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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  January 27, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm...i...added...the garnish. book direct at i would never show my teeth. book direct at never. i'd never smile. and it forces you into this submission of silence because you don't think that anybody is going to take what you have to say seriously. invisalign has changed my life forever. >> gio: good morning, america. it's our second hour. widespread weather watches, more than 20 million americans waking up under flood alerts, ice jams in the midwest, water levels rising. the latest on that weekend storm sweeping the deep south to the northeast. >> whit: encouraging news on the economy.
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the new reports showing inflation cooling even further and the gdp growth. but how does this affect americans racking up credit card debt and struggling to pay rent? top economic adviser jared bernstein is live on "gma." >> rhiannon: the new study out on the risks of not moving enough. what to know if you spend your workday sitting behind a desk. dr. sutton is breaking it all down. ♪ tonight i'm going to be a little selfish ♪ >> whit: "selfish" streaming battle. how britney spears fans put a 2011 song by the pop superstar back on the charts. this just days after ex, justin timberlake, drops his comeback single with the same title. ♪ dance, dance the night away ♪ >> gio: "dancing with the stars" taking their hit show on the road and "gma" is backstage taking a spin with the dancing pros, all set to
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than 70 cities and they're saying -- >> all: good morning, america. whoo! >> whit: good morning, america. we got to get gio on "dancing with the stars." >> gio: i mean, i have a lot to learn. >> whit: we'll start a petition. great to have rhiannon back with us. >> rhiannon: i shouldn't be on "dancing with the stars"? >> whit: absolutely, you should too. your husband might, like, have something to say about it, though. all right, we do have a busy one to get to and overnight this developing story. that jury ordering former president donald trump to pay e. jean carroll more than $83 million in damages for defamation. we'll have more on that coming up. but we do start here this hour with the wild weather happening from coast to coast. >> rhiannon: we're talking floods, fog and record high springlike temperatures with violent storms sweeping from the deep south all the way to the northeast. >> gio: somara is standing by tracking your weekend forecast. first to phil lipof in new jersey with the latest on all that flooding. good morning, again, phil. >> reporter:ly, guys, it's 20 million americans under a flood
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watch this morning as we move into the weekend, and we move into this new round of storms. flooding in eastern texas after they got two months of rain in just a few days. and here in the east, the fog is cleared up around the george washington bridge, but snow is on the way. this morning, a widespread storm bringing flooding, heavy rain, possible tornadoes, and snow. flooding here in texas. rivers near houston reaching major flood stage. watches in effect from the south into the mid-atlantic. hail hammering central texas covering the ground and roads. a rainbow appearing in the storm's aftermath. >> it's overwhelming. >> reporter: evacuations in northeast illinois after an ice jam break into the kankakee river in wilmington. >> there's always ice backups this time of year, but i've never seen it this bad. >> reporter: in ohio, noisy ice chunks coming down the sandusky river. in north carolina, this car hydroplaned and flipped. >> i just grabbed the bat, and i
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just swung as hard as i could. >> reporter: christina jenkins, a nurse driving by, smashing the car's window helping the three people inside to safety. >> a lot of adrenaline, and i was just thinking, i don't know what's in that car and getting the people out. >> reporter: in minneapolis, the ice palace attraction, 90,000 square feet of ice shut down after just four days because of the warm temperatures. all of this after a week of wet and warm weather across the eastern half of the country. >> it's crazy. >> reporter: friday, the warmest january day ever in the nation's capital, 80 degrees, bringing with it that dense heavy fog, and, after that, by sunday into monday, we here in the east can expect some snow depending on where you are from pennsylvania to new england. whit? >> whit: a little bit of weather whiplash. phil, thank you so much. now to the economy and some encouraging news this week. a new report showing inflation appears to be cooling even further.
