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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 4, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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mattress firm. >> there's the guy who said his trade-in was in perfect condition. well, what do you think? >> let's see here. >> it looks pretty nice on the outside. >> it's got a teeny tiny scratch right there. and. whoa game changer. you didn't tell me that you had weathertech floor liners . >> of course, i also have the cargo liner and seat protector. >> i mean, the carpet looks brand new. >> so what do you think of my trade in now? it just went up. >> way up. not so. >> protect your investment. >> order your american made products at >> now, abc seven mornings live. >> now at six. a powerful storm is moving through the bay area. you're looking live at the golden gate bridge this morning. where rain has been coming down for hours. live doppler seven showing just how widespread the storm is at this hour. there is a threat of flooding in many areas, so if you can stay home this morning, you should. good
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morning. it's february 4th. i'm stephanie sierra. we have team coverage for this level four storm this morning. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in san jose. but first we want to get right to the weather center where lisa is tracking the current conditions. good morning. >> good morning stephanie. we're looking at some light to moderate rain and the winds in the upper elevations have been strong. but there mixing down to the surface 50 miles an hour at napa, over 50 mile an hour. winds on top of mount diablo. that area of low pressure offshore, getting close to the california coast. th will enhance the winds and the downpours and thunderstorms throughout the day. today a wide area of light to moderate rain in the north bay. here's our sweep on top of mount saint helena. some colder air there and looking into the east bay. a bit of a break there, but some lighter rain from sunnyvale to san jose and from the santa cruz mountains looking at moderate rain. so this has been light. but by the seven 8:00 hour continues to pick up 45 mile an hour wind gusts in napa, upper elevations. we've got 52 mount
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eminem, some of the local storm reports showing that we have flooding six inches of standing water in the slow lane in san francisco. also looking at down by carmel, a 68 mile an hour wind gusts and reports of flooding in dublin. so they're just beginning to come in with this level four system. but we're still going to anticipate heavier rain. the possibility of thunderstorms and those saturated ground here with the flood watch through early monday. then we're going to see the impact from the high winds, which could loosen the tree roots. have some trees come down. and with that flooding expected in some of the creeks and rivers down in the south bay, looking at our high surf warning until 4:00 on monday, and there's a look at the heavier rain through eight, 9:00. and then as we get into the afternoon on still pockets of rain and thunderstorms to come. stephanie >> lisa. thank you. take a look at this new video. overnight shows a tree uprooted from the ground and fell onto multiple cars in santa rosa. you can see the severe weather is already
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showing dangerous impacts amid the intense rain and wind to come overnight. rain hitting parts of the bay area. it's expected to impact the south bay, particularly in san jose, as the storm continues to dump rain in that area. flooding is expected and officials are warning residents to take caution. the biggest danger, according to city officials, is the guadalupe river at risk of flooding this morning as rain continues to dump in that area. abc seven news reporter lena howland is live there now with the latest on conditions. good morning. >> good morning stephanie. officials are urging people to stay home this morning, particularly here in san jose. now, as you mentioned, stephanie, we are keeping a close eye on the guadalupe river , which is right next to me where we have been monitoring these water levels just beginning to rise. now, there is a concern that this water level could rise up to 9 to 11ft high, which would bring it up to street level. however it isn't at that point just yet. now, san
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jose mayor matt mehan says the storm that was forecasted for this weekend is now bigger, and stronger than previously thought , bringing the flood warnings to areas here along the guadalupe river. because of those warnings, the city has issued a proclamation of local emergency. mehan says that means crews can begin mandatory evacuations of homeless neighbors living along the waterway. >> priority through this event is to save lives. as such, our emergency operations center opened a few hours ago. we will be running through the night and again into the morning. >> we live along the guadalupe river in particular. it's possible you will have some street level flooding. please do not be anywhere near the waterway. >> and as you just heard from the assistant city manager, the city activated the emergency operations center yesterday to prepare for impacts of this incoming atmospheric river. flooding is also expected along the guadalupe river at ama
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avenue. so you're going to want to avoid that area. and if you do see any standing water, remember, do not drive through it. you don't know what's in it. and you also don't know how deep it could be. so it's best to avoid that altogether. live in san jose lena howland, abc seven news. yeah, a very important reminder, lena. >> thank you. on the peninsula now, people have been bracing for flooding from this storm. abc seven news reporter tara campbell was in san mateo county as residents there prepared the signs are up and the sandbags out as san mateo county gets ready to weather this major storm, i would tell people, be vigilant, be aware. >> david canepa is a san mateo county supervisor and says daly city and broadmoor village have historically been hit hardest by flooding. >> what we're trying to do is make sure that people are prepared and we're trying to make sure through our regional operations center that we're able to coordinate, whether it's through the sheriff's department, whether it's through local jurisdictions. um, so that's we're ready when it rains
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a lot, this becomes like the whole area is flooded. >> and this broadmoor village resident explains, means some have it worse than others. >> for the residents over here, i think it is kind of a problem. i saw some neighbors putting up some sandbags, like along the garage doors, and kevin mcewen is one of those people preparing . >> honestly, i am just trying my best to prepare for it because i don't really have a proper game plan. >> he's lived in broadmoor village most of his life and says he's become accustomed to flooding last thursday or friday , my garage got completely flooded. >> i had to help my mom out, literally just dump out waters and also get replacements for the previous sandbags. we had there. >> and you can see the sandbags stacked up in front of his house. now ready for this nextrillionound of heavy rain. >> so right now we've been going to the manipulate center just so we can get like our own sandbags. we've been buying up at home depot, and he's certainly not the only one hitting up home depot.
