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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  January 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> well, sometimes to build something better you've got to start by tearing down what you had before. >> good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm karina nova. >> we are committed to building a better bay area, and sometimes that takes actual building. >> it does the ritter center in san rafael will soon expand its reach with medical care and social services at a new, larger location. >> abc seven news reporter cornell bernard has more on what it means to the community. we are san rafael mayor kate colin taking the first swings at demoing the walls of this former office building. >> the groundbreaking a big step for the ritter center, a nonprofit which has assisted unhoused and low income folks for the past 43 years. >> look around at the walls that will be disappearing. look around at each other because we are on this journey together, either as a community. >> so obviously it'll all look different once we do
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construction, but you can sort of get a sense, right? people will come in. >> ceo mark shotwell giving tours of the new digs after a lengthy renovation, ritter is moving into this 14,000 square foot facility on a street providing wraparound services to those in need. it's replacing the existing location on ritter street, where a small yellow victorian and several portable buildings have served clients for decades. >> here we'll be able to have medical behavioral health services and food pantry. all of our housing assistance that we do for people all under one roof. >> it's all about having a safety net that is as robust as possible, and this is going to provide critical services for folks that are housing insecure, can't get medical appointments, shotwell says the new center will be able to serve 2000 more clients by 2028, but getting people into permanent housing remains a priority. >> since 2017, we've ended homelessness for over 700 people, the most vulnerable homeless in marin county 94% of those people are still housed,
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ritter says. >> 1100 people in marin remain unhoused. ritter's current facility sits in one of the lowest spots of downtown san rafael. that's a problem in the wintertime because when itrillionains as it floods here back in 2021, storms left ritter underwater, forcing the food pantry to close temporarily. the new facility sits higher with better flood control. >> i'm from the east coast. i got to california on december 13th. >> bruce tucker is unhoused. he's getting assistance from ritter and is looking forward to using the new facility they're helping a lot of people and they are kind of, um, crowded here on most days. >> uh, yeah. they need a little more space to so they can help more people. ritter says it's collecting donations for the $14 million expansion construction should be complete by the end of 2024. >> in san rafael. cornell, bernard. abc seven news. >> many bay area counties are conducting their point in time counts. right now, it's a homeless census taken on a
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single day, getting an updated count of the homeless population is critical for federal funding. here are some pictures from san mateo county volunteers went out before dawn to take a tally of the homeless. today was also the homeless census in alameda county. some 450 volunteers fanned out across oakland, counting the number of individuals living in encampments and vehicles. contra costa county held its count yesterday. san francisco is next week. results will take a few months to be processed and released. >> new developments police say the two suspects involved in yesterday's shooting of an alameda county sheriff's deputy in union city are dead. swat team officers discovered the bodies of a man and a woman inside a residential space at a business park on dow avenue overnight. after hours of negotiations. at first, police claimed both suspects died from self-inflicted injuries, but later walked that back, saying the deaths are still under investigation. the wounded deputy is recovering today. >> the california public utilities commission approved a
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$45 million settlement agreement with pg and e for its part in the record setting dixie fire. the blaze started in august of 2021 after a tree fell on an energized conductors owned by and operated by the utility. flames burned almost a million acres starting in butte county, spreading to plumas, lassen, shasta and tehama counties. more than a thousand homes, businesses and other buildings were destroyed. the city of hayward has become the first in the nation to pull investments from companies that invest in israel. it's a protest against the country's response to the october 7th hamas terrorist attack that killed 1200 and left 240 others in captivity. abc seven news reporter anser hassan has more on what hayward is doing. >> item passes for three. thank you. >> in a historic vote, the city of hayward becomes the first city in the united states to divest from companies that invest in israel. because of its response to the october 7th attack. >> these are companies that are
