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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 22, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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previously on "jimmy kimmel live!" >> you're on a mission. let's go bake sale. no time for that [ bleep ]. no time for that [ bleep ].
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[ laughter ] >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- kate hudson and oliver hudson, the bachelor joey graziadei, and music from charley crockett. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for braving the elements to join us in -- what a brave group of people. we just experienced our third day in a row here in los
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angeles, which breaks the previous record of two. it's funny how worked up we get about the rain. it's raining, the umbrellas are all over the place. then you watch the football games. buffalo got hit with almost two feet of snow ahead of last night's game against the chiefs. that didn't stop fans from tailgating. a guy showed up in a bills hat and a lions sweatshirt, so naturally, they threw him off the truck and into the fire. and then they ate him, and he was delicious! best thing about that video, two guys helping ten guys shooting video with their phones. but the most valuable pre-gamer was a real nfler! jason kelce, brother of travis. his team the eagles were eliminated last week so he shuffled up to buffalo to watch his brother play for the chiefs. on the way into the stadium, he stopped to take a shot out of a
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bowling ball with the fans. i think taylor picked the wrong brother. i don't know if it's too late, but -- then he went into the game and he turned the luxury box into a chippendale's. there he is celebrating his brother's touchdown. that's nice. it's sweet. i'm going to ask my brother to do that when i host the oscars. speaking of shirtless dudes, it was bachelor night here on abc. oh yeah. the premiere of the bachelor season 258. i really don't know. the bachelor this time around is joey graziadei, who was a finalist last season on "the bachelorette." they lined up 32 women for joey to choose from. on the website, you can find little bios about them. they're interesting. autumn, for instance, "doesn't understand why going through tsa takes so long." that is one of life's great mysteries. jess "read her first book for
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fun last summer." it was called "clifford the big red dog." she loved it. katelyn "struggles with putting away her laundry." poor kid. kelsey t., not to be confused with kelsey a., or travis kelce "likes when wild lizards crawl into her hands." and talyah "needs a good pair of leggings to survive." i think we all do. i spent the whole day at lululemon yesterday. you need leggings, right? in case there's a pilates emergency? as is tradition, many of the ladies made over-the-top entrances including an artist named zoe. when zoe met joey, she got straight to the point. sonc sonchts. >> so i have a serious question for you. >> okay. >> which one would you say you resonate with? >> oh wow. we're not going to go crazy. we'll go with this one here.
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>> okay. i'm excited to get to know you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how did you and grandma meet? well, she brought me a tray of penis bananas and we've been together ever since. zoe did not get a rose. >> nice. >> pull it up. >> what is it? i don't even know. is it giving wedding? >> this is a huge bra. >> i want to show you i'm here for the massive support. >> jimmy: booo! bring back the bananas! bachelor joey is here with us tonight. we'll find out what the hell is going on with him. hey, you know who else didn't get a rose? ron desantis. ron desantis yesterday announced he is suspending his futile campaign for president of the united states.
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>> if there's anything i could do to produce a favorable outcome, more campaign stops, more interviews, i would do it. but i can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory. accordingly, i am today suspending my campaign. i'm proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises, and i will not stop now. >> jimmy: it's estimated that desantis spent $2,263 per vote he got. it literally would have been cheaper to buy each of his supporters a peloton. desantis wrapped up his farewell speech with a quote from none other than winston churchill. >> winston churchill once remarked that success is not final, failure is not fatal. it is the courage to continue that counts. >> jimmy: not only did desantis opt not to continue, winston churchill never said that. the state of florida banned all
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books about churchill after deciding the name winston sounded too gay. ron desantis didn't know. desantis finished a distant second in iowa and was only polling around eight percent in new hampshire. sadly, he was unable to woo voters with his irresistible natural charisma and charm. >> what is that? >> an icee. >> yeah. that's probably a lot of sugar, huh? >> jimmy: he's particularly great with kids. it was only a matter of time before ron dropped out. you could see the writing on the wall when six days before the iowa caucuses, the head of his super pac was caught on camera doing a puzzle. now he'll have plenty of time to finish it. i have to say, i'm a little bit sad to say goodbye to ron desantis. and when i look back on his campaign, over the last few months, i think the thing i'll miss most of all is his smile. that infectious smile. ♪ you know i can't smile without
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you ♪ ♪ can't smile without you ♪ ♪ i can't laugh and i can't sing ♪ ♪ i'm finding it hard to do anything ♪ ♪ i can't smile without you ♪ ♪ i can't smile without you ♪ ♪ i can't laugh and i can't sing ♪ ♪ i'm finding it hard to do anything ♪ [ laughter ] >> look at that. pure constipation. >> jimmy: such a cutie patootie. after years of hammering trump, desantis immediately endorsed trump, which trump loved. he loves it when they bend the knee. it's his favorite thing. trump opened his speech in rochester last night with a
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mention of desantis that did not even include a disparaging nickname! >> before we begin, i'd like to take time to congratulate ron desantis. and, of course, a really terrific person. >> jimmy: yes, a terrific person for whom you have nothing but respect. in fact, let's take a moment to look back on all the praise donald trump has lavished on the guy he now calls "a terrific person," shall we? >> ron desanctimonious, without my endorsement, he would have come in last. could have never gotten the nomination. he would be working in a pizza place or an office right now. ron desanctimonious has turned out to be a disaster. he's like a wounded bird falling to the ground. dropped like an ailing bird out of the sky. including in florida where he's no longer even popular.