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>> the daly city store bustling saturday. sandbags stocked up and while most are concerned about flooding, others have different reasons for resisting the rain. >> i don't want it because it's like ruining baseball season right now. but our field is flooded, so i guess it's just going to make it worse. >> meanwhile, back in the neighborhood, underground garages are emptied out to avoid getting trapped by flood waters, and officials once again are asking people to take precautions. preparation is the key. >> so emergency kits, having things stocked up will really carry the day. >> that was tara campbell reporting. aside from being prepared at home, officials are also warning about downed trees, hazardous roads and of course, high surf across the bay area. now, neighbors spent the last 24 hours getting ready by sandbagging. our storm coverage continues with abcen bernard. >> and then you have this uh- the boards all the way up, and then we have the sandbags. >> jucunda egan is prepared for
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the storm. her home facing beach boulevard and pacifica is a fortress of boards and sandbags ready for heavy rain, strong winds and high surf. and she's done some praying, too. >> i have a lot of a lot of faith in god. god is going to protect me, but i do. i'm concerned not only for myself and my neighbors, but for the city. >> beach boulevard is off limits to cars and pacifica pier remains closed to the public after a storm damaged the structure in late december. we found folks shoveling sand and sweeping water crews. santana is concerned about flooding so i can clean out some of this water that came in from the waves and from the rain coming in lately, things have been kind of hectic in in pacifica, digital freeway signs across the bay area asking drivers to avoid travel sunday and monday due to severe weather. >> we have just a lot of equipment that's going to help us rescue people in different situations. >> california's swiftwater flood search and rescue team 11, based in marin county, has been activated for the storm. >> as you know, marin county always gets a lot of rain and
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we've had flooding here and swiftwater events within marin county. so we're just kind of getting ready for that in case it does happen. >> earlier this week, firstrillionesponders in sonoma county rescued a stranded driver who they say drove around flooded roads sites. p-g-and-e's says it's up staffing crews around the state from humboldt county to san luis obispo. they're bringing in extra power poles and transformers in case of storm damage. >> we're prepared across our service area, but it looks like at this point, no part of our service area will be untouched by this storm. >> bring it on. let's go. yeah. >> back in pacifica. regina hill and her dog bentley are ready for rain. >> i think it's a good thing. i think it's healing. it'll clean up the air. it'll clean up our environment. and we need the water. >> some people welcoming the storm. others hope it doesn't bring damage or flooding. p-g-and-e's asking customers to be ready for possible power outages. charge your cell phone. have flashlights and batteries standing by. it's going to be a wet couple of days in pacifica. cornell. bernard abc seven news.
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>> right now, hundreds of people are waking up with no electric city in pacifica. here's a look at p-g-and-e's outage map. you can see hundreds of residents across the bay area are also waking up with no power. this morning, the orange and yellow areas you see on this map indicate the neighborhoods seeing the most outages. we'll be tracking that for you every half hour. some people decided to venture out to san francisco's ocean beach to check out the big waves rolling in. there is a high surf advisory along the coast from sonoma county, all the way down to monterey county. now, communities around san francisco are getting ready for potential flooding. tempoorary flood barriers went up along 18th street and folsom, which is a trouble spot. one resident there says he worries about how well the street pipes will be able to drain in 4-45 five years or more. >> the water is coming. what is not never do. nothing supposed. the pipes, the pipes put a big
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pipes in solution. only that one. that's it. city crews say they will be on site near the barriers throughout the day. >> now tesla road is closed in both directions this morning from cross road in livermore to the alameda county line. take a look at this. california highway patrol shared these photos showing part of this road has collapsed. the chp says it will reassess the situation this evening. now we're tracking the weather this morning with live doppler seven, and you can too. it's easy. you just scan the qr code on your screen using the camera on your phone that will take you right to our website, abc seven, where you can stream live doppler seven in real time. how's it looking out there, lisa? >> well, we are getting wind gusts of over 40 miles an hour in mountain view and napa and concord, 20 to 40 miles an hour. you can see the camera shaking here from our sutro tower. and it's going to continue not only throughout the morning, but throughout the afternoon. soon the wind is what we're
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particularly concerned about. heavy downpours, risk of thunderstorms. so we are just getting into it now. my full accuweather seven day forecast is next. >> lisa thank you. also ahead, southern california is being hit hard by this system where officials expect some of the most flooding there as evacuation orders are already underway. plus, calls to strengthen security. east bay shop owners say they have to defend themselves from thieves. it's a story you'll see only on seven. >> seriously, why do you do it? >> you ignore the signs and the flashing lights. that's my dad. >> that's my mom. behind those cones. how would you feel if that was your family? flashing lights mean move over. >> ordinary is the opposite of beautiful. >> because beauty excites. >> it energizes us. >> it drops our jaws, dilates our eyes, makes us look twice.
