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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 6, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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at all. $12,000 is enough today to put you in the finals. congratulations, jason. [applause] three more runners-up return for second chance tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now on america. this morning, more than 300 mudslides in the city of los angeles alone. the impact of this historic storm, more than a foot of rain falling. the damage. and what's ahead today. >> border deal doomed. just hours after it was unveiled. why? it looks like congress is
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turning its back on compromise. >> plus, the concerns about migrant crime, the nypd busting what it calls the city's largest robbery spree. this woman dragged down the street. britain's king charles is diagnosed with cancer. >> what we know and what we don't know about his condition and the reaction from prince harry that could signal change within the royal family. >> a sign of the times combo meals costing nearly $18. what mcdonald's ceo is saying now about prices. >> super bowl mania kicks off in vegas. the media day event travis kelce in the spotlight, right? the daring question. one reporter asked him about his girlfriend and kelsey's response once and later, the newscaster who decided to wear the same clothes for five straight days. >> did anyone notice? >> from abc news in new york. this is america this morning. good tuesday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> i'm andrea fujii in for
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rhiannon. >> we begin with the storm being described as a once in a thousand years event. >> more than a foot of rain has fallen in parts of los angeles, triggering mudslides up and down the state. more than 300 in the city of l.a. alone, this storm system tied to the el nino climate pattern has been wreaking havoc, causing more than 1 million power outages and killing at least three people. >> this morning, a massive cleanup effort is set to begin in california after a days long storm packing. historic rainfall triggered mudslides and rare hurricane force winds left a deadly trail of destruction. at least three people in northern california have been killed by falling trees north of santa cruz. this woman, narrowly avoiding disaster. oh, a tree falling onto the roof of her car. the vehicle damaged, but she's okay. farther south, parts of los angeles getting 12in of rain, more than a month's worth in 24 hours. more than a dozen people had to be rescued quick,
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look at this. >> los angeles river behind me is still surreal because it's usually dry. and now we've got these ferocious rapids. >> the mudslide is devastating. dozens of buildings damaged or destroyed, cars left buried in thick mounds of muck, entire homes washed away. >> so many slides in the hills around los angeles. but this is by far the worst. this home is being pushed off its property onto this roadway. everything inside exploding out of it and sliding down this hill, including this piano. >> officials calling it one of the wettest storms since record keeping began in the 1870s. president biden called into a news conference with la's mayor. >> we'll give any help on the way as soon as you guys request it. >> through all the devastation, a heartwarming rescue, this man jumping into a rushing river in los angeles to save his dog, firefighters pulling him into a helicopter and later finding his dog downstream. both are now safe. more rain is expected today, but it won't be as heavy. still with the ground so
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saturated, officials are warning of more mudslides. we'll check your forecast in a few moments in washington, new signs that a bipartisan deal to address the crisis on the southern border could already be doomed. >> a late night meeting on capitol hill resulted in major new doubts, which could also leave funding for the war in ukraine up in the air. abc's ike ejiochi is here now with all the details. ike. good morning. >> good morning. andrew. you said it yourself that bill to address the crisis at the southern border is apparently doomed. just days after a group of democrats and republicans announced they'd reached a deal this morning, the senate's bipartisan deal to boost border security appears to be going nowhere in a meeting with republicans last night, minority leader mitch mcconnell reportedly recommended voting no on the first procedural vote set for tomorrow, just hours after he advocated for the bill. >> and it's now time for congress to take action on supplemental national security legislation. >> and oklahoma senator james lankford, who helped write the bill, says he's now anticipating the senate vote does not pass.
