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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 20, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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at makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. brutal blast. winter's grip tightening with 145 million americans under winter weather alerts. digging out in the midwest, freezing temperatures stretching
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into florida and the crippling ice storm in oregon. what to expect ahead. >> gio: ashley park's health scare. the "emily in paris" star revealing she was hospitalized after tonsillitis spiraled into septic shock. her condition and the symptoms to watch out for. dr. sutton joins us live. >> rhiannon: january is the perfect time to set financial goals. the smart framework to use to keep you motivated and help you succeed. >> whit: the future is bright and so are these "gma" rays of sunshine. two teenagers and best friends sharing kindness and making a difference. ♪ and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ >> gio: we're roaring into '24 with healthy eating, fun and delicious dishes from the chef who made hungry lady salads a viral sensation. plus, a dessert with a surprise ingredient you won't believe as we say, good morning, america.
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>> whit: hey, everybody, good morning, america. great to have you with us on this saturday. great to have rhiannon ally back at the desk with us. >> rhiannon: i'm hungry now. >> whit: we are roaring into '24 by eating healthy but not sacrificing the fun. otherwise you fall off the wagon. we'll help you get through it. chef and cookbook author kat ashmore is here making one of her hungry lady salads and reveals the secret ingredient inside her delicious dairy-free dessert. first, let's get to some of the top stories we're following this morning. >> rhiannon: microsoft revealing the email accounts of some of its top executives were hacked by a russian-backed group. and alec baldwin is facing charges once again in the fatal shooting on the set of his movie "rust." >> gio: we start with the brutal winter blast that has more than 145 million americans under winter weather alerts. let's go back to abc's em nguyen in washington, d.c. breaking its two-year snowless streak with two snowstorms this week. good morning, again, em.
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>> reporter: good morning, gio. here in the nation's capital more than 5 inches of snowfall in just the last 24 hours. this, if you can kind of tell, is a pond in front of the washington monument and it's completely frozen over and the icy storms blasting much of the u.s. in rain, sleet and snow snarling traffic and air travel. this morning, a bone-chilling arctic blast sweeping the nation yet again and now extending deep into the south. in alabama, this lake appearing to steam as temperatures fall into the single digits. across the country, at least 55 deaths are now blamed on the extreme weather this week. some traffic wrecks. others freezing to death. sleet across parts of the pacific northwest leading to slick and dangerous roads. in new york, dramatic video showing this car trying to pass a semi truck before crashing into a snowplow. thankfully no one was injured. right now tens of thousands of
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residents in oregon are still without power even after the governor declared a state of emergency thursday night. and icy conditions persisting through the weekend for millions of people as several states deal with lake-effect snow. >> 15, 20 cars all stuck. everybody is trying to push and shovel out. >> reporter: the nfl also keeping a close eye after subzero temperatures last weekend sent kansas city fan toss the hospital. in buffalo, the bills are once again asking fans to help shovel snow at highmark stadium before sunday's showdown with the chiefs. the region seeing five feet of snow this week. officials say stay home this weekend and check on your loved ones. but if you have to be out, be sure to drive slowly and give yourself extra time. i have good news. a big warm-up is on the way. we just have to get through this weekend safely. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: that is good news. em nguyen, stay warm out there. thank you for that.
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now to actor alec baldwin indicted on an involuntary manslaughter charge in the shooting death on the set of the movie "rust." abc's zohreen shah joins us with more on this. good morning, zohreen. >> reporter: good morning, rhiannon. a new mexico grand jury indicted alec baldwin on an involuntary manslaughter charge a second time in the 2021 accidental shooting death of "rust" cinematographer halyna hutchins. prosecutors said the facts surfaced from a firearms report last august that revealed that a revolver in the shooting was found to function properly and the trigger had to be pulled for the weapon to fire. they now believe that baldwin has criminal culpability in hutchins' death. this indictment charges him with involuntary manslaughter, negligent use of a firearm or in the alternative without due caution or circumspection. if found guilty, he could be convicted of one of these counts. baldwin has long maintained that he was not responsible for the gun going off. whit? >> whit: zohreen, thank you.