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the latest gdp report indicating 3.3% growth in the fourth quarter of last year. joining us now to discuss is jared bernstein, the chair of the u.s. council of economic advisers. jared, good morning to you. it's great to have you. so, given these latest headlines, do you think we've officially avoided a recession? >> well, we certainly have -- as those numbers you just took us through clearly show. look, if i come into the oval office and brief the president on a strong gdp report, he's happy to hear about that, but what he wants to know is is this reaching working families, families like the one he grew up in. easing prices, and we have lower prices in milk and eggs and toys, appliances, airfares and car rentals. are they helping families to take advantage of this faster growth? and one way we're seeing that is in rising paychecks, okay. wages have been beating prices now for about ten months in a
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row. that's not a blip. it's a trend. we've got more work to do, but these developments are helping working americans and they're even starting to show up in improved confidence indices, something we haven't seen. we saw a nice surge there in the last couple of months. so good developments, but more work to do, whit. >> whit: when you talk about working families, one of the things in part driving this growth is consumer spending. but recently credit card debt in the u.s. hit a record high with balances topping a trillion dollars last year. does that still leave our economy in a vulnerable position, people spending more than they actually have? >> well, it's something we're watching but the important point there, people's incomes are beating inflation. we talked about on the wage side, the same is true if you look at household incomes and one reason for that is job growth, okay. 2.7 million jobs last year, that's a strong job growth year for '23.
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over 14 million jobs since this president got here. if you combine the jobs with inflation adjusted pay, people are servicing their debt. they're able to spend what they need to to keep their debt burdens pretty low. the numbers you're citing, we're watching them. they're actually climbing off the mat from the pandemic when they were extremely low and kind of normalizing back to where they were prepandemic. so, we don't see that as something that will throw us off track, but we're certainly going to keep watching it. >> whit: one thing that is an issue for a lot of people is housing. a new harvard university report shows housing is unaffordable for half of all renters in the u.s. what is the administration doing to address that? >> super important question. now, this is an area where we really need congress to work with us. this president, since he got here, has been committed to significantly increasing the supply of affordable housing. that supply has been dwindling
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over ten years, whit. this is a problem that greeted us when we got here. and we have an ambitious plan that could add 2 million units, really take a dent out of that shortfall in affordable housing supply. we need congress to work with us on plans that we've had in our budget ever since we've gotten here and we'll keep pushing till we get there. that's a really important of unfinished business as we head into 2024. >> whit: jared bernstein, thank you for your time this morning. >> great pleasure, whit. thank you. >> whit: gio? >> gio: an important conversation there. coming up in our morning menu, why a 13-year-old britney spears song is burning up the charts and how her ex, justin timberlake's track factors in. >> rhiannon: the new study on the potential dangers of sitting all day at work and what you can do if you spend most of your day at a desk. >> gio: should we stand up? >> whit: sure. plus, "deals & steals," all clever solutions. and, will, you have a new
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friend out there. >> will: i do and we are fast friends, you guys. this is sabrina here to help all the pups stay safe in winter weather cozying up, a couple of kisses, yeah, we'll be right back. a light that always shines on me ♪ ♪ there's a way ♪ ♪ everybody say ♪ ♪ to do each and every little thing ♪ ♪ oh... oh... ♪ ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ ♪ the sausage burrito. it's your mcdonald's breakfast wrapped in a cozy tortilla blanket. ahhh to be wrapped in a cozy tortilla blanket... mmmmmm. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ thanks for always being there for me. actually, i'm off in an hour. but you said you'd be there to protect me.
