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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  February 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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now at six days since those powerful storms, thousands are still in the dark this morning. lights may be slowly trickling on, and a landmark insurrection case before the supreme court, and it could determine whether former president donald trump is allowed to appear on the ballot. then a penguin baby boom here at
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the california academy of sciences. when you can see the new chicks on display. beautiful >> a little cuteness to start your thursday. thanks so much for being here. it is february the 8th and we want to first get a look at our weather. >> is it going to be comfortable for those penguins? >> you know they'll be used to this weather? yeah. for us i don't know about that. it's cold out there. we do have temperatures. well in the 30s to start out your day. so frost advisories are up in the valleys of the north bay for good reason. good morning, santa rosa. you are at the freezing mark 38, in oakland. it's chilly and a lot of spots. we're down to 39 in fremont. live doppler seven along with satellite. our storm yesterday is now in southern california. it brought in that cold air this morning. there's still a little bit of energy left over from that storm that later on today. future weather showing you we may get an isolated shower. we're not putting a number on the storm impact scale today. that's how isolated the chances. but we will have the chance by about 3 or 4 p.m. today. it's all about partly cloudy skies and temperatures still below average in the afternoon. only in the mid 50s. let's see how that
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commute is going with gloria. good morning. >> good morning drew. you know overall we are seeing a pretty good day road wise. there are not too many issues out there this morning. you can see a lot of green here on our bay area map. however we are hearing about a deadly crash right now that we want to tell you about this is over in cotati, so we're zooming in on that area. this is near santa rosa, and unfortunately we are hearing that this is causing some major delays there in that area. this is on southbound 101 past railroad avenue, right now speeds are down to seven miles per hour. and again, we're told this is deadly. so very sad. this is involving a semi truck. and we'll get more information for you as we get it. amanda. thanks, gloria. >> this morning, thousands of people across the bay area are still waiting for electricity to turn back on at home. it's now day five of mass outages. most are due to the storm that p-g-and-e's calls unprecedented, according to the utility company. just about 8000 people are waking up in the dark in the north bay and the south bay.
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nearly 3000 people are still without power on the peninsula. 1600, and in the east bay, there's about 24 outages. >> this storm was the largest, most damaging storm in p-g-and-e's history. uh- we saw winds in excess of 90 and in one case, 100 miles an hour. that storm resulted in significant damage, primarily from uprooted trees and other debris. uh- impact. more than 1.4 million customers. our men and women are doing everything they can to restore power as quickly as they safely can, p-g-and-e's says. >> it has the maximum amount of crews possible working around the clock to get electricity back on people in the small contra costa county community of bethel island are cleaning up after a dock broke free during sunday's storm and crashed into their properties. >> winds pushed the three. the 300 foot dock through the delta, shearing off private docks along the way. eventually, neighbors were able to tie down a large portion of the dock. after it
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broke into pieces. now they're focused on how much it will cost to repair their properties. >> as the anxiety level has been off the hook, i mean, just seeing this, this thing is huge. >> the contra costa county supervisor, dianne burgess, who represents this area, says the docks owner failed to keep up the property, which led to those unsafe conditions. a contractor will remove the runway dock, but there is no timeline of when it will be complete. >> now, this morning in san francisco, heads up, a street is blocked off because of this gaping sinkhole. this is on 14th street between guerrero and valencia. that's right. where the whole foods is. we're told one car actually drove into it and got two flat tires the entire block is closed to cars until crews can fix it. the exact cause is still hasn't been determined. now, former oakland police chief lauren armstrong is continuing to fight his 2023 firing, saying it was illegal.
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he says that he's now suing the city of oakland and mayor xiang tao. abc seven news reporter lena howland is here with the details. good morning. >> good morning. amanda armstrong's lawsuit claims he was illegally terminated in retaliation for criticizing a federal monitor. the monitor, robert warshaw, questioned armstrong's response to an officer misconduct accusation in late 2022. because of that, he was placed on leave and eventually fired. months later, an independent audit cleared armstrong of any wrongdoing. the lawsuit claims mayor martel voiced to others she felt pressured by the monitor to fire armstrong. >> she was involved, and he made the decision and she underscored in describing that hasty decision to terminate him that the reasons were retaliatory. >> she, at an event wednesday morning, mayor tao did clined to comment. >> you know, it's an active litigation and so i'm going to refer that to the city attorney's office. >> the lawsuit also highlights
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warshaw's involvement in the investigation that led to the termination of armstrong's predecessor, chief anne kirkpatrick. she was also eventually cleared and sued the city for wrongful termination. when we reached out to warshaw's office and are still waiting to hear back, armstrong's lawyers say the goal of this is to not only shed light on the federal monitor, but to reinstate him as chief. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news. >> thanks so much, lena, and we'll ask mayor shengtao about this lawsuit later today on midday live. she'll join us live during our 1130 half hour. you can watch it here on abc seven and wherever you stream now. developing news. an oakland police officer has been fired after an internal investigation found he posted racist and derogatory statements on social media about 12 years ago. opd did not identify the employee, but says they were released from probation and let go. opd says they were made aware of the posts on february second.
