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tv   ABC7 News Getting Answers  ABC  February 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PST

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and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. tumblers contain lead and has us asking, what is a dangerous versus safe level of chemicals in everyday products and an air force veteran is flying high on shark tank tonight. see how her line of clothing for women warriors is raising eyebrows and funding. but first is the san francisco mayoral race up for
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grabs? a new poll suggests the power of incumbency may be running up against some headwinds of voter discontent. good afternoon. you're watching, getting answers. i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. from the mayor's office to the california senate seat, lots of political intrigue this week. so joining us live to talk about all of this is abc7 news insider, phil matier, the man who handles all the intrigue around here. >> phil, it's an interesting place to be for intrigue. i have to give you that, not the least of which is the san francisco's mayor's race. should we start there? >> because i think there's an interesting new poll done by the dave binder group looking at it, this was pulled last month and walk us through these numbers, which show london breed and daniel lurie actually kind of close right now. >> the poll was paid for by daniel lurie and his supporters. so we have to put that buyer beware in there. but it does reflect other polls that we've seen. london breed holds about a quarter of the vote for first picks. daniel lurie has 21. mark farrell, a former interim mayor and supervisor, has 15. he's yet
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to announce, and arshad safai, a supervisor for on the progressive side, has about one out of ten voters so far undecided. a whopping 28. in other words, the leading of the pack is undecided. and that's that's that's the first part of the equation. >> change my name to undecided. >> it might be you might get a lot of calls. you might get a lot of interest in you. the second one is that london breed's numbers are have her in the danger zone. now after covid after crime after the collapse of the downtown. after people not coming back to work, all of these things have piled up on her plate. she's been around the block on these for a number of years, and voters are not happy. they're not happy here. they're not happy in the east bay. there's a rare place that you're going to find voters happy these days. and so she is finding herself in that terrible situation politically, where she's running against herself and everybody else is saying anybody. but her. how about me? >> right, right. but let me just ask you, i know that poll was commissioned, as you said, by
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laurie, however, wasn't there something in there about second place votes? because it's ranked choice voting? for me, it showed his second place, and it seems to suggest that gives him more strength. >> it is explain that. okay. because if you're not after 5 or 6 years of you doing what you're doing, being mayor, if you're not someone's first choice, then the chances are you're not going to be their second choice either. you're looking away. you don't say, well, you know, it's and that's what's tough. london breed is a known commodity. people have made up their minds one way or the other or are leaning now a lot. 25% are undecided. okay. they're waiting to see what these other candidates are. so so they, they go one way or the other. and so chances are they will. you have lost that other part and they will just pick among those who are not. you so she has got to pick up those undecided votes, those people that have already decided they've made they've they've said because, you know, when you're running for reelection, the voters are being asked to fire you. >> that that makes sense. okay. >> that's what it's about. >> right. so the feral and safai people, after the first round,
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they those votes could go to exactly is what that is or somebody else. >> but the point is that they're not necessarily going to go to burke. right. >> got it. got it. so given those some of those headwinds that we talked about and the reasons that voters aren't so happy, right now, it seems like she has made a shift in tone and substance. yes >> that she says she has. but if there was an unofficial campaign, a slogan for her opponents, it would be, yeah, we agree with her. but it's too little, too late. it's too little, too late. it should have been done three years ago. it should have been done four years ago. okay. some of these same people were around back then and not doing it. so it's like one of those questions of like, okay, but daniel lurie is a fresh face. and so he's hoping to capitalize on that. but it is one of those things where incumbency is tough. right now. people, especially here, are not happy. >> who backs whom right now? i understand when it comes to money. his own mother just gave him $1 million. that helps. and michael bloomberg gave the mayor 200,000. right. okay. but in terms of community groups, any idea like who who, who supports labor is getting behind
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ash-shafi'i. >> he's on the board of supervisors. he's a longtime friend of the city workers unions and other unions like that. we'll see where the business community tends to split its best breeds, getting a good share of the business money and real estate money. we'll see how that goes. but i got to tell you, i don't necessarily think that money's going to help london breed. she's got to sell herself. hers is going to be a result based candidacy. the others get to do have the pleasure of selling themselves. they get to say we're new, we're fresh. try us. she's got to prove herself. >> and that's where he has deep pockets. i mean, he's from the levi's family, right? and he can run unlimited ads, unlimited ads. >> but eventually there's some hard questions that are just out there that you have to make a stand on. how do you feel, for example, about telling people that are getting general assistance that if they're on drugs, they have to get into a treatment program? is that okay? how do you feel about increasing police powers, increasing surveillance? how do you feel about, you know, different things like that? that's where things start to, to, to get
