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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  February 8, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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swift is coming to disney plus. taylor's version of the eras tour film will make its streaming debut on march 15th. it will include some songs that didn't make it into the theatrical release, and we know there are plenty of swifties. >> oh yeah, around the globe. we saw you were texting me yesterday. >> they're like, can you give us your login, please? all right, like not yet. >> say hello. >> first say hi to your uncle and then we'll see what you get. >> i'm sorry to their parents >> good morning america.rents the supreme court set to decide if donald trump is allowed to run for president. a land mark case. the justices set to hear arguments on whether trump can be banned from the 2024 ballot for efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his actions on january 6th.
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the search for five missing marines this morning. a helicopter disappearing while flying in dangerous weather. >> captain and aviation safety officers saying they lost signal for one of their acrafts in the pine valley area. >> a debris feel found in a rugged area. what we know about the search and rescue effort this morning. matt guttman is on the scene of the crash. early spring? record heat expanding, moving into the midwest and north. ginger has the forecast. mission possible. prince william speaks out about his father, the king, and kate's recovery, nicknamed top son by british papers as he jokes with tom cruise. >> and, tom, if you wouldn't mind not borrowing either of the new health coppers for the new "mission impossible" it would be appreciated. >> will this fly? should airlines be able to weigh not just your luggage, but you? the growing debate this morning. moose on the loose.
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a massive animal barrelling down the animal at a popular ski resort. >> unbelievable. >> what the skiers are saying about their close encounter, and what to know when you hit the slopes. plus, is this the photo of the year? the story behind the sleeping polar bears. ♪ taking care of business every day ♪ >> and with just three days until super bowl sunday, it is time to take care of some business. what travis kelce is saying about the chiefs becoming a dynasty, as a member of the nfl's last dynasty joins us live. former patriots star rob gronkowski on the big game and gronk's big shot at redemption. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> good morning america. just three days until the big game in las vegas. let's take a live look at the stadium. hundreds of thousands of people are there for the excitement, including our will reeve. we're going to check in with him
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just ahead. it may have been ground hog day just last week but it's feeling like spring for millions of americans. ginger's gonna tell us just how warm it will get. >> that's coming up. first a historic day at the supreme court. they're going to hear arguments about whether former president trump can be banned from the ballot for his actions surrounding january 6th. senior national correspondent terry moran is at the supreme court. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. this morning the justices will hear the arguments in this biggest elections case since bush versus gore back in 2000. the question, should donald trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, including his participation in the attack on the capitol, his incitement of that attack on january 6th, keep him off the 2024 presidential ballot? this all comes down to one clause in the 14th amendment to the constitution passed right after the civil war which holds that no person who has previously taken an oath to support the constitution and
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then engaged in insurrection can hold public office afterwards. the colorado supreme court in the case brought by six voters there took a look at that clause and ruled that trump must be removed from the ballot in that state. in maine the secretary of state did the same thing. other states are considering it, too. while still other states have rejected the idea. so in court, trump's lawyers will argue he did not engage in insurrection. the language of the amendment does not apply to presidents, and that congress must first pass a law spelling out how to enforce that clause. colorado's lawyers, they'll argue the amendment means what the amendment says, that trump did engage in insurrection and that he must be banned from holding public office. there's one thing that all the parties here today agree on. this is a case of national importance. that only the supreme court can and must resolve in this election year. george? >> terry moran, thanks. let's get more from jon karl. terry brought up the bush v. gore case in 2000.
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in some ways this is far more consequential than that. >> this is a huge moment for the supreme court. it is a huge moment for the country. look, george, this supreme court is a conservative court. three trump justices. it's a court that's been mired in some controversy. but while it is a conservative court, this has not been a trump court. in fact, this court has repeatedly ruled against donald trump or shown independence from him. think about it. trump expected his justices, as he considered his justice, to help him overturn the election results. they rejected the efforts in that texas case in december of 2020. the january 6th committee wanted his white house records. trump went all the way to the supreme court to try to block them from getting them. the supreme court ruled for the january 6th committee. they even ruled prior to that to allow congress to get his tax records. the court has shown real independence from trump. you know, looking at this, let's
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hope this decision is not one that breaks down on party lines. >> no question what you're saying is true. but this is also a court that's not going to be eager to appear to decide the 2024 election. >> absolutely not. you think about how long we saw the repercussions from the bush v. gore case which was so controversial and made the court seen as so much more of a partisan body. john robert, chief justice roberts, clearly has made it clear that he wants the court to be not seen as yet another political institution. he talks about how there aren't trump justices or bush justices or obama justices. there are judges of the law. so, yes, he is not going to want to get mired in this. this is not the only one. trump's gonna try to go to the supreme court almost certainly. said he's going to appeal. the question of whether or not he has absolute immunity. you could have two cases central to this election absolutely
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central to this election, decided by this supreme court. >> see if they can come up with some kind of balancing. jon karl -- >> two unanimous decisions would be nice. >> thanks very much. robin? >> we're going to move on to the urgent search and rescue mission for five marines after their helicopter crashed in the mountains outside san diego. our chief national correspondent matt guttman is on the scene near the crash site. good morning to you, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. short time ago the u.s. marines announcing that tragically all five of the crew members aboard that helicopter have died. they are now working on the recovery being hampered by the fact that the crash site is off a rural, muddy road. also the weather. we've been hit by blustering winds, snow an sleet. overnight the investigation intensifying into the marines helicopter crash in the mountains outside san diego. this morning the u.s. marine corps confirming all five of
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those crew members were killed. first responders returning from the debris field late wednesday. this muddy track is the only way to get to the crash site. you can see that the weather is still bad. we're told that the rescuers had to get out of their cars and walk miles just to get to the crash site. the ch53 helicopter known as the marines work horse departed an air base outside las vegas tuesday in what was described as a routine night time training mission stopping in imperial county to refuel, then headed to air station mirimar in san diego. when it didn't arrive it was reported overdue which triggered a huge search. >> we got a call from the marine corps captain aviation safety officer saying they lost signal for one of their aircrafts in the pine valley area. >> reporter: the crew had been flying at the tail end of a deadly three day storm that pummelled california with rain, heavy snow, low visibility and gusty winds. >> this is a rugged area of the county. access is up a truck trail, dirt
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road. we had a lot of snow in that area. >> reporter: that debris field discovered seven hours after the marines were reported missing. this is the latest in a series of military air crashes. just last year 19 service members were killed in five separate military air crashes. the u.s. marine corps now says they are notifying next of kin and still working on the investigation and whether this weather played a role. robin? >> hopefully, there will be some news soon. matt, thank you. turning to israel/hamas war. prime minister benjamin netanyahu rejected the hamas counter proposal for a cease fire deal that would free the hostages in gaza but u.s. secretary of state blinken says a deal is still possible. our foreign correspondent james longman is in tel aviv with more. good morning, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. there was a lot of expectation growing towards this deal. not least from the hostage families. prime minister netanyahu says he cannot accept hamas' terms despite all that secretary of state blinken says he does see
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space for an agreement. this morning despite growing pressure to accept a deal to bring home israel's remaining hostages, benjamin netanyahu has rejected a hamas cease fire proposal. he called the conditions delusional. hamas calls for the withdrawal of all israeli troops in gaza. over three phases, hamas would release all hostages with israel exchanging prisoners. instead the war rages on and gaza's lost city still standing, rafa now in the crosshairs. the u.n. says a quarter of a million are sheltering here but idf ground troops are approaching. people there are desperate for a deal. enough, frankly enough, says this woman. find a solution for us. we're destroyed. hostage families pleading with their prime minister. 34-year-old sharon kunia telling him, we've reached the moment of truth. the moment you must decide who lives and who dies. conscious that
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time is against them. the idf said at least 31 of the more than 100 hostages in gaza are already believed dead. 23-year-old hersh goldberg is one of the americans believed still in captivity. his mother met with the secretary of state this morning. >> we started by saying there is no time left for these hostages. >> reporter: what went through your mind when you heard the cease fire deal had fallen through? what would you say to netanyahu? >> right now he's at a crossroads. he can be known as the prime minister who oversaw the tragedy of october 7th and then subsequently brought home 136 body bags, or he could be known as the prime minister who oversaw october 7th but brought home as many hostages alive as possible. strengthen the country, put us on a better path and move us forward. >> reporter: so netanyahu said he wants total victory and with that the idf is closing in on rafa. that really is the last refuge in gaza. hundreds of thousands have taken shelter there. they really do not have anywhere else to go. robin? >> we know the u.s. military launched another air strike in
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retaliation for the drone attack that killed three american troops? >> reporter: yeah, that's right. this was a strike in baghdad. it was a commander of one of the iranian backed militants that killed those three u.s. army personnel. it was a calculated strike made in order not to destablize this region any further. robin? >> all right, james. appreciate your reporting. demarco? turning to what will feel like an early start to spring in some parts of the country. record warmth in areas where we should be talking about snow and cold weather. ginger's here with the latest. some people aren't complaining. >> more than two months we've been talking about a dud of a winter in the great lakes. twin cities on track of warmest winter on record. they cancelled pretty much every big winter event because they haven't had enough snow and cold. now the records are going to move east. we will be feeling that. and that's why this ridge that's been in place is starting to impact other people. travis city michigan had a record of 50 yesterday. wasaw wisconsin, sault ste.
