that second, it's already too late. >> reporter: janet key was buried in the avalanche. her husband later taking this video of the after math, tumbling 150 feet down the mountain. only her foot sticking out from the snow.
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>> i heard somebody say, don't worry, i got you. that was the best words i heard in my life. >> reporter: that voice belonging to this man. the pair taking this selfie after her rescue. 35-year-old marcus franklin, boarded down the mountain just after the avalanche hit. >> we saw somebody without their skis on in the avalanche debris pile. he was frantic saying he couldn't find his wife. >> reporter: marcus and others grabbing the resort's bamboo markers to probe the snow for survivors on two different sections of the slope. cheers erupting when this man is dug out. [ cheers ] >> yeah! >> i would never have guessed that this would be the day that i am around, trying to help locate somebody that's been buried for five minutes. >> reporter: now, on average each year in the u.s., less than 3% of avalanche deaths happen within ski area boundaries. officials are still investigating what caused this one. guys? >> all right, matt. thank you. >> now to the end of an era in
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football. legendary college coach nick saban is retiring. and breaking news this morning. the pats saying good-bye to coach bill belichick. will has it all. >> what a monumental day of coaching moves. we are learning the patriots and bill belichick are parting ways. to see him out, after 24 seasons, six super bowl wins. his team's establishing a new level of success is jarring. belichick, third all time in coaching wins. he'll have to get those wins somewhere else if he wants to keep coaching. yesterday nick saban, likely the greatest football coach of all time announcing his retirement after 17 years, leading alabama to historic dominance. six national championships with the crimson tide, one with lsu. so many other accolades. not to be the fly in the ointment, but saban did lose what turned out to be his final game, the rose bowl thriller against michigan, who went on to become the national champs.
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jim harbaugh is their coach for now, but there are some openings in the nfl. there is speculation he may want to make a move. one opening, pete carroll, another legend. he is out with seattle, expected to move on to the front office. to recap, saban out, belichick out, carroll out. so many legends moving on. left of luck to them. >> lot for you to cover. >> yes. >> saban was the biggest surprise. i went to the university of alabama, spoke to the team this past summer. what an incredible coach, incredible man. i see why he's had such success over his career. i thought i'd get a ring. even though my speech wasn't that good. [ laughter ] but congratulations to coach. >> you got enough championship rings. >> i don't have one from college. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> coming up, you will want to stay for this. my conversation with michael and
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his daughter isabella. that's just ahead. also ahead the new inflation numbers and the money moves that could help boost your savings now. first back to sam. >> we're talking snow for parts of the great lakes. this is a big snow maker anywhere from friday to saturday morning. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you can expect this morning. three two. i'm
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others injured. the si avalanche center says there is a considerable risk of avalanches in that area again today. our team has been keeping you updated as the information comes in, you can get the same breaking news and custom weather alerts like this one through our abc seven news bay area app. just make sure you turn on your notifications and let's get a check of your traffic right now. >> so, so far, not too many major issues, but traffic is starting to build. you can see right here at the richmond-san rafael bridge that there are a lot of cars out there right now. there is a four mile backup approaching the toll plaza. kumasi >> thanks, gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look
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at 32 in livermore. with that frost advisory. the same in santa rosa, a little bit warmer, relatively speaking, in oakland at 42, we're at 45 in the city. so you may find some frost out there this morning. we have clear skies, chilly this morning. it is a bright day. lots of sunshine. it is brisk with temperatures in the 50s. dry today. clouds return tomorrow. and then our next storm arrives here on saturday to level two. a moderate storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. a new winter storm watch is in effect for this next storm. 1 to 2ft coming on saturday. kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else's gma. replacing your old ugly interior doors is the best whole home improvement because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home and can be done quickly and easily and affordably and right now, with one day doors and closets, it's the best whole home improvement you can make. >> during our buy one, get one
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have to take. >> hopefully, you don't ever get this call, george. the call to tell me my daughter isabella had brain cancer. we had all been sitting here at the desk few days before. i was saying that she commented she was having headaches. she's a freshman in college. she's enjoying college life. i didn't think much of it when i mentioned that to you. >> i remember that. you were talking about your daughters at college. said the same thing, isabella is having these headaches. but you had no idea how extreme? >> no idea, robin. we were thinking it was one thing. you start to google things and look at things. we thought it was one thing. then she kept getting worse and worse. that's when we decided she needs to get to the right doctor to see exactly what it is. >> so glad she was able to keep it private. and you, the family, were able to keep it private for so long. this past weekend she said, do you know what? i'm going to take control. so many things you can't control. this, you can. her story. she asked me if i'd sit down with her. >> good morning.
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>> good morning. >> this morning our dear friend michael, side by side with his daughter isabella. >> all right. here we go. >> here we go. >> as they reveal what they've been facing over the last few months. papa bear, papa bear. how proud are you of your daughter for wanting to take control and to be the one to share her story? >> i mean, i'm very proud of her. she's always been strong. this is something that is so personal that i didn't know if it would be something that she would want to share. i am extremely proud, robin. >> i'd know that smile anywhere. isabella, how are you doing? at this very moment, how are you feeling? >> not too bad. i'm very excited for this whole process to wrap. you have to keep living every day, i think. through the whole thing.
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>> soon after starting college at the university of southern california this past fall, the then 18-year-old freshman begins experiencing excruciating headaches unlike any she's had before. >> i felt off since probably september, october 1st. that's when i definitely noticed the headache, nausea, couldn't walk straight. >> what did you think was going on at the time? >> i thought i had vertigo. i looked that up and associated that with walking straight. that was my problem. >> you knew she was having headaches, but did you have any idea how extreme the headaches were? >> no, no. you know, 18 years old at the time. you're not thinking this. maybe you're not thinking that maybe it's vertigo, maybe it's something else. but she's young, strong, healthy. look at her, she looks great. >> a few weeks later, on october 25th, her condition taking a turn for the worse. >> i woke up probably at like 1 p.m.