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ron desankt m if he's the nominee, they'll lose because he's a lousy candidate. you have to have personality. he needs a personality transplant. and those are not yet available. his feet, it's weird. he's walking like -- i thought he was wearing ice skates. he does not wear high heels! all right, maybe. you're so far behind that if george washington and abraham lincoln came back from the dead and endorsed you, you win. >> jimmy: and jesus told me he hates you too. but i think you're a terrific guy. so now, it's nikki haley and nobody else! living every woman's nightmare, being left alone with donald trump. that's if trump even knows who she is. you know how he's been bragging again about that cognitive test he supposedly passed four years ago?
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well, at a rally in new hampshire friday, our most stable genius accused nikki haley of being nancy pelosi. >> nikki haley, nikki haley, nikki haley. do you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything, deleted and destroyed all of it, all of it, because of lots of things, like nikki haley is in charge of security. we offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, national guard, whatever they want. they turned it down. they don't want to talk about that. these are very dishonest people. >> jimmy: to be fair, nikki haley and nancy pelosi are easy to confuse, they're both women whose names begin with the letter n. and that's it really. i give it a week before trump thinks he's running against haley joel osment. trump also can't seem to pronounce the name of his possible running mate, elise stefanik. >> how good did elise stepanak do?
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>> jimmy: i love that little pause when he sees the name on the teleprompter and he's like, "oh, crap. here we go. elise steppanack." not only are trump's cognitive abilities in question, he may be having trouble with his eyes. listen to him here bragging about the crowd size at his rally in new hampshire. >> it's a saturday night. we set every record they just told me in this arena. now, i don't know how old it is, but it's not new. there are a lot of people outside. thank you very much. >> jimmy: but then, watch as trump ejects a heckler from the arena and see if you can spot any empty seats. >> who is this? is he a friend? you can get him out of here. get out of here. get out of here. >> jimmy: look at that record crowd! i've never seen so many people! melania! get the folks at guinness on the phone! anyway, while there weren't a lot of people in attendance, those who did show up got quite a show, which we slowed down considerably for a new failure
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to launch edition of "drunk trump." ♪ >> bing, bing, bing. missile launch, missile launch, bing, bing. ♪ >> jimmy: he's starting to make a lot of sense. tomorrow is the new hampshire primary, and there are already shenanigans afoot. a lot of experts are worried about how ai could possibly affect the election, and it already has. this weekend, voters in new hampshire got this bogus robocall from the ai voice of joe biden. >> a bunch of malarkey. you know the value of voting democratic and our votes count. it's important that you show your vote in the november election. they need your help in electing democrats up and down the ticket. voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump again.
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your vote makes a difference in november, not this tuesday. >> jimmy: that was not joe biden. but he probably thinks it was. it's confusing. it's hard to tell what is even real anymore. like there's a new video of donald trump going around and i'm not sure what to make of it either. >> after much consideration, i would like to apologize to you, my fellow americans, for my actions, crimes and lies. and there were many. they caused so much division and harm to this great country. as your president, it was my responsibility to unite all americans, and i have failed bigly and historically to do that. i hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me for the many mistakes i made and join me in supporting a good man, our president, joe biden, to create a brighter future for this country we love. thank you and may god bless america.