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the bill would add $20 billion to strengthen border security, including hiring new officers and border agents. the conservative border patrol union has endorsed the deal, and the border patrol commissioner says it gives them the strongest set of tools in decades. but amid blowback on capitol hill, senate republicans now want time to change the bill. speaker mike johnson has warned the bill as it stands, is dead on arrival in the house. >> i just don't believe that the senate bill, as i've explained in all of our statements, meets the criteria that's necessary to solve the problem. >> the bill includes a trigger mechanism when migrant apprehensions hit 5000 a day, the border would automatically shut down. but critics are demanding a stricter policy. the growing doubts from senate republicans followed days of pressure from former president trump, saying this just last night, this is a democrat trap. >> it's a trap for republicans. that would be so stupid, so foolish to sign a bill like this. this bill can't be signed. >> meanwhile, lawmakers far away from the border are raising
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concerns about migrant crime. the nypd has arrested migrants from venezuela for what it calls the largest robbery spree in the city. thieves snatching purses and phones out of women's hands. this video shows one victim being dragged down the street by thieves on a scooter. investigators say the suspects would hack into victims phones and drain their bank accounts. >> in recent months, a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city. >> the lack of migrant housing also a growing concern. officials in denver now say 800 families will need to be released from migrant shelters in the coming weeks. they say there's no more space or funding, and few resources are available. the senate border deal also set aside money for the war in ukraine, which will be in limbo once again. if this bill fails. andrew ik thank you. >> presidential candidate nikki haley is requesting secret service protection after an increasing number of threats. haley was the target of two recent swatting incidents. she says the phony 911 calls put her
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family in danger. homeland security and a panel of congressional leaders will review haley's request. now to concerns about the health of king charles. >> the latest announcement from the palace is raising more questions than answers. this morning, across the pond, the king's cancer shock dominating headlines in britain, doctors diagnosing the 75 year old with cancer. but the palace not saying what kind of cancer or what stage it is actually quite difficult to get a sense of exactly how this is going to pan out for the next few weeks or months, buckingham palace is being very open on the one hand, but very fiercely guarding the king's privacy. >> on the other hand, buckingham palace says charles began regular treatments for cancer yesterday. >> one week after being treated for an enlarged prostate. the palace says doctors found a separate issue during that treatment and further tests identified a form of cancer for the palace, only saying it's not prostate cancer. >> they're saying he's receiving outpatient treatment in london, but they are not giving any details of the kind of treatment he's receiving. >> charles has postponed his
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public events, but officials say he'll continue his duties as head of state. prince harry will travel to the u.k. in the coming days to see his father. harry left his official royal duties in 2020, moving to california with his wife meghan markle. >> no parent wants to hear that their child will suffer. >> harry did not spend time with his father or brother prince william during his last visit to the u.k. in september. >> he hasn't been into the u.k. very much since he left, when he has returned for certain things, such as court appearances, he hasn't always seen his family, and we know that those tensions still very much continue. it's clearly motivated, potentially those conversations to start and perhaps those bridges to be built. and i think a lot of people are hoping that is what will happen. >> this morning. the british prime minister said he's thankful the king's cancer was caught early. this is the second recent health scare for the royal family. princess kate is now recovering from abdominal surgery. >> the head of the faa is asking congress not to raise the mandatory retirement age for pilots. lawmakers are considering raising the
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retirement age from 65 to 67 to address the ongoing pilot shortage. but the faa wants more time to study the issue. meanwhile the faa administrator, mike whitaker, will be on capitol hill today answering questions about air safety. one month after a door plug blew off a boeing jet in midair. >> time now for your tuesday weather. >> good morning. heavy rain continues across california, especially southern california, where the risk for flooding and mudslides are concerning. you can see a lot of heavy rain still working its way on through southern california. that starts to break up by tuesday afternoon. places like san diego. and it moves on east. the core of this storm system moving over the four corners through wednesday, where it creates high elevation snows. but for southern california, some spots more than a foot of rain from accuweather. i'm meteorologist melissa constanza
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>> coming up where the flu is making a comeback. >> also ahead, the lessons learned from the fire disaster on maui that left 97 people dead last summer. what a new report reveals about the police response and the backlash over rising prices at mcdonald's and other fast food chains
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i couldn't get my hair done. then psoriatic arthritis. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. still workin' for me. ♪see me.♪
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thursday night on abc? >> welcome back. >> mcdonald's is now promising to focus on affordability after acknowledging that soaring menu prices are driving away core customers. a big mac combo meal cost nearly $18 at some locations, and a side of hash browns can cost nearly six bucks. mcdonald's ceo says some low income customers have now abandoned the chain altogether, opting instead to eat at home despite promising lower prices. menu prices could soon rise even higher in california, where the minimum wage for fast food workers will soon jump to $20 an
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hour. >> now to hawaii, where police have released their first report on the response to the deadly wildfires in maui last august. the worst natural disaster in hawaii's history. the reports findings could be a wake up call for police across the country. abc's alison kosik explains aloha this morning, the first official analysis of how police responded to the wildfire disaster on maui last august. >> now you gotta go paints a picture of chaos as winds from a pacific storm fanned flames across the island. and at least 97 people were killed. thousands of homes were destroyed. >> there's been a lot of, uh, monday morning quarterbacks and a lot of folks that say, coulda, shoulda, woulda. but if you weren't there, then you don't know. and if you think you can do better, mpd is hiring. >> the 98 page report details how police staffing that day was 25% lower than it should have been, and the ranks of police