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i dreaded waking up. i was throwing up blood. my sister, i was like, hmm, this probably isn't good. so i texted her who then notified the whole family. >> and that was when we decided you need to really go get a thorough checkup. thank goodness for the doctor because i feel like the doctor saved her life. >> she did an ekg there of my heart and other stuff. she didn't have an mri machine so i went to take it somewhere else. she called me and said you need to head to cedars-sinai right now. i'll meet you there. >> once the doctors saw the results, called her and told her just get to the hospital but did not tell her why. >> doctors suddenly telling isabella she's developed a fast growing 4cm tumor in the back of her brain. its size larger than a golf ball. and you knew about the brain tumor before isabella? >> yeah, yeah. >> we all knew. i don't really remember much.
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i just remember trying to figure out how to get to l.a. asap. just doesn't feel real. >> isabella's diagnosis megaloblastoma which accounts for 20% of all childhood brain tumors. about 500 children per year are diagnosed. most commonly between ages 5-9. >> because it is rare, 10% get it but rarely someone who is 18, 19 years old is the one they feel confident they can treat. >> the following day, october 27th, isabella under going emergency surgery at cedars-sinai. >> it sent a signal how serious it was. they said, hey, you shouldn't risk trying to put her on a plane to get her to the east coast or another doctor. we know what it is and should get it out as soon as possible. >> the procedure urgent to remove the mass, the day before her 19th birthday. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> reporter:
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isabella's recollection of her recovery remains foggy, like taking her first sips of water. >> does that feel refreshing? >> and learning how to walk again, with the help of her twin sister sophia. >> oh, yeah. >> she was heavily medicated, you can imagine. but she kept conversations. she had a lot of her friends. they would come over just to sit with her. there were times when she was in a lot of pain. she was sleeping a lot. >> after a grueling month of rehab, isabella moving on to several rounds of radiation treatment. [ bell ringing ] >> i just finished some therapy. i got to ring the bell yesterday. it was great. it was very exciting. it's been a long six weeks. 30 sessions. >> we can see one side effect to the radiation, which you are rocking that do.
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okay. let's just say that. were there other side effects? >> yeah. i would say i experienced fatigue. not too much nausea, but definitely towards the end because it builds up throughout the weeks. what else? dizziness. i have been very dizzy. >> what's next for you, as far as treatment is concerned? >> i'm going to start chemotherapy beginning of february at duke. that's my next step. i'm ready to start one step closer to it being over. >> you are definition of a thriver. you're making your mess your message. isabella, who's kept this part of her life private online, now partnering with duke's children's hospital to document her journey in a new you tube series. >> it's difficult because when i was trying to see other people who were affected. it's like 5 in a million. it's not very common.
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and one person i found i reached out but -- >> take your time. >> it's okay. >> i didn't know i was going to cry. >> it happens. it happens. you are allowed to cry. >> it's been two months of keeping it quiet, which was difficult. i don't want to hide it anymore. it's too hard. i want to help, too. i want to be a person people can look at and find something interesting about the day. >> one of the good things is with the you tube channel, that it's going to duke to their children's cancer center. let people see that there is hope. you have to go into every day with the best attitude, which is what she does. i literally think that, in a lot of ways, i'm the luckiest man in the world because i got amazing
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daughter and i know she's going through it. but i know that we're never given more than we can handle and that she's going to crush this. as much as i need her, i don't know what i would do without her. >> we've been through a lot of ups and downs. i have worked with you for many years. what have you learned about yourself during this? >> you learn that you're probably not as strong as you thought you were when you have to really think about the real things. and i realize that i need support from everybody. you think i'm the athlete, tough guy. i can handle it, the father in the family. it's not about any of that. it doesn't matter. it's really made me change my
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perspective on so many things in my life. >> perspective is a big thing. i'm grateful just to walk, seeing friends or something. when you can't do something, it impacts you. >> when you get through this next chapter of your journey, what lies ahead for you, isabella? >> i'm sorry. thanks. i'm looking forward to going back to college and moving back to california and just starting my whole experience over. not over, but just restarting things. back into a routine and something that's enjoyable. something sophia said to me. she said you have to keep living. just because this is happening.
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>> you've been doing that. >> yeah. >> i know this is tough. you keep on living, isabella. you inspire all of us every single day we are around you. okay. and we love you. we are here for ya. you got this. >> i love you, too. >> 60, 70 years you'll be bugging somebody. i don't know if it will be me. i hope it is. you'll be here, baby. hard for me to even watch that. you hope your kids never have to experience any kind of pain or that you can take that from them. i know this is her journey, her life, something she's going to have to go through. we're not going to say spectators, but we're just there to make sure that she has the support and love that she needs, and everyone here, my gma family's been amazing. i'm just thankful that you
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allowed her to share her story here on our air this morning. robin, there's no one i trust more with this than you. i appreciate you for making her feel comfortable enough to come in here and share the most personal thing that she could ever share with the country. >> i know it wasn't easy for her to do. >> yeah. >> now because of launching her you tube channel, it's giving her purpose. also, michael, i think about seeing you, those commercials for st. jude's all those years. >> doing st. jude commercials for 14, 15 years. one of the lines in the commercial is, no parent should have to hear that their child has cancer. i would do the lines, hoping that people would see it and go, okay, let's help. but now to realize i'm the one that needs the help. st. jude has been amazing through this whole process. duke has been absolutely amazing. even here in new york, the doctors here have been great. everyone has chipped in.
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the community has been very helpful to all of us, the entire family. myself, the girls, their mother. we're fighting through it every day. >> isabella is following your example, buddy, helping so many. >> she wants to do that. she literally said, i want to tell my story. i want to create this you tube channel. i want to make sure anything that comes out of this is directed towards duke. i want to help. as robin says, you make your mess your message. she's making this her message. i'm very proud of her for it. >> should be. >> no way, shape or form was i ever going to push her to share anything personal like this. it shows me how strong a young woman she is. >> we're holding it together right now the best we can, i can tell you that. thank you. >> we'll be right back. at. thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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at target, try fast and free drive up. ♪ ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target.