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>> a beautiful home, a beautiful life is something we create. and we can start it right now at floor and decor. >> my dry eyes made me a burning , stinging five times a day makeup smearing drop slosser i want another option that's not another drop tervala it's not another drop. >> it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye tervala treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation, relying only on drops is not me. >> my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tear via. hi there. >> do you need any help? >> yeah, i was just wondering what noche means. is. natural or organic? >> specialty health coffee. >> yay! noche
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>> everything marked noche means natural. organic specialty and healthy. that way you can eat healthy while sticking to your budget. >> grocery outlet bargain market . um, no. no >> visit your local acura dealer for attractive offers on a new vehicle. >> listen up. why do you drive so fast? >> you're ignoring the cones and the flashing lights. please slow down. hey, i tension, how would you feel if that was your mom flashing lights mean move over. >> track the rain with live doppler seven now on the abc seven bay area streaming app. >> wet roads and slow speeds. here's a live look from the richmond-san rafael bridge. you can see those raindrops on our camera lens. a lot more of that
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to come today as we're tracking a level four storm. now to a story you'll see only on seven in oakland restaurant is considering shutting down after being broken into and robbed for different times this year. employees say they've resorted to fending off the attackers themselves. here's abc seven news anchor dion lim. >> he grabbed a hammer so? so he was like, we had to defend employees at seibel's pizza along fruitvale avenue in oakland's diamond district have resorted to defending themselves after the mostrillionecent robbery friday. they went into my shop yesterday around 10:30 p.m. they tried to steal the register. another of my two employees. he grabbed the hammer and he threw it to his foot so they can leave. he came into the shop again and they were like trying to catch them. they were very, very brave. >> owner elizabeth sanchez says this is just one of four break in robberies at their oakland location this year. >> every other week or like weekly, would you like to have some re-fill? >> elizabeth says the crime in the area is so bad it's hard to
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retain workers. >> it is just seven days a week working on it from the morning to closing, and she's considering closing the location . so also dropping down because nobody wants to come out, nobody , nobody. they're scared for their safety. 20% of the cells were worse than the pandemic. >> a representative from the mayor's office tells me they've been working with elizabeth and other small business owners in the area on strengthening security. >> chantal and then the chief mendoza. she she said that they're working on it. they're working so they can have they can have a budget for the diamond district and the laurel district so they can have security, more security for the seven days a week. elizabeth hopes it's a promise the city will keep on behalf of not just seibel's. all the business owners need help. in and out. dennis those are the big change. they're closing down. what about us? the small business where we are for now. >> as she works from the san
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francisco location of seibel's, she and her remaining employees are hanging on in hopes oakland will one day prosper again. >> for me, as a as an immigrant, this was the american dream, the american dream. but now where is it? >> diane lim, abc seven news. >> mayor shang tao's office also tells abc seven news the city recently granted two small businesses, $25,000 for repairs. now, she says they'll be working with seibel's on providing some additional funding as well. taking a live look now from lake tahoe this morning, the snow is really coming down at zephyr cove right now. the national weather service is advising against anyone trying to make the trip up to lake tahoe during this storm. a winter storm warning is in effect until 10 a.m. on monday. now that storm is bringing dangerous conditions on the roads this morning. we're talking about the big three heavy rain, gusty winds and flooding. lisa has been tracking it all for us in the weather center. this morning. what's the latest on the timing?
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>> we're looking at midmorning and throughout the entire day for the wind. but as we get into the middle of the morning, we'll get into more downpours, the possibility of thunderstorms and as this system gets closer to us from the coast, that's going to add in the energy, the element that will be giving us a stronger system. so as we look at live doppler seven right now, there is all the rain and it's been light to moderate, but it's all across the state. and there's the area of low pressure. just continue to develop kind of blowing up out there off the coast as we get a lower pressure. that's going to mean stronger winds as it gets closer to us. here's a look at the south bay, the santa cruz mountains into monterey. you can see the moderate rain. bit of a lull here over towards 580, but lighter rain from oakland to san francisco. sears point highway 37. it's been raining all night long and into the north bay from santa rosa to guerneville san rafael. more wet weather. rainfall totals 24 hours 1.58. the marin civic center 0.89. in dublin, san francisco over an
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inch, as well as oakland, a third of an inch in san jose, mount ammonium 1.10. and this is just getting going. so winds of 32 miles an hour at the coast right now, 39 in napa. so they're fluctuating from 40 to 50. but those higher winds the stronger winds in the upper elevations will mix down to the surface. mount diablo 47 miles an hour. and that's why we get the winds all day. because this area of low pressure is just going to get closer. watch how they continue to clock up from point reyes 58 miles an hour and you can see those purples staying with us throughout the 2:00 hour from clover dale, 51 mile an hour wind gusts into redwood city, 40 miles an hour and 50 still half moon bay, 6:00 tonight, but it's not until after 8:00 when things begin to settle down, and we'll have about an inch and a half to two inches of rain so that soil is saturated. throw in those 4050 mile an hour winds and a thunderstorm and some more heavier downpours. and we've got a recipe for some damage to
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happen this afternoon in fact, with that, we'll get the impacts of the flooding as this moves on through into monday morning. the pah'-ha-row river, the san lorenzo guadalupe river in the south bay. so the rain continues through sunday night. this is your rainfall for 11:00 tonight. about an inch and a half in oakland. over two inches santa rosa. you can see two and three quarters down in the santa cruz mountains. add in monday we're up to two and a third in napa. nearly two inches in san francisco, and then an inch and a half in san ramon. we'll get a break from tuesday, wednesday, even into most of thursday. a winter storm warning through tuesday with over two feet from south lake to five feet around kirkwood. so highs today with the thunderstorm activity, the very gusty winds out there, upper 50s to 60 level for system today. today more rain and the impacts coming in for your monday. a break tuesday wednesday maybe showers late on thursday. but you can see overall today certainly the worst day. and picking up and
