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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 21, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PST

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we can create... right now... at floor & decor. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. >> whit: good morning, america. down to the wire. republican candidates deliver political pitches in new hampshire ahead of the nation's first primary. donald trump and nikki haley escalating their attacks. ron desantis with a different strategy. team coverage including the
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latest poll results. >> gio: deadly deep freeze. at least 67 storm-related deaths reported across the country. the life-threatening windchills fracturing pipes with boil water advisories, but relief is on the way. the big warmup this week. >> rhiannon: missile attack. iranian-backed militias target a u.s. base in iraq while the u.s. navy launches a strike on the houthis to head off more attacks on commercial ships. the latest intel as coordinator for strategic communications, john kirby, joins us live. >> whit: off the case. the judge dismissing a juror during the murder conspiracy trial of michelle troconis. the movie reference -- >> i had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife. >> whit: -- that led to the judge's decision. ♪ >> gio: and road to the super bowl. the next divisional playoffs, buccaneers versus the lions and the chiefs against the bills. espn's herm edwards sizes up strategy.
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>> gio: and we do say good morning, america. so good to see you this sunday. rhiannon ally back on the desk with us. we have a lot coming up here this morning, including a rare in-depth look inside hamas tunnels in gaza. matt gutman on the scene as the worrying continues in the middle east. >> rhiannon: and the social media trend aiming to head you get a handle on your finances into the new year. we'll tell you what loud budgeting is all about. >> whit: and a story about one incredibly devoted chiefs fan who found herself in need and how kansas city tight end travis kelce helped come to her rescue. >> gio: cannot wait for that. but we begin this morning with that high-stakes primary in new hampshire just two days away now, and it could be a make or break moment for some gop candidates. donald trump and nikki haley campaigning in the bitter new england cold this weekend. abc's maryalice parks is on the
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trail in manchester. good morning, maryalice. >> reporter: gio, good morning to you. for months, donald trump tried to brush off his primary competition. not now. with just two days to go until the new hampshire primary, nikki haley especially is top of his mind. >> thank you very much, new hampshire. >> reporter: overnight on the campaign trail, former president donald trump sounding far less confident, focusing his remarks on nikki haley who could be stiff competition here for him in new hampshire. >> the radical left democrats are supporting nikki haley. >> reporter: with just two days to go until the new hampshire primary, it's an all-out push for the campaign. elise stefanik who's been floated as a possible running mate for trump if he's nominated, calling haley disloyal and even defending trump's recent comments that presidents should have total immunity even if they cross a line. do you agree with that? >> first of all, it is witch hunt after witch hunt. we need to hold the department of justice accountable. >> reporter: nikki haley is in the spotlight. she needs to make a splash here tuesday to prove she can bring
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out moderates and independents like she's been pitching. when asked about donald trump calling her names, she said he's running scared. >> when he gets threatened, when he feels insecure, he starts lashing out. >> reporter: she has been bringing up trump's age and drawing a contrast with him on foreign policy. >> he was having too much of a bromance with putin. like, you can't -- these are enemies that want to hurt us. >> reporter: i asked voters at her event about the attacks from trump and his team. >> what do you say about that idea, disloyal? >> really? i don't think that at all. i think she's trying to do what she feels is best for the country and she's sticking to it. >> reporter: a lot of intrigue overnight about ron desantis after he canceled interviews he had for today on short notice. his team saying it was a scheduling issue. he announced he's leaving south carolina, coming here for an event in new hampshire today. a lot of conversation about how he's been more reflective about his campaign these last few days, and his potential path forward. gio?
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>> gio: maryalice, thank you so much for that. let's bring in abc news political director rick klein at the big board. and rick, let's start with the latest polling here. where do things stand? >> yeah, gio. this is the fivethirtyeight polling average for the state of new hampshire, and what you see is a race for a long time ron desantis looked like he could be in a strong position. that started to change some time last fall. nikki haley emerged as the stiffest competition against donald trump, and then things got really interesting. right down the stretch, that gap starts to really close and we saw some polling that had it inside the single digits. after chris christie dropped out, people thought, wow, those people will go to nikki haley. then look at that spike right there in donald trump. he's close to 50% again in the state of new hampshire. nikki haley far back in the latest polling, well into the double digits and ron desantis truly nowhere to be seen in new hampshire. he's in danger of not even getting delegates out of the state if he doesn't get 10%. so the extent that it's a two-person race, trump is very dominant.
