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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 6, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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impossible whopper is impossibly good. >> oh, really? >> okay, how about try the impossible one? >> but i think the regular ones are good. how would you alter it for the millions of dollars they're offering? i would add some jalapenos in there. always a good idea, you know. >> i mean, to me, you can't improve perfection. >> no. you're gonna pass. >> you're gonna pass all together. what do you got over there? >> class and dignity. oh, no. >> no, don't do that to the king . >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. a relentless historic storm. tens of millions on alert. catastrophic floods, more than three months worth of rain falling in two days, triggering life threatening flash floods.
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people rescued from their cars and homes, and mud slides bury cars, damaging homes. >> and that's your bedroom? >> that's where i was at 4 a.m. >> when will the storm finally move out? ginger is tracking it all. king charles diagnosed with cancer. the monarch's family rushing to his side including prince harry. what we know about his treatment his condition and how prince william will step up. abc news exclusive. meta takes aim at ai generated images on facebook and instagram. how it's cracking down ahead of this year' election. a top executive joins us live. car wash, car jack and kidnapping. a dad's stolen car with his little girls inside. >> mom, i need you. we lost dad. >> how an 8-year-old managed to call for help, helping their parents and police get them home safely. abc news exclusive. former new jersey governor chris christie in his first interview since dropping out of the race
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for president. his warning about a second trump term. >> mayhem, absolute mayhem. >> only on gma this morning. ♪ i should have been a cowboy ♪ >> celebrating toby keith. overnight the country music singer/songwriter passing away at just 62 years old. this morning what we know about his valiant fight with cancer. ♪ >> be honest. >> okay. it's a big commercial. >> tell them what it's doing. >> david, i'm trying. >> we'll tell you which brands are betting it all on the super bowl, hoping to crash in on the taylor swift effect. travis kelce and the chiefs hoping for a repeat. >> i told her i'll have to come home with some hardware, too. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> here's my question of the morning. is this going to be the most watched super bowl ever?
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>> i think so. >> only five more days to go, george. >> good morning america. >> good morning. lot of news to get to this tuesday including how a new weight loss drug can affect your blood pressure. >> we're going to begin with historic rainfall in california. this monster storm is pummelling the state with rain for a third day bringing life threatening flash flooding and mud slides impacting millions right now in southern california. ginger is in los angeles for us. good morning to you, ginger. >> reporter: good morning, robin. there are some parts of los angeles that have had nearly a year's worth of rain in two days. look at the land slide that took out that house into that garage. this piano caked in mud, the contents of their homes down the street here. we spent the day with people dealing with these mud slides and the day isn't over. we are in a flash flood warning still, right now. historic fire hose of constant rain in southern california. a helicopter rescue by the l.a.p.d. they were rescuing a man who
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jumped into the rapids to save his dog. both got out safely. in encino, crews racing to rescue this man trapped on his suv. in baldwin hills, we meet deion. she was sleeping when a mud slide lurched into her bedroom. >> it was a little bit of mud, then a lot of mud, then we heard the sliding glass door come off of the frame. took the frame out. >> that's your bedroom? >> that's where i was. this is 4 a.m. >> in beverly hills, these cars caked in mud. here in studio city, that's the hill side that in the heavy rains collapsed. then all of the rocks, the debris flow, right into the home here pushing the car over, blasting through the garage. that debris flowing all the way down the street. shawn masimoto got his family out just as the mud reached their front door. >> he heard this rushing rumbling noise. we just said we gotta go right now.
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>> the big issue is this atmospheric river was stagnant, didn't move much so it was tapping into that tropical moisture. los angeles has seen 7 inches of rain. we're not done. this thing will stick around. the fire hose has stopped at southern california, like san diego, but we're going to see scattered heavy showers through wednesday night. guys? >> relentless is the word. okay, ginger. thank you very much. to washington where house republicans and former president trump have tanked the senate's bipartisan border security bill as they set a vote to impeach homeland secretary mayorkas. despite no evidence of impeachable offenses. rachel scott is on capitol hill. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning, george. it's been nearly 150 years since a cabinet secretary was impeached by the house. but never over a policy dispute. secretary mayorkas was deeply involved in the senate negotiations. that border deal denied.
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this morning a growing number of senate republicans threatening to vote against the border deal their own party helped negotiate. >> until we agree on the same goal that we want to secure the border, then there's not a path forward. >> reporter: at least 22 senators said they will not support the package. speaker of the house mike johnson called it dead on arrival. >> i just don't believe that the senate bill as i have explained in all of our statement, meet the criteria that's necessary to solve the problem. >> reporter: the bill includes $20 billion for border security, forcing the border to shut down when migrant apprehensions reach 5,000 a day. making it more difficult to apply for asylum in the u.s. the package also adds $60 billion for ukraine and $14 billion for israel. months ago mike johnson called for a compromise like this one. >> we want to pair border security with ukraine because i think we can get bipartisan agreement on both of those matters. >> reporter: but that was before donald trump weighed in. >> it's a trap for republicans. that would be so stupid to sign a bill like this. >> reporter: is the pressure from trump misguided? is it helpful? >> he's trying to get elected.
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he's trying to be the president of the united states. i have got something i'm trying to accomplish. securing the nation and our borders right now. >> reporter: senate negotiators touting the bill is even supported by the border patrol union, which called it a step in the right direction. >> many senate republicans are going to oppose this because it's too effective because donald trump is telling them no. keep chaos at the border. don't solve the problem. because that's good politics for us. that's really bad for the country. >> reporter: house republicans not interested in the senate solution are moving forward with a vote today to impeach home land security secretary mayorkas over his handling of the border. >> the moment is urge secretary mayorkas must be impeached. >> reporter: republicans say mayorkas has refused to enforce immigration laws. democrats calling it a political stunt. >> now they want to impeach a man for not doing his job when
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you didn't give him the resources to do it. >> reporter: if everyone is voting in present today, johnson can only afford to lose three republicans. already one, congressman ken buck, told me he will not support this, calling it a policy difference, not an impeachable offense. either way, it is highly unlikely that a democratic controlled senate would convict mayorkas. >> that is for sure. thank you very much. robin? now to secretary of state antony blinken on a trip to the middle east trying to help broker a peace fire in gaza amid concerns about how to keep u.s. tensions with iran under control. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is the secretary of state's fifth visit to the region since the war began. his mission is critical, to finalize this deal between israel and hamas, to release the remaining hostages and get desperately needed aid into gaza. blinken meeting with the egyptian president before heading to qatar two countries brokering this deal. but blinken has another major
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goal here. to tamp down rising tensions in the region and prevent further escalation. it comes as a wave of u.s. air strikes against iranian backed militants in iraq, syria, yemen and because the president is promising and vowing further retaliation for the drone strike that killed three u.s. soldiers in jordan. the white house is now well aware and hoping that unlocking this deal between israel and hamas may help to finally stop these relentless attacks on u.s. forces in the region and help minimize the risk of a wider war. george? >> okay, thank you very much, mary. now to the race for the white house. i sat down with former new jersey governor chris christie with an exclusive interview, his first since dropping out of the race for the republican nomination. he was blunt about why he's fighting so hard to prevent donald trump from getting elected again. let's say donald trump does win in november. what does a second term look like? >> mayhem. absolute mayhem. in '16, he was scared. he didn't expect to win. and he was intimidated by the presidency when he first got there.