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changed. >> i guess we're looking forward to the debates. then when all that will come out, the debates, the street signs, everything about it are yeah, i will say daniel lurie will have to do all his ads without the chinese name that he thought he was going to be able to use because of that whole issue, which we won't get into. but what interested me was, does he have a lot of support in the chinese american community? >> anybody that's going to get elected mayor of san francisco needs it. the chinese american community has become a vibrant force in san francisco politics, not in the way that a lot of people thought they thought it might be the progressive edge they've been tend to be more conservative. they were behind the recall of the school board when they thought that they'd gone too far in their political correctness and renaming schools and closing them down and the local meritocracy versus diversity, that was it. the second thing, they were the ones that got chesa boudin recalled, were heavy behind that the progressive district attorney. so they tend to be they're not a monolithic group. you can't get elected just on the chinese vote, but you can't get elected
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without it. >> all right. let's move on to the senate race and, you know, that is to fill the late senator dianne feinstein seat. very interesting. this week, finally, former senator barbara boxer made that sophie's choice in making an endorsement. and she had been sitting on the sidelines not wanting to pick between barbara lee and adam schiff. and she finally went with schiff. well, is that big for him? >> it is it. no, no, i'm going to be honest. in politics, we always sit there and go, oh, this endorsement is big. and that endorsements big. it's like, i don't even ask 20 people out there who's barbara boxer? you know, i mean, it's i'm sorry, only the oldest like us, remember? >> is that what you're saying, phil? >> not big. it's not a big thing. but he's on the air. he's doing that. it's interesting. the most interesting thing in that race is you have three democrats, two democratic women, and adam schiff. the women were going to run on the women's vote and on the progressive vote, he walked in. he has the most money and he and the endorsement of nancy pelosi and these people, he's rolling there. he's number one at 25. what? nobody didn't figure was that a former giant? i mean, former dodger and padres
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star steve. yes steve garvey was going to the only republican up in the batter's box and be the republic. that automatically gives him 20 to 25% of the vote. probably and now makes it a race. and adam schiff is now billing it as a race between him and garvey. >> yeah. you see, the new ad pretty much is just the two of them, as if the two women, porter and lee, are not in it. >> well, if it's at play here is it's easy for him to distinguish himself against a republican. he says, i'm this, i'm this. the others are trumpster the others is this appealing to the california democratic voter? if he takes on ads that put him up against two women, fellow libs, that's a little tougher. that's how do you how do you do that? you know, that's that's not as easy. so he makes him the target, doesn't ignores them. and they you know and they're not happy about that. they would rather be in the spotlight with them. >> right. but actually has he pulled enough away from porter that it's no longer a race or is it actually still it's still a race, but it's a race for second place right now among the between garvey and.
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>> right. so it's a question about whether we have two democrats in the runoff or a democrat in the republican in the runoff. >> hey, for republican to get to the general is a huge win. >> yes. but then that's an automatic. you're not going to turn blue. california is not sending a red jersey to washington. but if it is to the last time that happened by the way, oh, let's go back. not in your lifetime. okay. no, we have to go way back for that. pete wilson and that was so that was a ways ago that we had a republican in there. the state's changed. if you had two democrats in there, then you're going to have a real fight. but this one, it's going to be we know where it's going. >> we'll see where this goes. but thank you for implying that i was that keep your eyes on the tv because you're going to meet all these people a lot in the coming weeks. you'll be talking to a lot of them to phil, thank you so much. that was great. having you on. all right. coming up next, social media is having a field day with that popular stanley tumblr, but is there a health risk there or not? the mom who did some lead testing and a ucsf doctor will join us
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used to fight over tickle me elmo, but after recent viral videos that show the cubs testing positive for lead and new cdc guidelines this week on when people should test for chemical exposure, we wanted to get you some facts on chemicals in products. joining us live now are two guests tamara rubin, founder of lead safe mama, and doctor gina solomon, ucsf chief of occupational, environmental and climate medicine. thank you both for joining us. >> thank you. >> glad to be here. so, tamara, let me just start with you and what you discovered about the stanley tumbler. >> so i do dependent consumer
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goods testing for products that are sent into me through readers of the lead safe website. and and last year, someone sent in a stanley tumbler because the bottom seal disk had fallen off. and what i learned is that these are falling off by by, you know, all the time in a common product failure mode where the glue fails, that holds the stainless steel disk over the bottom, and i use the x ray fluorescence spectrometer to test the seal that was remaining after the little disk fell off for lead. and i found the levels in the range of 300,000 to 400,000 parts per million. lead the amount of lead that's considered unsafe in an item intended for use by children in the substrate is anything 100 parts per million lead or higher? and this again was between 300,000 and 400,000 parts per million lead. but because it's an item intended for use by adults, this particular one that i tested on the video you're showing, it is
