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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  January 22, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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greatest treasure. reconsidering their businesses and two particular locations with crime as the focal point. neighbors online and in person telling us there's a growing sense of unheard frustration about all of this. so tonight we look at the next steps in building a better bay area. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> we start in san francisco where the city is stepping in to
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successfully delay the closure of a local safeway until next year. >> yeah, it comes after our reporting on the kind of blow this would be for the community there. and today, the closing date was pushed back. >> yes, the safeway sits on the border of the fillmore and western addition neighborhoods. it was slated to close in march for not meeting the store's quote, financial expectations. >> abc seven news reporter j.r stone has been all over this story from the very start, and has new reaction tonight. >> glad to hear it's going to be open for another year. >> tony horne is referring to this san francisco safeway store in the city's western edition. monday. we learned that instead of closing in march, the store will delay that move and stay open until january of next year. >> you got to take your wins as they come. this could be accounted for a win, but in another year, people going to hustle around for another place to go. >> we wanted to stay open and just it's a process and we'll take it, you know, it's better than nothing. we'll take it for now. >> while the reactions were positive, monday from those living in the fillmore and japan
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town neighborhoods, there is a bit of uneasiness about what happens after it does close next year, especially for seniors and families. we ran into, well, it makes me feel tiny bit better, but they shouldn't close it at all because it's too useful to the people here. >> january is just prolonging the inevitable. i think that they should stick around for longer than that. >> san francisco mayor london breed was the first to announce the city, and safeway reached an agreement to extend services by tweeting this video of her speaking with employees at the store. >> they agreed to continue to keep the store open. >> in an email to the mayor's office, we asked if safeway was incentivized to stay open with, say, extra police officers, which we saw on property when we were there. as of late monday, we have yet to hear back. supervisor dean preston previously sent a letter to
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safeway demanding that they withdraw their plan to close the grocery store in march. he says whatever is on this site going forward, it should include a grocery store. there's a lot of work to do to figure out what's going to happen at this site, and make sure the community is involved, but first things first, we're all very relieved and pleased that we're not facing the closure of fillmore's only full service grocery store in march. a rally will be held here tuesday at 9 a.m. those from the n double acp, also the japantown task force will be here. they are demanding a community led plan for this site going forward. j.r. stone abc seven news. and there is a similar sense of despair over in the east bay tonight. >> yeah, long time customers are sad about in and outs decision to close its location in oakland. the restaurant is located on oakport street off hegenberger road. you've likely seen it driving on 880 or on the way to the airport. >> in and out sites. crime not
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lack of profit as the reason for the closure, the company says customers and employees are regularly victimized by car break-ins property damage, theft and armed robberies. >> oakland police data backs that up with reported burglaries and robberies up in the area. since 2019. >> this is a profitable business, a business that is providing great jobs for our oaklanders. they're giving good revenue for city services and it is impactful when every business door closes. >> come march 25th, customers will now have to head to the in and out locations in either alameda or san leandro. >> now we want to make sure you have the full picture of crime where you live with the abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. it shows a wide range of statistics on public safety over the years for san francisco, oakland and san jose. you can narrow it down by neighborhood as well. you'll find it on our website, abc seven >> now to your voice and your vote. where tonight it was a showdown on the debate stage in the race for u.s. senate.
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>> the top four candidates, democrats adam schiff, katie porter and the east bay's barbara lee all sparring along with republican and former la dodger steve garvey. >> yes, they're all running to replace late senator dianne feinstein with the primary election now just six weeks away. coming up fast. >> abc seven news reporter tim johns kept tabs on the big moments for us tonight. he's in the studio with us with the highlights. tim. >> yeah, dan i know it's important to remember california has what's called a blanket primary. now, what that means is that when voters go to the polls on march 5th, the top two candidates, regardless of their party, will advance to the general election in november. i spoke to one political expert who says even in a deeply blue state like california, each candidate made a real push to separate themselves from one another. i would like to achieve this together. >> let's keep it together. >> he did moments monday night during the first debate for the race to be the nets california senator. so while others can talk about taking on corporate missions or taking on industries, some of us actually have done things. >> three democrats and one
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republican sparred over issues from the war in the middle east to abortion to statewide problems like homelessness. >> katie porter highlighting affordable housing as the main priority for her campaign. >> what we need is housing policy that works for us. housing policy that is centered on our needs, crime and public safety were also key discussion points. >> bay area rep barbara lee even coming under fire for crime in her hometown of oakland with debate moderators highlighting the upcoming closure of the city's in and out. we have to have more resources coming into our communities to make sure that there's more interaction between the police and the community. >> all three democratic candidates took turns attacking republican steve garvey, especially over his past support of former president donald trump. >> garvey maintaining that he's a moderate republican and trying to paint his opponents as career politicians. >> i owe no one. i'm a fresh face. i'll have fresh ideas. i will listen to needs of californians. >> the two candidates who received the most votes during the primary will ultimately move
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on to the general election in the fall, regardless of their party. but given the state's liberal tilt, political science professor melissa michaelson says it's often the democratic candidate who wins the primary that comes out on top in a lot of cases, including this one, it can turn out to be that the primary is where things are decided now, even though the election is in early march, every registered voter in california will receive a ballot in the mail. those are set to be sent out on february 5th in the studio tonight. tim johns abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you. now to the east bay, the effort to recall oakland mayor shengtao is moving forward. recall organizers tell abc seven news mayor tao did not respond to the certified letter they sent the deadline for her to do so. was friday. the group's next step will be to publish a recall campaign ad in a major newspaper . they hope to collect 25,000 signatures to present to the city. it's about 10% of oakland's registered voters. >> new developments the week long strike among california state university faculty members is over. as soon as it started.