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authorities then launched an internal affairs investigation and decided to fire the officer days later. today a the u.s. supreme court will hear a landmark election case that will decide if donald trump is allowed to run for president. >> glory is at the live desk with more on this historic case. good morning gloria. >> good morning julian. supreme court justice will hear oral arguments today on this case and in december, colorado took donald trump off the ballot, claiming that he engaged in insurrection against the united states on january 6th. now the state claims that violates section three of the 14th amendment, a civil war time amendment meant to keep insurrectionists out of the government. the exact wording of the amendment will be under scrutiny today because it does not specifically mention the president, only officers of the government, despite not being convicted for his alleged role in the january 6th insurrection in colorado, is expected to argue that since trump participated, he cannot be on the ballot. there for donald
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trump is ineligible to be president. >> united states the same as if he were only 34 years old or not. a natural born citizen, that this is a constitutional qualification and so he can't appear on the ballot. >> experts believe the high court will ultimately not grant states that ability to decide who gets to be on their ballots, but the justices are expected to issue a decision before colorado's primary. that's on march 5th. but this case has implications that are very big. if the justices rule in favor of colorado, it would mean that trump should be removed from every ballot in the entire country. amanda, thank you so much, gloria. >> now, coming up, a toilet in san francisco became a national story over the surprising price tag. now it's finally a step closer to reality. but how much will it actually cost? and new eruptions overnight in iceland. >> the video here is just stunning. triggered some evacuations, lava spewing into the air for the third time since december six. >> eight on your thursday. looking at the commute, it is
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chilly this morning. we're starting out well in the 30s, but we're dry and we'll bring in some cloud cover around lunchtime and later on this afternoon we have the isolated chance of a shower. we'll detail that chance you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds, but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer.
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those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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lasted about two days. lava flowed to the outskirts of the nearby town, where nearly thousands of people had to be evacuated. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes. wow, that's another good excuse to say magma. >> let's take a look at temperatures this morning. we are chilly. we have frost advisories in effect. you can see oakland, danville, palo alto, half moon bay. we are starting out in the 30s. this
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morning, 44 right now in the city. even colder in parts of sonoma county, 32 in santa rosa right now, 35 in napa. so you definitely want several layers underneath the heavy winter coat this morning. it's frosty to start out with clear skies. clouds start to bubble up this afternoon. by 4 p.m, we have the chance of an isolated shower. nothing widespread, it's just leftover energy from yesterday's storms. look at the three day forecast. we'll have temperatures in the mid 50s today and tomorrow. tomorrow's totally dry. and then heading into the weekend we get some warmer weather moving in here. lots of sunshine to start out the weekend and sunday. equally as beautiful detail. the whole weekend. coming up in just a few minutes. okay >> thank you drew. still to come, the airline that will start weighing customers before they get on the plane. and how one city in the east bay is taking new steps to fight climate change. and as we head to break, we'll take a live look outside. it is 612 right now. on this thursday day, the city lit up in red and gold as we get ready to cheer on our 40 niners on super bowl sunday. just three
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days away. we'll take a short break. we'll when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the company's driverless vehicles. robert moreno says while he and his husband were in the car, a person who appeared to be homeless tried to cover the vehicle's sensors as the light turned green. will if the sensors are blocked, we've learned the vehicle is pretty much unusable and unable to move. moreno spoke with abc seven news reporter luz pena. >> we felt trapped in the sense that we didn't know what to do in that instance. we didn't really have an understanding. do we get out? was it safe to get out of the car? >> were you concerned for your safety? >> we were, because of the situation, waymo said. >> when a pedestrian, quote unquote, attacks the vehicle,
