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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  January 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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in the waters off half moon bay. witnesses tell us what they saw come crashing down a plane, diving into the ocean and our camera is capturing this emergency effort tonight. good evening, and thanks for joining us. i'm dionne lim. all of this is happening in and around moss beach. and we do want to give you a better idea of exactly where. take a look. witness report seeing and also hearing something go down in the water near moss beach and seal cove. we are also seeing firstrillionesponder activity around the airportrillionight nearby. abc seven news reporter j.r stone has been monitoring all of these reports. he joins us with the very latest. and
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j.r. a press conference wrapped just moments ago. >> it certainly did. deon, the coast guard is involved here, along with numerous agencies near the half moon bay airport. port officials just spoke minutes ago and say there is a plane in the water and they are active searching that area. this is a live look, a picture that is happening right now. and you can see deputy there at the airport actively involved right now. the coast guard is also involved right now. and numerous agencies and police agencies that that are out there. we're talking about dozens of different emergency personnel that are out there on scene. but i do want to show you some of the video that came from earlier this evening. in this video, you can see what appears to be a helicopter hovering above the pacific ocean with the spotlight out. crews just told us that a rescue swimmer was involved there. two officials, including the sheriff's office and the coast guard, have not said what kind of aircraft this was. they aren't saying how many people, if any, were on board and they
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have not said if anyone was recovered. we talked with a witness who is from maine and was eating dinner when this happened. plus this to give you an update of how challenging this search is tonight. having dinner out on the patio and we heard this like motor engine like puttering like you hear in the movies when a plane's about to crash and you hear the sputtering of the engine figure something was wrong because it was so close to the to the restaurant. >> and then the engine cut out, and then it banked in and we lost. we lost sight of it. at that point, it's just difficult to get out there with the way the tides have been. >> tides are very high. there's very limited visibility. as you can see, it's very dark out. but from what i understand, there is coast guard that's currently out there and in the water. >> as all of this was going down. we also recorded this video from the half moon bay airport in it you can see a life flight helicopter later used to transport patients. now, we haven't been told if anyone is
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on this rescue helicopter and if they were on board that plane when it went down into the ocean. so there are lots of unanswered questions tonight. but we do know that a plane is in the water. and you saw crews right there. they are actively searching. dion i also want to mention they had a drone up in the air as well. so they are using all sorts of measures to try to get to the bottom of this. >> yeah, exactly. whatever measures it takes in order to get some answers j.r, we appreciate that report. we will, of course, be staying on top of this story as it continues to develop. well, meantime, new developments in the killing of oakland police officer tuan lay. a third suspect is now being charged with murder and is due in court this week. our media partners at the east bay times report 30 year old marquis cooper's arraignment is set for tuesday. a few specifics have been given about cooper's exact role in all of this. lay was shot and killed last month outside a burglarized cannabis related facility. a total of four suspects, including one man
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charged with burglary, are all being held in jail. the other three, besides cooper, are expected to enter pleas on thursday. well, the bay area is drying out after this weekend. storm take a look at this. flooding puts some roads in west marin underwater. pacific way in muir beach was closed near the pelican in. but as you can see, a few drivers still decided to risk it. >> the day will not be stopped. >> we're expecting this. >> i was not expecting this at all. you know, we just get a little bit of rain here for one night and rivers flood. >> yeah, it's quite a surprise. um, definitely made for an interesting hike at the end. a little bit of a swim. >> we're gonna hitch a ride in a pickup truck and, uh, get through this. this foot deep water of many areas saw more than four inches of rain in less than 24 hours. >> so, appropriately enough, let's get a check of our weather situation. spencer standing by with what we can expect in our 24 hour accuweather forecast.
