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tv   America This Morning  ABC  January 31, 2024 4:30am-5:00am PST

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america this morning, the u.s. set to strike back how president biden may retaliate for the drone attack on a u.s. base in the middle east that killed three americans. iranian backed fighters also blamed for attacking commercial ships in the red big tech on the hot seat ceos, including mark zuckerberg, set to be grilled on capitol hill
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about the dangers of social media for kids and their mental health. the new law being proposed, and how the tech ceos are responding. >> a developing story, a sexual assault case that's rocking pro hockey. four nhl players now facing charges, plus a ruling on whether tesla ceo elon musk can be paid a whopping $56 billion by his company. a wild brawl erupting between lawmakers. what started this fight? >> elmo teaching a valuable lesson. what happened when the sesame street character asked the simple question on social media, how's everybody doing? >> the response he got. >> and later, the return policy at costco. is it too generous. from abc news in new york. >> this is america. this morning. >> good wednesday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> happy wednesday i'm rhiannon ally. we want to begin with the us military getting ready to strike back after that deadly
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drone strike on us troops in the middle east. >> three americans were killed. and now we're learning what the us response may look like as the pentagon targets iranian backed fighters, which operate in several countries. >> meanwhile, new details about the financial impact of militants attacks on commercial ships in the red sea. american consumers could soon be paying the price. abc's em nguyen is here now with the latest m good morning rhiannon. >> good morning. yeah. president biden made it clear the us will strike back. but many details remain unclear, including where it will happen and how hard this morning the pentagon has signaled it's moving ahead with president biden's decision to retaliate against iranian backed fighters in response to sunday's drone attack on a us base in jordan that killed three american soldiers. >> i don't think we could be any more clear that we have called on the iranian proxy groups to stop their attacks, they have not. and so we will respond in a time and manner of our choosing.
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president biden blames iran for arming the radical militants who carried out the deadly attack. >> he told reporters yesterday he's already decided how the u.s. will respond, adding the white house wants to avoid a broader war in the middle east. abc's martha raddatz reports a strike inside iran is less likely than a strike in other regional countries, where militants are operating, even though the president is hesitant to strike iran itself during this planned multi-day bombing barrage, a u.s. official tells me that iranian assets outside of iran could be targets, and most of the strikes, said the official, will be inside syria. u.s. bases in the region have seen more than 160 attacks since israel's war with hamas began in october. iran backed fighters have also attacked commercial ships in the red sea in support of hamas shipping, industry executives told congress yesterday that iranian backed militant s have effectively taken control of the red sea, which sees 15% of the world's
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commerce and the level of sophistication of the targeting. >> the weaponry and the boldness is absolutely unprecedented. >> the attacks have forced ships to take long detours, adding up to two weeks to shipments and more than doubling shipping costs in some cases, one member has told me that they have had carriers ask for an increase of $1500 to $3000 per container, which represents a 38% to 73% cost increase. the executives say shipping costs are still below levels seen during the pandemic, but they fear costs will keep rising. rhiannon >> all right, we'll keep watching that and thank you. a house committee has pushed homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas one step closer to being impeached. a marathon hearing to pass two impeachment articles wrapped up overnight. those articles accused mayorkas of not enforcing immigration laws and breaching the public's trust. they were approved in party line votes and now go to the full house for consideration. critics call it a political stunt, with
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mayorkas unlikely to be convicted in the senate, where democrats have the majority. >> now to the effect of social media on our children. top executives, including mark zuckerberg, will be grilled on capitol hill today about whether enough is being done to protect kids and their mental health. here's abc's lionel moise this morning. >> the safety of children on social media will be front and center as tech ceos testify on capitol hill. it comes as lawmakers push for new rules to protect kids online amid growing concerns about child, sex trafficking and drug sales. >> the american people are becoming too smart to continue to trust these people to do it on their own. >> the leaders of x tiktok, snap, meta and discord are expected to highlight safety improvements they've made in recent months, including new security features and parental controls. but senators want the ceos to support the kids online safety act, a bill that would require harmful material be blocked from children's accounts. the bill would also
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restrict access to the data of minors and would allow parents to better supervise children's activity. >> when our children are online, they're the product act and addiction to social media is the business model. >> snap is the only app so far to publicly endorse the kids online safety act. the company is facing a class action lawsuit from dozens of parents who claim their children died after taking illegal drugs, some laced with fentanyl bought from a dealer on snapchat. >> he delivered a lethal dose of fentanyl to our home like a pizza snap had said. >> it's working hard to stop dealers from abusing the platform. there's already a push for a change at the state and local level. house lawmakers in florida recently passed a bill that would ban anyone under age 16 from signing up for most social media platforms, and in new york city, the mayor recently designated social media as a public health hazard. sites
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concern about kids getting addicted and hurting their mental health. >> let's be honest, right? they designed it. they know how to fix it. today say the ceos are expected to emphasize the positives of social media, including how it can connect us and help children learn. >> but despite the concerns and numerous hearings like this, no laws have been passed on this issue since the 90s. andrew rhiannon. >> all right. lionel. thank you for that. prosecutors have revealed new evidence against jennifer crumbley, the michigan mother on trial after her son ethan killed four classmates at his school. the jury yesterday viewed pictures from inside the crumbleys home, including gun range targets on the walls of ethan's room and in the master bedroom, an open gun case and an empty box of ammunition. police also found two guns in another safe. prosecutors say the code to the safe was 000. they also showed video of jennifer crumbley sitting in a police car after learning that ethan had opened fire at oxford high school. >> so, like i just my son just
