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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  January 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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good evening. i'm karina nova and i'm dion lim. taking a look at the conditions right now from some of our live shots. and you can see definitely wet out there. lots of green. yes. tonight we are on storm watch with team coverage abc seven news reporter ryan curry is live in san francisco with how people are preparing for this series of storms. let's begin with abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel for a look at current conditions. and i think all you can say is wet. yeah, dion and karina. while it is beneficial rain right now, it's going to become problematic. rain as we head further into the weekend and into early next week. let's take a look at live doppler seven, and you will notice that rain is falling across many parts of the bay area. the intensity has picked up right around la honda, pescadero street level radar showing you where the downpour is are happening between petaluma adobe road penngrove area. moderate to heavy rain at times will continue. south city san francisco you're seeing some steady rain as well, although
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not quite as intense. that level one storm off the coast. the low is spinning. it is pushing that moisture band in that front will be coming through here and the rainfall will continue to intensify high. so 7:00 do look for pockets of heavy rain that continues at 8 p.m. and then as we head towards the overnight hours, it tapers to showers. right now winds are gusty 43 miles an hour. mount eminem so it's mainly the higher terrain, lower terrain. it's breezy through tonight. level one rain, brief downpours, breezy. chance of thunder ponding on the roadways, especially if those thunderstorms develop. the big concern with the stormy pattern ahead today through wednesday is multiple storms are coming through heavy rain at times. with those winds picking up at times. could see some downed trees and power outages. not a lot, but could see some flooding on the roadways. a minor flooding creeks and streams and chants of shallow landslides. between today and wednesday, we're looking at 5 to 8in in the coastal hills north. bay, 3 to 5in elsewhere, an inch and a
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half to three inches of rain. we do have some warnings to pass along. i'll be back with that and the full weekend timeline plus the 49 ers forecast coming right up karina. thank you sandhya in parts of san francisco flood barricades are already up in preparation for this weekend's rain. abc seven news reporter ryan curry joins us live near the mission with details. and it looks like you're getting rained on right now. ryan >> yeah, it's coming down a little bit steady. and we're here at 18th and folsom. we're unfortunately, this street does have a history of rain and flooding in the past. so what is the city going to do about it to prevent any more flooding? well, as you can see behind me, they have these barricades already up all along the street to help keep these buildings and these businesses safe from any more damage. san francisco has learned a lot from last year. sandbag stations are stocked and ready to go in. folsom street is taking advantage at the edge of the road. big barriers public works hopes will stop rising water from getting into these buildings. this street got hit
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hard by last winter. storms but flooding isn't the only concern in rain soaked trees. can be dangerous. >> these trees seem to take on a lot more water, and once they get top heavy and that soil is loose, they're going to come down. >> frank vasquez and his team will be ready to go this weekend. it's hard to predict when a tree might come down, but when they do look out. just this week, a giant eucalyptus tree fell in golden gate park and it wasn't even raining. >> when you're under pressure, things start to happen. you can make wrong decisions. so just going over some of the safety issues and when to leave a situation, when it's safe to work in a situation others aren't letting the rain stop them. >> at luxford and hayes valley, you can't get ripped without getting a little wet. >> there might be some waterfalls happening to our left and to our right, but for the most part, we can still stay absolutely dry and get our workouts in. >> the outdoor gym has tents up all over their equipment. co-owner brandon vu says they'll stay open, but they'll have to make some adjustments for group classes. >> and we have a lot of folks in
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the house which, you know, beginning of the year it's been hot at the gym. and so, you know, maybe we're we're getting a little tighter, we're getting a little more close to their neighbors. but otherwise, i mean, it's business as usual. >> they stayed open during the strong downpours last year and are ready to do it again. >> we can make it happen. just come, come bundled, come prepared. >> you got to be prepared in weather like this. i was speaking to some of the business owners along this street. i was talking to them about what they had to go through last year. they're happy to see these barricades up along the street. they just want mother nature to be a little kinder to them this year than it was last year. we're live in san francisco. ryan curry, abc seven news can't control that. >> thanks, ryan. don't forget, you can track the forecast anytime with the same live doppler seven that sandhya uses. just search abc seven bay area in your device's app store now to download it. >> moving on in the south bay, a santa clara man has been charged with killing his wife in their home. >> 27 year old lee ran chen was found covered in scratches and blood after police were called to his home to perform a