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>> gio: interesting to see that difference between trump and haley. rick, in new hampshire on tuesday, what areas should we be watching specifically? you're especially tracking the independent vote in those cities. >> that's exactly right, gio. this is what happened in new hampshire last time there was a primary. trump romped by about 20 points, but look how many candidates he was against. this time it's a much narrower field, and the places to look at for those independent voters, look here on the seacoast. there's a lot of upscale communities, and independents and democrats as well. nikki haley needs some of them to come out and vote. donald trump had this place wired back in 2016. it's a different coalition this time around. and the question is more of that head to head shot because that's the scenario we're talking about to get some independents, those undeclared voters. they can vote in either party's primary, and all the action of course, on the republican side. >> gio: absolutely. rick klein, thank you so much for your analysis there. and tune into "this week" later. martha raddatz speaks with top biden campaign lieutenant
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quentin fulks, and north dakota governor doug burgum, and jon finer to talk about the iranian-backed houthi rebels in the middle east and concerns about a wider war. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: we turn to the deep freeze across much of the country. a deadly cold snap that is now being blamed for at least 67 deaths. abc's alex presha is live in columbus, ohio, for us this morning. good morning, alex. how's it feel there? >> reporter: hey, rhiannon. it's cold. it's about 13 degrees in columbus right now. ohio is part of that group of states hit by this deep freeze. take a look at this. this fountain behind me is completely encased in ice, it like much of the country, needing to unthaw. this morning, more than 93 million americans caught in a blast of heavy snow. the arctic cold blamed for at least 67 deaths nationwide. the frigid air extending deep
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into the south with alerts as far south as fort myers, florida, as wind temperatures dip into the teens this morning. the brutal weather the reason for at least 26 deaths in tennessee, and also causing pipe bursts across many tennessee counties, disrupting the water supply. in vermont, subfreezing temperatures icing over parts of lake champlain. the windchill far below zero. in this drone video capturing the icy landscape in milwaukee, windchills today could hit 15 below. in indiana, more than 3 feet of snow. >> i have been out for three days with no sleep. >> reporter: snowplow drivers in demand. >> i'm at everyone's beck and call. number one, people have to get out. i cater to the elderly. >> reporter: husband and wife aaron and michelle lindsay offer their snow blower on facebook. the response, overwhelming. >> people were asking us to clear out a parking spot in front of their house just getting off of work. they saw us doing someone else's house and it kind of kept going
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from there. >> reporter: there's another round of nfl playoff games on tap today. the buffalo bills enlisting the bills mafia to help them shovel the snow for a second straight weekend as parts of the city got hit with nearly five feet of snow. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: it'll be a cold one for bills and chiefs fans. thank you, alex presha. let's go to somara theodore for the forecast. any relief in sight? >> somara: yes, in sight, but not today. we're still dealing with frigid weather out there, and, in fact, every state in the u.s. has at least one location below freezing except hawaii, and they're awfully close. the observatory, 35 degrees is something to watch there. as a result of this dangerous cold, we still have windchill alerts in effect from green bay down to fort myers. fort myers, going to feel like 15 degrees for you this morning. here is the relief from brutal to less brutal temperatures in the upper 30s on tuesday in new york city. nashville, we're coming in hot. temperatures in the low 50s by tuesday. whit? >> whit: all right, somara. thank you. now to developing news overseas.
