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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  February 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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from around the bay area. i'll see you tonight, breaking news. for the first time ever, the mother taking the stand, charged in her son's deadly school shooting. you will hear what that mother says. jennifer crumbley, the mother of the michigan school shooter ethan crumbley, visibly nervous, breaking out in hives, telling the jury why she frantically texted her son "don't do it" after the shooting. the prosecution saying the son wrote in the journal, my parents don't listen to me, i have here
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roe help from my mental problems and it's causing me to shoot up the school. trevor ault outside the courthouse. also tonight, the defense secretary lloyd austin saying, "i should have told the president. i did not handle this right." what he said today in front of the cameras for the first time since being hospitalized after complications from prostate cancer surgery. not even telling the president. terry moran on what the defense secretary said today. the new missile and drone attacks on commercial ships, and tonight, martha rad dagts standing by with new reporting on the u.s. retaliation now coming for the deadly attack on u.s. troops. and the internal debate over how to respond. martha is in jordan. here in the u.s. tonight, tracking two major back-to-back storms. flash flooding, damaging winds. san francisco to los angeles. now moving from texas to florida. and this second storm set to hit could be even worse. rob marciano with the forecast. tonight, sending a message. president biden sanctioning four israeli settlers in the west bank for violence against palestinians. james longman reporting.
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in new york city tonight, police investigating the attack on nypd officers in times square. they believe many of the suspects were asylum seekers. and authorities now want to know if some of them fled to california. new york's governor tonight is asked, should they be deported? tonight, the deadly collapse at the airport in boise, idaho. the hangar coming down. tonight, passengers on a jetblue flight holding down a passenger. the chaotic scene on the flight to new york. and she was a fixture at so many of bruce springsteen's concerts. tonight, the boss, and his tribute to his mother just in, after losing his favorite fan. good evening and we begin tonight with the moment we have never seen before, a mother taking the stand in her own defense, the first mother ever to be charged in her child's deadly school shooting. you will hear what jennifer
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crumbley said today. visibly nervous te, telling the jury why she texted her son "don't do it" after the deadly shooting. testifying she wouldn't have raised ethan any differently and she doesn't feel she was a failure as a parent. prosecutors pointing to what ethan crumbley wrote in his journal about his parents. "my parents don't listen to me. i have zero help for mental problems, and it's causing me to shoot up the school." abc's trv vevor ault lead iing f tonight. >> reporter: tonight, unprecedented testimony from the first parent of a school shooter to face charges herself. >> that was the hardest thing i had to -- to stomach, is that my child harmed and killed other people. i wish he would have killed us instead. >> reporter: jennifer crumbley taking the stand in her own defense, visibly nervous to the point of breaking out in hives, saying before her son murdered four of his classmates, she had
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no reason to believe he was dangerous. >> of course i looked back after this all happened. and i've asked myself if i would have done anything differently, and i wouldn't have. >> reporter: telling the jury why she frantically texted her son "don't do it" after 2021 rampage at oxford high school was over. >> i was like, "oh, my gosh, he's the school shooter. he's going to kill himself." >> reporter: in the hours following the massacre, crumbley, seen on video at the police station, scrolling her phone. today, explaining that demeanor, saying she was numb. >> i didn't really believe everything was happening the way it was. it was surreal. my mind was in all different places. >> reporter: crumbley testifies her son was lying when he texted his friend she laughed off his request for therapy. >> did you ever believe that your son needed mental health treatment, therapy, counseling, anything? >> no. >> did you ever deny him or say, "no, i'm not going to take you
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to a mental health professional"? did he ever ask you? >> no. >> reporter: her attorney asking -- >> are you a failure as a parent? >> i don't think i'm a failure as a parent. >> reporter: the prosecution argues jennifer crumbley ignored crucial warning signs of her son's deteriorating mental health. today resting their case with these disturbing pages from his journal. >> how many reference the school shooting? >> every single one. >> reporter: the shooter writing, "my parents don't listen to me." on the next page, "i have zero help for my mental problems, and it's causing me to shoot up the school," the word "help" in bold black letters. and david, jennifer crumbley's now facing what could be a very intense cross examination tomorrow, and remember, her husband is still awaiting a trial of his own. today, jennifer crumbley testified it was her husband's job to secure the gun that her son used in that shooting. david? >> david: trevor ault leading us off from michigan tonight. thank you. we turn next tonight here to defense secretary lloyd austin,
