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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 18, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PST

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seven. imagine moisturizing your lips with fried chicken. >> stop it. >> i can't. burt's bees and hidden valley ranch created this lip balm inspired by chicken wings. they got all kinds of flavors ranch, buffalo and celery. >> celery. what does celery taste like? >> wet? yeah. water. no no, please do not come to me with this chicken. >> chicken lips. chicken lips. >> what about some buffalo sauce? nice little lice, little sting on the lips. >> now, i'll take fruit flavor. >> what your lips feel like after you eat them. and, you know, you just got a little grease on them. that's not bad. just the memory. >> just the smell of that. i don't want it in my face good morning america for our viewers in the west. millions in the grip of brutal cold. more than 90 million americans waking up to alerts.
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the arctic blast turning deadly, the unrelenting cold turning streets into ice rinks, vehicles sliding out of control, people in buffalo dig out of the chest deep snow. and the new storm on the move, bringing snow and ice to the west. ginger is back and tracking it all. the u.s. launches a new round of strikes against iran backed rebels in yemen, targeting what the pentagon called an imminent threat. two-person race? former president trump and nikki haley going head to head in new hampshire, and why desantis is shifting resources to south carolina. trump on notice warned he could be kicked out of the trial to determine how much he must pay for defaming e. jean carroll. the family of an illinois teen with autism demanding answers after he was tased by a police officer in a case of mistaken identity. the 10-year-old bitten by a shark in the bahamas back home in maryland after under going surgery. this morning new questions on
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how safe these types of experiences are. princess kate waking up in the hospital. what we know about the surgery and her expected recovery, with king charles also set to be admitted to the hospital. fraud on the high seas? dozens of passengers of the cancelled three year cruise calling for government action, saying they still haven't been refunded. richard simmons issues a rare statement. what the reclusive fitness icon is saying about the biopic about his life. break through. >> our miracle came true. >> the new hope for thousands of patients in the fight of their lives. >> the future is bright and amelia is proof. >> why the odds are improving to find a match. second chance. the heartwarming message from the man who survived in his crashed truck for nearly a week. ♪ and the university of minnesota dance team living their dream, rocking their routine and the
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beloved eagle flying in, making this drive-thru worker's dream come true. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> can't miss her big smile. good morning, america. big dreams on this thankful thursday. dreams that may come true for those this search of a blood stem cell transplant. can't wait to share that story with you later. >> such an important segment ahead here. we're going to begin with the dangerous deep freeze. take a look at upstate new york. more snow is on the way. while there won't be a huge amount, it may create treacherous travel on the roads. >> many in the grip of brutally cold weather, already claimed two dozen lives. alex perez starts us off in chicago. good morning, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, george. the feel-like temperature is in the teens. now, i want you to take a look. you can see in this harbor and parts of lake michigan now blanketed in ice. this cold has been brutal, relentless and in some cases deadly.
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this morning at least 37 people have died after an unrelenting bone chilling arctic blast from coast to coast. in tennessee alone, authorities reporting at least 14 deaths. and in oregon, at least three people dying of hypothermia. the bitter weather downing trees and triggering power outages. streets turned into ice skating rinks. this pickup truck losing traction sliding into a mailbox. you guys okay? i'm glad you're safe. we had three accidents here. >> reporter: and a dramatic rescue in kentucky. these four college students severely under estimating the weather, waking up buried in the snow while stranded camping tuesday saved by search and rescue, who evacuated them using a helicopter. >> they realized they were not trained nor equipped to make the climb down from that rock fixture. >> reporter: chicago gripped by the cold and for the first time since 1966, three consecutive
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days with the high of less than 5 degrees, leaving tesla drivers stranded with electric charging stations dead. >> type of cold that it freezes your skin almost. feels like pins or needles pricking you. >> reporter: and there is some, some relief in sight. temperature in chicago and several other areas is expected to be more moderate come next week. robin? >> that is great news. okay, alex. let's go to ginger, who is finally back, following her weather related travel woes that left her and her family stranded in the caribbean. she's here tracking that new storm for us. good to see you, ginger. >> robin, if you need help with the st. marteen airport, i am the expert. 56 hours later, i am here and so happy. i shed about 70 degrees, but that's okay. mid to late january is the coldest for most of us. it has proven so. we've got up to five feet of lake effect snow in western new york. that's so far. we're going to see more where
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that came from. we've got plenty of chill. this morning it feel likes 7 in des moines, 7 below in minneapolis, plenty of 20 belows. not records but still a chill. and then you have snow. winter weather advisories, from montana to new jersey. it mixes with this southern storm. nashville, who had their annual snow and more so in just one day this week, they've got a chance of seeing some ice. winter weather advisory there. that's tonight. louisville in the snow. pittsburgh in the snow. this is friday, tomorrow, by noon we should be seeing some of the heaviest here. yes, it will still be cold. robin? >> so good to have you back, ginger. >> thank you. the latest strikes by the u.s. against the rebel group in yemen that has been targeting commercial shipping in the red sea. disrupting one of the world's key shipping routes. our chief global affairs correspondent martha raddatz is tracking this for us. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this was the fourth time that the u.s. has taken military action against the iran backed
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houthis in yemen in just the last week. this was swift and significant. the pentagon saying the houthis were about to fire 14 missiles towards commercial ships and navy vessels in the area of the red sea saying the missiles were actually on the launchers, ready to go, the threat imminent. so the u.s. took action, launching a barrage of tomahawk missiles, taking out those houthi missiles even before they could be fired. this happened hours after a drone fired on a u.s. ship causing minor damage. robin? >> heard you say the fourth time. the fourth time the u.s. launched an attack on the houthis. they seem undeterred. >> reporter: they sure do, robin. the houthis say this is to show their support for palestinians in gaza, say they will continue these strikes on ships. there have been more than 30 in the last three months. the pentagon will keep firing back as well, still trying to
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avoid a wider war, but that's always the fear, as you know, robin. >> it really is. always appreciate your reporting, martha. george? race to the white house. new hampshire primary five days away, what may be nikki haley's last time to block donald trump after his iowa win. rachel scott is on the ground in new hampshire. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. donald trump and nikki haley are framing this as a two-person race in new hampshire. the former president holding a rally here overnight, ramping up attacks on haley, insisting that if she is the republican nominee, they will lose the white house and races up and down the ballot in november. haley was quick to respond on social media quick to point out that under trump's presidency, republicans lost the hourbgs house, senate and eventually the white house. the former south carolina governor is trailing trump in this state by single digits. but the former president still holds a pretty wide lead nationally. our new abc news poll, 80% of republicans believe trump has the best chance of winning in november. so where does that leave florida governor ron desantis?