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hi, spencer. hey, dion. >> nothing like what we had yesterday, that's for sure. parts of the north bay yesterday received between four and five inches of rain. right now it's dry. skies are partly cloudy tomorrow morning, 7:00 we'll still have partly cloudy skies. temperatures ranging from mid to upper 40s from the coast to inland. by 12 noon we'll see a mix of sun and clouds, a bright sky, temperatures at that hour will be right there in the mid 50s, 5455 degrees, 4 p.m. tomorrow. mostly sunny skies, high temperatures rising up to almost 60 degrees around the bay and inland areas. we'll see upper 50s on the coast and then going into the evening hours. 7 p.m. still mostly clear temperatures in the low to mid 50s. a lovely day tomorrow, but there is rain on the way during the week. i'll have all the details of my accuweather seven day forecast a little bit later. dion sounds good. >> spencer. thanks and a reminder you can track the forecast anytime with the very same live doppler seven radar. spencer uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store to download it. now now to your voice and your vote.
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after months of campaigning, the kickoff to the 2024 election is here tomorrow. the iowa caucuses will begin the presidential primary season, and tonight, the top republican candidates are all braving the bitter cold, making their final pitch to voters. abc news reporter reena roy has more on the last minute efforts from iowa. monday's iowa caucuses will likely be the coldest ever temperatures across the state, expected to be well below zero not far from yet. >> after canceling three other campaign events this weekend because of the weather, donald trump holding a commit to caucus rally in indianola. >> we will make america safe again, and we will make america the great again. >> trump, with a dominant 28 point lead in recent polling, nikki haley and ron desantis in a race for second place. the former south carolina governor now edging out florida governor by four points. that brutal cold
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and heavy snow derailing haley's first in-person event in dubuque on sunday. instead, she hit the campaign trail later in ames. >> we're going to go all the way until the last hour because we know what situation we're in. if you look at what's happening in the country, it's tough right now, desantis has been betting big on iowa, crisscrossing the state for months. >> today, speaking to voters in dubuque and cedar rapids. >> i think there's over 1700 precincts. have people there delivering the message, and you're going to see us convert people and bring it home. we got another one in des moines, his supporters going door to door trying to convince voters to caucus. >> for him, the brutal weather is raising concerns about voter turnout. >> if there was significant ice, i would have some difficulty getting there, but others say they think they'll make it. >> we've had blizzards before. we've had, you know, extreme weather on caucus night. it certainly is going to be cold, there's no question about that. and we want people to be careful. but i think we'll see
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strong turnouts. >> candidates are really stressing the importance of people going out and voting on monday. even trump, with his huge lead, urging his supporters to show up. reena roy abc news, des moines, iowa. >> abc political director rick klein gave us the lowdown on how these presidential candidates are stacking up in the latest ipsos polls, 65% of republicans say donald trump is the strongest leader. >> and on the key question of electability, it is donald trump by a lot. 68% of republicans say donald trump is the best choice to go up against joe biden. now, when it comes to tomorrow night, donald trump actually lost iowa in the caucuses eight years ago. that's not going to happen again, almost certainly. but how it happened is actually instructive when you're looking at the returns. come in tomorrow. ron desantis visited all of iowa's 99 counties, and there are places in the state heavily evangelical counties, in particular up in the northwest corner where donald trump came in a distant fourth last time around. a lot of reason to think that's going to be hard to replicate. but ron desantis hopes that that means that he
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can overperformed expectations for nikki haley. her focus is the cities and the suburbs. a lot of votes now, republican voters have seven candidates to choose from in tomorrow's caucus. >> the firstrillionesults are expected after 5:30 p.m. our time happening tomorrow. the nation comes together to reflect and celebrate the life and global legacy of civil rights leader doctor martin luther king junior. today glide memorial church honored the pioneer a day early with a celebration, service and day of action. abc seven news reporter tara campbell was with volunteers who cleaned the streets of the tenderloin, paying homage to doctor king's work. >> one piece of trash at a time, volunteers helping clean up the streets of the tenderloin in honor of martin luther king junior. >> it's in my mother's legacy, she she asked me when she was alive that as long as i'm alive to do service. on the weekend of martin luther king. >> excellent turnout. bigger than we expected. >> more than 100 people volunteering sunday at glide memorial church's day of action, including this mother daughter
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duo we both really believe in service and supporting the community that we live in, so this seemed like a good day for the two of us. >> people are really engaged and being part of this, this effort to really, you know, engage with community and to help our homeless individuals, volunteers handing out toiletries, socks and other items to help those struggling on the streets. >> there are wonderful people and they need, you know, they just happen to need support and help right now. so it's great. it's great to be able to do that. and glide is a perfect organization to do it with. >> i know a lot of people give the notion that like the toe is a very scary place and that's not really the case. hey, classy martin grew up going to glide memorial church and has close ties to the tenderloin. >> there's people that are in need here. >> um, it doesn't make them scary in fact, volunteers like freeman best say a little love goes a long way. >> what motivates you to do it on such a consistent basis?