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who said today, "i should have told the president, i did not handle this right." austin saying his prostate cancer diagnosis was a, quote, gut punch, and that his instinct was to keep it private, acknowledging that was a mistake. here's terry moran. >> reporter: facing sharp scrutiny, defense secretary lloyd austin admitted today that he was wrong to keep his prostate cancer and emergency hospitalization a secret from the public and the president. >> we did not handle this right, and i did not handle this right. i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i should have also told my team and the american public, and i take full responsibility. i apologize to my teammates and to the american people. >> reporter: taking questions from reporters for the first time since he returned to work, austin tried to explain why he kept quiet about his diagnosis. >> i was being treated for prostate cancer. the news shook me, and i know that it shakes so many others, especially in the black
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community. it was a gut punch, and frankly, my first instinct was to keep it private. >> reporter: the defense secretary says he never told his staff to hide his hospitalization from the white house, but reporters grilled him about a 911 call for an ambulance, after complications from surgery, including a bladder infection and severe pain, sent him back to the hospital. a staffer asking first responders to be discreet. >> can i ask that the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? we're trying to remain a little subtle. >> i asked my assistant to call the ambulance. i did not direct him to do anything further than just call the ambulance. >> reporter: austin says he's learned from his mistakes and he's apologized to the president. >> and he has responded with the grace and warm heart that anyone who knows president biden would expect, and i'm grateful for his full confidence in me. >> reporter: while secretary
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austin tried to clear the air, questions remain, especially about why no one informed the president when the defense secretary was rushed into intensive care. several formal inquiries have already been announced at the pentagon and on capitol hill. david? >> david: terry moran live in washington. terry, appreciate it. we turn now to the u.s. retaliation coming for the deadly drone attack on u.s. troops. martha raddatz with new reporting here tonight on the internal debate at the white house over how to respond to the deadly attack. and it all comes tonight amid a new wave of missile and drone attacks on commercial ships p. martha reporting from jordan again tonight. >> reporter: and the defense >> reporter: tonight, iranian-backed houthi militants launching a new wave of missiles and drones at commercial ships, their response after the u.s. destroyed ten of their attack drones and a ground control station in yemen. but the string of u.s. and allied strikes so far failing to slow the houthi attacks. final preparations now under way at the pentagon for multiday, multitarget missile and bomb
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strikes against the iranian-backed group behind that drone attack in jordan that killed three american soldiers and wounded 47 others. secretary of defense lloyd austin pointing the finger at the islamic militia group after officials say forensics determined it was an iranian-made shahed drone fired by an islamic militia group that hit that base. >> how much iran knew or didn't know, we don't know. but it really doesn't matter, because iran sponsors these groups. it funds these groups. they have a lot of capability. i have a lot more. >> reporter: we traveled to the desert in northeastern jordan today, an area similar to where u.s. forces came under attack. this is one of the most remote parts of jordan. syria is just behind me, about two miles, iraq is off to my left. these are the countries from which iranian-backed militants are launching attacks against americans.
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a u.s. official telling abc news militants and their weapons in iraq, syria, and possibly yemen all on the list of likely targets for retaliation. >> david: and so let's brick in martha raddatz with us again tonight. martha, i know you have new reporting here on the internal debate at the white house. we know the president has decided how to respond, but there has been a debate over how to respond to this deadly attack on u.s. troops. and as the region awaits whatever the response is going to be, you've also learned tonight that some of these iran-backed militants are on the move now? >> reporter: david, a senior u.s. official telling me tonight that pentagon officials believe that the scope of these strikes will send an unmistaken message to the militant groups to stop their attacks on u.s. forces, but others, fearing the retaliatory strikes will trigger the exact kind of escalation the administration is trying to avoid, so, there has been debate. but the strikes will go ahead, and we have learned tonight that some of the militants are already evacuating their
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facilities. david? >> david: martha raddatz, thank you. we turn now to back-to-back storms back here at home, the first already hammering california, los angeles, right up to san francisco. flash flooding, damaging winds. now moving from texas to florida. and tonight, a second major storm, even more powerful, now on the way. multiple states on alert from oregon to texas. the first storm tracking all the way to florida now before that second one arrives next. l.a. roadways under water. look at the pictures. neighborhood streets turning to rivers. a downed redwood tree in santa clara. the driver cut out of her truck, trapped by what came down. the high water rescues, as well. senior meteorologist rob marciano back with us tonight tracking it all. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. the storm coming through california tonight is priming the pump for more likely for the next one coming in on sunday. still a mess from northern california to southern california. those watches and warnings that are up, that's for the current storm. they'll be reposted for the next one. that big plume going through arizona, some significant snow in the mountains.