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wellness check. his wife body wife's body was found nearby. police say she died from blunt force injuries to her head, and that chen told an officer he punched his wife. chen was supposed to be arraigned today, but is currently in the hospital. he is expected in court next wednesday for a third straight time. a judge is delaying a ruling in a case involving both california racial justice act and the antioch police texting scandal, as abc seven news reporter anser hassan explains, it could mean reduced charges for four defendants at the center of a murder trial. it's expected to be a landmark ruling with implications across california. >> this case will in large part determine whether or not law enforcement believes that the racial justice act has teeth, or whether it doesn't, or whether they're going to get away with business as usual, or whether they're going to have to really make changes. i think. that's the impact that this case is going to have on policing in california, mayor carmela
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caamano represents terrion pugh. >> he's currently on trial with three others facing a range of charges, including murder and attempted murder related to a gang shooting. he's also one of the individuals singled out in the antioch police texting scandal in april, caamano filed a motion under california's racial justice act, which allows a person charged or convicted of a crime to challenge racial bias. in their case, caamano says the texting scandal exposed that bias, and the prosecution doesn't dispute it. there were three officers who testified at multiple preliminary hearings in this case and never let on to the facts that we've learned through their texting in their private phones. a ruling on possible remedies was expected on friday, but for a third time, the judge delayed his decision with no indication when he will rule. possible outcomes includes reduced charges or dropping of special enhancements, caamano says the judge's delays suggests he's being meticulous about the ruling, knowing the ramifications. >> a lot of it is novel. there hasn't been a case of this nature with this magnitude of
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reach within. the state. >> cheryl cobbs is the mother of trent allen, another defendant in the case. she's been to every hearing and hopes a ruling comes soon. >> it's just a long road right now and just being patient right now. but it's hard in martinez, anser hassan abc7 news. >> some community groups in oakland want city leaders to resurrect a program that they credit with saving lives. there's a rally today called for mayor shengtao to bring back operation cease fire. speaker cited a recent audit that found a rise in violence came after the city moved away from the program in 2020. proponents say the community based prevention efforts, funded through operation cease fire, reduced homicides 42% between 2012 and 2017. >> we asked an administration to help us bring the community back to the table, bring us back to the table so we can make oakland safe again. let's stop playing. >> opponents of the effort to recall mayor shengtao blamed the rise in crime on former mayor
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libby schaaf and ousted police chief laurent armstrong. they say schaaf and armstrong moved away from operation cease fire. however, data analyzed by the abc7 news i-team shows homicides, robberies, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts were up year over year in 2023, the first year of the tao administration. critics also claim the data in that audit masks flaws with cease fires approach. >> the us department of education is now investigating the oakland unified school district over reports of anti-semitism in october, the union representing oakland teachers released a statement pledging unequivocal support for palestinian liberation since then, the san francisco chronicle reported an increase in families transferring out of the school system, including many jewish families who say they felt unsafe and uncomfortable. >> california state university students are being urged to show up to class on monday, despite next week's five day strike by faculty members. >> i want to assure everyone
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that our campuses will remain open, open and that we have provided and will continue to provide students and families with guidance and timely updates so they are able to check on the status of their classes. >> chancellor mildred garcia says she is hopeful that they'll hear from the unions over the weekend and return to the bargaining table. unions representing professors, lecturers, coaches, librarians and counselors called the strike last week after csu officials announced a 5% pay hike starting on monday. the unions are seeking a 12% salary increase. >> tony adkins is the first woman to lead the state assembly and the state senate. now she wants to be california's first female governor. today adkins announced that she's running for governor, and if she succeeds, the san diego democrat would also be the first openly lgbtq leader of the state. among the other candidates in the running, lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, former state
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controller betty yee and state schools chief tony thurmond. governor newsom is being.
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tara vanderveer could get a little bit closer and a win tonight would tie her with duke's coach k as the winningest coach in college basketball history. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey spoke with the legendary coach about this big night and her remarkable career. reporter >> records are there things that you can be proud of and you can look at a scrapbook later, but you know right now i just really want our team to be healthy. i want our team to have fun and improve. and it's as much as a team record as it is my record.