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switch today. >> whit: we are back with our "gma" cover story and an interesting pop culture clash. >> rhiannon: so justin timberlake is out with a brand-new single called "selfish," but it's his ex, britney spears' 2011 song by the same name, "selfish," that is racing up the charts. will ganss is here with what it means and we know britney's fans don't play around. >> will: the britney army always means business. appearing on late night shows announcing a free concert in new york city this week and the music video for his new single, "selfish," racked up 1.8 million
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views in just a day. so it sounds like a pretty solid comeback, right? not so fast. it's justin timberlake's first new album in five years. ♪ so if i get jealous ♪ ♪ i can't help it ♪ >> reporter: and its lead single, "selfish," should be his big comeback. ♪ yes, i'm selfish ♪ >> reporter: there's just one problem. ♪ don't you want a piece of me ♪ >> reporter: britney spears' fans on a mission to send her 2011 track also called "selfish" to the top of the charts. >> so, be a little selfish and be a little petty and let's get her to number one. >> reporter: the britney versus justin narrative hitting a tense fever pitch when her memoir dropped a few months ago. >> justin framed our time together with me as the bad guy so ever since then, i've felt like i'm under a sort of curse. >> reporter: now britney fans argue that justin is slighting his ex once again. >> i would not be able to release this song knowing my ex had a song with the same name and there's like recent press
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history. i just could never. >> everything that she said in her book, the woman in me, the britney army never forgets, baby, okay. so, britney, let's go to number one, honey. >> reporter: with britney's "selfish" and justin's battling for the top spot on the itunes charts, how might this affect his big return? >> justin timberlake's strategy was to talk through his music, i think he and his team might want to think differently about that or talking about that dynamic with britney spears because her fan base is strong and they are not happy about how this situation was handled. >> will: we reached out to both artists and haven't heard back. as of this morning, by the way, britney's version of "selfish" is at number one on the itunes pop charts, justin at number two. he doesn't have much time to worry about that. tickets for his tour go on sale a little later this week.
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>> rhiannon: it's an interesting coincidence to name your new song the same as a britney song. >> will: if i was on justin's team i would have been screaming across the room, name it something different. >> whit: the britney fans also making the same point loud and clear. yes. thank you, will. >> rhiannon: gio? >> gio: now to a "gma" health alert and new study out on the potential dangers of sitting too much. abc news medical correspondent, our friend, dr. darien sutton, is here to break it all down. good morning. >> good morning. >> gio: we are standing for a reason. >> for good reason. >> gio: tell us about the study. >> we've long known sedentary behavior sitting all day has been associated with increased rates of obesity and increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke. this new study shows there's a benefit to standing. in the study they looked at almost a million people for over a decade. >> gio: i mean, that's a lot. >> tremendous amount of people and separated them into three physical groups -- those who sat all day, those who stood all day and those who alternated and found those who sat all day had an increased risk of death by 16% and the risk for cardiovascular disease associated with death even
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higher, 34%. >> gio: does the study suggest we just ditch sitting altogether when you're at work? >> there are good things about the study that are reassuring. you don't have to ditch sitting all day. there are some benefits. you can avoid risks we just talked about. for example, those that sat and stood up and alternated had avoided those risks and those who sat all day and worked out at the end of the day, 15, 30 minutes, avoided the risk. movement and figuring out where to fit it in. >> gio: what if you don't have a fancy standing desk? >> i'm glad you asked. >> gio: you were ready. >> we have great ideas. standing desks are not for everyone. they're expensive and especially in new york city space is a premium. you can use something simple, like an ironing board, a high kitchen counter. it's important to remember to have a mat to support and protect your back. >> gio: what's the ball for? >> this is my option for those who want to sit down more often. i used to have a professor who could do this all day.