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cleaning up as we get through the rest of the week. we'll be right back. >> once upon a tide in this coastal gem where sand and sea set you free to explore this charming village, an enchanting place where magic is on the menu and hidden surprises are everywhere. come unwind, find and just be. with masterpieces served by the glass. and an artistic soul is at its heart. carmel by the sea is truly a storybook kind of place. book hotel specials now at carmel, california. dot com. >> this adds typical politicians. he's bad, i'm good, blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refused his corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights
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relying only on drops not me. >> my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye doctor about trivia you voted at. >> the results are in the best moments, chosen by you. >> it's lives viewer's choice show. watch live monday morning at nine on abc seven. >> welcome back. whit johnson joins us now from new york to tell us what's coming up at seven on good morning america. >> good morning. coming up on gma, the u.s. with its allies launching another round of strikes against houthi targets in yemen. this follows separate strikes against other iranian backed groups in syria and iraq after the killing of three american service members with the white house is saying about the risk of further escalation and back here in the u.s, millions on alert for life threatening and widespread flash flooding expected across parts of the west. our weather team tracking it all and count down to kickoff. mahomes versus purdy. we're framing the big picture and high stakes for the two quarterbacks on and off the field ahead of super bowl 58.
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it's all ahead right here on gma . >> there's new debate about whether things are better at a spot long known as an open air drug market. city officials say their changes, including a brand new skate park, are working at united nations plaza across from civic center. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke to people who live nearby >> around 11:30 a.m, un plaza in san francisco is clean. skateboarders are out enjoying the new skate park. the city opened in november. >> i think we brought some new life to it and you know, it's a desired place in san francisco to come skate mayor breed posted on the city's work to improve un plaza is making a difference, but this resident, who wants to remain anonymous, says there's a clear shift in this neighborhood at night. >> it's hard to tell it in words sometimes, like the footage doesn't lie. and that's why i started recording at night, frankie goes out with his gopro attached to his body from
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midnight until 3 a.m. over the weekend, he captured what he describes as chaos, with people overdosing and illegal activity throughout the plaza, a scene he says happened every night. rampant drug selling. it's basically lawless. when the police are not here, it's dangerous. it's dangerous for residents. you know, we often have to wake up people who are in the middle of overdoses just to get through our doors. um, that's a very dangerous thing to happen. and it's. it's not a new problem. san francisco invested $2 million to renovate un plaza last year, turning it from what was known as the epicenter of san francisco drug crisis to a skate park and an area for residents to work out. >> there's been a positive change during the daytime, frankie says. the crisis is still alive at night. are you concerned for your safety? >> i am, that's that's why i am hiding my identity is because, uh, it's a small world here. it's the same thing, same people , very organized criminal
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element. >> monette harris is a peer counselor for the nonprofit rams. she patrols the area and is grateful for the skate park, but wants those in need to get more help. >> i don't feel like things are really being addressed. i think that they're just being a band-aid put on it. >> sfpd has officers on the plaza, but acknowledges they are short staffed during the day, we typically have more police officers that are working and focused in on these problematic areas. >> the staffing issues continue in the nighttime, and we are focused in on the tenderloin still, however, we're not able to conduct certain operations. >> residents like frankie want to see the change. 24 over seven, when the skaters are not here, it's like, uh, like zombie land. the mayor's office said the city will continue to prioritize initiatives to tackle open air drug markets. our data team looked into medical incidents at un plaza and found a slight increase in potential
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life threatening incidents in december compared to prior months. luz pena abc seven news. well the bay area is getting drenched with rain, with more to come this afternoon. >> coming up in our next half hour on abc seven mornings, a live update with how conditions are looking in san mateo county. it's half time. >> time to open the fridge >> i'm not sure why i'm showing you this. >> the cabinets and the pantry. >> okay. and here you've got plenty of storage for snacks or expired stuff. >> and show how much space you have in your kitchen. >> selling your home to open door is so easy. >> you can do it during halftime. >> oh, yeah. >> it's not like i'm selling the house or anything. >> sign up for a half time showing at open door. >> com two two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california . for steve garvey, the leading republican is too conservative for california. he voted for
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trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lowered drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. switch today. where you need them. that's wall to wall wi fi on the xfinity ten g network. >> california veterans have given everything for our freedom , often at extraordinary cost to themselves. >> prop one is for them. it's
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disgraceful that we've left 10,000 veterans living on the streets, many suffering ptsd. prop one directs $1 billion to serve veterans experience homelessness, mental health and substance abuse issues. one builds thousands of new veteran homes, including critical mental health services for treatment, not tents. yes on one. >> now abc seven mornings live live now at 630. >> floods. gusty winds and a whole lot of rain. if you were planning on being outside today, you may want to rethink your plans. we are tracking a level four storm on the exclusive abc seven storm impact scale, and lisa is tracking the very latest on the timing. how's it looking? well you know, we're getting into the heavier rain a little bit later and the winds are going to continue to pick up as a strong area of low pressure continues to deepen and intensify. >> and as it does, it will hit us with some isolated, strong thunderstorms as well. so this is really packing everything