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either, you know, contracting directly with the state of israel or their illegal occupation of the west bank. >> alexis villalobos is an organizer with hayward community coalition, the four companies they're targeting are caterpillar, chevron, hyundai and intel. >> similar to the divestment that worked to pressure apartheid south africa to dismantle the apartheid system there to divest from israel, hayward city council is not allowed to take a stand on international issues, so activists organized around the global bds movement, which uses boycotts, divestment and sanctions to protest israeli actions in palestinian territories. >> yesterday, first thing in the morning, uh- staff, um, called out our investment portfolio manager to have those companies remove moved. i disagreed with that. >> hayward mayor mark salinas voted against the motion. he says there was no time to review, vet or analyze the policy before voting. he adds the vote is not an endorsement of the bds movement, and it can be reversed if we find what
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they're doing are good practices and good corporate responsibility. >> uh, then absolutely. we're go to reinstate them in the scheme of things, $1.6 million may not seem like a lot of money , and maybe it isn't, but the symbolic importance of it, i think, is huge. >> george bisharat is professor emeritus at uc law, san francisco. he says unlike nonbinding ceasefire resolution, this is a tangible action that could have a snowball effect, he points to the current bds boycott of starbucks in the middle east, boycott was called against it, and it had real impact in the arab world in particular, more than 30 states have anti-bds legislation, including california. but villalobos says they will continue to fight. >> i'm confident that the people of hayward will stay organized and continue to stand with the people of palestine and make sure that their tax dollars are not being used in a way that oppresses the people of palestine. we will find a way to make it stick in hayward, anser hassan abc seven news.
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>> two of the major indices had another record day on wall street. the dow jumped 243 points, closing the day over 38,000, an all time high. the nasdaq was up 28 points. the s&p rose 25, another record close for that index. tesla stock tumbled more than 10% today after announcing revenues that were lower than expectations. tesla cautioned a coming year of sluggish sales and admitted vehicle delivery growth. quote, may be notably lower in 2024. although the company delivered a record 1.8 million cars last year, increase competition in the ev market has forced it to lower prices, levi's announced today. >> it's going to let go of up to 15% of its global workforce. the latest numbers show the san francisco company employs about 19,000 people. levi's expects the cuts to save about $100 million this year, and levi's has agreed to spend $170 million to keep its name on the 40
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niners stadium for the next 20 years. the 40 niners and levi's just announced a proposed ten year extension to their partnership. it was already set to go through 2033, so the extension keeps it through 2043. abc seven news spoke with the 40 niners team president about it earlier today. and then you just think about all the other events that happen and the amount of benefit that has to the community. >> and then you start looking forward and saying to yourself, you know, we're going to put $200 million into this building to continue enhance the fan experience for 40 niners fans. but we're all going to host major events coming up with super bowl 60 and the world cup happening in the same calendar year, that won't happen in any other building around the globe anytime soon. >> the stadium authority board still needs to approve it as it's meeting at its meeting on tuesday, san francisco voters will soon decide on a proposition that would empower the city's police department to use more aggressive tactics and tools, but at what cost? >> abc seven news reporter tara campbell has the details. >> mayor london breed making a case for prop e thursday, a ballot measure that would change
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police policy. >> it's about making sure that our police department, like any other police department around the country, can use 21st century technology and surveillance technology, drones and using that as a tool, prop e would also loosen restrictions on police pursuits. >> and this small business owner is all for it. >> on new year's eve, my store got broken into, um, about 3 a.m. in the morning, surveillance video catching the thieves in action and they were close to catching them. but due to police policy tsay, they weren't able to stop them and let the suspects get away. >> you know, when we're out there at three in the morning, responding to something, we don't need to leaf through a textbook to figure out that we're doing our job correctly. the san francisco police officers association, also making a push for prop e, saying the police commission is piling on too much paperwork. we don't want to be sitting behind a computer for filling out dozens and dozens of forms where everyone has to do it, and it's
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redundant. i am firmly against prop e, i believe that it's unnecessary, that it would make us less safe. >> kevin benedict was a member of the san francisco police commission, speaking to us as an individual and not on behalf of the commission. >> it's a poor way to make public policy, and that it sets a bad precedent for sfpd oversight going forward. >> and when asked about privacy concerns, the mayor was quite clear there's no privacy anymore. >> that's what i'll say. who you know, everywhere i go, somebody is pulling out a cell phone recording me, taking pictures of me. and i know i'm a public figure. it is what it is. i can't have a private moment, you know? heaven forbid that i take my wig off when i go to get my hair done. >> and she says when it comes to privacy, the voters will get a chance to decide in march. >> do we want to be protected or do we want public safety? do we want accountable city, or do we want privacy? >> tara campbell, abc seven news here's a question for you.