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well, this morning we have learned that he is shifting his resources to south carolina, moving most of his staff to that state, hoping the fine weekend before the new hampshire campaigning in south carolina even though that contest is still five weeks away. desantis still insisting if trump is the nominee, this election will be all about his legal drama. that is exactly what the former president is campaigning on, the cornerstone of his 2024 message. >> that's right. the president, former president, donald trump, in a new york courtroom yesterday for his trial to determine how much he must pay for defaming e. jean carroll. senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, george. former president trump is not expected in court today, but he has already said plenty here to irk the judge and almost get himself expelled. this morning former president trump is on notice he could be kicked out of his second defamation trial if he keeps making disparaging side comments
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about e. jean carroll within ear shot of the jury as carroll testified trump shattered her reputation and made her a target of his followers' violent threats trump muttered witch hunt and con job. he could be seen shaking his head or chuckling. mr. trump, i hope i don't have to consider excludeing you from the trial, the judge said. i understand you're probably very eager for me to do that. trump threw up his hand, i would love it. the judge responding, i know you would. you just can't control yourself. carroll is seeking at least $10 million in damages after she publicly accused him of rape. her attorneys playing these videos as examples. >> i have no idea who this woman is. i have absolutely no idea. the whole thing is ridiculous. i have absolutely no idea who this woman is. the verdict is a disgrace. >> reporter: an earlier trial found trump liable for sexually assaulting and defaming carroll. but she said it keeps happening. he lied last month. he lied sunday. he lied yesterday. the jury also seen recent
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messages to carroll from other, calling her a lying fraud, ugly as sin and a disgusting disgrace to women. carroll said she's so afraid now she keeps a pit bull at home and a gun by her bed. on cross-examination, trump's attorney questioned why you said you were afraid but you never called the police? and why you continued to publicize every lawsuit you've had against donald trump. after court, trump cast himself as the victim. trump bounces between court and campaign as he tries to make his legal troubles a selling point with voters. george? >> that will be something we see all year long. thank you very much. gio? we turn to an illinois teen with autism who was hospitalized after he was tased by a police officer in a case of mistaken identity. the incident was caught on camera. trevor ault is here with the story. good morning, trevor. this is just awful. >> it's terrible to watch, gio. this sparked outrage in illinois. this family said their 14 year old son, who has autism was on his way home when police mistook him for a suspect on the run and tased him repeatedly in
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his own back yard. the incident is on body camera footage and it is disturbing to watch. this morning parents outraged after they say their teenage son with autism was mistaken for a suspect and tased by police outside chicago. body camera video obtained by wls shows officers apprehending the 14-year-old last november. >> get your hands up! hands up! hands up! >> reporter: thompson's family said he was returning home from getting snacks at the grocery store when he was tased multiple times in their own back yard. >> don't move! you move, you're gonna get some more. >> reporter: police say they were called to assist neighboring riverdale police who were searching for four suspects, two carrying rifles and a handgun. thompson's clothe, quote, matching the description. >> don't move! >> reporter: but in the video,
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one officer questions whether they have the right person. >> i don't think this is him, bro. this might not be him. >> reporter: thompson was hospitalized with tase marks on his body and a fractured hip. his mother frantic. family's attorney says the teen was never charged. >> he is just a lovable kid, you know? i couldn't believe this could happen to my kid. >> reporter: and the riverdale police chief said the suspect the officers were searching for had been arrested and charged. in a statement the city says this incident is now under investigation. gio? >> that video is hard to watch. all right, trevor. thank you. >> it truly is, gio. thank you. now to the health issues for two members of the royal family. princess kate is recovering in the hospital from abdominal surgery. and king charles will be admitted next week for prostate treatment. our foreign correspondent james longman is outside buckingham palace with more. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the most important member of the royal family, king charles, and the most popular, the princess of wales, both with hospital
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admissions. but kate's situation does sound rather more serious. she will be out of the public eye for a matter of weeks. this morning a royal source said she's, quote, doing well. this morning health scares for the most senior members of britain's royal family. kensington palace revealing the princess of wales under went abdominal surgery yesterday and will have to recover in the hospital for as many as 14 days. the palace said the princess' condition is not cancerous but did not share more details adding kate hopes the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normalalty for her children as possible and that her medical information remains private. the 42-year-old princess, who was last seen at christmas will now be out of the public eye until after easter. and not long after kate's news emerged, buckingham palace released a statement saying king charles will also under go surgery next week. in a statement, the palace said, in common with thousands of men each year, the king has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate.
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his majesty's condition is benign. prostate problems are common among men charles' age. the 75-year-old will stay at the hospital overnight and cancelled engagements until he recovers. now while kate would like her medical details to remain private, the king is using his diagnosis to raise awareness of prostate problems, very common in men over 50. but with william taking a back seat to look after kate and the children, that's three key members of the royal family out of the public eye for quite sometime. guys? >> turn to the man who was rescued after six days trapped in his crashed pickup truck. he's been released from the hospital, sharing a message this morning. eva pilgrim with the story. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. matt reum says after six days of being trapped in his truck, he had given up. that's the day those two fishermen looking for a good fishing hole found him, saving his life. >> what's up, buddy? >> there he is. >> reporter: this morning a heartwarming reunion between an
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indiana driver and the men who rescued him. >> nobody could believe that i was alive. >> reporter: four weeks ago, 27-year-old matt reum was driving on the interstate when he swerved to avoid a deal, going off the road, landing under a bridge. pinned in the wreckage, unable to call for help, he survived on rain water for nearly a week. >> six days i was down there were the longest, scariest, most terrifying days of my life because that day i had given up hope. >> reporter: two fishermen stumbling upon the crash. >> his car is totalled. >> reporter: rescuers strapping harnesses on his crashed truck from the bridge above. >> hang on, buddy. you stay there. we got medics coming, okay. >> you showed up. there were so much hope. >> reporter: reum, lifted from the wreck, flown to the hospital where his leg was amputated. now discharged and on the road
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to recovery, reum saying, it is time for me to take my next steps outside of the hospital. i may be a little slower getting around than i was four weeks ago, but i'm still going to be moving forward toward a life i am proud of having been given a second chance. and reum is out of the hospital now. he will continue with outpatient care. as you heard him say, he sees this as a second chance and he plans to make the most of it. >> such awe, his attitude has been that way consistently. >> positivity. a miracle. you heard him talk about the miracle that happened. >> all right. thank you, eva. coming up the latest on the 10-year-old boy bitten by a shark in the bahamas. he underwent surgery. we'll hear from a witness. plus why dozens of the passengers from the cancelled three year cruise want the government to investigate. frpblts we hear from the search and rescue force who saved a group of college students who went climbing and were stuck in freezing temperatures. ginger's going to have more on that. right now you're talking snow. >> let's do lake effect. in buffalo, they've had more than 60 inches of snow so far.
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lot of folks there saying there's nowhere to put it. it is falling. blasting jefferson county closer to water town. they're warning this morning about 2 to 4 inches per hour. that's incredible snowfall rates. so anywhere in the lake effect snow area, that includes buffalo, you'll see that. throughout the next 24 hours or so expect an additional 6 to 12 inches where you see that hot pink, water town area. then we have that clipper coming across. that southern storm meeting it. that means new york city will get more snow on the order of 1 plus inches. that's a big deal. remember we had none. we just broke that snow drought. right now 1.9 inch, which is still well below. we're talking like half foot below where we should be to date. even though it feels like, hey, we've had some winter, we usually have a lot more. your local weather coming up in 30 seconds.
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two. i'm abc seven news meteorologist >> coming up here, we're loving
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this story. the super star surprise for mcdonald's drive-thru worker. we're going to hear from that jason kelce fan right there. that's coming up in our play of the day. can't wait for that. >> i love that he loves mcd's. >> that's the same one he's been going to. >> just like us. ymptoms... keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over the counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra... can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. don't use if allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied, and unusual taste sensation. why wait? ask your doctor about a 90-day prescription and pay as little as $0. xiidra. oof! dad, we're gonna be late! ♪ can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce.
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hi, sue. >> good morning. kumasi and the hot spot this morning has been the bay bridge. we had three separate accidents, all cleared now. one to the left hand shoulder, just past the metering lights that still may be there, but it's not blocking a lane. but the backup. yeah it's on to 80. in fact, your drive time from 80 hercules all the way to the span is about 50 minutes this morning. and then back to the san mateo bridge. you can see the emergency lights in the center. divide and that's been out there for about an hour now. and traffic along the span of the causeway is bumper to bumper for about a 25 minute drive from 880 over towards 101. >> all right. thank you. sue. meteorologist yuma when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin.