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microsoft says some of its corporate email accounts were hacked by a russian-backed group. the company identified the hacker as the russian state sponsored midnight blizzard. microsoft says its security team detected the attack earlier this month and activated its response. it believes hackers were only able to gain access to a very small percentage of microsoft corporate email accounts, including those belonging to members of its senior leadership team and employees in its cybersecurity and legal departments. >> gio: that's really something. coming up in our "gma morning menu," ashley park revealing the septic shock that left her hospitalized. dr. darien sutton will join us to break it down. >> rhiannon: we called in an expert to help you achieve your financial goals this year. we'll break down her smart plan to roar into '24. >> whit: tory johnson is here with dazzling deals to level up your winter skin care routine. we'll be right back. who says you can't get everything you want? like going for bold without going broke...
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and staying true to your taste while staying on budget. who says rising costs means lowering the bar? settling? no need. get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. juliana, big mac, no pickles, extra special sauce. and jimena, quarter pounder with cheese, extra pickles, no onions. thanks dad! ♪ you got it! ♪ [bubble pops] ♪ buy one favorite like a big mac, ♪ and get another for just a buck. ♪ right now at mcdonald's. ♪
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wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it. results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home,
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and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. when i was your age, we never had anything like this. what? wifi? wifi that works all over the house. even the basement. the basement. so i can finally throw that party... and invite shannon barnes. dreams do come true. get started with xfinity gig internet for $25 a month when you add mobile with no annual contract. maybe we'll even get married one day. i wonder what i will be doing? probably still living here with mom and dad. fast, reliable speeds right where you need them. that's wall-to-wall wifi on the xfinity 10g network.
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. >> gio: welcome back welcome back to "gma" with our "gma" cover story. ashley park revealing that she was hospitalized and in the icu for critical septic shock. the "emily in paris" star wrote about the health scare on an instagram post saying that the condition spiraled from a case of tonsillitis and that she is now on the other side of it thank goodness. abc news medical correspondent dr. darien sutton joins us now with what we need to know. good morning, again. >> good morning. >> gio: this is so scary. break this all down for us, dr. darian. what do we know about what happened? >> it's definitely scary. i'm happy she's doing better and so appreciative she's spreading awareness about this diagnosis. more than a million people each year are diagnosed with some level of sepsis and for us as doctors in the hospital, sepsis just simply means your body is responding to an infection. and we look for some signs that can include changes in temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, difficulty breathing or something we call signs of organ dysfunction. this is sometimes why we have to
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repeat that blood work during a hospital stay. and most importantly, a change in mental status, for example, confusion. those are some of the signs that we use to identify this patient needs assistance sooner than later. >> rhiannon: she is a young woman, seemingly healthy. we just saw her in the new "mean girls" musical. what symptoms do you need to look out for yourself? you mentioned what doctors look out for. what can you look out for? >> i think it's helpful to understand sepsis can be due to any type of infection, bacterial, viral, fungal and it can be anywhere, pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or tonsillitis but symptoms can be systemic where you feel whole body symptoms like fatigue, difficulty breathing. but i think to answer your question, the most important is do you know that you have signs of a specific infection and that could be a skin infection and so on and so forth. so it's about paying attention to your body. >> gio: this started for her as tonsillitis. how do you know when something isn't just a sore throat and you need urgent medical help? >> a great question and patients often come in with a sore throat
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but i think -- number one i'm asking, how long have you had the sore throat, longer than four or five days i'm beginning to increase my concern. also, some red flag symptoms, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing? are there changes in your voice? do you feel like you have a muffled voice? these are all signs and symptoms that we qualify as red flags and need intervention quickly. >> rhiannon: this can happen at any age. >> any age. always pay attention to your body. >> gio: thank you, dr. darien. whit over to you. >> whit: gio, as we roar into 2024 january is considered the right time to set financial goals. shinobu hindert, certified financial planner author of "investing is your superpower" is joining us now to help us out. shinobu, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> whit: you have this easy to follow framework so people can set their financial goals. tell us about this. >> when you're creating financial goals use s.m.a.r.t. specific, meaning have have defined goals.