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>> ever had a pothole and get damaged to your car? well, you can submit a claim to caltrans, the abc seven news i-team digs into how few of those claims are paid out and asks for the reason why. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel warming up this weekend with the possibility of record. >> i'll be back with the 49 ers forecast. plus a look at when stormy weather returns when abc
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stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. is in the bay area for damage to
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vehicles caused by potholes spiked last year, but so far caltrans has approved less than 1% of those claims. abc seven news i-team reporter melanie woodrow dug into the data. >> obviously, it's a busy monday morning, as always, going down six 8-80 i basically saw a large lump of concrete fly out of the road, hit my front wheel as i managed to swerve and try and avoid it ripping the tire apart and uh- damaging the rim. it was loud. it was like a huge crash under the car. >> on july 8th, 2019. simon harrison says a pothole on 680 caused more than $1,000 worth of damage to his brand new mini. i think my heart was just racing a bit of an adrenaline rush on a monday morning prior to having coffee, he filed a claim with caltrans for the damage and wasn't alone. >> multiple cars have been hit. that morning we were about eight of us pulled over with the chp writing up reports as the road was just disintegrating at that point. >> but on september 10th of that same year, he received a letter from caltrans saying the california department of
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transportation had determined it's not liable and rejected his claim. >> how did i feel? i think frustrated, uh, this is bureaucracy at its finest. >> abc seven news data journalist filed a records request with caltrans to get a better look at how many claims the agency is approving and how many it's denying. a little more than five months later, the numbers were in from 2020 to mid 2023, only 177 bay area claims were approved 4803 were denied, with approximately. 2650 still pending. in essence, less than 4% of the claims filed during that time were approved. why are the percentages so low? >> we're trying to settle it out . if the evidence is there. >> chinchilla is a public information officer for caltrans. >> people have the right to make a claim if they feel that something in the road or caltrans related caused them some harm or some cost. >> the number of bay area caltrans claims under $10,000 spiked in 2023, and that same
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year, the something in the road was potholes. in 2023, 90.3% of the claims in the bay area under $10,000 mentioned potholes. as well. >> we definitely saw last year was historic rains. the condition of the road was such that it was crumbling. >> it was crumbling all the time. >> but while caltrans invites drivers to apply for reimbursement, if a pothole damages your car on a state road, it doesn't appear they're paying very many of the claims they receive going through our process. >> this is not just a courtesy to the public, but also to our court system, one that doesn't feel particularly courteous to drivers like harrison in his rejection letter, stated he had six months to file a court action on the claim. >> but he says when he called caltrans, he was discouraged from filing in small claims court and told caltrans would fight it and the judge would rule in caltrans favor. >> i cannot speak to the claims office and what they told them, but again, they still have the right to follow that process if they want to. >> but it seems not many people do. caltrans tells abc seven news in 2022, district four
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received approximately 1028 claims. of those, only nine people pursued their case in. small claims court, and only two of the nine won their case. i asked caltrans why harrison's claim was denied. caltrans told me it does not comment on specific cases. >> it really doesn't surprise me that they would deny the claims. they, as i say, they are the adjudicator for their own claims. that cannot be a good thing. >> we have to trust the process that is being. that is being done fairly. >> unfortunately, the people we're talking to do not trust the process and what is your response to that? i mean, see okay, that's where i'm confused. >> so trust the process. it's i mean, i don't have a note for that. >> chinchilla later reiterated, if you don't agree with the decision that caltrans uh- claims department made, you're able to take it to small claims and have it be heard under a judge. >> ultimately, harrison.