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riders are advised to stay inside the incident comes as a cyclist was hit by a waymo in the potrero hill neighborhood on tuesday. now we valley is finally getting a public restroom soon on site construction preparation will begin next monday, and the bathroom will finally be delivered on march the 7th. now, even though it doesn't even exist yet, the saga surrounding this restroom has led to the creation of a wikipedia page. it all started last year when the city said it would cost $1.7 million to build a no frills restroom room. the city ended up backing off the plan after backlash because of that price tag. well, instead, they turned to two out of state vendors who offered to donate a prefabricated, modular bathroom and provide free architect and engineering services. all they needed to do was find a local union worker or workers, rather to install the toilet. the company donating the toilet is in nevada for the owner. dealing with san francisco's building process has been a lesson in
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patience. >> municipal government just has to go through these proper procedures and every city is different. every county is different across the united states. it's just the way it is. >> so when this modular bathroom arrives, we're told there will be officers directing traffic as the heavy duty forklift will move it into its new permanent location. in the end, the city will have only spent $300,000 to cover things like permit fees and staff time. >> the city of antioch is taking new steps to fight climate change. the mayor just signed a pledge to reject public investor in fossil fuel infrastructure projects. it's called the global mayoral pledge put forth by pacific environment. the organization works with the united nations to push for systemic environmental reform. the pledge includes no new oil or gas drilling, no new gas stations, no new power plants or pipelines, and no gas connections to new buildings. >> we control land use. we control the decisions that make
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communities. and so any bold step you can do to mitigate any new fossil fuel infrastructure in our communities is so critical and can only be done by cities, the mayor says the city will work closely with labor groups to protect jobs during this transition. >> a record number of african penguin chicks were born at the california academy of sciences in the past year. ten rare african penguin chicks were born at the local museum since november of 2022. you're looking at some adorable pictures of them. before that, there was a four year period without any new chicks. the penguin boom is no accident. the academy is a part of a breeding and transfer program, which helps to add to the endangered african penguin population when they are so cute. >> send us some video. >> california academy of sciences. oh my god, see them in action! so guys, i went on their website because i you know, we talked about the penguins a little bit earlier. i was like,
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i got to see these penguins. they have a live penguin camera on the website. yeah, it's and right now it is dark. so i'm guessing maybe they're sleeping right now. right. but it's at a 1030 and three. you could see the feeding with the biologist. so that was so great alarm. you know log in and check that out. that's so cool. yeah we love a live animal cam i love any animal. yes. >> that is amazing. all right. this morning it is cold out there. we are in store for a below average afternoon. here's a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. we have clear skies up above the only issue this morning is frost. we have frost advisories in effect until 9 a.m. for the valleys of the north bay, including napa, sonoma, santa rosa, san rafael, where we're starting out with temperatures well into the 30s. in fact, santa rosa, you are at 32 degrees this morning, but it's even colder in other areas. we're at 34 in danville, 38 in oakland, 40 right now in san jose. so we have clear skies. it's chilly out there. a couple of layers underneath the winter coat this morning as we head into the afternoon. there's still a little bit of leftover
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energy from yesterday's storm, so we may get an isolated shower by about 4 p.m. it's nothing widespread. we're not putting a number on this from the storm impact scale. that's how isolated it will be. partly cloudy skies this afternoon. temperatures, though below average mid 50s for our daytime highs now. overnight tonight gets cold once again. our cold to cities dipping into the 30s low and mid 40s around the bay shoreline. we had a ton of fresh snow over the last seven days in tahoe, and now it's looking very nice as we head into the weekend . some flurries today and tomorrow. no accumulating snow, but by saturday and sunday look at this. nothing but sunshine. fine. if you're headed to tahoe, you should have no trouble getting there. it's looking like a nice weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we deserve the seven day. look at this. we have a frosty morning this morning. but then it's just a mix of sun and clouds. tomorrow. the weekend looking fantastic. lots of sunshine and then warmer weather arrives early next week. gloria. >> yeah, you know, right now we are getting reports of a deadly crash.