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he will not be this time. i think we have to think about his word. this is gonna be the vendetta presidency. this is gonna be, i am your retribution. and i think he will use the levers of government to punish the people who he believes have been disloyal to him or his approach. >> you broke with donald trump after the 2020 election. said his mission is to make sure he will not become president again. >> you'll have more of the interview? >> that's coming up in our next hour. >> interested to hear what else he has to say. now breaking news overnight on the deadly maui wild fires. police released their first report after an investigation into the response. mola lenghi is there on the scene for us. good morning, mola. >> reporter: good morning, linsey. this after action report by the maui county police department focuses specifically on the police response to what was the worst natural disaster in hawaii history and the deadliest wild fire in america in over a
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century. investigators determining it was a perfect storm of high winds, quickly moving flames, almost zero visibility, downed power lines into road ways making the few evacuation routes that exist nearly useless as well as some communications and equipment problems, all complicating the response to the august 8th fires here on maui. now, the report also noting that the police department's staffing was 25% shy of where it should have been ultimately as we know, 100 people were killed in the fires, thousands of acres scorched. over 3,000 homes and businesses and schools, churches, also structures left in ruins. now, among the reports recommendations, new communications and tactical equipment for responding officers. but we should note the maui police chief also really defending his officers' response, crediting them with saving countless lives that day. many of the officers themselves lost their homes.
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some lost friends, even family members, george. >> mola, thanks. now turn to king charles. he has been diagnosed with cancer, will step back from his public duties during treatment. you see the reaction in the british newspapers there. maggie rulli is at buckingham palace. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: good morning. this news has shocked britain. it's on the cover of every newspaper here. after the palace had said his prostate procedure was for something benign, this is something people were truly not expecting. this morning king charles diagnosed with cancer. the king admitted to the hospital 11 days ago for an enlarged prostate. but a separate issue of concern was noted. the palace said they have identified a form of cancer. not detailing the specific type or stage of the disease, only that it is not prostate cancer. >> news that he has cancer as head of state is quite a shock. the palace is being remarkably open. in the previous reign, getting
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information about people's health was quite difficult. >> reporter: the 75-year-old monarch last seen sunday waving at well wishers attending church with his wife, queen camilla. his first public appearance since leaving the hospital. a royal source telling abc news the king called his siblings and children to personally tell them the news. his son, prince harry, flying back to the u.k. to see him, and prince william in regular contact with him. >> it's going to be reassuring, i think, for a father to see both his sons. having the duke of sussex back will be very important for his majesty. >> reporter: the king receiving an outpouring of support from world leaders including president biden. in this video from daily >> tried to call. concerned about him. >> reporter: charles began outpatient treatment monday and will step back from public duties. but according to royal sources, he will continue receiving those red boxes and meeting with the prime minister. palace saying the king feels only positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as
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soon as possible. and just this morning britain's prime minister told bbc news that the king caught this cancer early. we understand that everyone in his family is trying to remain positive. george? >> that is some good news. you mentioned the king is stepping back so prince william is stepping up? >> reporter: yeah, exactly, george. we expect prince william to take on some of his father's engagements. we have to remember his wife, kate, the princess of wales, is also recovering. after her abdominal surgery. we don't expect to see her until at least after easter. right now prince william is having to balance, taking on all these new responsibilities while still helping his family at home. george? >> maggie, thank you very much. linsey? >> feels just about every week we are reporting on a new benefit to the weight loss drug that appears to have benefits beyond just weigh loss. erielle reshef has details. good morning, erielle. >> good morning, linsey. this new study shows the active ingredient can also help reduce blood pressure in those who are overweight.
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researchers already knew the drug lowers blood pressure in a doctor's office, but this study went further, having 600 participants wear 24 hour blood pressure monitor for nine months. the results showed adults who were overweight or obese who took weekly injections of the weight loss medication for that period of time had significantly lowered blood pressure than those who did not. eli lily, maker of monjouro, zebbound funded this study. high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity is a primary factor in high blood pressure. this study shows this ingredient not only helped users shed pounds, but also helped reduce blood pressure more than just weight loss alone. so this is really promising, robin. >> that it is. erielle, thank you. we are going to turn to country music singer/songwriter toby keith passing away at just 62 years old. lara is here with more on his life and valiant fight with
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stomach cancer. >> yeah, robin. good morning to you all. the country music community has lost one of their biggest stars, toby keith, whose career spans three decades selling over 40 million albums. keith had been battling stomach cancer since 2022. ♪ i should have been a cowboy ♪ >> toby keith first shot to fame in 1993 with his debut single "should have been a cowboy." ♪ wearing my six shooter riding my pony ♪ >> the song racing to number one on the country charts. ♪ how do you like me now ♪ the oklahoma native had 20 singles top the charts, including "how do you like me now" and "i just want to talk about me." ♪ i want to talk about me i want to talk about i about number one oh my me my ♪ >> following the september 11 attack, keith released "courtesy of the red white and blue the angry american."
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♪ uncle sam put your name at the top of his list and the statue of liberty started shaking her fist ♪ >> the song written in memory of keith's father, who lost his eye during service in the army, supported america's invasion of iraq. ♪ red solo cup i fill you up let's have a party ♪ >> a decade later, keith would become a house hold name on college campuses with his "red solo cup." but two years ago he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. >> this is a roller coaster. takes a little while to get your brain wrapped around it. and then you get to a point where you just say, hey, this is what i do and you can't let it define your future. >> toby keith was 62. and keith continued to do what he loved throughout his illness. in fact, he just performed for three nights in vegas this past december. his family releasing a statement saying keith passed peacefully last night surrounded by his family.
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he fought his fight with grace and courage. thinking about them. >> yeah. >> thanks, lara. >> coming up an abc news exclusive. meta's plan to crack down on ai generated images on facebook an instagram ahead of the election. top executive will join us live. plus the quick thinking 8-year-old who helped save her sister and herself when they were in their father's stolen car. the big super bowl sunday showdown off the field talking about the commercials of course. how brands are betting on a record breaking audience and the impact of the taylor swift effect. we'll send it back over to ginger. >> hey, linsey. we've got the rain. it becomes snow in the mountains. outside of las vegas there was an avalanche. thankfully, they don't think anybody is hurt. but they will keep looking today and that resort is closed. we'll see roads around there closed. more snow. 1 to 3 feet, all the way to colorado.
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remember, it will be gusty with that, but the majority will be snow into the rocky mountains. those alerts go all the way up into montana. that's the big picture. let's get to your local weather in just 30 seconds.
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>> coming up big bargains to help complete your super bowl check list. we'll be back with that. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy
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is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy.
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a chance to live longer. the right age for neutrogena® retinol? that's whenever you want it to be. it has derm-proven retinol that targets vital cell turnover, evens skin tone, and smooths fine lines. with visible results in just one week. neutrogena® retinol whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those. try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak. ♪ i'd do anything ♪ ♪ at petsmart you can save up to 20% on your dog's first groom with the salon welcome package.
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so they can be by your side for all the moments that matter. petsmart. anything for pets. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. the #1 pharmacist recommended but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. new this morning , in an effort to crack down on crime, governor newsom is reportedly sending 120 additional chp officers to oakland and the east bay.
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according to the chronicle. the officers will be concentrated in oakland, where there has been a surge in violent crime. last year, violent incidents were up 21% from 2022. in a statement, governor newsom says, quote, what's happening in this beautiful city and surrounding area is alarming and unacceptable. end quote. >> good morning. i'm gloria rodriguez with a look at your traffic. if you're driving from tracy to dublin right now, this is a major slow spot this morning because of an incident there that is going to take you about 57 minutes right now. and getting a live look outside at our san mateo-hayward bridge camera from the toll plaza to foster city. it will take you 15 minutes. and keep in mind we are seeing some slick roads in some areas. >> thank you. gloria. meteorologist lisa argen has a quick look a
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a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm runn bgress. stubborn and on that note, i'm evan lowe and i approve this message. >> you made a cow? actually to piggy bank. >> my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings
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habit into shape with a cash reward. >> every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. >> wow. anything that you can't do. >> mugs. bmo two leading candidates for senate. >> two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservative motives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lowered drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. >> i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> happy black history month from all of us at abc7. >> good morning to you. tuesday morning. what have you hear from our exploratory camera?