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and now my favorite show, "jimmy kimmel live!." great guy. baba booie. >> jimmy: i knew he'd come around. we are now 287 days away from the election and regardless of which candidate you support, chances are, you're going to be hearing a lot from them. no matter how many times you text the word "stop." you are going to be hearing from them. so i found it quite refreshing to learn that there's at least one candidate out there who understands what we do and do not want. ♪ >> i'm ken spillings and i'm running for president of the united states. i know what you're thinking. why would i throw away my vote on a third party candidate i've never heard of? it's because i will deliver on one simple promise. i will never, ever text you. the moment other candidates get your phone number, they start texting you day and night. ken, i need your help. ken, it's time to act. it's enough to make you want to
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throw your phone off the roof, which i did, severely injuring two pedestrians. i will never text you or anyone ever. i couldn't do it if i wanted to. my thumbs are too big. ♪ vote for me. i promise you will never hear from me again ever, i swear to god. i'm ken spillings. that's it. bye-bye. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he's got my vote. we've got a good show for you tonight. the new bachelor joey graziadei is here. we have music from charley crockett. and we'll be right back with kate and oliver hudson. stick around. ♪
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results or just rhetoric.
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californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. ♪ >> jimmy: tonight, you can violate his privacy and watch every minute of his search for love right here on abc, the brand new bachelor joey graziadei is with us. then later, a talented singer from texas. his new album "10 dollar cowboy" comes out april 26th. music from charley crockett. join us all this week for guests including snoop dogg,
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lisa ann walter, milo ventimiglia, day-vine joy randolph, tom segura and jason momoa, with music from alkaline trio, vacations and mammoth wvh. our first guests tonight go all the way back to their mother's womb. they are co-hosts of the cleverly-titled podcast "sibling revelry." please welcome kate and oliver hudson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. >> hi. >> jimmy: how are you? you look fantastic. >> thanks. >> jimmy: i'm going to try to focus my vision at your forehead. >> thank you. i met the bachelor. so exciting. >> jimmy: was that exciting for
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you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: was it exciting for you? >> seems like a really great guy. >> he has beautiful eyes. >> jimmy: are you guys bachelor fans? >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: since the beginning or what? >> i kind of took a little bit of a break. "golden bachelor" brought me back. because i watched one episode and bawled my eyes out and then i was hooked. >> the golden bachelor cried a lot. >> jimmy: did he cry? >> he was very thoughtful and empathetic. >> jimmy: i mean, if you ended your life on the bachelor, you'd cry too, right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: being harassed in a house. your house is an interesting house. >> it's very interesting. >> jimmy: you know, i know your parents cukurt and goldie. >> you were just with them in
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denver, right? >> jimmy: yes. we took a very romantic trip to denver. first of all, i mean, goldie is a wonderful -- we all know this, but kurt is such a man, it's like really intimidating. >> there's a lot of testosterone in him. he's really interesting too, because everybody always talks about my mom. like, i feel like a lot of times that becomes the topic of conversation, but kurt is just such an interesting man. there's many things people don't know about kurt. >> jimmy: what is something we don't know about kurt? >> there's a million. he always finds himself in some sort of scenario. >> he's always crossing paths somehow with killers, like serial killers. [ laughter ] >> actually, he was on camera when o.j. simpson drove into his house. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: holy moly. >> he was in the driveway. you could see him on ktla. >> he was talking to like shapiro. we were at a friend's house watching the nba finals, who lived right down the street o.j. simpson at the time. it was the big chase. o.j. was on the 405. kurt knew, oh, he's going home. next thing you know he gets in the car and he leaves and he goes to o.j.'s house. i don't know why. >> jimmy: just to see it all unfold. >> we're all like, where are you going? he's like, i'll be right back.