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higher elevations, even looking at a slushy mix in some of the santa cruz mountains. here's a look at the wide swath of light rain in the north bay from san rafael and novato. uh. healdsburg west of healdsburg, 101 guerneville. moderate cell there, but this is where we're getting some heavier rain. scotts valley, the santa cruz mountains, san jose has picked up over a third of an inch of rain. and what's offshore here? perhaps 945 in pescadero, redwood city, 10:00 some stronger cells and as we get into san jose at 11:00, still getting into the thick of it. so 33 mile wind gusts, san jose, half moon bay, 32. these will get much stronger 40 miles an hour in napa, 55 mile an hour. wind gusts from mount diablo and some of the storm damage here across the bay area beginning to come in alameda. we've got flooding across all lanes. check out that 71 mile an hour wind gusts in carmel valley, and a tree is down in forest knolls with 57 mile an hour winds. they have a lot of trees in forest snow, so this level four system
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bringing in the strong damaging winds, the flooding that could take us through tonight for the entire bay area. the wind advisory and the wind warning along the coast and upper elevations until 10:00 hour. high surf advisory 25 to 35 foot breakers down along the coast. and there's a look at the heavier rain through 9:00. and then we'll see a few breaks. but as the reds come into play, that's the thunderstorms that will watch out for with the gusty winds. stephanie. lisa. >> thank you. well, right now we want to bring in san mateo county supervisor ray mueller to get an update on conditions along the coast. supervisor, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> we understand you just had a briefing from the county emergency operations center, and there's concern about seton hospital along the coast. what can you tell us? >> uh. well, seton coastside last night experience a power failure and the backup generator did not come on. and so right now, the emergency room that's there for patients going there, we're diverting them to other locations. >> do you know which specific
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locations they're being diverted to? >> really depends upon whether or not they call in or they come to see and coast side and the nature of the emergency. >> okay. now, speaking of power outages, we're tracking hundreds of people being impacted right now in pacifica. and a reminder for our viewers just joining us, how to find the closest emergency operations center. can you tell us more about that? ray. right >> so again, it depends upon where you're located. if you go ahead and you're in a situation where you can go ahead, cell service should should work. uh, even if even if cellular is down on the sos system. uh if you're located in pacifica, you can go ahead and go ahead and try to use that cell service. uh, and then what you'd want to do is go ahead and actually go to the location of where your police or your or your firefighters are located. if you cannot reach them, uh, right now, uh, conditions are fairly good on the coast in terms of flooding. but the big issue that we have right now is with respect to wind, there's power outages. as
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you know, as you talked about in pacifica, we have power outages from montara all the way down through pescadero and lines down power lines down. so we also want to warn people be very careful if you see those power lines down, stay away from them. >> uh, before we move to more on pacifica, any update on when the hospital the power will be restored to satan. we don't i do not have that update at that time because it was that power switch failure, uh, that took place. >> so it's an internal electrical issue at the hospital. in addition to the power lines being down that go to it. >> okay. all righty. well, we'll circle back with you. certainly, as we wait for more information on that, we know people in pacifica obviously has been preparing our reporter, cornell bernard was out there yesterday as people were sandbagging the front of their homes. pacifica pier remains closed. so is beach boulevard. um, lisa was just telling me a moment ago that there are 30 mile per hour winds currently in pacifica right now. pair that with the high surf concerns. they're expecting over
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50 mile per hour winds. are you aware of any damage yet reported in that area? so we're tracking that again right now. >> the information i have for emergency operations centers that we're doing okay, with respect to flooding. but the real issue that we're looking at is later on, specifically between this, the seven and 10 p.m. time period, we're expecting winds to pick up pretty significantly in that surf to pick up, uh, that in areas in pacifica, specifically there along the pier that can be, uh, that can be quite problematic as the as the water comes over the seawall there. and so what we're really we're really asking people from pacifica all the way down the san mateo county coast stay away from the beaches. and we know people may be tempted to go out and want to take a look at those waves, but things can rapidly change and given the circumstances that we're in, right now, there really aren't going to be emergency medical responders to go out. if you get swept out in a wave. so it's just, uh, from from a life safety standpoint, stay away
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from the beaches. >> yeah. very important reminder , noah. as high as 25ft. that's been reported. and, um, one last thing, ray. before we go, i just wanted to ask you about state route 92 and the crystal springs reservoir over to downtown half moon bay. i know that area is susceptible to flash flooding and mudslides. any concern there? any update so far this morning? >> so there are no mudslides being reported right now. but as the saturate increases, we become more and more concerned about that, especially as that wind picks up and trees are torn out. uh, if trees began to be torn out, that would loosen up that soil. so again, we're really asking people just please don't come out to the coast if you're on the coast, please try to please try to stay off the roadways unless absolutely necessary. so far, we've been fortunate with respect to the fact that roadways haven't been impacted, but really, what we're really looking at is that wind picking up. and as we're almost from 55 to 75mph, is what the