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measurable, figure out how to track your progress. achievable, are these goals realistic? relevant, why are these goals important to you? timely, go for the quick wins. set goals you can reach within the next 12 months. >> whit: speaking of achievable, what are some of the ways to work on paying down debt? >> you want to organize your debt by interest rate. when you can, pay more towards those minimums every single month by attacking the highest interest rate first and then don't be afraid to pick up the phone, call your lenders, creditors and ask them to lower your interest rate and look out for promotions available when you do balance transfers. >> whit: what about rebuilding a credit score? this is something a lot of people struggle with. >> it's really important to first understand how credit works. so, you want to really look at what are the different ways -- credit bureaus are looking at multiple factors and one is to make your payments on time. keep credit cards open that you fully paid off, don't close them right away and then your credit
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utilization, keep that under 30% and you can do that by paying down your balances each month. you can also call your credit card company and ask them to increase your limit and then there's credit builder programs that you can also participate in. >> whit: now, let's get to the source of that credit card debt, that is spending. a lot of people have an issue with spending, especially as you start a new year. what are ways to reduce your spending? >> you always want to know no matter what stage you are, how much money is coming in from income every month versus how much is going out and when you talk about cutting down your spending, be really clear and honest with yourself. what does that mean? assign a dollar amount to that and then track it. you want to look at this regularly so you can keep yourself honest and adjust your budget along the way. >> whit: helpful tips. shinobu, we thank you so much. we appreciate it. rhiannon, over to you. >> rhiannon: now to our trail mix, taking a look at what's happening on the campaign trail with new hampshire primary just three days away now. maryalice parks is back and joins us from new hampshire. good morning, maryalice.
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>> reporter: rhiannon, good morning. maybe not a surprise in this state with such an independent streak, so many new hampshire voters i talked to said they're looking for a candidate who can compromise. this morning, former president donald trump ramping up his attacks on nikki haley, who could give him a run for his money in new hampshire. >> can waste his time with nikki because she won't make it. she has no chance. >> do we want more of the same, or do we want to go in a new direction? >> reporter: the contest here likely decided by independents, who make up 40% of voters like dennis kutcher who says, he wants an alternative to both trump and biden. >> looking for someone who would be a good alternative to both of them. >> reporter: nearly every voter we interviewed mentioning their hope for more cooperation and compromise between parties. >> you know, i'm concerned about the level of civility. >> democrats and republicans used to work together. they had little fights here and there. but in today's day and age, they
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don't want to fight you, want to sass as sass >> reporter: some gop voters telling us trump will be the deciding factor for them. >> our votes matter a lot in new hampshire. >> you want a candidate to be an alternative. >> yeah, definitely. >> what do you think? >> i'm going to vote for whoever isn't donald trump. >> reporter: others not so much. >> no, i'm not against trump if he got the nomination, but i don't think that he deserves the nomination. >> reporter: all the pressure really on nikki haley to deliver in this state. and i got to tell you the new hampshire voters i talked to say they are dialed in, paying attention and they see their role going early, rhiannon, as a privilege. >> rhiannon: we are going to see what happens. maryalice, thank you so much. now let's send it over to somara theodore for a check of our forecast. somara? >> somara: good morning. to my friends at home, look at this video, shenandoah, truck coming down, absolutely scary, terrifying there. good news is everyone's okay. but, unfortunately with slick, slushy roads, that has been the case, that has been the story for so many cities.
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now, the snow is moving out. the cold is sinking in. look at a few of these cities. chicago, how are you doing? it's feeling like 11 below zero. in nashville, 2 below zero. new orleans, just as cold on saturday as it is sunday. in the 20s. even cold in new york feeling like about 11 degrees. and as a result we have windchill alerts and those alerts stretch from bismarck through rapid city right on down into parts of the tennessee valley, even as far south as montgomery, alabama, down into florida. we have hard freeze alerts in place, important to keep in mind for the crops there. so this chill sticks around through the weekend. a warm-up is on the way. a little more on that later. for now let's see what's going on a little closer to home. for now let's see what's going on a little closer to home.
