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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  February 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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experts from around the bay area . world news tonight with david muir is next, and i'll see you back here at four. tonight, what could be the biggest snowstorm in two years in new york city and parts of the northeast. hitting just hours from now. and just in tonight, the deadly shooting on the new york city subway right at rush hour. multiple people shot. first, the major winter storm hitting just hours from now. the winter storm warnings in new york city. heavy snow and rain from
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arkansas to washington, d.c., from philadelphia to new york to boston. stretch rouse driving for the morning commute. ginger zee standing by to time this out. also breaking, that deadly shooting on the new york city subway. at least six people shot. the horror playing out a short time ago on also tonight, the deadly shooting in houston. police tonight identifying the alleged shooter, a mother armed with an ar-15, just before service was about to start. tonight, the white house taking aim at donald trump, after trump said he would encourage russia to attack nato allies if they don't pay more for defense of nato. tonight, the doctor matic video. two hostages rescued, held captive for four months in gaza. james longman in israel. tonight, here at home, defense secretary lloyd austin back in the hospital in critical care. what we've now learned. tonight, the newly released body camera video, a woman shot multiple times by police in her
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friend's apartment. two deputies unleashing a barrage of gunfire, shooting and wounding the woman after calls from another neighbor of a potential burglary. chef was there with the woman who lived there. the health scare tonight. authorities say it's related to sma smallpox and it comes from animals. they're seeing this in alaska. and tonight, the super bowl making history, and the player that caught the game-winning pass. he says he doesn't remember his game-winning moment. how he blacked out. good evening and it's great to start another week with all of you at home. we do begin tonight with that major winter storm set to hit in just hours. new york city, in fact, under a winter storm warning right now. the first time in two years. in fact, 48 million americans under winter alerts from arkansas to new york to boston. new york city schools will be remote tomorrow.
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boston schools already closed. authorities are warning of a treacherous morning commute right up the i-95 corridor. you see it right there. rain turning to snow. and it's when that shift happened that will determine the snow amounts. up to eight inches in new york city and boston, up to a foot further inland. these images tonight of the snow-covered roads in branson, missouri, from this system. tonight, across the northeast, an army of snow plows at the ready. this is philadelphia's bpenndot operations center. chief meteorologist ginger zee leading us off tonight, timing this all out for us. hi, ginger. >> reporter: hi, david. with those two to three-inch per hour snowfall rates, new york city could see more snow in one hour than we've seen the entire winter. we are still in 16-inch deficit and we are not alone. if you see a winter storm warning, that pink color, you're about to get a lot of snow. and that's coming tomorrow. let's talk about who gets what and when. because there's coastal flood alerts and gusts up to 40 miles
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per hour. it comes in overnight. as rain. and then it mixes with enough cold air that will it change over to snow right at the drive time. 7:00 to 9:00 a.m., getting that heavy snow along i-95. hartford back through the hudson valley getting some of the heaviest snow, all the way through late morning. after the noon hour, things start to dwindle from west to east. boston right on the six-plus edge. but back to hartford, that's where the heavy stuff is, new york city, right on the edge, as well. but again, it's going to be wet, it will be heavy, and it will come with many other impacts. going to be a big one, and the biggest we've seen in about two years. david? >> david: all right, ginger. in the meantime, we're following the breaking news just in tonight, this deadly shooting on the new york city subway, just a short time ago. at the beginning of rush hour. on a subway platform in the bronx. one person has died tonight. the suspect seen threeing the scene. the subway cars stopped at the station. the images coming in.
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officers helping a person who appears to be injured. abc's trevor ault with the video just coming in. >> reporter: tonight, the urgent manhunt after a deadly subway shooting during rush hour in new york city. >> people shot. we have multiple people shot at the mount eden avenue four line. >> reporter: police say just before 4:00 p.m., the shooter opening fire on the platform of the mount eden avenue train station in the bronx -- not far from yankee stadium. at least six people shot, one of them killed. the gunfire erupting as passengers waited for the train. >> now police are starting to put out evidence markers, which are indicating that there are shell casings here right on the subway platform. >> reporter: the nypd and atf swarming the scene. officers leading a victim away from the blood-stained platform. >> we heard maybe around 14, 14 shots back-to-back. >> reporter: police saying the suspect ran from the scene, and no weapon has been recovered. david, police sources say the shooting was the result of some sort of dispute.