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that's good. we need that snow pack. look at the explosion of convection, lower parts of texas, across i-10, and by sunday, the southeast and florida. meanwhile, that's when the next storm is coming into the west. this one does look to be bigger. potentially stronger. another atmospheric river, from central california down through southern california. big snows. five to ten inches of rainfall from santa barbara to san diego. those are areas that will see flooding and mudslides. david? d >> david: rob, thank you. we turn now to israel, and tonight, president biden imposing sanctions now on four israeli settlers in the best waning for violence against palestinians. tonight, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu blasting the move. james longman from israel again tonight. >> reporter: an unprecedented move from the white house tonight. president biden sanctioning four israeli settlers in the occupied west bank for violence against palestinians and israeli activists.
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the administration says the four men who carried out various attacks will have their assets and bank accounts frozen and will be restricted from using the u.s. financial system. the white house saying settler violence "poses a grave threat to peace, security, and stability in the west bank." today's order comes amid the growing criticism facing biden for his support of israel's war against hamas. prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissing the measure, saying the "absolute majority" are law-abiding citizens. but this may be just the beginning. >> the government needs to do more to arrest extremist settlers engaged in violence and prosecute extremist settlers engaged in violence. >> reporter: the west bank is land the palestinians envisage for a future state. but some 500,000 jewish settlers now live there, as well as some 200,000 in east jerusalem, contravening international law. and since hamas' october 7th attack, there has been a major uptick in violence. the palestinian authority says 381 people have been killed, like this man, 40-year-old bilal saleh, who was shot at
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point blank range while picking olives. and 17-year-old louisiana native tawfic abdel jabbar, who was killed a week ago while driving a pickup truck after a picnic. israeli and u.s. officials vow to investigate. and on the hostage deal, david, hamas said today it has received the proposal, quote, possibly, but no formal agreement yet. david? >> david: james longman, we see the storm there behind you in tel aviv tonight, thank you. here in new york city, authorities are investigating the attack on two nypd officers in times square. they believe many of the suspects were asylum seekers. and tonight, authorities now want to know if some of them fled to california. new york's governor was pressed today, should they be deported? here's aaron katersky. wrr tonight, authorities are investiga investigating. the assault occurring outside a migrant shelter near times square. >> you have eight people
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attacking a lieutenant and a cop, running up to them, trying to kick them in their face and kick them in their face. >> reporter: authorities say the officers were trying to disperse a disorderly crowd around 8:30 p.m. saturday, when a scuffle broke out. the two officers were repeatedly punched and kicked as they try to make an arrest. after the suspects fleeing, the officers see cell phones stolen. tonight, six people in all, most of whom are believed to be asylum seekers, are now facing charges. the governor was asked whether the u.s. should deport the men charged in the assault. >> i think that's absolutely something that should be looked at. i mean, if someone commits a crime against a police officer in the state of new york, and they're not here legally, definitely worth checking into. >> reporter: the city is already struggling to cope with a surge in migrants sent from the southern border. in the last two years, nearly 200,000 have arrived. a third remain in city shelters. we've just been told police are looking now for as many as eight additional suspects, most of them believed to be living in the city's migrant shelter system, but david, police also
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believe there's a criminal element here at work, as well. david? >> david: aaron katersky here in new york tonight. thank you, aaron. now to the deadly collapse at the boise, idaho, airport it was a private hangar under construction on the grounds of the airport there. dozens of workers were on the job at the time of the collapse. fire crews raced to rescue those who were trapped. three workers were pronounced dead on the scene. nine others injured. five of them critically. the cause of the collapse, of course, is now under investigation. when we come back here tonight, passengers on a jetblue flight holding down a passenger. the chaotic scene on the flight to new york. and bruce springsteen's heartfelt tribute just in tonight to his mother, who was a fan favorite at so many of his concerts. the video, and his words, in a moment. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices.