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so i would this would be a very fun team to share a record with a coach as modest as she is good, but this is not just any record. >> with 1203 wins, stanford women's basketball head coach tara vanderveer becomes the winningest coach in ncaa basketball history, but she's passing on any talk about this as a personal achievement. basketball is a team sport. >> you know, it was invented as a team sport and it always has been and always will be. and so it is the collective achievement of, you know, so many people, hundreds of athletes, coaches and staff dating back to her first job in 1978 after successful years at idaho and ohio state, vanderveer found her way to stanford university, where her teams have done nothing but win success. >> born from a love of the game at a young age, when i was in the third grade, we did the three player weave in gym class and i was hooked right from there. >> but when i was growing up, they didn't have girls teams or, you know, programs for girls. so
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it was very frustrating to love basketball and play all the time with the boys in the neighborhood. but not have a team. >> now, a woman's sports icon and a reason why the game has never been more popular. accomplishments, she says, wouldn't be possible without hard work. i think basketball is in some ways, you know, it is very much like life. >> i mean, it's you have to work really hard at being good, you know, if you want to be good at something, you have to work really hard at it and you have to put a lot of time into it. basketball is not like instant oatmeal that you know you're going to be good just like that. you have to, you know, whether you're a coach or whether you're a player, it's tremendous commitment, a commitment. >> vanderveer has dedicated more than 50 years to. it has all led up to something only two college coaches have ever accomplished. tara vanderveer, congratulations. >> win number 1201 200. yeah, that's a big number. >> during the final season of pac 12 basketball, vanderveer says this coaching milestone is extra special. she's thankful to share it with this team during a year that she will never forget. it's not something that i went
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into saying, i want this record this year. >> our kind of theme is best year ever. we want to just compete and have the best year that we can have. >> best year ever for the best coach ever. congratulations, tara vanderveer at stanford university. dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> yes, congrats to her. okay coming up after the break, even more sports as niners fans gear up for tomorrow's big game. we're going to have a live
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now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. yeah. right away. let's get to sandhya. standing by with the wet situation that is going to be lingering for quite some time. sandhya yeah, absolutely. and karina and deon, that is because we have one storm after another. so we're tracking multiple storms. the current one, as you look at live doppler seven, is bringing wet weather to the bay area just about
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everyone seeing the rain right now as we get you into the street level radar, i to show you where it is coming down santa rosa is reporting heavy rain right now. it is 52 degrees there. rohnert park, rohnert park expressway. you will nice across highway 12 it is coming down. it is steady. it is moderate from san francisco moving southward towards the peninsula. san bruno, belmont, san mateo. you will notice right around redwood city and san carlos, burton avenue out towards themeryville oakland area, foothill boulevard seein some steady rain, and around the santa cruz mountains. it is coming down as this moisture is coming in from the southwest, that moisture is getting lifted by the mountains and then you have the cooling, the condensation, all of that going on. so this is a spot that's going to get quite a bit of rain over the next several days. live doppler seven showing you the area of low pressure off the coastline front coming in. and that is what's going to continue to keep us on the rainy side for the next several hours. so it is
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a challenging evening commute. temperatures right now 40s and 50s. here's a look at the game forecast as the niners host the packers at 515. it is going to be raining, so definitely pack a poncho 57 degrees in breezy fourth quarter a soggy night. the latest models are actually bringing in more rain at around the time kickoff begins. so here's a live view from our east bay hills camera, and you can see the rain is coming down right now as we take a look at a live picture from our richmond san rafael bridge wetrillionoadways out there, take it easy. headlines wet and breezy to gusty tonight. stronger storm for sunday monday chance of thunder. certainly downpours and the possibility of some storm related damage from minor roadway flooding. streams and creeks to downed trees. maybe a few outages as well. we're taking a look at the excessive rain potential. north bay is in it tomorrow. it is a slight to marginal risk for the entire bay area. sunday into monday. as we start to see the stronger storm move in, ground
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becomes saturated. it can't hold all that moisture. and so then you have the flood watch going up. this area lake in mendocino county starting tomorrow. but for solano county, 4 p.m. sunday until 1 a.m. monday, flooding caused by excessive rain leading to rapid rises on streams, creeks and flooding on the roadways. we're not expecting widespread flooding, not like 9798 during the el nino with a strong el nino year. but we will see some minor flooding level one through tonightrillionain brief downpours, gusty chance of thunder ponding on the roadways certainly possible, especially as the rain continues to intensify tonight. 7:00 you will see those downpours. 10 p.m. still seeing some heavy rain, maybe some thunder in there, and then rain turns over to showers tomorrow morning as we head into the afternoon. it becomes more widespread once again at 3:00. here's your 5 p.m. and as we look down towards levi's stadium, santa clara area. yeah, it's going to be steady rain across the region. this continues late saturday night, tapers to showers sunday morning