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david? >> david: trevor, thank you. we're learning more this evening after that deadly shooting at pass on the joel or teem's megachurch in houston. authorities identifying the suspect, a mother with an ar-15 who opened fire. her 7-year-old son was one of two people shot. he is in critical condition tonight after being shot in the head. this was the scene inside. the sound of shots sending people trying to hide, just before services were set to begin. tonight, abc's mireya villarreal from houston. >> reporter: this was the terrifying moment when authorities say 36-year-old genesee moreno walked into joel osteen's famed lakewood megachurch with her 7-year-old son and opened fire with an ar-15. shots thundering inside the hall just before a spanish language service was set to start. >> i started screaming, "there's a shooter, there's a shooter."
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then we all ran to the backside of the library. >> reporter: two offduty officers returning fire. >> the 7-year-old child falls frto the ground, as well, from gunfire. >> reporter: moreno's son shot in the head in critical condition. moreno -- pronounced dead at the scene -- found with antisemitic writings on her person. >> there was a sticker on the butt stock of the rifle that stated palestine. a sticker simply stated palestine. >> reporter: authorities say the weapon was purchased legally in december, despite reports of a history of mental illness, and a criminal record involving weapons. >> we want to know the motive, how she got the weapon, why she did this. we're not there yet. >> reporter: joel osteen's lakewood church is the third largest megachurch in the u.s. and osteen's sermons are broadcast around the world. >> we're going to pray for that little 5-year-old boy and pray for the lady that was deceased, her family and all. >> reporter: in a statement,
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osteen writing they are devastated by today's events and grateful for the swift actions of law enforcement. david, we pressed the fbi on how somebody with a weapons charge could have legally bought two guns. now, we didn't get a straight answer, but they said that is a big part of their investigation, and they are also delving into moreno's mental health history, as well. david? >> david: mireya, thank you. we turn now to the race for president. the white house taking aim at donald trump for saying he would encourage russia to attack nato allies if they don't pay enough for defense of nato. trump doubling down tonight, but the white house saying the mere suggestion that he would encourage russia to attack our allies should alarm voters. mary bruce at the white house. >> reporter: tonight, the white house taking on donald trump for threatening to abandon our nato allies and actually encouraging russia to attack them, if they fail to meet defense spending targets. >> one of the presidents of a big country stood up said, "well, sir, if we don't pay and
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we're attacked by russia, will you protect us?" i said, "you didn't pay, you're delinquent." no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. >> reporter: nato countries don't pay set dues to the alliance and don't owe the u.s. money. they do, however, commit to spending a certain amount on national defense. and a majority of them have not reached that goal. trump's threat sparking immediate concern overseas. >> frankly, i think this is exactly what putin loves to hear. you know, our strength is our unity, and if we're not united, that makes us weaker. >> reporter: nato's secretary general saying, "any suggestion that allies will not defend each other undermines all of our security." mr president, your message to nato? >> reporter: at the white house, president biden tight-lipped. but the administration making it clear -- >> we will defend if needed every inch of nato territory. that's what the commander in chief of the united states ought to be saying when it comes to nato. >> reporter: trump's republican
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rival, nikki haley, saying trump's comments put all u.s. troops at risk, saying, "the last thing we ever want to do is side with russia." >> he just put every military member at risk, and every one of our allies at risk. >> david: let's get to mary bruce, live at the white house tonight. mary, i know you're following another developing headline at this hour, because donald trump is now asking the supreme court to intervene in the federal election interference january 6th case, after the appeals court ruled that trump does not have immunity in this case? >> reporter: david, this does all have to do with that federal election interference case. just last week, a three-judge panel in the d.c. appeals court rejected trump's argument that he can't be prosecuted for his actions while in office. and now, trump is asking the supreme court to pause that ruling so that he can pursue his appeal. and if trump gets his wish, david, it could delay this case until after the election. david? >> david: mary, thank you. overseas tonight, and the dramatic rescue video.