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we were watching the nba finals. it was interrupted. we saw our dad on television like behind the caution tape. >> but it doesn't stop there. he had a run-in with ted bundy. he beat up tex watson, who was charlie manson's there's grains of salt all over the place. >> i'm into it. >> ted bundy escaped from jail in colorado. he was living there at the time. >> this is a crazy story. >> kurt was camping. he had his plate of food, went to get a beer. he comes back and his plate of food was gone. ted bundy gets caught and recounts how he survived after escapes. he said he found a guy camping and goes and eats his food. >> jimmy: oh my god. not only is he a murderer, he's
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a thief. >> yeah. >> he's got crazy stories. >> jimmy: when your parents are unusual, do you find that you become closer to each other? >> because our parents are crazy? one time speaking of we decided to prank one of our brother's friends and pretend we were a family of vampires. we were very imaginative. i was like 9. >> this poor kid, he was probably like 11. we said we were a family of vampi vampires. any time he would come over, subtle like -- >> we went all out. i'm surprised neither one of us became a production designer, because we really would like completely redo the rooms. we made it really dark and black and redid our closet so there were like these bunks so that we
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would like sit. >> and kate let him into the bunk. >> i'm like -- [ laughter ] >> beef and broccoli, left overchiovleftover chinese. >> jimmy: did you tell him the truth? >> he could be in some institution at this point. i can't imagine what he's going to tell his parents. >> jimmy: did he ever come back? >> yes. he came back for more. we also told him -- >> we told him we were launching a spaceship out of the house. >> we told him we were launching a spaceship out of our basement. our basement is like square, low ceiling. we covered the entire basement in tinfoil and made this video.
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it was like the late '80s. we made this video of like two cardboard doors opening as if you were launching. we had a siren that we made. >> jimmy: wow. we got a couple of space vampires here, folks. their podcast is called "sibling rivalry." we'll be right back with more after this. >> portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by -- ♪ ♪ wake up, gotta go! c'mon, c'mon. -gracie, c'mon. let's go! guys, c'mon! mom, c'mon! mia! [ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ my favorite color is... [ imitating trombone ]
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because, it's like a family thing! [ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully.
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♪ >> jimmy: we're back with kate and oliver hudson. they are hosts of a podcast called "sibling revelry." the idea is you get siblings together. >> yeah. we do different things too. but we love to get siblings, all kinds of siblings, siblings with wild stories. >> jimmy: me and my brother john went on together. that was fun, yeah. it definitely changes the feel when you're there with a member of your family. >> the conversation is different. that's how i feel about this. i feel so much different having oliver even just here, us doing this together. >> we're getting back to sort of when we were young, how we weren't as close as we could have been. now, you know, having this
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podcast it's definitely brought us closer together, no doubt. >> jimmy: how old are your kids now? >> oh my gosh, mine are so old. i have a 20-year-old. ryder is 20. >> i have a million kids. >> so do you. i have 20, 12, 5. >> i have 16, 13, 10. i have my teenager. >> jimmy: you've been through the teenage years already. you are experiencing them. >> yes. he has a girlfriend, navigating this whole new world. you have to transition from when they're little to now. >> jimmy: sure, yeah. i mean, like if you try to wipe them now, they're going to get mad. >> i had the cutest thing the other day, because i hear this sound at my side door. i'm like, hello. he's like, hey auntie kate. i'm like, wilder? he's sleeping over at the house. he's like 6'2".
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they're so big. >> jimmy: do you advise each other's children? are you able as an aunt to be more just casual with your nephew? >> i am stricter. i am a strict aunt. he's the non-strict uncle and dad. >> auntie kate is making us take our shoes off to go in the house. we're not going over there. i'm like, okay. >> jimmy: that was a deal breaker? >> that was a deal breaker. she gets strict and i'm loosey-goosey. >> jimmy: did you know he was out of the house? >> no. he's driving now, so you know. i have him on life 360, which is watching and tracking your children, which probably isn't the greatest thing. >> jimmy: it probably is the greatest thing. >> i don't know. i call him up like, you're going 65 in a 55. slow it down. >> jimmy: does he track you? >> he does.
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>> jimmy: does he ever call and scold you? >> yeah. >> where are you, dad? >> jimmy: what about your mom? is she involved in the parenting? >> sort of. she has her own thing. she comes in and does her thing and then leaves. >> right. she'll come in and say you need to do this and too many devices and then she leaves. >> jimmy: does she ever bring things up that you guys did in front of the kids? >> uh, no. >> no. not really. >> i actually have a semi story. i was trying to date somebody, this girl who was two years older than me. she comes and pulls into our driveway. she has a little cabriolet. >> oh, the rabbit. >> i'm walking outside. mom is like where are you going? i'm going with rebecca. you're not going. you're 15 years old. she's 17. i'm like, mom, not in front of
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her. she pulls me away, you're not going. i lost it. i went in my room and made holes with a broom. >> jimmy: really? >> i was so angry because i was mortified and embarrassed, so embarrassed. i only tell this story to use these experiences in trying to raise my kids. as well as mom did, it was sort of like, gosh, not in front of her. i'll take him aside. >> jimmy: probably remove all the brooms from the house. >> i think about that too. like mom didn't really care. she was like, well, goes the door, punched a little drywall out. we'd be so mad if our kids -- our parents were so like laid back about, you know, >> jimmy: did you ever date each other's friends? >> date is a strong word.