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another missile attack on an air base in iraq carried out by an iranian-backed group, and what we're learning now about potential injuries to u.s. personnel. abc's jay o'brien joining us from the white house with the very latest. jay, good morning. >> reporter: whit, overnight, u.s. central command saying that multiple u.s. troops are now being evaluated for traumatic brain injuries and one iraqi service member was wounded after that iran-backed militia fired multiple ballistic missiles and rockets at a u.s. base in western iraq. it happened last night baghdad time at al assad air base. some of the missiles making a direct impact, but the pentagon says that most of them were intercepted by air defense systems. since the start of the israel/hamas war, there have been at least 140 attacks on u.s. troops in iraq and syria. some troops, roughly about 3,500 there to prevent a resurgence of i.s.i.s. with tensions high across the middle east, just yesterday, the
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u.s. navy in the red sea shooting down or conducting an air strike on houthi militants. that's another iran-backed group before they could fire missiles. that group striking and conducting at least 30 attacks on commercial ships in that region, a vital shipping lanes since mid-november. the white house making it clear they believe iran is the center of all of this violence. president biden saying just last week he had a private conversation with iranian leaders saying that the u.s. is well prepared if these attacks don't stop, whit. >> whit: jay o'brien for us, thank you. let's discuss more and bring in u.s. national security council coordinator for strategic communications, john kirby. john, good morning to you. it's great to have you. so let's start there. what can you tell us about potential injuries to american troops in iraq and how will the u.s. respond to this latest attack? >> well, as we understand at this early hour on sunday morning, it's only a very small number of u.s. troops that were affected. they're being seen for traumatic brain injuries with some
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symptoms of concussions, but no serious physical injuries other than that, not that that's not serious enough. of course, it is. but we understand it's a small number, and it's limited to traumatic brain injuries. obviously we're going to do what we have to do to protect them. these attacks have to stop, and we've made that very clear. we're going to continue to take the kinds of actions we need to better defend ourselves. i would note that one reason why there weren't more injuries or more extensive damage was because we have taken necessary force protection precautions in the region to try to -- to try to prepare for these kinds of attacks. >> whit: so let's go across the region there because it appears the situation is escalating. president biden seemed to acknowledge recently that u.s. strikes are not stopping. the houthis for example in yemen. are these deterrence operations actually working? >> well, the efforts that we're going after with respect to the houthis, there's really two arms here. one is self-defense. obviously you want to be able to
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protect shipping at sea. so being able to knock things out of the sky as they're fired at our ships or merchant ships. and number two, and you've seen us do this in recent days, is take action ashore in yemen. in other words, pre-emptive strikes. we're conducting these on houthis, and we're trying to make it harder for them to have offensive capability available to them. they still do, and they have a choice to make. these attacks need to stop as well and we'll continue to do what we have to do to further degrade their military capability if needed. >> whit: i want to turn to israel and the war with hamas. president biden has been pushing for a two-state solution. prime minister netanyahu again publicly ruling a out. does the administration still consider netanyahu a trusted partner in working towards that two-state solution? >> we are working closely with netanyahu's government to make sure they can defend themselves against a still viable hamas
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threat. and, look, these are two leaders that have known each other a long, long time, whit. they have a long relationship. they don't agree on everything politically. they don't agree on everything with respect to the future here of gaza post-conflict, but we are still working closely with our israeli partners to make sure, again, they can defend themselves. and the president is still committed, as he made clear in a conversation with prime minister netanyahu just a couple of days ago to stay towards the promise of a viable two-state solution. he still believes that's in the best interest not only of the people of gaza, but the palestinian people, but the israeli people as well. >> whit: but even after that discussion, the two seemed to be very far apart on this. >> again, we don't -- we don't agree on everything. that is clear. we don't agree on every approach here to what post-conflict gaza needs to look like. but we are in active conversations not only with our israeli partners, but with partners across the region about