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>> cold medicine, which mommy's getting right now. ashley >> hey, ashley. we're going to get you feeling better right away, okay? and, mom, careful with the knife and the phone. >> got it? yeah. lots have trusted my advice over the years. >> i mean, phillies quarterback delivered, didn't he? now i'm back with a new fantasy. must play draftkings, pick six. just pick between two and six players and choose if they're going to have more or less of a stat, then compete against others for cash prizes. it's that simple. so get started with up to 100 credits back. if your first pick set loses, download the draftkings pick six app from the leader in fantasy sports. the crown is yours. because you should feel safe. >> abc seven building a better bay area. take a look at live doppler seven. >> the visibility we are seeing improvements in the north bay this morning where we're up to two miles of visibility in santa rosa, still less than a mile in
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novato. elsewhere, we're not tracking dense fog, but we still have that dense fog advisory in effect for the valleys of the north bay and solano county. this until 11 a.m. so once that fog is totally gone, we will have pretty cloudy skies left over for the rest of the day. here's a live look from sutro tower. you see the fog down below. the cloudy skies up above so it's a mostly cloudy day, but we are rain free. lots of clouds . by 4 p.m. those temperatures in the 60s away from the coast. but rain is back here in the forecast starting tomorrow afternoon. it's a level one with a wet weekend on the way. thank you drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest on our news app and at abc seven replace interior doors is the best whole home improvement because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home and can be done quickly, easily and affordably. >> and right now, with one day doors and closets, it's the best
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>> welcome back to gma. if you haven't seen this video yet, please stop what you're doing and look at your screen right now. people cannot stop watching that dance routine. that's aerosmith performed by the university of minnesota dance team. we'll have much more in pop news. >> following a lot of headlines right now. more than 90 million americans waking up to weather alerts. more snow coming down in upstate new york. it may create treacherous travel on the roads. cold weather claimed more than two dozen lives this week. also right now, golden state warriors assistant coach died of a heart attack in salt lake city. the 46-year-old collapsed suddenly at a private team dinner, was rushed to the hospital tuesday night. according to espn, steve kerr said in a statement, we are absolutely devastated by this sudden passing. this is a shocking and tragic blow for everyone associated with the warriors. >> thinking of his family. plus an update on the apple
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watch. we told you tuesday apple removed the blood oxygen feature from its apple watch after losing a patent dispute. the company briefly stopped selling certain models of the device last month. now sales of the latest watch models without that blood oxygen feature will begin this morning here. we've got a lot more ahead including many passengers on the cancelled three-year cruise. they still haven't gotten their refunds. now they want the justice department to get involved. that's all coming up. right now the 10-year-old bitten by a shark in the bahamas is back home in maryland recovering from surgery. victor oquendo has the story. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, george. that boy was transported to the u.s. just after midnight. this morning we're hearing from a witness describing a chaotic and bloody scene, saying this boy's mother kept a level head, jumped right into action and treated her son on the spot. overnight that 10-year-old boy bitten by a shark in the bahamas back in the u.s., air lifted to maryland. this morning we are hearing from another tourist who saw the after math of the attack.
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>> everyone was trying to figure out what was going on. it was very chaotic right then. >> reporter: the boy was bitten on the right leg while participating in an expedition in a shark tank on paradise island, according to police. >> there was a lot of blood. the mom was a hero. she jumped right into action. she started wrapping towels around him, probably doing a tourniquet style and helped with the bleeding. >> reporter: law enforcement sources telling abc news the incident took place at the atlanti is resort where a guest can walk on the bottom of a shark exhibit as seen in this video posted to the resort's facebook page. >> that's how you do it. >> reporter: doctors hospital in the bahamas saying in a statement the boy successfully under went surgery before being air lifted back to the united states. the owners of the excursion say they are deeply saddened by the attack and tell abc news, we
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have begun a thorough internal investigation and are fully cooperating with authorities. incidents like this involving interactions with marine life, even with these species of sharks included in this experience are rare and never acceptable. now lawmakers asking how safe these types of experiences really are. >> we'll be looking at regulations that might impact activities involving sharks, etc. >> reporter: experts say maintaining a safe distance is key. >> i think you need to be very careful when you are putting people in a resort type of facility with, quote unquote, wild animals. there need to be protocols in place that, first of all, establish a safe barrier between you and that animal. at the end of the day there's an old saying saying the on thing predictable about wild animals is they're unpredictable. >> reporter: the company that operates this shark experience said it is closed as they investigate. atlantis has not commented on this incident.
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guys? >> all right. thank you, victor. now the search and rescue force who saved a group of college students who went climbing and were stuck in freezing temperatures. you have that for us, ginger? >> i do. i don't know about you all, but my idea of a college adventure when it was cold and snowy was walking to get bread sticks. [ laughter ] these kids are very adventurous and wanted to get out there. the actual air temperature dropped below zero, the wind chills were in the warning for hypothermia range. these students went for an adventure and they most certainly got one. what started out as a fun camping trip for four college students in kentucky quickly turned into a fight for their lives. according to authorities the friends from asbury university underestimated the weather and set out for a popular climbing spot. when they woke up tuesday, they found freezing temperature, sheets of ice and realized they were stranded. frantically calling for help. >> the temperatures outside were 15 degrees fahrenheit with wind gusts probably around 20 miles an hour.
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we had seen almost about 6 inches of accumulation in the area. that made the access roads and forest service road veries difficult to travel upon. >> reporter: the crew decided a helicopter was the only way to get to them. >> when we were coming in on the helicopter and had that bird's eye view of the area, it was obvious what kind of predicament they were in. having to traverse that would have been life threatening for the rescuers and for those students on top of the rock. this is the first time we've landed a helicopter on top of that. the question for the helicopter becomes, how close can we get? the two biggest dangers were probably whiteout conditions, big snow cloud kicking up and eliminating visibility for the pilots. the second issue is a concern that the helicopter might slide on the snow. >> challenging aspects of it,
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just getting them down off that rock and trekking them back the mile and a half. >> during the eight hour rescue the students followed instructions and made it home without serious injury. the search and rescue force gave credit to the quick thinking college students for helping ensure a positive outcome. >> they called early. they initiated the chain of response early. >> they are very very grateful for the help they got. >> everybody is so grateful for our first responders every day. i do that show hearts of heroes. i have learned so much about our first responders. the hours and really years of training that goes into something like that should also be commended. >> it should. >> it was such a challenging rescue. >> right. they've trained forever to do it. you still come up on challenges. they made it happen and everybody is okay. >> okay. now you have me wanting bread sticks. [ laughter ] >> next adventure choice. >> it is good to have you back, ginger. coming up what's behind that lingering cough so many people have? dr. darien sutton gives us the
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facts. plus the home remedy that could help you. next we hear from a passenger who sold their home and booked a trip on that cancelled three-year cruise and she's still waiting for a refund. stick around. you're watching gma. for a refu. for a refu. stick around watching gma. respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine.
7:39 am
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and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. [♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay.
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who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. back with the new fraud accusations from some of the people who booked a trip on the three year life at sea cruise. they are not happy. >> yeah, this is really something, robin. dozens of passengers say they
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still haven't gotten a refund a month after that cruise was suddenly cancelled. many selling homes or use life savings to fund the trip. now they're demanding action from the government. this morning some passengers of that cancelled three-year life at sea cruise want the department of justice help them get their refunds. >> it seems like one of very few options left open to us at this point. >> reporter: as first reported by "the new york times" at least 78 of the passengers sent a letter to the doj urging the department to investigate life at sea for fraud after millions were allegedly collected by the company. some passengers telling gma they sold their homes to pay for the trip, which was supposed to set sail in november but got cancelled days before because the company did not secure a suitable ship. kerry whitman paying $32,000 for the trip. >> i sold my house, got rid of most of my things. >> reporter: the letter accuses life of sea cruises of mismanaging $16 million, a claim
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the company denies. in a text message overnight a representative for life at sea telling gma the passengers are free and have all the right to go to an attorney. we strongly do not accept to be accused a fraud. yes, there is a delay in paying refunds. yes, we lost millions with life at sea. but each and every passenger who asked for a refund will receive it very soon. >> i do not believe that this started out as a scam. i think that the company had all of the best intentions. but at this point there have been enough inconsistencies. it's hard for me to look at it as something otherwise. >> reporter: the passengers would have already been on the first leg of the cruise. many of them americans who bought into the dream of traveling across the globe on a ship. extended cruises are increasing in popularity, with royal caribbean's ultimate world cruise currently at sea, and yet another 3 1/2 year cruise set to sail this may.