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and then sunday late in the day we get the heavier rain moving through. by sunday morning. most of you will have anywhere from about a half an inch of rain to just over two inches in the santa cruz mountains. you add the other storms in, and by the middle of next week, we're talking about close to five inches in the santa cruz mountains. many of the rest of you, an inch and a half to about three and a half plus inches, and the isolated totals will be up to eight inches, along the russian river, perhaps mount tam certainly going to be snowing in the sierra, but warm storms so high snow levels. 10 p.m. tonight until 1 a.m. tuesday. winter storm warning goes up looking at 1 to 3ft above 7000ft. tomorrow morning, 40s and 50s. have your rain gear with you tomorrow afternoon. it is going to be a wet one and a breezy one. 50s 60s the accuweather 70 forecast level two tomorrow, sunday and monday. chance of thunder and then we do have a lighter storm for tuesday late into wednesday. karina and diane. that'll bring us rain and then we'll finally get a chance
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to dry out. okay >> we certainly need it. yeah. thank you. >> all right. well, it is still a day away, but right now, 40 niners fans are getting pumped for tomorrow's divisional playoff game against the green bay packers at levi's. >> abc seven news reporter lauren martinez is at the gathering in san jose. oh, i can hear it. already joins us live. quite a party already. >> yeah, the doors are open. i will say it's quite loud in here, but nothing but smiles from the faithful here. fans are so grateful that ticket master and the 40 niners are holding this free event for the fans. let me kind of walk you through what's going on here. all the fans coming through the doors will get a food voucher. they'll get a drink voucher and an awesome 40 niners rally towel. we're inside. of blanco urban off of saint pedro square, where people have three floors to just enjoy this awesome and amazing environment. um, fans started lining up for this rally at
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three. we spoke to two women from san jose who were first in line. one of them is actually wearing a custom vest made by kyle hutch's wife, kristen. as you can see, so ny people are just so excited to be here. >> um, the energy. is just amazing. >> it speaks for itself. uh, again, nothing but just excitement and happiness from people here. >> definitely a mix. some are going to the game tomorrow, some will be watching watch parties or from home. but as you can see, just an electric environment and uh, again, we spoke to some fans that were lined up earlier outside the door. >> let's hear from them. >> i'm so excited. i know that she's gone viral with some of her other creations, but she did this for the fans. she wanted to give back and this was her way of doing. raffling off one of the vests that she made and i was just fortunate. >> how does that feel to be wearing one of her pieces? i
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feel like a celebrity. >> i feel like taylor swift because we're huge 40 niner fans and it's local event and i've never gone downtown to one of these events, and i'm like, i'm getting off work early. >> now the legendary 40 niners running back frank gore is here signing autographs from 530 to 630. >> so make sure you get down here. this rally goes on until 8 p.m. if you're not able to make it inside here. there are so many bars and restaurants all around san jose in downtown full of 40 niners fans. so just make sure you get over here and have some fun. and if you're going to the game tomorrow, i'll see you there. live in san jose lauren martinez, abc seven news. that is the best assignment of the day. >> i'm impressed. she could hear herself. >> it was loud and crazy, but it's expected. >> and she did a great job. >> yes. thanks, lauren. and we'll be right
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges -
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from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. to time it all out. and cornel bernard will join us live with the latest conditions from the north bay. you can see here at embarcadero a little wet two plus, how will the rain impact
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the niners divisional game against the packers tomorrow at levi's sports anchor casey pratt will be here with what to expect. then later we're going to switch gears and hear from i-team reporter dan noyes, who broke the story about the innocence project's effort to get a new trial for scott peterson. join us for those stories and more. at 530 on abc seven. bay area streaming tv. and a reminder to everyone out there if you're watching us on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya. and really, all of us here. thanks so much for joining us. i'm dionne lim and i'm karina nova. see you in just two
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at hefty, hefty, hefty! whoah... [inhales deeply] how do they get these things to smell so good? hefty, hef- hefty, hefty, hefty! must be magic. hefty ultra strong with fabuloso scent. another passenger plane, an emergency landing in the east in the middle of a storm right on the highway. the images coming in. the plane taking off in a snowstorm from washington's dulles airport, making an emergency landing just minutes later. and tonight, the growing toll across the


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