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love. i love people and i don't look down on anyone. >> i think everybody's special. >> we got hygiene kits and we have karen campbell, abc seven news. >> now here's a list of some expected closures tomorrow for the holiday. the usps won't deliver any mail and most nonessential government services like the dmv and city offices will be closed. and banks, along with the nasdaq and new york stock exchange, will not be trading. however, tomorrow you can get free admission to us national parks. still ahead tonight on abc seven news at 11, call it goldilocks in reverse. one family's unwanted sleepover and how they managed to get their furry guest out. plus busted pipes in the heart of downtown san francisco. the steamy day and flooding damage to one of the city's high end stores. and all new at 11 college campus crackdown on the newly proposed california bill and its hopes for a drama. drastic improvement, i should
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say, for students across the state
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet.
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active search and rescue effort under way as we speak. this is to recover a plane that has crashed into the ocean off the coast of half moon bay. from what we understand, the coast guard, also the san mateo county sheriff's office assisting in this, along with multiple other agencies. as in this video, you can see there the vehicles that are used by first responders. we also have been showing you video of a helicopter just hovering above the pacific ocean, the spotlights trying to get a good vantage point and good vision of what is going on in the water
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there. we did speak with a witness at a nearby restaurant who heard a propeller fail. at least this is this person's account and watched the plane go down. officials, as of right now are not saying what kind of aircraft this was. they aren't saying how many people or releasing any details about who was on board, or if anyone was recovered. of course, this is a story that is developing many bit by minute, and we will try to get you the very latest information as soon as we can stay with us on air and online. moving on to new details tonight in a dramatic scene in downtown san francisco, crews with p-g-and-e's are checking any damage to its power systems after a steam pipe ruptured and a water main broke at about the same time. now, as you can see, it made for quite a mess this morning on geary and grant, just a block from union square, and abc seven news reporter j.r. stone filed an earlier report with more on this steamy damage. >> there was so much steam on this san francisco streets
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sunday that you couldn't see more than 100ft down. grant avenue, near union square. this after a steam pipe broke underground. >> there is steam lines that generate heat for the buildings in and around the area. >> firefighters say they don't know how old the pipe that ruptured was, but traditional steam heat systems are typically more than 100 years old. those with the sfpuc say water from the break appears to have affected the steam line sunday night, more than seven hours after all of this happened, we saw water being pumped out of the sewer. officials tell us several businesses had basements that flooded, including the high end store cartier, where we spoke with the janitor who told us it will likely take several hours for her and her crew to clean it up. maybe like three hours, three hours, three, six hours. >> fortunately, no one was hurt. >> and while businesses did close for the day, crews are unaware of any major heating
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impacts for nearby residents in san francisco, j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> new at 11 a state lawmaker from the bay area is out with a new bill to strengthen the reporting system for sexual harassment on california state college campuses. the marin county area assemblyman, damon connerly's bill would give higher scrutiny to sex assault complaints against csu employees , as an auditor's report released last year said the csu lacked detailed guidelines which allowed credible cases to slip away without formal investigation or disciplinary action. new at 11 a homeowner in southern california got quite a scare and is talking about it tonight. she found a bear sleeping under her house. reporter lori perez caught up with the homeowner about her stressful ordeal. >> what i did is go into my basement with the flashlight and its eyes shone right at me. this is the moment a several hundred pound black bear finally came