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as a teenager i struggled with acne. and i still struggle with post-acne marks. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal. visibly fades post-acne marks by up to 40%. new bright reveal niacinamide serum by l'oréal paris. ♪ upbeat music ♪ asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year.
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fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. can i get the 10 piece chicken mcnuggets? wait, no, big mac. hmm. [cars honking] sir? i'm still here! [bubble pops] get one favorite like a big mac ♪ or 10 piece chicken mcnuggets ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪
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welcome back. let's welcome back sam. >> i thought it was just the right time to show just how beautiful our world is. how about a time lapse over i think our most beautiful national park? this is snow, shooting stars. you can see the cars driving in the distance to show that light on the base of the trees there. it's gorgeous. there's more snow coming with this big storm that moves across. we're going to see it from omaha to des moines. this is a big snowfall total right around the great lakes as well, where we could see snow cranking up. robin? >> i appreciate that, sam. coming up here the money moves
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that could help you boost your savings. new inflation numbers out this morning. we'll be back with more. come on back. morning. we'll be back with that and a lot more. come on back. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ real fruit... and whole grains. ♪yeah, yeah, yeah♪ doing something good for yourself has never been this easy. just do what's delicious. kellogg's special k. ( ♪ ♪ )
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with trusted nutrition, no wonder it's the number one dry cat food in america. come home to cat chow. coming up ike getting the crowd pumped up for our ray of sunshine this morning. who is the heart of that north carolina high school? we got a big surprise just ahead gma style. we'll be right back. ahead, "gma"-style.
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we'll be right back. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. i'm going to scare this hippo away, the same way that i scared away all my past relationships. alright, if he comes up. i love you! oh look, she is not even coming up, we are good. do you want to meet my parents? so tall. whoa! good job, buddy! so tall.
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thank you. ♪ m-i-c-k-e-y m-o-u-s-eeeeee ♪ ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema,
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and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. at target, try fast and free drive up.
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♪ youuu♪ ♪d it! ♪ try fast and always free drive up, at target. >> coming up get your steals and deals. but first on sale at cirque du soleil .com. >> if you overdraw your account, wells fargo gives you an extra day grace period to avoid the overdraft fee. what if
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everything came with a grace period? like accidentally parking where you shouldn't? hey, what about this one? >> nah, that one gets an extra day. somebody got lucky. like having an extra day. >> grace period. when it comes to overdrafts, you can with wells fargo. know >> i need my money. >> abc, january starting tonight. all new episodes. and hopefully by the whammy. >> you are a millionaire. >> press your luck on a new night. >> building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic out there. yeah gloria, you know what? >> kumasi not looking too bad out there this time. right now, other than the traffic, you know, we don't have the slick
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roads that we had the last couple days on and off. no major fog. however, you are going to have to deal with a lot of traffic this morning. so again, a live look outside right now at the bay bridge toll plaza. and if you are just about to leave your home and if you're going in this direction, just know that you are going to have to deal with a lot of people on the roads right now. drew, how's it looking out there weather wise? >> hey, gloria, we have a frost advisory, so it is chilly this morning until 10 a.m. look at some of these numbers are down to 39 in san jose, 31 in danville, 32 in santa rosa. you may find some frost out there the next hour or so. it's a great looking day. sunshine out in full effect. we'll see bright conditions this afternoon. temperatures in the 50s were dry today. dry tomorrow. rain back in the forecast on saturday. heavy at times. it's a level two kumasi. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. everyone else, it's gma. >> replacing your old ugly interior doors is the best whole home improvement, because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home.
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>> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort, and there's no better time than now, kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> not just any whiteboard. katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks. >> big pharma, even top administration officials. >> katie porter never taken corporate pac money. never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change . shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. my dry eyes made me a burning, stinging five times a day makeup smearing drops. >> user i want another option
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that's not another drop trivia. >> it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye trivia treats. the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation, relying only on drops is not me. >> my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about trivia pajama was help me sleep great, but some foster kids don't even have pjs. >> that's why mancini's sleepwear and the ticket to dream foundation are hosting a pajama drive for foster kids. bring new pjs to any mancini sleeper world because you deserve better days. >> abc seven building a better bay >> good morning america with four days until the iowa caucuses, overnight nikki haley and ron desantis in their last debate before the first votes of the campaign. and chris christie drops out. what's at stake in the race for 2024?
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law and order's svu star mariska hargitay. her deeply personal essay about being sexually assaulted by a friend in her 30s. the years of denying the pain, now facing the trauma head on. and how she's helping others who have experienced the same. all eyes on inflation. money moves you can make to boost your savings. new numbers out this morning. the odds are in our favor. hunger games star josh hucherson talking about his new movie and a possible reunion with jennifer lawrence. just like that. which terry bradshaw's classic coture is expected to make a splash when it hits the auction block? ♪ walking on sunshine oh oh ♪ we're celebrating our ray of sunshine this morning. wait til you meet captain ray. >> somebody to talk to, ray is definitely the person to talk to. >> we have a big surprise for
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the high school custodian who is the heart and soul of a north carolina community as we say -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> good morning america. cannot wait for ray to be surprised, as our ray of sunshine. that's his name, too, ray of sunshine. it is thursday, everybody. that means tory's here with deals and steals. >> smart solutions for your kitchen and home all from small businesses and starting at just $4. going to start with top stories breaking at 8. race for the white house. ron desantis and nikki haley went head to head last night. came hours after chris christie announced he's dropping out of the race. let's go back to rachel scott in des moines. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. that major campaign shake-up came before the candidates even took the stage, raising the stakes for nikki haley and ron desantis. chris christie announcing he is getting out of this race.