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>> i wouldn't call it a date. >> there were a lot of hook-ups. >> there are discrepancies here. kate hooked up with my friend scott hahn who's an actor. >> he's been doing this on our podcast for four years. i never made out with scottie. it never happened. >> i still don't believe him. >> jimmy: are you mad at him? >> no. >> we would sit in my room. he liked my room. >> he liked your room. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm on oliver's side. >> i definitely made out with some, not scottie. >> really quickly, kate was such a strong woman that i didn't need to be protective of her. she handled herself. >> that's what he tells himself. >> i was not the protective older brother. i was like if you want to hook up with scottie, look up with
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scottie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you just setting the table to hook up with kate's friends. >> yes. big time. she was always at my door. cut to me at her door, hey, is karla in there? >> after oliver went to college and came back, all he wanted to do was hang out in my room. i was like you've got to get out of my room. >> jimmy: well scott loves your room. >> if you ask him, he'll tell you the truth. >> jimmy: that would be fun. a polygraph test. >> i would do it and i'd beat it. >> jimmy: if you want to get some insight into the lives of these fascinating young people, it's called "sibling kate and oliver hudson, thank you. we'll be back with bachelor joey graziadei.
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(kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. ♪ >> jimmy: music from charley crockett is on the way. earlier tonight here on abc, our next guest met a record-setting 32 potential brides, the biggest harem in bachelor history. please welcome bachelor
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number 28, joey graziadei. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for coming. i would like you to remember you're under oath here tonight. >> yes, sir. got you. >> jimmy: do you feel pressure? have people yelled at you and told you don't say anything, be careful, watch out, all that stuff? >> a little bit of pressure. i'm just having fun with it. thanks for having me. >> jimmy: it's great to have you. first of all, that girl with the bananas, that was too much, right? >> yes. i thought in that moment when it happened, i was like, my mom is going to be watching this, so let me just grab a banana, toss it in the bushes and move on. >> jimmy: you did the right thing. was that what made you go, okay, i'm not giving her a rose? >> she seemed very sweet, but
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yeah. >> jimmy: at that point you've got to go, all right, i don't know any of these people really. mostly i'm basing it on what they look like? >> the first impression is tough. you can only talk to so many of them. it's a big part of that night one. >> jimmy: to catch everybody up, you were the runner-up or what do you want to call it on the charity bachelorette? >> you could call it runner-up or person that got dumped. >> jimmy: you got dumped. can you get dumped if you're not really dating, though? >> maybe. it depends how you view it. >> jimmy: when she chose the other guy, how many seconds did it take before you thought, oh i could be the bachelor? was it more than four? >> yeah. that's a good question. i didn't think about it at that time. i was paying attention to the fact that i just got dumped on tv. >> jimmy: i see. you were working at that time in hawaii in kauai as a tennis pro,
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right? >> right. >> jimmy: i think especially in the '70s, this was a big thing, women trying to sleep with the tennis pro. is that a real thing? >> yes. i have not done that. what i always say is it usually starts out you teach the kids. then the mom watches the lesson, oh, i want a lesson. it takes about a week before the husband shows up and checks in, who is this guy? >> jimmy: how do you convince them that's not your intention? >> i don't know. i just try to be me. >> jimmy: so you never made love to any of your tennis students? >> no, i have not. >> jimmy: is that against the rules? >> it's against my rules. >> jimmy: you have a rule? tennis is teaching them the forehand. you get behind them and all of a sudden sparks start to fly?