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out from underneath tina herzog's monrovia house. for most of the day. what are you doing out, out and out bear. >> she'd been pleading to get it to leave the crawlspace. >> well, pleading and making all sorts of noise. warning got pots and pans and banged it and i had my leaf blower. i took it down there and turned it on. but didn't budge. she and various members of her family took videos every few hours showing the unwanted and unwelcome visitor crammed, but apparently comfortable. and if you ask me, way too close for comfort in the shallow, unfinished space under their first floor space, totally open to the stairs leading upstairs, i moved food that i have in the pantry out because i know they have a really strong sense of smell. um, so hopefully that helps and hopefully it doesn't decide to come up the stairs this is when it first showed up at about 430 this morning on their ring camera. and herzog says when it seemed to linger, she knew she was in
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trouble. when i came out at dawn , i saw that the crawl space window had been torn off and i thought, oh no, that bears in there. it popped the grate and shimmied on through. and that's where it stayed until this evening, when she tossed some mothballs in the space. and who knew? bears hate mothballs. you keep moving. it immediately decided to leave. i don't know what woke this one up and decided to come over here. i've heard of it happening before, but i just thought, why me? >> that was lori perez reporting. now, of course, this reminded us of this. a family skiing up in lake tahoe a couple of days ago. spotting this black bear just charging across the slopes, i was able to exclusively speak to the snowboarder danielle, who had the quick reflexes to catch it all on camera. you can hear our conversation and why danielle did the right thing here. the full story is at our front page of our website, abc7 it never ceases. to amaze me
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whenever we see a bear like that. >> all these bear stories amazing and mothballs as a bear repellent, right? >> who knew? i'm just glad the homeowner is relieved and smiling and was able to tell the story. >> very happy for those skiers too. >> oh as well, yes. >> let's take a look at what's happening with our weather. no snow here. no, no bears either. as a matter of fact, we have partly cloudy skies right now and you can see the pattern here with just areas, lots of areas of clearing and a few passing high clouds. that'll be our pattern overnight. and tomorrow. wind is very calm right now. wind speeds under ten miles per hour in most locations around the bay area. most locations are also several degrees cooler right now than at this time last night. so let's move along and take a live view at current temperature readings 50 in san francisco, 49 in oakland, and it's around 5052 degrees at hayward, san jose, san mateo and half moon bay. and the view from emeryville. looking back towards san francisco, other temperatures, readings at this hour, mid 40s up in the north bay at santa rosa, petaluma and napa. fairfield right now 47 degrees. concord 50 and 48, in livermore. and these are our
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forecast headlines going into the week ahead, partly cloudy tomorrow for martin luther king junior day. periods of rain and showers will move through the bay area on tuesday. some may linger into wednesday, but tuesday will be the rainier of the two days and then wednesday through saturday, briefly dry and then turning wet again as the weekend approaches. so for tonight, just look at the passing clouds going by. lots of clear sky to start the day tomorrow. it will be a bright sky throughout the day tomorrow. despite the presence of some clouds, overnight lows will be mainly in the low to mid 40s and high temperatures tomorrow will generally generally be in the upper 50s to about 60 degrees and the further forecast animation starting tuesday morning at 9:00, shows rain coming into the north bay tuesday morning. it looks like it's going to remain generally in the north bay until about mid afternoon. then it expands, covers virtually all of the bay area. the evening commute tuesday could be a very wet one because some of the rainfall here is going to be quite heavy at times. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast.