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>> for us it was a little bit like a traveling hotel room. >> reporter: kerry and her husband say they sold their two apartments and have been stranded in an istanbul hotel while they wait for a refund of over $80,000. >> if there's evidence that shows that the cruise operator was committing fraud, was lying, was materially concealing information. that is going to expand the scope of damages. so these customers may very well be entitled to not just a refund of their money, but all sorts of damages paid for the preparations they might have made or the things they gave up. >> reporter: the passengers behind the push say if they're not getting paradise, they at least want their normal lives back. >> for many of us, this is life destroying. this will change our way of life for years and years to come. >> reporter: in that text messages to us overnight, the company said they would be getting the refunds very soon. they said that means february 15th at the latest. we're going to be watching this. >> please follow up on this one. boy, your heart goes out to these folks. >> $80,000.
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>> i know. and they were expecting an adventure. not this kind of adventure. coming up the break through research that could help those needing a blood stem cell transplant find a donor. it could save lives. and next it's our play of the day. come on back. t, it's our play oe day. come on back. (♪) with wet amd, sometimes i worry my world is getting smaller because of my sight. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo.
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(♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments. which means doing more of what i love. (♪) vabysmo is the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. (♪) open up your world! a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression,
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suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. (♪) (♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) we are back with our play of the day. eagles star center jason kelce making a play off the field. this is so sweet.
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>> so great. i love this. he may be one of the biggest stars of the nfl, but jason kelce is also a down to earth normal guy who loves a little mcd's. every now an then. jason is a man who knows how to win super bowls and the hearts of his local community. take a look. one mcdonald's employee is lovin' it after receiving a super size surprise from jason kelce. >> my boss and i were talking and he said, i have a funny feeling he will be in tomorrow. you should bring your jersey with you. >> reporter: danielle bonham has served the future hall of fame center many times over the course of his career. >> i'm grateful for being fortunate enough to be one of the people that have been able to have a bond with him. i feel like i have known him my whole life. >> reporter: when he pulled up to the window on wednesday, the life long eagles fan held up her number 62 jersey and asked -- >> would you mind signing it? he was like, sure. how many l's is it? i know your name is danielle. i spelled it out for him.
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he gave it back to me. i told him i loved him. he said, you, too. i said again, thank you for everything. then the rest of the day's been a blessing. >> reporter: the super bowl champ taking the attention in stride. >> i was blubbering like an idiot, crying, hyper ventilating. he always grabs my hand. it's comforting. he is just a regular person just like any one of us. he's got a little something extra. >> reporter: kelce is reportedly chewing over the idea of retiring after the eagles season ending loss over the weekend. >> that looks like a man filled with emotion right now. >> reporter: if he does decide to hang up his cleat, the loss will be felt not only by the team, but by the community, the fandom, who have grown to love him along the way. >> he's got a big heart. it shows. his teammates are lucky to have him. we're all lucky to have him.
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>> as danielle said, she feels like she's known him her whole life. he has spent his 13-year career with the eagles. as you can imagine, fans like danielle are very interested in the decision. they really hope jason will stay but without a doubt they so understand and support him if he says it's time to go home and enjoy his family. >> very cool that he knew her name. >> such a good guy. >> those eyes. those sweet eyes. okay. coming up lara will be back, has some exciting music news ahead in pop news. >> so much. >> justin timberlake. >> and ariana grande. >> you heard the woman. we'll be right back. woman. we'll be right back. before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling.
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feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. let's begin shall we? this is apple tv+. the streaming service with something for everyone. let's go! new releases every week. the best movies, shows and so much more. you can watch it on all the devices you already own. here we go. ♪ start streaming now. >> the avalanche danger is still
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high. idaho, colorado has warnings. look at this from utah. the high wind. then one to two feet of extra snow. you're going to see that for the rest of the week. coming up on gma, try before you buy. becky worley is going to show you how some of those popular reusable cups measure up. and we're gonna warm you heart with a day of sunshine, with kids who are making it their mission to help i'm protecting my car. that's too much work. weathertech is so much easier... laser-measured floorliners up here, seat protector and cargoliner back there... nice! out here, side window deflectors... and mud flaps... and the bumpstep, to keep the bumper dent-free. cool! it's the best protection for your vehicle, new or pre-owned. this election is a choice between results or just
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rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who's going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff, he held a dangerous president accountable. >> he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. >> our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight . i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. one, two, three four. >> something bigger. feel it happening. not in my control. push him falling in his gravity. feel it in my bones. like i'm looking for my doubles partner. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's sue with a look at traffic. hi, sue. >> good morning. kumasi still busy, especially at the bridges. earlier problems on the bay bridge had metering lights on
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before 5 a.m, still stacked up all the way through the maze and onto 80 and 580 star all midspan at the san mateo bridge and also a huge backup at the richmond-san rafael bridge. almost four miles. drew. >> hey sue, fog is lifting for better conditions in the north bay. our numbers are improving this morning. we'll get you out the door. temperatures mainly in the 40s to begin our day today. it will be a mostly cloudy day. a live look from sutro tower. there's the low level fog above the fog. we have pretty overcast sky, so limited sunshine today, but we are rain free today and temperatures actually getting into the 60s away from the coast. but tomorrow rain is back in the forecast in the afternoon and evening. it's a level one for some quick downpours and some gusty winds as well. >> kumasi thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest dylan on news app and at abc seven >> bedazzled by cirque du soleil. while kooza takes over
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the bay area experience kooza electrifying performances, now through march 17th at oracle park and at santa clara county fairgrounds starting april 18th. tickets on sale at cirque du when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off with dupixent. >> show off your clearer skin and less itch because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists , you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint
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aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent not just any whiteboard. >> katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's often seen grilling top executives and banks, big pharma, even top administration officials katie porter never taken corporate pac money, never will, leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges, from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> lots of you have trusted my advice over the years. i mean, phillies quarterback delivered, didn't he? now i'm back with a new fantasy. must play draftkings pick six. just pick between 2 and 6 players and choose if they're going to have more or less of a stat than compete against others for cash prizes. it's that simple. so get
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started with up to 100 credits back. if your first pick set loses, download the draftkings pick six app from the leader in fantasy sports. the crown is yours. >> in the next 30s, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as a euphoria subsides, the realization hits. >> i gotta sell the house. >> don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh yes. start with an all cash offer at open door. com track the rain with live doppler seven now on the abc seven bay area streaming app. good morning more than 90 million americans waking up to alerts. the arctic blast turning deadly, and the new storm on the move
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bringing snow and ice to the west. ginger tracking it all. cough won't quit? dr. darien sutton is here with what could be causing it, when you should see a doctor an the home remedies that could help. one match, second chance. a break through for the thousands in need of a life-saving blood stem cell transplant. the new research that makes many more matches possible. we meet a young girl saved by a donor with a partial match. you've seen the cup frenzy. now we're looking at the insulated cups. how they measure up to others with our try before you buy. ♪ i'm walking on sunshine whoa whoa ♪ >> and get your sunglasses because your gma ray of sunshine is brighter than ever. >> it's important to us that no child goes uncelebrated. >> meet the young woman changing lives one birthday cake at a time. plus the kids leading the great kindness challenge.
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they want you to join, too. it's all ahead as we say -- >> good morning america! [ cheering ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> we have to say those kids are truly a ray of sunshine, committed to giving back to their community. they have taken the kindness challenge. they're gonna warm your heart and inspire you to take it, too. >> look how excited they are. we're excited, too. also ahead a new study tries to put an end to a heated debate about men, women and directions. i promise you won't hate me after this. [ laughter ] >> we should just give up. >> that may be the answer. >> we're going to look at the top stories breaking at 8. millions across the country are experiencing brutal cold weather. ginger is tracking the latest. there's also a new storm coming. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, george. what a week it's been. at least 37 people have died in the snow, ice and cold.