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>> gio: it is time now for "deals & steals" and we're talking winter skincare. we need this, right? tory johnson is here to save your skin from that harsh, cold weather with savings up to 56% off. hello, hello. >> hello, hello. >> gio: we're starting with the spa at home. >> this all about bringing spa elements to home. this is bella. and bella has a lot of really fun stuff. i will tell you as whit was passing by, he was pointing to sweet cheeks bath mat. >> gio: the sweet cheeks. >> that's what i would buy you. that is such a good nickname for you. ooh, sweet cheeks. whether it's a fun bath mat, extra absorbent quick drying
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towels. we love the weekend. they have all kinds of fun satin sleep masks, satin and silky feeling pillowcases. all the little, like, just tiny little luxuries that kind of change from the ordinary to the extraordinary to make home feel like a spa. everything slashed in half starts at $7.50. >> gio: all right. i love those. >> this is pmd, their newest device. it's a cleanser on this side and then one, when it touches your skin, you see that blue light therapy right there. >> gio: so cool. >> that is for acne. fda cleared device to treat acne. it gives the double benefit, cleansing on one side with that vibration on that side. so it's that ultrasonic cleansing. they call in their sonic clear technology and when you put it to your face you have the blue light technology. >> gio: so cool. >> it will treat mild to moderate acne. great device getting great reviews. we have all of their cleansing devices. if acne's not yours, but you
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want the cleansing, these are 50% off. >> gio: it vibrates. it feels good. >> it does. this is sio beauty. what i love about this, we have two different things from them. what they're really known for are their preventive and corrective medical grade silicone patches, and you see that they're all from very different places on your face. >> gio: this is the brows. >> lip, the neck, the variety pack and what is great, they're reusable. put them on to wear overnight and they help prevent the formation of new lines, help correct existing lines. then they've got their new sio cryo collection. this is my favorite. this is like a noninvasive injectable alternative. it just fills in lines and it's an instant product. you see the instant result from this. >> gio: smoothing wrinkle treatment. feels good too. >> so if you're trying a line today, that's the one to get, everything slashed in half
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from sio starting at $15. >> gio: awesome. we have more skincare over here. >> this is lapcos. what i love about a sheet mask is when you don't want to invest in a product or make a big investment, a sheet mask is a great way to say, is collagen my thing for firming. there's milk for charcoal for pore care. so many different options they even make the collagen eye masks. one of the most popular things you will see is their contoured face mask. this goes right under the chin and it's for tightening, firming, this is just -- this is an easy, you don't have to make a big commitment and have this peel off mask. just fun. >> gio: it's very satisfying when you put it on. >> very satisfying.
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you know what i'm talking about. lots of satisfaction starting just over $2. >> gio: that's a good price. >> babe originals. what i love about this, all about volume. volume for lashes, lips, even hair care. they've got two lash products that are for -- they'll work over the long haul, and then the volumizing mascara is for instant, immediate fabulousness. plumping lip jelly, makes your lips look good. everything half price starting at $5 from babe original. >> gio: you are bringing all the products here. what is this one? >> finally, this is community sixty six. this is all about no fuss. if you want an efficacious formula, their heroes, their cream cleanser, and this one right here, a highlighting gel moisturizer. i want to put a little there to show you it's not greasy, not sticky. >> gio: that's nice. >> hyaluronic acid and makes your face look beautiful. in your case even more beautiful. >> gio: stop, stop. >> slashed in half starting at $8. i did that for whit and somebody heard it and gave it a laugh because they know you're beautiful. >> gio: you're making me blush.
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thank you, tory, you're the best. we partnered with these companies. find each deal on our website, coming up, she went viral for her hungry lady salad. kat ashmore joins us next with more healthy, but oh so reci recipes. stick around.