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out of pocket to repair his own car, and that was that. >> thank you, caltrans, for the i-team's tony woodrow, abc seven news. >> can be rough out there. at least you can see the potholes today because nice sunshine, right? >> you don't have the water cover it in the dark to let us talk about that sunshine and get the details with sandhya patel. it was just beautiful today, no doubt about it. and karina and amal, let's take a look at a live picture right now of the full moon. it's known as the wolf moon. that is right above downtown san francisco. and that's because wolves can be heard around this time of year howling. and it is the first full moon. of 2024. and as we check out your forecast over the
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next few hours along the coastline at 7:00, 52 degrees, it's going to be pretty cloudy through the night. temperature will pretty much fluctuate in the upper 40 to low 50. bayside going from 54 at 7 p.m. to the low 50s by 11, and inland areas will cool off from the low 50s to the mid 40s. so if you are stepping out tonight, perhaps to run some errands, make sure you grab that extra layer. as we look at live doppler seven, there's quite a plume of moisture here with this storm that is strong, but it's headed towards the pacific northwest, so we're not going to have to deal with widespread rain. but certainly some moisture getting picked up in the clouds. that's not actually hitting the ground. a few showers are possible in the north bay as we head towards the next couple of days. so here's a look at the view from san jose camera, where there are some clouds. mid 50s san francisco, oakland, san jose 57. it is 54 degrees right now in half moon bay and from our mount tam cam this is the view 55. in
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santa rosa, 52 degrees petaluma, 51 in fairfield and 56 degrees in concord. as we take a look at the headlines for the week ahead tomorrow through saturday, cloudier with a slight chance of a few showers in the north bay. sunday. warmer the possibility of records. yes you heard right and the middle of next week. stormy weather returns. so just as we get used to this idea of springlike warmth, it's going to change. sunday at levi's stadium. kickoff temperatures 73 degrees. it's going to be warm and mostly sunny when the niners host the lions. fourth quarter still mild, 64 degrees with fair skies. so if you're going, definitely need the shades and the sunscreen going hour by hour. 10 p.m. tonight. clouds are thicker by early tomorrow morning. a few showers may pop up in the north bay, but it's 4 a.m. not everyone's going to see. this certainly will be faded sunshine tomorrow, though, as we see those extra clouds. noontime saturday. still a pop up shower or two in the north bay, and then 11 p.m. saturday. could see a few sprinkles in the south bay. but when you look at the rainfall projections, it's pretty much a few hundredths of an inch in the north bay. ukiah, up to a third of an inch. not
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expecting measurable rain elsewhere. not out of the question to see a few sprinkles, but don't change your weekend plans based on that. but just carry an umbrella if you're going to be in the northern part of our viewing area, 40 and 50s first thing tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy. tomorrow afternoon it's going to be cloudy to mostly cloudy. high temperatures will be in the upper 50s to the mid 60s. now we look ahead to sunday bay area temperatures popping up into the low to mid 70s around the north bay and the south bay. look at this on monday. it is still pretty mild warmer than where you should be for this time of year. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. mostly cloudy, mild tomorrow. temperatures are going up. slight chance in the north bay on saturday. warm day on sunday, and even on monday. it's going to be pretty mild. still above average as we head towards tuesday night. our first opportunity for showers level two wednesday and then a one on thursday. >> all right, we'll get a break. >> yes, sandhya. >> well, the 40 niners play the nfc championship on sunday against detroit. and some might be cheering for the lions, all be
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to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud
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as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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yeah, kind of interesting. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with his high school coach and teammates at cal about his journey. >> beloved by his teammates and fans, jared goff is one game away from playing in the super bowl, but in order to get there, he has to first beat a team he
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grew up supporting. jared is from nevada and played high school football at marin catholic. he's one of the most famous alumni to graduate from the school. >> he made it look effortless. it was very smooth, fluid, athlete. and at that point you could tell like, hey, this guy's got a lot of potential. >> he was the team's most valuable player in 2011 and 2012. his coach, massimo reid, says goff took the program to new heights, setting all kinds of school records which still stand to this day. >> you can see it when he first got here, you know, when he was a freshman and you see him throwing the ball around and just, you know, looked really easy. >> he went to cal and spent three years as the bears starting quarterback. he played so well. he became the top nfl prospect for his position in 2016. the los angeles rams made him the number one draft pick in 2021. the rams traded him to detroit this year. he led the lions to their first home playoff game in over 30 years. >> the kind of person it takes to have success at cal. um it