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the two of them going head to head in the final debate before the iowa caucuses. now just four days away. still trying to prove that they are the best alternative to former president trump. they did go after trump, but carefully. haley calling january 6th a terrible day railing against his argument in court that presidents have total immunity. desantis saying that if trump's the nominee, this election will be all about his legal issues. they spent far more time going after one another on issues like the economy, inflation, social security and abortion. of course, the stakes only growing higher as the field narrows. former new jersey governor chris christie announcing suddenly he is ending his 2024 bid, urging the party to come together behind a candidate that could defeat donald trump. before he made that announcement he was caught on a hot mic saying nikki haley was going to not have a chance and saying desantis, called him petrified. sources do confirm desantis and christie did speak.
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for now we are told christie does not plan to endorse a candidate, but polls have shown his supporters could turn toward haley. robin? >> we will see what happens. now the latest inflation report. the results could impact expected interest rate cuts this year. elizabeth schulze is here with ways to boost your savings right now. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: this new report shows prices ticking up in december but inflation is still trending in the right direction. with the fed expected to cut interest rates, we have some moves to boost your savings in a higher rate environment. remember higher interest rates benefit savers. banks are incentivizing you to store money with them instead of spending it. that's why it's worth considering a certificate of deposit or cd. these are accounts where you invest a lump sum for a certain amount of time. say you deposit $1,000 with a one year term yielding 5.6%. that's where it is right now. after that year you earn $56 in
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interest on top of your original $1,000. next thing you want to do is gain how long you want to stay invested. it's important to know if you put money into a cd, you could face fees if you try to withdraw it before that term is up. if you need cash, you should consider a shorter term six month account if you're saving up for a big purchase in the future like a car or home you might want to lock in those high rates now on a longer two year or five year account. finally as with any investment, you want to compare options. some high yield savings accounts are also dishing out returns above 5%. with those, you will have more flexibility to withdraw or add funds but that interest rate is fixed. the bottom line through all of this, it is a good time to take a couple of minutes, see if you can be earning more money on your money in the bank. >> all helpful suggestions there. thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, law and order svu star mariska hargitay sharing her
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experience of being assaulted in her 30s and how she's processing the trauma now. get ready to meet captain ray. ike is live in north carolina for a big surprise. also ahead, tory johnson is here with terrific deals and steals, all for your kitchen and home. lara is with a special guest. hey, lara. >> hello, michael. yeah. i am here with josh hucherson. he's got a new action thriller out. we're going to ask him about a possible hunger games reunion. i confirmed it. we're going to talk about it. don't give it up yet. that's what's coming up on gma. it's coming up on "gma." otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. it can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection
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and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time ♪ our cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips that absorb and lock dirt away, ♪ and it has a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home, faster than ever. ♪ don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the swiffer powermop.
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nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty.
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[♪] ...alooking forlove witbladder-leak protectionain. that neutralizes odors and keeps you dry? try new depend® fresh protection™. it absorbs 25-times its weight and features dryshield™ technology, that protects better than pads and keeps you 2-times drier. try depend®.
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♪ here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. we are back with our gma cover story.
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actress mariska hargitay is sharing details about a traumatic and painful part of her past and a very personal and beautifully written essay from "people" magazine. deborah roberts is here with more. good morning, deb. >> good morning, robin. you're right. it's a painful and powerful story that's about survival. ironically coming from an actress whose popular tv character helps sexual assault victims find their power. mariska hargitay is making it clear that she is not defined by a previous sexual assault, and she doesn't want others too either. >> it's not going to be easy. you survived the assault and you're going to survive this. >> reporter: for two decades she captivated viewers as olivia benson in "law and order svu." >> how do you know? >> because i did. >> reporter: now mariska hargitay giving voice to her own pain in a deeply personal essay
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in "people" magazine writing, a man raped me in my 30s. he was a friend. then he wasn't. i tried all the ways i knew to get out of it. he grabbed me by my arms and held me down. i was terrified. the 59-year-old actress revealing she coped with trauma by pretending the rape never happened saying, i cut it out, i removed it from my narrative, then later set up a foundation for victims of sexual violence not fully understanding, she says, that she, too, was a victim, something she haired with hillary and chelsea clinton on their series gutsy back in 2022. >> i just recently started sharing with people that i was raped. although it was a long journey for me, even me, to be able to say it. but now i go, that thing that happened to me doesn't define me. even in this case, 30 years later, it's not surprising at all that one would need to slowly unpack that memory, think
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about it, talk with one's self about it and come to grips with what really happened. >> reporter: the actress saying justice is different for each survivor. for me, i want an acknowledgement and apology. it won't undo what happened, but i know it plays a role in how i will work through this. this is an important moment for hargitay. she's approaching her 60th birthday. she's still processing the trauma, but is deeply grateful for how far she's come and she's flooded with compassion for others who have suffered. the issue of "people" magazine is out tomorrow. we should say that, if you or somebody you know has been sexually assaulted, you should contact the national sexual assault hotline. very, very important message. >> i hope people read that article. so raw, so real. just really see her vulnerability. >> she's done so much good work for so many years. >> she'll help a lot of people. >> sam? >> we've been talking about these storms and the river flooding. i want to show you beach erosion.