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so bright skies tomorrow. rain on tuesday, maybe a lingering shower or two into wednesday morning. but it's not likely that wednesday will be a rainy day. so we have the level one on the storm impact scale for tuesday. only partly cloudy, dry on wednesday. next storm arrives on friday and it looks like it may continue through the weekend . we could have three consecutive days of wet weather at the end of the week, but we'll of course have more, um, coffee in the forecast as we get later into the week. >> i have confidence in you as well. oh, thank you so much. >> i appreciate that and confidence that in california we have the best weather of the country. >> i would want to be anywhere else, even with the rain. >> yeah, well, still ahead on abc seven news at 11. speaking of the weather, it is a snowpocalypse in western new york tonight. the area is getting wiped out this weekend from blizzards, but there seems to be some people who are sprinkling in some fun. more on this story next
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but the game in buffalo between the bills and steelers is also now being played tomorrow night. because of this severe lake effect snow. today, volunteers braved snow and negative temperatures to help get the stadium ready. there you go. >> three hours. yeah. >> is that painful? >> i have so many questions about this. the bills put out a call for fans to help come shovel the snow. even offering to pay $20 an hour and free food . this fan accepted the challenge. and then some. i mean , as long as he's having fun, right? well, help is on the way for the warriors. while the 40 niners playoff opponent is revealed, chris alvarez joins us now with a preview of sports.
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hi, chris. >> hey dion. coming up in sports. draymond green set to make his return while super wild card weekend continues in the nfl. it's officially packers week. the niners prepare for the pack after green bay's big upset win in dallas. sports but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now.
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sees top seeded 40 niners will host the packers saturday night in the nfc divisional round kickoff just after 5 p.m. at levi's stadium. it will be an nfl record 10th playoff meeting between the two teams. san francisco has won the last four of those games. that's because of the biggest upset this weekend seven seeded green bay at number two dallas. this young man thrilled about his packers 14 nothing lead, while the other cowboys fan in despair under two minutes in the first half. dak prescott picked off by darnell savage. and there he goes. savage 64 yard pick, 627 nothing. green bay prescott and the cowboys fans just stunned packers running back aaron jones rushed for three touchdowns after having just two in the regular season because of injuries all year. cowboys owner jerry jones another year, another early exit as the packers win 4832. niners host the packers saturday night at five. here's green bay with an
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early look at the nfc's top seed. >> i'm really excited about the next opportunity going to san francisco, playing against one of the best teams in the nfl, and we'll have our work cut out for us and certainly i'm i don't know when we play, but assuming. it's going to be on a short week, just shocked. >> honestly. beginning of the game, uh, yeah, we got beat. there's no other which way around it. no way to sugarcoat it. >> lions hosting their first playoff game in three decades. detroit used to be matt stafford country. and now they're pulling for marin native cal guy jared goff. lions open with three straight touchdown drives. goff finding sam laporte on fourth and one 2110. lion next rams possession, though stafford finds tutu atwell and he breaks free. and then he's going to somersault in for the score. rams down 2117 at the break. fourth quarter rams still down four. stafford's pass to cooper kupp is broken up. would have been a great catch here from cooper la kicked a field goal
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and never seriously threatened again. lions win their first playoff game in 32 years 2423. goff beats his former team. detroit will host the winner of the eagles bucs game next weekend. super wild card weekend ends here. catch the eagles and bucs tomorrow night. kickoff just after five, immediately followed by after the game. we'll have plenty of 40 niners and packers talk. after missing a total of 16 games, sources tell espn that draymond green expected to play tomorrow when the warriors take on the grizzlies. green missed a total of 12 games due to his indefinite suspension, missed the last four games as he's been ramping up for action. the warriors have gone eight and eight during that span. women's college hoops eighth ranked stanford against number five colorado with the win, tara vanderveer would tie mike krzyzewski for the most wins in college basketball history. her mom rita in attendance, kendall. shweta beats the first half buzzer in colorado, takes a six point lead at the half. stanford's kiki irie in 19.17 rebounds. that's a double double . cardinal down one. but all colorado after that. jalen