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after just one day tonight, the union says it has reached a tentative deal and is allowing faculty to return to work tomorrow. it was the largest strike of university professors in the country. some 460,000 students at 23 campuses were affected, including the four in the bay area. but they'll be back to work tomorrow. >> all right, let's get back to the barrage of rain and storm damage we've seen over the past few days in downtown san mateo, three cars were damaged. two of them totaled. after a 100 year old oak tree fell over on fourth avenue this morning, the santa cruz one person's cabin was also destroyed by a toppled tree. a man olive tree sitting farthest from the home on highway nine, slid down the mountain where the crown of it crashed down. the owner says the home is a family treasure. >> my parents bought this place when i was a year old, so this is really the most home i have. if i had been there sleeping, of course i would not be standing here. i'd be dead. >> and officials say fallen trees have become more of a
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problem with the repeated storms. >> we've seen a lot of those in the last few weeks. let's go to abc. seven news. meteorologist sandhya patel tracked when this next round of rain is going to arrive. sandy. >> dan, you get a break tomorrow and then it gets in here late tomorrow night in the far northern end of lake in mendocino counties, and then for the bay area on wednesday. >> let me show you live doppler seven. we haven't seen this in a while. all is quiet right now as we take you back in time. that storm did bring statewide rain and some thunderstorms in southern california. also here in the bay area. storm report damage. you can see up and down the state 32 here from flooding to wind damage, thunderstorm, wind gusts. as you will notice taking you back in time, there was a thunderstorm that developed in santa clara county. this afternoon, but as i mentioned, all is quiet and tomorrow morning, what you're going to have to deal with is fog for the morning commute. you can see it right now on our live camera from exploratorium. camera. here is your next storm. it gets in here and it will bring us some rain. and speaking
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of rain, more than seven inches fell in ben lomond over the last 72 hours since friday. mount tam picking up 7.5in. most of you were in the inches category 1.7 for san francisco. oakland just over that. san jose 1.853 and a half in santa rosa and 1.80 in brentwood with 9/10 of an inch in livermore. i'll let you know how this plays into where we stand. rainfall. percent of average and what's ahead for the 40 niners game coming up ama. >> all right. look forward to it. thank you sandhya. arctic cold and icy roads are impacting millions of people across the u.s. tonight, at least 75 people have died in the freezing conditions. dozens of states remain under severe weather warnings it shows a fire truck spinning out of control in an icy imperial, missouri neighborhood. the driver of the fire truck twirled into a car nearly
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crashed into a home. fortunately no one was hurt here on the west coast, san diego is experiencing some extreme flooding. us border patrol can be seen in this clip helping eight immigrants who were stranded in flood waters while attempting to cross the border. part of interstate 15 was shut down today because of the high waters and heavy rain in tackling homeless in our neighborhoods is one of the most challenging and longestrillionunning issues in the bay area. >> and tonight we're finding new strategies in addressing this problem. abc seven news, south bay reporter lauren martinez shows you two potential breakthroughs underway tonight, ending the era of encampments and providing an alternative to the streets is a push from many bay area community. >> on saturday, san jose mayor matt mahan, along with two other council members, introduced a memo to prevent encampments from returning to the guadalupe river trail in the heart of downtown. city leaders want to preserve the progress that's already been made to clean up the public space. >> it's hard to build public trust, get people back out using
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our trails and keep our river clean. keep our city economically vibrant. if we're just kind of chasing the encampments around the city, the memo would direct the city manager to implement a no return zone that prevents encampments along the guadalupe river trail. we can then go to large neighboring encampments and say, we're sorry, this is an area where you can't camp. it's not safe for you. it's not okay for the broader community or the environment. we're going to require that you come indoors. but here's a place you can go in san mateo county, the board of supervisors will be considering an ordinance on tuesday that promotes shelter and penalizes illegal encampments. >> the ordinance states. if a person is occupying an encampment on public property, they can be charged with a misdemeanor after receiving at least two written warnings and two offers of shelter that are declined. elizabeth funk is the ceo of dignity moves, a company that builds interim supportive housing communities. >> i think the media likes to
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sensationalize and talk about, criminalize homelessness, but when i see stories like this, i get really excited because it's great news that you have two municipalities that have taken this problem seriously enough, and they've built enough capacity that they're in a place to have this conversation, said cities, along with federal support, should provide not just basic shelters, but the right kind of temporary housing assistance. i've had people who refused shelter because they're trying to get sober and they're drug users at the shelter. i believe that if we have legitimate offers that are palatable for that person, and we should be able to reclaim public spaces because we have offered palatable options in the south bay. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> turning to the race for president, two faces are fighting for the republican vote in new hampshire. as tonight, the very first ballots are cast. >> the golden state warriors, grieving one of their own. the tributes tonight for the coach lovingly known as coach dickey as the warriors returned to practice and the build up to hollywood's biggest night, who