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>> this is in cotati and this is near rohnert park, so we're going to zoom in here on our map to show you exactly where this is. this is over in the southbound areas there. and actually our graphics are that skipped a little bit too quickly. but we'll go back to it in just a few minutes. but there is a signaler in that area in cotati. and again, this is near rohnert park. it's a deadly crash involving a semi truck, one lane is blocked right now and speeds are down to about seven miles per hour. in that area. so just keep that in mind. if you drive in that area okay. >> thank you so much, gloria. now it's time to turn to ginger zee. she's live with what's coming up this morning on gma. >> good morning ginger amanda julian it's great to be with both of you this morning. >> so coming up here on gma the story that we're all following the supreme court will hear arguments this morning on whether former president trump can be banned from the 2024 ballot for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his actions on january 6th. what's at stake in this landmark case also this morning, prince
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william speaks out for the first time in public about king charles's cancer diagnosis and what he's saying about his father and princess kate's recovery from surgery and why some customers are getting fed up with fast food chains and what the restaurants are doing about it. also, we're counting down to the super bowl with gronk, four time super bowl champion rob gronkowski is going to join us live to talk about the big game and his chance at redemption for that kick this sunday. you'll see it all on gma . >> we appreciate it. ginger do you have a dog in this fight here or are you just rooting for usher to have a great halftime performance. >> that's it. this this is an usher super bowl all the way across. >> it's the usher concert with some football played on the other side of either side. >> yep. that's right. you know, and i'm a lions fan because i grew up in michigan so i can't really okay. >> so yes usher usher all the way. >> there we go. >> we can agree with that. and the 49 and the 49 ers of course things ginger i appreciate it. we'll take a
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two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican,
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is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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clear out there all the bright lights of the bay area. it is cold, though many cities starting out in the 30s. this morning. frost advisories in effect so you may find some frost on your car windshield. your plants outside this morning, a frosty morning to get out there as we head throughout the afternoon we'll have some clouds bubble up. we have the isolated chance of a shower around 4 p.m. it's just leftover energy from yesterday storm. it's nothing widespread. you will notice though. temperatures in the afternoon below average in the mid 50s. amanda. thank you so much. >> drew. now would you be willing to weigh yourself along with your luggage before you get on a plane? well, that's what one finnish airline is asking passengers to do. and it's causing a lot of conversation online. finnair says the data is
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needed to help calculate aircraft balance and performance, and ensure the safe operation of flights. so far, 600 people have volunteered to step on a scale before their flights. we should point out that other airlines also do this every few years. new zealand and korean air both did similar studies last year. now to the first of its kind moment in the bay area, an indoor car charging station is opened in san francisco. it's electrify america's first indoor charger in an urban location. it's on harrison and fifth streets in the soma district. there are 20 ultra fast chargers capable of charging 20 miles per minute. electrify america says its goal is to get drivers back on the road as quickly as filling up at a gas station. they've also added two customer lounge areas, so people can relax while their cars charge. now new at six, the beach boys are bringing the fun, fun, fun to the north bay and their upcoming tour. the band announced their endless summer gold tour. they're making one
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stop in the bay area on wednesday, august 28th at the green music center in rohnert park. the beach boys released their latest album in 2022, and in april, they're coming out with their first ever book called the beach boys captures their rise from a garage band in southern california to a household. name. now next, at 630, not one, not two, but three bay area chefs are set to compete on one of tv's most popular shows. then a cruise ship stopped in san francisco, dealing with an outbreak of a stomach bug. how many people got sick? as we head to break, we want to take you outside with a live look at the sun coming up. we'll be right back
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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now at 630, a heartbreaking end and the search for the five missing marines near san diego. what the military announced overnight and the reaction from the president. >> then the fired police chief in oakland files a blistering lawsuit against the city and the mayor, who let him go. and it is just three days until super bowl 58. >> and the excitement is building. our zach fuentes is live in vegas to take us inside the mob museum. that looks so cool. >> i cannot wait. he gave us such a great tease yesterday. >> give us another one today for tomorrow. >> yeah, he's having the time of his life. >> you have to give us some good news too. now about the weather. >> i was gonna be great. i mean, do you want to give us a. >> so what? >> i do just doing the forecast today, though. this morning you're going to step outside. you're going to feel that chill. it's invigorating, so to speak.