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she would sit on this -- that's really -- >> gio: i'll anchor the show this way. >> it activates our core health and keeps us engaged. a great option if you want to sit down. >> gio: we have editors who sit on these. >> i've seen. >> gio: it's amazing. dr. darien, thank you so much as always. >> of course. >> gio: let's get over to somara for another check of the forecast on this wild weather weekend. hey, somara. >> somara: so much going on. you have to check this out. this is from ohio. look how spooky it looks as the car goes into the forest there. hi, that's my own chief meteorologist out in ohio. how are doing? and chicago, oh, my goodness, where are you? i can't see you. you're completely veiled in fog. we got to get the fog out of here and will pretty soon. until then dense fog advisories in place. visibility down to a quarter of a mile. when we hear quarter of a mile that's critical and not just throughout the great lakes. we have fog down in southern georgia and south carolina. the next big story is the
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severe weather marching through the southeast today. and it's really going to be hitting during brunch, lunch, when you're getting the errands done during the early half of the day. damaging winds in mobile, that florida panhandle up into montgomery, alabama, birmingham, damaging winds like i said, but also the threat for an isolated tornado so we'll keep an eye on that. then where does the storm go after that? sunday into monday, it heads into the northeast. bringing snow to parts of pennsylvania and new england. that's a look at your forecast. le >> whit: now to our four-legged friends and the winter season, the snow and ice and what's used
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to melt it can be rough on paws. veterinarian dr. lori bierbrier with the aspca is here with some safety tips. and she brought her friend sabrina along. hi, sabrina. hi, doctor. >> hi. >> whit: i'm a big dog lover. i have a rescue at home. i've fostered 17 rescue puppies, but i also know that winter can be really tough on their paws. why is that? >> definitely. so definitely on their paws they can get a lot of ice and snow stuck in their paws which would be quite uncomfortable and to prevent that we do have ice melt on the street so that we don't slip and fall and that can be quite irritating to their feet. so we do want to make sure we get that off their feet and wipe their feet when they come
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inside. >> whit: when we go outside, what are things we should do before we take the dog out for a walk? >> great question. first thing is know what the weather is like outside. if it's really cold, we may want to put them in a sweater just like sabrina is showing off for us right now. >> whit: she's got a fancy sweater here. >> she does. she's looking good. ready for the cold weather. we also have booties you can put on and then also there are different kinds of boots and different kinds of petroleum jelly or different products to put in their feet to give them extra protection. >> whit: when we bring them back inside, what's the first thing we should do? >> take a look at them. make sure they're comfortable. make sure they're not shivering too much. maybe they got a little chilly outside and wipe their feet. take a washcloth with a little warm water and wiping out any snow, salt, ice melt. >> whit: what about treating or dealing with irritation of any kind or some signs, things to look for? >> another great question. so, in the wintertime sometimes their feet can get a little sore and it's important to take a look, just make sure between their feet it doesn't look red, irritated, or that maybe they're licking it a lot. sabrina, maybe you want a treat. >> whit: she's like, wait a minute.
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the person with the treats walked all the way over there. there you go. i know. i don't have any treats. here we go. we can recycle. so, what about this? that's kind of dealing with the paws and whatnot. you touched on this a little bit but a lot of people don't realize if you leave a dog outside in the cold for awhile, when you bring them back in, there are some things you need to keep in mind too. getting them acclimated to the warm house again. what do you do in that situation? >> so, every dog is a little bit different. some dogs love being out in the snow. other dogs, smaller dogs don't handle the cold quite as well. having a warm blanket for them when they come in, maybe putting a blanket in the dryer and getting it toasty warm to wrap around them and make sure you don't warm them up too quickly. if your animal got cold, take extra time to let the warm blanket nurture them. >> whit: sabrina was just yawning. you guys keep talking and talking. no more treats. thank you so much for coming by. we appreciate it and all the wonderful work you're doing.
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we have more information about wonderful dogs like sabrina here that are available for adoption. you can visit thank you, again, for your time. >> you're welcome. my pleasure. >> whit: coming up "deals & tal tales steals," all clever solutions. we'll be right back. we'll be right back.
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my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. stephanie sierra. officials say an officer shot and killed a person armed with a knife near palisades tahoe yesterday. a state parks police officer tried to stop a vehicle involved in a carjacking. this was a nearby tahoe city at the olympic valley inn. after a short chase, the driver crashed into a parking lot. the driver then got out of the car with a knife, and that's when the officer shot him. he was pronounced dead at the scene. to weather now and some warmer days ahead. good morning lisa. >> hey stephanie, good morning to you. we have some filtered sunshine right now. the golden gate bridge there where temperatures are in the mid 50s in hayward, 52 downtown and from emeryville you can see the clouds stacked up a little sun there. 47 santa rosa. mostly cloudy today, mild, mid and upper 60s, but then high
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pressure brings a warmer and sunnier sunday. rain the second half of the week. stephanie >> lisa, thank you from the state that's already helped millions of people like you get and pay for health insurance. with financial health to lower the cost of health coverage, you could get a quality health plan for less than $10 a month. every plan covers preventive care, doctor visits, emergency care, and more. if you have questions, we're here to help every step of the way. covered california.