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some deaths even hypothermia. you're looking at what was happening in lyndon, washington. one of the many roads in the pacific northwest down to portland where they had i-84 closed for a time with ice. you can see also hamburg, new york, one of the spots picking up feet of lake effect snow. buffalo has had more than 60 inches already. i'm saying already because so far. there's more to come. there's plenty of cold air to make that lake effect snow. feels like 15 below up in the northern plains, 27 below in some places. new winter weather advisories and wind chill warnings. today's kind of warm, hate to say that, compared to what will happen in the next few days. there's a clipper that meets this energy from the south. nashville, who just had their annual snow in one day, has a chance at ice tonight. then that snow, 1 to 3 inches. pittsburgh over to new jersey, connecticut. tomorrow morning through noon is going to be the worst for that i-95 corridor. >> we will keep that in mine, ginger. thank you.
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we're going to turn to the fishermen taking a case to the supreme court. terry moran is tracking that. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a major case with potentially huge impacts in so many areas. and the question is, when congress writes a law that is ambiguous, who gets to decide what it means? who gets to fill in the blanks? regulatory agents or judges? and the case before the court, as you say, is about fishing boats. under federal law, most commercial fishing boats are required to have federal monitors on board to make sure the seas are not overfished. but the law that congress wrote did not specify who should pay for those monitors. the regulatory agency decided the owners of the boats should pay. they, of course, don't like that. but under a 1984 supreme court case, the supreme court decided that regulatory agencies decisions should be deferred to as long as the decision of the regulators is reasonable. that's a low bar. so when the case came before the
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court, conservative justices made clear they think that case gives too much power to regulators. they want judges to take some of that power back and they want to overturn that 1984 case. liberals say, and they warn, that could cause chaos because thousands of cases depend on that 1984 precedent. they also warn that judges just do not have the expertise that regulators do in so many areas that the federal government manages, from medicare, pharmaceuticals, airplane manufacture, all kinds of things, judges would be in over their heads. that's the argument. looks like conservatives do have the upper hand here. there is so much at stake in this case and a decision is expected by the spring. gio? >> terry, thank you very much. before this next story i want to make it crystal clear i believe women are way smarter than men. you got that? >> okay. >> let's go to this new study. this study says men are better at directions.
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researchers previously thought evolution played a role giving men better navigational skills. now a team from the university of illinois said it comes down to how boys and girls are raised. they believe boys are encouraged to play outside more than girls are, making them better at mapping their surroundings. the study compared the way finding abilities of males and females across 21 species. including humans. humans were tested by navigating through a real city either with a map or verbal instructions. while women tended to travel farther from home they struggled more than their male counter parts. the faces robin is giving me. the researchers say it all comes down to experience. there's a lesson, get outside more. get your kids outside. >> yeah. sure, sure. >> but these researchers did not meet my mom. she was a human map. >> i will say this, men may be better at directions, but you're terrible at taking directions. am i right? am i right? >> that's for sure. [ laughter ] >> i didn't need research for that.
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>> i'm not sure we're better at directions either. coming up in our gma morning menu, what richard simmons is saying about the bio pic about his life. >> if you have a cough that won't quit, dr. sutton is here with when to go to the doctor and what to do to get relief. >> plus the new hope for thousands in need of a blood stem cell transplant. why the odds are finding a match are improving. and lara's with tory. >> i am, robin. we have deals and steals today thanks to tory that come to the aid of your skin and hair in this frigid weather. not only that, all of these products are half off. they start at just $11. so good. you're gonna want them, coming up on "good morning america." coming up on "good morning america." asthma. it can make you miss out on those epic hikes with friends. step back out there, with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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fasenra helps prevent asthma attacks. most patients did not have an attack in the first year. fasenra is proven to help you breathe better so you can get back to doing day-to-day activities. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. get back to what you've missed. ask your doctor about fasenra, the only asthma treatment taken once every 8 weeks. if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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(woman) oh, well this is me... (man) it's still early. do you wanna maybe grab a coffee?st milk it. (vo) with the wells fargo active cash card — you earn 2% cash back on what you want. like coffee. ping-pong. a movie. karaoke. and... 2% cash back on what you need. (man) no no no, just my shoe. (vo) like maybe shoes without laces. (man) just my shoe folks. (vo) the wells fargo active cash card. that's real life ready. i'm steve. i lost 138 pounds in 9 months on golo and taking release. golo saved my life. i was way overweight, and that's what sent me down the path, was i--i wanted to make sure and live for my kid. plain and simple.
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(bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. about two years ago i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. and she's able to join us on our adventures. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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is back here on gma. tomorrow the new bachelor is gonna join us live. right now we want to get to our gma cover story. richard simmons has responded to a new biopic based on his life. it stars pauly shore. erielle reshef is here with the story. good morning. >> simmons is a fitness legend. in recent years he's stayed out of the spotlight. now in a rare public statement, he says he did not sanction the upcoming movie about his life. this morning reclusive fitness icon richard simmons issuing a rare statement after word that a bio pic about his life will soon be released. >> i just love myself, every part of myself. >> reporter: the 75-year-old saying on facebook, hi, everybody. you may have heard they may be doing a movie about me with pauly shore. i have never given my permission for this movie, so don't believe everything you read.
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i no longer have a manager and i no longer have a publicist. i just try to live a quiet life and be peaceful. thank you for all your love and support. >> one, two, three! >> reporter: simmons rose to stardom with a syndicated show in the '80s followed by his sweating to the oldies aerobics videos. his energetic personality made him a favorite guest on talk shows. >> it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! >> if this doesn't bring the cops, i don't know what will. >> reporter: in 2014, simmons withdrew from public life, cutting off contact with friends. soon rumors began to circulate he was missing or being held against his will. simmons addressed the rumors saying, aren't you sick of hearing and reading about me, lol? well by now you know i'm not missing, just a little under the weather. yesterday a trailer was released for a short film called the court jester with pauly shore playing simmons.
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a feature film also starring shore is in development. the production company behind the film saying, while we would love to have simmons involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story. the shore film premieres friday at the sun dance film festival. no word when the full length film will be released. lara. >> thank you. we're going to turn to that cough that won't go away. as many as 30 million people go to the doctor because of coughing. this winter it seems like we've either had a lingering cough or certainly know someone who has had it. medical correspondent dr. darien sutton is here with what's behind it and what you can do about it. this is really troublesome. lot of people are like, okay, great. flu is over, cold is over but why isn't this cough going away? >> so many patients have that question. they come in and their cough is sometimes lasting more than four, five week, which is a concern. it should be worked up. i think it's also important to describe what is happening. this is how i describe it to my patients.
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here's an example of a clear air way. we have small air sacks in our lungs. they help send oxygen to our blood so we can get the air we need. during this cough season you have a buildup of mucus and irritants. that stimulates our cough receptors in our chest and causes the cough reflex. many things can cause the buildup of mucus. common things being common, viral illnesses. also acid reflux, allergies, asthma. things like that can increase your buildup of mucus. it's about figuring out the cause. >> what do you think is the cause this year? we are seeing so much more. >> i think a lot of the causes are the illnesses we are seeing. we're seeing increases in flu, rsv and covid. common things being common. but i also never forget to think about the other causes when i'm evaluating a patient because you never know. >> let's come over here. some people have been dealing with this cough that lasts for weeks on end. what's normal? what's not normal? >> i think this helps illustrate how we are thinking as physicians when you're talking to us about symptoms.
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how long has this lasted? i'm looking at how chronic you are based on the time period. first three weeks, typical viral season. that's the typical time where you're going to have that cough. >> three weeks. >> then after that, three to six week mark that's what we call subacute. that's time when we're more investigative. we're doing imaging, trying to figure out what else could be the cause. it could be post infection which is just your lungs healing. and then down here after eight weeks that's something called chronic cough. that's what needs an additional workup including images. just trying to figure out what could be the cause. >> what can we do at home if we have the cough that's just so irritating? simple remedies? >> simple remedies, we all have been taught soups and broth are helpful from our parent, grandparents. >> true or not true? >> it is absolutely true. our grandparents can help us solve that. if you have your tea, honey, even eucalyptus oil if you put it in warm water. it smells fantastic.