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breeds you and it gets you ready for what's next in life. and for jared, that's nfl and that's you know, helping the detroit lions, uh, get to where they're at today. >> the last time the lions won a road playoff game was in 1957. it was against the 40 niners at kezar stadium. now 67 years later, they can do it again. with the north bay native leading the way, the niners better bring it because jared goff is going to play. >> he's going to play very well. >> his hometown is ready for this sunday. finnegan's restaurant is one of jared's favorite places. >> the golfer used to be the bomb burger. and so you know i think in his time will seem to be his favorite, uh, item on the menu, which is actually majority of the town's many here are 40 niners fans, but there is also a lot of love for the novato native. >> i'm still 40 niners fan, but i think if anybody deserves to be in the spotlight, it's god. >> i think a lot of people are rooting for him one way or the other. >> in the north bay, ryan curry, abc seven news. >> coming up next, we take an
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in-depth look at the impact of navigation centers in san francisco. do they help the homeless at the expense of the neighborhoods they're placed in
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first navigation center to help the homeless. since then, the city has built several others in various neighborhoods in an effort to move some of the homeless into permanent housing and build a better bay area. navigation centers have always been controversial. they have opponents argue crime goes up and property values decrease. >> when one is built in their neighborhood. abc seven news reporter liam melendez is here with a closer look at the reality of it all. liane. >> yeah, well, so we looked at the numbers and found that the opposite is true, at least in the case of the navigation center at the embarcadero. now in the case of that navigation center there, the city has to prove or had to prove to neighbors that by being there, it would be able to reduce homelessness in the area. it was
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august 2019. a surveillance camera caught a resident of a building near san francisco embarcadero being attacked by a homeless man with mental health issues. the timing could not have been worse, as the city had announced just several months before that a navigation center for the unhoused would be built just a few paces from where the attack occurred. terrible. >> i don't understand it. do you want me to talk, or do you want to yell? >> a battle ensued between residents of the south beach and rincon hill neighborhoods, and city hall, arguing that the navigation center would bring in more homeless, attract crime and more drug use. it turns out it never did any of those things. let's compare crime incident reports in that area before the navigation center opened with the most recent incident reports provided by san francisco police. it turns out the neighborhoods with navigation centers like the rest of san francisco, have seen crime go down some of the residents
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overlooking the bay and the courtyard of the navigation center have also argued that they've been financially affected. >> the people that own here in this condominium probably lost about 15% of their value of their home, according to the data. >> residents here have lost 13 to 15% of their value, but they can't blame the navigation center because every neighborhood in san francisco has seen a similar or higher decline in drug use at this nearby open space area has always been a problem, but today there's less of it because crews from the navigation center come out every two hours to clean the surrounding area while asking those who are loitering to move on. >> if there is an issue with an unsheltered individual in crisis or perhaps some trash or something happening around the perimeter of the facility, we can respond to it and see how we can help. if somebody is overdosing, we'll administer narcan. >> the center told us in the past four years, narcan has been
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administered to 170 people, either inside or outside the facility. five keys is the nonprofit running the center with 197 beds. currently the staff at the center meet with local residents every three months to make sure any complaints and concerns from neighbors are addressed. there's also a hotline where neighbors can call the navigation center directly 24 over seven. so would you say that the community here is more involved in what happens in the surrounding areas than other places would be? >> from my experience, they are more involved. yes and that's a good thing. >> it puts it puts pressure on you guys. >> oh for sure. we're being held accountable. just like we want to be held accountable. we're accountable to the community and having somebody hold you accountable is not a bad thing. it's not always the case. >> at other navigation centers, where it's nearly impossible to control what happens on the outside. take a look at the navigation center at division circle on south van ness avenue,
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under the on ramp. this one is run by the nonprofit saint vincent de paul. the area has long been a site for tent encampments, loitering and garbage. this is a mixed use neighborhood comprised of mainly businesses and a few homes. oddly enough, some of the businesses we spoke to didn't even realize that this huge white tarp with beams was a navigation center. still they told us they've seen fewer people sleeping in front of their building. >> that's gotten better because sometimes we would come into the office and there would be somebody sleeping up against the bricks or, um, up against the gate. but now there's almost none of that. >> navigation centers were created as a way to provide services on site while helping people find permanent housing. the goal was to make that transition within 90 days out of tents, off the streets and into permanent housing. but the pandemic drastically delayed those outcomes. for example, in