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this way to health insurance. enroll by january 31st at >> gio: welcome back on this saturday. coming up here "gma" is taking you backstage of the "dancing with the stars" tour. will ganss, look at him go. >> whit: that's will right there? >> gio: yep, taking a turn on the dance floor. wow, okay, will with the dip. >> whit: i mean, come on.
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>> gio: look at that. >> whit: who knew? we need more of that coming up. we're looking forward to that. but we do start this half hour with the headlines we're following right now. a jury in manhattan federal court took less than three hours to decide that former president donald trump should pay e. jean carroll more than $83 million for defaming her in 2019. that's after she accused him of sexual assault. the jury of seven men and two women awarding carroll $65 million in punitive damages, on top of 18.3 million in compensatory damages. trump attacked the verdict on social media calling it, absolutely ridiculous and unfair. >> rhiannon: russia has extended the pretrial detention of american journalist evan gershkovich. gershkovich was arrested last year on espionage charges. his detention is now extended to march 30th and the u.s. has called for his immediate release. >> gio: vanessa bryant sharing a picture of her late husband kobe and daughter gianna on the fourth anniversary of their
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death. kobe, gianna and seven of their friends died january 26, 2020 on a helicopter that crashed into the calabasas hillside in los angeles while they were on their way to a basketball tournament. i remember how shocking that was. it's unbelievable it's been four years. >> rhiannon: i think we all remember where we were when that moment happened and such a beautiful tribute she posted on social media. all right. take a walk with me. i want to take you over to one of my favorite people, tory johnson. you know why? she has the best recommendations ever in "deals & steals," and today is no different. she's going to show us some fantastic finds. tory, hello. >> good morning. we got the all black. you guys ready? starting with something cool called the pedipocket. so when you are a little chilly on the couch or the bed,
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sometimes you're struggling for that little toe tuck and want your feet tucked in. what's awesome about it, it's almost six feet long but then there's a specially designed pocket. >> rhiannon: there's a pocket. >> look at the pictures on screen. so the toe tuck becomes easy. >> rhiannon: i see it there. >> it becomes easy so you stay warm and cuddly and comfortable. four different sizes from kids to the extra large. >> rhiannon: it could also be like a little cape. >> multiple uses, starting at $15. >> rhiannon: love that. these are supposed to be good for your skin and hair. >> so good for skin and hair to avoid lines and wrinkles. so smooth and also a great -- it's moisture wicking. it is hypoallergenic, temperature regulating. it kind of does everything and so unbelievably soft to the touch. it also has a zipper on the side here so your pillow is not going to slink out when you're sleeping. >> rhiannon: okay. and easy to wash. >> all machine washable. we have all the sizes, and a slew of colors. as you see here, from blissy, everything slashed in half.