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what would you give for a child you loved, to make their wish come true? to help them fight a critical illness, just imagine what you'd do. you see, wishes are so powerful, and you can make them real. they can give a child back their childhood, even change the way they feel. every single one of us can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. ♪
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♪ >> gio: all right, we are back now on "gma" with "win the weekend" on this snowy saturday. many people across the country are experiencing that winter weather but, of course, there are some areas spared from the freezing temps like southern california. but that's not stopping one family from having winter fun. >> whit: i know those southern california winterers. jessie's grandsons have never seen snow before. great grandma and grandpa, they live a few hours away in the mountains and decided to drive a truckload of snow so grandkids and great grandkids could enjoy. >> rhiannon: those are some good grandparents there. there were snow ball fights, a mini snowman was built.
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many memories were built. this is melting hearts across the internet. if you are in the cold take a
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>> gio: gigi is going where no other build-a-bear has gone before. we're lucky to have gigi astronaut bear here onset.
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build-a-bear sent me the replica of gigi. she's wearing axiom's next generation space suit model and say she has a ph.d. in hugs. >> eva: that means you're the ultimate spaceman that they sent you one. >> gio: that's literally what the email from build-a-bear said. >> whit: he's like, i resemble that remark. our favorite space nerd and his new best friend, gigi. >> gio: you know i had to bring her in in case you missed the real gigi with four astronauts, private astronauts when she went to the space center earlier this week. and she got to experience microgravity. she's floating right there. you see her there on the left of your screen. oh, the places she will go. >> rhiannon: can i have a hug? >> gio: here's your hug. so cute. >> rhiannon: so sweet. >> gio: the best. and speaking of space here, japan is now the fifth country to land a spacecraft on the moon joining the u.s., the former soviet union, china and india. the unmanned space craft successfully landed on the lunar
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surface. the space agency from jap the craft is not working and its mission could be stopped short if it runs out of power. >> rhiannon: the white house forgiving another $5 billion in student loan debt, canceling student loan payments for roughly 74,000 people on friday. more than half of them are public servants including teachers, nurses and firefighters. the administration has canceled debt for more than 3.7 million americans. >> whit: today is national use your gift card day. for the fifth year in row consumers are reminded to take out holiday gift cards before they're forgotten. a recent study found that americans are holding on to $23 billion in unused gift cards, and if you've had some laying around for the last few years, they might still be good to use. there is a federal law, the credit card act, saying that those gift cards can't expire for at least five years after the date they were activated. spend that money. >> gio: everyone forgets about them.
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now we need to make our way over here. we are roaring into '24. eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. ask kat ashmore. welcome. >> so good to be here. >> gio: your new cookbook called "big bites: wholesome, comforting recipes that are big on flavor, nourishment and fun." she will show us some of her favorites. it smells so good in here. >> rhiannon: it smells delicious. >> barbecue will do that to you. that's for sure. you know, my dad used to say you knew something was good for you because it didn't taste like anything. i made it my mission to change that way of thinking and hungry lady salads are big, hardy meal in a bowl salads. this one arguably you could even serve on game day. >> gio: this one you're known for. tell us about it. >> great, so this particular one
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is a barbecue ranch chopped salad. so you take a very classic chopped salad base, we've got romaine lettuce, just in bite-size piece, we've got tomato, cucumber. >> whit: you could put gio to work too, by the way. >> i'm planning on it and i'll have you do the avocado hack that people go crazy for. we have an avocado in here. >> gio: i love avocado. >> me too. we also have carrot and green onion. a little tip if you are taking the pit out of an avocado and -- >> rhiannon: i always make a huge mess. >> even worse, you could harm yourself, right, because the knife would go right through. so we'll open this up. are you up for the challenge? >> gio: let's do it. >> put your thumbs here and then your fingers here and push. >> gio: stop. really. oh, my gosh. ooh. >> whit: we're all counting on you gio. easy. i like it. >> it comes right out. >> gio: you get a little extra here. >> no judgment. >> whit: the ranch dressing, dairy-free. >> dairy-free ranch dressing. >> whit: tell us about this. >> it's really all about the
