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tv   America This Morning  ABC  February 7, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PST

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the chaos after a failed vote to impeach the head of homeland security, who could have been the first u.s. cabinet secretary impeached in nearly 150 years. the lawmaker, who came from surgery still in hospital scrubs
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to cast the key vote and the new threat from the house speaker. an appeals court issues its decision on whether former president trump can claim immunity from prosecution. >> what happens next and what it could mean for the timing of trump's january 6th trial. his historic ruling the mother of a school shooter is convicted of manslaughter. >> jurors in michigan speak out what was key to their decision, and new reaction from the parents of the four students killed by jennifer crumbley's son. >> also this morning, a potential legal battle between taylor swift and the college student tracking her private jet. >> first, it was netflix and disney plus, now a new streaming service. could it be a game changer for sports fans? >> later, two children are expelled from school, not for their behavior, but because of a sticker on their mother's car and a new push to pull the plug on landline telephones for good. from abc news in new york.
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>> this is america, this morning. >> good wednesday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. >> we begin with new chaos on capitol hill. >> in a surprise rebuke to their own leader, house republicans failed to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. he was set to become the first cabinet secretary impeached in nearly 150 years. it's a defeat for house speaker mike johnson. the fight stems from the migrant crisis on the southern border and now a bipartisan proposal in the senate aimed at address the crisis appears all but dead. >> abc's ike ejiochi is here with the latest. good morning. >> good morning. andrea. a chaotic scene unfolding here in washington last night. one headline calls it a day of dysfunction for house republicans. >> the yeas are 241 and the nays are 216. >> a stunning vote causing more chaos on capitol hill. a republican effort to impeach homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas failed last night after a surprise appearance by congressman al
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green. he was expected to miss the vote due to his recent surgery, but the democrat rolled into the house chamber in a wheelchair wearing hospital scrubs to vote against impeaching mayorkas. green says he was determined to cast a vote, telling the new york times, i didn't come assuming that my vote was going to make a difference. i came because it was personal. >> the resolution is not adopted. >> the final vote was 214 to 216. four republicans joined democrats opposing the impeachment. my horse has not committed a high crime or misdemeanor. >> they are acting in a political way. and i think in a way that's detrimental to future republican presidents. and administrations. >> the vote, a major defeat for house speaker mike johnson. but the fight not over yet. mr. speaker, do you plan to bring this back up when you have more votes? >> yes. while republicans try to impeach mayorkas, claiming he's failed to secure the southern border, they're also opposing a new bipartisan bill that would overhaul the immigration system. >> the bill includes a trigger mechanism when migrant
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apprehensions reach 5000 per day, the border would automatically shut down. but opponents insist that's not enough and still allows too many illegal crossings. democrats claim republic are only opposing the bill because of pressure from former president trump. >> it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage to show a little spine. >> the border proposal is part of a wider bill that includes funding for ukraine and israel, which also remains in limbo. this morning andrew. >> all right, ike thank you. and breaking overnight nikki haley has lost the nevada primary. more voters chose the ballot option. none of these candidate s donald trump did not participate in the primary, opting instead to run in the nevada caucuses tomorrow. haley's campaign says they didn't bother to play a game that was, quote, rigged for trump. meanwhile, trump has until monday to appeal to the supreme court after a federal appeals court rejected his claim that he's immune from prosecution. the judges ruled that trump can face trial on charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election. in
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their decision, the judges said former presidents are not above the law, they wrote. we cannot accept former president trump's claim that a president has unbounded authority to commit crimes, legal experts tell abc's jonathan karl. the ruling is airtight. >> one of the other reasons this is a major setback is that this was three judges. there wasn't a single dissent. one of the judges, a republican appointee, two of them democratic appointees, but very little to take from this ruling to put to appeal. >> as we mentioned, trump has until monday to appeal. if the supreme court declines to get involved, his trial could begin by summer. but if the justices agree to hear the arguments, there could be lengthy delays before any trial. >> well, now to the historic verdict. after a deadly school shooting in michigan, the shooter's mother has been convicted of manslaughter. the jury's decision could set a precedent for years to come. this morning, the parents of the students killed by school shooter ethan crumbley are
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speaking out after crumbley's mother became the first parent in the country to be convicted in connection with a mass shooting committed by their child. >> we find the defendant guilty of involuntary manslaughter. >> a michigan jury finding jennifer crumbley guilty on four counts of involuntary manslaughter, one count each for the lives of madison baldwin, tate mere, hannah saint juliana and justin shilling, all killed at oxford high school in 2021. that's how our system is supposed to work. >> the people spoke, the parents hugging after the verdict, jennifer crumbley led away in handcuffs. >> the fathers of justin tate and hannah spoke to abc news, saying they welcomed the verdict with open arms. >> i guess i didn't truly believe that they would come back with the guilty verdict. um, and then obviously just relief that they had, they just looked at the evidence and, and used common sense and came back with the right verdict. there was a whole systemic failure. >> but we're only the system is only allowed to hold people