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temperatures are on the cool side. 45 in oakland. it is 51. in san jose we had a few showers this morning, but partly cloudy in the city with a cool 37 up in petaluma. so looking at partly cloudy skies today, some of the upper elevations will be uh- could see a slight shower, otherwise we're in the mid to upper 50s you can see 59 in san jose and upper 50s on the peninsula. we do have rain for your wednesday. a level one system. thank you. >> lisa, if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else at gma. >> hi there. do you need any help? >> yeah, i was just wondering what nosh means. natural specialty. >> healthy. yay hey, nosh. >> everything marked nosh means natural organic, specialty, and
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healthy. that way you can eat healthy while sticking to your budget. >> grocery outlet at bargain market. um no. >> this ad typical politicians. he's bad. i'm good. blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refused his corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable, and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message >> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort and there's
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no better time than now for kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> did you know many moisturizers only hydrate your skin for advanced science that visibly repairs signs of aging, try olay regenerist micro-sculpting cream. it delivers ten benefits in every jar for younger looking skin, visibly firming, lifting and smoothing wrinkles. olay regenerist penetrates the skin's surface to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level for continued improvement. to visibly repair signs of aging, try olay regenerist. this has been mediafax for olay. >> the will states that mister marbles will receive everything he needs in perpetuity, thanks to auto ship from chewy. >> i always loved that old man and he gets the summer house. >> what? >> save 35% off your first auto ship order at chewy. >> hey, what's up there? >> oh, i switched to h&r block
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doing my own taxes online. they're new. i tax assist is so awesome it answers my questions if i ever need help, i gotta make the switch. >> do your own taxes with help from i tax assist. find a great deal for your ideal hotel. >> open trivago type in where you want to go. select your check in and check out daetz and search. compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30 a night hotel trivago. >> vital proteins collagen peptides supports joint flexibility, which is good when we ask our legs to be arms. vital proteins for every body with a body >> hey, melissa. the whales need your help. >> i love whales! >> go, melissa! >> let's get those whales! >> back here on gma. that's melissa mccarthy, one of my favorite super bowl commercials.
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>> oh! >> this year advertisers are pulling out all the stops, spending a lot of money for the big game. we'll have more on that ahead. we're going to turn to our exclusive on meta, announcing measures to alert users pictures generated by ai. amid growing concerns about disinformation in this election year. the president of global affairs joins us. nick, thank you for joining us again. so much concern about deep fakes in an election year. explain what you're trying to do here. >> well, look. these tools are gonna create so much ingenuity, innovation. they are a great american success story, that american companies are leading the world on ai. i imagine many people at home are kind of worried about, how am i going to be able to tell the difference between content, images produced by human beings as opposed to those built by ai. two things. the first thing is if you use one of our tools to generate an ai generated image. if you create a synthetic photo of a woman sitting on top of a
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pyramid looking at a desert sun set, it will look very realistic. we will put in the bottom left hand corner a little water mark that says it has been produced by ai so that you know it's not a normal photograph, a normal image. secondly what we're doing, if people want to share on instagram, facebook or threads, images, maybe an image like that which they generated with an ai tool which other companies have designed, as long as they have done the back end work an we can pick up the signals that it is an ai generated image, we will label that as well. it's not going to be a perfect solution. there will be a lot of miscontent. some of it will be mixed, some synthetic, some nonsynthetic. i hope this is a big step forward in trying to make sure people know what they're looking as and know where what they're looking at comes from. >> we want to show a couple on facebook and instagram so people can see what it would look like and where those marks are to
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identify this as ai. it can only deal with still images, right? can't deal with video/audio? >> what we're saying is, because the technology is moving fast. at the moment on video and audio, what we're saying is people who use ai tools to generate synthetic audio or video, they've got to disclose it. they've got to disclose it openly and say that's what they've done. if they don't do that or even worse, if they try to use videos or audios to materially deceive the public on something important, then we will take steps against and impose penalties if we need to. look, all of this is in its early days. but in an election year like this, i think it's incumbent on us as part of the industry to make sure we do as much as the technology allows to provide as much visibility to people so they can distinguish between what is synthetic and what is
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not synthetic. >> does the government have to step in? there was a bipartisan bill that would ban ai images. is that something meta is for? >> i definitely think you need -- this is technology which will change the way in which everybody interacts in the online world for decades, generations to come. our kids and grand kids will all be using ai tools, many of which we can't imagine now. i think it's right that you have certain guardrails in place to make sure there's proper transparency about how these big ai models are built to make sure they're properly stress tested. so they are as safe as they can be. there's a role for governments and also for international corporations so that this technology which, of course, doesn't recognize geographical boundaries. it operates in a way that everybody is comfortable with world wide. >> following up on last week's senate hearing on child sexual abuse online.
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two of the tech executives endorsed a bill to keep children safe online but mark zuckerberg did not. why not? is this something you can get behind? >> oh, yeah, we can get behind. i definitely think you need legislation. at the moment there isn't federal regulation in the united states. we think the simplest thing to do is pass federal legislation so that when a teen wants to download an app on an apple or google app store, that the parents are in charge. they're in control. that there's proper age dating as it's called, so you know whether a teen is trying to access an app under age. the parents basically are in control and can give permission for their teen, their son, daughter, whatever, to access that app. we think that's the simplest way to give parents the power they need, the visibility they need and to make sure that it's evenly applied across the whole of the industry so it covers all apps not just a few apps here and there. >> thank you very much for your time this morning.
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>> thank you. >> linsey. >> all right. thanks, george. what a story here about a fast thinking 8-year-old when a car thief took off with her an her sister inside. she grabbed her dad's cell phone and called for help. this is as car thefts spike across the country. eva pilgrim is here with that story. good morning, eva. >> good morning, linsey. that 8-year-old staying calm and staying with her baby sister as a thief took off with her dad's car. this morning, thankfully, everyone is safe and okay. >> mom, i need you. we lost dad. >> reporter: it's the phone call no parent wants to get. 8-year-old charley jorgenson pleading to her mother after someone stole her father's car at a car wash speeding off with her and her 2-year-old sister autumn inside. >> someone just stole my car on 47th street with my two kids in the car. >> reporter: adam frantically calling police for help, telling abc affiliate wisn he stepped
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out of the car to dry it when a man came up to ask him for directions. >> that's when i heard the tires on our vehicle screech and i turned around and our car was racing out of the parking lot. >> reporter: another man jumping into the car and speeding off. >> he noticed i was in the car and said get out. but then i said what about my sister? what am i going to do about her? >> reporter: the thief driving about a mile away before ditching the vehicle. that's when charley noticed her father's phone was still in the car, calling her mother for help. >> where did dad go? >> i don't know. >> just thinking worst case scenario, like, i'm never gonna see my kids again. >> reporter: the father using the find my i phone app to locate his car and his children. >> i'm just extremely thankful that the police were there quickly and that the kids are safe. >> the family told us both kids were unharmed. police praising the father for
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how he handled it all. if you find yourself in this kind of situation, stay calm, cooperate with the suspect and call 911 once it's safe to do so. exactly what that little 8-year-old did. remarkable. >> it happened so fast. father turned his back for a moment. >> right. >> yeah. eva, thank you. >> glad they have a happy ending there. coming up our super bowl dream team. will reeve is here with how players are gearing up, and rebecca jarvis is back with how big brands are getting in on the taylor swift effect. ress with hr mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy!
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7:40 am
ahhhhhhh. (elsa): oh, i'm so glad you're here, the royal historian of arendelle have been sharing our story. (anna): that was a very good story you told. all though the... who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪
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7:42 am
>> we are back with the big battle on super bowl sunday, the commercials. to break it all down fresh off maternity leave, welcome back our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis, everybody. >> it is so good to be back. i missed you guys. had to come back for this one. this is gonna be a big deal. for some the super bowl is about the action on the field. but for so many others like myself, it's what happens in the commercial breaks that counts. this year advertisers are expected to go all out, spending millions of dollars just to get a few seconds in front of what's expected to be record viewership. ♪ win win win no matter what what what ♪ this morning it's the super bowl ad showdown with people plunking down millions to get in front of fans during the big game enlisting big names like the beckhams.