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you can see the water washed away the dune. that beach used to go out another 30 yards. that's how close the ocean is now into those barrier islands. we've seen that from the jersey shore up into maine a lot. we will see it again with this next round of storms. not just the river flooding but the coastal flooding alerts that will pop with that storm. look at the watches and warnings across the country as this storm moves. there's bun component i want to talk about. this is tonight. shreveport is rough. get those radios and phone alerts going for what will be an overnight round of storms that could include tornados. dallas, i don't want you to think you're out of it. atlanta, you're in it by the time we get to friday. three two. i'm
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>> we could use some pop news. >> let's do it, george. good morning, everybody. we're going to begin with selena gomez and the world of terrific casting "only murders in the building" signed on to play linda ronstadt. how good is that? writing it all started with a simple dream. the legendary artist opened up to abc about gomez in september for our soul of the nation latin music revolution special. check this out. >> i think she's wonderful. i think she's adorable. she made a record in spanish. like me, she can sing in spanish. can't speak it. she's a good actress. i watch her on "only murders in the building." so funny. she's so good. >> she loved her. ronstadt won't be singing this
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song -- ♪ you're no good you're no good baby you're no good ♪ >> you know that song. come on. ronstadt is an 11 time grammy award winner for songs like "you're no good." she was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2014. i see you, robin. she was also given the kennedy center honor for life time achievement in 2019. while gomez just announced she's taking a break from social media. one of the last things she post on her instagram story was she was reading linda's memoir. obviously, this is in the works. we are so excited. we'll have more information as we know it. >> if you were in the '70s, she broke every rule. she was a huge star. >> yes, amen. it's going to be great. let's talk fashion news. sarah jessica parker's legendary tutu. >> i'm wearing it all. [ laughter ] >> i was wondering what that was.
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we all know it. sam is wearing it and it's now hitting the auction block. julian auctions revealing the skirt is one of five used to film the opening sequence because of that bus that splashes carrie in the scene. the show's costume designer patricia fields, the one and only, found the skirt sifting through a $5 bargain bin in new york city. the rest is history. the tulle skirt made a reappearance in the six and the city movie when they all voted to keep the outfit while carrie was cleaning out her closet. the skirt is part of a style of iconic women in fashion auction. it's set to fetch around $12,000. that's what they were saying yesterday. >> it will go higher than that. >> we can all pitch in an buy it for sam. [ laughter ] >> thank you, george. >> i'm in on that. >> we are in. finally this morning real quick congratulations to our dear
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friend jesse palmer. the bachelor host, part of our gma family, is now a dad. he and his wife emily welcomed this beautiful baby girl into the world. ella ren palmer is her name. jesse posted this photo on instagram writing, our world has been forever changed. jess, i get it. we are so very happy for you and emily. congratulations, dear friend. that's pop news. >> great guy. happy for both of them. all three of them, with the baby there. it is time now for deals and steals. >> get on up! get on up! move it! come on. >> i'm here with tory johnson. hey, tory. we got kitchen and home deals that will leave your place smelling fresh and looking spotless. plus these products are all from small businesses. scan the qr code to go right to the deals. all right, tory. >> you're stepping on the first one. that is gel pro. it's the easiest way to eliminate that fatigue and back pain that you often get from standing too long in the kitchen. >> yeah. tell me about that.
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>> this is awesome. it's an extra soft cushioning gel in there. high density foam support. it just feels really good. we're still on a mission to get the whole studio done. >> i'll take longer to cook my meals with this because i can stand longer. >> we've got them in a variety of sizes and patterns all slashed in half today. >> what do we got next? >> you would use it, you can use a serrated or nonserrated knife. right here, it would be attached so it's hands free. put that right there. with a few strokes you get to sharpen that knife. it's hands free because you're not going to pull that down which would then cause a problem. >> scissor, too? >> so, look. plastic. can cut through anything, these scissors. look at that. the easiest way to cut through absolutely anything with those scissors. i love them. the knife sharpener and the scissors, fabulous deals, starts at $8.
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>> wow. you get those, too? okay. great deal there. >> fresh wave. this is a terrific way to neutralize any household odor as opposed to masking it. often times you mask it with fake fragrances or bad chemicals. not with this. this is a plant based formula safe for people, pets and planet. we've got a variety of options. this could go into a garbage can. it can go in the garage. sports equipment. wherever you need to neutralize odor. trunk of the car. >> it says cars. that's what i need it for. okay. there you go. >> these start at $4. >> $4. okay. what do we got here? >> we often never clean the things that do the cleaning. think washing machines, dish washers. those things need to be cleaned so they can do a better job at cleaning your dishes, your clothing. just these tiny tablets, that's all we're talking about. pop these in. it goes to work and does it. it will do a deep clean to get rid of that grime and dirt and
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not good stuff in your washing machine, dish washer. we've got them even for the coffee maker, laundry detergents. we've got so many different options from this company. makes cleaning easier and better, more effective all slashed in half starts at $7.50. >> i need that. >> that's a good one. okay. this is happy wax. if you want to add delicious fragrance to your home flame free. if you don't like candles, or if you've got kids or cats that make candles not a good idea in your home, this is a good idea. wax melters are terrific. we've got so many different scents. you put it right in there. it's going to melt. this is silicone so when it hardens, it will pop out easily so you can change the scent. when you want to go from apple to watermelon or coconut, we've got every kind of scent. these start at $9. >> great deal there. >> smart. then for organizing, this is rapid storage. it's all of these straps right here. so you would use these straps to tie up cords, blankets. you could do it for hoses. you could use it for your yoga
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mat. any place you want to see more organization, indoors or outdoors. this will do the trick. 16 piece set. with our deal 12 bucks. >> it's great. i'm so disorganized. hanging up wires and everything. wires and everything. thank you, tory. we partnered with these companies on all these amazing deals. only tory can bring us. you can scan the qr code on your screen or go to good morning and find all of these offers. back over to you guys. >> here with our next guest we know from the original hunger games trilogy and his movie broke box office records last year. now he is starring in "the beekeeper." josh hucherson, welcome back. [ applause ] we want to get to the beekeeper but first your biggest grossing horror film of the year last year. >> yeah. >> did you know it was going to be such a big hit? >> yes. no. [ laughter ] it was really cool. the game has such a huge following.