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forecast is. and so we really want people to be safe, stay home and stay away from the beaches. >> yeah. very important reminder , supervisor. thank you for your time. this morning. >> thank you. >> absolutely. well we also want to take you to a local emergency declared in san jose. the flood warnings issd for the guadalupe river as the storm continues to dump rain in this area, flooding is expected and officials are warning residents to take caution. now, those warnings are coming as water levels continue to rise. this morning, abc seven news reporter lena howland is live in san jose with the latest on conditions. good morning lena, and good morning, stephanie. >> we are in downtown san jose where the rain is definitely still falling on us and we are also experiencing some heavy, gusty winds at this hour as well. now we're keeping a close eye on the guadalupe river, which is right next to me over concerns that it could rise 9 to
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11ft high, which would bring it up to street level. but the good news is it's not quite to that point just yet. now, san jose mayor matt mehan says the storm that was forecasted for the weekend is now bigger and stronger than previously thought, bringing flood warning areas to along the guadalupe river. because of those warnings , the city has issued a proclamation of local emergency. mehan says that means crews can begin mandatory evacuations of homeless neighbors living along the waterway. further, further, further south, rather in santa cruz county. they are bracing for massive flooding as well. city officials say a newly forecasted strong storm with even stronger winds is creating concerns. >> but certainly if we get upwards of 5 or 6 or more inches of rain in our watersheds, we could see really catastrophic level flooding because we just were hit with that atmospheric river just a couple days ago. but they say the main issue is
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the saturated soil from this week's earlier rain, when all that water can feed into and flood the guadalupe river. >> now, according to san jose police, the city has activated their emergency operations center. yesterday to prepare for impacts of this incoming atmospheric river. and they also say that the guadalupe river at ama avenue is expected to flood at some point today. so you're going to want to avoid that area if possible. live in san jose. lena howland, abc seven news. yeah, very important reminders, lena. >> thank you. and we're also tracking the outages in the south bay right now, 2200 people are without power currently in cupertino and 2500 people in santa cruz are experiencing outages as well. p-g-and-e's has not said when they expect power to be restored in those areas. will certainly keep you posted on that. now, the flood potential is very high right now across santa clara county. warming and emergency operation centers have been opened in preparation for today's severe weather and valley water is
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staying flood ready as this storm hits the bay area. joining me now is matt keller with valley water. matt thanks for being with us again. >> yeah good morning stephanie. >> so we're learning that the timing of this storm is getting pushed. as you alluded to earlier. what are you hearing about the impacts now to the guadalupe river? >> sure. yes. it sounds like the impacts to the guadalupe river in that ama area is getting pushed back into the early afternoon time frame. so so as we were expecting, you know, from 5 a.m. to 10 a.m, we were expecting the greatest impacts. it looks like that's been pushed off and we haven't been seeing as much rain in the upper watersheds that we were expecting at this point. and that storm being delayed. so, you know, we're expecting those impacts a little bit later on this morning into the early afternoon. >> yeah, that 9 to 11ft of water expected. i just got an emergency alert as we talked about in the last hour on my phone. and i indicating the storm. while it's slower, it's moving towards the area. what are some of the other flooding
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hot spots that you're tracking? sure >> yeah. sunnyvale east is a is a creek that we keep a close eye on when we have, uh, a storm there in the guadalupe watershed and ross creek as well, in san jose. that could be a very flashy creek where that water rises very quickly. but it can also go down very quickly as well. so those are ones that we're keeping an eye on as well as guadalupe there at ama um, i also just, uh, got a message from some of our field crews that they're going out and inspecting different waterways. they're seeing a lot of trees down. so obviously the impacts are going to be to power. and then if those trees and those that debris ends up in waterways, that can cause some blockages in some areas. so we are making sure that any of those trees that go into the waterways that we're working to get those out because that can cause blockages and issues. when those waters start to rise. >> i appreciate that update. matt. what specific areas do you know where those trees have gone down? sure >> they the ones that that i've been told have been around
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roadway areas, and that's on the way to the coyote reservoir, which is in the morgan hill area . so those, you know, as obviously as you're seeing the winds along the foothills there as well, but you'll get those high winds and the ground is getting saturated. so seeing those trees come down, especially with the gusts that were that, that were forecasted by the national weather service. >> and one last reminder for how to sign up for emergency alerts and notifications for those viewers who are just joining us. >> yeah, that's so important because as we're talking about, you know, you have delays in these forecasts and the rain doesn't come as expected. and so you know, people are waiting around. is it going to happen. is it not going to happen. so being signed up for those emergency alerts, if it does happen you're able to get notified. so you can see on our website here. this is valley water .org/ flood ready. um you can even like google flood ready valley water and all this will come up and it gives you all these tips that you can do, you know, before the flood arrives, when the flood arrives after the flood, flooding arrives. so, um, on that you can find all the
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information you need to go to alert fcc to sign up for those emergency alerts. you can find out where your sandbag locations are so you know where the closest locations are. we have filled sandbags, which is really useful, so you're not shoveling sand into bags while it's raining down. you can just grab bags and put them into your vehicle. um, so, you know, you can find those valley water locations. there are other locations that cities and the county puts out all across santa clara county. so you can go to our page and find those as well. and of course, you can find out if you live in a flood zone. that's something you should be doing before flood, because if you live in a flood zone, you're at a higher risk of flooding. >> yeah, no. and very important reminders, matt. we appreciate your insight and time this morning. thank you. >> all right. thank you. >> we're going to take you to petaluma now. take a look at this. crews broke down fallen trees overnight. you can see the heavy rain certainly hit this area hard and strong winds making the flags and trees sway. according to the city, sandbags are available at prince park and hopper street, right near the railroad crossing. both are self-serve stations, so you'll need to bring your own shovel.