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the past four years, the center on the embarcadero has only been able to place 160 people in permanent housing. san francisco mayor london breed says the city needs more navigation centers, saying they should be built in every neighborhood. but that hasn't happened. so you have a question of the city as to why they don't have more of these navigation centers. let's say in pacific heights all the time. >> and i think the answer is the opposition and well-organized communities and their ability to put the brakes on projects. >> but that same community, you know, tried to put the brakes on you. they did. >> unfortunately, there was also a vacant lot that was large enough to fit a facility that can serve 190 people on a daily basis. recently when the navigation center's lease was up for renewal, not a single resident challenged them. >> one can argue the center has been able to appease most neighbors for now, but they seem
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to be helpful and helpful with people who are in crisis on the street. >> so i'm really glad that it's here and that people are having more of a kind heart and have accepted it. >> so the city leases that land for $37,000 a month. it's owned by the port and will eventually be used to build housing. now once they come up with a plan, the center will have to close so that center is not going to be there forever. so but again, when they leave, eventually that's going to, you know, create a big void, right? >> right. and the data that you polled was just interesting showing how it's working or not working, i guess. right. and we're going to need more. >> another navigation center or two when they leave. so >> all right. thank you liane. sure >> oakland is facing another disappointing headline today. violent crime rose 21% last year. that's according to the new citywide crime report. robberies, burglaries and vehicle thefts all increased as well. that comes as oakland nears one year without a permanent police chief. mayor shengtao fired former chief
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lauren armstrong last february. an interim chief has led the department since then. in december, mayor tao rejected a list of three finalists submitted by the police commission, and so the process of finding a new chief had to start over again. >> i do believe that the city of oakland deserves the best of the best, and if we can just name one person to be chief of the police department and think that, you know, crime is going to go away, that's not how it works. we have to ensure that we have the right person in this role. >> open recruitment for a new chief is happening now. february is the evaluation period, and on march 1st, the final names will be sent to mayor tao and she will decide whom to hire while the recall, there's an update for it on the recall to oakland mayor shengtao tomorrow. the recall campaign will take the next step and post an official notice in a newspaper called the intercity express. organizers have formed a recall campaign committee. they plan to start collecting signatures next month and hope to gather 25,000 signatures to present to the city. >> coming up next, the new way
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to honor the namesake of san jose mineta international airport. >> plus, a man who helps bring disney magic to life is receiving big recognition for his work and honor only walt disney i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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and wine, and because of the layout of the planes, there are no middle seats. >> one of the bay area's most respected public servants is being recognized in a new way at the airport that already bears his name. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains in his namesake airport, a monument honoring a monumental leader in san jose. >> secretary norman de. >> this airport has a huge history to our family, and we're very grateful. what an honor it is to have his statue here. now, i cannot tell you how much this means to the mineta family. >> i want to say, if you get reports of some man or men
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talking to this statue hour upon hour, please do not have them remove us. >> laughs. love and legacy shared from mineta's sons and wife during the special statue unveiling ceremony for norm mineta. after spending time in a japanese internment camp, mineta became the first asian american mayor of a major us city and eventually the secretary of transportation. he was a trailblazer and an advocate. >> norm was a victim of injustice. and what did that do to him? it fueled a quest for justice. he is a beacon for all of us, and this very divided moment in this time when we are two bitterly divided over too many things, a beacon to find our better angels. >> state senator dave cortez hopes this beacon, this statue sparks the questions of who this man was and why he is honored in
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this way. >> and when they ask the why question, hopefully i believe it will happen and the stories will come out like the dozen or more stories shared by the group of distinguished speakers thursday. >> for the man who now holds the same office, this statue of his predecessor has a living purpose . >> we want to show our gratitude and our thanks and honor him, but we really do it for us, for our kids, for our grandkids, for future generations. to say this is the best of humanity. this is what we can be. there are lessons that this great man and his story has to teach us at san jose, mineta international airport, dustin dorsey, abc seven news, springs. >> we have mostly dry weather in the seven day forecast. >> sandhya tells you when and where you might want to ha (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card.