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marie is at 41. so, no, that is just not normal, this is record, meaning the daily record. we're looking at record highs again today. grand rapids could do it, des moines. that ridge slides east and that record heat moves in for the weekend. new york city could close saturday right around 60. washington, d.c. in the mid 60s, even boston, if they get to 60s, that would be a record. brand new information. early this morning released officially. eighth month in a row hottest on earth. january was the warmest january on record. those records, they can extrapolate and go back to 100,000 years. we are on this bender of heat. certainly, there's no coldest on record across the states, so take that for what it is. >> 100,000 years. thank you, ginger. now a new warning over chinese cyber attacks. intelligence officials say hackers spent up to five years in u.s. networks in an effort to attack critical infrastructure. pierre thomas has the details. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: george, good morning. we're getting disturbing details about china's effort to infiltrate and
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possibly attack our infrastructure and literally our way of life. we've learned some of the covert operations by china began at least five years ago. homeland security fbi an intelligence officials issued a new bulletin yesterday highlighting the chinese hacking campaign we recently told our viewers about. the warning says china shifted from a strategy of using hacking to commit economic espionage to a strategy of using hacking to disrupt how americans go about their daily lives. the chinese cyber warfare involves planting malware in computer networks serving our network grid, oil and gas pipeline, our transportation system, even our water treatment plants. authorities say that the plan would allow china to attack in the time of their choosing. fbi director wray is sounding the alarm calling the concern about china the threat of our generation, george. >> that is alarming. okay, pierre, thank you very much. robin? >> it certainly is. turning to the countdown to the super bowl. security tight, as you can imagine, for the big game. will reeve made it to las vegas. joins us with what is being done
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to keep everybody safe. good to see you, will. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. good to see you, too. i am boots on the ground in las vegas. just to get to where i'm standing at the nfl experience, i had to go through a bunch of check points. i had to show my credential everywhere i went. everything is bigger and more intense at the super bowl, from security to the spectacle of it all torque the game itself. this morning super bowl lviii is just three days away. 330,000 people are expected to descend on las vegas this weekend and security is tight. >> there are no known credible specific threats to the super bowl or to las vegas at this time. but we are vigilant and we are prepared. >> reporter: 30 federal state and local law enforcement agencies are tasked with keeping the city an the game safe. >> i would say no city is better prepared. >> reporter: an unexpected
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security risk presenting itself in broad daylight yesterday. this man seen climbing 366 feet to the top of las vegas's sparkling new attraction, the sphere. the incident disrupting traffic. the man was detained. >> we know people are going to test us. people are going to try things. as we sit here today, there's an individual for a publicity stunt that started climbing up the top of the sphere. your first responders are all over there. we're taking care of it. >> reporter: as for the game, it can't come soon enough for anyone, particularly the players. >> obviously, we have the media stuff we have to do. at the same time, it's a normal week. we're going to get back to practice. we'll do what we'd do for a normal game day. >> reporter: the chiefs have a chance to make their mark on history as the first team to repeat in 19 years. >> i think three is a lucky number. one anybody can do one and done. i think two is special. but three is when you solidify yourself as a dynasty for sure. >> reporter: the 49ers seeking
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to avenge their 2020 super bowl loss to kansas city. >> touchdown, san francisco! >> reporter: and bring the super bowl home to the bay area for the first time since 1995. >> at the end of the day, man, this is something that we've all dreamed of growing up. gotta be grateful for it and have fun with it. >> reporter: we mentioned those 330,000 people travelling to vegas this week. that includes the two teams, which brings me to my stat of the day for george. in the last 30 years, when one team had to travel west and the other had to travel east to get to the super bowl city, the team traveling west is 7-0. that bodes well for the chiefs. >> i love this. the closer we get to the super bowl the more obscure will gets. [ laughter ] >> before you run out, what's the vibe like there in vegas, will? >> reporter: it is vegas so celebratory by nature. i think that's just amped up. just getting to the airport, there's all the signage.
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people are happy wearing their team gear. some teams that aren't in the game. everybody is happy to be here, enjoy everything vegas has to offer. i know everyone can't wait until sunday. >> we know you're happy to be there, too. thanks, will. have a good time. you got it. coming up, prince william speaks publicly for the first time about his father's diagnosis and talks about princess kate's recovery from her surgery. new travel warning about two women were assaulted in the bahamas. we'll tell you what they're saying. plus why a major airline is asking passengers how they feel about getting on a scale to be weighed before boarding. but first let's go back to ginger. >> not only did they get more rain in southern california last night, but likely a tornado. they will go out and do a survey. this is video from grover beach, california. they had severe thunderstorm warnings. they had 70-80 mile per hour winds. they'll go out and see because it looks like there was some rotation there. we'll still see some showers but they just finally released those flood watches for a lot of folks. we're getting dryer but there will be some spotty showers that will come through. most of the moisture has moved east.
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that's why you see all the winter storm warnings including avalanche warnings. your local weather in 30 seconds. here we go in
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>> all right. coming up, how customers are pushing back against the rising cost of food, fast food that is, when we come back. the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide. tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors le up, it's got to be tide. ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪
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he was bad luck anyway. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. six days a week, when you steal a fry from your friend they could say, "hey, i paid for those!" but on free fries friday, they can't. free fries friday, at mcdonald's. ba da ba ba ba. morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. governor newsom and attorney general rob bonta are launching a new partnership with alameda county da pamela price to increase the ability to prosecute crime suspects, deputy attorneys general from the state
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department of justice and attorneys from the california national guard will be deployed to oakland and across the east bay. those state attorneys will investigate, analyze, and prosecute suspects in violent property and serious drug related crimes. governor newsom says suspects must be held accountable for their crimes. using the full and appropriate weight of the law. now, let's check in with gloria for a look at traffic. good morning gloria, good morning amanda. >> we're still following the sigalert. this is a deadly crash over in cotati. this is near rohnert park, and this is on southbound 101 past railroad avenue. speeds are down to six miles per hour. because of this crash, amanda and we know meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at the bay
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time to hit the bathroom. shower. it works. got two more upstairs... and the bedrooms. i don't know what goes on in there. and the living room. it's the hangout house, that's why i'm moving. and get an offer on your house. selling your home to opendoor is so easy you can do it during halftime. sign up for a halftime showing donald's delicious eggs and cheese with a tender steak patty or thick cut bacon or savory sausage. >> they're here in all their warm, toasted glory. order ahead in the mcd app. ba da ba ba ba.