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what that needs to look like, but it's got to be meeting the aspirations of the palestinian people. they have to have a voice. they have to have a vote. a revitalized palestinian authority is the best option for governance in gaza. we don't want to see it reoccupied by the israeli military and we don't want to see any of the territory of gaza shrink. we've made these options clear. we'll continue to do that with our israeli partners. >> whit: coming back here to the u.s. and capitol hill and negotiators still working towards an aid package for ukraine, still tied to border security here in the u.s. is the white house confident we'll see a deal soon, perhaps even this week? >> we're making progress on the senate side. as you know, that's where the negotiations are right now. we're doing it in a bipartisan way, and we're doing it in good faith. we believe that those discussions have made progress. i don't want to negotiate here in public, but it's moving forward and the president's optimistic we'll get there. >> whit: john kirby, thank you for your time this morning. we appreciate it. gio, over to you. >> gio: now to former president trump's legal troubles and speculation on whether he'll testify this week in the defamation case against him. we know he's expected in court
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tomorrow in new york. abc's reena roy has more on this. good morning to you, reena. >> reporter: gio, good morning to you. we could see trump on the stand in court here in new york city tomorrow, and the stakes are high. this trial will determine how much he must pay in additional damages for defaming e. jean carroll. the writer says trump ruined her reputation and made her the target of violent threats when he denied her accusations of sexual assault. carroll is seeking at least $10 million in damages, and this trial has been full of heated moments in court. last week, the judge putting the former president on notice that he could be kicked out of the courtroom if he keeps making disparaging side comments about carroll within earshot of the jury. trump has denied any wrongdoing and has said he doesn't know who carroll is. sources tell abc that trump at the very least is expected to be inside the courtroom again tomorrow. carroll's lawyers plan on calling the former editor in
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chief of "elle" magazine to the stand along with a former reporter who carroll confided in about the alleged assault. rhiannon? >> gio: i'll take that. thank you, reena. in other news, jetblue and spirit airlines will appeal a judge's ruling that blocked their merger. jetblue made a $3.8 million bid to acquire spirit in 2024. by joining these smaller airlines, it would create one of the biggest airlines in america, but the justice department had argued that a merger would reduce competition and harm consumers looking for those deals. president biden posting online that this is a victory for consumers everywhere. >> rhiannon: all right. got to check the weather. it is frigid across most of the country. you said relief coming, but not today. >> somara: no. we have some warmer weather on the way and i guess that's what you consider warm. for me, once we get to 80s, i'll talk to you. >> whit: we got a ways to go before that. >> somara: i know. let's visit our friends on the west coast, shall we? good morning, west coast. it's been pretty active there. radar looping here. we can see anywhere from 1 to 3 inches of additional rain.
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that means just north of san francisco and south of redding, we could be in for flooding. they have a flood watch in place. multiple rounds of rainfall. this is 6:00 p.m. tonight. look at that. that pushes in. as we head into parts of the sierra nevada, we could see some snow as well. heavy rain moving through monday. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a >> somara: and that is your local forecast. whit, you were just in iowa going through that cold air. what did you say it felt like? >> whit: brain freeze from the
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outside. it seeped in through the eyeballs. >> gio: brain freeze from the outside, not like ice cream. >> whit: dangerous stuff. exactly. without the ice cream. thank you, somara. appreciate it. hoping for that warmup. let's turn now to the nfl and one kansas city fan who already counts as a winner thanks to chiefs tight end travis kelce. abc's jaclyn lee is here with more on that. jaclyn, good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning to you. you guys are about to meet mama gloria. she calls this entire experience a blessing. everyone who helped her out, she calls family because they drastically improved her quality of life. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: 79-year-old gloria white will be cheering on her hometown kansas city chiefs tonight, but there's a certain player she's holding a special place for, number 87. >> i've been a diehard of them for a long time. >> reporter: travis kelce and his foundation 87 and running
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came to the rescue when gloria reached out to a local nonprofit for help. >> it was an extensive project. >> reporter: gloria's husband died three years ago and she has been in a wheelchair, but wanted to stay in her home of 56 years. >> i'm just so thankful that they have been here for me. >> reporter: scott hickox and his team at rebuilding together kansas city help residents age in place, last year alone repairing over 125 kansas city homes by making critical repairs and safety modifications. >> he took care of you. >> yes, he did. >> reporter: gloria getting a new hot water heater, a kitchen sink, a porch rebuild, a new roof, and key railings so she can easily move around. gloria, a star track and field athlete herself, knows a thing or two about grit, even making it to the olympic trials in the 1960s, grateful to her hometown hero. >> i would like to say that i