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dressing, right? i feel like ranch is just something that everyone seems to love. >> rhiannon: especially the kids. >> 100%. i could put ranch on a lawn mower and they would eat it. we have a dairy-free ranch dressing. no special equipment required. you just put everything in a jar and shake it. i use an unsweetened coconut yogurt that is totally masking any type of mild coconut flavor. it will be masked by all of the savory herbs. >> rhiannon: can i try this? >> of course, you can. get involved, yeah. >> gio: so good. >> it will be totally masked by all the savory flavors we have going on. white wine vinegar, onion, garlic, all of that. so the next step after you've got that dressed is we're going to put on some barbecued beans. these could not be easier. you take a can of beans and you take your favorite barbecue sauce and just simmer it for like two minutes. >> rhiannon: i'm a little skeptical of barbecue beans on a
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salad. >> i have a lot of naysayers with combos i come up with and i'm inspired by that. the next step after we get all of these barbecued beans on, we'll crumble tortilla chips. i'll let all of you do that. any aggression you need to get out -- >> whit: smash the chips. >> yeah, just have fun with it. use your palms too. really be aggressive. yeah, there you go. that's what i'm talking about. >> whit: razzle-dazzle. bam! >> gio: we saw his anger on display. >> whit: no stress around here. >> i want to tell you if you have children, the fact that you are allowing them to crush up chips is like their favorite day ever. so now what i'm going to do is let you guys taste it. you saw how quickly this all came together. it could not have been easier. >> gio: we have 30 seconds. tell us about dessert. >> i have got a dark chocolate earl grey mousse and the base of that mousse, believe it or not, is tofu. >> rhiannon: i'll try this one. >> you would never -- of course,
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everyone goes for the dessert. >> gio: i couldn't let you go without it. >> you can have this >> gio: that is so good. i can't wait for that salad. >> same texture and everything. >> gio: recipes on kat's cookbook comes out this week. thank you so much, kat. appreciate it. >> thank you so much. i had a wonderful time. >> rhiannon: beans on a salad. they're delicious. >> gio: coming up, two young best friends spreading kindness bringing us a ray of sunshine. stick around. the magic never leaves you when you stay with the disney resorts collection. following you along, everywhere you go. making every moment special. even more surprising than your last. and bringing you extra time in any of the 4 theme parks, every day. plus, stay longer and save more... with up to 35% on rooms at select disney resort hotels! why would you stay anywhere else?
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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>> whit: we're back with our series, "ray of sunshine." >> gio: the things we talk about during commercials. >> whit: gio's got health issues. >> gio: really? >> rhiannon: he's helping us in our health. >> whit: we're celebrating hometown heros across the country and we're shining a spotlight on a couple of kindness ambassadors and will ganss is here with more on two teenage best friends making a big difference. will, good morning to you. >> will: good morning, whit. yeah, the great kindness challenge is an annual week-long event sponsored by kids for peace in which 20 million children worldwide are expected
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to unite and perform a billion acts of kindness. how amazing is that. but for these two students in california, kindness is not just a week-long thing, it's a year-round effort making their carlsbad community and the world a little brighter. ♪ james and krish are best friends. >> i've known him, i think, since preschool, so, you know, we've known each other for basically our whole life. >> reporter: they play soccer together and work together on the weekends and like most 15-year-olds they're both stoked to start driving. >> i'm actually going to take my permit test in a couple weeks. i just became eligible for it. >> reporter: but right now these two are already driving, towards a better world as leaders of kids for peace. >> we're a group of kids from a whole bunch of different countries and we just want to make the world a better place. we believe in peace and kindness. >> reporter: since they were 8 years old krish and james have participated in the kids for peace great kindness challenge,