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>> it's a big commercial. >> tell them what it's doing. >> david, i'm trying. >> no. tell them what it's doing. >> and tom brady. >> can you move over. one more big step. perfect. >> reporter: the biggest brands betting on a record breaking audience this year that could top last year's 115 million viewers after a season that's seen viewership grow and grow. >> my girls are finally interested in watching football with their dad. >> reporter: thanks in part to the so called taylor swift effect, bringing new, younger, female audiences to nfl football. >> let's go! >> reporter: commissioner roger goodell calling her appearance at games nothing but a positive. >> it creates a buzz. it creates another group of young fans, particularly young women, that are interested in seeing why is she going to this game. besides travis, she's a football fan. that's great for us. >> reporter: and now advertisers are hoping to capitalize on the swift love story with travis
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kelce with more products marketed to women. >> the ultimate three ring circus for advertisers. between the game itself, the megastar halftime show and usher and all that taylor swift brings to the table is like nothing else. >> reporter: for just 30 seconds companies will have to fork over a staggering $6.5 million to $7 million for brands like dove which will have its first super bowl ad in more than a decade. and makeup brand teaming up with cardi b for its first ever super bowl ad. >> we're seeing new brands jump in now like we haven't seen. it's just the moment is too unique and too special for them not to take advantage of it and for them to sit on the sidelines anymore. >> a three ring circus. just like the game there's sure to be a lot of monday morning quarterbacking on which ads made
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the score and which fumbled the ball, guys. >> that was great. baby pics. baby pics. come on, we got to see baby pics. >> we're just living in so much joy. there's leo. we call him leo fleo. great sleeper, big boy. there's isabelle. such a great big sister. you guys, this break has been so special getting to spend time with both of them and with matt, my husband. there was this moment at the beginning of my maternity leave. i was sitting there with leo in one arm and isabelle in the other i was like, this is what i dream of. >> yeah. >> and it's great to be back, too. >> it looks good on you. you look so rested. [ laughter ] we'll change that. >> that's what maternity leave is about. sleeping. yeah. >> give it a few days. >> wonderful to have you back, rebecca. wonderful to have you back. we talked about the commercials. what else is happening?
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you have pointers. >> it was media day. we got mahomes. we got mccaffery. purdy. it was all a big buzz. of course, the biggest swarm was around travis kelce. biggest swarm was travis kelce. amily tradition with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed.
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(ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy.
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yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms
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or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. all right. let's get to it. will reeve, chiefs/niners. what are they saying ahead of the big game, will? >> they said a lot. we're just waiting for sunday, really. becomes more of a spectacle each year, media day, podiums, bright
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lights strewn about the field where the players will play. last night they were all talk. this morning super bowl fever kicking off in las vegas. >> super bowl champion! >> reporter: the stars of the big game making their first appearances in front of 23,000 fans at allegient stadium. >> this is something we've dreamed about since we were kids. >> we're focusing on what's in front of us now. >> reporter: 28-year-old two time champion patrick mahomes will become the youngest quarterback in history to start four super bowls before turning 30. >> to be in my fourth one, it is surreal. i try to appreciate it. you never know if this will be your last. >> reporter: and after his girlfriend, taylor swift, won her version of the super bowl the other day -- >> rewriting the history books herself. >> reporter: -- travis kelce has his turn in the spotlight. >> i told her i'll have to hold up my end of the bargain and come home with some hardware, too. >> how about taylor's upcoming album? >> i have heard some of it.
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it is incredible. >> reporter: the chiefs are looking to become the first since tom brady's patriots in 2005 to repeat as champs. >> in this business it's competition. this is the ultimate competition right here. >> reporter: 49ers quarterback brock purdy already making history. the last pick in the 2022 draft will be the lowest drafted qb to ever start the super bowl. >> obviously being drafted last. then obviously getting to where we are now, playing in the super bowl, something that didn't look great initially turned into something pretty beautiful. never stop believing in yourself. >> that is beautiful. the stat of the day for all of you. george, these teams are a combined 5-0 at allegient stadium. something's gotta give. someone's gotta win this game. good info to know if you're planning to place a wager and according to survey app, 67.8 million americans are expected to place a bet. >> do you have enough stats to make six more days? >> for sure. don't tempt me. it was a good time. >> we'll be right back.
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feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪
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we got this. we got this. life is for living. we got this. let's partner for all of it. edward jones she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. ♪ once—daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding.
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there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. it's a new door can make precision door service a name you can trust. >> this adds typical politicians. he's bad, i'm good, blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and
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leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable, and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> you know me. >> this is our city. we're here to protect people. we have a new family of brothers and sisters. remember that >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. we're going to check in now with gloria for a look at traffic. hi, gloria. >> good morning. kumasi. there are slick roads in some areas today, so keep that in mind when
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you're driving. and right now, here's a look at our drive times from highway four to the maze that will take you 42 minutes. another red spot, highway 85 to the san jose airport. that will take you 24 minutes. >> partly cloudy skies here. sutro tower camera 45. in oakland. it is 51 in san jose and you can see the dark clouds with some of that sun glint. partly sunny at the airport. 42 in napa. it's in the 30s up in petaluma, so later on today, maybe an isolated shower in the hills. otherwise we're dry with a mix of clouds and sun mid and upper 50s. the accuweather seven day forecast, a level one system arrives tomorrow and then we are dry thursday. warmer and sunny through the weekend. >> thank you lisa. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven, everyone else, it's gma >> el nino came through that year and the year before destroyed my roof. i had shingles flying in the yard. leaks. i had never seen before. >> you'd be stepping all over these pebbles that constantly
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504 nurses never stop helping the tiniest patients. 67 imaging centers never stop catching it. earlier and 19 stroke centers never stop making every second count more connected and more driven than ever. at sutter. getting better. never stops >> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort and there's no better time than now. kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> two leading candidates for senate, two very different visions for california. for steve garvey, the leading republican is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported
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republican for years, including far right conservatives adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrection arsonists he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. >> bagels are finally here at mcdonald's. delicious eggs and cheese with a tender steak patty or thick cut bacon or savory sausage. they're here in all their warm, toasted glory. order ahead in the mcd app. but bah bah bah bah. >> track the rain with live doppler seven now on the abc seven bay area >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. historic storms. more than three months worth of rain fall in two days starting life threatening flash floods, people rescued from their cars and homes, mud slides damaging homes.
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>> that's where i was at 4 a.m. >> when will the storm finally move out? ginger is there tracking it all. king charles diagnosed with cancer. buckingham palace making the announcement, a day after his first public appearance since leaving the hospital. what he know about his condition, treatment and how prince william will step up while the king step backes from public duties. abc news exclusive former new jersey governor chris christie. in his first interview since dropping out of the race for president. the possibility of a third party run, his message about trump. >> i just think joe biden is probably the only major democrat donald trump could beat. >> derek hough and his wife hayley appearing on camera for the first time since her emergency surgery. >> it's a new year. it's a new hair cut. >> now hair cut. a new scar. >> a new skull. >> sharing an update on her health. >> i'm just grateful to be alive and be here to be able to tell my story. ♪ party in the usa ♪
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>> and gma super bowl party. two chefs compete to create the best game day grub ever. who will score big for your super bowl sunday party menu? the game is about to start as they say -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> cannot go wrong with a little miley cyrus on a tuesday morning. good morning america. we're cooking up some fun for our super bowl tail gate showdown. >> bring your appetite for that. two chefs are going head to head representing the 49ers and the chiefs with their best tail gate treats. we have two nfl greats here to make the final call on who will go home with our trophy. >> first a look at the stop stories breaking at 8. we start with the historic rainfall in california. flash floods and mud slides are impacting thousands. let's go back to ginger in los angeles. good morning, ginger. >> george, we are still in a
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flash flood warning. we've had more than a foot in bel air. just amazing numbers coming in. this is nearly a year's worth in parts of los angeles in just a couple of days. this is a piano. caked in mud. this is one of many that we saw yesterday. one of the worst ones for sure. this land slide threat is not over. look how much water was around this man as they were trying to rescue him from his suv. they did get him out of there, thankfully. there were many pictures coming in with cars caked from mud. the land is >> lealready moving. scattered but heavy at times storms go through. wednesday night is the last push in southern california, and then we'll move it into the rockies. that's where you'll end up with 1, even 3 feet of snow.