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sherrod layup will seal the deal. and then she'll have a little steph curry night night as stanford falls 7159. coach can tie the record at home friday with a win against oregon. abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino dion. >> chris thanks much more to come tonight including a daring rescue in dangerous water. a father and son pulled from the ocean in pacifica. the very latest on their conditions tonight. plus people in the bay are just focused on surviving a tiktok star steps foot in the bay area, and it has been a viral review in the days since. his words and the reaction
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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search and rescue effort underway to recover a plane that crashed into the ocean off the coast of half moon bay. the coast guard and san mateo county sheriff's office is assisting now to give you an idea of exactly where this is, take a look on this map here. reports that saw the plane go down near
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moss beach and seal cove. this is pretty close to the half moon bay airport. we spoke to one witness nearby at a restaurant at the time, as well as a county investigator who says why this search is so challenging. tonight having dinner out on the patio. >> and we heard this, like, motor engine, like puttering, like you hear in the movies when a plane's about to crash and you hear the sputtering of the engine figure something was wrong because it was so close to the to the restaurant. and then the engine cut out, and then it banked in and we lost. we lost sight of it. at that point, it's just difficult to get out there with the way the tides have been. >> tides are very high. there's very limited visibility. as you can see. it's very dark out. but from what i understand, there is coast guard that's currently out there and in the water. >> officials, including the sheriff's office and the coast guard, like you just heard, have not said yet what kind of aircraft this was. they also aren't revealing how many people
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, if any, were on board or if anyone was recovered. we will, of course, let you know as soon as we hear more and you can find that information at our website and on our abc seven news, bay area app. in investigators on the national transportation safety board are beginning to examine the door plug that flew off in the middle of an alaska airlines flight at the agency's headquarters in washington. an aerospace engineer and a chief technical adviser unpacked that door plug today. this recently released video shows the horrifying moments of the jet door just being blown off east bay congressman mark desaulnier says he's added provisions to an faa reauthorization bill in the senate to ensure more transparency. this way, it would be clear to know which mechanics assembled the door. >> it's very frustrating. uh- the aviation industry has done a lot of pressure by, um, in investors to make more money and we want to make sure that those profits don't come at the
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expense of the safety of the traveling public. so whether it's boeing or any of the airlines, we're working very hard to make sure they get the message that the congress is watching. he says congress will make sure the faa does its due diligence and ensure boeing 737 max nines will not fly again until they are safe. >> a father and his five year old son were rescued in pacifica today after being caught in some high waves just before 1 p.m. today, the coast guard, as well as the chp helicopter and other rescuers were called out to a stretch of water north of maury point. that is just west of the sharp park golf course. both father and son were struggling in the water for at least 30 minutes. rescue swimmers pulled the pair from the water and rushed them to the hospital in critical condition. one needed cpr. no word yet tonight on exactly how they're doing. today marks 100 days of war between israel and hamas in san
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francisco. thousands came out. to civic center plaza for a march of solidarity. we are rich and resources live and steadfastness. people traveled from across the west coast to call for an immediate cease fire and an end to all u.s. aid to israel. since war broke out on october seventh. the associated press reports more than 23,000 people have been killed in gaza, as well as more than 1200 people in israel. 132 hostages still remain under hamas control. 121 have been released, 33 hostages have died in hamas captivity. meantime, san francisco mayor london breed is slamming the recent cease fire resolution passed by the board of supervisors. it was initially proposed in december by supervisor dean preston and passed back on tuesday. speaking to the jewish news of northern california, mayor breed said in