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outside the tam cam showing you we have clear skies as that sun gets up here. look at these numbers a lot colder than yesterday. well into the 30s from palo alto, concord, napa, sonoma we're down to 33, 38. in san rafael, 33, in ukiah, the city right now coming in at 44 degrees. so several layers are needed with clear skies early on giving way to partly cloudy conditions later this afternoon could have an isolated shower from leftover energy from yesterday storm, but there's no number on the storm impact scale today. the bigger story is how chilly it is this afternoon. below average temperatures basically in the mid 50s. that's forecast. let's see how the roads are doing with gloria. >> good morning. good morning. you know, unfortunately we are reporting a deadly crash this morning. this is over in cotati. this is near rohnert park and this is on southbound 101 past railroad avenue. speeds are down to seven miles per hour here. and one lane is blocked. so expect delays there. and a look at your drive times for this morning that usual slow spot. tracy to dublin that will take you 53 minutes right now amanda thank you so much gloria. >> now breaking news from san
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diego. the five marines missing when their military helicopter crashed in rugged terrain earlier this week are confirmed dead. the military making that announcement this morning. the helicopter was located in the mountains east of san diego. crews had to battle heavy snow to get to it. the chopper was flying from an air force base near las vegas to miramar when it was reported overdue late tuesday. there were windy and rainy conditions at the time the chopper disappeared this morning, the president released a statement saying he and the first lady are heartbroken and that they are honoring their selfless service and ultimate sacrifice. >> the former oakland police chief, leronne armstrong, is now suing the city and mayor shin tao. abc seven news reporter lena howland is joining us live now. lena armstrong is claiming his firing last year was illegal . >> julian. that's right. this lawsuit against both the city of oakland and mayor shang tao stems back to the city's federal oversight monitor. here. armstrong's attorneys claim he was fired for criticizing that
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federal monitor. the monitor robert warshaw questioned armstrong response to officer misconduct in late 2022. because of that, he was placed on leave and eventually fired, the lawsuit claims. mayor tao voiced to others that she felt pressured by that monitor to fire armstrong. he was later cleared by an independent audit. >> the other goal, and among others, are to reveal, continue to reveal and shed light on the improper purpose behind the monitor, continuing to assert these false criticisms against the oakland police department, he loved oakland. he grew up in oakland. he cared about the community. he he served his role proudly, and he still wants to do that at an event wednesday morning, mayor tao declined to comment. >> armstrong's lawyers say the goal of this lawsuit is to not only shed light against warshaw, but to eventually reinstate armstrong as chief. his
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attorneys say the next steps will be waiting for a response from the city. live in studio lena howland, abc seven news. thanks so much, lena. >> now, today, investigators are expected to discuss two unsolved bay area murders that date back to the 1970s. one of those cases is the sexual assault and murder of nellie hicks. her body was found inside a home in newark in may of 1972. the other case, the 1979 killing of teresa pica of hayward. the fbi is now involved in both investigations. >> the cdc is investigating an outbreak of a gastrointestinal illness on a luxury cruise ship that stopped in san francisco. right now 150 people reported the illness on the queen victoria. the ship isolated those sick passengers and crew. they also increased cleaning and disinfection protocols. the queen victoria was in the city tuesday and wednesday as a part of a 55 day cruise, 1800 passengers and 970 crew members are on board. the cause of that
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illness is unknown. now the owner of a popeye's chicken restaurant in oakland will have to pay more than $200,000 for a series of labor violations. >> the us labor department found the franchise lazy. hired children as young as 13 years old to work at his restaurants. investigators say the employer also failed to pay workers overtime. um, earnings. it's the third time the owner has been cited for labor violations. the same franchisee also owns popeyes locations in tracy and newark. >> the state and the assembly are the senate and the assembly are currently weighing a bill that would remove encampments from sidewalks near schools. the bipartisan bill would prevent unhoused people from staying within 500ft of sensitive community areas like schools, open spaces and transit stations . it would also require 72 hours of notice before any sweep, and offer the unhoused people information about shelters. this comes after cities, including some here in the bay area, have
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considered or enacted similar restrictions near campuses. new here at six, we are waiting to learn if any charges will be filed in san fis. s first pedestrian death of the year. it happened last week near golden gate park. police told the chronicle a 63 year old man was walking in the crosswalk when a driver who had the green light drove through the intersection at fulton and arguello. the driver stoppedt the scene. it's unclear, though, if they will be facingharges. 25 people died in traffic related accidents in the city last year, and there is a disturbing impact from our recent storms. >> strong winds are battering birds and forcing them from the sea. staff at the spca monterey county and the native animal rescue of santa cruz county say they are rescuing dozens of seabirds, waterproofing feathers on seabirds helps keep them warm and buoyant, but they can lose their waterproof thing if they get any oil on them. during our recent storms, natural oil seepage is getting churned up in
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the ocean and getting onto the animals. what we're asking the public to do is if they see a seabird on the beach to please, if you can very safely with a towel or a blanket, um, gather it up, put it in a box that they can breathe in, but not escape from. tomorrow the seabirds will be taken to the international bird rescue in fairfield. once they are well, they will be released back into the wild. >> developing news in china this morning. winter storms are putting a freeze on the big travel period for lunar new year. the country's transport ministry estimates. some 9 billion trips will be made during the 40 day holiday travel period, and today's a peak travel day. gloria standing by at the live desk and gloria, the icy conditions are trapping thousands during the annual spring festival. they are julian. >> parts of china are at a standstill during one of the most treasured times of the year. and check out this footage here. you can see all that snow right there. all that ice and