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will nab the nominations and who will be snubbed? >> the 2024 oscars right here on abc seven. and we have how to watch all of that's coming up. >> but first, here's a look at what's ahead tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11, jimmy watch tonight and at least two of your dreams will come true. >> is it weird for you when you hear, like, um, kate hudson saying she's watching your sex life? >> uh, i don't think she said it like that. jimmy >> well, i put it like that. yeah, yeah
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks”
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that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. brentwood dispatch tells us the first call came in around 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon. a young
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man at the home was able to get out, but he says his mother is inside with the suspect, who the son says is her boyfriend. >> and the call came in for a welfare check and it escalated to a standoff very quickly. uh this is not the first time it's happened. he's put hands on my mom before. um multiple times. um he's also held her at gunpoint as well. so this is honestly nothing new to us. >> swat units and contra costa county deputies are on scene. the area remains under a shelter in place order. we will keep you updated on your abc seven news bay area app. >> tense situation there. obviously, let's move now to your voice. your vote. the clock has struck midnight in new hampshire, allowing the first six voters to cast their primary pick for the presidential election. each voter cast their ballot in dixville notch, all voting in favor of nikki haley. it's now a one on one battle between haley and former president donald trump. after florida governor ron desantis suspend his campaign over the
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weekend. according to a new cnn university of new hampshire poll, the former president leads haley by 11 points, both candidates held rallies tonight, hoping to swing the vote in their favor. >> when you're dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this with your vote, you're going to put crooked joe in his protectors on notice that we are coming in november. >> we're coming to take over the beautiful, beautiful white house . >> regardless of the outcome, haley says she will stay in the race. >> new at 11. daly city just voted to make its city manager among the highest paid in the state at that position. tomorrow a new four year salary kicks in, increasing each year to more than $440,000 by 2026. as of 2022, only four city managers of sacramento, santa clara, ventura and beverly hills received more in total wages, according to the
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state comptroller's office. one citizens group, accountable daly city disapproves of the raise and called on the city council to reject it. >> we have a deficit in the city and it would not be prudent for any of us to approve. >> as the mayor of daly city, i can say without any hesitation that mr. piccolotti is worth his salary and much more. >> after discussion and public comment, they ultimately approved the increase with three out of four in agreement happening tomorrow. >> this year's oscar nominations will be announced. everyone wants to know which films are in the running for best picture and all the rest, of course, here's a live look from hollywood boulevard in los angeles and the dolby theater, where the red carpetou for the big event. tomorrow's nominations will start at 5:30 a.m. you can watch them live on abc seven mornings. good morning america. we'll have a full breakdown and industry talk right after that. then don't miss the red carpet. the academy
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awards, hosted by jimmy kimmel on sunday, march 10th, starting at a new earlier time this year 4 p.m. we'll see you tomorrow. who's nominated? >> that's right. so as you're watching the morning news, are you going to be listening to the rain outside? is it going to be here? >> question. meteorologist sandhya patel is back with more rain. sandy >> yeah. >> and that rain doesn't arrive until wednesday. so dan and anna tomorrow morning. the biggest concern is going to be fog. but let's talk about that rain. over the last several days we have had storm after storm and that series has made some impact. san jose 107% of average. santa rosa 108. this is good to see. san francisco 96, but you will notice that sfo and oakland are still lagging behind with just over 7 to 8in of rain. here's a look at a live picture from our emeryville camera. and certainly, seeing as we look towards the port of oakland a little bit of fog there, dense fog advisory for solano county tomorrow morning from 5 to 9 a.m. visibility will be down to
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a quarter mile or less. so be careful if you are driving through this area. vacaville right now reporting just over a mile of visibility. santa rosa a half a mile and half moon bay, three mile visibility. you get a break from the storms tomorrow, believe it or not. so this system that brought us the rain had some thunderstorms earlier today in santa clara county is on its way out and here's the next system that is coming in on wednesday. as we look at live doppler seven, all is quiet. other than the fog in the sierra, we did see some snow over the last several days. 48 hours snow totals quieted down. now have ranged from six inches to almost three feet at 32in. at some of the resorts, there. avalanche warning for the back country, including tahoe, continues until 7 a.m. tomorrow. so just keep that in mind. statewide, sierra snowpack has gone up to 55% of average 40s and 50s on your temperatures right now. coastal flood advisory tomorrow from 8 a.m. to noon. the reason for this is the high tides will be coming up tomorrow morning, just past 9