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part, quote, what happened at the board of supervisors during this last month did not reflect our values. while i support the need for community members to be heard, the process at the board only inflamed division and hurt. then, in a direct retort, our partners at the sf standard obtained this statement from supervisor preston saying in part, quote, the resolution was passed by a supermajority of the board of supervisors following outreach from tens of thousands of constituents over the past month of negotiations. prior to its passage, we haven't heard any concerns from the mayor's office as well. do you know the name keith lee? the popular foodie made a much hyped bay area visit this past week, but he cut his trip short due to some poor dining experiences and safety concerns. and it has been the talk of the internet this weekend. abc seven news reporter anser hassan on went to one of the restaurants that lee visited to get their reaction. >> reporter elise williams says it was a big deal when tiktok
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influencer and foodie keith lee made a stop at her restaurant, the luxe box, in west oakland. >> it was good for me as a mother to prove my kids right. >> but the bay area didn't seem like a big deal for lee. >> people of the bay were absolutely amazing, and i'll never forget the hospitality and the love that just showed me. reason number one i truly don't believe that bay is a place for tourists right now. and that's what i was a tourist. the people in the bay are just focused on surviving. >> lee says he wanted to try out some smaller establishments around the bay area, like lux box. williams served him jerk lamb bass, fish, yams and macaroni. it was a hit, but lee announced on social media that he's cutting his trip short and allergic reaction, some bad food experiences and safety top his list of concerns. >> i definitely feel like we're all in survival mode trying to figure things out. the cost of living is extremely high. um, i think he hit it on the nose, but she adds, for those who live here, they know how to navigate their neighborhoods and communities. >> and despite the hardship, her hard work is paying off. today
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is the one year anniversary of her store and she's turning a profit. i definitely struggle, they have their ups and downs, but i have a good support system . >> i have a partner. he has always helped me, my daughter and my children. they're my support system, so we struggle, of course, but we stick together. >> many have criticized lee's assessment of the entire bay area, based on just a few restaurants in neighborhoods, but he was impressed with the lock box. i left a $2,500 tip. >> i am taking my kids to hawaii next week, so they got their little couple of dollars, but we are looking to fix our building. um we've been here for a year. we're going to kind of stay put for a while to see how things go. so we are looking to put signs on our windows, paint our building. so i'm going to use it towards that in oakland, anser hassan. >> abc seven news. >> still ahead on abc seven news at 11 tahoe. clearing out from a serious snowstorm. those images from the sierra next week got off to a dry start. >> but there's wet weather on the way. i'll have the
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accuweather forecast in just a moment. when abc seven news at ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban
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congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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sold out vegas residency just for the tam fam that's coming up this week at 1 p.m. right here on abc seven. all right, let's go closer to home and back to our storm watch as the lake tahoe area is cleaning up after this weekend's heavy snow storm, things have calmed since all of the rain, strong winds, and heavy snowfall. >> heavenly resort is reporting more than two feet of fresh powder in just the past week. there are currently no chain restrictions, though on highway 50 or on interstate 80. i mean, this is what skiers and snowboarders have wanted right about that. >> and there's more stormy weather on the way. we're going to get rain midweek and there will be no doubt snow in the sierra, but this is a warmer
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storm, so it may not produce that much snow in the sierra. but there will be some and there will be some rain here. but not tonight. partly cloudy skies overnight. low temperatures, mainly in the low to mid 40s. highs tomorrow under bright skies with a few clouds around upper 50s to about 60 degrees. up to 62 down in san jose. and as we look ahead starting on tuesday with the futurecast, you can see rain sweeping into the north bay tuesday morning and then reaching all parts of the bay area by tuesday evening. looks like it's going to be a commuter's nightmare here for the evening commute on tuesday, and it may not even end on wednesday until perhaps midmorning. here's the accuweather seven day forecast level one storm on tuesday. some morning showers on wednesday, then drying out wednesday and thursday. but yet another level one storm coming in on friday, producing rain that may last through the weekend. >> all right spencer, thanks once again to chris with a preview of sports. chris high dion coming up in sports. >> the 40 niners prepare for a familiar foe in the nfl playoffs ahead. we go down memory lane. niners packers playoff history.