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ruined his life. i was i never see him again. i don't get it. i don't get what happened. prosecutors say ethan's parents ignored his mental health and bought the gun for him. >> they are charged with involuntary manslaughter, an experimental drug is being called a possible alternative to highly addictive opioids. >> vertex is preparing to ask the fda to approve a painkiller known as bb 548. the company says the drug could be used for moderate to severe acute pain. opioid overdoses kill more than 200 americans each day. new video overnight of a massive gas pipeline explosion in the oklahoma panhandle. flames were shooting 500ft in the air. emergency crews are on scene right now, but no injuries were reported overnight. the flames were seen towering over the power poles on a nearby road. >> new charges this morning in a sexual assault case in pro hockey, several nhl players have been implicated. abc's andrea fujii has the details this morning for national hockey
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league players are facing sexual assault charges in canada, including carter hart from the philadelphia fliers. >> michael mcleod and cal foote from the new jersey devils and dylan dube from the calgary flames. they've been ordered to surrender to police in ontario. >> a player would be going to the police station in london, would be fingerprinted, would have their picture taken and they'd be given a document to sign, called an undertaking, and in that document document, they promise not to make any contact with or go anywhere near the complainant. in this case, the players were part of canada's 2018 world junior championships team after a party celebrating their win, a woman claims she was sexually assaulted by multiple team members. >> police initially investigated but closed the case, but four years later they reopen the investigation after a sports channel in canada reported that hockey canada had settled a lawsuit involving the woman. >> this is, you know, the most severe and significant kind of abuse that you can have sexual assault and the culture it
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exhibits for hockey canada and for junior hockey. it's going to be a big moment in sporting history. >> the men have taken leaves of absence from their teams and through their lawyers, claim, their innocent and are vowing to fight the charges. andrew rhiannon. >> andrea, thank you. it's being called a pandemic of snow. anchorage, alaska, has already seen more than 100in of snow this season. it's on track to break an all time record. all that snow helped create a landmark called snow. mozilla snowman stands more than 20ft tall. >> pretty cool. okay let's take a look at your wednesday forecast. a storm hits the west coast today. the heaviest rain will be in northern california, with more than six inches in some areas. storms are expected to hit california for the next ten days, so buckle up in the middle of the country. record temperatures are expected over the next few days. denver and saint louis reaching the 60s.
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some temperatures will be 30 degrees above normal. checking today's high temperatures for days across the northeast at 80 across the southwest, 69. in los angeles, 60. in rapid city, 44 in chicago delay when it comes to financial aid for college students. >> but first, trapped in a trash truck, one woman shares her terrifying ordeal. >> and later, the teachers who got a $50,000 bonus are now being told they have to giv
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this morning on good morning america. >> we are back now with a woman who was rescued from a trash truck. police say the new hampshire woman fell into a dumpster while putting out her garbage. and then she was scooped up and driven away. rescue crews pulled her out of
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the truck after the driver saw her through a camera and called 911. >> in northern california, the pilot of a small plane was killed after crashing into this intersection. witnesses say the plane seemed to lose power before the plane hit a car. the driver of the car suffered minor injuries. >> we turn now to claims of a spending scandal on capitol hill, a member of the so-called squad of progressive lawmakers is facing new scrutiny for how she spent her campaign money. >> i have not used any federal tax dollars for a personal security services, missouri congressman cori bush is pushing back amid a federal investigation into whether she misused campaign funds for her personal security. >> some reports claim she spent up to $750,000 since being elected in 2020. among the expenditures facing close scrutiny, more than $100,000 in reported payments to her now husband to provide security services. >> i and my husband, as part of
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my security team to provide security services because he has had extensive experience in this area and is able to provide the necessary services at or or below fair market rate. >> back in 2021, bush explained why she spends so much on her private security. >> i'm going to make sure i have security because i know i have had attempts on my life and i have too much work to do. there are too many people that need help right now. bush says she is cooperating with the investigation on millions of college students and their families will have to wait several more weeks to find out how much federal financial aid they are getting. >> that's because the education department won't be sending necessary student aid information to schools until early march. the delay is being blamed on the rollout of a new form and government inflation data. >> ups is cutting 12,000 jobs part of a plan to try to save $1 billion. the layoffs affect mostly management positions. it comes months after the company reached a deal with union
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workers who demanded higher pay. experts say the company's bottom line is being hurt by online retailers changing their return and in-store pickup policies. this is directly impacting both package companies because people are modifying their behavior to save themselves money because the retailer says that's what we got to do. ups is also requiring all employees to return to the office five days a week. >> coming up, a judge rules whether tesla can pay elon musk a whopping $56 billion in one year. >> also ahead, a brawl between lawmakers will tell you where this was and what started this this was and what started this fight nothing comes close to this place in the morning. i'm so glad i can still come here. you see, i was diagnosed with obstructive hcm. and there were some days i was so short of breath. i thought i'd have to settle for never stepping foot on this trail again. i became great at making excuses. but i have people who count on me so i talked to my cardiologist.