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put it in your vaporizer. a few drops to help clear your airways. it can be an anti-inflammatory. >> i do that sometimes for the voice. it really does work. >> same. it does. it helps you from becoming hoarse. >> sure. exactly. that didn't work. now let's talk doctor. when is it time to say, it's time for the doc? >> personally, i think after three weeks you should get an exam, some type of imaging. after that, that dictates what the intervention is. some people find benefit of over the counter medications. the on thing i say to this, lara, is that these medications are made to help your symptoms. they aren't going to change your outcome. you might need steroids or an inhaler. that only comes after formal exam and workup. >> it's frustrating. it's annoying and sometimes painful. i know you all are dealing with it a lot. thank you. really good information dr. sutton. >> of course. >> we're going to head over to ginger. >> with young kids i'm like, he's had that for three months, don't worry, he's not contagious.
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the coughs are a bummer, that's for sure. let's check out what is happening. it is the season. we've had more than a foot of snow in some parts of washington state. now the warning for 6 to 12 inches. snow elevations are as low as 2,000 feet. most of california is getting rain. that rain gets all the way to los angeles, santa barbara. let's get a check closer to home now. two. i'm abc seven news meteorologist >> all right. i'm very excited about this pop news. lara? >> i better deliver then, gio. good morning, everybody. we have a lot to get to.
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we are going to begin with music news. ariana grande is in the news because, after less than a week debuting this new song, she has announced a new album is, in fact, in the works. grande revealing the news on instagram with these images. very pretty. saying that her first full album in over four years will be called eternal sunshine. it drops march 8th. grande's debut single and music video for this song "yes and" sky rocketed to the number one spot on charts everywhere, the biggest spotify streaming debut of her career. also number one on apple music's global top 100 chart. eternal sunshine debuts in march. looking forward to ariana. doing my little ariana tribute. >> that was good. >> yeah. also in the news this morning, we talked about him yesterday. justin timberlake is putting out new music. we told you he is planning on a one night on concert in memphis. it's tomorrow night.
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he has, in fact, posted cryptic photos on instagram with the caption, listen up, eitiw. one of the photos even has a tongue and cheek missing poster that says timberlake's age is infinity, height feels like ten feet tall and list hair color as depends. i understand. [ laughter ] fans are in overdrive thinking maybe those letters stand for the title of a new song. they are going so far as to guess what the song is called. they're thinking that it's called everything i thought i was. a-ha. you can't blame them for being so excited. if all this means new music is on the way, it would be his first new album in six years. let's go, j.t. >> he keeps us guessing, doesn't he? >> he sure does. he keeps us guessing. earlier in the week we showed you this amazing halftime show by a high school varsity dance
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troupe in california honoring usher. get ready. another dance team is going viral for their amazing moves. you gotta stop right now, as robin said earlier. watch your screen. university of minnesota dance team performing this synchronized jazz routine to aerosmith's "dream on." ♪ >> wow. they're all in sync. >> wow. ♪ dream on dream on dream on ♪ >> wow. >> it's mesmerizing. they are so good. 24 student athletes moving in perfect harmony at the college cheerleading and dance team national championships in orlando, florida last weekend where the head coach, amanda gaines, says they do it because they're passionate about dance. the more people can support these athletes the better for everyone. they took home a championship trophy. congratulations.
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>> they are athletes. >> absolutely. who's hungry? >> me. >> always. >> bread sticks? [ laughter ] >> finally this morning we want you to check this out. the internet is in overdrive about this new smoothie from supermodel, friend of gma gisele. the smoothie is for sale at a high end supermarket in los angeles for a whopping $19. it's called the giselderberry boost, said to be packed with tons of goodness, almond butter, coconut, bananas, acai. how do you say it? i can never say it. i have never had one of those bowls. >> it is so good. >> it is so good. >> for $19 i think everyone hopes it is. i'm glad to hear that. bunchin tells people elder berry syrup has been her secret for health for 20 years. now you can have it, too. many are asking what else is in it?
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portion of the proceeds go to nonprofit organizations for agriculture and organic farming. we just thought we would try it out. gisele, thank you. >> looks beautiful. >> guess who is hanging out with gisele next week. >> let me guess. >> heading down there. >> you better tell us how to make it. >> she is going to show us. >> okay, good. >> tell us all of her secrets. little gisele in our lives. >> we got to get going. >> cheers. lead the way. >> lara and i are heading over to tory johnson, deals and steals to help your skin and nails through this harsh winter -- what are you doing? this harsh winter weather. not good on the bones either. thank you. everything is 50% off. >> that's all we need to say, right? first up, first aid beauty known as fab because it is fabulous. they are known for their ultrarepair cream. face and body.
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you can literally use this anywhere. they've also created fab in a flash bundle which is their cleanser. brooke said this is what she uses because it's creamy and doesn't dry out your skin. which is really important. plus, also, we've got their facial radiance pads. they've created these great bundles. all 50% off. plus from fab -- >> free shipping! >> yes, right on cue. next up. what i love about this, their foundations. one of them for full coverage that just won't quit is their one called total cover cream foundation. so if you've got discoloration, redness, anything you just don't want to see when you are out and about and you want that flawless finish, this is for you. elena was gracious enough to pull your two shades right here. this allows you to have just full control.
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i also absolutely love their perfect setting powder. whether you use their foundation or your own, this perfect setting powder is really nice. kind of like an instagram filter in a jar. it's weightless. just makes everything look beautiful, no matter what you have going on. their glow drops always on robin's face. everything slashed in half, starts at $19. what's special about this one, they consider themselves luxurious formulas at a value price. so everything, the active ingredients, just because something has a good ingredient doesn't mean that it's the right concentration to deliver results. two of their favorites, most popular, retinol night cream is one of them. packaging all 50% off starts at $11. wonderful all right. nassif, m.d. this is the one
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that elena is like adding to her cart right now on her phone. we've got a lot of favorites from them, and they're all about this is a plastic surgeon created line key markers of healthy skin hydration, even skin tone, smooth texture and firmness. and that's what all of these products deliver on. this one right here is part of a new collection. it's their hydro-screen hydration collection. this is a serum that you could use anywhere on your body, especially face though helps. boost collagen, helps diminish the signs. of aging. >> you put this on first and then moisturizer. you got it all slashed in half. >> starts at $15. >> i'm in. all right. >> gloves in a bottle. let me see these hands. this is a really great one. so if you've got dry cracked, that kind of irritated winter skin, it creates almost like a shield on your hands. it is beloved by people who are washing their hands a lot during the day, because it won't wash off. you get 4 to 12 hours of protection
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with this. i cannot say enough about this product that all of it, 50% off. and then finally we views on this are really, really good. we've got bosley, m.d. this is all about hair strengthening solutions for women and men. one of their newest men. next and if you have broken hair for any reason, this product is for you. their whole collection 50% off. you've got two bonus deals that you will only find at good morning >> we've partnered with these companies on all these amazing deals. go to our website. i'm going to drink my smoothie free shipping on many >> sorry everyone. i ran out of space and time. >> why are we even doing this? try josh, try >> building a better bay area moving forward. finding solutions. this is abc seven news. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven news. let's see how traffic is doing. sue, what are you looking at?
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>> it's slow traffic still remaining. reggie we'll take a look right now at highway 17. it's moving fairly nicely on highway 680, though. southbound at sunol road, we do have an accident. also an accident across the bay, 101 north at keough. that's just north of highway 92. the reason for very slow traffic there, reggie. thanks, sue. >> it is not raining. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for a look at that. when we come back. good morning, i'm cindy bigalow. >> i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. going to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. hey. >> so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is.