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>> growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. >> those are good careers. but i chose a different path. >> first as mayor and then in the legislature. i'm trying to abortion rights in our california constitution and the face of trump. i strengthened hate crime laws and lower the cost for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn and on that note, i'm evan lowe and i approve this message. >> 100% of our cases start with the worst kind of injury and end with the best possible result. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law visit, walk up >> because you should feel safe. abc seven building a better bay area. >> let's go outside. it is lovely this morning with that sun up here from the exploratorium camera. but once
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you step outside, it's a different story. it is cold across the region. we are well into the 30s in the north bay. frost advisories are up until 9 a.m. for greatrillioneason. 32 degrees from ukiah, santa rosa, sonoma, saint helena. you get the picture. it is cold this morning. several layers underneath that winter jacket. future weather. we'll have partly cloudy skies later on this afternoon. we have some leftover energy from yesterday's storm. could have an isolated shower. won't be widespread otherwise. temperatures in the mid 50s. >> amanda, thanks so much. true. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's gma. >> justin timberlake bringing sexy back to forget tomorrow world tour live in san jose. just in timberlake sap center at san jose due to overwhelming demand. second show added may 7th. get tickets this friday at 10 a.m. at sm the brand new single selfish is
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the rocket man is saying good-bye to some of his most treasured belongings. everything from art to his famous outfits. yes, the sunglasses. now going up for auction. lara was with his husband and went on a private tour. that's coming up. >> looking forward to that. following a lot of headlines. supreme court set to decide if donald trump is allowed to run for president. justices set to hear arguments this morning on whether he can be banned for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. overnight a volcano erupted in iceland for the third time since december. the eruption triggered e srab weighs of the blue lagoon spa. officials say no one is believed to have been in the town or harmed. also this morning half court challenge for free college classes. take a look as belmont student will spikes attempting this half court shot and draining it from a distance. that shot winning him free semester of tuition at belmont. i checked, by the way, guys. it was $40,000 back in '21 for
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an entire year for tuition. that's a deal. >> that is a big deal. >> we've got a lot more coming up, including the rising prices of fast food and how some customers are pushing back. that's coming up. a new travel warning. two women were drugged and assaulted while vacationing in the bahamas, unaware the state department had issued a travel advisory in the area. eva pilgrim has the area. good morning, eva. >> reporter: good morning, george. these two moms say they thought they were doing all the right things to be safe. they were in a pair. they didn't take drinks from strangers. they weren't drinking in excess. but this morning they say their drinks were drugged at the bahamas resort and they were attacked. the fbi now investigating. they were on their first kids-free vacation on board a carnival cruise. >> we've been best friends for 20 years. we decided to make this a girls trip. >> reporter: on the last day of the trip they stopped at a local resort on grand bahamas island, a resort the cruise ship recommended. once there, the mothers claim they were offered a two for one drink, which they accepted but immediately felt ill.
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>> after the first drink we had to get out of the ocean because we noticed that it was just hitting so hard. i just felt so out of it. >> reporter: sheer and dobson say they lost consciousness and allege after drinking the drugged cocktail, members of the resort staff sexually assaulted them. >> i remember glimpses of his face. i don't remember all of it. i don't remember everything. i remembered enough that he was a staff worker and had a goatee and was a local. the resort security were able to pull the footage and identify him right then and there. >> reporter: they say there are bruises on heur legs and tested positive for various drugs. the royal bahamas police posting on facebook confirming two men were arrested for sexual assault of two women and that an investigation is under way. sheer and dobson say that's not enough. they're back in the u.s., demanding justice.
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the state department issued a level 2 travel advisory for the bahamas in late january due to an increase in homicides and sexual violence. >> it's extremely important if you're gonna go overseas to look on the state department website as to what they say about crime. what security level is it? >> reporter: an attorney for the women says the cruise ship bears some responsibility. >> carnival has an obligation to warn about dangerous conditions that they know about, or they should know about. they also have an obligation to make sure that the areas that they're recommending to passengers, to tourists, are safe. >> reporter: carnival cruise responding to the incident saying in a statement, while people are on an independent excursion, two people reported to police they were sexually assaulted at a local beach. our on board care team provided support for the two as they sailed back to jacksonville.
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police are investigating and carnival is providing our full cooperation. so what can you do? these two telling us while they thought being with one other friend was enough, they are reconsidering that now. their advice for other women? stick to groups of four or more when traveling. guys? >> good warning there. thank you very much. demarco? turning to prince william addressing king charles' cancer diagnosis for the first time as he steps in for his father. maggie rulli is in london with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, demarco. the king is still in sandringham. he has been able to take on some royal responsibilities. he even held his weekly audience with the prime minister last night by phone. while he rests and recovers, his oldest son, prince william, is seen filling in for many of his responsibilities here in london. this morning prince william stepping out and stepping up. >> your royal highness.
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>> reporter: the heir to the throne publicly addressing the health scares that have rocked the royal family. >> i'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you also for the kind messages of support for katherine an my father. especially in recent days. it means a great deal to us all. >> reporter: making headlines with none other than tom cruise. in attendance as a supporter for the air ambulance charity. >> and, tom, if you wouldn't mind not borrowing either of the new helicopters for the next "mission impossible" it would be appreciated. >> reporter: as king charles recovers from his cancer treatment and princess kate recovers from abdominal surgery, william is left holding the royal reins. >> he's dealing with a lot personally, but still managed to put the focus on the charity. he even made a joke. he sent the message of kind of getting on with the job. >> reporter: his younger brother, prince harry, is back in los angeles after a 24-hour trip to london, which included a short meeting with his father. but no meeting with his brother. >> we were told william had no plans to see harry while he was here. the fact that was made clear underlines just how deep those hostilities still are.
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>> reporter: king charles has said he hopes his cancer diagnosis can raise awareness. we are already seeing the royal family instagram account start posting advice and tips on how to help those coping with a cancer diagnosis, even posting some local charities. guys, already starting to make an impact. >> we are all looking for a speedy recovery. maggie, thank you. >> we certainly are, demarco. now to a moose on the loose in a popular winter vacation spot. cameras capturing the moment it chases skier downs the mountain. morgan norwood is here with that. >> reporter: my heart pounds just looking at that video. we're still in the thick of ski season, with hundreds of thousands hitting popular slopes across the country. in jackson hole, wyoming, skiers weren't the only ones racing down that mountain. a group of friends coming dangerously close with a charging moose. it was all caught on camera. >> moose! >> reporter: this was the moment a massive moose came barrelling down the slopes. >> unbelievable!
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>> reporter: headed straying for a group of skiers in jackson hole, wyoming. >> i caught a little bit of air. the moose was within ten feet of me. >> reporter: bill foley was with his friends alex and kenny when the moose started to close in. >> i was moving pretty fast. i was on both edges of my snow board moving with that moose. >> reporter: at one point he said the bull bolted for kenny. >> go, ken! go faster! >> reporter: others calling out to warn him. >> go faster! >> reporter: the skiers weaving downhill to avoid a dangerous collision. the moose eventually veering off. bill still in disbelief. >> in the moment, more surprised knowing that those types of animals can be very aggressive, especially in the wild. >> reporter: experts say these animals, which can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and stand 7 feet tall are extremely
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when charging, they can reach speeds up to 35 miles per hour. >> it can be scary. it can feel dangerous and threatened and aggressive. usually moose are reacting defensively to the situation they're in. again, it's not uncommon in areas where you have people recreating especially in big groups in these areas that moose are spending a whole winter in and getting their food there. >> reporter: okay. listen up. if you find yourself face to face with a moose, experts say the best thing to do is give them plenty of space. 25 yards. that's about two school buses worth of distance. if they're charging, hide behind a tree or something solid. if it knocks you down crawl into a ball and protect your head. that's one way to get down a mountain there. >> i like the guy's advice, go faster! [ laughter ] that's the one i like. >> they can move. >> they can move. >> 35 miles per hour. >> did you ever imagine you would be telling people what they should do -- [ laughter ]. >> this is what i went to journalism school for. right? >> morgan, thank you. [ laughter ] coming up why some customers are frustrated with fast food chains.
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and next, the airline that is asking passengers to be weighed at the boarding gate. oh, there's a debate this morning. come on back. price of fast foods and being weighed for airplanes. ♪ i take y jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet.
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taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ happy valentine's! from use one word to describe our relationship. rollercoaster. (laughs) he's my best friend in the whole world. ooooh, these are cute. thank you! boom boom, boom boom. share your love this valentine's with what makes l'oréal paris? hyaluronic acid serum loved by so many? our highest concentration of pure hyaluronic acid. wrinkles are less visible by up to 47%. validated by dermatologists. revitalift hyaluronic acid serum. by l'oréal. ♪ i'd do anything ♪ ♪ at petsmart you can save up to 20%
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on your dog's first groom with the salon welcome package. so they can be by your side for all the moments that matter. petsmart. anything for pets. (vo) with the wells fargo active cash card — you earn 2% cash back on what you want. like first date plans. and need. (man) no no no, just my shoe. (vo) like maybe shoes without laces. the wells fargo active cash card. that's real life ready. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, ♪ you must know what it's like ♪
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♪ baby, you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) we're back with the airline that's asking to weigh passengers along with their luggage before they board a plane. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is here to explain why. do tell, gio. >> good morning, robin. this is a story that's getting so much attention online.