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they set out to really make a film that would connect with those fans that are die hard for the game, but also tried to find a way that resonated with a broader audience. emma tammy, our director, really found that tone with blumhouse and universal working together. we had no idea that it was going to be this -- >> did you have to become an expert in the game before you could -- >> thank god, no. [ laughter ] it's a great game. i don't have the patience. i kept not -- you survive all these things. i'm terrible at it. i'll live it in the movie. >> we hear there's a sequel in the works. >> that's the plan. they haven't made anything official yet. i'm super excited the first one did well. it's a fun universe. the lore behind the game is massive. there's a lot of different avenues they can explore. >> let's talk "the beekeeper." it's action. we talked about this earlier. jason statham, you said it's been a blast working with him. it's the story about a man who wants revenge on a company that's behind a major
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fishing scam. >> yes. >> let's take a look. >> who am i meeting? >> you said hit me up on voice if there's an emergency. >> okay. >> seems we had a disgruntled customer. >> i just can't comprehend why you're bothering me. just get in touch with the attorney and start shoving back. >> i don't think legal's gonna help much. >> oh. tell me what's going on right now. >> we see you in character there. >> yes. >> bit of a departure for you. little bit of a slimey guy. >> extremely slimey. this guy, yeah. i was surprised when they called me for it. i'm not known for being this kind of a guy. but it was super fun to go into something that was much darker. i had a lot of freedom to improvise and play with this guy. he's like a crypto billionaire
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who is running this horrible scam that tricks older people out of their life savings. [ laughter ] >> so peta -- i mean josh. i'm a fan of the movie. i know they put a new cast out and it was successful. i want to bring the worlds together. is there something like that there? >> turn the script in, man. i would love to. me, jen, liam, woody, everybody, we all maintained friendships over the years. shooting those movies together was the times of our lives and we had so much fun. we were just talking, we came here before the first one. >> i know. >> you were babies. >> i remember you saying, please the years are long, but i'd love to find a way to get back into the hunger games world with them
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or anything. just. all right. well we're putting it out there in the universe. >> put it out there. >> and before that comes, everybody at home can see the beekeeper that is in theaters tomorrow. thank you for coming in. thank you. absolutely. thank you. coming up, captain ray, the custodian who goes above and beyond for his north carolina community. he is this morning's ray of sunshine. we have a big surprise for him in just a minute. the candidate face off right after iowa and right before new hampshire votes david muir and linsey davis moderate the new hampshire primary debate next thursday night on abc and streaming on abc news live and hulu. >> friday night. the hunt to catch a killer. >> she did a little christmas shopping, headed to her car and then went missing from the mall before he kills again. you have a sexual predator on your hand. all new 2020 friday night at nine eight central on abc. >> right now. there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of
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every morning, making sense of it all. >> that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you. >> our father was the leader of a mormon religious cult. he used us and groomed us to kill for him. this is when i found out that i was born and raised in a cult. daughters of the cult. >> i'm ready to carry is a hug a speedy. >> i'm still just joey. >> he is so handsome. >> i'm obsessed. i'm obsessed. >> abbott. building a better bay area, moving forward, finding solutions. >> this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic now with gloria. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. you know, traffic is moving pretty
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slowly right now. this is a live look outside right now at our 680 camera in walnut creek. and you can see that things are a lot busier than they have been throughout the morning. here as drivers make their way southbound and through walnut creek on 680. and then looking at our 880 camera at the oakland coliseum, traffic is also sluggish right there, especially for those drivers who are heading northbound through oakland. however, there are no major incidents that we've heard about, such as accidents or anything like that. so that's some good news. just slower traffic right now. >> all right. thank you. gloria. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast. when we come back. >> good morning. i'm cindy bigelow. i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. listen to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that
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perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys! so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. that's what a cup of tea is. >> a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. >> it was always bigelow tea. wow, that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. >> cheers. not just any whiteboard. >> katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks. >> big pharma, even top administration officials. >> katie porter never taken corporate pac money. never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change . shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> cirque du soleil presents kooza an adrenaline rush of acrobats and electrifying performances experience koussa's uplifting thrills. starting
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january 17th and san francisco and april 18th in san jose. tickets on sale at cirque du >> hey bay area live with kelly marcus coming up, we'll chat with sterling k brown from american fiction, plus james patterson stops by. that's at nine on abc seven. we'll see you guys in 30 minutes. >> it is chilly out there this morning. frost advisories still in effect for the next 30 minutes where we have areas well into the 30s right now. we have a lot of sunshine. looks lovely from our santa cruz camera. it's a bright day today. brisk. this afternoon with temperatures in the 50s. rain returns on saturday to level two kumasi. thanks drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app at abc seven >> come on, get♪ i'm walking on >> announcer: welcome back to n gma live from times square. >> our ray of sunshine celebrating hometown heroes across the country. this morning it's all about ray bethea.
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he is a custodian in swannanoa, north carolina. he helps students and teachers and to them he is so much more. good morning, ike. >> reporter: good morning. listen, captain ray is just behind this door. he has no idea what's going on. he thinks he's in an important meeting with the vice principal. but we've got some tricks up our sleeve. let's go get him. captain ray, my man. how you doing? >> good. how we doing? >> reporter: i'm ike ejiochi from good morning america. you are live on air. say hello. >> hello. >> reporter: can we borrow him? >> absolutely. >> reporter: all right. come on out here. captain ray, captain ray. nice to meet you. listen, you've been head custodian here for over a decade. everyone says you help make this building feel so much more than a school. the people say that when they come in here, it feels like home. feels so much like home. today it's all about you. before we go in there, you might need this real quick. come here. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers ] it's all about you. give it up. [ cheers ] [ cheers ] all of your students, colleagues, your wife is here. we have our mascot ray right behind us. everybody in here knows how much of a ray of sunshine you are. it's time for america to take a look, too. at this north carolina high school, custodian mr. ray bethea is a ray of sunshine. >> any time you walk into the building, he is always smiling or laughing.