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two israeli hostages freed from captivity in gaza. the two men had been held, as you know, for four months now. they are back with their families tonight. right here this evening, the dramatic video from the actual rescue itself. israeli commandos rappelling down with those hostages. our foreign correspondent james longman from israel tonight. >> reporter: new images tonight, after israeli forces launched a daring operation to rescue two hamas hostages. fernando simon marman and louis har were choppered to this hospital in the middle of the night after more than four months in captivity. just before 2:00 a.m., idf say they stormed a heavily-armed building in rafah, finding the two men held at gunpoint on the second floor. the hostages rappelled from the balcony by the israeli commandos. the mission lasting 40 minutes. one israeli soldier sustaining minor injuries. marman and har reunited with their families at the hospital. joy and relief, but concern that so many other hostages remain. >> i also remember today and every day and especially now, all the other families, that
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their beloved people are still back in gaza. >> reporter: massive airstrikes across rafah during the operation. hamas says more than 60 hamas says more than 100 palestinians were killed. israel says the strikes were part of the mission. president biden and other world leaders warning against the idf pushing into rafah. >> many people there have been displaced. displaced multiple times. fleeing the violence to the north. and now they're packed into rafah, exposed and vulnerable. they need to be protected. >> reporter: the population of rafah now six times larger than what it was when the war began. 1.4 million now facing the prospect israel could launch a ground attack. and on a cease-fire, david, the u.s. is sending bill burns, cia director, to egypt this week to try to restart those stalled negotiations. israel has yet to commit to sending a representative. david? >> david: all right, james longman in tel aviv. thanks, james. back here in the u.s. tonight, and to defense
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secretary lloyd austin, who is back in the hospital tonight in critical care. here's martha raddatz with what she's learned. >> reporter: tonight, defense secretary lloyd austin remains in the intensive care unit at walter reed hospital after another emergency, more than two months after prostate cancer surgery. his duties once again transferred to his deputy. in a statement, austin's doctors saying the secretary "underwent non-surgical procedures under general anesthesia to address a bladder issue." but the pentagon -- which has promised more transparency about austin's health -- would provide no further information. >> i'm not a doctor, i'm not going to try to speak medical speak. i'm just going to point you back to the statement. >> reporter: austin came under intense criticism last month for not disclosing his cancer surgery or subsequent serious complications to the white house for several days, even though he was in intensive care
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and had transferred his duties to the deputy secretary then, as well. >> i should have told the president about my cancer diagnosis. i apologize to my teammates and to the american people. >> reporter: this time, the notice came immediately. it was 2:20 p.m. sunday, when austin was taken to the hospital by his security detail, letting the white house know he was on the way. just over 2 1/2 hours later, at 4:55 p.m., his duties were transferred to his deputy. austin's doctors say he is expected to resume his duties tomorrow, although it is unclear how long he will be in the hospital, but doctors say his cancer prognosis is excellent, despite these serious complications from surgery. david? >> david: martha raddatz live in washington. martha, thank you. we turn next tonight here to nowly released video showing two officers firing round after round through the window of a houston-area apartment, shooting a woman that was there at the apartment with her friend. it was her friend's apartment. authorities say the confusion came after a call from a neighbor about a possible
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intruder. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: tonight, newly-released body camera footage captures the terrifying moments police unleash a barrage of gunfire into this houston apartment. wounding the woman inside after allegedly mistaking her for an intruder. it all started just after 2:00 a.m. on february 3rd, when a resident arrived home with a friend. she'd forgotten her key, so she had the friend break a window to get inside. a neighbor heard the noise, thought it was a break-in, and called 911. the two responding deputies find a screen removed and the window broken. they try knocking. >> sheriff's office! >> reporter: as a car alarm blares in the background, one officer apparently spots a woman inside coming to the door with a gun. within seconds, both deputies start firing. a hail of bullets. they reload and at least one keeps shooting. tonight, 28-year-old eboni pouncy is recovering after