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it sparked some debate on set with that question, should airlines be weighing passengers? this morning we go to the expert for answers. it turns out, the explanation has to do with safety. this morning the airline fin air inviting passengers to be weighed in along with their carry on baggage. the airline says that the goal is to collect anonymous data on average weight passengers with their hand luggage for the purpose of aircraft balance and performance calculations needed for the safe operation of flights. so far 600 passengers have volunteered for the survey. >> airlines use an average of a male and female for summer and winter. you need to correct those now and then. especially since the population has gotten a bit more pudgey. >> reporter: turns out the airline has been doing this since 2018 and it's completely voluntary. it's not uncommon for some international airlines to do weight surveys every few years, required by their governing body. >> every five years you figure the population changes a little in weight. that's why these tests are needed.
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>> reporter: fin air is not alone. air new zealand weighed 10,000 passengers last year, calling it essential to the safe and efficient operation of the aircraft. if the pilot needs to know the weight and balance of a loaded plane before takeoff. korean air did it in the fall saying collecting this data was crucial for the safety of flight operations. and again, this is completely voluntary. nobody is being forced to step on a scale. but when this happened, it certainly triggered a lot of questions, maybe even anxiety from people. robin, you have a good solution. >> just put the whole plane on the scale, right? [ laughter ] if it's voluntary it's meaning you're not getting the information you need. when everybody is on board isn't there some way, technology? >> it's 2024. we can figure that out. >> i know. because, as he said, we're getting pudgey. [ laughter ] thank you. coming up the rising use of magic mushrooms and why some moms are microdosing them.
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coming up next, it's our play of the day. up next, it's our playf the day. i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief
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and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes.
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but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. it stops cavities before they start. crest. (michael) my tip is, the worst lies are the lies you tell yourself, like smoking isn't that dangerous. [announcer] you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit now. ♪ crunchy. ohh ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ ohh ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme blue diamond ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪
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♪ gimme blue diamond! ♪ ♪ crunchy ♪ ♪ tasty ♪ ♪ sweet or savory ♪ ♪ always satisfying ♪ ♪ gimme-- ♪ blue diamond almonds. we're back with our play of the day. ginger is back with this powerful picture. >> glorious, majestic and gives you all the feels. this one, the winner, calls this picture ice bed. taken off the coast of norway, they tracked a family of bears for eight hours that day.
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just before midnight the younger male took a rest, cradled in that small iceberg. and just for everyone's reminder, sea ice has decreased dramatically. this picture has more to it. in the last two decades it's decreased. polar bears need that ice to hunt and eat. it's changing how far they swim and live. some studies are saying that even changes their genetics if they can't mix with certain types of polar bears. some parts of the arctic warming three times faster than the rest of the world. those northern latitudes is where we see the change fastest. surface temperatures were the highest ever. in summer 2023 over the arctic. but i love this. he said he is so honored and while climate change is the biggest challenge we face, i hope this photograph also inspires hope. there's still time to fix the mess we have caused. >> the key word hope. thank you, ginger. >> of course. coming up four time super bowl champ rob gronkowski joins us from las vegas to talk about the big game. champ ron gronkowski joins us to
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>> coming up gma's summer concert series sponsored by planet fitness. big fitness energy for all. all. [car traversing over uneven ground.] [silence in the vehicle.] [car traversing over rocky ground, babbling creek in the background.] [minimalist piano enters, plays throughout.] (dad) we got our subaru forester wilderness [heavy sound of water coming from waterfall.] [heavy sound of water stops abruptly.] to discover all of the places that make us feel something more.
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[heavy sound of water from waterfall re-enters.] (vo) subaru is the national park foundation's largest corporate donor, helping expand access for all. ♪ sure, mcdonald's breakfast is good. ♪ but getting that mcdonald's breakfast two minutes before it stops being served... that tastes even better. ♪ wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture!
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from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪ see the difference with olay. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum
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could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪far-xi-ga♪ >> a gorgeous morning. 16 degrees but headed into the mid 40s. they will be in a stretch of above average temperatures all through the weekend. then we'll start to shift. remember we were just talking about all of the warmth. well, that ridge kind of moves on. there will be some storminess next week. monday, tuesday looks like rain an snow. decipher that later. it doesn't look quite clear enough. but the cold temperatures behind it are no joke. these will be about average. it's going to feel slightly or below. after record highs at sault ste. marie 9 will feel like something
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next week. coming up on gma, exercises that anyone at any fitness level can do. we love those. then deals and steals with home and beauty bargains, all $20 and under. don't miss that. your local news an weather coming up next. fighting for opportunities for working families to buy their first home. katherine is endorsed by nurses, teachers, equality california and california environmental voters
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as. >> there's no waiting weeks or months for your flooring. you can get it now at the floor store. the floor store. your bay area flooring authority. >> our presidents day sale is going on now up to 50% off store wide, 18 months interest free financing and no sales tax. the clock is ticking. >> urgent search for those five people on board. the missing submersible carrying tourists to the wreckage of the titanic. was there any warning before the submersible imploded? >> fatal dive to the titanic. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's toss it over to gloria for a look at traffic. good morning gloria. >> good morning amanda. yeah, we are still tracking this deadly crash. this is over in cotati. and this is near rohnert park. and right now, this is causing delays into roanoke park. this is on southbound 101 past railroad avenue. speeds are down to seven miles per hour. because
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of this deadly crash in a sigalert is still in effect. good morning. >> gloria. we go outside. look how lovely it is from sutro tower. but then you actually feel the air. and it is cool. cold. look at these numbers. we are well into the 30s, subfreezing in santa rosa right now. 43. in the city, we're at 39. in fremont we have frost advisor is in effect for the north bay until 9 a.m. so we'll get you into partly cloudy skies later on today. an isolated chance of a shower in our hills. for most of us, we do remain dry. those temperatures, though only in the mid 50s below average for this time of the year guys. all right. >> thanks so much drew. and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's gma.
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all. >> growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. >> those are good careers. >> but i chose a different path. first as mayor and then in the legislature. i'm trying to abortion rights in our california constitution and the face of trump. i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the cost for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. >> you were always stubborn. >> and on that note, i'm evan lowe, and i approve this message . >> it's halftime. time to open the fridge. >> i'm not sure why i'm showing you this. the cabinets and the pantry. and here you've got plenty of storage for snacks or expired stuff. >> and show how much space you have in your kitchen. selling your home to open door is so easy. you can do it during halftime. >> i'm keeping an eye on this one.
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>> oh, yeah, it's not like i'm selling the house or anything. >> sign up for a halftime showing at open door. com california veterans have given everything for our freedom, often at extraordinary cost to themselves. >> prop one is for them. it's disgraceful that we've left 10,000 veterans living on the streets, many suffering ptsd. prop one directs $1 billion to serve veterans experiencing homelessness, mental health and substance abuse issues. one builds thousands of new veteran homes, including critical mental health services for treatment, not tents. yes, on one, the future looks golden at creighton and are up to $500,000. >> good fortune slot tournaments thursdays now through march win up to $15,000 cash with 40 winners guaranteed at each tournament. only at graton resort and casino. >> two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans
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for years, including far right conservatives adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear for i'm adam schiff and i approve this message at rick van. >> our massive inventory of hand-selected top brand used adventure vans saves you money. late model winnebago, tiffin, integra mini, under 10,000 miles and all discounted to the price posted selection and savings at rick van or la mesa live is giving you more more of what you love. >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. the supreme court set to hear arguments this morning on whether former president trump can be banned from the 2024 ballot for efforts to to overturn the 2020 election and his actions on january 6th.