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i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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himself. disney is the parent company of abc seven. >> better than expected. that's the overall feeling about the newest report on economic growth in the u.s. it's boosting hopes will avoid a recession. abc news reporter ike ejiochi has the details. >> the commerce department releasing its latest gdp report showing the u.s. economy grew at a slower pace in the latest quarter, but still performed much better than forecasters expected, according to the commerce department. gdp adjusted for inflation, grew at a 3.3 annual rate over the final three months of last year. >> we managed to avoid that recession that so many economists were predicting. thanks in part to the strong job market and a rise in consumer confidence that strong growth due in large part to an increase in consumer spending, which accounts for roughly two thirds of us economic activity. >> americans open their wallets this holiday season with retail sales up 5.6% in december, compared to a year ago. also, the data pointing to infrastructure projects on the
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state and local level as a contributor to the growth, president biden thursday touting the economic data as good news for american families and workers. >> thanks to the american people , america now is the strongest growth, the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world. >> treasury secretary janet yellen, also touting the benefits of bidenomics instead of contracting the economy, has continued to grow driven by american workers and president biden's economic strategy. many experts pointing to other encouraging signals. the latest jobs report showing hiring in december remained robust, far surpassing expectations. and earlier this week, the dow jones closing above 38,000 for the first time ever. while the s&p 500 also reaching a record high. but there is another concern brewing the record high credit card debt in the u.s. balances topping $1 trillion last year for the first time, ike ejiochi, abc news, washington.
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>> all right, let's get another check on our weather. gosh, we needed that sunshine today. >> oh, so looking forward to some more sunshine. let's get a check on that with sandhya patel. okay. i will deliver some more sunshine, but not immediately. ama and karina, let's take a look at the weekend preview. mostly cloudy on saturday, low to upper 60s. a slight chance of a few showers in the north bay on sunday. you'll get that sunshine. it is going to be warmer with the possibility of records upper 60s to mid 70s. looking back at our rainfall, percent of normal san jose. big boost 110% of average santa rosa 107. with all the rain we've had. but you will still notice sfo, oakland and san francisco still behind. hopefully with a wet pattern coming next week. we will make that up right now on live doppler seven. you're seeing a lot of moisture in the north bay. most of that is not reaching the ground. it's just moisture up in the clouds evaporating before hitting the ground. known as virga, 50 and 60s. tomorrow afternoon is mostly cloudy as we look ahead to sunday. everything's going to
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the north, but look at this tuesday night into wednesday we bring in a storm and then the wet pattern continues. thursday even into friday and beyond with one storm after another coming through here. highest rain totals expected in the northern portion of california through saturday. night, but we are expecting over an inch here in the bay area, possibly up to two inches. accuweather seven day forecast. you get the warmth on sunday when the niners play level two on wednesday, and then a one on thursday on the carina. yeah, i'm sure the niners fans will appreciate that after last week's weather. >> let's call it purdy weather. sunny and 70. if you use the eyeball test. and frankly, that's the only thing we got. uh, it certainly looks like deebo samuel is going to play on sunday in the nfc championship game against detroit. his shoulder may be
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...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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40 niners. deebo samuel was running routes on the practice field in preparation. for the nfc championship game on sunday against the lions. he looks happy, right? deebo heard his shoulder early against the packers last week and even though he was limited in practice today, like i said we saw him smiling. so we're going to assume that deebo is playing or give it his best shot. for
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more on the niners quest to get back to the super bowl, here is abc seven's chris alvarez in santa clara. well larry, based on body language, deebo samuel is feeling good on the practice field, flying around, catching the ball, sprinting, having fun, dancing with his teammates and afterwards in the locker room. >> similar type of energy. good energy, hanging out and no real rush to really get any treatment on that injured shoulder. and needless to say, his teammates were thrilled to have him back at practice. >> that's awesome. anytime he's out there, uh, he brings a extra set of juice that, um, is hard to hard to mimic without them. >> uh, he was always great. he's just excited for him to be out there. he's just such a, you know, huge part of our offense and everything that we do. and just his energy itself, his infectious. and he gets guys going and gets him confident. it just presents such challenges for the defense because you got to know where everybody is at. >> you know normally you got to know one guy at maybe two. you know on this offense you got to know where 3 or 4 guys are at. it at all times. and it's hard.