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thank god for travis and this foundation. it has brought many tears to me of joy, not of sadness. >> reporter: and guys, rebuilding together kansas city says they will continue checking in on gloria just to make sure her house is safe. now, as for gloria, she has her own 87 travis kelce jersey sitting on her couch. she says, no one will touch it. it will not move until they come back with a super bowl win. >> rhiannon: maybe that's why they have been so hot lately. >> whit: maybe. >> gio: we love mama thank you, jaclyn. >> rhiannon: thank you, jaclyn. anyone saying he does this for publicity, they worked on 125 homes last year. >> gio: he's been doing it and keeps going it now. amazing. still ahead here on "gma," an infamous murder case. a mother of five killed. why the headlines are focusing on a juror's comments in a hit hollywood movie. >> rhiannon: and a rare look
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inside the hamas tunnel network where some of the hostages were believed to be held. >> whit: and loud budgeting. ever heard of it? a new social media trend some say is helping them achieve their financial goals. we'll be right back. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful,
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costs to fighting climate change . shake up the senate with democrat katie porter. >> i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning, i'm stephanie sierra. half moon bay will be honoring the seven lives lost one year ago in a devastating mass shooting. the anniversary is on tuesday when chun-li zhao opened fire at two mushroom farms. the victims were reportedly targeted in a case of workplace violence. tonight, they will be remembered at a candlelight vigil. in a moment of silence, it will be held at the boys and girls club events center from 4 to 6 p.m. this evening. to weather now and a drizzly sunday morning in some spots. how's it looking, lisa? that's right. >> good morning stephanie. a bit of a break in the rain for the most part. you can see a few areas of drizzle from parts of the north bay into the hills of the east bay, but a level two system tonight with gusty winds, heavy rain, possible nuisance flooding in the north bay all
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arriving after about 7:00 tonight. >> all right lisa, thank you. and thank you all for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america. >> the abc seven storm impact scale. >> heavy rain right on top of from 1 to 5. >> light to severe. know exactly how every storm will impact you. >> downed trees. road closures be prepared with the storm impact scale from abc seven news. >> with new hampshire just days away, can haley make any dent in trump's lead? are we just getting closer to a biden trump rematch? the powerhouse roundtable this morning on abc's this week. >> join us for this week. this morning starting at eight right here on abc. >> where can you see over 700 rvs from ten different dealers all in one place only at the 35th annual manufacture rv show at the alameda county fairgrounds in pleasanton, january 27th through february 4th. go to rv shows. net for discount coupons. >> this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric . californians deserve a senator
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they were trailing, but they came back. took a lead late in the fourth quarter and this dramatic interception in the final seconds sealing the victory over the green bay packers, 24-21. they'll be back home to host the nfc title game last week. the baltimore ravens, they beat the houston texans, 34-10, and advancing to the afc championship game. coming up, espn football analyst and veteran head coach herm edwards joins us with his take on the road to the super bowl. i think i had, like, three small heart attacks last night. >> gio: you were up until midnight. >> whit: did not sleep a bit. however, my niners got it done. >> rhiannon: they got it done, and i'll call it now. it's going to be chiefs/niners rematch in the super bowl. >> whit: i'll take it. if we can make it to the super bowl, i'll be very happy. >> gio: it's a good thing they won. otherwise you would not be in a good mood. >> whit: you would see a grumpy whit on a sunday. >> rhiannon: two hours of sleep. >> whit: exactly.
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>> gio: we're following a lot of other stories this sunday morning. happening right now, two days to go until the new hampshire primary. the front-runner donald trump and nikki haley both on the trail in the granite state, but ron desantis who fared well in iowa instead targeting haley's home state ahead of the upcoming south carolina contest. >> rhiannon: mourners filled an iowa church to remember the principal who risked his life to save students during a shooting earlier this month. dan marburger was critically injured during the january 4th attack and died ten days later. an 11-year-old sixth grader was killed in that shooting and six other people where injured when a 17-year-old student opened fire at perry high school. >> whit: and today could be the day that tara vanderveer becomes the winningest coach in ncaa basketball history. a victory at home against oregon state would see her pass mike krzyzewski as the all-time winningest college basketball coach with 1,204 wins. just incredible. still going. >> rhiannon: still going.