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>> prince william's mission, speaking about his father, the king and kate's recovery, nicknamed top son by british papers. >> tom, if you wouldn't mind not borrowing either of the new helicopters for the next "mission impossible" it would be much appreciated. >> as he jokes with tom cruise. fed up. the growing backlash over high fast food prices. customers pushing back. how chains are responding. dramatic increase in magic mushrooms being confiscated. >> are you a better mom on mushrooms? >> as more moms microdose to help deal with stress. the potential dangers and benefits of using them. ♪ i'm still standing. >> the rocket man is gearing up to say good-bye to peachtree road. sir elton john auctioning off items from his atlanta home. lara getting a behind the scenes look from his legendary costumes, to those one of a kind sunglasses. what's next for the global super star? ♪ i'm still standing ♪ get ready for gronk live on gma as we say good morning
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america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> this is gma. we know, gronk no stranger to the super bowl with his four rings. he has a redemption field goal kick to make. we're gonna ask him about that and sunday's big matchup. he's always fun. we're not the only ones counting down to sunday. look at these missouri students all dressed up on school spirit day, andy reed. mustache and all. [ laughter ] the kids said about the facial hair, it's really, really itchy. >> some even had the clipboard up. >> i don't think coach reed smiles that much. [ laughter ] >> no, he does not. >> oh, george, that was a good one. good observation. >> we're gonna look at the stop story breaking at 8. the supreme court is hearing arguments about whether former president trump can be banned from the ballot for his actions
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surrounding january 6th. terry moran is at the supreme court. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, george. today the justices take up this historic case which could up end the whole presidential election. they must decide if states can ban donald trump from the presidential ballot based on his efforts to overturn the 2020 election including the january 6th attack on the capitol. the key to this case is a clause in the 14th amendment which declares that no one who has previously taken an oath to support the constitution and then engaged in insurrection can hold public office afterwards. the colorado supreme court already ruled trump must be removed from the ballot there under that clause. other states have rejected this idea and trump's lawyers are going to argue he did not engage in an insurrection and this whole effort is anti-democratic. lawyers for colorado will argue that the constitution means what it says and that it's clear, donald trump cannot hold public office again. for the justices, there's no
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real easy compromise, no middle ground here. there's no real precedent either. it's all up to them. robin? >> all right, terry. lot of people watching. appreciate it. now a cyber attack on a chicago children's hospital now entering its ninth day of outages as the fbi investigates the incident. stephanie ramos has the latest for us. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: robin, good morning. at first it seemed like a technical glitch, with some patients having trouble e-mailing providers. then it was clear the hospital was under a cyber attack, forcing them to take key systems offline. this morning a cyber attack on a children's hospital in chicago is entering its ninth day. since last wednesday, the children's hospital's phones and computers have been offline. patients medical records inaccessible. experts warn it could take weeks to get the hospital systems back up and running. >> that's why cyber security attacks are so damaging because
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there's not an answer how long it's going to take. >> reporter: the fbi now investigating the attack, which forced the hospital to cancel some procedures and elective surgeries. the hospital saying, we recognize the frustration of not having clarity on when this will be resolved. our investigation remains ongoing and we are working around the clock to resolve this matter. >> looking perhaps at security at their worst level, mobile devices, pc's, mask, that level. they're also looking at the system level like who has access to the server? >> reporter: hospitals have become a frequent target for hackers. in december, its cyber criminal group targeted another chicago hospital, demanding nearly $1 million to not leak patient's personal information. one month earlier, a cyber attack on a large healthcare company forced hospitals in three states to close their emergency rooms. the children's hospital has not
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made public the exact details of the attack, how or which servers were hacked or if ransom has been demanded. and to help patients, they've set up a call center for those unable to reach the hospital through regular numbers. demarco? >> all right, stephanie. turning to prince william speaking out about king charles' cancer diagnosis for the first time. maggie rulli is in london. good morning again, maggie. >> reporter: hey, demarco. good morning. we're really seeing prince william step up. last night he was at an air ambulance charity. joining him was tom cruise. the headlines say it all, top son. the two were seen joking around. the prince even poked some fun at tom during his speech. it really was a moment of levity, guys, after what has been a long and tough few weeks here for the royal family. the prince did address this as well. he spoke about the royal health scares that the family has been going through for the very first time. he thanked people for their support and well wishes, both for his father, the king, after his cancer diagnosis, and for his wife, princess kate, after
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her abdominal surgery. guys, the prince has been busy. this was his second event of the day. earlier in the morning he was at windsor castle where he filled in for his father at an event. this is something we can expect to see a lot more of. prince william not only fulfilling his own responsibilities, but also filling in for his father, taking up the king's responsibilities as well. we also saw the king's youngest son, prince harry. he was here in london. we understand he had a brief meeting with his father but did not meet with his brother and now he is back in america. we are seeing the whole royal family rally around the king. we know how important it's been for the king to use his diagnosis as a chance to raise awareness. now we are seeing the royal family's instagram account doing just that. they are posting advice and tips on how to help people coping with a cancer diagnosis. they're linking to local charities. it really feels like they are trying to make an impact. guys? >> maggie, thank you so much. coming up in our gma morning menu, consumers pushing back on rising prices at fast food
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restaurants. we'll tell you how the chains are responding. also moms turning to microdoses of magic mushrooms to help reduce stress. dr. jen ashton is here to tell us about the potential health risks and benefits. sir elton john said good-bye to touring. now he's saying good-bye to some personal possessions. lara got a sneak peek. speaking of you got there? >> we have tory here. she's got beauty and home goods all under -- say it with me. $20! coming up on "good morning america." let's shop! let's chop ! no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage cancers. one of those cancers is triple-negative breast cancer.
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keytruda may be used with chemotherapy medicines as treatment before surgery and then continued alone after surgery when you have early-stage breast cancer and are at high risk of it coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials, exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck.
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see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. there's challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. look at that sweet frosting and filling. that's what makes pop-tarts such a great snack! i sure hope we get eaten soon. we will. i made a sign. [vending machine buzzs] it's working! pop-tarts! crazy good. feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ is she?
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playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies, for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam. ♪ how many times have i felt this good, ♪ ♪ let me count them for you ♪ ♪ one ♪ ♪ two, three, four, ♪ ♪ five, six, seven, eight, nine, ♪ ♪ ten, eleven, twelve, huh, ♪ ♪ how many times, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times have i, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times, ♪ ♪
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♪ how many times have i felt this, ♪ ♪ ♪ how many times have i felt this good ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. >> we're back with our gma cover
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story. some customers pushing back on fast food restaurants. rebecca jarvis here with the story. >> good morning, george. i think this is the first time i have said i'm old enough to remember a time when you could get a burger for less than a dollar. that's not the case any more. the prices at the grocery stores are no longer surging but it's not the case at the drive-thru window. it's your fast food with a side of sticker shock. overnight taco bell, kfc and pizza hut joining a growing list of fast food chains reporting weaker than expected sales due to higher prices and cost conscious consumers. for months customers have been taking to social media to deliver their super size frustration. despite cooling inflation with grocery prices up 1.3% last year, food away from home keeps rising, up more than 5%. >> we're seeing fast food
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restaurants increase their prices in response to inflation as well as rising wages. in some states the minimum wage is being increased. so they have to work that into their hourly wage that they're paying their employees. they're gonna pass that off to the consumer which is also why you are seeing an increase in prices. >> reporter: the ceo of mcdonald's this week promising more attention to affordability moving forward. taco bell offering ten items under $3. and kfc rolling out a new loyalty program to boost sales. >> we're seeing some of these fast food restaurant chains underperforming because they've raised their prices. consumers are starting to see that and it's affecting their wallet. you can go to mcdonald's, wendy's or pizza hut and still pay the amount that you would for a sitdown restaurant meal. so it's just not worth it. it's easier, less expensive to eat at home. >> so you can absolutely eat at home, but if you are planning to
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do fast food, you can do some things to save money by using the store's app. pay attention to special days for promotions. go for the family meal. that will often save you money. or go for the kid's meal and you also get a toy, guys. [ laughter ] >> wow. >> thank you. you have a great story. >> i'm excited. today's pop news is all about the rocket man, sir elton john. he's made the difficult decision to downsize. now that he's done touring he sold his u.s. home based in atlanta and is selling all of its contents. as you can imagine, this is not your average yard sale. he started out with one apartment. over the years he bought four more apartments connecting all of them to create more than 13,000 square feet of gallery space filled to the brim. ♪ good-bye yellow brick road ♪ >> reporter: sir elton john saying good-bye to peachtree road. the street in atlanta where he donned a massive penthouse since 1991 deciding that, as his touring days are now over, he no longer needs a u.s. residence or
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the treasure trove of costumes and art work that he kept there. >> this has brought him a lot of joy. he always liked to earn money to collect things that he loved. but now that phase of his life is coming to a close. a new phase is beginning. the focus is on our son. >> reporter: his husband david giving gma an exclusive first look at some of the music icon's deeply personal belongings. admittedly not easy to part with, but now about to go on the auction block at christie's new york. >> what's wopbdzerful about this collection is there are price points for everyone. there are item misthe online sales that start with an opening bid of $100. then all the way through some significant pieces priced at about $1 million. >> reporter: elton himself explaining his hope for his beloved collection. >> if you buy anything at the sale just remember it's going from one incredibly eager collector who had so much pleasure out of what you're
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going to buy. i hope it finds a good home. >> reporter: among the big ticket items, several pieces of elton's elaborate jewelry collection. a piece like this, custom fade for elton, gold watch, just one of a kind really. >> yes. yeah, certainly elton is one of a kind and the watch is one of a kind. >> reporter: elton's passion and talent for collecting evident in the art being offered. museum worthy pieces by a who's who of blue chip artists like banksy, keith herring and more. i see a very handsome couple in the middle of this piece. >> this was a piece specially made for us. it came after our wedding. that was the official photograph that was taken by our friend that we put out to the world to mark our civil partnership. >> reporter: also on the block, elton's beloved bentley, with an estimate of 25,000 to $30,000. >> most special thing about this car, smell it. the bentley leather interior. that car, every time you get inside, it always smells new.