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cars are stuck on the freeways, which now look like parking lots. some people are even stranded without food and water. people are doing whatever they can to chip away the pavement. now cover it in ice, and one driver says a six hour drive. it's not taking more than 24 hours. so what are the road conditions like? >> are you seeing snow? are you seeing ice? and how bad is it? >> the snow has been falling since the day before yesterday. >> it has melted a little, but it then turned into ice. so the road is very wet and slippery and unfortunately it is not easier for travelers taking the train. >> the stations are packed as passengers deal with delays there this holiday season marks the first time in several years that people across china have been able to travel freely to celebrate. but it comes after the very tough pandemic controls that restricted travel since 2020. julian >> okay, thank you. gloria. a san francisco judge has tossed a
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lawsuit challenging the renaming of hastings college of law to uc college of law, san francisco, descendants of the founder hastings claimed the university violated a contract it made with him back in the 1800s. hastings was a former california supreme court justice who founded the law school in 1878 with a $100,000 donation. his family was seeking $1.7 billion in damages. the university of california dropped the hastings from the name last year because serranus hastings was linked to the slaughter of indigenous people. a lawyer for the descendants say they look forward to appealing that ruling. the removal of toll booths on several bay area bridges has reportedly been delayed. toll takers have not worked inside of those booths since the start of the covid 19 pandemic. the empty booths were supposed to be removed starting last august, but it's not going to start now until february of 2026, according to the chronicle. caltrans decided on
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the delay because it wants to upgrade the automatic toll collection system and remove the booths at the same time. the project is expected to cost $150 million. there's one fifth of the upcoming season of the reality competition show. >> top chef will be made up of bay area chefs david murphy is the co is the chef and co-owner of shuggie's trash pie and natural wine in san francisco. laura moss is the executive chef and owner of delta in the presidio and resaca. venkatesa is a chef de cuisine and in 2022, she won a rising star award in the san francisco oakland area for these three chefs are competing in a pool of 15 to win. >> all right. we love to see the bay area representation here always thriving there. >> you guys go. congratulations that's huge. it is still to come. >> the oscar nominated actress set to speak in the north bay and we want to get you a live look at the big board at the new
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york stock exchange. >> you can see that we're up about 31 points. another update on the markets and how they're doing next. >> then china is no longer the country where we import the majority of our goods. from which nation is now taking that spot. and coming up on seven at seven uh- viral artist rita oak, who lives in portugal, she started a mission to draw jimmy g until he got traded. >> then she decided to draw the 40 niners until they got to the super bowl. now what? well, she joins us live to talk about her journey and her rise to fame. that and much more today on abc seven at seven, streaming live every weekday on our abc seven bay area apps. >> uh. let's go outside to the exploratorium camera. i mean, what a nice looking morning. but then you step outside and that cold air is kind of a smack to the face. we're starting out in the 30s right now, and a lot of cities, we're down to 34. in danville, 39 in half moon bay. good morning. fremont you're at
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3736 in palo alto. even colder in the north bay were frost advisories are in effect for santa rosa, napa, novato, where temperatures in santa rosa, we are at 32 degrees. so definitely want extra layers underneath that winter coat this morning. here's the morning drive. no issues when it comes to any rainfall this morning. it's just cold out there. may want 1 or 2 extra minutes to warm up your car, get that frost off your windshield will gradually climb out of the 40s into the low 50s by noon. looking at the day planner today, we have that frosty start today. clear skies, clouds bubble up. this afternoon could have an isolated shower. just leftover energy from yesterday storm. we're not even attaching a number on the storm impact scale today. that's how low that chance is as we head into the weekend though. getrillioneady. sunshine on a gorgeous weekend. on the way, we'll show you the complete weekend forecast in 9
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politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data.
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moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. to earn a best actress
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nomination. she is set to be in marin to talk about her groundbreaking role in killers of the flower moon. gladstone already won a golden globe, becoming the first indigenous person to win for best actress. she'll be at a screening of killers of the flower moon in san rafael tomorrow night at six. it will be at the smith rafael film center that's out on fourth street. admission is free, but tickets are required and they'll be available today to the general public starting at 10 a.m. you'll find more information on the theater's website. and don't forget, we are your home to the oscars there exclusively on abc seven on sunday, march 10th. >> and while much of society is long forgot about flip phones, apple has not. according to a new report from the information, apple is still working on at least two phones that can fold to open and close, but it's not known when it would hit the market. the foldable phones are not in the company's production plans for this year or next.