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>> gio: still going. and we are going to start this half hour with the juror's comment in a murder conspiracy trial causing an uproar in court after comparing it to the hit movie "gone girl." we're talking about a mother of five disappearing without a trace. abc's reena roy is here with the details. good morning again. >> reporter: good morning to you. this is a case that made headlines around the country and because it is such a high-profile trial, it has gotten people talking, even some jurors who are now dismissed because of their comments. this morning, dramatic developments in the trial of michelle troconis who's facing charges in connection with the death of jennifer dulos, the connecticut mother of five who disappeared in 2019. a juror dismissed after comparing the case to the movie "gone girl." the 2014 crime thriller starring ben affleck is about a missing wife with plot twists at every turn. >> i had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife. >> reporter: troconis was the girlfriend of fotis dulos,
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jennifer's husband. dulos accused of killing jennifer amidst a bitter divorce. prosecutors say troconis helped him cover it up. she's the first person to stand trial in this case. >> they're probably going to talk about those surveillance cameras and where they get law enforcement officers and how they're connected fotis dulos and michelle troconis to the crime. >> reporter: jennifer's body was never found, but she was declared legally dead last year. fotis died by suicide after being charged with her murder. the family nanny taking the stand describing the day jennifer went missing. >> the second i called jennifer, it was like my stomach just sank because she never not answered her phone. >> reporter: and an alternate juror was also dismissed last week for telling a member of the prosecution team, quote, we love you.
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it's now down to six jurors and three alternates, and if that total number goes below six, we could see a mistrial. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: we'll be watching that. thank you, reena roy. now to the close-up look at the vast tunnel structure built by the palestinian militant group hamas. this is apparently much larger and much more complex than we previously believed. abc's matt gutman got to see it first hand. >> reporter: the armored vehicles take us into gaza's besieged city of khan yunis. the destruction around here at every single corner that you look is pretty absolute. it's a middle class neighbor. the hole in the wall of that home leads to the heart of hamas' tunnel system, and the idf says something more sinister. the stairs leading about 60 feet down. >> you can see this part of the tunnel is incredibly straight. it goes for several hundred yards in that direction. see how well-manufactured it is. concrete arches above. concrete on the side. you can see all the different
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wires, power. we're underneath here. you can see how low this tunnel has become down here. we're several hundred yards in. it stretches for many hundreds of yards, part of a 350-mile long network of tunnels according to israeli intelligence. this is where the tunnel opens up. it becomes a much larger, wider room. you can see the fans here up against the wall. it's hot and damp in here. you can see the mattresses, the bedding, the stuffing of the bedding. these look like they held some sort of weapon. it says rpg 7vr. probably a warhead for an rpg. in here, the walls are tile. there's plumbing. another corridor leads to something more grim, what appeared to be cells with a mattress on the floor and behind it, a toilet. >> we have found in those cells, hair and other dna that we
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verified that there were hostages here. >> reporter: the idf says about 20 hostages were held here and continues to search for the 136 still held captive. meantime, the war grinds on with more than 25,000 palestinians killed according to the hamas-run gaza health ministry. >> there's the question of collective punishment. do all gazans in palestine have to pay because of what hamas did? >> we do not seek collective punishment. we seek only to rescue our hostages and, two, take down hamas. >> reporter: the israeli military says it doesn't know what happened to the hostages in that particular tunnel. they believe that most of the hostages are being hidden in tunnels beneath southern gaza. that's where the most intense fighting is happening right now and there do not appear to be imminent talks over a hostage release or a ceasefire. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: our thanks to matt gutman live in tel aviv with that upclose look there. thanks, matt. will january ever end? that's the question we all want to know. another winter storm headed our way?
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>> somara: we need to come up with a motto for 2024. you got to be quicker than that. that's good. we're tracking our next winter storm. first i want to show you what we got in michigan city, indiana. so one band, one lake-effect snow band there brought 25 inches of snow. just ten miles away, nothing on the ground. all right. so the next winter storm we're tracking, this one is going to impact the heartland on monday. this is leaving cities like kansas city, st. louis, lincoln, springfield, down to little rock all under some kind of winter alert. ice warnings for parts of arkansas there, and the southern tier of the storm, the warmer end will bring heavy rain, flooding conditions to dallas, houston, and parts of georgia. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a little c >> somara: and that, my friends, is your local forecast. back to you all. >> gio: all right, somara.
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thank you so much. coming up here on "good morning america," why it's suddenly cool to pinch those pennies. the new trend called loud budgeting. stick around. you're watching "gma" on a sunday morning. (speaker 1) oh! (speaker 2) blue buffalo, huh? (speaker 1) yeah. purina one... (speaker 2) yeah. (speaker 1) i used to feed purina one, but then i read the ingredients. (speaker 2) oh, yeah? (speaker 1) yeah, it's right there. (speaker 2) chicken, rice flour, corn gluten meal, whole grain corn, chicken byproduct meal. what's in blue? (speaker 1) deboned chicken, chicken meal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal. (speaker 2) yeah, but those ingredients cost a lot more. (speaker 1) blue is only about 50 cents more a day. that's not too much for my chester. oh my god, you actually, oh. will you marry me? —yes, yeah. yes! —really? —roaaaaaaaar! —roaaaaaaaar! is that so silly, oh my goodness. ahhhhh!