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now we're tracking the weather this morning, and you can to just scan the qr code, which we will have here up in a moment using the camera on your iphone. and that will take you right to our website, where you can actually stream live doppler seven in real time. we'll be right back with fargo. >> the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. i got this fargo center has $145 with cell smooth, lot faster, easier banking you can with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? oh, come on, come on, fargo let's you do this. >> fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it, i found my card. >> and also this. >> fargo, turn on my debit card. >> do you. fargo you can with wells fargo. >> you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon, and in kenya, we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine, we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. >> and in january 20 state
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department, we took on gender based violence in the congo. >> now, extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family and mine. i approve this message because this is who we are. >> plain chicken again, pinky palmer, listen, sue's hellofresh makes eating better exciting eating smells good because it is good. >> how long were you in the fridge? >> a long, long time. come on susan palmer, breakfast hellofresh has free breakfast for life. how long have you been here? just focus on the breakfast. >> go to and get free breakfast for life with every box. >> i'm nicole and i love my tuff shed. >> i'm stephanie and i love my tuff shed. >> i'm laura and i love my tuff shed building. >> i'm patricia and i love my tuff. >> i'm kass and i love my tuff
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shed building >> configure a tuff shed building. you'll love at three upgrades for free. seven mornings live of california's office of emergency services is on 24 hour alert as the rainfall begins, as the state agency is urging the public to take caution and prepare for this storm. >> with this heavy rainfall, significant high impact flooding is likely, including the potential for flooding on many roadways and major rises or flooding on creeks, streams and rivers. >> mud and rock slides and debris flows. >> more than 7 million sandbags are at the ready. swift water rescue teams and equipment. high water vehicles and emergency response personnel, pre-positioned in the oes are
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also added. >> coastal areas should be prepared to see the most flooding. let's turn to lisa now to get a check on conditions outside. good morning. >> good morning to you. we've got some lightrillionain out there and the winds are pretty gusty. the rain will continue to increase and the atmosphere is going to get more unstable. so we could see some thunderstorm activity. so far we're tracking some storm reports. but we certainly will get into the high intensity of the rain and wind in the next few hours. stay tuned. i'll have my accuweather. seven day forecast is next. >> once upon a tide in this coastal gem or sand and sea, set you free to explore this charming village, an enchanting place where magic is on the menu and hidden surprises are everywhere. come unwind and just be with masterpieces served by the glass. and an artistic soul is at its heart. carmel by the
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>> milk-bone comfort chews my dry eyes made me a burning, stinging five times a day makeup smearing drops. user i want another option that's not another drop tear via. >> it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye tear via treats. the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation, relying only on drops. >> not me. my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your eye doctor about tear via. it's going to be a soggy sunday out there today. >> here's a live look from our golden gate bridge camera. you can see those raindrops covering our lens. we're tracking a level four storm this morning. in fact, the entire bay area is on flood watch at 648 today. say the 40 niners leave the bay area on a trip to las vegas. that means we are just one week away
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from super bowl 58 and in the nba, steph curry hit a scoring milestone as the dubs face the hawks on the road in atlanta. here's abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez. good morning. >> we're less than a week until the nba trade deadline coming up on thursday. warriors trying to figure out a lot with their roster before then in atlanta last night for game two of a huge five game road trip. there steph curry back end of a back to back for the dubs final seconds of the first quarter. lester quinones making the most of his opportunity half court heave and he got it. he had 17 off the bench. nice scoring effort from him straight to the fourth. down two curry the triple gives the warriors a lead under four minutes to go. warriors down now three. curry is going to hit another triple. he went over 203 pointers made in a season during this game. 11 time he's done that in his career. steph had 22 in the quarter, a season high 60 points. he was on fire, but but they needed a little more final seconds game tied curry's runner for the win off the mark in this
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game is going to go to overtime. and unfortunately for the dubs it was all hawks in ot. they went on an 11 zero run to begin the period. easy bucket down low part of that run and then dejounte murray had 19 as the warriors lose 141 one 3411 straight road loss in overtime for golden state. its frustrating. >> obviously not coming away with the win knowing a couple plays here, a couple of plays there, it's a different outcome and you know we're celebrating individual performance like that but just adds to the frustration of our season coming up. >> college hoops, saint mary's putting their unbeaten conference record on the line at gonzaga. late second half joshua jefferson is going to bury the straight away. triple gaels go up five under a minute to go. they're up three now. they nearly turn it over but it's saved. and then augustus marcellinus, he has a wide open triple. that's good. gaels wins 6462. ten wins in a row. they're nine and oh in conference play. the 49 ers leave for las vegas.