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spending afternoons with senior citizens making kindness posters and so much more. >> we grow out of a lot of stuff but this stayed a part of your life, james. why? >> the short answer is because we care. it feels good to do things for other people, especially when you're doing it with your friends. >> reporter: the best buds helped fundraise to build a school in kenya and are now hosting a backpack and school supply drive for the students there. >> kids for peace is changing lives. it's restoring hope. what touches my heart is the number of students and kids whose lives have changed and also the quality of education they have because they have stories for sure. >> reporter: james and krish proving anyone can make a difference even from half a world away. >> doesn't have to be a grand gesture every time. when i really think it's the small things that will end up making a difference in the world. >> we're all connected and at the end of the day, all of us are living in the same world and we all need each other. >> i'm here to tell you our world is a little brighter
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because of both of you guys. it makes me feel real good about our future as a global community. >> we affect each other like in a positive way, and we are always constantly pushing each other to be our best selves. >> reporter: for bringing out the best in one another and in all of us, krish and james, you are our ray of sunshine. this year's great kindness challenge officially kicks off on monday. and this summer krish and james will travel together to kenya to visit the school they've supported from nearly 10,000 miles away, and the boys say they are hoping to gain some perspective over there, to learn a lot and to squeeze in a few games of soccer too. >> rhiannon: i feel like we give teens such a hard time and these kids are making a difference. >> will: i did tell them, do you guys have any plans to run for office in the future because you have my vote. >> gio: they should. >> whit: need more of that for sure. thank you, will. we appreciate it. back to somara for a check
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of the weather and, what, you got iguanas frozen on trees. >> somara: yes, exactly that, whit. >> whit: lucky guess. [ laughter ] >> gio: is that florida? >> somara: just literally chilling. we want to talk about the iguana cast. it gets cold in florida. we have incapacitated temperatures reach below 45 degrees and can freeze local iguanas, air quotes there. they do get going again once they warm back up. this weekend i'm going to be looking like a stiff iguana because temperatures in new york are feeling like 11 degrees. help me. all right, down in florida also cold feeling like freezing sunday morning. nashville, oh, my goodness, two degrees below freezing is what it feels like for you. that's a look at your forecast.
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♪ >> rhiannon: if you're in florida, watch out for those falling iguanas. this saturday's "gma" buzz pick is "where we end" by abbott kahler, the best zoe lofgrening author's first foray into fiction, and she's here to tell us about it with the help of a couple surprise visitors. >> imagine the scenario, you wake up from a coma and have no memory except for the tame and face of your identical twin and instead of filling in the facts about your history and identity your identical twin decides to lie to you when you start investigating those lies, you have no idea of the dangers you're inviting. if you're going to read this creepy tale at night, i suggest you don't do it alone. >> gio: that sold it at the end. that's scary. >> rhiannon: little creepy. "where we end" is available now. keep reading along with us @gmabookclub. coming up, she is the woman behind the pop culture pop cast. kate kennedy is here to talk
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about her new book, "one in a millennial" when we come back. e] [trumpet music plays] 579 breaths to show 'em your stuff. every breath matters. don't let rsv take your breath away. protect yourself from rsv... ...with abrysvo, pfizer's rsv vaccine. abrysvo is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious if you are 60 or older. having asthma, copd, diabetes, or heart disease puts you at even higher risk. abrysvo is not for everyone and may not protect all who receive the vaccine. don't get abrysvo if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients. people with a weakened immune system may have a decreased response to abrysvo. the most common side effects are tiredness, headache, pain at the injection site, and muscle pain. ask your pharmacist or doctor about pfizer's rsv vaccine, abrysvo. visit these retailers
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stretches... ...and brings it home! ( ♪ ) barista: - pistachio cream cold brew. ...hero: - thanks.ome! friend: - hey! it's been so long.
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hey, just calm down. it's okay. >> you were right. everything will be okay. i just need one of these. >> pills? you mean you really are taking drugs? >> i need them. >> jessie, give me those. >> i need them, zach. i have to sing. >> jessie, you can't sing tonight. >> yes, i can. ♪ i'm so excited i'm so excited ♪ >> i'm so scared. >> whit: welcome back to "gma." can you even call yourself a millennial if that "saved by the bell" episode didn't leave an impression on your psyche? our next guest joining us now is entrepreneur podcaster and author of "one in a millennial" on friendship feelings, fan girls and fitting in, kate kennedy.