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engineers have reportedly struggled with the device's design because it can break easily. >> it is now time for your morning money report in mexico is topped china when it comes to goods imported by the united states, the commerce department reports the value of goods imported by the u.s. from mexico went to up nearly 5% from 2022 to 2023 to more than $475 billion the value of chinese imports that went down 20% to $427 billion. this is the first time in more than two decades that mexican goods exceeded the value of china's. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange this morning as trading gets underway, you can see that we are up just about five or so points. we'll have another check on the markets later on at seven. now the super bowl is just days away, and the fans who made the trek to vegas have plenty to do before the big game. >> abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has been checking out some of those attractions, and
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he joins us live this morning. zach, did you just come from a club? did you sleep? did you get some rest? what is it? what is it like out there? >> i just came back from the starbucks. we were warming up from the last live shot because it's actually very cold in las vegas this morning. so the starbucks is open because, you know, things are open at all hours of the day here in vegas. and we're very grateful for that. this morning. i want you to see the high roller right now, it is the tallest observation wheel in north america. and this weekend it's going to be lit up with super bowl team colors. so that's just one of the super bowl related things happening here in town. yesterday. we got to spend the day in downtown las vegas. that's old las vegas. it's rich in history and that makes it the perfect spot for the mob museum. we got in there yesterday before the crowds got in for an exclusive tour. we're going to show you a look at it right now. you can't tell the history of las vegas without bringing up the impact organized crime had on it. transformed from a historic post office, the nonprofit mob museum does just that, taking visitors in downtown las vegas on a tour showing the history of the mob
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and organized crime around the world. >> oh, not the switch i showed you a glimpse of it from the museum's electric chair earlier this week. now, as promised, here's that inside look as we kick off this tour, it's important to note that the mob museum says they're not doing anything to glorify the mob. >> all of this here is based in fact and history. take a look at these real life artifacts, including the actual wall from the saint valentine's day massacre on february 14th, 1929. the story of those historic events told in captivating detail through other rare artifacts and pictures. now, when you hear mob museum, you might think everything here is maybe only from the 1920s or 1930, but that's not the case. they're covering a lot of recent stories here. look, el chapo and his great escape, this model showing how he escaped. not only is the museum giving a provocative and contemporary look at organized crime, the exhibits are also immersive. so this is one of my favorite parts of the museum, the crime lab. it's a super interactive area where you get to do things like fingerprint analysis, dna profiling, after all of that work, it's time to head underground to check out the
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prohibition era libations being made in the speakeasy. of course , you have to know the password. what do you want? harlem stride just about all of vegas's major attractions. the mob museum has created something special for super bowl 58 visitors, so with the big game here in town, we knew we wanted to celebrate a little bit of the history of the nfl. enter the bookmaker a twist on an old fashioned created in honor of charles mcneil, who revolutionized sports betting. >> so most of our cocktails are based on the drinks that you would have found in that day, with just some modern twist to kind of brighten and freshen them up. >> and now we have the bookmaker. i'm going to take a sip here. salud it's a hit, guys. so as always, drink responsibly. stay away from organized crime and don't find yourself here. chair is actually a ton of fun. that's why i had to show up multiple times in that piece. look, if you're coming to vegas this week or it's anytime in the future, head to downtown las vegas, the mob museum. it's not
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a spot you want to overlook. now. tomorrow, we're going to be back here on the strip, bringing you just an incredible story about a woman who literally went from housekeeper to vegas headliner. she's a bay area native. we're going to sit down with her tonight and bring you that story tomorrow. i'm looking forward to that now. live in las vegas, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> so zach, as a las vegas native, i have to imagine that you knew a lot of that mob history. is there anything that jumped out that maybe you didn't know? you know, what can i tell you? >> i'm embarrassed to say that was my first time in the mob museum. it had been open for about 12 years. i never got to visit in there, and i learned so much. it really is incredible. there's so much we couldn't even get into in that piece. it is fascinating. it's not a boring museum by any means, and there is a lot of roots in organized crime in las vegas and so it's interesting to see that. and again, they don't glorify it, but it is fascinating. and it is just incredible to learn how the city was built up and the impacts of organized crime really around the world. it's not just here in vegas, folks. >> i'm sure the more you know.
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all right, zach, you stay out of trouble there. >> yeah. >> go get some more coffee. warm up. >> all right. >> we'll see you at seven. zach. all right, well, you know what? >> let's talk about traffic this morning. you know, we haven't seen the major issues that we saw the last few days where we had the wind, the rain. however we are seeing, unfortunately, some deadly crashes that we want to tell you about this morning. so this is always sad to report, but we do have a deadly crash. this is over in cotati. and this is on southbound 101 near railroad avenue. and so right now the speeds are down to seven miles per hour. they have blocked at least one lane. there and this is a sigalert right now . we also have reports just further south on southbound 101 in novato, of a car fire. and this is again southbound 101 at rowland avenue and excuse me, boulevard. and right now that is also causing some delays there in that area. so we're going to get to your toyota tahoe report in just a second. but right now we want to go to drew with a look at your weather. >> hey, gloria. all right. let's talk about vegas really quickly.
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sunday for the big game. temperatures a little bit cooler than average 53 degrees as you're heading into the stadium by the fourth quarter. as you're heading out 48 degrees. certainly it is chilly outside this morning. here's sfo with clear skies. get ready for a sunny morning. but it is cold out there. frost advisories in effect still for the valleys of the north bay until about 9 a.m. this morning. for those temperatures close to freezing. that's where we're at right now. look at this from santa rosa, sonoma, saint helena. we're at 32 degrees, so it is chilly out there, 30s in the east bay. and along the peninsula. you want several layers underneath that winter jacket this morning. future weather showing you a couple of clouds bubble up this afternoon. we have a little bit of leftover energy from yesterday's storms. we may see an isolated shower later today right around 4 p.m. we're not giving today a number on the storm impact scale. that's how low the chance is. temperatures today again on the chilly side below average in the mid 50s. overnight tonight we dip back into the 30s and our coldest areas under a mix of stars and clouds. now saturday is the start of lunar new year. couldn't ask for better weather?