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starts at $42, plus from blissy free shipping. >> rhiannon: that does feel so soft. love that. we also love free shipping. >> we do. we also love shinery. so this is the easiest way to take your jewelry from dirty and dull to sparkly and shiny. two years in a row an oprah favorite. you're holding the radiance brush so that's awesome because all of the bristles are contoured specifically for jewelry. men love this because of metal watches. you can use it on a metal watch, but all metals and gemstones for jewelry and their fan favorite is their radiance wash. this is a soap that you can use so that while you wash your hands you can also clean your jewelry without taking it off. radiance is the key word. this line is fabulous. everything is slashed in half starts at $11. >> rhiannon: how clever is that. >> so smart. so smart. okay, this is hurtskurt. >> rhiannon: for your hair? >> it's not for your hair. that one could specifically be for a leg. so what this is is for pain
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management and kind of all of those aches and pain reliefs and recovery. so, it's a stretch to fit. you stick this in the freezer. you can use it. feel this one, hot or cold. yes, so i don't think that was frozen. this was put into the refrigerator. so you could use it for that specifically a leg one and what's great, you can see from the arm is, a, it's cold and, b, you have full range of motion. >> rhiannon: you need movement. this is for headaches. >> yeah, they have a big variety of options depending on the body part you need it for. all slashed in half, they start at $15. >> rhiannon: okay. >> plus it's kind of fashionable. >> rhiannon: i like the different styles. >> easiest way to remove odor without masking it. whether it's cars, closet, pet areas, garbage cans this moso is a bamboo charcoal on the inside. pop it into the gym bag. any of these places we're talking about and like a magnet it absorbs odor in the air rather than having to use fake fragrance to mask it. these are fabulous and last about two years. then you could even plant what's inside of here into your garden. so it's -- it has that eco
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benefit. plus, we have their all new odor free sprays. these are great for bedroom, bathroom, anywhere it's needed. today they start at $5. >> rhiannon: cars and trucks too. when my kids are all stinky from their sports, spray it off. >> finally nano towel. this is the easiest way to clean household areas without any kind of chemicals. all you need is water and that's because of their propriety nano fibers right here that, again, like dirt is like a magnet to this. >> rhiannon: sucks it up. >> sucks it up. this is terrific. you can use it in so many different places in your home and then we also have their carpet cleaning concentrate which is really good, especially if you have pets. that's a great one for cleaning. everything from them slashed in half at $12.50. >> rhiannon: we thank you so much. >> thank you. >> rhiannon: we partnered with all these companies as she mentioned. find all these deals on our
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website. coming up, "gma" is taking to the stage with the "dancing with the stars" pros on tour. will ganss will show us his moves. we'll be right back. paxlovid is an oral treatment for adults with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems. these are not all the possible side effects so talk to your doctor.
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as california senator. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. ♪ >> whit: welcome back to "gma"
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and we are bringing it to the ballroom, right? "dancing with the stars" is going on tour, and will ganss went backstage with the pros to learn some new moves, twinkle toes will ganss is joining us right now. you got the sequins and everything. >> will: the toes are twinkling, people. that's right. so i have a not so secret history of wanting to be on "dancing with the stars." in 2017 i tweeted, and i quote, "dancing with the stars," you can't ignore me forever. well, the restraining order must have expired because for one night only they let me crash the "dancing with the stars" live party. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: the samba into this spotlight is anything but a breeze. for every rhinestone there's rehearsal. for every sequin, sweat. for every standing "o," a behind-the-scenes omg. >> will, it's time to learn how to dance. >> come on. >> let's go. >> will.
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>> reporter: jesus, take the wheel. >> you got the jacket, you're fine. >> will: so how did we get here? let's run this thing back. >> five, six, seven, eigh >> reporter: from the top, people. >> will, welcome to "dancing with the stars" live on tour. ♪ >> reporter: your favorite pros and stars taking their mirror ball magic on the road for a 70-plus city tour. >> we got to make it official. you got to look the part. i got you the jacket. >> wow. this must be what tiger woods feels like when he's putting on the masters jacket. >> you feel like you have more moves now? >> all of a sudden the and backstage, family affair. >> can you say good morning, america? >> joining mom and dad. >> he takes after his dad. can you do your dance moves? you want to just stand.