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in kansas city. it was also a win for christian youths. check the wife of 40 niners fullback kyle juszczyk. you see, christian designed swift's custom jacket, which the internet absolutely loved. and a few weeks ago, remember she designed deebo samuel's custom brock purdy mvp jacket. can't wait to see all the other custom looks she comes up with this postseason. the 40 niners host the packers this saturday night 5:00, setting an nfl record for the 10th playoff meeting between the two teams. san francisco has won the last four playoff games, including the nfc championship. remember that sent the niners to super bowl 54 and the most recent, the nfc divisional game two seasons ago. robbie gould's walk off winner sent the niners to the nfc championship that year. earlier this week, the
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teams talked about the confidence they have entering the playoff run. >> we have great weapons. i think everyone's playing at a really high level and like everyone is very dialed in to the sense of urgency, like you really, you feel that in the building, like everyone just has this unique focus, fully maximizing every, every play, um, getting everything we can from every single play. >> and then as we get into the playoffs, that's more and more crucial. so we're thinking about that every time we go out onto the field, every time we're walking around, we're just thinking about maximizing and leaving nothing. nothing out there is win or go home. >> this isn't a seven game series. you know. it's not the best team that wins the trophy at the end. i feel like we've had the best team the last three, four years and we still haven't gotten a ring. it's about how good can you play in those three hours that you're allotted out there? >> detroit lions fans are so happy they went to jared for the first time in over three decades, the lions have won a playoff game thanks in large part to marin catholic and cal product jared goff, who was brilliant tonight against his former team, the la rams. three years ago, these two teams traded quarterbacks matthew stafford for goff and the bay area kid got his revenge
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tonight. goff threw for 277 yards, one touchdown. got the game ball leading the lions to a 2423 win. on to the divisional round on sportscenter tonight, goff was asked what it means to beat his former team and the qb that replaced him. >> yeah, it's so outweighed by everything that it means to our city and our team and, um, everything that our team has built up to this point, you know, i got here three years ago and we were bad. we were really bad. and being able to build since then to this point right now to win a playoff game in front of these fans after what they've endured, uh, it doesn't get much sweeter. >> did mike mccarthy run off the field for the last time as the cowboys head coach? cowboys owner jerry jones watched his cowboys become the first two seed to lose to his seven seed in the new playoff format and become the first team in nfl history to win at least 36 games in a three year span and not make the conference title game. jones claims he hasn't thought about making a coaching change yet. >> on a personal basis. i'm floored. and so uh- not that there's any world's smallest violin for me being floored, i
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get that i understand that, and i know where the responsibility starts and ends, and i've got that real clear. and i know that . but that's not the point. the point is that, uh uh, i'm, uh, disappointed for everybody. >> um, i get a whole whole team in the locker rooms. that's that's hurting and, uh, that's, you know, i haven't thought past, you know, the outcome of this game. super wild card weekend ends here. >> catch the eagles and bucs tomorrow night. kickoff just after five, immediately followed by after the game. of course, we'll talk a lot of niners packers in that one college football news. another purdy is headed to the bay. brock's brother chubba announcing on social media he's transferring to san jose state. purdy most recently played the last two seasons at nebraska college hoops stanford, hosting utah head coach jared haas. going through all the emotions late first half, maxime reno had two poster worthy plays the dunk and one great pass from canaan. carlisle and then it's a block party and utah, you are invited.
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there's a block reno with 20 points, 11 rebounds and three blocks. stanford wins 7973. they've won 4 or 5 in milwaukee tonight. the bucks trail by two against the kings with seconds to go in overtime. oakland's damian lillard the inbounder got it back from stanford. man brook lopez and hits the 40 footer at the buzzer. dame time in milwaukee bucks win 143, 142. abc seven sports, sponsored by riverrock casino. dion, chris, thanks so much. >> and that's it for tonight everybody i'm dion lim. the news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00 for spencer christian and chris alvarez. and all of us here. thank you so much for joining us. we leave you now with a live look outside where you can see things do look clear and dry. however, spencer tells us there is an unsettled weather pattern. keep those umbrellas handy. the rest of the week. have a great night. we'll see
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when you were diagnosed with cancer. i know this has allowed you to see how hard life can be, but always realize it's full of opportunities to make someone's day better. there's been so much kindness surrounding you, starlight who made you smile even on your toughest days. never forget those who loved you so well and know that you have the responsibility to give back. love, dad.


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