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>> i was warned by multiple tennis pros that's a big no-no. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: can you still charge them if you're sleeping with them? >> i wouldn't know, jimmy. >> jimmy: do your friends who warned you, do they know? >> i just know don't sleep with them. >> jimmy: the show is done taping. you've made your decision, whatever that decision is. now, this is the time where a lot of times the bachelor and bachelorette come and sit and they have a secret, but you can't share it with anybody. if you are with somebody, i assume that you would be together, yes? >> yes. i can't answer if i'm with someone, though. >> jimmy: here's what i'm getting at. i heard you live with your sister. >> yes. >> jimmy: in philadelphia, right? >> yes. i'm not couch surfing. i have my own room. the guest room is now joey's room. it works out okay. >> jimmy: you must be alone,
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because you can't be living in there with whoever you picked. >> you think what you want. i'm not going to say anything else. all i know is i'm staying in my sister's guest room. >> jimmy: is your sister married? >> she is. >> jimmy: does she have kids? >> she has a puppy named barbara. she's adorable. >> jimmy: interesting. >> that's all i can say. >> jimmy: but it's possible one of these women lives in a different city and you guys are just trying to figure it out until you get together. >> that is very possible. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you pay your sister rent? >> no. what happens is she has something above me every single time now. so whenever she wants something, she just reminds me that i don't pay rent. it's really good for my sister. she loves it. >> jimmy: what is your job right now? >> my job is, i guess, the bachelor. >> jimmy: that's the first honest answer i've ever gotten from the bachelor.
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>> it is my current job for the time being. >> jimmy: you can't give tennis lessons in philadelphia right now. >> i've been pretty busy. >> jimmy: it's so cold you would have to have sex with your state of the unions just-- students j to stay alive. is it weird when you hear kate hudson saying she's watching your sex life? >> i don't think she said it like that, jimmy. >> jimmy: i put it like that. >> no. one of my favorite romcoms is "how to lose a guy in ten days." >> jimmy: you feel like you've been watching her. now she's watching you. >> i hope she does. that would be awesome. >> jimmy: what about the rest of your family? are they excited about watching you on this show? >> i've been lucky to have a really good support system. some like to give me [ bleep ] from time to time. >> jimmy: like who? >> my uncle joe. he's been proud of me.
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he's definitely given me a thing or two. >> jimmy: does he weigh in on who you should pick? >> i don't know if he's going to watch it, to tell you the truth. he's just going to find little things and give me crap about it. >> jimmy: has he met your fiancee yet? >> i'm not saying anything. jip i n >> jimmy: i never heard of a bachelor who's living with his sister. >> out. he's a professional bachelor. does that mean you'll be the bachelor again next season? >> you can't keep asking. we're going to have to find out. >> jimmy: "the bachelor" monday night s at 8:00 here on abc. we'll be right back with charley crockett.
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results or just rhetoric. californians deserve a senator who is going to deliver for them every day and not just talk a good game. adam schiff. he held a dangerous president accountable. he also helped lower drug costs, bring good jobs back home, and build affordable housing. now he's running for the senate. our economy, our democracy, our planet. this is why we fight. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> jimmy: thanks to kate and oliver hudson, joey graziadei and ike barinholtz. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, his album "10 dollar cowboy" comes out april 26th.
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here with the title track, charley crockett! ♪ i'm a ten dollar cowboy baby that's a fact ♪ ♪ i got some inhibitions that might be holding me back ♪ ♪ i've been seeing this portrait attached to a small fee ♪ ♪ for a ten dollar cowboy who looks a lot like me ♪ ♪ if you're a ten dollar cowboy ♪
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♪ then you already know that there never was a rider who couldn't be thrown ♪ ♪ even billy mcclain fell off a time or two he was a ten dollar cowboy who looked a lot like you ♪ ♪ i'm a ten dollar cowboy i play a little guitar people always ask me if i'm a rodeo star ♪ ♪ doubt if i got eight seconds but i can sing you a song ♪
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♪ like a big bull rider i'm steady holding on you see the ten dollar cowboy ♪ ♪ he leads a colorful life don't you worry about him ♪ ♪ he knows he'll only die twice like billy mcclain ♪ ♪ he's the last of his breed he's just a ten dollar cowboy who looks a lot like me ♪ ♪ he looks a lot like me
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he looks a lot like me yeah when i was out there ♪ ♪ on them street corners learning how to stand behind this guitar ♪ ♪ ten dollars was a whole lot of money cowboy cowboy singer ♪ ♪ both highly hazardous occupations look out ♪ [ applause ] xxxx. ♪ >> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, bayard rustin, a civil rights high rs hero cast shadows of history. >> we are going to put together the largest peaceful protest inh


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