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accountable. >> the jury six men, six women, some parents, some gun owners deliberated for 11 hours and determined crumbley failed in her duty as a parent by ignoring the signs of her son's deteriorating mental health and giving him the gun he used in the shooting. the defense argued it was crumbley's husband, james's responsibility to secure the gun, but the jury foreperson said after the verdict, the thing that really hammered it home is that she was the last adult with a gun. this video shows crumbly with her son at a shooting range. one victim's parent had this message for crumbley he wouldn't have to go through any of this if he would have just done your job as a parent. >> he had a chance to do it, and he didn't. and you know, now it's your time. crumbly now faces up to 60 years in prison when she's sentenced in april. >> legal experts say this case sets a precedent that will likely open the door for more parents to be held accountable for school shootings. >> all parents, we're all on notice now. make sure you know
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what's going on with your children and make sure they don't have access to deadly weapons. if there are issues, crumbley's husband goes on trial next month. >> also facing four counts of involuntary manslaughter. >> tense moments in florida as police responded to a hostage standoff inside a bank of america in fort myers. officers could be heard pleading with the suspect to end things peacefully . >> we listen just come out here, let me see your hands and we'll work with you. we'll work with you. i know you're going through a lot, but this isn't going to make what you're going through any easier. >> authorities say the suspect was holding two people hostage. holding a knife to one woman's throat. that's when a sniper shot and killed the suspect. no other injuries were reported. the suspect has a lengthy criminal history, including three prior arrests. >> new diplomatic hurdles in the middle east. in a new statement, saudi arabia says it will not open diplomatic relations with israel until an independent palestinian state is recognized. meanwhile, a potential cease fire deal between israel and hamas appears to be stalled once again after hamas demanded a
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permanent cease fire in exchange for releasing hostages. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that is not an option. >> more rain is expected in southern california today. erosion after days of heavy rain near santa barbara has forced the evacuation of several buildings. nearly 500 mudslides have been reported since sunday in los angeles alone, about 400 trees have come down. thousands of customers are still without power. rescuers safely lifted a child from the fast moving water of this flood canal officials are reminding people to stay out of the floodwaters. time now for your wednesday forecast. morning. >> the storm that brought all the problems to california on the move out through the four corners. and storm number two is working its way in the good news for the golden state storm number two. not as significant. so as one storm leaves. here comes that secondary slider pushing through california. another quarter to half inch of rain in some locations, including southern california. as we go through tonight and
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into tomorrow morning, it's out of here. tomorrow we'll talk about the first storm working its way into the northern plains with rain for accuweather, i'm meteorologist melissa constanza. >> coming up, a local government corruption bust that will go down in history. >> also ahead, a potential legal battle between taylor swift and the college student who's tracking her private jet and later, the fight to keep landline telephones. >> is it a losing battle
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submersible imploded thursday night on abc? >> we're back with a record setting corruption bust. 70 current or former workers with new york city's housing authority now face federal charges, accused of taking more than $2 million in bribes from building contractors. prosecutors say it's the largest
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single day bribery bust in the history of the justice department. >> boeing is undergoing a six week audit by the faa amid concerns about production quality. inspectors are looking into boeing's manufacturing after a preliminary report about last month's mid-air door plug blowout found four bolts meant to secure the door plug were not installed, the head of the faa told congress yesterday. changes must be made to the current system is not working because it's not delivering safe aircraft, going forward, we will have more boots on the ground, closely scrutinizing and monitoring production and manufacturing activity. boeing says more scrutiny will improve the company. >> taylor swift is threatening to sue a college student for tracking her private jet. abc's derrick dennis reports on why swift's lawyers are concerned for her safety. hey, guys, back up this morning. >> lawyers for taylor swift are sounding off on a florida college student sending a cease and desist letter to jack sweeney urging him to stop
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tracking swift's private jet on social media. the letter states, because the offending account share live updates on her destination and the exact time our client will arrive at a given location, you essentially provide individuals intent on physically harming her or with nefarious or violent intentions as a roadmap to carry out their plans. sweeney firing back in a statement to abc news saying you should have a decent expectation that your jet will be tracked whether or not i do it as, after all, it is public information. taylor swift isn't the first celebrity he's tracked. sweeney first made headlines for tracking elon musk's private jet . >> he reaches out to me and he asks, can you take this down? and then he was like, he doesn't really like the whole system, calling it primitive and everything. then he offers me a5k to take it down. >> sweeney responding, any chance to up that to 50,000? musk refused and shut down his account on ex taylor swift's lawyers say tracking her plane amounts to stalking and
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harassment, and puts her safety at risk, alluding to a man arrested three times after lurking outside her new york city home. the latest incident, just weeks ago. swift's lawyer adding. this reality has forced our client to live her life in a constant state of fear for her personal safety. sweeney says. other accounts track mark zuckerberg, bill gates and other celebrities. he says tracking their jets is legal and of interest in particular this super bowl weekend where people are tracking swift's travel from tokyo to vegas for the big game. andrea andrew. >> thanks, derek. >> coming up, a bizarre sight at the beach in florida. >> also ahead, two children are expelled from school. not for something they did, but for the sticker on their mother's car. sticker on their mother's car. we'll explain ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within.