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma," and the trend we're seeing for 2024, staying true to your financial goals and not being afraid to show it. abc's alexis christoforous is here with what's being called loud budgeting. we're shouting it from the mountaintop, alexis. good morning. >> reporter: we are, and it warms my heart. good morning, whit. remember quiet luxury? that's so 2023. that was the trend where you would subtly show off your wealth. this year, the big financial trend is all about how you're not spending money and being loud about it. it's the viral financial trend of the new year. >> it's not i don't have enough. it's i don't want to spend. >> reporter: loud budgeting, making it chic to be stingy. young people taking to tiktok to announce loud and proud that they're setting financial boundaries. >> oh, sorry. i can't. i don't want to spend $100 going out to dinner with you when i can put $100 in my high yield savings account.
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>> we're doing drinks or dinner. we're not doing both. >> reporter: this tiktok viewed nearly 1.5 million times striking a chord with gen z. >> there's a lot of pressure to keep spending, and i think people want an excuse to kind of just be, like, i want to take a break. >> reporter: struggling with high housing costs and with student loan payments restarting, experts say loud budgeting can make people feel less alone and more empowered. >> it creates an accountability system, like participating in a movement that you just feel proud to be part of. >> reporter: when loud budgeting, experts say it's helpful to have an if/then plan. >> if i get an email from ahtropologie saying there's a sale, i will delete it so you don't get derailed. >> reporter: this can help you stick to your financial goals, and experts say if you're going to loud budget, it's important to strike a balance between spending less and still making room in your budget for the things that bring you joy. >> whit: yep. >> gio: let's get loud. >> whit: being firm and not being too annoying.
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that's the balance too. >> rhiannon: dinner or drinks, not both. >> whit: exactly. balance it out. thank you, alexis. coming up on "good morning america," the excitement building up to tonight's game for the nfl divisional round. herm edwards back with a preview. boxes. it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. there we go. alright, who's next? i've been holding on to these pieces of crown molding, 'cause you never know when you're gonna need them. i do, and it's never. it can be a lot for them. do you still own that car? -i do not. -okay. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. empty tubs of butter are for recycling, not for my leftovers. that's a big one, people. only sleep number smart beds let you each choose notyour individualrs. firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. save 40% on the sleep number special edition smart bed. plus, zero percent interest for 36 months when you add an adjustable base.
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ends monday. only at sleep number. what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird. why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart?. force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. (vo) it's ultimate endless shrimp with another limited-time rush to flavor drop.unleash new crispy salt & vinegar shrimp. it's all that... and a batch of shrimp. now one of seven endless choices. only at red lobster.