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telluride could pick up some of the highest numbers. this is all about the moisture from this storm. guys? >> such devastation as we know. thank you, ginger. now to more on king charles' cancer diagnosis and what it means for the royal family, as he starts treatment. maggie rulli is at buckingham palace. good morning, maggie. >> reporter: hey, robin. good morning. there's a feeling of shock over the king's cancer diagnosis. palace anouned he has already started his treatment and remains positive. they haven't said what type of cancer or what stage, only that it is not prostate cancer. it was discovered while the king was hospitalized for a procedure on his enlarged prostate. the king personally told his siblings and children about the diagnosis before the news broke. we are really seeing his family rally around him. prince harry is flying in to see him. we understand that prince william has been in constant contact with the king. the queen has been by his side
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throughout. we do expect the king to be stepping back from many of his royal duties, but he will continue on as head of state. we are also expecting prince william to step up and take on many of his father's engagements. we're also seeing out pouring of support for the king from around the world. world leaders like president biden. just this morning the british prime minister said doctors caught the king's cancer early. we know his entire family is trying to remain positive. linsey? >> all right, maggie. thanks so much. we are certainly wishing him all the best. switching gears. a big mac may soon cost a little less. mcdonald's ceo is promising more affordability during an earnings call yesterday. the restaurant giant faced criticism over higher prices at some locations, including an egg mcmuffin costing more than $7, a $16 fish filet and a big mac combo nearly priced at 18 bucks. higher prices and slumping sales
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have sent stocks slumping. for now the company is hoping to bring back customers with their popular shamrock shakes. they are available far earlier than past years. i always thought that was a march thing. they're thinking that's gonna turn it around? >> $16? >> can you imagine? >> no. how is that possible? >> i thought mcdonald's was the affordable option. but, yeah, $16 is serious. >> they're going to work on that. >> time for our gma morning interview. i sat down with chris christie. what he says about a third party run an joe biden and a possible return to the white house for donald trump. also ahead derek hough an his wife hayley sharing an update on her health after emergency brain surgery. why she's now thanking fans in her recovery. two time wnba champion, a'ja wilson is here. she's just written her first book and we're gonna talk about it. lara is with lori b. what's cooking? >> we're having so much fun.
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we're not cooking. that's the best part of this. welcome to party central. lori b has our super bowl check list complete with big bargains on everything you need for the ultimate game day. these guy, two nfl super stars got nick, amani. they are here to eat with us, to get down and dirty. we're talking super bowl coming up on good morning america. i know what it's like to perform through pain. if you're like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. dad, we're gonna be late! ♪
8:08 am
can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all of the liquid. and locking it right on in! you feel no wetness. - oh my gosh! - totally absorbed! i got to get some always discreet! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪
8:09 am
♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. (rachel) i live with a broken phone i can't trade in. (female friend)ying ♪ okay, that's dramatic. a better plan is verizon... (rachel) oh yeah, lets go! (vo) save up to $1800! new and existing customers can trade in any samsung phone for a new galaxy s24+, watch and tablet, all on us! only on verizon. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections
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or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. [crowd noises] smiling first can help someone find the courage to do the same. ♪ there are many ways to dress your mcdonald's hot, crispy fries. but which is best...?
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is it with ketchup? sweet 'n sour? dare i say au naturale...? ♪ and we are back with our gma cover story. former new jersey governor chris christie sat down with me for an exclusive interview, his first since dropping out of presidential race. he was blunt about donald trump, nikki haley's chances and the future of the republican party that ronald reagan would not
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recognize. you've had a couple weeks to reflect on this run for president. what do you make of it? >> i think the biggest frustration for me is, we have so many people in our party who complain about donald trump, but none of them are willing to do the hard work that needs to be done to rid our party -- >> privately. >> right. but they're unwilling to do any of the hard work necessary to rid our party and our country of donald trump. but, you know, to me, george, the entire primary was over the night of the first debate. >> why? >> because when they ask you, would you still support him if he was a convicted felon and six of the eight people raised their hands on that stage, what it sent was his conduct is normal. six of these eight candidates who are running against him said it was okay. how do you expect voters to think it's not okay? >> what does it say about the
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republican party that you get booed when you say you wouldn't vote for a convicted felon to be president of the united states? >> it says that none of the people in leadership have been willing to do the hard work to push back against donald trump's lies. >> your critics say took you too long to get there. >> as all of them lag far far behind me. >> nikki haley still running. does she have any chance? >> hard for me to say. it doesn't look like it. the polling interestingly is pretty accurate this year. new hampshire ended pretty much how we thought it would end. when i became convinced i couldn't beat him, i got out. >> then you had the hot mic moment. >> she's going to get smoked. and you an i both know it. she's not up to this. >> what was going on there? >> i tell you, george, it was a complete mistake. the way i found out is actually the funiest part of the story. i had my phone on vibrate. the only person whose ring tone burst through when i have it on
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vibrate is my son andrew. and the phone rang and i picked it up. i said i'm getting ready to go in. he goes, hot mic, hot mic. he was watching the live stream. that's how i found out that the mic was hot. >> did you hear from nikki haley? >> i did, the next day. yep. it was a 45 second conversation. she told me it was her personal decision to get in the race and it's a tough decision to get out. i heard everything you said last night including the hot mic. i said, uh-huh. she said, well, good luck. i said good luck to you. >> she didn't ask for an apology. you didn't give one. >> no apology needed. >> do you expect to endorse her down the road? >> no, not based on what she's said. imagine the position i'd be in if i endorsed someone who turned around and endorsed donald trump. i'm not going to be put in that spot again. i made a decision in 2016, the only time in my political career where i endorsed someone purely for political reasons even though i had some misgivings.