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serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ )
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i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. chances of a plane crash -- 1 in 11 million. you're not gonna finish those salted nuts, right? never waking up from anesthesia -- 1 in 185,000. validate your parking or just see how it goes? what? why stress about the unlikely? does a killer clown worry about being struck by lightning
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-while winning the lottery? -sure don't. but your odds of falling victim to online crime are 1 in 4. you need aura. you, your family, all protected from scary online stuff. [ laughs ] protect everything your family does online with aura. family does online with aura. welcome back. >> new video of a crash at this new mexico gas station. an out of control truck slamming into a pump, triggering an explosion. the driver suffered only minor injuries. police say she suffered a seizure moments earlier in florida. a man was arrested for taking a dangerous joyride, driving into the ocean. the beach was closed due to high surf, but police say he drove around a gate and he told them it's not my fault the truck doesn't surf. >> let's stay in florida for this next story concerning a schoolyard fight not between students, but between school officials and a parent. this morning, controversy near orlando after a florida private school expelled two children over a dispute with their
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mother. at issue, a sticker on michelle klein's car promoting her onlyfans page. >> it's definitely a link to, you know, explicit content, adult content, for sure. my husband and i have this, you know, little wild, you know, behind closed doors lifestyle that we've now decided to share. >> onlyfans is an online platform often used by adult content creators to monetize photos and videos. other parents at liberty christian preparatory school are not fans of promoting that site. that's a distraction to my children, and no matter how poorly or how good i parent, is there. at first, the school asked klein not to bring the car on campus unless the decal was removed and urged her to drop her kids off across the street. i was forced to have to, you know, take it off or not, come on campus. and then the school sent a letter saying your family's enrollment with lcp is terminated, effective immediately, accusing klein of promoting a website but still offering the possibility to reenroll her kids if she removes the sticker, why not take the
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decal off? >> and that would seem like an easy thing to say for sure, but for me, you know, it's it supports my family. this provides a very comfortable way of life for us, and it's legal. you know, i pay taxes just like everyone else. >> school officials say after their initial conversation with klein, she got an even bigger sticker for her car coming up. >> first it was netflix and disney plus. now a new streaming service and how it could shake up the industry, plus how a brave little girl helped save her mother's life. her mother's life. >> we'll hear from her next with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections
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which doesn't have a name yet, will offer subscribers all of those channels together, which means this new streaming platform will have about 55% of all televised sports in the u.s, analysts say there's a lot of confusion right now in the streaming world, and this could help settle things, at least for sports fans. >> these are major players, and it's really going to shake up the sports and media landscape. this is an acknowledgment to the consumer gamer who's getting very confused right now with all these different services to choose from, that perhaps there's a big umbrella platform form that can be created, nbc universal and paramount, which carries sunday nfl football games, are not part of this deal . >> no word yet on the price for this new streaming service. it's expected to launch this fall next. landlines may soon be a thing of the past in parts of california. >> that's if at&t gets its way. the company is asking the state to get rid of landlines in some areas, saying it wants to replace expensive copper wiring with newer technology. some
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residents are outraged, saying the elderly and communities with poor cell service still rely on landlines. next, magic mushrooms, a drug staple of the 60s, are suddenly making a comeback. >> that's according to a new study, which found drug busts involving psychedelic mushrooms are up nearly 300% in recent years. they're illegal under federal law, but use has boomed since studies found they might be effective in treating depression and other conditions. >> wall street journal calls mushroom mushrooms the working woman's newest life hack. one user told the journal they improve her mental clarity. next the young girl recognized for being calm under pressure, the city council in conover, north carolina, was honored has honored six year old quinn hill for jumping into action when her mom suffered a seizure. >> quinn grabbed her three year old brother and ran to the neighbor's house for help. the neighbor called quinn's dad, who is a police officer and help quickly arrived. >> she's my hero. i mean, she saved me. she got me help. now i've put things in place. my
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phone. i have it set to recognize her face so it automatically unlocks in the event she's got to call 911 made me feel good. >> well, quinn received a certificate of recognition from the mayor. and finally, what to get for that not so favorite valentine? how about a goodbye pie? >> pizza hut has a special delivery for that no longer special. someone you can send a hot honey pizza from goodbye the box includes an image of a broken heart, a pizza. >> it sounds good though it does sound good. >> top headlines next
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helping dogs dog healthy. more pushback on the plan for the a's to move to las vegas. but this time, the call is coming from inside the house. now at five, what the mayor of las vegas is now saying about the move. >> plus new findings in the investigation into that alaska airline mid-flight blowout. the promise is now being made to ensure it doesn't happen again. >> targeted by thieves while trying to escape power outages in south san francisco. the message victims have for those thieves and for city leaders p-g-and-e's still working to restore pockets of power outages across the bay area. >> a major improvement


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