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taste so fresh and amazing. deliciously superior nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. tonight, we're learning about a chaotic scene on a jetblue flight from london to new york. a passenger allegedly drunk and aggressive restrained by several other passengers. witnesses say he was wandering the cabin. four passengers holding him down, restraining him. police taking him into custody when the plane landed here in new york. from utah tonight, a hiker faring to his death while taking photos near utah's moonscape overlook. 19-year-old jonathan fielding was hiking with friends. his sister says he fell about 300 feet. authorities believe he fell over the edge while trying to get a better view of the canyon for their photograph. when we come back here tonight, the very large asteroid about to fly by earth, so, just how close? also, you'll hear billy joel's first new song in 17 years. and that heartfelt message
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tonight from bruce springsteen for his mom. anged how much we l. but it did change her. she developed agitation that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. she started yelling. pacing around. kept repeating the same questions. she got agitated often. so we asked her doctor for help. rexulti is the only fda-approved medication proven to reduce agitation symptoms that may happen with dementia due to alzheimer's disease. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. take action for your loved one.
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empower what's next. to the index of other news tonight, and this evening, a large asteroid is now set to fly by earth tomorrow. it's roughly the size of a football stadium. nasa says it will pass within 1.7 million miles of earth, which is considered close by nasa. they say it's the closest this asteroid has ever come or will come. tonight, billy joel releasing his first new song in 17 years. the song "turn the lights back on." ♪ i'm late ♪ ♪ but i'm here right now ♪ >> billy joel is scheduled to perform at the grammys on sunday. when we come back here tonight, bruce springsteen and his very touching tribute tonight to his mother. i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed.
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finally tonight, the boss remembering his mom. she was a fixture at so many of his concerts. adele springsteen, bruce's mother. the fans knew when she was there. bruce would bring her up on stage to dance to "dancing in the dark." ♪ the crowd roaring. the two even turning around and giving a little shake. a hug and a kiss. ♪ late today, bruce springsteen revealing his mother's passing, sharing this video of the two of them dancing, along with quotes from the song "the wish," which he wrote about his mother. ♪ i remember in the morning ♪ ♪ hearing your alarm clock ring ♪ ♪ i didn't
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ready for work ♪ >> david: he would say it was his mother's love of music and dancing that influenced him. she had been battling alzheimer's, and her son would talk about his mother's battle. >> my mom is seven years into alzheimer's. and she's 93. but dancing and the desire and need to dance is something th that -- it hasn't left her. remains an essential, primal part of who she is. it's beyond language. it's more powerful than memory, and when she comes in the door, we make sure there's music on. ♪ >> reporter: the boss sharing that video tonight, the two of them dancing, and about his mother, he once said, "remember that the future is not yet written, so, when things look dark, do as my mighty mom would insist. lace up your dancing shoes, get out on the floor, and get to work." so many fans remembering adele
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springsteen tonight. we are, too. good night. there is still a lot of unsettled weather in the bay area. check out this video of a funnel cloud sent to us by a viewer in the north bay. >> it's a little scary there, and cleaning up the damage. trees down all over the bay area. >> a home for drug tourism. the calls for change in san francisco and california. >> moving one step closer to making reparations for blacks. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry biel and i'm kristen sze. >> let's begin with this weather. as you can tell, the rain has gone away in some parts of the bay area, at least for now. >> yeah, there's been some wild weather in parts of the bay today, including a report of a
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funnel cloud. this is in petaluma. spotted a little after 11:00 this morning near pepper road. the person who shot the video says it lasted for about two minutes and the funnel passed over some ranches, but he did not see it doing any damage. let's head right to abc seven news. meteorology sandhya patel for more on it's sunny, it's raining, it's sunny, it's rainy. it's all over the place. sandhya. >> yeah, you know what? you need? >> those shades, the umbrellas kind of back and forth. larry and kristen, let's take a look at live doppler seven. right now. and let's talk about what's going on and the reason why you're seeing what you're seeing. we do have a lot of cold, unstable air back here. and that's why you're seeing bands of showers come in some thunderstorms as well. now let's get to that area. earlier this morning, shortly after 11 a.m. that saw a possible funnel cloud, i spoke with roger goss at the national weather service this afternoon. he said it was west of the petaluma area in sonoma county. there were multiple reports on social media. you can certainly see multiple reports of damage in the last 24 hours around the bar


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