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being shot five times in the torso and leg. she was no burglar. she was just there with a friend who was a tenant in the complex. >> i live here! please don't shoot! >> reporter: eboni's friend, who was seen emerging from her home, says she was afraid for her life. >> it took a while to come out, because, of course, i was scared. i was thinking i was going to die. i was going to be next. >> reporter: the sheriff's department and the local d.a. are investigating, david. >> david: all right, pierre thomas in washington, as well tonight, pierre, thank you. when we come back on this monday evening, the alarming health alert tonight related to sma smallpox, and it comes from animals. also, remembering a beloved radio broadcaster tonight known to millions in this country. and the super bowl. the player catching that game-winning pass tonight, he's right here. and he says he blacked out. doesn't even remember the moment. keep... coming... back... inflammation might be to blame. over-the-counter eye drops can provide temporary relief. xiidra can provide lasting relief. it targets inflammation
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tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. tonight, health officials in alaska are confirming the first fatal human case of a rare virus known as alaska pox. an elderly patient dying from the virus, first identified in 2015. seven cases detected since then. symptoms include rashes, fevers, skin lesions. they believe it is related to smallpox and monkeypox. health officials say there are no documented cases of human to human transmission, and they've only seen this in fairbanks so far. well, tonight, the images coming in, three large homes at ritzing of plunging into the ocean in dana point, california. after the storms, a large landslide leaving them teetering
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on the edge of a cliff. authorities are now monitoring the situation there. look at that. more rain expected in the area next week. they say placing these homes at even greater risk of falling. when we come back here tonight, remembering a beloved radio host. millions of americans listened to him. and catching the winning pass at the super bowl. tonight, we hear from the player who blacked out. he doesn't even remember the moment. you don't have to wait until retirement to start enjoying your second act. with protected lifetime income from pacific life... ...imagine your future with confidence. for more than 150 years... ...we've kept our promise to financially protect and provide. so, you can look forward to leading a whole different type of team. talk to a financial professional about life insurance and retirement solutions with pacific life. (vo) at dog chow we believe helping dogs live atheir best life...tions with should be simple. that's why dog chow is made with high-quality protein and no fillers.
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finally tonight here, she got there in time, her boyfriend's team won. but now, without so many history-making moments last night. the super bowl, one for the history books. the record for the longest field goal in super bowl history, broken not once -- >> and the rookie -- nails it. >> david: but twice. 57 yards. >> drives it through. >> david: the kansas city chiefs mounting an astounding comeback. >> mahomes goes down to the 13 yard line! >> david: forcing the game into overtime for only the second time in super bowl history. with just three seconds to go in
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overtime, patrick mahomes throwing the winning pass to mecole hardman jr. >> hardman! jackpot, kansas city. >> david: who doesn't remember it. this is what he told us this morning on "good morning america" about not remembering a thing. >> i -- i didn't know. i blacked out for a second and i seen pat run to me, i'm like, okay, it's time to celebrate now. >> david: the chiefs winning back-to-back super bowls. mahomes throwing 333 yards to win his third super bowl. now only the third quarterback ever to win super bowl mvp three times. >> we're not done. we got a young team, we're going to keep this thing going. >> david: the celebrations on the field. travis kelce singing instead of his girlfriend. ♪ viva ♪ ♪ viva ♪ ♪ viva las vegas ♪ >> david: his victory, the team's victory, seemed with a kiss from taylor swift. congrats to the chiefs tonight, and we're thinking about the 49ers fans, too.
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what a game it was. thanks for watching. i'm david muir. i'll see you tomorrow. good night. an investigation is underway after a waymo car was set on fire in san francisco. mayor london breeds reaction. >> a boat run aground in the north bay. the efforts to get it back in the water again and the winter of love, 20 years since the first same sex marriage in san francisco. >> good afternoon. >> i'm kristen sze and i'm karina nova. we do begin with developing news today out of san mateo, where the bodies of four people were found dead inside a
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home. >> two were young children and sources tell abc seven news the two were four year old twin boys . abc seven news reporter ryan curry has the latest. police tape along alameda de las pulgas and fernwood street. >> investigators are focusing on this home when they showed up, they found four people dead. >> unfortunately, we located four deceased people inside the home one adult male, one adult female, and that two children. >> police say they got a call for a welfare check in the morning, but when they arrived, they couldn't get inside through any door. they had to break a window in the front yard. sources tell the abc seven news i-team. the two children were four year old twin boys. police are notrillioneleasing their identities or any information about how they died. however, investigators are not looking for any suspects. they say the incident is isolated to that home. >> officers didn't locate any, um, forced entry to the home or anything like that. so as they're continuing to investigate everything at this time where there's no evidence


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