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that really beautiful distinctive quality leather smell. >> you've treated this car so well. this is not a new car but it's in perfect condition. >> yes. heart and soul. >> reporter: and the grand piano where the newly minted egot winner wrote with billy elliott. so much history right here. >> from start to finish he would write the show in one go and come home and explore what he had written on the piano. >> congratulations. that was exciting for us. i'm sure for you. >> it was a really happy day for our family. >> what could be more iconic than his fantastic wardrobe. >> i put this costume on and become elton. that was the run in the '80s. that's the "i'm still standing."
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♪ i'm still standing better than i ever did ♪ >> i can see him right now doing the dance. i love that. i love that. that's iconic. the price on even well worn piece like these custom boots could rocket past estimates because of their history. >> elton did many, many shows. >> i'm not gonna lie. i love this. >> that's one of the reasons he's at home recovering from knee replacement surgery. >> exactly. >> he used to leap off the piano in these heels and land on them. >> david says elton attributes much of his international success to the time these items represent. his atlanta chapter. it must be like a walk down memory lane. >> very much so. >> looking through all of these pieces. >> absolutely. it's a very happy home and very important chapter in our lives. elton wouldn't have been able to create the music he did for the stage shows and the albums he did in atlanta. it was a place that he found safe and comfortable and really inspired. very magical chapter in our lives, so it is very emotional.
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♪ how wonderful life is while you're in the world ♪ >> our thanks to david and to christie's. what a treat that was. you know that atlanta home is also where elton created the elton johns aids foundation right there at his kitchen table which has now raised over half billion dollars. david says they will both be at the annual oscar party this year hosted by tiffany haddish, neil patrick harris. i promised i'd share that. >> lot of fun. >> i had a great time. you know i love a yard sale. this was on steroids. [ laughter ] he has such exquisite taste. he is really an art collector. he has a great eye. his photography collection is unbelievable. if you get a chance to go to christie's just to see it. if you don't want to participate in the sale. i do want to participate in the sale. [ laughter ] i don't know. i think the elton factor will make those prices go pretty high. >> oh, boy. >> thank you, lara. let's go to ginger.
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>> a dream. i would love that. lara, thank you. speaking of the rocket man, we have a rocket. well, nasa just launched overnight a new satellite that's going to help us study earth. first it's for plankton and looking at the ocean. but also really important, especially right now since the last eight months have been the warmest on record. we don't know exactly why. it will help us learn more and put it into computer models. speaking of the new stuff from capernicus, we learned the ocean temperatures are still at record highs. let's get here we go in
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>> tory johnson joins us now, steals and deals. i love it. i'm pointing. we have great products that won't break your bank. all for $20 and under. good morning. >> hello, honey. >> let's get to it. >> let's do it. we're starting with rhonda sheer. this is the ah bra. that's because it's all about comfort. they have sold 50 million of this exact style world wide. what's cool about it is you don't shop a bra size. you shop your shirt size. it's very easy to find the right fit. it's got a great four way stretch. >> i love that idea. >> incredibly comfortable fit and feel. every single color under the sun, we've got it for you. plus some of their other bras and bottoms. these prices range $8.50 to $11. >> that's it? >> that's it. stock up, honey. >> who doesn't love this?
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>> this is all about luxury home fragrance. this is one of the fan favorites in the studio, vanilla sugar. he and his wife created nest candles. we know and love nest. if you love nest you will love these. it's that same luxurious fragrance. they put a different spin on it. these are 55 hours of burn time. a cotton wax so it is a clean burn. i think peony is my favorite. they're all really beautiful. they're $15. you get a lot of candle. >> 55 hours it burns? >> yep. >> that says a lot. tea towels. >> geometry. this is a fan favorite among our viewers. they are made from post consumer recycled plastic bottle. so there's a nice eco benefit. plus ultraabsorbant. they are a great paper towel replacement. seven times its weight in water it will absorb.
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plus they're gorgeous. an easy way to elevate kitchen decor because they look pretty. >> they do. >> they've got that nice waffle weave construction. kind of check every box. today they're 50% off. $8.50 for your choice. 24 designs. >> $8.50? $8.50? >> yep. yep. >> this will help us on the go. >> this is really fun. this is ryan and rose. they make two really smart products. if you carry around a water bottle, you'll want this strap. this stretches to go over any kind of between 8 and 40 ounce bottle. so then suddenly your bottle, you've got a strap on your bottle. so easy to carry. you could put that on your wrist. easy grab and go. then they made this little holder. this can go on anything from a stroller handle, wheelchair, a bike. you could use it in the bathroom to store all your little stuff right on the handle. if you've got some stuff and you don't have a pocket, this is
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like the portable pocket that fits anywhere. these are $7.50 to $10. we have more from ryan and rose on our website. >> great bargains. okay. >> i got a little job for you. you hold this. that's a bill. we're getting into tax prep season. if you don't want personal information, look at that. look at that. >> wow. >> hold it to the camera and show how you do that. that's fun. it's a little therapeutic to do that. you can cover any personal information. bills, bank statements, prescription bottles you can do it on. so anything you don't want prying eyes to get to, this is the way to go. guard your i.d. and then finally avoid the sleep lines with satin. >> we've got a great assortment from night. feel how soft that also so durable. we've got their satin pillowcases, scrunch these. if silk is more your thing. we also have silk
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scrunchies. the gift sets. pretty fabulous, as are the prices. 15 to $20 today. >> all right, tory, you brought it on home. we partnered with these companies on these great deals. go right to the deals by pointing your cell phone camera at the qr code. or you can go to our website. we'll be right back. gronk's coming up gronk's gma monday the one and only dionne warwick, together with damon elliott and unforgettable live gma performance >> monday only on good morning america's concert series sponsored. by planet fitness. >> behind these super football stars are some incredibly strong, smart and successful women. yes, we see you, taylor and tomorrow on gma. just days before the big game. it's the women behind the chiefs and 40 niners stars on good morning america. the clock is ticking. >> that urgent search for those five people on board the missing submersible carrying tourists to the wreckage of the titan. >> what happened to the submersible?
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>> the titanic is still fascinates people today. >> what is the lesson of titanic ? listen to the warning. it was almost as if the titanic claimed five more victims. >> was there any warning before the submersible actually imploded? fatal dive to the titanic tonight at eight seven central on abc. >> home is where the dream starts. >> mind blowing. >> i am a big time. yes, an idol is where the dream takes off. >> i did the biggest thing i thought i could do. i auditioned for american idol. let's go big. >> you make dreams come true. >> it's a beautiful life. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's get a look at traffic. good morning gloria. good morning amanda. >> right now we are following a crash. this is over in alimo, near danville. this is where it's at. it's at northbound 680 at stone valley road. and right
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now, speeds are down to seven miles per hour. there so expect delays in that area. and of course, we'll keep you updated about this. >> all right. thank you so much, gloria. and meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> scratchers presents playful ways to scratch. the california lottery. a little play can make your day scratchers presents playful ways to scratch. california lottery. a little play can make your day. >> two leading candidates for senate, two very different visions for california steve garvey, the leading republican, is to conserve native for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the
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leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrection. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. >> i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort and there's no better time than now, kids three through nine canisland resort tk with a limited time kid special ticket offer. >> hey, bay area live with kelly marcus coming up, we'll chat with camila mendes. >> she's going to tell us about her new film, upgraded and jp saxe perform. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you in 30 minutes. let's take you outside our east bay hills camera this morning.