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>> he always got his little hat on, his captain's hat on. he bought the hat and started wearing it at school. everybody started calling him captain ray. >> reporter: but captain ray is more than a smiling face. he leans in. >> if you need someone to talk to, mr. ray is the person to go to. >> whenever i get angry, he'll take me downstairs. we'll play basketball. >> i came here my freshman year after my dad passed away and i had no friends, nobody to talk to. mr. ray was the first person to talk to me. if he wasn't in my life, i don't think i would have made it as far as i have. >> reporter: when 11th greater harmony wanted to drop out of school, mr. ray was her north star, keeping her on the right path. >> i was kind of like an outcast to most people. i stopped coming to school. he started realizing i didn't want to be here very much. one day he saw me sitting in the hallway crying. he was basically just there for me. he just walked around with me afterwards. he calmed me down. he's like a comfort space in school. like, whenever you have no one to run to, you can go to him. >> reporter: when the health and
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pe teacher calvin cross was down on his luck, ray stepped up. >> gas in my car. a man of faith. i can call on ray for anything. >> i think he's more than just a janitor that cleans up messes. i think he cleans up people's minds. >> he's probably the most thoughtful custodian at any school ever. >> ray makes everybody feel like they matter. every student in this building knows they matter. >> reporter: so to captain ray, we say you're our ray of sunshine. [ cheers ] ray, ray. every single person here came out for you. how do you feel right now? >> that's awesome. [ laughter ] >> reporter: a man of little words.
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>> what a surprise. i'll tell you, i'm always two or three steps ahead. speculation is always in my mind. when my wife started getting up and dress i said something's definitely -- i said, come on now. y'all doing something different. i don't know what you're doing. my daughter, they all played it off. they all played it off. i said, something's wrong. >> reporter: it's right today. we have to talk to a few people here. principal cathy, where are you? come on up here. [ cheers ] what kind of difference does it make to have someone like captain ray working inside your building? >> he's approachable. he's authentic. he's present. he's enthusiastic, always willing to share a smile and tell a story that ends with a positive life lesson for our kids. >> reporter: how about that? captain ray, we saw the work you do doesn't always stop inside the building. it goes outside the building,
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helping people with their cars, groceries, whatever they can think of. where did this come from, your spirit, your energy? how did you keep doing it? >> i have to give god the glory. at the end, that's where it started for me. >> reporter: that's okay. take your time. guy, how about it for captain ray here. [ applause ] [ cheers ] there is so much love for you inside this room. i know you can feel it. we all can, obviously. we have a little surprise for you. i'm a little excited. i just want to dance on the ceiling. get that music playing now! we found out how much of a lionel richie fan you are. that's why we are sending you and your wife to go see him live in concert in las vegas! [ cheers ]
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>> whoo! [ cheers ] you're getting two round trip tickets to las vegas. thanks to the las vegas visitors authority. plus you're going to get dinner for two and a two night stay at caesar's palace. someone told me you never even flew before. [ laughter ] how do you feel? how do you feel? >> bible said he will be with you. i'm thankful. there's a first time for everything. >> reporter: right. but never a last time for love. give it up, guys. [ cheers ] >> they're going to have a great time. >> oh my goodness. he knew something was up.
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[ laughter ] >> always three or four steps ahead. coming up, we talk about the new movie "origins." about when dad brings up the importance of... (dad) building credit. (vo) ... you're ready. (daughter cutting him off) dad. fargo, what's my fico score? (dad) wow. it's a work of art. (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? instantly tell you what you spend on things like food. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo.
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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>> hang on. we have your location. >> help is on the way! >> welcome back to gma. our next guest fight force change on screen and off winning awards for salma, and when they see us. now ava duvernay is creating buzz with her latest movie
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"origin." i want this studio audience to give it up for this woman! [ applause ] your name's up there. everything. oh, let me tell you. like so many, i read the book. i read the book. you take that book. you turn it into a film which becomes the first film directed by a black woman at the venice film festival to receive a 9-minute standing ovation at the premiere last year. what was that like for you? >> nine minutes is a long time when all of the people are looking at you for nine minutes. i was kind of out of my head. we were in a different country. we were in italy. to have folks who didn't look like me, were not from the same place, appreciate what we had done, it was an out of body experience. >> what was it about it this book? so many of us read it. what was about it that you said,
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i have got to make this into a movie? >> it was during the pandemic. it was a couple months after the murder of george floyd that the book came out. oprah told me to read the book. i didn't feel like reading. she said, read it. i finally read it, i felt like it was mine to share. there were pieces in the book i wanted to make sure i amplified. so i set out trying to figure out how to take a nonfiction book and put it in a film with actors and emotion and characters that would tell the story. >> really brilliant. i want everybody to see a bit of it right here. >> he couldn't have been the only one who felt something tragic was happening. so why was he the only one among the men to not go along that day? perhaps we can reflect on what it would mean to be him today.
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>> she really brought it. >> yeah, yeah. isn't she great? >> this was a tough film to get made. you had to be very creative in your fund-raising. philanthropists really stepped up. >> it was a tough film to get made if i had gone the traditional route. i knew i would get no's from the studios because it's not the usual studio fare. that's fine. we didn't go that way. we reached out to people who were like-minded, interested in making things about justice, dignity. legacy and history. we went to nonprofit organizations like the ford foundation, emerson. we held hands with them. they actually financed this film. it's not a big studio. it's a bunch of philanthropists. >> so creative. there's a great article, kudos. you were not going to take no. >> try a different path. i was not going to take no for an answer. it goes to show there are ways outside the traditional ways,
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traditional structures, whatever it is you're doing. >> lesson for all of us. i love how some big names have stepped up. we're going to have some private screenings. ben affleck, angelina jolie, dave chapelle. that had to mean something. >> the artist community is really railing around the film. it's an indie film. being put out by a very small distributor. we have word of mouth. when people see it, they share it. people have seen it and shared it. >> what is your hope? what is your hope for the film? >> i want the film to change your mind about the way you see yourself and your place in the world. we've been told that we fit into certain boxes, that we have to be separated from this person, that person. the film is about the division that we live within. how can we break them apart? it's race, religion, sexual preference, age. all of the ways that we are told you're this and you're that, but
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none of it will indicate who we are inside. so cast is about breaking this up and the film "origin" explores that. >> i told you, you're engaged. i have watched it twice already. i have to stop and pause. i think i reflect and this makes you rethink some things. i love how you are being so creative. so important for people to see this film. and teens. didn't you come up with something to try and help teens see it for free? >> young people. the film is about romance, mystery, intellectual adventure. so important for young people. we came up with seat 16. not sweet 16. seat 16. seat 16. basically, for 16 bucks you can go in and buy a ticket for a young person. they also get a one year subscription to master class. i just did a master class about making a movie. pretty good. 16 bucks give the kid a year of master class and a movie ticket. >> that's brilliant.