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a moment for you. someone you love. oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow, that. >> it's what my family hopes for . >> cheers. cheers >> not just any whiteboard. katie porter's whiteboard is one way. she's often seen grilling top executives and banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter never taken corporate pac money. never will, leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges, from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter, and i approve this message. >> precision is an excellent company. we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. >> it's kind of one of those things that i personally take pride in making sure that the people make the right decision. >> we highly recommend precision precision door service, the name you can trust. >> hey. >> bay area live with kelly and
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marcus coming up, we'll chat with sofia vergara from griselda, plus bargains with monica mangan. that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in about 30 minutes. we'll go outside. you can see a couple of layers of cloud cover from our tam cam, a little bit of fog near the surface, and then we have pretty overcast skies. once you get rid of that fog today we have temperatures starting out in the 40s and in the low 50, our dense fog advisory has been canceled, but we have morning clouds. that just leads to a pretty cloudy day throughout the afternoon. by 4 p.m. it's limited sunshine, but we get those temperatures into the 60s away from the coast, dry today. rain returns tomorrow in the afternoon, and then we'll find some heavier showers over the weekend. reggie. thanks, drew. >> another abc seven news update in 30 minutes. you can always find us on our news app andand c seven right welcome back to gma live from times square. >> welcome to this morning's ray of sunshine. gio is downstairs.
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hey, gio. >> hey, george. so listen. ray is here. that means we're going to have a lot of fun. we've got some amazing kids here. they all made a big pledge this year to spread kindness. they want you to join them. we're going to talk to them. but first another young person who's making a real big difference in her community one birthday cake at a time. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> reporter: this morning we are singing the praises of hannah. she was just 14 when she started one wish project, baking cakes in her kitchen, delivering them to kids at a local shelter. >> i took what i loved doing, which was baking, and i started baking for eight kids in one homeless shelter. i was using my baby-sitting money to fund all of the birthdays. >> reporter: now the nonprofit serves up to 1,200 kids a year in shelters or the foster care system.
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>> it's important to us that no child goes uncelebrated. >> reporter: finn now running one wish project with her mother and 300 volunteers. >> i'm just full of pride and excitement for her, that she's created such an amazing project that affects so many people. >> reporter: the ingredients, they seem simple. home made cake decorated with love, presents, thoughtfully chosen for each birthday kid, and all the decorations. the recipe for a perfect birthday, making all the difference for kids. >> it shows me that i have more support and more people to depend on. having other people out there saying this is your birthday, go on and celebrate it, we're gonna give you gift, a cake. you do deserve it. it makes it more light an joy. it's important for me to recognize these kids. to just be able to show them that someone cares about them and they are loved and they deserve a birthday celebration regardless of their circumstances that they're in.
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>> reporter: so hannah finn and all the volunteers making birthday wishes come true, we say you are our ray of sunshine. >> yay! [ cheers ] >> how awesome is hannah? just one of many kids who are changing the world through small acts of kindness. and so is every young person right here with us. you guys are all rays of sunshine, all right. they are part of the 20 million children worldwide who have pledged to perform a billion acts of kindness thanks to the nonprofit organization kids for peace. its annual great kindness challenge. we are here with the group's executive director jill mcmanigal. welcome to gma. >> thank you. delighted to be here. >> tell us about the kindness challenge. why is it so important right now? >> so we need kindness now more than ever. kindness is not just a nicety. it is a necessity. it heals, it unites, it lifts people up. with the great kindness challenge, that's exactly what
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we're doing. we're making kindness a priority. >> two of your student ambassadors here, chuck and krystal. welcome to gma. i have a note here, chuck, you did 100 acts of kindness last year. you want to double that this year. >> yeah. >> how are you going to do it? >> to double my kindness this year i want to volunteer in charities and charitable activities at school and contribute any way i can. i also want to pick up trash in my area, recycle, help the environment and to encourage my friends, family and community to do the same. [ applause ] >> that's amazing. i love that. that's amazing. krystal, your nickname, i heard, is kindness. you love to volunteer with your mom. why is it so important for you to volunteer? >> me and my mom love helping the community by giving food, coats and clothes. it doesn't matter how old or young you are, you can still be kind and make a big impact in
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the world. >> that's the lesson you are all teaching us this morning. thank you all for being so amazing. [ applause ] you are doing an amazing job. >> thank you so much for having us. >> absolutely. >> yeah. kindness matters. >> this year's theme is create kindness. many schools tell us this is the happiest week of their whole year. we have the story of two more amazing teens spreading sunshine around the world as part of this great kindness challenge. that is coming up on gma saturday. [ applause ] robin? >> we cannot wait for that. so glad to have them with us this morning. thank you, gio. coming up, we have the break through that could make blood stem cell transplants available to more people. stem cell transplants available to more (♪) (♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort.
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and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) this election is a choice between kids' special ticket offer. results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> we are back with one match second chance, a break through for those who need blood stem cell transplants. about 70% of patients don't have a fully matched donor in their family. when they search registry, the odds range from 30% to 80%, depending on their ethnic background. now thanks to brand new research those odds, thank goodness, are improving. this morning new hope for thousands of patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant. >> we want to thank you all for joining us in our fight to help find amelia a bone marrow transplant donor. >> reporter: like amelia johnson who, at 9 years old, was in the fight of her life after being diagnosed
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in november 2021 with acute myloid leukemia, a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. >> she started on pretty much six months of chemo. given how aggressive it was, radiation to the whole body was also needed. >> reporter: amelia would need a blood stem cell transplant for her best chance at a life saving cure. but the odds were stacked against her. >> amelia is half black and half indian, so they warned us that it would probably be difficult finding her a full match. they said if even possible. >> ethnically diverse patients with blood cancers and disorders historically have had less than 50% chance of finding a fully matched transplant. but new research, led by nndp, suggest these odds are improving, that a fully matched donor is no longer needed. >> it just generates great
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opportunities for patients in need of a life saving transplant who in the past didn't have this opportunity. the research is really making things that ten years ago we thought were impossible now possible. >> my story begins today. i am being admitted for my bone marrow transplant. >> reporter: thanks to the new treatment options and medical advancements doctors finding 23-year-old cassidy, amelia's partially matched optimal donor. on june 3, 2022, amelia, under going a successful blood stem cell transplant. >> our miracle came true. we have cassidy to thank for everything. we have amelia here with us because of her. >> today amelia is thriving, and her family hopes to encourage more people to sign up for the registry and stay committed when called. >> the future is bright. amelia is proof.
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with science, technology and more young and healthy donors, all patients will be able to receive their life saving cell therapy and that future is very near. >> amelia's family went public with her need for a donor. by doing so, raised awareness of how others find their donor. one of the most crucial things about this new research is that in not needing a fully matched donor helped address the ethnic disparities getting that crucial transplant. i remember when i got my transplant, my sister was a perfect match. they told me. that only happens 70% of the time. eve somebody on the registry. there was no one for me. my sister had not been a match. now ten years later, it is amazing. amazing. >> bone chilling. >> i know.
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i just know families are just, giving them hope. >> what a beautiful little girl. >> she is. >> go to ginger. >> thank you. amelia, robin, everyone who shares their story, you save more lives. this morning the wind chill is only 12 in chicago. i say only 12 not because i'm trying to say that's cold. that's relatively warm compared to what they've been. there will be a reinforcing shot of arctic air as we go into the weekend. feels like will be at subzero sunday morning. 17 below the feels like. nashville, you'll feel like 3 below. as we round out january and go into february, this is the extended outlook from 8 to 14 days from now we're looking above average. it is not warm but it is above average rather than below. let's get a check now closer to home.