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that's when i endorsed donald trump. it was the biggest mistake i have made in my political career. i'm just not gonna repeat that mistake. >> republicans, if donald trump won, will probably control the senate. we don't know they would control the house. we could be back in automatic impeachment land a week into the presidency. >> look, i think if the senate had done their job in january of 2021 and convicted him, which i believe he'll be convicted by a jury of his peers for that conduct. >> if it ever gets to trial. >> i think it will. my guess is that he will be more likely to not a convicted felon when he gets on the stage at the nominating convention in mid july in milwaukee. >> you have a book coming out today, what would reagan do. would he recognize the republican party today? >> he would not. he would be dumb founded by it. he was absolutely perplexed. i think that reagan wouldn't
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have understood it, but he would have stood up. >> who do you vote for in the new jersey primary in june? >> my guess is that there won't be anybody else on the ballot to vote for. i would never write myself in. i probably would just skip that part. look, one thing i can tell you for sure is i don't know what i'm going to do in november, but i'm not voting for donald trump under any circumstances. >> isn't any vote that's not for joe biden, assuming it's two of them and a handful of third party candidates. isn't any vote that's not for joe biden a vote for donald trump? >> we can get into technicalities. >> it's pretty clear. >> you know this as well as i do. in my state, in my state, my vote is not gonna matter a lick, okay. i don't know who the full field will be yet. there might be a no labels candidate who i might like. >> no label is just going to drain more from joe biden than donald trump, isn't it? >> i think it depends who they nominate. if they nominate a strong
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republican, it might not be the case. >> if they ask you. >> they have not asked me. >> but if they did. >> i don't know. would be a long conversation between me and mary pat, i can guarantee this. >> but you haven't closed the door to it? >> what i have said in the past is that i'd have to see a path for anybody, not just me, but i think anybody who would accept that would need to see a path to 270. 270 electoral votes. if there's ever a time in our life time when a third party candidate could make a difference, i think it's now. the question though is what kind of difference? >> play out this strategy. if you're running the campaign now to prevent donald trump from becoming president in 2024, what do you do? >> replace joe biden. i just think that joe biden is probably the only major democrat who donald trump could beat. i think that if -- >> donald trump may be the on
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republican that joe biden can beat? >> exactly right. i have known joe biden for 40 years. i like president biden personally. always have. but, you know, past the sell by date. it's just time. >> his argument is he did it once, he'll do it again and the economy is improving on my watch. >> he's a different guy though, george. right? joe biden could sell it better in 2020 than he's able to in 2024. and that is just a product of age. this is not me making some clinical diagnosis. i'm making a political diagnosis that the guy isn't as good as he was four years ago. >> bottom line, do you think you'll succeed in your mission to make sure donald trump is not president again? >> i don't know, george, but it won't be for lack of trying. i can guarantee that. >> lot of news. he didn't close the door on possibly getting to the third party. you also saw me press him. if you look at the numbers, it's almost impossible for a third party to get in the white house. it's almost certain that they're going to take more votes from
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biden than trump. >> it will make a difference, we just don't know what the difference will be. >> exactly. yeah. chris christie's book "what would reagan do" is out today. ginger? >> thank you, george. the winter warmth is causing problems. it is no joke. ice jam on the platt river in nebraska. that warmth will be record again for parts of the western great lakes. wisconsin, some records possible. new york city upper 50s. could even see a record in d.c. by the weekend. 68 in the forecast, so looking a whole lot warmer.
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>> now to derek hough an his wife hayley, getting on camera for the first time together since hayley's emergency brain surgery at the ends of last year. giving fans an update on her health. erielle is back with though details. good morning again, erielle. >> good morning, robin. this video is full of raw emotion. the couple opening up about the past two months since hayley's surgery and talking about her progress. hayley candid that the journey so far has been a series of really good and really bad days. derek by her side, calling his wife a miracle. >> there's been so much that has happened in two months. >> reporter: this morning an emotional health update from dancing with the stars judge derek hough and his wife hayley. their first video together since hayley's emergency brain surgery. >> i'm doing so much better every single day. >> reporter: hayley saying the journey so far has been a series of ups and downs.
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>> it's been remarkable to witness first hand. she really is a miracle. >> reporter: back in december, the newly weds were on their symphony of dance tour when hayley became disoriented at the end of their washington, d.c. show. she was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a cranial hematoma from a burst blood vessel. hayley rushed into surgery for a craniectomy. then two weeks later she under went a cranialplasty. >> this is wild. going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. >> reporter: derek right by his wife's side for the past month, in the hospital, celebrating christmas at home and taking walks together post surgery. >> it's a new year. it's a new hair cut. >> new hair cut. a new scar. >> a new skull. >> also a new outlook on life. life is so precious. >> reporter: the couple thanking fans for their outpouring of support.
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>> i genuinely, i genuinely felt that through my body. i felt it in my heart. i felt it in my soul. so thank you all so much for all of your messages, your love, your energy, your light, your prayers. >> she says that really has sustained her. hayley said she is grateful to be alive. the couple say they will eventually share more about their experience and hayley's road to recovery. of course, we are wishing them the very best. >> so good to see them on camera together. all the emotion. >> you can feel the love between the two of them. >> you sure can. thank you. lara? >> robin, thank you so much. it is just five days til the big game. if you're looking for party must haves and some of the biggest super bowl sales of the season, this is your gal. lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here with everything you need for a total touchdown. let's talk tv. you got two really good deals. little bit different. >> exactly. this is a great time to buy tv's. if you're in the market for one, pounce on this right now. we're going to start with this.
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hisense. this is available on amazon. it's a fire tv. lara, this one is great. first of all it's over $250 off of the original retail price of $599. >> snatch that up. >> snatch that up. it's 58 inches. it has quantum drop technology. what does that mean? it means you'll see a wider range of color. you're gonna get that really bright picture, right? really clear. this is around $300. >> you say it's alexa compatible. good for gamers. >> if you have an amazon connected house, this is a good thing. >> if not, bigger might be better. >> exactly. samsung, you know them. an industry leader in the market place. this is from wal-mart which is an industry leader in all that price saving. so this one you'll save over $200 on. what we love about this is it has something called motion accelerator. again, what does that mean? it means if you're seeing action on the screen, you're not gonna get that sense of being disoriented. it's going to be really crisp and clear.
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this is a great one to get if you're looking for that big screen high quality picture. >> the prices are unbelievable. great job. now the sound bar. i like this idea. >> okay. so if you >> leah: have a tv but you're looking to level up that experience, it's all about a sound bar. it is a game changer for the big game. you have to have one. basically, the sound bar, what it will do, it will enhance your audio quality. this one, which is from samsung, has a built in center speaker. so what you're going to get there is enhanced dialogue. when the crowd is cheering wildly on sunday, you will still be able to hear every single call, every usher lyric when everyone is going wild for him. for this savings, almost $100 off. it's a great buy. >> i love it. thank you very much. now the important part. the snacks. for this we've got pros, literally, pro-former football players from the nfl. hi, nick. >> hello. >> you guys know nick mangold from the jets and, of course,
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i'm a giant fan, life long, amari toomer. sorry. it's okay. i'm from long island. i'm convicted. i'm conflicted. you guys are going to judge. we've got a really good deal on an assortment of top notch snacks. >> exactly. you may have heard of this because it was on "shark tank." it was also one of oprah's favorite things. what they do for you here, they create these charcuterie boards. you can see, they have high quality meat, cheeses, nuts, chocolates, dried fruit, olives, crackers. what's so great about this, it to somebody's house. you want to bring a hostess gift? or really, if you're just hanging out at home, you want to have some delicious, you know, food. it is fantastic. i like that it's precut. it's all arranged for you. i love making a charcuterie charcuterie board, but takes a
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bit of time. it takes a bit. it takes the work out for you. and it does add a snacker over here. snack alert. what do we think? what do we think? was that not a lot of thumbs up? no, we want you up. good. all right. really good. right so what's the deal? so here on this one they're going to do a special promo code for us. so you're going to want to scan that qr code to find out what it is. these start just upwards of $100. all right. and the shipping is included there. yep. all right. and we can't forget once you've got all that food you want a little sport team decor, right. yes. okay so you want we you have coasters i like the i like these coasters. they're really affordable. they come for every team lara. so if your team's not in the super bowl this year you can get them for you guys. but these are great because they offer a 3d um view of the stadium. and then we also have some fun pillows for comfort. or if you just want to scream into the void, if there's a fumble, right. love it, love it. everything's affordable. you guys. we really i think we got it covered. don't you? now we
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just need a winner. any predictions? >> ooh. not yet, not yet. saving my time to correct. all right, nick amari thank you so much guys. >> shop all these products on good morning america .com. laura you've done a great job. thank you thank you thank you. coming up our ultimate super bowl tailgate showdown on more food more fun. coming up on good morning america. the >> i am doctor sean murphy i'm your dad. people need to move forward. i'm ready. >> the good doctor farewell season tuesday, february 20th on abc three. the conners season premiere i'm scared daddy wednesday, always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings, and gloria has a look at the roads. >> good morning reggie. we want to tell you about an incident that's causing some backups right now on the coast. and this is happening over at highway one northbound at capistrano road in el granada. this is a two car
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crash. there are some major delays in this area right now because of this crash. and then a live look outside at our bay bridge toll plaza. camera metering, lights flipped on at 532 this morning, but traffic is actually clearing up there right now, and it's dry. >> we're going to talk to meteorologist lisa argen about that right after this. >> good morning. i'm cindy bigelow i hope this morning you do something just for you. enjoy a warm cup of bigelow tea. so grab a mug and tea proudly. listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi, guys. hey. >> so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. >> yes, it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes
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for. >> cheers. cheers this ad is typical politician. >> he's bad. i'm good. blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message to create lasting memories under the big top at cirque du soleil kooza in the bay area. >> kooza now playing at oracle park and playing april 18th to may 26th at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du soleil, dot com. >> good morning to you. it's tuesday, waking up to partly cloudy skies. the golden gate bridge there a little cool in the north bay, milder in san jose, 51 there. upper 30s petaluma. but we have partly
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cloudy skies on the way. the entire day. temperatures a little cooler than average in late in the afternoon. maybe an isolated shower, but overall, we're going to have a nice day today. 56 in richmond, 57 palo alto. the accuweather seven day forecast level one system arriving tomorrow. attempt to about a third of an inch. then we're dry. we gradually warm up for sunny and warmer conditions through the weekend. >> reggie, that is a nice difference for us and that will be a great super bowl sunday for people watching here. thank you lisa. we have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc seven the news continues right now with more good morning america >> w >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. welcome back to gma. many followed brittney griner's story, from being held in russia, released in a prison swap.