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nothing but sunshine. we have clear skies, but it sure is cold out there. we're in the 30s and a lot of cities. 32 in santa rosa, 36 in napa. the same in danville. low to mid 40s around the bay shoreline. a frosted advisory still in effect for the north bay for good reason. we have that frosty morning early on, giving way to partly cloudy skies in the afternoon. could see an isolated shower in our hills later on today. most of us remain dry. temperatures though below average. it's a chilly afternoon. we'll get you into the mid 50s later today. amanda. >> thank you so much, drew and we will have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. be sure to stay with abc seven on your app and onlin and online welcome back to gma live from times square. >> we're back now getting ready for super bowl lviii with rob gronkowski. gronk joining us from las vegas. just three days until the big game.
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gronk, you are -- thank you so much for getting up early and joining us. you know how much we love you. all right. i'm gonna get right to it, okay. we know this great matchup. who's gonna come out on top, do you think, gronk? >> thank you guys for having me on this morning. it's gonna be a wonderful matchup when super bowl hits this sunday. i'm going with the san francisco 49ers. they snuck into the super bowl. they haven't played their best football yet and still made it to the big game. i feel like they're gonna come out and play to their ability. all their super stars will come out on fire. i'm hoping just to see a good game. i'm hoping it goes to overtime. >> i would love that. hey, gronk, it's lara. you said you think both jason and travis kelce could maybe retire after this game. why do you think that? >> i can see jason possibly retiring. i mean, he's been playing the position for so many years on
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the offensive line. he's getting banged up every week going against 350 pound guys. it's up to him. i know he can go two, three more years if he really wanted. it's just up to him. it's his decision, what's best for his family. you know when you know. for myself, i knew when i knew. you just have that right feeling. that's up to them. with travis, i mean, the guy is playing phenomenal football. just had his two best games the last two games this year. he shows he's still got it. he's still at the top of the chart. if he wants to keep playing and be the best in the league, he can still do that. it's up to them on what they want in their life. >> yeah. how about your former coach, bill belichick, leaving the patriots after six super bowls. where do you think he's gonna end up? >> yeah. it was sad to see that happen. i mean, the guy taught me so much. he taught me the game of football better than anyone else ever has. i wouldn't be here where i am today without coach belichick. it was weird to see him not get a head coaching job.
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understandably, though, it would be cool to see him take a year off, come back next year and get a head coaching gig next year. he put his time in. he's been coaching 50 plus years. straight, too. he can have some time off but it would be great to see him come back next year and get a head coaching gig. >> i think we all agree with that. hey, gronk, no pressure here. i hear you're doing the fan duel kick of destiny again this year. last year we were all rooting for you. it may not have gone as you had hoped. but will reeve gave us some intel. he saw you practicing and said you're looking very good this year. we were wondering how you feel about it. >> i'm feeling really good. i'm kind of glad i missed last year because now i have the redemption kick. i have been practicing a lot more. my accuracy has gone up. my leg is a lot stronger. just talking about it, i want to show you guys. this year you get to pick if i'm going to make it or miss it. it's for $10 million and bonus
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bets by fan duel. i kind of want to show off the leg. i want to show you the power and accuracy i have. let's do some kicks. >> i love it. >> let's do it! >> cheerleader, come on! give it up for the cheerleaders. they've been here since 4 a.m. as well. all right. here we go. oh, wow. >> oh, oh, oh. too much power. hit the ceiling. let's go again. when you hit the ceiling, that's when you know you're a pro. >> we got it. >> yeah, baby! >> oh! [ applause ] yes! >> i'm gonna make it. that's just a preview right there. >> you're the best. so proud of you. thank the cheerleaders and the mascots for coming out this morning. we appreciate them all very much. he redeemed himself. right here on gma.
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>> gronk is the best. i'm voting yes, he makes it. >> coming up fitness for everyone. we h politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> we're back with a new report about so called magic mushrooms. law enforcement seizures mushrooms have increased over the year. eva pilgrim is here with more on
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the story. good morning. >> good morning. magic mushrooms aren't legal for use in most places but are the subject of conversation, sometimes a whispered one. that's happening all across this country. this morning a dramatic increase in magic mushrooms confiscated. a new study finding seizures of shrooms increased from 400 in 2017 to nearly 1,400 in 2022. these numbers coming as all across the country the fascination with shrooms is growing. >> these are dried magic mushrooms. >> reporter: tracy t is part of an emerging trend, moms turning to microdosing to help deal with stress. did you hear about mom on mushrooms? >> i am a more empathetic mom. i started listening and looking at my kid from the heart. >> reporter: in colorado, where tracy lives, growing, having and using in private isn't against the law.
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the state expects to begin allowing sales in a clinical setting starting in 2025. colorado and oregon are the only two states to legalize the use of the drug. multiple cities in four other states have decriminalized it at the local level. but for all the attention on microdosing, the research is sparce. >> we know very little about microdosing. when people ask me, should i microdose, i say, well, i can't tell you that. but you should know you're kind of experimenting on yourself. >> reporter: for some using psychedelics may trigger a severe episode. they may also raise heart rate and good pressure and have not been studied in pregnant or breast-feeding women. experts say you should talk to your doctor before using them. what's really interesting when you look at the study. seizures of magic mushrooms are happening all over the country, the largest in the midwest. researchers say you can't look at these numbers and predict use, but acknowledge attitudes towards psychedelics have changed dramatically recently, demarco.
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>> it is fascinating. thank you. our chief medical correspondent, dr. jen is with us to tell us more about these psychedelic mushrooms. what are the dangers? >> first of all, we have to understand that just because something's natural doesn't always necessarily mean it's safe. basic principle of pharmacology is it matters about the dose, the frequency. your individual metabolism of that drug or substance matters. and just like caffeine, cannabis, cocaine, these are all naturally occurring substances, but they're also widely used drugs so it depends on all of those factors, how you use it when you talk about the risk of this disassociative psychedelic, it could range from mild change in your mental status or cognitive abilities acutely to acute psychosis and potentially even death.
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>> what about being consumed in small quantities? any safety concerns? >> that's what's interesting here. again, this is a fascinating and expanding area. microdosing, there are some risks. i think it's important for people to understand you are experimenting on yourself when you talk about what those risks could be. unpredictable mood changes or altered perception or anxiety increasing, interaction with other medications that someone might be taking and the psychological effects which can range again from mild maybe a little paranoia, maybe a lot of paranoia, to severe disorientation. >> the fda hasn't approved it for treating any condition or disease but there's a study under way. >> there is such interesting research going on in the field of psychiatry for the use of psychedelics. again, i think we're going to be seeing more in the public peer review data and literature on this. but right now, again, there's clinical research and then there's recreational experimentation. everything in between.
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>> lot of questions. all right, dr. jen. thank you. let's check in with ginger for a look at your forecast. >> thank you both. we want to say good morning to grand haven michigan where there's a little ice. this is a really low ice year because it has been so mild throughout the great lakes. right now 5.9% of the great lakes are covered in ice. average on this date, 37%. so it's low. and we're sticking with the record heat today. you could see records in all the places we've circled from indianapolis and des moines through green bay and grand rapids michigan. that record heat does start to slide east though. we will feel a touch of it for the weekend. then we'll drop down closer to normal by next week. let's get a check closer to home. hit it dj. we are getting into a fitness
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groove right now. our segment sponsored by planet fitness. we are showing you some really fun new moves to motivate everyone at any level. that's what i love about this. it's always time to get a quick workout. >> that's right. lara, it's never too late to get a great start in 2024. planet fitness is here to help everyone of all ages. at planet fitness we understand the link between good music and a great workout. >> i agree. it makes such a great difference. you really do pump up the volume, so to speak. let's talk about pumping it up with robin. what is she working on? >> robin is starting this party off with some upper body doing a chest press exercise. really working her chest, shoulders and triceps. everything we do in a pushing motion we do every single day just keeping that chest up. she can get full range of motion. i want to get three sets of about 10, 12 repetitions. >> all right.