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all right. now to try before you buy. this morning it's all about those inflated reusable cups that have become the craze on social media and in real life. becky worley tried them all out and she's got news for us. good morning, becky. >> lara, good morning. have you heard about the must have accessory of 2024? a-listers and soccer moms alike are carrying it everywhere. it's hot hot hot. also cold cold cold. yes, it's the stanley cup, but at a rather high price and with some nicely priced competitors, we had to try before you buy. >> this one matches my outfit so we're gonna buy it. >> reporter: how did a reusable cup from a 110-year-old thermos company become the social frenzy of the world. >> i have entered my hydrated era. >> reporter: great, but 45 bucks for a cup? to investigate, i tried out a stanley cup which cost the
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aforementioned $45 and compared it to the simple modern cup from amazon at $29.99 and the ozark cup from wal-mart at $19.97. all three hold 40 ounces of liquid and come with screw on caps and straws. none fit very well in exercise machines, but they do all work in a car cup holder. the bottles can hold holt or cold liquid. each have a different claim how long they can keep drinks hot. we wanted to look at their claims on keeping drinks cold. at 6:30 a.m. i filled all three bottles with cold water. all 48 degrees, lids on. i placed them next to a vent in my home where it was 66 degrees. okay. it's now 5:30 p.m. these have been sitting for 11 hours. they started at 48 degrees. let's see what's changed. the stanley is now 54 degrees. 52 degrees.
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those are 53. the simple modern came in tops. it only gained about four degrees. final issue, what's the spill situation? ask the ozark has a stopper on the straw itself. let's imagine a catastrophic situation like this thing flips over inside your purse. how much water is coming out of this? i hold each bottle over an empty pan for ten seconds to see how much liquid comes out. could be messy. first the stanley. ten seconds. lot of water. stanley lost just under 1.5 cups of water. next simple modern. ten seconds. not too bad. quarter cup. last up the ozark. again a quarter cup. it has a silicone top on the plastic straw. it was just loose.
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yikes. three different bottles, three different price points, all good ways to stay hydrated. now, i have to tell you having these around the house, i have been drinking a lot more water. i think it's because i don't have to unscrew anything or flip a top. just a straw and you can drink. i think that's a sad testament to how lazy i am. [ laughter ] just the straw makes me drink more water. of the three, it's sort of a goldilocks situation. i'm going to probably use the simple modern the most. it's got the middle price point. i like the design. all good choices and shopable here today, lara. >> great minds think alike. that's the one i picked as well. i got one for christmas. i use it all the time. thank you, my friend. coming up fun ways to get fit with your kids. check it out coming up on gma. n ways to get fit with your kids. check that out. it's coming up on gma.
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...a legend,... ...a legacy,... ...a pop star,... ...and a tight end all have in common? they all got this season's updated covid-19 shot to help better protect them against recent variants. got it? ( ♪ ) got yours?
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>> all right. we are >> all right. we are back now helping you roar into '24 with family fitness. it can be hard for parents to find time to work out. we have some great ways to make it easier by making it a family affair. matt nolan is here with us. he's here with his little boy. his son is here as well, hiding behind him, but i promise he's here. >> he's so shy. >> eli. >> you want to come out? no, okay. >> not yet. >> okay. trust us, he's there. we see you, buddy. why is the mine set so important getting kids so involved in fitness? >> it is crucial that as parents we have to make the most of our time. so what better way than work out with our kids and get them involved, introduced to fitness at a young age so they understand how important it is. especially when we have a little bit of time, we want to get the kids involved. it's the best way to spend our time with them. >> i understand you're going to show us ways to get them
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involved. >> very simple fun ways we can all do. i have my co-instructor here rebecca with her children. we're going to start out with something simple, a plank, but getting your kids involved. becca will get in a plank position. she'll have her son and daughter. jack, mia, come on out. get into a plank position. see how many times you can get your kids to crawl underneath you. so you ready, set, go. on your knees. jack goes. what's great here, as she's holding the plank, you want to see how many times you can get your kids to crawl under you. hold it. that alone is a great way to get your body moving. >> the things mothers will do. >> exactly. [ laughter ] let's get her out of that position. we know how strong she is. relax, becca. >> ideally, how long should we hold the plank? >> i love, obviously, we do things for time. so 30 second, 60 seconds if you feel adventurous. but short and sweet. >> i love it. let's talk about turning a game into exercise. >> i have a squad with me. everybody remember simon says, right? we all played simon says.
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that's what we'll do here. everybody spread out. great way to involve very simple moves. i like to do upper, lower and abs. we're going to go simon says, jumping jacks. good. simon says squat five times. good. simon says stop. good. pushup position. pushup position. >> you lost me there. >> gio's out. >> oh! >> you didn't say simon says. >> you get to be the instructor. you can get your kids to be the trainer. it's fun all around. >> this is great for days like today where half the country has snow days. you're stuck at home. you got your kids. this is a great way to sneak in a workout and give them something to do. >> 100%. >> i love that you say you can turn the whole world into your playground. >> the whole world. your whole space. we have turned gma into an obstacle course. that's exactly what we're going to do next. kid, line up in our spots. we've turned this into hop scotch. we're doing a burpee at the very end.
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>> did he say burpee? >> that's a fun word. kids like to say burpee. it's that idea even at home if you don't have this setup creating an obstacle course, your living room, up and down the stairs. be safe but again make it a game. ready. >> let's do it. >> hop scotch to the end. go. then do a burpee, down and up. >> burpee, burpee. >> now the slide. go! being creative with what you have, make your space fun, have a good time with your kids. keep moving. go, eli, go! >> this is so great. >> there we go. do you feel like you're getting a good workout? >> is this fun? >> i see ray is all over it. >> they've been waiting for this all morning. thank you. >> we want to thank you, matt. great ideas especially during these frigid days. kids, thank you for your help here. >> good job. keep going. still going.
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>> you were out first. we'll be right back.
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...thanks to dupixent. dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. and can help improve lung function for better breathing in as little as two weeks. dupixent helps prevent asthma attacks... and can even reduce or eliminate oral steroids. imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. >> hair, clothes, style and they get to make over you. so.
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much do you trust your partner? go to good morning to scan this qr code to find out how to enter menopause. >> be better at following directions. you can follow directions. sign up for my first one out critic kids jill. >> here's to good mornings in america. can you feel the love? mornings that inspire. filled with hope, kindness, joyous surprises, and so much fun. this is crazy. >> this is absolutely crazy. >> start your day with good morning america's ray of sunshine, highlighting the best of america and helping make dreams come true. >> wow. i feel so happy. >> it's so good. >> getrillioneady. to smile and put the good into your morning america. because you know what will make the morning better? >> a little ray of sunshine forever. >> friday night he told me i've killed before. and i'm not afraid to kill again. >> the 2020 true crime mystery deep in the heart of texas in a trailer near a darkened woods. >> something even more terrifying than a body. answers from beyond the grave to a deadly mystery. today we meet the devil himself.
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>> there is a monster in me. the true crime event. >> nobody ever suspected him. >> nobody. david muir, deborah roberts, the all new 2020 friday night at nine eight central on abc. >> see? everything everything gonna be all right this morning. >> as far as cases go, it was a piece of cake. >> boom. come on, man. disney on ice presents frozen and encanto in one exciting family experience. >> celebrate the power of love. if familia in the show, everyone will be talking about coming to the bay area, playing sap center february 7th through 12th and oakland arena february 22nd through 25th. for tickets and show details, visit disney on ice .com. not just any whiteboard, katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's
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often seen grilling top executives and banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. >> katie porter never taken corporate pac money. never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful earmarks that fund politicians pet projects, katie porter, focused on your challenges from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change . shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message in the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. i gotta sell the house. don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow oh, yes. start with an all cash offer at open door com. when breakfast looks like. >> ooh and tastes like, um. you
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clearing from the right hand shoulder westbound past the toll plaza. but the toll backup is definitely improved. a couple of accidents clearing south 680 near sunol that earlier accident just now cleared and improving south 101 near kehoe. that accident also pushed off to the shoulder. drew. hey. >> sue will take you to the exploratorium camera. we have partly sunny skies this morning. get used to the cloud cover because it's a mostly cloudy day . we are rain free today. temperatures away from the coast getting into the 60s, so it's mild despite the limited sunshine reigns back here tomorrow afternoon and then heavier showers over the weekend. it's level two on saturday. reggie aqui drew thank you. >> live with kelly and marcus straight ahead. we see you again on the air at 11 for midday live. have a great morning. it's live. have a great morning. it's live with kelly and mark today, the star of griselda, sofía vergara.


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