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> rhiannon: welcome back to "gma" and the road to the super bowl. the last two games in the divisional round kick off today, and we are so happy to have espn football analyst and veteran head coach herm edwards joining us to talk about them. herm, good morning. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. whit was nervous yesterday. >> whit: yes, i was. >> rhiannon: he was nervous. i'm nervous today because my
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chiefs are in it, but we're going to talk about the detroit lions. they got their first playoff win in over 30 years. so what do you expect to see from them against the bucs today? >> the same. they play with a lot of energy in that building. obviously their whole offense is built around their run game with gibbs and montgomery. they're equipped for 40 touchdowns when you think about their run game and their passing game, but gibbs and montgomery set up their offense. they're a play action offense. they want to take shots down the field. they like to play with a lead in the stadium, get the crowd involved. can you imagine? they've got two home games now in the playoffs back to back, and have a chance to win this one as well. >> whit: i love it. let's get to rhiannon's chiefs here meeting the bills yet again in the playoffs. how excited are you to watch this marquee matchup between patrick mahomes and josh allen? >> well, two outstanding quarterbacks when you think about the first game that the bills won. it was on a foul. remember the penalty where the player was offsides and so -- they're not going to offsides
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today. they're going to play in conditions where both these quarterbacks can play very well. it's going to be cold. doesn't matter. they can throw it. the team that can keep the quarterback in the pocket will win this game because both these quarterbacks will play off script. they want to play freelance football. josh allen is having an mvp season. he's already, what, he has 45-plus touchdowns already. we know about patrick mahomes. he's the best quarterback in the league. his numbers don't say that, but in playoff competition, he's tough to beat. >> gio: let's talk about the games from saturday. were you more impressed with the 49ers or the ravens? answer that carefully knowing whit is sitting here. >> i'll give whit his flowers in this sense. when you think about the 49er game, they did a great job in the red zone, not allowing scores. that was important, and purdy didn't play his better game. he had one of these games that basically at the end, he had the ball, had to take the team down
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the field to win the game. so i like the way the 49ers played, especially defensively. we can't say enough about the ravens. we know about lamar jackson. he's the mvp of the league, but the 49ers were methodical on the last drive. needed a score, and purdy took it down the field and got it done. >> whit: they took years off my life. i can tell you that much. thank you so much, and congrats to the green bay packers. amazing young team. very bright future ahead. >> gio: thank you so much. >> rhiannon: we're out of time. quickly, who do you have in the super bowl? >> oh, i think right now i've got the 49ers and i'm kind of leaning toward buffalo because they are playing at home. i'm not counting the chiefs out. i'm not counting them out. i'm not counting them out. >> gio: thank you so much as always. we'll be right back with our "play of the day." (man) it's still early. do you wanna maybe grab a coffee? (vo) with the wells fargo active cash card — you earn 2% cash back on what you want. like coffee.
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heart-healthy cheerios. listen. we know things don't quite add up right now. inflation is down. rent is up. well, when the cost of living is high,
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we find new ways to go low. we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite ikea products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. this election is a choice between results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> and we are back now with our play of the day and a special
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celebration. take a look at this happy 100th birthday. >> oh, that's gina fishel right there. >> her 100th birthday. friends and family all around her, but was surprised when members of the active duty coast guard crashed the party at her california home. she joined the coast guard in 1943. she was a member of spars. that's the women's branch of the us coast guard reserve. she got the rare opportunity to reenlist for the day, taking the oath in front of all these people. one day. happy birthday. birthday from the father. >> thank you for your service. yes, absolutely. wow. and thank you for watching. we're always on. good morning america .com. please stay tuned to this week. have a great week everybody from america's number one news comes the all new abc news app. >> breaking news incredible video, faster smarter and customizable to your interests. if you love being in the know, you're gonna love this experience. the all new abc news app. download it now for. >> with new hampshire just days away, can haley make any dent in
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trump's lead? are we just getting closer to a biden trump rematch? the powerhouse roundtable this morning on. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra. we have new details this morning on the deadly avalanche at palisades tahoe ski resort. the chronicle reports the resort did not fire off any explosives on the ski run that day. there reportedly wasn't one, but actually two avalanches that trapped skiers on the mountain. resort officials said. they set off charges a day prior to the avalanche, but typically don't set them off after light snowfall. and here's what conditions looked like late last night in lake tahoe. if you're taking interstate 80, chains are required east from placer county on all vehicles. as the same goes for those of you taking highway 50 from el dorado county on. snow has been falling throughout the night and there is a winter weather advisory in effect until tuesday afternoon. we lisa, how's the rain looking?
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all right. >> well, you know, it comes back this afternoon in the north bay. stephanie, right now we're looking at a few sprinkles over the hills of the east bay in the far north bay. but we have a break this morning. the golden gate bridge there. cloudy skies, 53, san francisco, 55, in san jose. and pretty view here from the oakland airport with that sun glint there. 52 in petaluma, 53 in concord. so the strongest in our series of storms coming our way later on tonight. for today, the rain moves into the north bay after about 1:00. upper 50 was dry in the south bay and the east bay, but then by the evening hours, some heavy rain, gusty winds and the possibility of some flooding and a chance of a thunderstorm all with us through about 8:00 tonight through the overnight hours into early monday. so level two system tonight ending monday and then a break for much of the week ahead. stephanie. >> all right lisa, thank you. this week with george stephanopoulos is next
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