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listen to that music and go, robin. harry will show us a modification that we don't need the machine for. >> you can do this, people just beginning their journey. we are showing you a modification. >> keeping your core tight. you just need a tension belt. you can get those online. you're also working your core. >> very much. shoulders, your core. >> go, harry, go. i love it. >> yeah. >> all right. michelene is doing a seated row. talk to me about what we are seeing here. >> michelene is going into a pulling motion. that's going to be working -- she's pulling. i want her to imagine there's an acorn in between her shoulder blades. keep cracking that acorn. >> keep your shoulders back. work on that posture. >> so good for posture. she's killing it. smiling. >> i know. harry moves so quickly.
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he is the modification man. that's your new nickname. let's go. talk to me about modification for everybody. >> what we'll do here is the same motion. back straight, chest out. we'll do a row. >> you got that acorn? >> always got the acorn between the shoulder blades. absolutely. squeezing that. breaking that acorn. >> all you need is that band. >> that movement is really good on your joints. >> same exercise. same muscle group. >> go, harry. go. let's take a walk, teddy. i'm going to come over here. we have one more guy to talk about. what's alex up to? >> alex is doing lower body. this is a weighted squat. he's got a nice wide stance. lara, what we're working on outer hip, inner thigh and glut activation. we all want those glutes. we want to keep the hips low. instead of reps, i want you to go for nice, smooth motion. we may not be able to go as low as alex. what's the modification? >> we'll do a sumo squat.
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i'm gonna spread my legs out a little further, knees pointed towards the toes. if you've got arthritis, this is a good exercise. >> you could hold the weight. all right. you could also do that if you wanted to make it more. >> we want a challenge. >> that's what i'm talking about. that music got me pumping up. guys, these are really great modifications. hey modification man, give it up. you're the man. thank you very much. all you need is that band. doesn't help to have someone like teddy, who gets you in the mood to work out. can't thank you all enough for giving us these exercises. let's do it. never too late. >> listen, never too late. we want everyone to enjoy -- i'm sorry, lara. we want you to come in, join planet fitness during our limited time offer. $1 down, no commitment until february 16th. we want you to start that first journey in 2024 without breaking the bank. >> let's go. i'm fired up. thank you, guys. thanks to our sponsor, planet fitness.
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check out these exercises, go to good morning coming up zara larsson will perform live on good morning america. page, and zahra larson is
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>> all right. we are back with global pop sensation zara larsson. she's here for our concert series. her new album drops tomorrow. right now she's going to perform her new single "you love who you love." here's zara larsson. ♪ you're so in love with him it's tragic you just wanna have him all to yourself ♪ ♪ and to your family he's perfect but behind the curtains he's someone else ♪ ♪ when will you use your common
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sense, he drags you down instead of compliments ♪ ♪ you know he ain't heaven sent no he ain't heaven sent look at the evidence ♪ ♪ girl give him up i'm tellin you as a friend what he's putting you through is too much ♪ ♪ i told you enough but you don't wanna listen you just tell me you love who you love ♪ ♪ won't be long just a matter of time until you you call me 'cause he made you cry ♪ ♪ enough is enough 'cause you don't wanna listen you tell me you love who you love ♪ ♪ it's like we go around in circles he does this on purpose to keep you near ♪ ♪ this toxic love making you feel like you're insane he promised you he's gonna
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change but he's the same ♪ ♪ when will you use your common sense he drags you down instead of complimentss ♪ you know he ain't heaven sent look at the evidence ♪ ♪ girl give him up i'm telling you as a friend what he's putting you is too much ♪ ♪ i told you enough you don't want to listen you tell me you love who you love ♪ ♪ won't be long just a matter of time until you call because he made you cry ♪ ♪ enough is enough 'cause you don't wanna listen you just tell me you love who you love ♪ [ applause ] >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> gma's concert series is
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sponsored by plaintiff witness. big fitness energy for all. (♪) (♪) (♪) it's that feeling when you're at disneyland resort. and there's no better time than now. now, kids 3-9 can visit a disneyland resort theme park with a limited-time kids' special ticket offer. (♪) two leading candidates for senate. kids' special ticket offer. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home.
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the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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>> gma monday the one and only deion warwick. an unforgettable gma performance. ♪ monday only on "good morning america's" concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> that's one monday i'm not going to miss. thanks to zara for that great performance!
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>> national pizza day so we've got three chefs cooking. don't want to miss that. >> you have more work. >> yes. >> behind these super football stars are some incredibly strong, smart and successful women. yes, we see you, taylor. tomorrow on gma, just days before the big game, it's the women behind the chiefs and 49ers stars on good morning america. >> the clock is ticking. urgent search -- >> five people on board the missing submersible. >> carrying tourists to the wreckage of the titanic. >> what happened to the submersibl the lesson of titanic. listen to the warnings. >> it was almost as if the titanic claimed five more victims. >> was there any warning before the submersible actually imploded? fatal dive to the titanic tonight at eight seven
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central on abc. >> lost. >> greed and betrayal. this is one of the most complex investigation scenes i've ever seen. >> 2020 true crime. they had gunshot wounds to their heads and torsos. >> it was hard to believe we discovered she had a second career as an escort. she had three cameras at her apartment. >> did these cameras capture her killer? sealed with a kill? >> no one could have fathomed. how twisted this story would become. 2020 friday at nine eight central on abc. >> oh my. >> y'all tuning in for taylor swift? you're going to be tuning in for usher to. >> you gonna do it? do it big. oh my god. they say oscar, tony, grammy emmy, you should put super bowl on there too. let me love usher raymond is going to get shirtless. >> i don't think it'll break any fcc violations. go shirtless. hey, man, that's what i do. >> ask your baby. your usher, my way to the super bowl. >> this is impact by nightline,
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now streaming on hulu. why will trent. >> he's good. police and he's objectively hot. >> wow. wow. yeah. >> i mean, what's not to love? papa's got a brand new bag. >> step into the world of cirque du soleil. kooza under the big top in the bay area. kooza now playing at oracle park and playing april 18th to may 26th at santa clara county fairgrounds. buy tickets at cirque du soleil. >> com we're putting our foot down to keep our feet up. like way up with la-z-boy. >> we worked overtime. now it's tv time. it's the presidents day sale. >> save up to 30% store wide la-z-boy long live the lazy. >> right now with papa murphy's, we've got a great deal. >> which means i make more great pizza. >> like our 9.99 zenni pizza. it's everything you'd expect from a classic new york style
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pizza, hot and fresh out of your oven. order now at papa murphy's .com. >> it's halftime time. time to hit the bathroom. >> shower. it works. got two more upstairs. and the bedrooms >> i don't know what goes on in there. >> and the living room? >> it's a hangout house. that's why i'm moving. >> and get an offer on your house. selling your home to open door is so easy. you can do it during halftime. sign up for a halftime showing at open door com. >> this ad is typical politicians. he's bad. i'm good. blah blah blah. let's shake things up with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter taking on big banks to make housing more affordable, and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate democrat
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katie porter, i'm katie porter and i approve this message >> incubus live nice to know you performing the album morning view in its entirety, plus the hits september 12th at chase center. i wish you were here with special guest coheed and cambria. are. you and on sale friday, 10 a.m. at i'm buying. don't miss incubus performing morning view in its entirety, plus the hits always live. news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings, and here's a look at traffic. >> you know, why don't we go right outside and show you our san mateo-hayward bridge camera right now? a little bit of traffic, but no major slowdowns in this area at this time. and from the toll plaza to foster city right now, we'll take you 22 minutes. >> here's a look at walnut
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creek, where we have a lot of sunshine out there live. look outside. it's also quite cold. this morning. look at these numbers. you step outside. it's invigorating to say the least. 30s in many areas. so here's future weather. let's go. hour by hour, we'll have some partly cloudy skies later on. still some leftover energy from yesterday's storm could pop up an isolated shower in our hills. most areas stay dry. the other issue is that it's a chilly afternoon. partly cloudy. temperatures below average in the mid 50s. amanda. >> thanks so much, joe. time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. be sure to have a today, from the new comedy "upgraded," camila mendes! plus, chef


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