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>> that's a dad drop. >> reporter: dad and mom both bringing the energy despite the new parent sleep schedule. >> it's amazing. it's really curated for the pros to dance to the best of their ability. >> we're teachers on the show a lot of times and on tour we -- >> we're performers. >> we're allowed to be rock stars. >> reporter: season 32 winner, xochitl gomez rocking it out. >> is the trophy on tour? >> no, it's not. way too heavy. >> reporter: mandy moore working with her is an award all by itself. >> mandy moore is a choreography genius, and she gives us a platform really to add our own personality, do the dancing that we love to do with the high energy but then we can also drop it down into heartfelt moments. >> reporter: even a moment for a newbie. >> own it, will. own it. >> reporter: good advice before a last-minute rehearsal. >> whoo! [ applause ] >> i'm nervous now. i can't imagine what it's going to be like when there's people
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out there. >> i will be honest with you, it's going to be a lot worse. >> it's a lot worse but it is also the best feeling. >> reporter: but after some practice -- >> we'll do a little bit of a drive. >> you pick the hardest dance. >> it's the funnest. >> alan. >> will, i see you and i see potential. >> i do too. >> reporter: it's showtime. ♪ >> who have you decided to pick for a chance for a dance. >> i'll go with contestant number two. [ applause ] >> contestant number two. ♪ ♪ [ cheers ] >> give it up for will and alan! [ applause ] whoa. take a bow. >> oh, my gosh. >> rhiannon: dream come true. >> absolutely. >> gio: that was awesome. >> thank you. "dancing with the stars" is on
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tour right now. to get tickets and check out which special guests are there for your stop, go to you guys, it was so much fun and i have not stopped thinking about that dance with alan for even one second. >> whit: you were so good. >> gio: so good and should have seen all of our faces when you popped up on the show. >> it was not just backstage. there was a full audience there and i haven't been that nervous in a very long time but it was so much fun. >> whit: you owned it. >> rhiannon: will you be one of the special guests? >> i mean, if they would have me back -- i would go on tour right now. in fact, bye. >> whit: thank you, will. appreciate it. all right. let's get a check of the weather and go back to somara. >> somara: that was so good. will, i loved it. if you live in the northeast you were looking for a warm place to vacation, you didn't have to go far on friday. washington, d.c., 80 degrees yesterday. hottest january day on record. they've been keeping records for for about 152 years. i want to show you this from our weather producer dan in trumbull, connecticut.
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we're starting to see early bloomers here, coming out. it's been a little on the warmer side of things but some snow could cover all that. all right, so here's a look at what you need to know. we have the storm system moving through the southeast, and it's bringing severe weather to states like alabama and georgia, the panhandle of florida. then as we head through sunday, snow on the northern tier of the system in states like pennsylvania right on up into new england. >> rhiannon: looks like some parts of the country have good cleaning weather. kick-start your clean routine. how to stay organized and stick with it. back in a moment. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!!
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mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ there are many ways to dress your mcdonald's hot, crispy fries. but which is best...? is it with ketchup? sweet 'n sour? dare i say au naturale...? ♪
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barista: - pistachio cream cold brew. dare hero: - thanks.le...? friend: - hey! it's been so long. ♪
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>> gio: welcome back to "gma" as we roar into '24, and this morning, we are bringing it on home with courtney mason from spruce, here to help us with tips to tidy up and help kick-start your clean routine. welcome, courtney. >> thank you so much for having me. january is a great time for a refresh. what does that mean for at home? that means maybe you're still putting away your holiday decor. that's okay. >> gio: that's okay, right? it doesn't matter if the post-holiday cleaning isn't done. >> there's still time. you want to be thoughtful when doing it, and be good to future you. so if any ornaments broke, throw them out. if any lightbulbs died, replace them. untangle lights before you put them away, and put everything away in a nicely labeled box, and you can hit the ground running next holiday season. >> gio: let's say you're moving into spring and have these changing temperatures. you've got tactics for that too. >> i do, yeah. even before you get to spring, i love tackling the kitchen while it's still cold out, because
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it's a great indoor task and it gets chaotic over the holidays. so don't be afraid to empty out your entire refrigerator. give it a through deep clean, and throw out anything that's expired. a tip for that is as you throw it away, add it to your grocery list if it needs replacing, so you don't forget it. as you reload your refrigerator, pull anything to the front expiring sooner, so you're sure to use it first. and then when we get to spring, we actually love to move to the closet, because, like you were saying, you're kind of coming out of this hibernation period, and you want to swap out heavier clothes. what we recommend there is stop. take a pause. take stock. what did you really use this winter and what did you not as much as you expected? don't want to box it up and just deal with it all next winter. if you didn't use it, consider donating it now. >> gio: if you didn't use it, maybe you won't use it and holding on to it. >> in hopes of it fitting next year. it might not. that's okay. spring is a great time to replace any winter items.