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and eventual return to the wnba. now she's sharing that journey in a new memoir called "coming home." we have the exclusive first look at the cover this morning. the two time olympic champion calls it a story of hope and survival before and after. the book coming home will be released may 7th. i will have a network exclusive interview with britney airing around that same time. >> it will be great. >> look forward to hearing from her. >> she has a lot to say. she has a lot to say, in how she's handled everything. how she and her wife have been very active getting others and wanting others to come home. she's very grateful that she's back. lara? >> thank you, robin. we are continuing our countdown to the super bowl with our gma ultimate tail gate competition. we've got our guys here, two incredible chefs going head to head and will fill our stadium, our cheese and gatorade stadium is here with their best party food. we've got chef and owner of our three sons, and tournament
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champion antonio lafossa. and to make the call, with have the two nfl greats with us again. former nfl jets player nick mangold and former giants player amani toomer. let's get to it. before we start, let's talk about it. you're repping the kansas city chiefs. what are you bringing to the showdown? >> i have got a kelce snack burger with some 87 barbecue sauce and crispy bacon. look what you made me do tater tots, touchdown french onion dip and the first thing we're going to do is start smashing some burgers. >> that sounds great. not so fast. >> i got to win. >> you get yourself ready. antonia, talk to us. you're repping san francisco. >> the 49ers. all about purdy. all about purdy. i have got the number 13 nachos there. i did a little deep diving and purdy loves a three layer smash burger.
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because i'm representing california i'm going mexican style. cumin and cilantro. and then i'm doing a chocolate milk shake. he loves chocolate milk shakes. >> you went deep. >> i want to support him. >> did you like joe's references to taylor swift? >> i'm a swiftie. >> to your judges, you can go ahead and start tasting joe's. joe is gonna show us what he's doing here. let's get to it. >> we got ground chuck 80/20. we're going to make a smash burger. put it on our flat top. little salt, pepper. always season along the way. onions on top of that. then we're gonna smash this thing. right? yes, yes. i know how to make a burger. >> i know you do because -- >> i'm the three time burger bash champion in new york city. we need to know. we're gonna smash, press.
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then afterwards we're going to put two pieces of american cheese on top of our burger. you know why we do two? it just makes it better. you never use cheddar. only use american cheese. always. we got our burger. i like a double smash patty. i'm going to put two on there. i'm going to add bacon. >> just saying antonia is doing three. just saying. no pressure. >> you want three. here's three. hold on. >> i mean two. >> i got three over here. i'll see you. i'll see you, okay. we're going to make some barbecue sauce. got whatever you like barbecue sauce number 87 barbecue sauce. lime juice, sesame oil. we're going to whisk that up. >> how is that barbecue sauce? did you taste it? >> barbecue sauce is good. afterwards, barbecue sauce on the burger. thousand island dressing and some pickles. that's a burger. that's what you call a burger,
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baby! >> okay. you still have to show me what's in there? go, go, go. oh. they're calling foul. they're calling foul. what's in the stadium? tater tots. >> look at what you made me do tater tots. i'm going to put some sour cream on there. little scallions. then just because i got some karma hot sauce, baby. it's super bowl. i got stuff all over my face, i don't care. you gotta dip. you gotta do the dip. soft pretzels, french onion. >> we're going in. >> boys, boys, i'm going to antonia. here we go, san francisco. >> okay. you are getting ready to eat my burger? really quickly, i want you to see this. as these burgers cook, i have this cheese sauce.
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this is a queso chili dip that i'm just going to smother that burger just like that. go ahead. send me yours. >> i'm not gonna say no. >> i'm gonna smother your burger just like that. we've got burgers cooking. inside the burger we have salt and pepper. chopped cilantro. >> little cilantro in the burger. that's delicious. >> i wanted to do beautiful mexican flavors. three burgers here. this cheese dip. pickled chilies, which you love. >> okay. yum. >> is it too hot? >> it's a little hot. >> give it a second. give it a second. >> it's so good. >> it's so good. >> oh my gosh. >> purdy, all he wants is three patties and cheese so i'm giving it to him. some pickled chili, some cilantro goes onto that burger. just like that. think about the best queso dip that you ever had. >> oh my goodness gracious. >> super simple. it looks simple but it's packed with flavor. i have got a chocolate milk
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shake. i have got the 13 ingredient nachos. just start throwing stuff. i have got crema. we're going to use all the crema right there. we've got some beautiful cilantro. just throw it there. chilis. nice and spicy. >> i have to put pressure on our guys here. >> try the shake. >> i tried the shake. tried the burgers. >> you've tried the shake. you've tried the burgers. time to put pressure on my friend nick. boys, time for you to make the call. we got all the recipes for our viewers. you can make your choices. we'd love to hear from you. who do you believe is the winner of our food super bowl? >> you go first. >> i'm from california. i have a little bit of a bias. i really enjoyed this, but the cheese, the melted cheese on the burger, the presentation. >> table side.
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table side service. >> table side service. >> me personally, and also it's my son's 13th birthday. happy birthday, matthew. i'm a barbecue man. >> and 13 taylor swift's favorite number. just saying. >> american cheese. american cheese! >> that's right. >> everybody's a winner in this super bowl. we need one winner. one winner. do you know what? i'm going to make the call. you win a lot. i have got antonia! oh! it's out of control. oh, no. the recipes are there for you. they're all great. you're all winners. only one will win on sunday. and thanks to the fanatics for helping us deck out our set. get the recipes on good morning america. you guys thank you for coming. see you super bowl sunday. new season of tournament of champs premiering february 18th.
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coming up a'ja wilson on good morning america. a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress.