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and super bowl 58 later today. the first member of our crew already on the ground last night photographer abe mendoza sent the scenic shots from the strip. our week of coverage begins later today in las vegas. the 40 niners hit the practice field earlier in the week. they've been close in recent seasons to winning the super bowl, but still haven't won since the 1994 season. sunday's game against kansas city is a rematch of super bowl 54, as they look to capture that elusive sixth lombardi trophy. football is a very difficult sport, and so it's hard to get back to the top. >> you know, we've gotten close a couple times, but you know, hey, the ball bounces other people's ways and some players weren't made and that's just football. they know we're fighting. >> but you got to pay that off and we've got that opportunity this week. >> we all understand you know the stage that this game is going to be played on. and who we are as a team is good enough. and we just got to continue to do what we've done all year. kansas city best team in the world. >> they're the champs. you know they shouldn't be in the four super bowls in the past what, six years. so it's a great
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feeling to try to go in there and knock off you know, the best team in the world. >> that's your look at sports. have a great sunday and we'll see you from las vegas. >> well we are getting soaked today across the bay area. in fact lisa was just mentioning wind gusts are picking up. she's tracking the storm as it moves through the bay area. what's the latest? >> well, you know, overnight, steph, we had winds over 50 miles an hour mount diablo and some of these winds will be working down to the surface and they're going to get stronger. so we've had 20 to 30 miles an hour along the coast. and this is the element as it gets closer that will enhance our storm in terms of rain. isolated thunderstorms and gusty winds, all throughout the afternoon. as we go in closer to san jose, south from the summit santa cruz mountains and over into the hills of mount hamilton. looking at some heavier rain, you can see this rain shield offshore here and throughout the next couple of hours. this all is going to move on in by about eight 9:00. pacifica getting more rain, more wind and from hercules to richmond, marinwood it's been very light, but more is to come. and in fact, as we
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get through the mid-morning hours, all of the rain and the wind will pick up. so far, 24 hours, 1.74 at the civic center, 1.09, in orinda, san francisco. over an inch as well as oakland san jose, a third of an inch, 1.14 mount aluminum in the santa cruz mountains, san mateo. how about that 39 mile an hour wind gusts novato 25, napa at 45, and san jose at 33 miles an hour. mount diablo 53. look at mount aluminum at 61 miles an hour and as we go through the day, follow the colors from the fuchsia and the purple right on through noontime, 50 mile an hour winds from half moon bay, montara, pacifica. they continue through 3:00. redwood city's at 40 miles an hour, and we take you through the delta. fairfield discovery bay near 50 miles an hour and along the coast is 6:00. we are still seeing wind gusts over 50 miles an hour. so through the overnight hours things will calm down. in terms of the wind. look at the rain. pickup is stopping this at 11:00. these could be
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thunderstorm forms, very heavy downpours and the winds get stronger. 1:00 you can see still some downpours. the bulk of the system pushes through, but the impacts from the rising rivers from pah'-ha-roe, the guadalupe river to the san lorenzo river, you can see the strong storm still and downpours through 10:00 sunday night. so rainfall totals anywhere from an inch and a half to two and three quarters from ben loman tonight, over two inches santa rosa, you get in monday night were over two inches in richmond. and look at san francisco. so close to two inches, 2.5in santa rosa, just a little bit more to come into tuesday. but tuesday looks to be a dry day, so that is some good news. but we're over an inch and a half in oakland, an inch and three quarters san mateo. that's a lot of rain for the peninsula and the south bay. winter storm warning through tuesday morning. and this is why, looking at snowfall amounts in feet from 3 to 5ft, common here from incline to kirkwood road and donner. and this will bring some pretty good
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conditions. but boy, between now and tuesday, still feeling the effects of this massive system. so the chance of thunderstorms, windy conditions, upper 50s to near 60 lasting throughout the day. storm me today. our level four system. some leftover showers and looking at the rises in creeks and streams and some of these trees coming down throughout the overnight hours and into monday, things settle down. break tuesday, wednesday, some lighter showers, perhaps on thursday we'll be right back. >> weather on abc seven is sponsored by spare the air. wood burning accounts for over one third of wintertime air pollution. do your part to spare the air by not burning wood. think smoke pollution is only a concern during wildfire season. >> wood burning also creates smoke pollution, accounting for over one third of all wintertime air pollution in the bay area, creating unhealthy air inside and outside your home. >> protect the health of your family and neighbors by not
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next couple of hours. and so the lighter rain transitioning into moderate to heavy rain accompanied by the gusty winds. and there's a look at our rainfall totals for today that only takes us through today though. so we're going to add to that and bring in about 2.5in santa rosa two and three quarters for parts of marin, 1.68 san mateo. now that's a lot of rain down through mountain view. and look at san jose. so we're looking at some problems there with some creeks and rivers with with the flooding down around the pah'-ha-row and the guadalupe and the san lorenzo into your monday. so stay tuned to the forecast. be careful and stay up. >> yeah, good tips and a reminder you can track live doppler seven right on your phone. just head to our website. if not, we'll see you back here right at 9:00. thank you all for joining us. >> tracking the weather for your monday morning commute. watch
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abc seven mornings fargo is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. >> oh, come on, come on, fargo let's you do this. fargo turn off my debit card, i found it, i found my card, and also this. >> fargo, turn on my debit card. >> do you? fargo, you can with wells fargo. >> when i think about black history, i think about preserving legacy. my family opened our
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