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>> that never happens to me when i eat oreo's. >> right. >> all right. do you pull them apart? >> pull them apart. >> ava, you are a sheer force of nature. could not be happier for you. >> thank you. >> i want people to know "origin" is in theaters next friday. hear that, oscar people. got your ballots today. january 19th. sam? >> big news for kids and parents who end up watching kids show. do you love bluey? bluey, bingo, chili and bandit are back. here's an exclusive sneak peek at what's coming up this season. >> we're on tv! >> whoa! >> yay!
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ah! >> i'm not gonna make it. whoa. good shot. >> bluey is newy. all new episodes -- >> this is beautiful. >> on disney +. >> it's important because it's on 24/7, right? your favorite family of blue healers is back. they have a new game and adventures, and ten new episodes drop tomorrow on dis >> you know it's a great segment when everybody comes over here. yellow card is here performing live.
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>> back now with a live performance from yellowcard. they returned last year after a six year break with an ep "childhood eyes." here's yellowcard performing "the places we'll go" with cassidy pope and christine lightner. ♪ 20 years passed it's wild how fast were we ever that young ♪ ♪ the 90s were flying and i was still lying to myself and everyone ♪ you were still somewhere deep in my heart and you were still all
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that i had from the start ♪ ♪ and i wanna show you the ways that i have grown i want you to show me all the places we'll go ♪ ♪ for all that i have done i haven't found anyone who forgives me like you ♪ ♪ so i'll sit there with you i'll finally get free to tell you that i do ♪ ♪ and you will be right there
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deep in my heart and you will be all that i need right from the start ♪ ♪ and then i can show you then i can show you the ways that i have grown the ways that i have grown ♪ ♪ babe you can show me the places we'll go ♪ ♪ bay you can show me the places we'll go ♪ [ applause ]
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relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ♪ i want you to show me ♪ >> such a beautiful song. >> yeah. >> thanks to yellowcard for that performance. quite a morning. >> have a great day, everyone. >> sunday on the morning before the first vote, ab day morning on abc's this week. >> right now, there's just so much happening in our world. so much at stake at the start of every morning. >> making sense of it all.
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>> well, that's not always so easy. >> and that's where we come in every morning asking the straightforward questions. >> you want answered. >> and yes, putting a smile on your face too. >> abc's good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here. >> and we got you, we got you, we got you. >> america's favorite way to start the day gma seven a friday night. >> the hunt to catch a killer. >> she did a little christmas shopping. headed to her car and then went missing from the mall. >> before he kills again. >> you have a sexual predator on your hands. >> all new 2020 friday night at nine eight central on abc. >> i was 13 years old the day i escaped my father's cult. >> our father was the leader of a mormon religious cult. he was more revered than jesus. we were taught to conceal the polygamous lifestyle he raised us all with a gun in our hands. our family was killing people. really good
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people were left to do terrible things. >> this is when i found out that i was born and raised in a cult. >> daughters of the cult, now streaming everything, everything gon be alright this morning. >> as far as cases go, it was a piece of cake. boom i'm a man. >> find your perfect mattress match at mancini sleep world. we're opening four new locations so we'll pay the sales tax or get free gifts with the purchase of a tempur-pedic mattress. get the best prices free next day delivery and comfort guarantee at mancini sleep world. >> not just any whiteboard. katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks. >> big pharma, even top administration officials katie porter never taken corporate pac money. >> never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting
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climate change. shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> hcm is a serious heart condition affecting as many as 1 in 200 people. like me and me. >> it can impact how you feel and what you can do. >> i still felt tired on my beta blocker, so i talked to my cardiologist about treatment advances in hcm that gave me new options. >> it was a breakthrough for me. that conversation was big for me. >> talk to your cardiologist today and visit hcm. real talk. com for more information. >> replacing your old ugly interior doors is the best whole home improvement, because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home and can be done quickly, easily, and affordably. >> and right now, with one day doors and closets, it's the best whole home improvement you can make during our buy one get one free event. our revolutionary 3d mapping technology, robotic door sizing, and in fact repainting allows us to arrive at your home
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with perfectly fitting doors that can be installed in just a few hours. it's fast, easy, and incredibly affordable in fact, one day doors cost significantly less than the big box stores or a handyman on their scheduled. >> their structured. they show up with the team they're ready to go and in the world of construction and control actors, there's no one you can rely on, but one day, doors and closets is totally reliable and right now, with one day doors and closets by any five doors and get another five doors absolutely free. >> but this offer is only available for a limited time. schedule your free in-home consultation today. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic now with gloria. hi, gloria. good morning kumasi. >> we do want to tell you about a mudslide over in piedmont that is causing some delays there in that area. >> moraga avenue right now is closed in both directions at
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maxwell road because of a large mudslide and the estimated time of reopening. >> hey, gloria. i'm going to take over for you. here's a look at temperatures right now. we are done with the frost advisory. we are still in the 30s. in the 40s, so it is chilly out there. here's a live look from our pier 39 camera. the sea lions soaking in some of that sunshine. here's how the day shapes up. we'll have a frosty morning right now and lots of sunshine on the way today. temperatures in the 50s. we're dry today, but that will change over the weekend. clouds return tomorrow, a level two moderate storm set to soak us on saturday. all right. thank you drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and martin. we'll be back at 11 for midday. live have a have a good day deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. ♪♪ today, from the new film american fiction, sterling k. brown. plus, award winning, best-selling author,


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