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take advantage of end of season sales and don't forget about your pets, they are putting away their heavier clothes too meaning they're shedding everywhere. grab your vacuum. at the spruce we tested tons of pet hair effective vacuums but if anything is giving you trouble grab a dryer sheet. the magic properties free up stuck on pet hair. >> gio: brilliant. every couple months you got to tackle a few things. >> any time you're taking on one of these seasonal projects it's a great reminder to, hey, i got to do some of these basics. let's start in your bedroom. not talking about your pillowcases and sheets but you're probably washing once a week anyway. i'm talking duvet. i'm talking mattress pad. i'm talking the pillows themselves. they do need to be cleaned every few months. but a hot tip, as long as your pillow isn't a memory foam, there's truly a good chance you can just use your washer/dryer which is great. please check your care label
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before doing that. but if it is a good candidate, you want to toss it on a gentle cycle with cool water and when you move it to the dryer, throw in some of these wool dryer balls or just clean tennis balls because they break up the clumps that form when your pillow gets wet. >> gio: that's so smart. you have some make-up here. we have 20 seconds. >> always overlook it, clean your brushes every couple of months, dish soap and water, baby shampoo and water and check expiration dates. makeup expires faster than you think but there's tips on the bottom of the bottle to check. >> gio: you're filled with good tips, thanks so much, courtney mason from the spruce and we'll be right back. from the spruce be right back.
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are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive, her2 negative metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole. ibrance may cause low white blood cell counts that may lead to serious infections. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs. both of these can lead to death. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening chest pain, cough, or trouble breathing. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. for more information about side effects talk to your doctor.
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thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product.
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>> whit: are we getting the warmer weather or what, somara? >> somara: well, it depends on where you live. i was getting ready to -- you set me up for this one. >> whit: it depends. yes, no, maybe so. >> somara: we're still pretty chilly. >> whit: come back tomorrow for the rest of the forecast. thanks, rhiannon, for hanging out with us. get more streaming on abc newslive. have a great day, everybody. >> gio: see you tomorrow.
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of rising crime. kaiser permanente says it's committed to ensuring the safety and security of its employees and physicians across all its locations. however the chronicle is reporting kaiser employees are being told to actually stay in their buildings for lunch and to not hold any meetings in downtown oakland. in alameda, the city is a step closer to accessing millions of gallons of recycled water. the army corps of engineers and east bay mud have both signed an agreement that will provide $3.2 million in federal funds. the money will be used to repurpose a half mile of water pipeline between oakland and alameda. future phases of the project will deliver recycled water to customers in albany and berkeley, and in san francisco. the oldest toy store is closing for good next month. jeffries
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toys first opened in the city in 1938. its co-owner says there are a number of factors leading to the closure now, including fewer people visiting downtown, the store is located on kearny street in union square, a previous location on market street closed in 2015 because of a rent hike. well, we have some milder days ahead. let's check in with lisa. good morning. >> that's right. good morning to you, stephanie. starting today we may have noticed it yesterday. we've got some sun, but the clouds pretty much will overtake the sky cover today. and we are starting out in the 50s so quite mild here with the average highs upper 50s to near 60. 56 in hayward it's 52 in san francisco. so you can see a mostly cloudy sky from the oakland airport. it is 55. in napa, santa rosa 49. you've had some fog up there and with the cloud cover today, we're going to stay dry. stopping this at 330. then look what happens by this evening. we'll get to the details coming up. >> all right lisa thank you. and up next gearing up for
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tomorrow's big game. a look at how the 40 niner faithful are preparing for the nfc championship. abc seven news at when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor.
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♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. right now at nine. good morning. it's saturday, january 27th. i'm stephanie sierra


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