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call your cardiologist today and see if a camzyos moment may be in your future too. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. you know that feeling of having to re-wash dishes that didn't get clean? i don't. platinum plus is cascade's best clean ever. with double the dawn and double the scrubbers, it removes the toughest grease and residue for an irresistible clean and shine. cascade platinum plus. dare to dish differently.
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there works and get back at it. >> all the bickering in washington is nothing compared to this. a brawl erupted inside parliament in the maldives. lawmakers were fighting over the president's cabinet picks. some played toy trumpets as a distraction, while others tried to debate their differences. >> a judge says elon musk is not entitled to a $56 billion pay package at tesla, calling it unthinkable. >> the delaware judge ruled the pay package is unfair to shareholders. the ruling stems from a lawsuit in which tesla shareholders argued musk had too much influence over the process. musk responded, saying, never incorporate your company in the state of delaware. it's not much compared to what elon musk gets paid, but some school teachers got a bonus in the mail. >> turns out they weren't
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supposed to get it. a nightmare for teachers in oklahoma. the state is now demanding they return bonuses of up to $50,000 awarded to them by mistake. >> what a shame for us to run an agency that way. >> the nine teachers got the bonuses through a recruitment program for hard to fill teacher positions. christina stallman says she was awarded the 50,000 and took home $29,000 after taxes. but she says the state now wants the full 50,000 back. some state lawmakers outraged if the state wants to go claw back that money, they will. >> they will use the heavy hand and the full force of government to do that. and it's our job as legislators not to champion that , but to step in and say, whoa, this doesn't make sense. >> ryan walters, the official behind the teacher recruitment program, has suggested the bonuses were given after the teachers misrepresented their experience. but lawmakers from both parties insist this was the state's mistake. they're threatening to take action unless those teachers get to keep the bonuses as well. >> the first thing that we can
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do is, is cease funding to the state department for programs that they're asking for. >> lawmakers are looking to overhaul that recruitment program to make sure this never happens again. coming up, costco's return policy is in the spotlight. also ahead, the question that elmo asked on social media and the unexpected social media and the unexpected response he got have you ever wondered what an icon,... a legend,... a legacy,... a pop star,... and a tight end all have in common? they all got this season's updated covid-19 shot to help better protect them against recent variants. got it? ♪ ♪ got yours? are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters keep your laundry smelling fresh waaaay longer
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than detergent alone. if you want laundry to smell fresh for weeks, make sure you have downy unstopables in-wash scent boosters. special k is oven-tofectdn then tossed with yogurty goodness or maybe some red berries special k. in so many craveable varieties so you can do what's delicious. (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue? mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops.
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uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. moore live this morning on good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. >> and we begin with a lesson from elmo. >> he asked a simple question on social media. he posted, elmo's just checking in. how is everybody doing? well, that got thousands of people talking. some told emo about elmo, about their personal problems, their debt, even their concern about the upcoming election. >> others wanted to express their current mental state by using memes. celebrities even
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responded. the rapper t-pain wrote, i'm just looking for somebody to talk to and show me some love. >> elmo replied, saying elmo's glad he asked. elmo learned that it's important to ask a friend how they are doing. he said he will check in again soon. >> next, tiktok is losing some of your favorite tunes. >> the social media platform failed to reach a new licensing agreement with universal music group. universal controls one third of the world's music, including songs by taylor swift, lady gaga and the weeknd. next ed sheeran performs in tokyo tonight. >> he already put on a show at a cat cafe, and it didn't go so well. >> who wants to hear a song >> by the way, he played the same cafe in 2014 with the same results. next, costco's return policy is getting buzz on social media. >> the policy is so generous a woman was able to return her two year old couch without a receipt. she got a full refund. thanks to costco's 100% satisfaction guarantee policy.
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the reason for the return she didn't like the color anymore. finally she man versus woman in pro basketball. >> it will be steph versus sabrina. steph curry and wnba star sabrina ionescu will go. will go head to head in a three point challenge during the nba's all star weekend. each will use their respective leagues ball and three point line. >> my daughter is going to love that. that. >> i when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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and i heard it. bup bup bup bup and went straight down. and then boom. >> witnesses describing the moment a small plane came down in concord, killing the only person on board. now, at five. what the pilot may have been doing before the crash and the impact overnight for anyone driving in the area. >> when our children are online, they're the product and uh- addiction to social media is the business model. all lawmakers in washington looking to rein in social media sites, top tech executives on capitol hill this morning answering questions about the impact on young people. >> h


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