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not considered to be illegal. >> okay. i want to ask doctor solomon if that concerns you at all. and we don't need to talk too much about any manufacturing defects. how often those seals come off. but let's say it does. let's say a child does touch it and come into contact with it. i suppose they could put their hands in their mouths. what is your do you have any health concerns that is generally a health concern. >> uh- and it's important for people of all ages to avoid exposure, especially kids. uh- also women and or anybody during pregnancy. he should avoid exposure to lead because it is very harmful to brain development and to the normal functioning of the brain. it's harmful to the kidneys. it's um, really lead is an all purpose toxin. it's uh- one of those things that we would rather not have in our in our lives. um, and there are a lot of exposures still to lead in this day and age, as we keep discovering. i mean, every time we think we've dealt with some source of lead,
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then another one pops up just like this. so it's, um, it's really hard to, to eliminate every source of lead, but i think we should continue to try to do so. right >> but just by the way, for our viewers, why is the lead needed in such a product in other products? what is its function in this particular product? >> they are using the lead in its molten form to create the vacuum seal that adds the insulator properties to the um, stainless steel cup and that's with many insulated stainless steel products. there are just a few brands that do not use lead. uh, and they use a molten glass instead. and what that shows us is that there's a lead free alternative out there. there's a safer choice out there. and we really should be demanding that all companies manufacture with lead free alternatives if we can. right >> let me just read, uh, stanley's statement about this. it's pretty long, but part of it says rest assured that no lead is present on the surface of any
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stanley product that comes into contact with the consumer, nor the contents of the product. of course, that presupposes that, you know the seal won't be breached, that, um, there will be no defect. but i wonder if it ten is to degrade over time and that product should be discarded after a certain amount of time. doctor solomon, do you feel like that kind of degradation does happen even in a well, well manufactured product that contains lead or other chemicals ? >> it's hard to say. i mean, you certainly if i had one of these, i would probably use it. but keep an eye on it. uh, as long as the lead is sealed away, there's not an immediate health risk. but if that seal breaks, um, then there might be. so you just keep an eye on it. if there's a problem that appears, uh, you don't want to, uh, you know, put liquid in there and drink it. i guess. how how long does the exposure need to be
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for? >> there to be adverse health effects that you can feel at? and, you know, just what should we be looking out for? >> well, it is a cumulative thing. so one exposure to lead two exposures to lead three when it becomes a problem. um, very hard to say. um, you know, as a, as a doctor, i advise people to keep their exposure to lead as low as possible, uh, and avoid any, anything that they are aware of that might, might give them lead exposure. but, you know, also use common sense. so if something is completely sealed and there isn't really an exposure risk, but if that seal breaks and i my, my understanding is that it becomes evident when that that tends to happen. you know, you don't it doesn't happen without knowing it. so that's that's good at least. >> right. um, tell me why, tamara, are you so committed to this topic? you had some personal experience in your
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family with lead exposure, right ? >> yeah. um well, we escaped the bay area a long time ago and moved up to portland, oregon. and when we renovated our house, we repainted the exterior, and a contractor used an open flame torch to burn the paint off the exterior of our home. he told us it was safe to stay in our home because they were only working on the outside, and my seven month old baby inhaled the fumes and became acutely lead poisoned. he now is 19 years old and has a diagnosed brain injury with a visual memory. in the fourth percentile. he has learning disabilities. he has behavioral issues. he has, um, just, uh, health complications. and what i say to people is i am a mother of disabled children, and i will never not be a mother of disabled people. this is going to be the rest of my life that i'm managing his disabilities from his lead exposure. so what i do is i started lead safe mama llc and led safe so that people could have access to science based information about lead in products and lead in general and
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lead poisoning prevention. so i could help them protect their children from the exposure that my children had. tamara i'm sorry that happened. >> and thank you. um, doctor solomon, we are almost out of time, but just real quickly in the 20s, we do have, um, when, i guess. who would you say needs to be tested for forever chemical exposure? >> well, testing kids for lead is absolutely critical. so uh, we should be screening every child, making sure that they don't have exposures to lead, especially from sources like paint, which is still pervasive. unfortunately, um, and if there's any suspicion, then get a blood test. it's cheap. it's easy. other chemicals, the advice varies. um, so i know that cdc came out with some guidance around pfas chemicals in water. just recently. and those are chemicals that i'd advise in most people probably don't need to be tested for unless there is an occupational or a significant nearby
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environmental source. >> doctor gina solomon and tamara rubin, thank you both so much for coming on today to share your insights. thank you. >> thank you. >> next. she's an air force veteran, motivational speaker, ex nfl cheerleader, and now shark tank contestant, the bay area woman warrior whose line of clothing just might strike gold tonight
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban