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dispatchers even more depleted and fewer than half the dispatch positions were filled. >> so your question, would it have helped to have more? i think yes. i mean, to have more in that instance, call 911 centers received thousands of calls and 13 times the usual number in the meantime, downed power lines made evacuation routes impassable, oil and fires burned through utility poles and cables, leaving the town of lahaina without cell service. >> oh my gosh, exacerbate the police response. >> not all officers had proper protective gear to respond. what happened in hawaii offers a cautionary tale for understaffed police departments across the country. a recent study found police agencies nationwide are losing officers faster than they can hire new ones, with 50% more resignations in 2022 than in 2019, when the cause of the fire is still under investigation. this report did not look into
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claims about the power company's potential responsibility for not cutting off electricity during the heavy winds, several other investigations are pending. andrew andrea allison, thank you. >> a second wave of flu appears to be making its way across the country. health officials say flu cases are up in the midwest and the south after seeing a drop after the holidays. most of the increased activity is in people ages five through 24, very high flu activity is being reported in georgia, new mexico, new york city and south carolina . more than half of americans have not had their flu shot. >> coming up, the fight to unionize college sports. >> also ahead, the one question a reporter dared to ask travis kelce in las vegas last night. >> o
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through tough messes. so it makes it look like i spent hours cleaning, and you know i didn't. it makes my running shoe look like new! it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections
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and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. >> it's being called a potentially seismic decision that could create the first labor union for college athletes, the national labor relations board has cleared the way for the dartmouth men's basketball team to hold a union election. that would mean the athletes are employees of the school with the ability to collectively bargain over compensation and working conditions. dartmouth is appealing the decision. the case could go all the way to the supreme court. >> now to the frenzy in las vegas, and the super bowl is still five days away. super bowl mania kicked off in las vegas last night. it was a media day unlike any other. this is probably the most people i've seen on an opening ceremony night. 23,000 fans packing into allegiant stadium as reporters
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interviewed the players. can you guess which one got the most attention? >> what a time to be alive, baby. >> travis kelce attracted a bigger crowd than his all star quarterback patrick mahomes, and most of the questions not about football. >> she's unbelievable. she's she's rewriting the history books herself. >> the chiefs tight end was bombarded with questions about his girlfriend, taylor swift, one day after her big win at the grammys. >> i told her i'll have to hold up my end of the bargain and come home some hardware to reporters asking him if he's heard her new album. i have heard some of it, yes, and it is unbelievable. i can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally drops. >> what his favorite taylor swift song is right now, i'd probably say anti anti-hero just because i hear it every single day and wondering if there may be more than one ring presented this sunday night. >> i'm focused on getting this ring and that's that's that's all there were. my mind is focused on right now. vegas weddings are out of control. absolutely insane. i don't know if i'll ever have a vegas wedding. even the 40 niners quarterback brock purdy, who's improbable rise from last player chosen in the nfl draft to super
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bowl starter, should be a focus of interest. >> we got taylor swift questions. >> are you prepared to disappoint taylor swift? yes >> with swifties joining football fans to watch the big game, advertisers are preparing for a record audience. >> it's a big commercial. tell them what it's during this year's super bowl, ads are all about celebrities. >> the beckhams for uber eats after you good and jeremy renner, one year after his snowplow accident in a commercial for silk. but with swift nation expected to be glued to the screen, expect to see more products marketed to women as suspicious makeup brand nyx is teaming up with cardi b for its first super bowl ad. we're seeing new brands jump in now, like we haven't seen. >> the moment is too unique and too special for them not to take advantage of it and for them to sit on the sidelines anymore. >> a 32nd super bowl commercial costs up to $7 million this year . >> steep coming up america has a new top wedding song. >> plus the newscasters who decided to wear the same clothes
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for five straight days. did anyone notice a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪
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revitalift hyaluronic acid serum. by l'oréal. night on abc >> time to check the pulse. we begin with a social experiment playing out on live television. >> the male news anchor is at a tv station in canada. were the same suit for an entire week, and no one seemed to notice. the next week, the female anchors did the same, repeating their outfits day after day and the station was flooded with comments, one person asking if it was a protest. >> the anchors say they wanted to shed light on gender bias by showing how women are scrutinized more than men. they were pleased to note that most of the comments were out of curiosity and not necessarily negative. next, the chance to show off your culinary creativity building your best burger could earn big bucks. >> burger king is offering
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whopper lovers a chance to shine. just come up with a new design for its famed sandwich. one person will take home $1 million, bk says there are more than 200,000 possible combinations. yum! next, a new top song for newlyweds. >> the knot has revealed its new list of most popular first dance songs at weddings for the last seven years. ed sheeran's perfect was number one, but sheeran has been dethroned by this classic. if i can falling in love with help falling in love is now number one, thanks to the two elvis related movies being released in recent years. all right, next, going to the glass will have a whole new meaning at the nba all star game. >> the league is unveiling an all glass led court for some of the all star events. it will
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change color and show replays and stats. the actual game, though, will still be played on a wooden floor. >> and finally, a real shock for some police officers near kansas city. >> they responded to a possible home invasion and once inside the house, it didn't take long to figure out what was to blame. >> happiest girl in the house? go there. clear get away! close the door. >> close the department worked up a wanted poster for rocking the squirrel, warning everyone to approach with extreme caution. he is dangerous looking. top headlines coming up looking. top headlines coming up next ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within.
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five. >> breaking overnight. the death of a country music star, toby keith dies at the age of 62. the message to fans on social media overnight. >> the announcement making headlines around the world. king charles has cancer. what we're learning about the diagnosis as prince harry makes an urgent trip from california to the u.k. to see his dad. >> controversy in las vegas ahead of super bowl 58. the issue the 40 niners have with the practice field they'll be using this week and much of california dealing with a


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