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look at this. nothing but sunshine in san francisco. temperatures in the mid 50s. now, if you're thinking about traveling to tahoe, a couple of flurries today and tomorrow won't amount to anything. but if you're trying to enjoy that fresh powder we got over the last seven days this weekend, looking great. saturday and sunday. a lot of sunshine out there. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. frosty this morning and isolated shower this afternoon. heading into the weekend. gorgeous warmer weather, sunshine back in that warming trend continues early next wk. >> gloria love to hear that. thank you drew. and those of you who are going to tahoe for the weekend, here's your toyota tahoe report. so you will be needing chains i you're going to any of the resorts out there in tahoe. so we're going to give you a rundown here. if you're going to palisades tahoe, that will take you three hours, 22 minutes to north star, three hours, ten minutes to heavenly, three hours, 17 minutes. and then if you're going to some of th other resorts, sugar bowl resort, that will take you two hour and 52 minutes. sierra tahoe two hours, 57 minutes and kirkwood three hours 19 minus. so if you are heading to tahoe today for the weekend, have a
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wonderful time guys. all right. >> thank you, gloria in the east bay, a veterinary emergency room is taking some of the concern out of taking your pet to the vet. emergency veterinary group opened its 24 hour hospital in pleasant hill. the center allows people to stay with their pets at all times, even overnight. >> if your pets are really sick and it does need to spend the night with us, we do have rooms that will set up and beds that will make for you, and you get to stay with your pet overnight. >> emergency veterinary group opened its first bay area location in san ramon two years ago. they also have a location in san jose, one of the most beloved and hard to find beers in the bay area, will be back for its 20th annual limited release. >> pliny the younger ipa will be first be found at participating bars during s.f. beer week, starting tomorrow and the next month. russian river brewing company says it will open its annual release at its santa rosa and windsor location from march
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20th 2nd to april 4th. now, pliny the younger is always in high demand, so bring a camping chair and expect the usual hours long wait. some people want a dozen red roses for valentine's day, but one special woman gets a dozen roses in the form of betty white, a new york woman placed 12 pictures of the character rose from the golden girls on her lawn as a valentine's gift to her wife. she says they both love the show and watch it every night. the gesture has been popular in the neighborhood. people have been slowly driving by to admire the dozen. betty white's now up next, the seven things you need to know today and a reminder you can watch all of our newscast live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. >> it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv, and roku. download the app and start streaming now. and as we head into break, let's take a live look outside that sun inching
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up. >> going to be a beautiful day. we'll be right back you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. mugs. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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governor newsom, attorney general rob bonta and alameda county da pamela price are deploying state attorneys to boost criminal prosecutions in oakland and the east bay. they will be investigating, analyzing and prosecuting suspects in violent property and serious drug related crimes. number two, the u.s. supreme court is set to hear arguments today over whether former president donald trump can be kicked off the ballot in colorado under the 14th amendment. now if they rule, he can be removed and trump would be taken off all ballots across the country. number three, a heads up for drivers in san francisco. 14th street is closed between guerrero and valencia because of
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this large sinkhole. it will stay closed until crews can repair it. number four, power is being restored. all across the bay area as of this morning, there are just under 13,000 outages left in our region. >> number five, frost advisories are in effect for good reason. look at all these cold temperatures in the 30s. freezing in sonoma, santa rosa, saint helena, 34 right now in danville, you want that winter coat and several layers underneath. looking at the day planner today we have clear skies giving way to partly cloudy conditions this afternoon , an isolated shower is possible to some leftover energy from yesterday's storm. not getting a number on the storm impact scale and temperatures this afternoon below average in the mid 50s and number six, we're still following this deadly crash. >> this is over in cotati near rohnert park, and this is on southbound 101 past railroad avenue. this is making speeds there. go down to seven miles per hour. major delays in this area.
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>> and number seven, taylor swift is coming to disney plus. taylor's version of the eras tour film will make its streaming debut on march 15th. it will include some songs that didn't make it into the theatrical release, and we know there are plenty of swifties. >> oh yeah, around the globe. we saw you were texting me yesterday. >> they're like, can you give us your login, please? all right, like not yet. >> say hello. >> first say hi to your uncle and then we'll see what you get. >> i'm sorry to their parents >> good morning america.rents the supreme court set to decide if donald trump is allowed to run for president. a land mark case. the justices set to hear arguments on whether trump can be banned from the 2024 ballot for efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his actions on january 6th.


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