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so tomorrow marks the final practice of the week. >> they'll have a walk through on saturday. we'll see deebo one more time at practice and we'll see how he responds to today. but i would expect him to go on sunday and be a force. larry >> all right. thank you chris. we will see nfl royalty on sunday at levi's stadium 40 niners legendary quarterback joe montana has been named an honorary captain. he'll be joined by lions hall of famer barry sanders. and thankfully, the current niners won't have to worry about tackling barry sanders because it was kind of like trying to tackle a ghost back in the day. uh- a tearful, emotional night for the warriors last night as they honored a assistant coach, dejan milojevic, who died of a heart attack last week in utah. the warriors somehow found a way to get refocused. they beat the hawks and they're back in action tonight hosting the kings at chase. now the warriors trio of steph curry, klay thompson and draymond green recorded their 400th regular season win last night as teammates, becoming. just the 13th trio in nba history to reach that milestone. by the way, this is the first
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time since 2013 that steph is not going to start in the all star game. it's going to be luka and shay gill. just alexander starting for the west. the players, they didn't even realize they hit 400 last night. >> i have friends in this league who tell me how lucky i am to play with my friends and experience that continuity of having teammates together for over a decade. i never take it for granted. being out there with number 23 and 30, it just doesn't happen anymore. >> you know, for guys to play together for a decade, it's just a pleasure to coach those guys and to have been part of this, uh, this run. we all we all feel very lucky because they're special players and special people. the brought on, by the way, means brother in serbian, where coach deki was from on sunday, alabama golfer nick dunlap, only 20 years old, became the first amateur in 30 years to win a pga tour event. >> but he missed out on the $1.5 million payday for victory that went to the guy who finished second. by winning, dunlap automatically got his pga tour card if he turned pro in the next year and, uh, voila. today
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dunlap turned pro, so he will never miss a payday again. abc seven sports. sponsored by your northern california honda dealers. our producer, alex had a brilliant suggestion before we came on. it's like that money the 1.5 million should go into an escrow account for him. so when he turns pro, he gets the why? why should you be penalized ? just pass it up for being great and but but i'm sorry your your status as an amateur, uh, precludes you from from getting paid. >> that's just unbelievable. yeah. >> so he'll get paid now moving forward. >> all right. uh, thanks so much, larry. and that's it for this edition of abc seven news. i'm karina nova, i'm ama daetz for larry sanders. >> all of us. thanks for being here. i will see you again
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we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios... this is... [applause] today's past champions are a management and program analyst originally from fort lauderdale, florida... a copy editor from queens, new york... and an adjunct professor and fiction writer from walla walla, washington... [applause] and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!!"--
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ken jennings! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome back to champions wild card. in yesterday's quarterfinal matchup, it was lloyd sy, the champ who, back in season 39, played giant killer and took out 13-game winner ray lalonde, who showed he still has what it takes. he pulled off a near runaway win and advanced to the semifinals. today we welcome johanna, connor, and alec back to the alex trebek stage. best of luck, everyone. here are your categories in the jeopardy! round. ♪♪ first up... then we have... each response will be two words like "plug" and "gulp" that spell each other backwards. after that... and finally... it's not where you want to go for your science. - johanna, you start us off. - let's start with start talking, shakespeare character for $800.


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