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and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. hi sharks. >> i'm hayley mclean hill, united states air force veteran and ceo and founder of torch warrior wear. >> hey, aptos native hayley mclean hill says she created torch warrior wear to uplift and empower women in the field. you can watch her try to strike a deal with the celebrity investors on shark tank tonight here on abc seven, but joining us live right now to talk more
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about torch warrior wear, united states air force veteran and ceo of torch, hayley mclean. hill. hey, hayley. hi. >> how are you? thank you for having me. >> i am so excited to have you. so give us your elevator pitch about torch warrior. wear >> torch warrior wear is the first clothing brand dedicated specifically to military women. we are all around the world and our goal is to continue creating more comfortable, uniform items that make women feel amazing and confident. >> how did you come up with this idea? i'm sure it came out of personal experience. >> it did? yes i served in the air force for four years and i was an rotc cadet for five years at penn state, and i just remember feeling uncomfortable and not like my most confident self when i was wearing my uniform. so i thought, why can't i come up with something that had a blend of fashion and a tactical aspect of the brand? and so i decided to run with it and tackled this problem. >> okay, so is it just the leotards or is it also the pants
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? >> it is just the bodysuit. right now we have the base layers that can go with any military uniform air force, army, marine, space force. and we will be expanding soon. so stay tuned. >> got it. sorry to call it a leotard. base layer. it looks super stretchy and comfy. i don't know what materials you use, but it definitely looks like it moves with you. >> absolutely. i am a former nfl cheerleader and my entire thought process around creating the bodysuit was that it was almost like an athlete, as you know, as serving in the military . we are athletes, and so that that material is really going to enhance performance. okay. >> but is it just for women in the military or is it also for other women who move of a lot? >> you know, i like to say we are for the modern day woman warrior and i believe every woman is a warrior. so girls go out there and grab one. i'll make you feel just as confident as my military girls. wow. okay who made the prototypes? so i
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made the prototypes. um, i sewed, i saw kind of a bodysuit that i was like. i like the way this looks, but i had to be the right color and the right cut, so i just decided to ask my grandma for some assistance. she is a sewer. we did it together and i took some pictures and went from there. >> so let me ask you, is that a big enough market for it to be financially feasible? like just the women in the military? >> yes. right now, when you think about the women who are just on active duty, there's around 1 million women on active duty, but we think of the other components reserve guard. and then you go to the cadet level at the air force academy, west point, and then you expand globally. we are here to stay and we're growing. we've actually been growing like at a 3% rate every year. women are coming into the military at larger numbers, and i'm just really excited to be able to support them in their journeys. >> i can so tell you've made this pitch and you know your facts and you've got it down. look how was your shark tank experience? >> well, you guys will have to
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see, but it was definitely one of the most nerve wracking experiences. again i've been to basic training, but walking into the room with all the sharks i really had to dig deep and just say, haley, be yourself. this is your opportunity to shine for your community. and i just found the strength from them. >> so you were not nervous at all. you do not look it well, you know, that's, um, my cheerleading training. >> i would say just smile and wave and then everyone thinks you're okay. yeah that. >> and also, you know, the fact that you're a cadet, were you always a fan of the show? >> you know, i really just started getting into it. i you know, was going into the military. i didn't even think about starting a business and didn't even watch shark tank until two years ago. and so when i saw it, i remember watching an episode. i was like, this is really helpful for me as a young entrepreneur to just learn. and so i just started learning, and then the idea came to me to apply. i was like, i think we're at the point where we can do this. so i went for it. >> that's awesome. i know you
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can't reveal what happened, so i'm not going to ask you, but i will say before i let you go, that who are those gorgeous models? strong looking models. are they actual women in the military? they are every single one of them. >> all of our models are real military women, active duty cadets, reserve guard, just incredible. they're my friends and i'm just so incredibly proud of them to show their and to share their stories with the world. >> well, you know what? this is a fantastic story as well. so congrats in advance. even though we don't know what happens. but haley, this is awesome and your future is so bright. thank you so much. thank you so much for having me. >> yep. people can check you out tonight on shark tank here on abc seven. >> and remember abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. you can get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want. wherever you are. we'll take a short break are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for adults with hr positive,
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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questions with experts from around the bay area. world news tonight with david muir is next, and i'll see you back here at four. tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the u.s. laumplging major retaliatory air strikes after the deadly attack on u.s. troops. the first wave of air strikes targeting iran-backed militants in iran and syria. tonight, at least 85 targets hit, multiple locations inside syria and iraq. tonight, president biden warning, if you harm an


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