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kate, good morning. great to have you. >> thank you for having me. >> whit: this isn't quite a memoir. so how did you get the idea for this? >> it's a collection of essays that really sits at the intersection of two experiences being a millennial and being a female and a lot of misunderstandings having to do with the two. and per the generational piece i wanted to examine how media and pop culture makes us a product of our time. but in our girlhood so often being interested in that type of pop culture and media is written off as frivolous or unimportant or insignificant and i wanted to reclaim it and argue for its importance. >> gio: i love that you're talking about it. all of us here are millennials. i was reading this and taking this trip down memory lane reading it. you talk about this idea of a jessie spano culture. why do you think she resonated so much so that you're still talking about it? >> i mean, bless her fast-beating heart. you know, i was rewatching a lot of my favorite programming while
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i was writing the book and when i rewatched "saved by the bell," my memory was she was kind of unlikable, a little uptight but that doesn't sound like me now. but as a kid i was like, oh, that's about women's rights, let's go back to malibu sands but now she's making good points and i realized how manipulative the laugh track was because it's telling you who is a punch line and jessie would say something brilliant about feminism but slater would say go back into the kitchen and the audience roars. she'd say you're a sexist pig and nothing and then he'd say oink, oink, baby, cracking up and teaching me at a young age who was likable, funny and who was the butt of the joke and interesting thinking who is in the writers' room and explaining what a feminist looks like and most were adult men writing about high schoolers' experiences and i thought that was interesting. >> rhiannon: you don't think about that when you're a kid who's writing this
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your perspective changes as you become an adult. let's talk about your podcast, "be there in five." with this and the book you talk about the things people obsess over. what are some of them? >> you know, i think growing up in liking top 40 music, american girl dolls and barbie and boy band music, kind of things of mass culture. you're often told they're not of the highest taste or the most sophisticated but they can be really impactful in your life. and the whole book is kind of arguing for how great depths can come from surface level interests and how, you know, when i was on aol instant messenger and -- >> gio: oh, yes. >> i could roll my eyes and be like, i was such a stupid kid or i was learning to curate an online persona and i think i learned to wordsmith with colloquial speech and passive aggressively posting messaging boys with lyrics. >> whit: this started with a
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doormat, turn off your curling iron and some of the privileges that led to your success in the book. >> yes, i had a major girl boss era which was great, but i also was reading a lot of inspirational quotes and self-help
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ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at >> whit: thanks, folks. we'll see you tomorrow.
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on abc seven, hulu live, and wherever you stream. we're following the impact of storms around the bay area. in the north bay, there's concern all the rain could lead to flooding, landslides and power outages. meanwhile, in the south bay, they'll be watching the weather over levi's stadium. the 40 niners expected to kick off their postseason with rainy and windy weather in the east bay. some community groups in oakland want city leaders to revive a program they say saved lives. a rally friday called for mayor shengtao to bring back operation cease fire. speakers cited a recent audit that found a rise in violence came after the city moved away from the program in 2020. proponents say the efforts, funded through operation cease fire, reduced homicides by 42% between 2012
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and 2017. well we have lots of rain in store this week, and lisa is tracking the latest on this level two storm. hi, stephanie. >> we're starting out in the north bay where it has a lightest precip. right now from parts of novato. a little bit heavier there as we get into the east bay, el cerrito and alhambra pass road. as we go to further to the south, notice that we've got a swath here of light to moderate rain. union city, fremont, and back westward through palo alto and the peninsula to 80 is wet. woodside died down by the airport and the santa cruz mountains. looking at maybe an inch and a half to two inches by sunday night. so we are looking at this level two system, but the first wave of it, yesterday's, brought anywhere from three quarters of an inch in santa rosa to just a quarter. oakland and belmont. and so the breaks in between certainly helping us as we see more rain today, tonight, sunday into monday, and this is what we can expect through today. stephanie. >> all right, lisa, thank you. well, up next, thousands of protests will pour into san
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francisco today. what to know as the annual walk for life on the west coast could lead to delays on the road. abc seven results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet.
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this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. lisa argen is tracking a level two storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. and now bay area business owners are preparing. good morning.


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