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a.m, over six feet. so that's when you will see some minor low lying flooding overnight tonight. here are the headlines. fog and isolated showers. still not out of the question tomorrow. break from the storms and then wednesday our next system arrives and it will bring us some rain. but as we look at our future cast tomorrow morning, fog is the biggest concern. between 5 and 10 a.m. and then it will lift on out of here and will be replaced by some clouds tomorrow morning. 40s and 50s. give yourself that extra time for the commute. you just may need it tomorrow afternoon. 50s, 60s. you see some sun breaks too, which will be a nice change of pace to dry out. and speaking of dry, it is going to be dry for the niners playoff game again at the lions 68 degrees. can you believe that ? with sunshine 60 degrees at fourth quarter level one system coming in here on wednesday with light to moderate rain impacting the morning commute, it will be breezy tomorrow night. a couple of sprinkles. well to our north. and then wednesday morning is when we are expecting the rain. 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. is when most of
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it goes through. some scattered showers remain between 11 a.m. and the evening rush, but really, overall rainfall is not expected to be quite as intense as what we have experienced. so rainfall projections anywhere from about 1000/200 in fremont there to 6000/500 at clear lake. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. your break from the storms tomorrow. wednesday is a level one rain breezy. you get a chance to dry out until late in the week and going into the weekend. a level one for saturday for the niners game. right now it is looking dry. ama and dan we'll be
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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[narrator] covered california is a free service from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california. this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at
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hit the pitch. a training camp starts tomorrow for bay fc. the newest franchise in the national women's soccer league. >> today, the players posed for photos in their new uniforms and met with the media, players and coaches say they are excited to get the inaugural season underway. >> there's nothing better than being out on the field with talented players that are motivated to be the best and bring a championship here to the bay area. >> the team's regular season starts in march at paypal park in san jose. that's going to be fun. >> yeah, definitely. well, the 40 niners just barely survived the packers. now the question is whether one of their stars can play this sunday with a ticket to the super bowl on the line.
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yeah. >> sports director larry beil is here. larry. dan >> deebo samuel had to leave early against green bay. will that shoulder be good enough to go against the lions in the nfc championship game? that's next. in sports
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country of serbia and today in belgrade. the fans. they packed the arena to honor the dubs assistant, who died of a heart attack last week at age 46. back here in san francisco. the warriors, practicing for the first time since that tragedy, took place in salt lake city. players wearing shirts featuring coach dickey, as he was known there, obviously still in shock, trying to cope with a devastating loss. heartbreaking and devastating. >> um. you know, it's a it's just the saddest thing i've ever been a part of in the nba. you know, we lose, uh, someone who's so close to us. um, and then more importantly, me, um, seeing his family suffer, um, you know, so this last week has been full
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of all of the above. the shock, the emotion in the extreme outpour of love. just a devastating week tonight, joel embiid and the sixers taking on the spurs. >> and if you're in the same sentence with wilt chamberlain you've probably done something big and be the combo of pure power and feathery soft touch. a franchise record 70 points tonight. the reigning nba mvp so hot. philly fans booed when other players had the sheer audacity to shoot the ball instead of giving it to embiid. sixers over the spurs 133, 123 the 49 ers game plan took a huge hit early when deebo samuel left with a shoulder injury on saturday. the niners they survived barely against green bay. now the question is whether debo will be able to play sunday in the nfc title game against detroit. right now 5050. >> it wasn't broken. so that was a real good sign. um, but, uh, still hurting too much for us to
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really have an idea how it's going to heal up this week. so we just got to be patient, see how he feels on wednesday. and, um, you know, based off of its improvement, it'll give us a better idea whether he has a chance for the game or not. >> to the ice rams great marshall faulk dropping the puck in la sharks and kings two, all in the third period. sharks on the breakaway. justin bailey he shoots and scores to up three two. two minutes left. kings go with the empty net. drew doughty with a blast and we're on to the shootout where fabian zetterlund says good night game over. drive home safely. four three. teal sports on abc seven. sponsored by river rock casino, and we'll be
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previously on "jimmy kimmel live!" >> you're on a mission. let's go bake sale. no time for that [ bleep ]. no time for that [ bleep ].


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