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you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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>> we are back with a'ja wilson. college basketball power house, back to back wnba champion, two time mvp of the league. one of usher's biggest fans. that wasn't enough. now she's an author. she's here to tell us about her
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debut book "dear black girl how to be true to you." good morning. can you give it up for a'ja. a'ja wilson is here. you know we had to play usher for you. you're from vegas now. he's going to be at the super bowl halftime. are you going to be there? >> oh, yeah, of course i'm going to be there. i'm super excited. i feel like it's an usher concert with a little bit of football. i'm super excited. >> hoping to get on the field. i know you. >> i feel i have to be there. i'm manifesting it. >> we know what happened last time. >> right right. you never know. >> can i just tell you this weekend, absolutely devoured your book. it was like reading a dear diary. i was listening. it was your voice. why did you write it in that style? >> i feel like it's just an easy read that way. i wanted it to be like a your journal. like a dear diary, like you said. it's harder to read chapters. it's easier if it's a journal diary form. i had fun writing it that way. like you said, if people can
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hear my voice and they can really understand it, i feel like it resonates more. >> you just said it there. you, one of your entries is about those who have challenges in learning. okay. and you learned later in life that you have dyslexia. what were you trying to tell those girls? >> that, you know, i always say run your race at your own pace. we all have ways we're healing and growing together. it's okay to learn late. and that's okay. you're okay to learn a little late. it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. it's okay. i felt like for me, with the platform i have, i want young girls to see i struggle. in a uniform people can say, she's perfect, she's got it together. i wanted to show i'm a little different. >> thank you for sharing about therapy especially in the black community. just tough it out. you don't need any help. >> right. >> but you wanted to go there and show others. >> i had to. i feel like that's what's needed. we always talk about the trauma,
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but we never talk about the healing. i wanted to make sure i could do that. >> you did that so well. you did not hold back. >> you can't. >> no, you can't. that's a'ja wilson. you were talking about how you feel players are sometimes treated differently by fans. you even said by refs, social media. something you call the mouse trap. explain that. >> the mouse trap is one of these things where we see it coming, we kind of see it, but don't call for it, don't get caught up in it. i feel like black women, particularly in sports, we're the ones that get the shady comments for being petty and the things we do are a little different. we can't fall for that. we're all bringing up each other, one another. we're holding hands. we're there together. it's okay to have rivalry and petty. i feel like my twitter is fully pettiness. it's a healthy balance of don't lose yourself in the mix. >> you did not hold back. you were really good about, people remember last year caitlin clark, angel reese, lsu, iowa. people need to read the book.
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to get your take on it. there's somebody you hold very dear to you. that is your grandmother. >> yes. yes, yes. >> we read so much about her. how important it was for you and how you were thinking of her. because her grand daughter has a bronze statue on the campus of the university of south carolina. and she, at one point, couldn't even walk on that campus. >> couldn't do it. the part that i wanted to share is, it wasn't that long ago. like, we're thinking oh, so far. it's just my grandmother that couldn't walk on that campus. my dad couldn't go to that school. now there's a statue. i am immortalized there. i wanted to share that story for someone planted seeds for me and now it's on me and my generation to continue to plant seeds for the next. i just have so much fun doing it. i feel like i can enjoy the statue. i can enjoy it. i can see those young girls loving it. >> yeah, i know. i love about how you talk about
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miss hattie. and your mom and dad, how you write about them. >> yes. >> there's somebody else who wants to give you a shoutout. let's see. >> to the best basketball player in the world. to the best of on the list of best sellers. thank you for giving us black excellence a'ja wilson style. >> aw. >> head coach of south carolina, your coach. you refer to her often in the book as your second mother. how did she help you be true to yourself? >> i mean, where to start, right? coach staley allowed me to be a young woman. she allowed me to grow and have that process of four years being in college when i wanted to cry because my boyfriend didn't text me back at the time. or school was driving me insane. she let me have those moments. that right now has built me into the woman i am today to share
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about my dyslexia. to write a book. like those stepping stone, the foundation that she laid down for me, just the professionalism and discipline. just helped me be true to myself. she allowed me to find myself. i love that. >> it was a real relationship. sometimes she wanted to put you in a head lock and sometimes you wanted to put her in a head lock. >> for sure. we didn't line up on each other at all. >> that's real. >> that is real. >> bottom line, if someone is picking up the book, what is it that you want them to know about themselves? >> oh, yes. i think the biggest thing i would want them to know about themselves is give yourself some grace. i feel like in this life we get hit with a lot of different things. we see a lot of things on social that we want to do. at the end of the day give yourself some grace and know you're winning. you wake up. you're winning instantly because you woke up. put one foot in front of the other. have a great day. have a great life. that's what this is for. we're living for ourselves at the end of the day. heal, love one another and be kind. >> be kind. and have grace. i love how you say that. you are an author. >> i know, right?
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>> this is a dream of yours. >> i know. i'm the kid that hated to read. i'm now an author. crazy. >> you're making it happen. congratulations on those back to back championships as well. >> thank you. >> all right. had to beat the liberty. you had to beat the new york liberty. had to do it. >> when in new york. >> all the best to you. continued blessings. >> thank you so much. >> "dear black girls" is available right now. let's go to ginger in l.a. >> robin, we felt like we haven't been dry in a couple days. we haven't here. this will change. look at this beautiful double rainbow in the bay area. we're going to see rain all the way through tomorrow night. then it will get slowly dry over the weekend. the pattern shifts by next week and becomes much dryer, much more mild and will be easier for the cleanup for all these mud
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>> we got some music coming up for you. come on back.
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two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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>> all right everybody. we are in for a treat. back now with il divo. they're kicking off a big tour july 6th in las vegas. right now off xx, 20th anniversary album, here's il divo. ♪ [ singing in spanish ]
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[ singing in spanish ]
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[ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ]
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[ applause ]
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core, hardwood and laminate and s and g pays the sales tax s and g more than carpet. go to s g carpet com for the showroom nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. >> you want to see who we are as americans. i'm peter dickson and
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in kenya we built a hospital that provides maternal care. after maureen, we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women and the state department, and we took on gender based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. >> so i'm running for congress to help stop them, for your family and mine. >> i approve this message because this is who we are, a serious, unexpected injury can turn your world upside down. >> we can make it right again. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion in walk, a personal injury law. visit walk up for that phenomenal performance thursday. >> you. know it's gonna be a party when zara larsson lights up the morning in a live gma concert is enough cause you don't want thursday. >> only on good morning
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america's concert series, sponsored by planet fitness. >> now, mr. johnson, let go of your butt, dc. >> welcome back, slackers. i got cameras all over this joint. >> she must be stopped. >> you guys missed a lot. >> abbott elementary and now along super sized premiere on abc. >> listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys. so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking. >> bigelow tea. it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. >> that's what a cup of tea is. a moment for you. someone you love. >> oh, it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow, that's what my family hopes for. >> cheers. cheers >> california veterans have given everything for our freedom. often at extraordinary cost to themselves. prop one is for them. it's disgraceful that we've left 10,000 veterans living on the streets, many
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suffering ptsd. prop one directs $1 billion to serve veterans experiencing homelessness, mental health and substance abuse issues. one builds thousands of new veteran homes, including critical mental health services for treatment, not tents. yes on one at rite aid, we know your yoga routine is more than a workout. >> it's a ticket to cheat day that your eyedrops do more than soothe eyes. they keep you scrolling all night and that your skincare is more than just me time. so from your bedtime routine to your wake up rituals, it means more at rite aid. get up to date on your flu and covid 19 vaccinations so you don't miss a moment with the ones you love over 60. you may need your rsv vaccination to schedule ahead or just walk in. this ad. >> typical politicians. he's bad, i'm good, blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refused his corporate pac money and leads
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the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. >> kids three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with gloria. >> good morning reggie. so this morning we did see some slick roads in some areas. and one of those areas was san jose. this is a live look outside right now . does it look like the roads are slick at this time. but we have seen some scattered showers throughout the morning and this is over at i to 80 at highway
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17. and we are seeing a bit of a slowdown there this morning. so of course we'll keep you updated on the morning commute throughout the morning. >> and you see the clouds hanging around there in the south bay. some fog in san francisco, but sunshine getting through, zero visibility up in novato. so keep that in mind. it is 49, in san mateo. look at the golden gate bridge. partly cloudy skies for the rest of the day. higher elevations could see a slight shower, mid 50s out there. rain returning level one system tomorrow. thanks, lisa. >> time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on air at 11 for midday live. until then, have a great morning ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, the emmy award-winning star of "abbott elementary," quinta brunson!


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